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Seventh-day Adventists Believe

Table of Contents
We Gratefully Acknowledge . . . v
To the Readers of
This Book . . . vii
Chapter 1 The Word of God 4
Chapter The Godhead 1!
Chapter " God the #ather $
Chapter 4 God the %on "!
Chapter & God the 'oly %pirit &$
Chapter ! Creation !$
Chapter ( The )ature of *an ($
Chapter $ The Great
Controversy +$
Chapter + The ,ife- .eath and
Resurrection of Christ 1/!
Chapter 1/ The 01perience of
%alvation 11$
Chapter 11 The Church 1"4
Chapter 1 The Re2nant and 3ts
*ission 1&
Chapter 1" 4nity in the Body of
Christ 1(/
Chapter 14 Baptis2 1$/
Chapter 1& The ,ord5s %upper 1$4
Chapter 1! %piritual Gifts and
*inistries /!
Chapter 1( The Gift of 6rophecy 1!
Chapter 1$ The ,aw of God "
Chapter 1+ The %a77ath 4$
Chapter / %tewardship !$
Chapter 1 Christian Behavior ($
Chapter *arriage and the
#a2ily +4


Chapter "
Christ5s *inistry in
the 'eavenly
Chapter 4 The %econd Co2ing
of Christ ""
Chapter & .eath and
Resurrection "4$
Chapter ! The *illenniu2 and
the 0nd of %in "!
Chapter ( The )ew 0arth "(4
The $o%d of God
)o 7ook has 7een so loved- so hated- so revered- so da2ned as the Bi7le. 6eople have died
the Bi7le. 8thers have killed for it. 3t has inspired 2an5s greatest- no7lest acts- and 7een
7la2ed for his 2ost da2na7le and degenerate. Wars have raged over the Bi7le- revolutions
have 7een nurtured in its pages- and kingdo2s cru27led through its ideas. 6eople of all
viewpointsfro2 li7eration theologians to capitalists- fro2 fascists to *ar1ists- fro2
dictators to li7erators- fro2 pacifists to 2ilitaristssearch its pages for words with which to
9ustify their deeds.
The Godhead
At Calvary al2ost everyone re9ected :esus 8nly a few recogni;ed who :esus really was<
a2ong the2- the dying thief who called 'i2 ,ord =,uke ">4?- and the Ro2an soldier who
said- @5Truly this *an was the %on of GodA . . . =*ark 1&>"+?.
God the Fathe%
The great day of 9udg2ent 7egins. #iery thrones with 7urning wheels 2ove into place. The
Ancient of .ays takes 'is seat. *a9estic in appearance- 'e presides over the court. 'is
aweso2e presence pervades the vast courtroo2 audience. A 2ultitude of witnesses stand
7efore 'i2. The 9udg2ent is set- the 7ooks are opened- and the e1a2ination of the record of
hu2an lives 7egins (>+- 1/?.
God the Son
The wilderness had 7eco2e a night2are of vipers. %nakes slithered under cooking pots-
coiled around tent pegs. They lurked a2ong children5s toys- lay in wait in the sleeping pallets.
Their fangs sank deep- in9ecting deadly poison. The wilderness- which once had 7een 3srael5s
refuge- 7eca2e its graveyard. 'undreds lay dying. Reali;ing their predica2ent- terrori;ed
parents hurried to *oses5 tent- pleading for help. @*oses prayed for the people.@
God5s answerB *old a serpent- and lift it high<and all who looked on it would live. @%o
*oses 2ade a 7ron;e serpent- and put it on a poleC and . . . if a serpent had 7itten anyone-
when he looked at the 7ron;e serpent- he lived@ =)u2. 1>+?.
God the Holy S&i%it
Though the crucifi1ion had 7ewildered- anguished- and terrified :esus5 followers- the
resurrection 7rought 2orning to their lives. When Christ 7roke the shackles of death- the
kingdo2 of God dawned in their hearts.
The Bi7le account is si2ple. At the creative co22and of God- the @5heaven and the earth- the
sea- and all that is in the25@ =01. />11? appeared instantly. A 2ere si1 days saw the change
fro2 @without for2- and void@ to a lush planet tee2ing with fully 2ature creatures and plant
for2s. 8ur planet was adorned with clear- pure- 7right colors- shapes- and fragrances- put
together with super7 taste and e1actness of detail and function.
The Nat'%e of an
And @God said- 5,et 4s 2ake 2an in 8ur i2age- according to 8ur likeness.5@ God did not
speak into e1istence 'is crowning creation. 3nstead- 'e lovingly stooped to shape this new
creature fro2 the dust of the earth.
The G%eat Cont%ove%sy
%cripture portrays a cos2ic 7attle 7etween good and evil- God and %atan. 4nderstanding this
controversy- which has involved the entire universe- helps answer the Duestion Why did :esus
co2e to this planetB
The !ife( Death and Res'%%e)tion of Ch%ist
An open door leads into the center of the universe- heaven. A voice calls @Co2e in and see
what goes on hereA@ 3n the %pirit- the apostle :ohn looks into the throne roo2 of God.

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