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ITGS Question Paper Format

Paper 1
(a) Identify / define
Entry question based on the underpinning technology identified in the scenario. [2 marks]
(b) escribe
!actual" technical based/application of the technology. #elated in principle to the
scenario $ithout necessarily using it e%plicitly. [& marks]
(c) E%plain / e%amine / distinguish
#equires the use of the scenario. 'ocial aspects $ill usually be emphasi(ed.
)echnical kno$ledge may be e%amined. [& marks]
Paper 2
(a) Identify / define
Entry question based on the underpinning technology identified in the scenario. [2 marks]
(b) escribe
!actual" technical based/application of the technology. #elated in principle to the
scenario $ithout necessarily using it e%plicitly. [& marks]
(c) E%plain / e%amine / compare
#equires the use of the scenario. 'ocial aspects $ill usually be emphasi(ed.
)echnical kno$ledge may be e%amined. [& marks]
(d) iscuss / e*aluate / to $hat e%tent / analyse
+ider ranging considerations in the scenario that emphasi(e the social effects. [,- marks]
It is essential that students understand the requirements of the command terms used in
I).' e%aminations.
Paper 3
(a) /ackground factual
0omponent parts as suitable 1 emphasis on underpinning technology. [2 marks]
(b) #esearch/in*estigation factual
0omponent parts as suitable 1 includes the technical aspects that students $ould
need to ha*e researched as part of the case study. [,2 marks]
(c) 3pplication and discussion/e*aluation" $ith problem sol*ing
0omponent parts as suitable 1 includes social issues that may arise from
the research. [,2 marks]
It is essential that students incorporate information and e%amples of their o$n
research/in*estigation in 4aper 5 in order to achie*e good grades.
I).' sample questions
3ns$ers ha*e been $ritten in bullet form but students are e%pected to present clear" coherent and full
responses to ans$ers.

Sampe Paper 1 !uestion
3 car repair company has introduced a database management system in order to maintain
customer records. It is using a flat6file database. 3 table from the database of the car repair company
is sho$n belo$.
Re"istration Ma#e Mo$e En"ine %ear Name P&one Repair 'ate
37 ,25& 0he*rolet 0amaro &--- ,892 :ones 82,2;& <e$ carburettor -9/-2/-2

=> ?-8; @olks$agen :etta ,&-- ,882 +est 225,9& /ody #epar -9/-2/-2

A= 8-;& 4eugeot 2-2 ,--- 2--5 Brtega 8;&25, !uel pump -9/-2/-2

/7 2--9 Aercedes 'CD 5--- 2--; :ones 82,;2& Eead .asket ,5/-2/-2

#4 5--; !ord 0ortina 2--- ,892 +est 225,9& 4aint$ork ,&/-2/-2

!E &?52 !ord D3 ,5-- 2--5 Brtega 8;&25, 'tereo fitting ,;/-2/-2

.4 528, @au%hall 0a*alier ,2-- ,889 :ones 82,;2& E%haust pipe ,;/-2/-2

,. (a) Identify the follo$ing database components in the table abo*eF
G 3 record
G 3 field. [2 marks]
(b) )he car repair company has found that data redundancy has become a problem.
escribe t$o problems that may be caused by data redundancy referring to
the table. [& marks]
(c) E%plain the benefit to the car repair company of using electronic files
compared to using paper files. [& marks]

Sampe Paper 2 !uestion
)usiness an$ empo*ment
esigner clothing retailers often use $ebsites to ad*ertise their products. 3n e%ample of a $ebsite is
httpF//$$$ 4hotographs are taken of ne$ clothes to put on the $ebsite"
using high pi%el resolution images. 4hoto6editing soft$are is used to prepare the images for
the $ebsite.
,. (a) efine http. [2 marks]
(b) escribe t$o changes that could be made to images using photo6editing
soft$are. [& marks]
(c) E%plain $hat determines the choice of a particular resolution for the images on
the $ebsite. [& marks]
(d) E*aluate the decision to use a $ebsite to market designer clothes rather than
using a brochure. [,- marks]

Sampe Paper 3 !uestion +,ase$ on N-. /ase Stu$*0
,. (a) escribe the purpose of t$o of the follo$ing components of a C3<F
G +i!i access point
G !ire$all
G !ile ser*er. [& marks]
(b) Eotel guests may request a mo*ie using the )@ set in the room. escribe ho$
the mo*ie could be billed to their account. [2 marks]
2. (a) escribe t$o possible $ays to impro*e the ;2kbps room connection to
the Internet. [& marks]
(b) E%plain ho$ the storage of data collected during a guest stay could be used to
pro*ide a better ser*ice to returning guests. [& marks]
(c) )he issan hotel is de*eloping a pri*acy policy. E%amine t$o policies"
based on the need to protect a customerHs pri*acy" that the issan hotel should
implement in relation to the storage of guestsH data. [& marks]
5. +ith reference to the case study and using your o$n research" analyse the
follo$ing areas of concern facing the issan hotel and make recommendations
for impro*ementF
G )he business centre
G )he reser*ation system. [,2 marks]

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