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Miss Schumachers Language

Lab Grand Finale Study Guide

Parts of Speech

A. Takes the places of a noun
B. Describes a noun or a pronoun
C. Describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb
D. Shows excitement or emotion
E. Shows the relationship between two or more
F. An action word or being verb
G. A Person, Place, Thing, or Idea
H. Connects two or more words or ideas

Label each underlined word or phrase in the sentence below.
Each part of speech will only be used once
Noun (N)
Verb (V)
Adjective (Adj)
Adverb (Adv)
Conjunction (Con)
Interjection (Int)
Preposition (Prep)
Pronoun (Pro)

Aw! The very fluffy dog ran quickly next to the fire and warmed himself.

Circle which part of speech the underlined word is
1. I ran across the road.
a. Verb/Conjunction
2. Thomas knew what to do.
a. Pronoun/Noun
3. I wanted the pink purse.
a. Adjective/Adverb
4. Wow! He quickly ran away from the car.
a. Interjection/Preposition
5. I ate carrots and peas.
a. Conjunction/Pronoun
6. The boy turned in his assignment.
a. Interjection/Pronoun
7. He loudly screamed down the hall.
a. Adverb/Verb
8. Yes! I love getting presents!
a. Noun/Interjection

Write a sentence for the part of
speech listed.
Name:____________________________________ Date:_________________
Persuasive Language
Circle the letter of the correct response
1. How are REASONS used in persuasive language?
a. The support your argument or stance
b. They put down the other side
c. They are only in the introduction paragraph
2. REASONS to do something answer which of the following?
a. What we should do
b. How we should do something
c. Why we should do something
3. What is a STANCE?
a. A topic sentence and concluding sentence
b. What you think or believe
c. How you define a word
4. What is another word for STANCE?
a. Screaming
b. Argument
c. Essay
5. What is the purpose of persuasive language, why do we use it?
a. To convince something to do something
b. To complain about something
c. To yell at someone we dont like
6. What should a stance begin with?
a. I have a dream
b. They are wrong
c. I believe
7. What or who do we argue like when we use persuasive language correctly?
a. Adults
b. Children
c. Middle Schoolers

Name:____________________________________ Date:_________________
Subject/Predicate (Simple and Complete)
Circle the correct response:
The Subject of a sentence goes with:
Noun (who or what we are talking about) OR Verb (what they are doing)
The Predicate of a sentence goes with:
Noun (who or what we are talking about) OR Verb (what they are doing)
The Simple subject/predicate is:
More specific OR Gives all the information
The Complete subject/predicate is:
More specific OR Gives all the information
*In the sentences below, underline the COMPLETE SUBJECT and circle the SIMPLE SUBJECT
Three beautiful little kittens looked up at me from inside a box of old clothes.
Cool, deep, dark blue water flowed through the rough limestone rocks in the gorge.
Jo Anne's question surprised me.
My Uncle Tom ran to bed.

*In the sentences below, underline the COMPLETE PREDICATE and circle the SIMPLE PREDICATE
Menna typed on the computer keyboard.
The first grade teacher wrote the lesson on the board.
The ridiculously tall hat blocked my view in the movie theater.
My favorite video game sold at the store for $20.

*In the sentences below, underline the COMPLETE SUBJECT and circle the COMPLETE PREDICATE
Name:____________________________________ Date:_________________
The energetic children ran around on the playground.
The lady with the hairnet on served lunch in the cafeteria.
After they the bell rang, my friends Alan and Bryan walked to the store on Main Street after school.
The enthusiastic fans cheered when they saw the soccer game score.

*Circle the part of the sentence that is missing
The tired _________ got into her car at the end of the day.
Simple Subject Complete Subject Simple Predicate Complete Predicate
We ___________________________.
Simple Subject Complete Subject Simple Predicate Complete Predicate
Mrs. Cortezs students _______ on a field trip to the science museum.
Simple Subject Complete Subject Simple Predicate Complete Predicate
___________________ quizzed me on the multiplication facts last weekend.
Simple Subject Complete Subject Simple Predicate Complete Predicate

Complete and Incomplete Sentences
Name:____________________________________ Date:_________________
Tell whether each sentence is complete or incomplete
( ) The bystanders walked away quickly when the police showed up.
( ) The tall man wearing sunglasses and a trench coat.
( ) Eric got home just in time for dinner.
( ) The enormous ship raised its sails and slowly headed out of the harbor.
( ) My aunt from New York.
( ) The third student from the left.
( ) Danielle played chess every weekend.
( ) Used a paper towel to clean up the baby's mess.
( ) Talked to us about his new company.
( ) Austin had no idea someone was watching him.
( ) The storm rained hard last night up here in the mountains.
( ) Zachary kicked the ball.
( ) Found my keys on the desk.
( ) Jack was very happy with the new electric car.
( ) Mr. White drove quickly across town.
( ) Angela is not the best speller in class.
( ) The tall man wearing sunglasses.
( ) The enormous ship raised its sails and slowly headed out of the harbor.
( ) Talked to us about his new company.
( ) Walked away quickly.
Types of Sentences
Name:____________________________________ Date:_________________

Complete the chart below (20pts):
Type: Declarative (D) Interrogative (Int) Exclamatory (E) Imperative (Imp)

Use the abbreviations from the chart to say what type each sentence is (18 pts)
Name:____________________________________ Date:_________________
1. _______Where is the band room?
2. _______I love puppies!
3. _______Where can I find a good movie?
4. _______I have two sisters.
5. _______Go get your books.
6. _______I need to buy more tape.
7. _______Last weekend I had to go to Brook.
8. _______I ran 5 miles!
9. _______Bring a pencil to class.
10. _______How are you today?
11. _______I found a mouse!
12. _______We are getting laptops next year.
13. _______I bought new shoes.
14. _______Visit me after you graduate!
15. _______When is lunch?
16. _______It is nice of you to help others.
17. _______I want you to sing!
18. _______Run

Use the correct punctuation for each sentence
1. Can you make it to my birthday party___
2. I hope we can beat the storm___
3. Take your work home___
4. Ouch___
5. Isn't this a beautiful night___
6. That is a very gentle pony___
7. Happy New Year___
8. Sara ate a slice of pizza for lunch___
9. Go get me a book___
Parts of a Story Test
Parts of a Story

Write down the 5 parts of the story next to the correct definition:
A Story

____________ ____________ ____________ ______________ _____________
What happens
in the story
When and
where the story
takes place
The people or
things in the
The problem
the people or
things have to
The meaning or
message of the

Plot Structure
Parts of a Story Test
Use the following terms to fill in the chart below
Rising Action Falling Action Climax Exposition

Plot point:
Parts of a Story Test

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