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My cynic mind starts to roll again....

I was just going through 1984(George Orwell,

Newspeak...Where language becomes 'less'.When,you start to use less of words,less expression.The destruction
of words. Intriguing,and to an extent relatable.On the internet, I see more proliferation of "i lyk tis,hw r u" rather
than "proliferation".Likewise in Nepali contexts I see "k6...what the ????!!! k cha ?? K6 ??? ". Surprising ? Yes.
Shitty ? Even more so. Of course this may apply to very few of you. Since you took the time to even read through
the rst sentences.(baahhh..this is too long,good content who cares?? too long)
Short messages,facebook,twitter....really now,to what extent does this effect the way we communicate or the way
we are going to communicate ? You start to type less,you go on typing less of what you want (and need) to
express. You're starting to use more of :) and :P(just for the sake of it too) . Again, with refrence to the
book...when people start to think less. You know,when you are surrounded by less,you are 'less'.(By
now.....hopefully,you know my love for free thinking people.)
I know this is just pessimism carried abusively to only one part of the spectrum.But still you wonder,aye. Another
10 years down the line...people feel they are in their optimum comfort zone when they are 'online'. Your nasty
scar,your shitty can hide it all away ... a form of word illusion.
Who'd wanna read a book at a time when you could be chatting with this really hot guy/girl(hmmm.....ask for a
photo,you never know..."17 year old nds date to be 48 and balding"). Who'd wanna read in oldspeak ?? If aint
got some smilies of :P :@ going on...ow r the emotons gett thoroughhhhh !!!! If aint got some visual/auditory aids
in them,or atleast some pictures...why would you wanna read em.(Library whats that ??/Yeah,its from Wikipedia
so its GOTTA be correct ) Why would you wanna go through old mouldy books bahhhhh,when you could be on
facebook. Checking out everyone elses status.....indulging in the private lives of someone else.why would
you,right ? Anything with a bit of substance and BAAM you put it down. Who'd wanna read blogs like this. I
wanna know what the latest "pop star/movie star" is upto. OOooohh did they buy a new house ??? WHOSE
getting divorced !!! HE'S GAY !!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course all of this may not be new to you to at all. But (if I had a child) I would'nt want my child to grow up in a
culture like this.Though we dont live in a totalitarian society. The internet in itself is mutating (with google/
facebook/youtube et cetera) with side effects over the younger minds.I'm not undermining the internet. It IS the
present(and near future). But really,moderation and a bit of consideration on what you choose to litter in a space
with so many .....under-_______ minds.....would be greatly appreciated.
Rant fueled by - Facebook status',teenage forums,1984,BBC-Virtual Revolution.
Ps-I really do have some shitty arguments in their,right ? Care to elaborate (or add) ? Wait...........why discuss stuff
like this,btw hv u hrd abt justin beiber ?

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