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Your personality type has been calculated as ISTJ. - www.http://personality-testing.

The description of this personality type from Wiipedia is:ISTJs are faithful! logical!
organi"ed! sensible! and earnest traditionalists who en#oy eeping their li$es and
en$ironments well-regulated. Typically reser$ed and serious indi$iduals! they earn
success through their thoroughness and e%traordinary dependability. They are capable of
shutting out distractions in order to tae a practical! logical approach to their endea$ors!
and are able to mae the tough decisions that other types a$oid. &ealistic and responsible!
ISTJs are often seen as worer bees stri$ing steadily toward their goals. They tae special
#oy in maintaining institutions and are often highly religious. 'espite their dependability
and good intentions! howe$er! ISTJs can e%perience difficulty in understanding and
responding to the emotional needs of others. ()*+ ,lthough they often focus on their
internal world! ISTJs prefer dealing with the present and the factual. They are detail-
oriented and weigh $arious options when maing decisions! although they generally stic
to the con$entional. ISTJs are well-prepared for e$entualities and ha$e a good
understanding of most situations. They belie$e in practical ob#ecti$es! and they $alue
traditions and loyalty.
ISTJs learn best and apply themsel$es to sub#ects that they deem practical and useful.
They bring painstaing attention to detail in their wor and will not rest until a concept is
fully learned or a #ob is well completed. ()-+ ,s learners! ISTJs tend to need materials!
directions! and teachers to be precise and accurate if they are to trust the information that
is presented. They prefer concrete and useful applications and will tolerate theory only if
it leads to these ends. They lie learning acti$ities that allow them time to reflect and
thin. .aterial that seems too easy or too en#oyable leads ISTJs to be septical of its
merit. /ecause of their practical outloo! ISTJs clearly delineate between wor and play.
Therefore! their ideal learning en$ironment is tas-oriented! has a clear schedule! and has
a clear and precise assignment.
ISTJs respect facts. They hold a tremendous store of data within themsel$es! gathered
through their Sensing function. They may ha$e difficulty $aluing a theory or idea that
differs from their own perspecti$e. 0owe$er! if they are shown the importance or
rele$ance of the idea by someone whom they respect or care about! the idea becomes a
fact that the ISTJ will internali"e and $igorously support. ISTJs often wor for long
periods! de$oting their energy to tass that they see as important to fulfilling a goal.
0owe$er! they resist putting energy into things that don1t mae sense to them! or for
which they can1t see a practical application. They prefer to wor alone but can wor well
in teams when the situation demands it. They lie to be accountable for their actions! and
they en#oy positions of responsibility. They ha$e little use for theory or abstract thining!
unless the practical application is clear.
In general! ISTJs are capable! logical! reasonable! and effecti$e indi$iduals with a deeply
dri$en desire to promote security and peaceful li$ing. They can be highly effecti$e at
achie$ing their goals2whate$er those may be.
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