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Many ancient cultures embraced the

belief that life energy ows through

the body, deeply affecting our entire
being. Current research strongly
suggests that energy does extend
throughout and beyond the
physical body, and that disruptions
or imbalances in its ow correlate to
physical, mental and emotional illness.
The healing art of Reiki (pro-
nounced RAY-key) addresses
these imbalances to support your
good health and well-being.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning
universal life energy. It is a gentle
method of hands-on healing that
taps into the energy referred to
as ki in Japan, chi in China, and prana in India.
The practice of Reiki is based on the teachings
of Mikao Usui, who practiced and taught healing
techniques in early twentieth century Japan.
Reiki is not massage, hypnosis or a tool for diagnos-
ing illness. Reiki is a technique that addresses both
chronic and acute conditions, gently and powerfully
promoting balance among all the bodys systems
and the regenerative processes of body and mind.
Reiki in health care
Used by a rapidly growing number of hospitals
all over the world, Reiki complements medical
treatment, psychological counseling and massage
therapy. Reiki is appropriate for patients in
any state of health and is easily practiced in all
hospital environments from outpatient clinic to
intensive care.
Reiki is gentle enough to offer support and reduce
the discomforts of pregnant women and can help
ease the pain of childbirth. Many hospitals have
Reiki practitioners available to a range of patients,
including those with cancer or recovering from
surgery. Reiki is especially appreciated in hospice
care due to its ability to alleviate pain and anxiety
for both patient and family members.
Recent research
Studies of Reiki show signicant reduction of pain,
including cancer pain, following treatment. Patients
also report increased feelings of relaxation and a
sense of well-being. One study cited improvement in
immune and nervous system function and increased
mobility in patients with conditions such as multiple
sclerosis, lupus and bromyalgia. At Portsmouth
Regional Hospital in New Hampshire, surgical
patients decreased their use of pain medications,
stayed for shorter periods, and reported increased
satisfaction with pre- and postsurgical Reiki sessions.
What is a Reiki session like?
To receive Reiki, most people lie on a table fully
clothed, so wear comfortable clothing. Little or
no pressure is applied and no oils are used. The
technique is so adaptable that you can receive
it in almost any setting, in a chair or hospital
bed, and through casts and bandages.
Still and focused, the practitioner will
simply place his or her hands on or above
your head, shoulders, back, chest, stomach
and limbs. Practitioners routinely follow a
series of hand positions, but can place their
hands anywhere you would like them to,
for example over an injury or other area of
discomfort. The teachings say that universal
energy ows, not from the practitioner but
rather through the practitioner, to you. You
will receive the amount of energy you need
to bring your mind and body into balance.
Though Reiki techniques appear simple,
the effects can feel profound. Most people
experience deep relaxation. You may also
feel tingling, pulsing, a feeling of warmth and
comfort, or you may fall asleep.
Results can be subtle. Some recipients say they
feel little during the session, but afterwards
enjoy a sense of calm and well-being, and a deep,
restful sleep. It is possible you could experience
powerful sensations or emotions during or after a
session. Your practitioner will want to hear about
your responses to the degree you are comfortable
sharing them.
My mother-in-law never recovered from her stroke. When she was bedridden and
in pain, Reiki calmed her down and allowed her to sleep deeply, her pain alleviated .
When I was pregnant, I developed a painful joint condition. After Reiki, I could walk
normally and felt better than I had since becoming pregnant.
Alexandra, 31, data base developer

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