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Quiz Report


Respondent: rod manlavi
The report includes final statistics, all questions with answers; users answers
Quiz started on 14 May 214 at 1::22 !M
Quiz duration was " #in 1 sec out of 2 h
21 questions were presented of 21 planned$ 1%% were s&ipped
'orrect answers: 4 (2 )*
+rade is 4 points out of 21
Question 1
, pri#ary ad-anta.e of the electronic i.nition syste# o-er con-entional i.nition
syste#s is:
/ncorrect answer selected:
,ll of the a0o-e
Question 2
1hat does RM2 stand for3
'orrect answer selected:
Root Mean 2quare
Question 3
1hich of the followin. tools isnt used to
cut #etal3
'orrect answer selected:
Question 4
The safest way to #a&e a hole in sheet #etal is to:
'orrect answer selected:
punch it usin. a #etal punch
Question 5
/n the fi.ure a0o-e, if the fulcru# supportin. the le-er is #o-ed closer to the cat,
the cat will 0e:
/ncorrect answer selected:
harder to lift and will not #o-e as hi.h
Question 6
To #easure electrical power, you would use a(n*:
/ncorrect answer selected:
Question 7
/f you operate an incandescent 0ul0 at less than its rated -olta.e:
/ncorrect answer selected:
The 0ul0 will 0urn 0ri.hter 0ut wont last as lon.$
/f a water tan& on a toilet &eeps o-erflowin., the pro0le# is pro0a0ly a:
/ncorrect answer selected:
i#proper seal
Question !
5n #odern auto#o0ile en.ines, whats the purpose of the inta&e #anifold3
/ncorrect answer selected:
re.ulate air flow to the coolin. syste#
Question 2"!
, nu#0er612 wire, co#pared to a nu#0er67 wire:
/ncorrect answer selected:
Question 21"
8ow #any paths of electrical flow can 0e found in a series circuit3
'orrect answer selected:

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