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This chapter presents the research method, sources of data, data gathering
instruments that used in the investigation.

Research Design
The researchers will use the descriptive analytical method of research for this is
the most appropriate means of evaluating the factors that influence the decision to read
outside-of-school of students.
According to Calderon (1993), descriptive analytical method of research as
certain to prevailing conditions affecting a given group hence, this study calls for this
method. It is a study component to serve as a direction in reaching a goal. He pointed
out that the descriptive methods tells what is, that which leads to a scientific
information about education, and other situation. He further described it as a fact-finding
with adequate interpretation usually beyond fact-finding.
The descriptive method of research involves as a certain data gathering process on
prevailing conditions and practice or descriptions of objects, process or persons as they
exist for about a certain educational phenomenon, predicting for identifying relationship
among and between the available described.

The Respondents
The respondents of this study are 200 selected grade 6 students from Santa Rosa
Elementary School Central-1, who were enrolled in school year 2013-2014 and were
chosen through simple random sampling. Sampling is the method by which a
researcher chooses a group of respondents (the sample from a larger population and
then formulating a universal assertion about the whole matter. The researchers used
the purposive sampling.
According to Tan (2006) Simple random sampling is the selection on random
basis of elements from sampling frame, wherein each element has an equal chance or
probability of being chose as subject of the study.

Data Gathering tools
The materials and instruments to be used for gathering data are the questionnaire
and the interview.
Survey Questionnaire. The survey questionnaire is the main instruments used in
the gathering data. It was employed primarily to come up with the perception of
respondents concerning the subject matter. According to Good(2009), a questionnaire is
a list of planned, written questions related to a particular topic, with space provided for
indicating the response to each questions, intended for submission to a number of persons
for reply; commonly used in normative survey studies and in the measurement of
attitudes and opinions."
Interview. The Interview technique will also be used to complement the
gathering of data for the study. Interview provide information which may be confidential
that may not ordinarily be given in writing. According to Vockell(2000), interview is a
technique in which the researcher stimulates the respondents to give the needed
information for the study.

Data Gathering Procedures
The data for this research will be collected using a survey questionnaire. The
survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and
individual questions formed by the researcher. The survey was comprised of 20
questions, which were related to the participants perception regarding the factors that
influence the students decision to read outside-of-school. After the professor validated
the questionnaire, these will be distributed to the grade 6 students of Santa Rosa
Elementary School Central-1. The researchers assured confidentiality of their survey
sheets since the identities are not important. The researchers also understood that
peoples consciousness may also affect their honesty and effectiveness in answering the
survey, and so, the researchers gave people the option of being anonymous. Participants
were given time to respond and then the researchers will collect the surveys after an hour.
There were no incentives offered for participating in the research. Next, the researchers
will interview certain number of students in the population regarding the factors that
influence the students decision to read outside-of-school.

Statistical Treatment of Data
The following statistics were used for data analysis.
Slovens Formula. In getting the sample size, the researchers used the Slovens
formula which is, n = N / (1 + Ne
) where n = number of samples, N = population of the
grade 6 students of Santa Rosa Elementary School Central-1, who were enrolled in
school year 2013-2014 and e = margin of error, the researchers used 0.05 as the margin of
Slovens Formula:
n = N / (1 + Ne
N = total population
e = margin of error
N = 400 grade 6 students
e = 0.05%
n = 200

Weighted Mean. The presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data will be
based on the weighted mean as shown by the scale ranges as follows:
1. Percentage computation:
% = f/n x 100
% = percentage
f = number of respondents for every item
N = total number of respondents

2. Weighted mean:
WM = TWF / N
WM = stands for weighted mean
TWF = stands for weighted frequency
N = total number of respondents

The table of equivalent which is the basis of the interpretation of the data will be:
Weight Scale Verbal Interpretation
4.50 above 5 Strongly agree
3.50-4.49 4 agree
2.50-3.49 3 Moderately agree
1.50-2.49 2 Disagree
below 1.50 1 Strongly Disagree

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