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Area VII: Social Psychology, Wks 4-5, Unit 14

MON !"#: $4%-$5& 'Unit 14(

14-1. Describe social psychology.
14-2. Describe attribution theory and the fundamental attribution error.
14-3. Given a situation, explain the attributed cause for a given behavior and the impact on subseuent behavior.
14-4. Define attitude.
14-!. "xplain the interaction of attitudes and actions.
14-#. $ontrast the central route and peripheral route of persuasion.
14-%. $ontrast the foot-in-the door phenomenon &ith the door-in-the-face phenomenon.
14-'. Describe ho& role-playing affects attitudes using (imbardo)s *tanford +rison *tudy.
14-,. -llustrate cognitive dissonance theory &ith a school situation involving regulations.
)U"S 4 !"#: $5&-$5*
14-1.. Differentiate conformity and obedience.
14-11. Differntiate normative and informational social influence.
14-12. Given /sch)s conformity experiment, describe the group and individual factors that increase conformity.
14-13. Given 0ilgrim)s obedience experiment, describe conditions that influence obedience.
14-14. 1elate principles of conformity and obedience to other situations such as /bu Ghraib and 0y 2ai.
W"+ 5 !"#: $5*-$$4
14-1!. -llustrate the concepts of social facilitation, social loafing, deindividuation and group polari3ation.
14-1#. Given a situation, describe the influence of groupthin4 and ho& to prevent it.
14-1%. -llustrate the concepts of personal control, social control and minority control to the po&er of individuals.
),U-S $ !"#: $$4-$*&
14-1'. Differentiate pre5udice and stereotypes.
14-1,. Describe the development of pre5udice using the follo&ing theories6
a. *ociali3ation
b. $ompetition
c. 7rustration 8*capegoating9
d. -n-group versus :ut-group.
e. $ognitive roots such as categori3ation 8other-race effect9, vivid cases, and ;5ust-&orld phenomenon)
14-2.. Describe ho& pre5udice is maintained by6 8<ot in text9
a. =iases in /ttribution.
b. *tereotyping and +erson +erception.
c. :bservational 2earning and :perant $onditioning.
14-21. Describe four conditions that help reduce pre5udice. 8<ot in text9
a. <orms of "uality.
b. -nterdependence and $ooperation.
c. $lose *ustained $ontact.
d. "ual *tatus.
!-I * !"#: $*&-$**
14-22. -llustrate the biological and psychological factors that influence aggression using specific examples.
14-23. Discuss the possible influence of media>videogame violence on aggressive behavior and research methods to
examine the influence.
14-24. 1elate conflict to the concept of social traps.
MON 1& !"#: $*.-$/5
14-2!. Describe the factors that influence attractiveness 8proximity-mere exposure effect, physical attractiveness
and similarity9.
14-2#. Differentiate passionate love from companionate love and factors that influence relationships.
14-2%. -llustrate the follo&ing concepts of altruism using specific examples6
a. Given an emergency situation, explain the factors influencing the =ystander effect. 8/lso relate factors
to the ?itty Genovese case9.
b. *ocial exchange theory.
c. 1eciprocity norm.
d. *ocial-responsibility norm
14-2'. Describe factors that influence peacema4ing 8$ooperation, communication, conciliation-G1-@9
14-2,. /nticipate the impact of behavior on a self-fulfilling prophecy 81osenthal>+ygmalion effect9
14-3.. -dentify the follo&ing ma5or historical figures>contributors in psychology relevant to this /rea6
a. *olomon /sch
b. 2eon 7estinger
c. *tanley 0ilgram
d. +hilip (imbardo
e. -rving Aanis
)U"S 11 !"#: UNI) 1& 4*.-4/& '!-"U+( 'NO) co0ere1 on !-I )est(
1.-1. Describe the concept of personality.
1.-2. Describe personality development in terms of 7reud)s psychoanalytic theory.
a. "xploring the unconscious 8psychoanalysis, free association, levels of consciousness9
b. *tructure of personality 8id, ego, superego9
c. +sychosexual stages of personality development
d. 7ixation, to include the conseuences of fixation on adult behavior.
e. Defense mechanisms 8purpose and various types9.
f. @echniues to assess the unconscious 8pro5ective tests-@/@, 1orschach.
g. "valuate the psychoanalytic perspective 8criticisms and subseuent research>support-e.g. terror mgmt
W"+ 1% !"#: Sa2e 'early release 1ay(
),U-S 1 !"#: -e0ie3 4or )"S)
!-I 14 !"#: )"S) * on Unit 145
/ppx. !. 0>$ uestions and 1 71B uestion to D"7-<" C /++2D the follo&ing terms
+re5udice frustration-aggression sociali3ation
bystander effect ; 5ust &orld) phenomenon fundamental attribution error
in-group bias out-group bias deindividuation
scapegoating stereotyping conformity
obedience groupthin4 cognitive dissonance
3 conditions>factors that influence bystander intervention group polari3ation
!-I 14 !"#: P-O6"7) )OPI7 +U":

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