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Mallory Nasatir

Section 1: Collaborative Skills Reflection in Five Journal Entries

Journal Entry 1:
Today my cooperatin teac!er evaluated my instruction "it! a roup of five boys# T!ese boys
tend to be some of t!e most be!aviorally c!allenin in t!is fourt!$fift! rade sc!ool# T!e
feedback % ot "as "ritten and verbal# &e discussed t!e instruction in detail# % liked t!is met!od
because it ave me a ood idea for "!at s!e t!ou!t and it ave me an opportunity to ask
'uestions# S!e told me t!at s!e t!ou!t my small roup instruction "as e(cellent and t!at my
error)corrections are really t!ou!t out and effective* and t!at s!e could learn from me+ %t felt
ood to et suc! positive feedback#
Journal Entry ,:
Today % felt % !ad e(tremely ood communication skills# My cooperatin teac!er "as absent* and
since % "as !ere* t!ey did not et a substitute# T!erefore* % "as in c!are of every roup t!at
came in and out of t!e resource room t!rou!out t!e day* sometimes t"o roups at a time# % "as
also in c!are of %S-T boot camp* "!ic! "as full of students % didn.t necessarily see durin t!e
day and resource at t!e end of t!e day* "!ic! is a larer* more !ectic roup# T!rou!out t!e day*
% communicated "it! multiple teac!ers# % observed t!e ot!er Special Education teac!er durin
any !alf)!our breaks t!rou!out t!e day# S!e does mat! "!ile my cooperatin teac!er is in
c!are of all t!e readin roups# /urin boot camp* t"o of t!e teac!ers came in "!o didn.t !ave
roups to !elp# % talked to t!em about "!at t!e plan "as a!ead of time* and "as very rateful and
t!ankful to eac! of t!em after"ards# -lso* durin resource* one of t!e kids broke do"n# % spoke
to !im outside* but "!en !e still couldn.t calm do"n* % rabbed !is !omeroom teac!er and "e
!ad a little conference "it! !im#
Journal Entry 0:
Today* my cooperatin teac!er "as back# My cooperatin teac!er and t!e ot!er special education
teac!er in t!e buildin !ad a talk "it! me# T!ey let me kno" t!at % !ad inadvertently been
disrespectful to t!e paraprofessional "!en "orkin in !er mat! special education room in my
spare time# % felt e(tremely defensive because % "ould never mean to be disrespectful to anyone#
% respect t!e paraprofessional completely# T!e scenario s!e presented to me "as t!at t!e
paraprofessional !ad been "orkin "it! t"o of t!e students "!ile % "as "orkin "it! anot!er#
My student left to et somet!in* and % sa" t!e one of t!e t"o students sittin ne(t to !er
strulin# S!e "as "orkin "it! t!e ot!er one* so % came over to !elp !im# % sat in bet"een !er
and t!e student 1t!e only space available2 and turned my back to"ards !er and my front to"ards
t!e student to !elp "it! t!e problem# Some t!ins t!ey said % could !ave done "as ask !er if %
could !elp !im* ask if % could sit t!ere* and at t!e end say* okay no" keep oin* and c!eck "it!
Ms# 3 "!en done# &!at % learned "as t!at s!e !ad told !im to "ork independently* "!ic!
% !adn.t !eard# % also learned t!at t!is body lanuae !ad come off controllin* alt!ou! % only
meant to !elp# &!ile t!e paraprofessional !adn.t said anyt!in* t!ey felt t!is "as important for
me to be a"are of# % tried to be understandin and areeable* but it felt picky and ridiculous# %
don.t really feel % "as doin anyt!in "ron#
Journal Entry 4:
5ast ni!t* % t!ou!t more about t!e situation# % reali6ed t!at alt!ou! it "as inadvertent* t!e fact
t!at t!ey brou!t it up to me did not mean t!at t!ey "ere aainst me* it meant t!ey "anted to
!elp me# % also reali6ed t!at it could !ave come off controllin* even if % did not even desire to be
in control of t!eir classroom# % did not "ant to come off t!at "ay* and % "anted my cooperatin
teac!er to kno" t!at % t!ou!t about it* understood "!ere t!ey "ere comin from* and "anted to
improve# 7nintentional or not* it is important to be respectful to t!e best of my ability# %
e(plained to my cooperatin teac!er t!at % didn.t feel t!at % !andled t!e feedback as "ell t!e day
before as % usually do because of t!e content be!ind t!e feedback# % e(plained t!at it !urt me t!at
% !ad come off disrespectfully* but t!at % !eard "!at t!ey !ad said* % "as takin it in* and % "as
oin to make it a priority to "ork on# My cooperatin teac!er responded back to me t!at s!e
kne" % "as not intendin to be disrespectful* and t!at s!e "as tellin me so t!at % could learn
!o" to s!o" t!at respect to t!e paraprofessional# % felt t!at t!is interaction "as productive and
!elped our relations!ip because % "as able to e(plain myself and s!o" t!at % "as "orkin to
improve# % "as also able to !ear from !er t!at s!e did not feel t!at it "as my intention#
Journal Entry 8:
Today % tried one of t!e suestions my cooperatin teac!er and t!e ot!er special education
teac!er !ad made to me# T!ey !ad told me askin !er advice more often even t!ou! % only see
!er "!en t!ey drop off and pick up t!at one roup "ould !elp# &!en t!e paraprofessional came
in to drop off t!e kids s!e is in t!e classroom "it!* s!e told me one of t!em "as really "ound up
t!at day# % told !er % could tell and asked "!at s!e "ould suest# S!e told me t!at if it ets too
out of !and* % can 9ust send !im to t!e principal.s# S!e said s!e doesn.t prefer it* but sometimes
you 9ust !ad to do t!at# % said okay* t!ank you# See you soon# % t!ou!t it "ent fairly "ell*
alt!ou! %.m not sure "!at s!e t!inks about any of t!is#
Section ,: /efinitions of 3e!aviors to C!ane
3e!avior 1: My body lanuae and interactions "it! ot!er professionals* particularly
paraprofessionals* in t!e buildin* specifically "!en t!ey are "orkin "it! ot!er students#
Respectin t!eir time and t!eir instruction is important in order to s!o" respect# T!is "as
pointed out to me by my cooperatin teac!er and t!e ot!er special educator in t!e buildin*
alt!ou! t!is is definitely somet!in % need to be a"are of as % t!ou!t about it more on my o"n
as "ell# Relations!ips "it! ot!er professionals is a very important part of teac!in# %t can !elp or
!inder your "ork tremendously# % tend to react to paraprofessionals and teac!ers in t!e same "ay#
% tend to react in c!are* carin* and ready to teac! around t!e students* but % tend to react very
open to feedback "!ile ready to s!are my opinion around ot!er adults# % am open to feedback
"it! students as "ell as lon as it is strateically placed and respectful# % t!ink t!at % need to
"ork on t!at intersection# &!en % am around bot!* % tend to react to t!e students over t!e adults*
instead of formin an individual* uni'ue reaction t!at % !ave "!en bot! are present and "orkin*
"!ic! "ould bot! focus on openness "it! adults* and assertiveness$!elpful$carin around t!e
3e!avior , 1Conflict2: T!e "ay % respond to e(pressions of frustration* disapproval* and aner# %
typically react defensively# T!is does not allo" me to take in t!e advice or suestion as "ell# %t
also does not allo" me to t!ink about "!at % t!ink "ould be correct "it!in t!eir opinions# % t!ink
t!at t!is is because % feel t!at t!ey do not t!ink % am doin "ell* even if t!at is clarified t!at t!ey
still feel % am doin "ell overall# % tend to overenerali6e# T!at is somet!in % am already
"orkin on personally# % overenerali6e bot! ood and bad t!ins# For instance* "!en my
cooperatin teac!er ave me suc! ood* positive feedback about my instruction* % took t!at to
mean t!at s!e t!ou!t % "as a ood person and teac!er* "!ic! is not necessarily true# T!is is "!y
my professional development oal t!is semester is to ive directions in a "ay t!at says "!at to
do rat!er t!an "!at not to do as "ell as ivin at least t!ree more times positive feedback t!an
neative# % tend to pick out "!at % like* even if* overall* t!e student is not doin so "ell# % still say
directly t!at t!ey are not doin "ell and % am very specific and firm "it! "!at t!ey are not doin
"ell and "!at % e(pect from t!em instead# :o"ever* % don.t stay upset t!rou!out t!e entire
session like % !ave seen ot!er teac!ers do# % am very conscious to be positive and carin# %t also
comes some"!at naturally to me to act t!is "ay#
Section 0: 3aseline
Journal Entry 1:
3e!avior 1:
Situation) T!e paraprofessional dropped off t!e kids in t!e mornin#
Reaction) % reetin t!e kids and asked t!em !o" t!ey "ere# % looked at t!e paraprofessional out
of t!e corner of my eye and smiled# % used t!is body lanuae 1smilin as t!e paraprofessional
"alked in2 on purpose in order to make sure to reconi6e !er as "ell as t!e students as t!ey "alk
in# :o"ever* % feel t!at % still did not reconi6e !er enou! since % "as 9ust lookin at !er out of
t!e corner of my eye# My ut reaction is to o strai!t to t!e students* but % need to make sure to
reconi6e bot! adults and students+
3e!avior ,:
Situation) My cooperatin teac!er told me t!at s!e t!ou!t t!at % s!ould o and observe or co)
teac! "it! ot!er teac!ers more often "!en % !ave free time* even if it.s t!irty minutes bet"een
roups* to et t!at e(perience#
Reaction) % t!ou!t t!at s!e felt % "as not "orkin !ard enou! because s!e "as makin a point
to say t!at % s!ould do more* but % also t!ou!t it "as a ood idea# % said ;<kay % "ill do t!at+
T!ank you#= S!e said* ;<f course# T!ank you#= % still felt defensive* but at least % reacted "it!
ent!usiasm and acceptance of !er feedback+
Journal Entry ,:
3e!avior 1:
Situation) % "ent into !elp a eneral education teac!er 1t!is is a reular "eekly event because %
do not !ave students at t!at time on only t!at day#2
Reaction) % "alked past t!e teac!er 1s!e "as near t!e door"ay % "alked in2* ivin a little "ave*
and "alked strai!t to t!e back of t!e room to start doin some be!avior manaement# T!e body
lanuae % used "as a smile and a "ave# % t!ink t!at t!is "as appropriate in t!is situation because
s!e "as teac!in and % "ouldn.t "ant to interrupt !er# % also !ad previously arraned to come in
at t!is time* so a conversation about "!at % "as doin t!ere "as not necessary#
3e!avior ,:
Situation) -fter one of my lessons* my cooperatin teac!er told me t!at if t!e students "ere not
listenin to t!e rules about sittin on t!e balls* t!ey s!ould 9ust !ave to sit in reular seats ne(t
Reaction) % t!ou!t it "as a ood idea and said t!at % "ould do t!at ne(t time# % t!ink because it
"as a ne" idea and not somet!in specific to !o" % "as teac!in* % didn.t internali6e it and take
it personally# T!erefore* % did not react defensively in t!is case#
Journal Entry 0:
3e!avior 1:
Situation) % "alked into t!e ot!er special educator.s room to ask a 'uestion* but sa" s!e "as
about to start "orkin "it! a student#
Reaction) S!e reeted me and asked "!at "as up# % ot really flustered and a little bit nervous# %
bean to back up before s!e !ad even reeted me# % immediately said % sa" t!at s!e "as "orkin
"it! a student and said "ould come back after sc!ool# % t!ink t!at t!is body lanuae s!o"ed
t!at % respected !er time "it! students* but it "ould !ave been better to ive more positive body
lanuae* suc! as a smile and "ave* and t!en e(plain t!at % "ould come back later# % asked a
friend "!at s!e t!ou!t* and s!e said t!at % probably responded like t!is because % did not kno"
!o" to respond* so % 9ust left# T!e person % communicated "it! responded simply "it! ;okay#=
My friend t!ou!t t!at t!is mi!t be because s!e "as busy* so s!e 9ust ans"ered 'uickly and
moved on# My be!avior seems to be reactive and bein for time to t!ink about !o" % could
react# T!is s!o"s me t!at one part of !o" t!is be!avior can be c!aned "it! t!ou!tful plannin
a!ead of time#
3e!avior ,:
Situation) &!en proctorin t!e %S-TS* % didn.t reali6e t!at it "as a re'uirement for one of t!e
students to read t!e test aloud* and my cooperatin teac!er told me t!at s!e needed to start over
and read it all aloud# My cooperatin teac!er "ent ri!t back to "!at s!e "as doin#
Reaction) % looked up* like a deer in t!e !eadli!ts# % felt terrible t!at % !adn.t understood t!at*
but % said okay and !ad !er start over# % felt uilty* irresponsible* and irritated# My interaction
"it! t!e ot!er professional "as still responsible because % !ad !er follo" t!e directions* but my
body lanuae "as not professional# % s!ould !ave s!o"n t!rou! body lanuae t!at % "as more
receptive to t!is correction# 3y free6in for a moment* it could s!o" t!e ot!er professional t!at %
"as not receptive to "!at s!e "as sayin# My friend said t!at some people* like me* take
neative feedback or somet!in done incorrectly very personally and internali6e it# S!e said my
cooperatin teac!er probably reacted t!is "ay because s!e needed t!e student to receive !er
accommodations and did not !ave a lot of time to discuss it# %t makes sense to me t!at t!is "as
t!e reason be!ind my reaction because % tend to do t!at "!en interactin "it! ot!ers# T!is tells
me t!at t!is be!avior is emotional and !elpin myself remove myself from t!e situation "ill
probably !elp me t!ink clearly t!rou!out my reaction* "!et!er or not % !ave an out"ard
emotional reaction or only an in"ard emotional reaction#
Section 4: %ntervention
3e!avior 1 %ntervention: % "ill focus on a replacement be!avior of askin t!e opinion of t!e
ot!er professional to start t!e conversation about "!atever situation# T!is "ill !elp neate any
tendencies % !ave to take over#
Rationale: T!is "ill !elp neate any tendencies % !ave to take over because it "ill force
me to collaborate "it! t!e ot!er individual and et t!eir opinion* "!ic! is somet!in % naturally
"ant to kno" any!o"+ T!is "ill build on my tendency to ask ot!ers opinions as "ell as !elp cut
any take)over instincts % !ave#
Continency >lan: %f % am still tendin to take over* % "ill discuss t!e plan "it!
t!e paraprofessional at t!e beinnin of t!e "eek* so t!at "e are eac! on t!e same pae "it! our
responsibilities and it does not appear t!at eit!er of us is overpo"erin t!e ot!er* but instead "e
are s!arin responsibilities#
Rationale: &e already talk about t!e plan* so addin our individual
responsibilities to t!is conversation can only be !elpful and it "ill feel natural#
3e!avior , %ntervention: &!en somebody ets upset "it! me* % "ill respond by tryin to
understand t!eir perspective* rat!er t!an tryin to e(plain mine# Some e(amples could be askin
t!em more specifically "!y t!ey are upset and "!at % can do to eit!er make t!em more
comfortable* ri!t t!e situation* etc# -not!er e(ample could be 9ust listenin until t!ey are done
and t!en demonstratin understandin by rep!rasin "!at t!ey said and s!o"in concern#
Rationale: T!is "ill !elp because it "ill allo" me to understand t!eir perspective# %t "ill
also !elp because it "ill not allo" me to 9ump to overenerali6ed conclusions and et defensive#
%t "ill allo" me to fully understand t!eir perspective and take it into account* "!ic! is very
important# %t is a very !i! value of mine# T!erefore* t!is "ill play off of my values to !elp me
be more receptive to ot!ers perspectives* advice* etc#* and allo" me to take in "!at t!ey say
before makin any decisions or formin full feelins# %t "ill also allo" me to "ork "it! t!at
person in a more collaborative manner#
Continency >lan: %f t!e first plan is not "orkin 'uickly* % "ill tell t!e ot!er
person % am feelin defensive or ive a little ot!er information about !o" % am feelin* but
clearly let t!em kno" t!at % am tryin to !ear t!eir opinion and % "ant to "ork "it! t!em#
Rationale: T!is "ill ive t!e ot!er person a 'uick idea of "!ere % am
comin from and "!y % mi!t be actin a certain "ay# <nce % say t!is aloud* % "ill feel less
defensive and be ready to !ear t!e ot!er person# %t also lets t!e ot!er professional kno" t!at %
"ant to !ear t!em#
Section 8: >roress
Journal 1:
31: Section -: % !ad an opportunity to enae in t!is be!avior "!en % !ad plans for t!e
roup a paraprofessional "as leadin t!at "ere not "orkin "ell because t!e roup "as not able
to come do"n consistently# % did not "ant to appear to be takin over* so % asked t!e
paraprofessional "!at s!e t!ou!t "e s!ould do# S!e told me !er opinion and "e "orked out a
31: Section 3: My intervention is already "orkin for my first be!avior+ Startin out t!e
conversation by askin "!at s!e t!inks ot !er in t!e conversation ri!t a"ay and !elped us
"ork out a plan# %t also ensured t!at s!e felt t!at % respect !er opinion#
3,: Section -: % !ad an opportunity to enae in t!is be!avior "!en t!ere "ere books left
in t!e classroom* so % put t!e books on t!e table "!ere students forotten stuff oes# T!ey "ere
t!ere for days# My coop asked "!at t!ey "ere doin t!ere# S!e said t!ey needed to be put a"ay#
% said % "as sorry and e(plained t!at % t!ou!t % s!ould leave t!em in case students "anted to
come back to et t!em# S!e said t!at.s okay but t!ey needed to be put a"ay#
3,: Section 3: % do not feel t!at % successfully used my intervention in t!is situation# %
"as not interested in "!at s!e t!ou!t and "!y s!e felt t!at "ay* but instead in apoloi6in and
!avin my point)of)vie" !eard# My point)of)vie" is very important* but % never learned !er
point)of)vie" if % only focused on mine# %t also does not !elp me neate my over)enerali6ations#
Journal ,:
31: Section -: % !ave been strulin "it! one of t!e students in my class# :e is not
proressin !ardly at all# % "anted to discuss t!is "it! !is case manaer# %n order to start t!e
conversation* % told !er "!at !appened and asked "!at s!e t!ou!t# S!e responded very "ell to
t!is and "e ended up !avin a reat conversation# &e ended up makin an e(tra readin session
for t!e student for t"enty minutes in t!e mornin#
31: Section 3: T!is approac!ed "orked aain "it! a different professional# S!e ave me
!er best opinion and advice and felt respected and included in t!e decision#
3,: Section -: % !ad t!e opportunity to enae in t!is skill "!en % "as not sure if my
cooperatin teac!er "as still upset about me comin to sc!ool late# % t!ou!t about it a!ead of
time and said ;% "as "onderin !o" you t!ink % am doin professionally and if t!ere is anyt!in
you t!ink t!at % s!ould focus on ri!t no"?= S!e said no and s!e t!inks %.m doin reat+
3,: Section 3: My intervention "orked really "ell in t!is case# % focused on !er
perspective and !earin "!at s!e !ad to say# % "as less "orried and t!at broke my enerali6ation#
%t also allo"ed me to understand "!ere s!e "as currently comin from#
Journal 0:
31: Section -: % !ad t!e opportunity to "ork on t!is be!avior because % !ave been !avin
a problem "it! one of t!e teac!ers not !avin t!eir students come do"n# % "ent up to talk to !er
at t!e beinnin of t!e "eek# % reminded !er of t!eir time and asked if t!ere "as anyt!in t!is
"eek t!at t!ey needed to be in class for# S!e told me "!at "as oin on in class and t!anked me
for t!e reminder#
31: Section 3: My intervention "orked "ell aain+ % started t!e conversation off by
askin "!at s!e t!ou!t# T!is increased my professional relations!ip "it! t!e person by "orkin
out t!e problem in a "ay t!at demonstrated t!e importance % put on t!eir contribution to solvin
t!e problem# T!is also successfully solved t!e problem "e "ere !avin#
3,: Section -: % !ad a c!ance to enae in t!is be!avior "!en a teac!er "as frustrated
t!at t!e students did not !ave time to "ork on !er pro9ect in my classroom# % asked !er !o" my
students in t!at roup "ere proressin on t!e pro9ect# S!e e(plained t!at t!ey "ere a little bit
be!ind* but still ettin "ork done# S!e "as still anry# % in turn e(plained t!at % need to use my
time to "ork on readin* but t!at % could "ork "it! t!ose students durin study !all on t!at
pro9ect# S!e said okay but t!at s!e 9ust needed t!em to et t!e "ork done#
3,: Section 3: % t!ou!t overall t!e intervention "as effective# -lt!ou! it did not
completely diffuse t!e situation* it did !elp us to understand eac! ot!er better and !elp to solve
t!e problem* rat!er t!an 9ust makin me !urt and upset# % "orked t!rou! t!e feelins % "as
!avin in order to accomplis! a dialoue about t!e issue and come to a better understandin#
Journal 4:
31: Section -: % !ad t!e opportunity to practice t!is be!avior "!en a teac!er made an
assinment to be completed over a mont! t!at "as too difficult for one of my students# % "ent up
to discuss !is proress "it! !er# % asked !er !o" !e "as proressin and !o" % could !elp !im#
S!e responded to t!is really "ell* t!anked me for "orkin "it! !im* and ended up modifyin it
t!at day for !im#
31: Section 3: T!is intervention is "orkin really "ell for t!is skill# % asked !er opinion
and s!e ended up t!inkin about t!e student* modifyin t!e assinment* and appreciatin my
!elp+ 1T!is is also a teac!er "!o % !ave !eard !as been reluctant to modify assinments for
students in special education#2
3,: Section -: % !ad t!e opportunity to "ork on t!is be!avior "!en a teac!er "as upset
about a student bein disrespectful in !er class# % asked "!at !appened and listened carefully# %
told !er t!at % "ould talk to !im about t!e situation and asked if s!e t!ou!t it "ould be
beneficial for me to come into t!e classroom from time to time to c!eck on !im# S!e said t!at s!e
"ould let me kno" if s!e felt t!at "as necessary after seein !o" !e be!aved after our talk#
3,: Section 3: % t!ink t!at % used t!is skill "ell) % "orked to understand "!at s!e "as
upset about instead of 9ust t!inkin about !o" s!e "as upset at me or t!inkin t!at s!e felt % "as
a bad or incompetent teac!er# % "orked t!rou! t!e emotion of takin on t!e blame and "orked
to understand !er perspective and !elp solve t!e problem#
Section @: Summary of My >ersonal Reaction
% !ave observed t!at % can fairly easily "ork on be!aviors t!at % e(!ibit t!at mi!t be
problematic# -lt!ou! t!ey "ill not necessarily c!ane overni!t* % can c!ip a"ay at t!em pretty
'uickly# T!is is inspirin and ives me more enery and passion to"ards doin t!is reularly in
my 9ob as "ell as personal life in t!e future#
For be!avior one* body lanuae and interaction "it! ot!er professionals* % !ave seen
reat improvement# % ask for ot!ers opinions fre'uently* % discuss personal responsibilities "it!
ot!ers if t!e responsibilities seem unfair* and % !ave otten some really positive feedback on my
professional be!avior t!rou!out t!e course of t!is assinment# T!is "as a "onderful surprise# %
really appreciate positive feedback and it "as reinforcin to my perception of my intervention.s
success# <ne teac!er told me t!at % !ave very ood professional communication "!ile anot!er
told me s!e t!ou!t % "as nailin my communications "it! t!e paraprofessional and ot!er
professionals in t!e buildin#
For be!avior t"o* my defensive* overenerali6ed response to ot!er.s aner* disapproval*
or frustration* % feel t!at bot! internally and e(ternally % !ave improved my reaction# % !ave tried
to understand ot!ers. perspectives* more often t!an recorded# T!is is e(tremely natural for me
"!en t!e person is not anry* but not as natural "!en t!ey are anry# Especially focusin on
askin for and searc!in to understand t!e ot!er person.s perspective "!en !e$s!e is anry !as
allo"ed me to listen more openly to !o" t!e ot!er person is feelin and really connect "it! t!em
to find solutions rat!er t!an s!uttin do"n# % t!ou!t t!at t!is reaction "as some"!at of a lost
cause* alt!ou! % "anted to try to improve it if % could* but % s!ocked myself to see !o" muc! %
improved# Replacin t!e reaction "it! t!e ne" be!avior of askin for t!e ot!er person.s
perspective proved to be e(tremely useful bot! problematically and emotionally#
<verall* % feel t!at bot! be!aviors improved sinificantly# % really en9oyed t!is assinment
because % !ave been able to "ork to improve collaborative be!aviors t!at !ave been difficult for
me in t!e past and % !ave learned a ne" skill on !o" to improve or c!ane my o"n be!avior in

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