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Church of the Nativity

Daily Devotional
Voices From the Pew
As the deer longs for the water-brooks,
so longs my soul for you, O God.
My soul is athirst for God, athirst for the living God;
when shall I come to appear before the presence of God?
Psalm 42:1-2
Prayer is our connection with God, the discipline that helps our souls stay aligned with Gods will. Daily
prayer is the most basic of Christian disciplines, helping us remember that God is present in all the joyous,
sorrowful, mundane, and ordinary parts of our lives. By maintaining a steady diet of daily prayer, we learn
to open our hearts and minds to Gods will, and grow to recognize Gods voice as it speaks in our hearts.
Most of us, however, stay so busy so much of the time that it is hard to make time for daily prayer, or even
when we make time for it, it is hard to keep our minds focused. One way to approach this problem is to
begin with daily devotions. This collection of daily devotions, spiritual exercises, and prayers was created
by a group of people from Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Scottsdale. These are prayerful people who
have found ways to share the prayers of their hearts with you.
I hope that as you begin to use this book, you will find your mind enlightened and your heart opened to the
presence of the living God, for whom our souls are athirst.
Many thanks to Lani Sambach, the editor of this collection, and Mina Rafferty for her assistance.
In Christ,
The Rev. Susan Brown Snook
Jim Graves May 1
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WhaL would he say Lo us?
l am your rock.
l am your foundauon.
l am always wlLh you.always!
Llke a genLle breeze Louchlng your face,
My SplrlL moves across Lhe face of your llfe.
SLand fasL on me, for my LruLh ls sound and never buckles,
And Lhen.
Co ouL,
And be rocks, be me Lo Lhose around you.
8e my love,
8e my llghL,
8e Me! lor l am ln you!
And don'L forgeL Lo allow oLhers Lo be rocks for you, because l am ln Lhem Loo.
Shhh. 8e quleL and be sull.
l am here.
l love you!
now go and love each oLher!
Paul Jensen May 2
God Is In The Gaps!
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. The opposite of a profound
truth may well be another profound truth."
~Neils Bohr
And when we encounter such opposing and probably irreconcilably polarized positions, what
then? Well, know this: frequently God can be found in those gaps between places of
greatest tension. So when you find yourself in one of those philosophical LaGrange Points,
celebrate! You may well have the opportunity to see the face of God!
kaLhy Craf May 3
Cne of Lhe deep secreLs of llfe ls LhaL all LhaL ls really worLh dolng ls whaL we do for oLhers.
Lewls Carroll (pseudonym for Lhe 8everend Charles LuLwldge uodgson, 1832-1898)
Lngllsh AuLhor, clergyman and hoLographer
May 4
C Cod of peace, who hasL LaughL us LhaL ln reLurnlng and resL we shall be saved,
ln quleLness and ln condence shall be our sLrengLh:
8y Lhe mlghL of Lhy SplrlL ll us,
we pray Lhee, Lo Lhy presence,
where we may be sull and know LhaL Lhou arL Cod,
Lhrough !esus ChrlsL our Lord, Amen.
Spiritual Exercise May 5
Become a living prayer this week by writing a letter, donating food,
visiting the sick, or setting a relationship right. In doing so you might
just become someone elses answer to prayer!
May 6
Psalms 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Though darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light
Whom shall I fear?
You crush the enemy
Underneath my feet
You are my sword and shield
Though trouble linger still
Whom shall I fear?
I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies is always by my side
The One who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies is always by my side
My strength is in Your name
For You alone can save
You will deliver me
Yours is the victory
Whom shall I fear?
Whom shall I fear?
And nothing formed against me shall stand
You hold the whole world in Your hands
I'm holding on to Your promises
You are faithful
From the Album Burning Lights
By Chris TomlinWhom Shall I Fear
May 7
!esus sald,"l Lell you LhaL ln Lhe same way Lhere wlll be more re[olclng
ln heaven over one slnner who repenLs Lhan over nlneLy-nlne
rlghLeous persons who do noL need Lo repenL."
Luke 13:7
Shelley Byrnes May 8
For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love
and of a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7)
8lll WorLhlngLon May 9
LccleslasLes 10:2
A wlse man's hearL ls aL hls rlghL hand,
8uL a fool's hearL aL hls le.
May 10
Being Humble and Confident
As we look at the stars and let our minds wander into the many
galaxies, we come to feel so small and insignificant that anything
we do, say, or think seems completely useless. But if we look into
our souls and let our minds wander into the endless galaxies of our
interior lives, we become so tall and significant that everything we
do, say, or think appears of great importance.
We have to keep looking both ways to remain humble and
confident, humorous and serious, playful and responsible. Yes, the
human person is very small and very tall. It is the tension between
the two that keeps us spiritually awake.
Henri J. Nouwen
May 11
We all fall short of the glory of God.
But being a follower of Jesus means taking the risk
that the resurrection-informed life is the better way.
Take the risk that your prayers might be powerful,
That love may in fact be the strongest thing of all,
Worth giving all you have that it might be known.
The glory of God will light your way.
Peldl lrancls May 12
"1he Lord ls my shepherd...." salm 23
As you read Lhe anclenL salm agaln, allow your surroundlngs Lo melL away
as you walk wlLh 1he Sheperd and Pls sheep. 8rlng LhaL feellng of belng
cared for on all levels, physlcally, emouonally and splrlLually lnLo your
awareness. Carry Lhls consclous awareness wlLh you all day. 1hrough each
evenL of Lhe day know LhaL Lhe Cood Sheperd ls aL your slde, keeplng you
safe from danger, provldlng for your needs and comforung you Lhrough
Lhose dlmculL clrcumsLances.
ln remembrance of my dad: eLer P Adonls. salm 23 was one of hls
Christ our Hope
MA? 13
Slng forLh Lhe honor of hls name: make hls pralse
salm 66:2
May 14
When shall I go and behold the face of God? (Psalm 42:3)
Often we long for signs. After all, we live in the age of science; without evidence or proof what good
are hopeful words? Like the motto on the Missouri license plate, we are the show me people. Where
do I find the face of God? Where is the sign that shows me faith is real?
At a distance we follow life in a casual way. Only after we put a face on the words, do we hasten to
understand and seek truth. Afghanistan was far away until the young man from down the street who went
to school with our son was killed in the war. Gay people were just another group until a daughter
confides in her parents. The debates over immigration are unending until a man we know is picked up
while driving his grandchildren to school and held in detention. Science esteems the universal, but it is
the particular that rouses us from lethargy to enter more deeply into the complex realities of the world.
Jesus neighbors were enraged when he suggested that they did not know him. Of course, they knew the
child who had grown up in their midst. Like the Nazarenes we are often captive to the familiar. We long
for signs but miss what is right before us. If only we would sink lower to see like a child. Then when
we pause before sleep to examine the day, we might be surprised by Gods face.
May 13
An Lvenlng rayer
C Lord, supporL us all day long, unul Lhe
shadows lengLhen, and Lhe evenlng
comes, and Lhe busy world ls hushed, and
Lhe fever of llfe ls over, and our work ls
done. 1hen ln Lhy mercy, granL us a safe
lodglng, and a holy resL, and peace aL Lhe
Mary Lynn Bolger May 16
Christs Call to Us Today
Just as Christ called his disciples - average men with no special talent for
leadership - he calls on each of us. The story of the lives and works of
these men shows what Christ can do with average men. He needs all of
us, regardless of our talent. We will all falter and make mistakes but He
will forgive us as He knows we also have strengths to accomplish much
- from a sermon by William M. Osborn, layman
First Presbyterian Church,
Midland, Texas
Warren A. Sambach May 17
Be thou faithful
unto death
And I will give
you eternal life.
May 18
lf all my people, who are called by my name, wlll humble Lhemselves and pray and seek
my face and Lurn from Lhelr wlcked ways, Lhen wlll l hear from heaven and wlll forglve
Lhelr sln and wlll heal Lhelr land," says Lhe Lord.
2 Chronlcles 7:14
SplrlLual Lxerclse May 19
Schedule appolnLmenLs wlLh Cod. Penrl nouwen
suggesLs LhaL we acLually wrlLe our devouonal umes ln
our dally calendar . 1hls wlll help us keep our
appolnLmenLs wlLh Cod and lL wlll prevenL oLhers from
usurplng Lhls preclous ume.
8rad Paase May 20
1he Pall Mary
Pall Mary,
lull of Crace,
1he Lord ls wlLh Lhee.
8lessed arL Lhou among women,
and blessed ls Lhe frulL
of Lhy womb, !esus.
Poly Mary,
MoLher of Cod,
pray for us slnners now,
and aL Lhe hour of deaLh.
May 21
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Maggle lorbes May 22
A poem by !ohn uonne, Lngllsh clerlc
no Man ls An lsland
no man ls an lsland,
Lnure of lLself,
Lvery man ls a plece of Lhe conunenL,
A parL of Lhe maln.
lf a clod be washed away by Lhe sea,
Lurope ls Lhe less.
As well as lf a promonLory were.
As well as lf a manor of Lhy frlend's
Cr of Lhlne own were:
Any man's deaLh dlmlnlshes me,
8ecause l am lnvolved ln manklnd,
And Lherefore never send Lo know for whom Lhe bell Lolls,
lL Lolls for Lhee.
May 23
uo you wlsh Cod had wrluen a dlerenL scrlpL for you? uo you see your llfe as an exqulslLe
feasL or burnL LoasL? Are you eaung and en[oylng every blLe or ls lL borlng, bland and
predlcLable? Are you lled wlLh regreL and shame or hope and heallng?
Cur llves begln Lo be Lruly Lransformed when we sLop asklng Cod Lo change our clrcumsLances,
and allow Plm Lo change our perspecuve! 8ehlnd every challenglng slLuauon Lhere ls a lovlng
Cod whose vlcLorlous perspecuve ls far greaLer Lhan Lhe Lrlals we face.
Cod's wlll ls LhaL we would embrace Lhe llfe Pe has glven us, lnsLead of wlshlng for whaL does
noL exlsL and would noL sausfy even lf lL dld.
lf you have come Lo Lhe reallzauon LhaL you have shed all nlghL and caughL noLhlng, lL ls noL an
accldenL. keep shlng! Cod has perfecLly posluoned you. 1he breakLhrough you have been
longlng for ls [usL ahead!
May 24
My help comeLh from Lhe LC8u, whlch made heaven and earLh.
salm 121:2
May 23
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SplrlLual Lxerclse May 26
1hls week pray for your enemles, for Lhose who have wronged you.
Make Lhem Lhe cenLral focus of your lnLercesslon. nouce how
dlmculL lL ls Lo pray for someone and reLaln Lhose angry feellngs.
May 27
8ellglous leaders, prlesLs, mlnlsLers, rabbls, and lmams can be admlred and revered buL also
haLed and desplsed. We expecL LhaL our rellglous leaders wlll brlng us closer Lo Cod Lhrough
Lhelr prayers, Leachlng, and guldance. 1herefore, we waLch Lhelr behavlor carefully and
llsLen crlucally Lo Lhelr words. 8uL preclsely because we expecL Lhem, oen wlLhouL fully
reallzlng lL, Lo be superhuman, we are easlly dlsappolnLed or even feel beLrayed when Lhey
prove Lo be [usL as human as we are. 1hus, our unmlugaLed admlrauon qulckly Lurns lnLo
unresLralned anger.
LeL's Lry Lo love our rellglous leaders, forglve Lhem Lhelr faulLs, and see Lhem as broLhers and
slsLers. 1hen we wlll enable Lhem, ln Lhelr brokenness, Lo lead us closer Lo Lhe hearL of Cod
Penry nouwen
May 28
Be Thankful
Be thankful that you dont already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you dont know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when youre tired and weary
Because it means youve made a difference.
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.
May 29
l come Lo Lhe garden alone
Whlle Lhe dew ls sull on Lhe roses
And Lhe volce l hear falllng on my ear
1he Son of Cod dlscloses.
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K+1. +('.3 '/6 .0.3 D1+71B
Pe speaks, and Lhe sound of Pls volce,
ls so sweeL Lhe blrds hush Lhelr slnglng,
Conunued on Lhe nexL page
And Lhe melody LhaL Pe gave Lo me
WlLhln my hearL ls rlnglng.
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K+1. +('.3 '/6 .0.3 D1+71B
l'd sLay ln Lhe garden wlLh Plm
1hough Lhe nlghL around me be falllng,
8uL Pe blds me go, Lhrough Lhe volce of woe
Pls volce Lo me ls calllng.
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May 30
lor our hearL shall re[olce ln Plm, because we have
1rusLed ln Pls holy name.
salm 33: 21
May 31
Many of us llve wlLh Lhe hldden fear LhaL Cod ls angry wlLh us. We musL have done
someLhlng wrong. We need Lo feel gullLy.
Wouldn'L lL be nlce Lo feel Cod's
approval agaln? Pow do we do lL? 8y
genulnely admlmng Lo Cod LhaL we've
done someLhlng wrong, knowlng LhaL
Cod loves us more Lhan he haLes our
mlsLakes. And, knowlng LhaL he wlll
forglve mlsLakes.
1he Word of Cod says, 1here ls nC
condemnauon for Lhose who are ln
ChrlsL !esus."
1hlnk of lL -
8egardless of our slns, we are noL gullLy.!

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