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emaciated :very thin especially from disease , hunger , or cold

symbolic: serving as visible symbol

insurgency: An organized Rebellion
truism: An obvious truth
artillery : Large but transportable armament
misfunction : Malfunction
rife: excessively abundant
stony : hard as granite
dilapidated : damaged
garment : clothing , vesture
enclothe: provide with cloth or put clothes on
mimic : imitate
mime : mimic
surmount : exceed, outdo
gesture : motion of hands or body to emphasize
exacerbate: make worse worsen aggravate
supplementary: added to coplete
pleasant: Nice
fog: confusion
deception: the act of deceiving
consistent with : in agreement with
merited: deserved a merited success
inhabitant: dweller
gaze: a long fixed look
look with fixed eyes
admire: look with admiration
din: the act of making a noisy disturbance
unstrung : emotionally upset
eloquent: silver tongued
extensive : broad in scope or content
threatening : Darkned by clouds
Additionally : adv
ravaged : destroyed
empower: give qualities or ab ilities to
impact:have an effect on
beheaded: having had the head cut off
overlooked : not taken into account
highlight : the most interesting or memorable part
move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent
heritage : herited from ancestors
inpatient : a patient who is residing in the hospital wherehe is being
curtain : barrier
unveil : remove the veil from
remove the cover from
veil: garment covers the head and the face
pipe: a long tube
bypass: avoid something unpleasint or laborious
flare: v burn brightly
our love has flared
surge : a sudden or abrupt strong increase
a large sea wave

a sudden forcefull flow
rise rapidly
Billow : a large sea wave
become inflated
inflate : become inflated
fill with gaz or air
exaggerate or make bigger
exaggerate : to enlarge beyond bounds or truth
affect : have an effect upon
exacerbate : make worse
accompany : accompagner
accordant: being in agreement or harmony
statement : affirmation
purge : cleaning cleansing
rid of impurities
purge your mind
assure : make sure of
disgracefull : deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
disregard : give little or no attentioon
fondness : A quality proceeding from feelings or affection or love =
warm :
honest : gained or earned without cheating or stealing
marked by truth honest answer gave honest answer
bosom : beast chest
underclothes: underwear
grave : tomb
burial: entombment, inhumation
(V) bury
hanging : the act of suspending something
a form of capital punishment
alleged : declared but not proved
forceful : characterised by full of force or strength
a forceful plan of peace
intrude : enter unlawfully on someone's property
recurrence : happening again
(v) recure
boobs : fleshy milk secreting organ on the chest of woman
witness : a close observer someone who looks at something
V watch find see
link: a fastener that serves to join or connect
deadly : causing or capable of causing death
indeed : in truth
realization : realisation
the victory was the realisation of a whole year's work.
broaden : become broader
shore : beach shoreline
scope : telescope
the area in which something acts operate
reveal : unveil
satisfactory : giving satisfaction
satisfactory living condition
withdraw : remove take away
compromise : an accomodation in which both side make
compaign : a serie of action
spread : act of extending over a wider scope or
cover : covering fire
covering for hole
put the cover back on the kettle
postpone : retarder
disrupted : marked by breaks or gaps
many routes are unsafe or disrupted
bottom : adj situated at the bottom or lowest position
n the lowest part of anything
eager : having or showing enthusiastic interest , intense desire
eager to learn
tide : a periodic rise and fall of sea level
V surge
tidy : large in amount considerable
tiny : very small
grimy : dingy : dirty : impure
diagnosis : identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon
wrongful : unjust : unlawful
disparage : express a negative opinion of
she disparaged her student's effort
discourse : n discussion
discordant : adj not in agreement or harmony
views discordant with present day ideas .
decide : determine
decision n
glitter : Glisten glister scintillation sparkle
v be shiny
spark : a momentary flash of light : flash
momentary : short
trust : n complete confidence in a person or plan
v have confidence
trusty : adj authentic honest
analysis : analyse
inaccessible : unaccessible : untrodden
discount : deduction , price reduction
distinguish : mark as different : differentiate
his modesty distinguishs him from his peers
distinctive : adj identifiable
expansion : enlargement
discriminate : v differentiate
taxe rate differentiate between married and single payers
discussion :
disdain : lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
V look down on with disdain
disease : illness
metallic : adj
citizenship : the statut of citizen with rights and duties
timid : lacking self confidence
venture : any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain
an investment that is very risky but could yield great profits
V Proceed somewehre dispite the risk of possible danger
risky : involving risk or danger
extremely risky going out in the tide and fog
truculent : aggressive
a truculent speech against the new government
tyranny : the government of absolute ruler
arouse : provoke raise
stimulate sexually
detonate : explode
set off
detonation : the act of denoting an exolosive
balmy : mild and pleasant
balmy days and nights
fringed : bordered
fringed by industrial area
scented : perfumed
Tunisia has enough history and diverse natural beauty to pack a country
many times its size. With a balmy, sand-fringed Mediterranean coast,
scented with jasmine and sea breezes, and where the fish on your plate is
always fresh

Read more:
dotted : patterned
having a pattern of
ambition : strong drive for success
ambitious adj
gorge : overeat : binge : englut : gormandise
the kids binged on ice cream
persevere : persist
charmed : filled with wonder and delight
resort : holiday resort , resort hotel
stunning : surprising
affordable : adj low cost , cheap , inexpensive
hospitable :welcoming
hospitable invitation
hospitality n
legally : in legal manner
disobedience : disobey
stench : malodor
claim : demand for something as rightful or due
stakes : the money risked on a gamble
fury : n a feeling of intense anger
pledge : promise solemnly
i pledge that i will honor my wife.
barricade : A barrier set up by police
hill : structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of
earth or stone
shade : protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight
scent : Odor odour aroma perfume
savage : adj wild
blockade : encirclement
chatter : noisy talk
haunt : a frequetly visited place
embrace : a close affectionate and protective acceptance
V bosom , hug , squeeze
they embraced
disagreement : A difference between conflicting facts or claim
ridge : a long narrow range of hill
rattle : rale : a rapid series of short loud sounds
crave : v Have a craving appetite or great desire for : hunger, lust,
starve, thirst
craving :n an intense desire for some particular thing
addiction: craving
sunlit :adj lightened by sunlight
outcome : final result
shepherd :
delighted : greatly pleased
afford : v give
our meeting afforded much intersting information.
fascinating : attractive
embarrassing : hard , difficult
stare : a fixed look with eyes open wide
stair : step
focus : the light focused
: centre ; concentrate
anguished: adj tormented, tortured
unimaginable : unthinkable
beneath : bellow
misspend : spend time badly or unwisely
he misspent his youth
cut: adj bloodfrom his cut forehead
road : way
disbelieve : reject as false , refuse to accept
snore : breath noisily during one's sleep
she complained that her husband snore.

dump : v
picking up the two condoms he had used , he dumped them in the garbage.
intercourse : sex activity
pillow : a cushion to support the head of sleeping
purposely : with intention
purple : color
bother: any angry disturbance
make confused or perplexed or puzzled
make nervous or agitated
outskirt: a part of the city far removed from the center
: fringe
they built a factory on the outskirt of the city
insatiable : impossible to satisfy
an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore .
it wasn't enough to satisfy his insatiable wife.
tryst : a secret rendezvous especially between lovers.
moonlight : the light of the moon
when he was away at work , she was having two to three trysts a day.
schedule : An ordered list of timesat wich things are planed to occur
dressed : clothed
pick : V remove
remove in small bit
pick meat from a bone
select carefully from a group
he picked his way carefully
colorful : colored
curly : of hair having curls or waves
curly hair
at night
invert : reverse
borrow : emprunter
Automobiles your club might rent or borrow are a particular concern.
hapless : miserable , misfortunate , unfortunate
bold : bold speech

fictitious : adopted to deceive
a fictitious address
confusing : adj causing confusion
settle down : s'installer
settle : installer
esteem : estime
v estimer
jog : jogging
hunk : a large piece of something without definite shape.
hunk : a well built sexually attractive man
He was a young, single, medical doctor with a very good
practice, a fine sports car, brown eyes, and the ladies in his part of
town thought of him as a hunk. He liked the image, not merely
because it was satisfying economically, intellectually, physically,
and emotionallybut for the reason that it also attracted the
opposite sex.
captivating : attractive
chasing after : persue someone sexually or romantically
you have a lot of women chasing after you
waist : the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips
worm : ver
thanks to: grace a
according to: d'aprs
skip : v sauter
nod : signe de tete
v faire un signe de tete
the teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer.
disrobe : v get undressed
celestial : cleste
palm : the inner surface of the hand
voluptuous : adj sexy
voluptuous woman
tedious : boring, dull , tiresome
disgusting : disgustfu, distasteful, repellant , repellent
expert : un expert
tackle : v accept as a challenge
I'll tackle this difficult task.
blossom : bloom , flower
endure : v continue to live through hardship
: subsiste , persiste
peel : n peau the rind of a fruit or vegetable
Banana peel
v take off
tatter : small piece of cloth or paper
tatters of night
flick :n Glint , spark
v shine unsteadily
the candle flick
intoxicating : adj exciting
squinting : adj having eyes half closed in order to see better
fabulous : adj incredible , unbelievable
extremely pleasing
spectacular : having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
a spectacular rise in price
wrought : molded , shaped ,
void : adj containing nothing , empty
wrong : adj incorrect , faulty , improper
wonderful : extraordinary
nude : completely unclothed
nub : n center , centre
the nub of the story
n a small piece
a nub of coal
dice : a small cube with 1 to 6 spot on the six faces
slanting : inclined
tangerine : adj of a strong reddish orange color
graven : engraved , etched
graven images
toil : v work hard
scream : n sharp piercing cry
v make a loud piercing cry
genius: n unusual mental ability
a natural talent
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
I think this is genius Brilliant piece A captivating piece
wickedness: Evi, immorality , iniquity
the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions
sodomy: anal intercourse
strive : to exert much effort or energy
striptease :a form of erotic entertainment in wich dancer gradually
undresses to music
gingerly : adj with extreme care or delicacy
: cautious
the issue was handled only in gingerly way
cripple : n
surrender : v give up
the last taleban fighters finally surrendered .
staunch : v stop the flow of a liquid
staunch the blood flow
steady: not easily excited or upset
steady nerves
regular steady drinker
v steady yourself
damp :adj slightly wet
cloths damp with perspiration
n a slight wetness
perspiration : salty fluid secreted by sweat gland
: sweat
thought : the process of using your mind
feeble :adj lacking strength
nightmare : a terrifying or deeply upsetting dream
fort : fortress : a fortified defensive structure
char : v burn- blacken
desperately : adv in intense despair
I desperately try to save some charred remains
bee : abeille
innermost: being deepest within the self
ex 1 :for she has captured my soul
and taken complete control
of even my innermost thoughts
ex 2 innermost feeling
rustle :n a light noise like the noise of silk cloth or leaves blowing in
the wind
v the dry leaves were rustling
unadorned : adj undecorated
exodus: hejira a journey by large people
ebb: the outward flow of the tide
sacred : adj 1-devoted exlusively to single use
a private office sacred to the president
astonish : v amaze , astound
astonished : amazed , astounded = surprised
astonishment : n
hazy : filled or abounding with fog or mist
abounding : adj abundant
silk : material- cloth
ordinary : adj ordinaire : common
emptiness: n derived empty
: vanity : futile
: vacancy : void
mend : v restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or
2 heal or recover My broken leg is mending
claw : a bird's foot
thunder: boom, roar , roaring
blur : blear : make dim or indistinct
handbag: bag : pocketbook : purse
glue :colle
alter :alterer
oversleep : sleep longer than intended
twilight : crpuscule
anger : v make angry
baton: n baton
helpless : adj unable to function without help
farmer : person who operates a farm
paste : v coller
jaw : machoir
bean : haricot
bucket : seau
drunk : adj ivre
shake: secouer
travel : voyager
traveller: voyageur
sigh : soupirer
desk : bureau
fiber :fibre
marvellous : adj 1-incredible
measure : v mesurer
improve : get better : ameliorate , better, meliorate
the weather improved toward evening
make better
the editor improved the manuscript with his changes.
worsen : aggravate , exacerbate
maintain : v keep
destiny: fate
boss : chef
screwdriver: tournevis
optimistic : adj excepting the best
foresee : v anticipate, foreknow , previse
appearance : n the act of coming into sight.
disappearance : disappear
fade away : v become weaker
exhaustive : complete
An exhaustive study
couple : n pair
parched soil : dry
bliss : a state of extreme happiness
cum : sperme
denigrating : adj harmful
flare : V erupt or intensify suddenly
demonstration flared outside of the german and british embassies
unrest : agitation
tear-gas : lacrimator
In Sudan the police fired tear gas to stop about 5000 demonstrators
storming the german and british embassies.
critique : critical analysis of something
credence: belief
scared : afraid
underclothe: undergarment
hinder : V to restrain , hold back , prevent
hindrance : the act of preventing
convulse: V shake uncontrollably
The anti-American protests that convulsed cities across North Africa and
the Middle East
faint : adj faint-hearted, timid
lacking clarity or distinctness : dim , shadowy , vague ,
lacking strength or vigor : feeble
efface : remove erase
weakness : antonym strength
attenuate : adj faded , weakened , decreased , reduced
sultry : adj sexually exciting or gratifying
a sultry look
thrusting : a sharp hand gesture
gleaming : adj bright
spontaneity :acting spontaneously
maintain : v to keep in good working order
glint : v glitter , shine
natural : unatural

pinched : very thin
small pinched faces
shrug : raise one's shoulders to indicate indifference or resignation
beefy : adj Muscular and heavily built
sickening : adj causing or able to cause nausea
neat : adj clean or organized
messy : Dirty and disorderly
disorderly : adj chaotic
unordered : adj Not arranged
repeatedly : several time
polished : bright
meaningless : having no meaning
antonym meaningful
continual : adj occurring without interruption
roommate : an associate who shares a room with you
can : airtight sealed metal container for food
open a can of tuna
nonsense : having no intelligible meaning
cramped : adj troit
fingertip : the end tip of a finger
dusty : covered with a layer of dust
larceny : the act of taking something
deaf : lacking or deprived of the sense of hearing
mustache : moustache
beard : barbe
bear : ours
bear : v supporter
scissors : ciseau
manner : behavior
piety : pious
roadblock : a barrier set up by police to stop traffic on a street
whitewashed : painted
damp : adj slightly wet
sideburn : facial hair that has grown down the side of a man's face
motionless : adj nonmoving
the cat stayed perfectly motionless observing a bird.
idle : adj not in action or at work
aside : apart
all joking aside , i think you're crazy.
unremitting : adj uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
inconsolable : adj sad beyond conforting
inconsolable when her son died .
unbearable : adj intolerable , unendurable
unbearable regret
ignited : adj set afire
pleasure is ignited by compassion
homesick : adj longing to return home
argue : v present reasons and arguments
ripen : v mature
the plums ripen in july.
suddenly : abruptly, dead , short
fake : adj fraudulent
cap : headdress
a top (as for a bottle)
peach : n very attractive or seductive looking woman.
ample : fairly large
roam : v flaner
betray : v deceive
insane : adj very foolish
insurgent : a person who takes part in an armed rebillion against the
constituted authority
warplane : an aircraft designed and used for combat
flee : run away quickly
virtue :n admirable quality
struggle : battle
seagull : white aquatic bird
aggressive : aggressive
campaign :
crack : n
v break into simpler molecules by means of heat
dextrous : skillful in physical movements especially in hands
pair of dextrous arms
ubiquitous : omnipresent
ubiquitous in our everyday lives
spectator : the spectators applauded the peformance
chercher une aiguille dans un tas de foin,
try to find/look for a needlein a haystack ,
try to fetch water in a sieve,
try to catch the wind in a net,
try to weave a rope of sand
hay : grass mowed and cured for use as fodder
Adieu: say good-byes
Admirer, je t'admire, i admire you
Aboutir, le projet a abouti : the plan came through/off, the plan was
carried out successfully
Le projet n'a pas abouti, the plan died on the vine/fell through
Abstenir, s'abstenir de : refrain from
Abus de pouvoir, abuse of power, abuse of authority,
abus de confiance : breach of trust, breach of confidence
je n'accepterai jamais cela : I'll never accept that
Plaisanter, je ne plaisante pas, i'm not joking/making jokes
Je suis sur qu'il n'est pas srieux. Il l'a dit en plaisantant, I'm sure
he doesn't mean what he said
tu plaisantes/ vous plaisantez! you must be kidding, c'est une
je connais personne Las Vegas: I don't know anybody in Las Vegas
Conseil, je n'ai pas de conseil te donner, it's not my place to advise
cder la place : give way to
cette fille c'est une catastrophe : she's a disaster
Si vous n'avez rien de prvu ce soir, veny chez moi, if you don't have
anything on tonight
/ if you're not engaged tonight come over to my place
tout se droule comme prvu, it all goes as planned
la confrence est prvue pour demain, the lecture is scheduled for
Principe, en principe, in principle
c'est cuit: the jig is up
on cuit de chaleur : it's so hot i'm baking
Danser sur un volcan: skate on thin ice
Notre amiti date loin, our friendship goes back a long way
Dcourager qq'n, bum sb
Dlai : deadline
respecter un dlai , meet a deadline,
ne pas respecter un dlai, miss a deadline
les messages radio seront diffuss aux heures de grande coute , dimanche
12 h 45 et 19 h 45:
The radio messages will be broadcasted at prime timle on sunday at
M Dubois me demande de vous confirmer le rendez vous :
Mr Dubois has asked me to confirm the appointment you made to see him at
our head office
pour votre information : for your information
en d'autres termes: in other words
d'autre part : on the other hand
Il attend avec plaisir cette rencontree avec vous : He looks forward to
meeting you
acclrer : to speed up
accorder : to grant, to allow
adresser : to send
amliorer : to improve
annuler : to cancel
avertir: to inform
commander : to order
contacter : to contact
contenir : to include
correspondre: to correspond
distribuer : to distribute
effectuer : to perform , to carry out
tudier : to study
Excuter une commande : to excute , to carry out
faciliter : to facilitate
faire des dmarches : to take steps
fixer un rendez vous : to make an appointment
fournir : to supply
joindre : to enclose , to attach
parvenir : to reach
russir : to succeed
peser : to weigh
rappeler : to remind
regretter : to regret, to be sorry
renouveler : to renew
rpondre : to answer
s'excuser : to apologize
transfrer : to transfer
vrifier : to check
adresse : address
Arrive : arrival
Boite aux lettres : mail box
bureau : office
client : customer , client
confidentiel : confidential
confirmation :confirmation
Destination : destination
emballage : packing , packaging
erreur : error
essai : trial
expditeur : sender
fournisseur : supplier
frais : Expenses , charges , cost
livraison : delivery
perte : loss
prix : price
rponse : reply
rception : receipt
rseau : network
retard : delay
accord d'entreprise : company agreements
assurence : insurance
assurence chomage : unemployment insurance
assurence vieillesse : old-age insurance
carte sjour : residence permit
confiance : trust, confidence
conflit : conflict
cong (UK) holiday
(US) vacation
cong de maladie : sick leave
discrimination : discrimination
droit : law
employ : employee
primary : adj basal essential primary objective of this introductory text
la formule d'appel
Dear sir
une entreprise : Dear sirs
une femme Dear Madam
Yours sincerely
sincerely yours
your faithfully
Best wishes
acclrer : to speed up
accorder : to grant, to allow
amliorer : to improve
annuler : to cancel
avertir to inform
commander: to order , to place an order
contacter: to contact
convenir : to be convenient , to suit
correspondre : to correspond
distribuer : to distribute
effectuer : to perform, to carry out
Endommager : to damage
envoyer : to send
tudier : to study
excuter une commande : to execute , to carry out
expdier : to send
faciliter : to facilitate
fixer un rendez vous : to make an appointment
fournir : to supply
peser : to weigh
rappeler : to remind
regretter : to regret, to be sorry
renouveler : to renew
rpondre : to answer , to reply
s'excuser: to apologize
transfrer : to transfer
vrfifier to check
erreur : error
client : customer, client
commission : commitee, commission
confidentiel : confidential
date limite : Deadline
Destination : Destination
Emballage : packing , packaging
essai trial
fournisseur : supplier
frais : Expenses, charges , cost
instructions : instructions
Objet : subject title
offre (proposition) offer
entretien : interview , conversation
qualit : quality
reconnaissant : grateful, thankful
rendez vous : appointment
valeur : value
astray : away from the right path
should I be writing or should I be doing something else
bliss : a state of extreme happiness
demise : the time when somrthing ends
pill : a dose of medicine in the form of small pellet
Dear Sir,
I wish to apply for the post of...advertised in
I am 25 years old , of french nationality.
At the prsent time, i am a ...
I feel that the experience i have gained in the field of...makes me the
very person you are looking for. I enclose my CV,
which provides you with further information about my training and
I do hope that my application will be successful and that i shall be
granted an interview. You can contact me at any time at the following
telephone number...
Yours faithfully
affectionate : having or isplaying warmth or affection
fon, lovesome , tender
catastrophe, cette fille c'est une catastrophe : she is a disaster at
everything she tries
Causer des ennuis qq'un, get sb in trouble
Il y a de l'ambiance maintenant : the party is now really swinging
ambiant, temprature ambiante : room temperature
Rciproque, c'est rciproque, the feeling is mutual
je ne vous aime pas du tout I dont like you at all
Domicile, sans domicile fixe, homeless
Dommage, c'est dommage ! it is too bad
s'Echaufer Warm up
comparaison : il n'ya aucune comparaison there's no comparison
Ability: capacit
Actual, actually: rel, rellement
Car: auto
Our representative will call on you next week. : notre reprsentant
passera vous voir la semaine prochaine.
nous offrons des offrons des facilits de paiement: we offer it on easy
emulate : imiter
in addition to
furthermore : par ailleur
hatch : closion
dull : ennuyeux monotone
plight : situation difficile
fiery : ardant
wink : cliger de l'oeil
parade: v dfiler
unimaginable:adj inimaginable
lucid : clair
deadly : mortel
parachute : parachute
scent : parfum
spinning : adj qui tourne
burgeoning: adj en plein essor
promising : adj prometteur
node: noeud
harnessing: exploitation
foremost: adj principal
on the other hand : d'autre part
Heartfelt / You have our heartfelt thanks for your message, Ms Bonner,
which you delivered so wonderfully.
snore : v ronfler
N ronflement
Indebted : Owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favor
redevable They are indebted to credit cards companies.
is optimized for...
Our know how
is designed for...
Efficiently : with efficiency
drape : cacher couvrir
drapes : rideaux
working on
Enthusiasm : Enthusiasm for his program is growing
straightforward adjectif simple adj franc adj direct
Fundamental theories are introduced in a straightforward way, and state-
of-the-art techniques for designing and analyzing engineering systems,
including microstructural systems are explained in detail
originate verbe : provenir
stumble across verbe
tomber sur v
stumble on verbe
tomber sur He had no idea what he had stumbled upon
casserole: saucepan
poele frire : frying pan
four : oven
marmite : stock pot
gant isolant : oven mitt
plot: a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or
conspicuous : adj obvious to eye or mind
= eye catching
warrant : v justify
disclose: V make known to the public information that was previously
known only to few people or that meant to be kept a secret.
clay: soil
Nadal , who won Roland Garros and he briefly celebrated by falling to the
think : I never thought about something like this
I can't say thank you enough to everyone who supported me throughout my
career. Without them I would not be here today.
fleeting : adj short
A fleeting glance
canvas : v analyse, analyze
scour : clean , rince
carve : v cut to pieces
intrude on : The phrase "reasonable expectation of privacy" encapsulates
a vital principle of Canadian law with respect to when and under what
conditions the State may intrude on the privacy of an individual.
indebted: owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors.
A barricade : a barrier to impede the advance of an enemy
a barrier set by police
defray : bear the expenses of
acknowledge : V know, recognize
I gratefully acknowledge him as a significant influence in my life and
additional: adj extra
abiding: Unceasing
tremendously: Extremely
innate : adj natural
People from all walks of life share an innate drive for meaning.
yark : alouette
prserve: V prserver conserver
We have a particular leverage that we can exercise. We have no
colonialist legacy in Africa.
Nous avons un atout que nous pouvons utiliser: nous n'avons pas de pass
colonial en Afrique.
cricket : grillon
A veiled chameleon extends its tongue to catch a cricket
deter : discourage
necessarily: adv
squirt verbe gicler v jail
definite: Precise
compelling: compelling evidence : persuasive
intriguing: interesting
uncover: make visible
The Hubble Space Telescope uncovered surprising evidence for an
extrasolar planet under construction.
unprecedented: having no precedent, novel
new, unexampled
simultaneously: at the same time
unique: adj without equal
shortcut: the route shorter than the usual one
treasure: wealth
pitfall : a trap in the form of concealed hole
discerning: perrceptive
We have to be very discerning about what's in our interest and what
outcome is best for us, and the prices that we're willing to pay to get
to that place.
inundated : covered with water
seaweed: plant growing in the sea
marine algae
alga, algae
workout: the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep
swan: V affirm
thump : a heavy blow with the hand
swing verbe
balancer v se balancer v swinguer v basculer v osciller v brandir v
Simply attach either the wheel golf club baseball bat or tennis racquet
and swing away

Il suffit de fixer le club de golf ou raquette de tennis et de balancer

M. Castro was provided with an office, a phone and a leased car.
M. Castro avait un bureau, un tlphone et une voiture de location.

harassment nom, singulier
harclement m

According to one source in the U.S., bullying affects one in six workers
and is more common than either racial or sexual harassment.
D'aprs une source amricaine, le rudoiement touche un travailleur sur
six, et est plus frquent que le harclement sexuel ou racial.

hearsay nom
rumeur f
renomme f
We didn't base it on hearsay, hypothesis, or second-hand information.
Nous n'avons pas agi sur la base d'oue-dire, d'hypothses ou de ragots.

embolden :V
This would only embolden the Taliban and stir resentment among villagers.
intimidation f
Nous ne ferions qu'encourager les talibans et alimenter le ressentiment
des villageois.

numerous : numerous nombreux
Tesak's tactics focus heavily on social media and sites such as YouTube
to develop a following,
and the numerous branches of Occupy Pedophilia sprouting up in the
regions, including in Saratov, Tambov, Lipetsk and the Urals,
suggest he's been successful, though it is unclear to what extent they
coordinate their efforts.

solely adverbe
uniquement adv
exclusivement adv
seulement adv

consent nom, singulier
consentement m
This means that now that the Council has given its consent, the
Commission may adopt them, unless the European Parliament objects.
Cela signifie que, le Conseil ayant donn son accord, la Commission peut
adopter le rglement, moins que le Parlement europen ne s'y oppose.

violated adjectif
viol adj
Hamas and perhaps other Palestinian armed groups had also violated the
laws of war with deliberate or indiscriminate rocket attacks against
roquettes contre des agglomrations israliennes, ce qui a entran la
mort de trois civils israliens et fait au moins 64 blesss.

legitimate adjectif
lgitime adj
lgal adv
All three conditions must be met for a restriction on freedom of
expression to be legitimate.
Il faut absolument que les trois conditions soient runies pour qu'une
restriction la libert d'expression puisse tre considre lgitime

harsh adjectif
svre adj
rude adj
dur adj pre adj rigide adj rugueux adj cru adj vulgaire
It was deeply saddened and disappointed at the arrest and the harsh
sentencing in 2009 of seven Gambian journalists, who had been
subsequently pardoned, and added
Ils avaient t profondment attrists et dus par la nouvelle de
l'arrestation et de la condamnation une peine svre, en 2009, de sept
journalistes gambiens, qui avaient t gracis

sentence nom
peine f
phrase f

elderly adjectif
g adj

Disabled persons and those with reduced mobility, including many elderly
cannot be refused transport, except for safety reasons or where it is
physically impossible,
for instance because of the size of the vehicle.

Les personnes handicapes ou mobilit rduite, y compris de nombreuses
personnes ges doivent pouvoir monter bord,
sauf si des raisons de scurit s'y opposent ou si cela est
matriellement impossible, en raison de la taille du vhicule par

counterterrorism: contre-terrorisme.
A number of abusive counterterrorism policies have continued under
President Barack Obama, including detentions without charge at Guantanamo

marred: adj
The history of Honduras has been marred by violations of human rights on
various occasions.
Le Honduras a t marqu par de nombreuses violations des droits de

Research efforts in the Department are centered on nanoscale science and
technology with a focus on the bottom-up paradigm

soaring nom, singulier
soar verbe
monter en flche v
jaillir v
Meat consumption is soaring across the world.
La consommation de viande explose dans le monde entier.

dissuade verb
dissuader v
dcourager v

bunch noun
bouquet m
grappe f
groupe m
tas m
bande f
paquet m
ensemble m trousseau m rgime m liasse f pile f

right adjectif
droit adj
juste adj correct adj vrai

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.
Toute personne a droit la libert d'expression

right now adverbe
maintenant adv l'instant adv tout de suite adv immdiatement adv
l'heure actuelle

cultural exchange :
Through this cultural exchange you will learn different methodologies and
techniques in your own discipline.

A new United Nations report has found that crimes against humanity are
occurring in North Korea and calls for an international tribunal to
investigate and hold perpetrators to account,
Un nouveau rapport des Nations Unies a constat que les crimes contre
l'humanit se produisent en Core du Nord et demande d'un tribunal
international pour enquter et poursuivre les auteurs de compte,

Were committed:
The commissions report finds that crimes against humanity were committed
in North Korea over a multi-decade period
pursuant to policies established at the highest level of the State,
and included extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment,
forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political,
racial and gender grounds, forcible transfer of persons, enforced
disappearance of persons
and the inhumane act of knowingly causing prolonged starvation.

(Beirut) Libya has failed to grant basic due process rights to Saif al-
Islam Gaddafi and other detained former officials of the Gaddafi
La Libye n'a pas russi accorder les droits fondamentaux du processus
de Saif al-Islam Kadhafi et d'autres anciens fonctionnaires dtenus du
gouvernement Kadhafi.

On January 23, 2014, Human Rights Watch interviewed Gaddafi in an office
at a base in the town of Zintan. The base is under the control of a guard
force that is detaining Gaddafi at an undisclosed location, and says it
operates under Defense Ministry authority. Human Rights Watch also
visited the former military intelligence chief Abdullah Sanussi and
former Prime Ministers al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi and Abuzaid Dorda,
Le 23 Janvier 2014 de Human Rights Watch a interview Kadhafi dans un
bureau d'une base dans la ville de Zintan. La base est sous le contrle
d'une force de protection qui retenait Kadhafi dans un lieu inconnu, et
dit qu'il fonctionne sous l'autorit du ministre de la Dfense. Human
Rights Watch a galement visit l'ancien chef du renseignement militaire,
Abdullah Senussi et l'ancien Premier Ministres al-Baghdadi al Mahmoudi et
Abuzaid Dorda,

putty nom
We are like putty, and can be completely controlled by our will power.

Habit is a matter of acquirement
L'habitude est une question de acquisition.

plodding adjectif
lourd adj
laborieux adj
There is every reason to turn up the pressure several notches after four
years of plodding along.
Nous avons toutes les raisons de resserrer les vis au bout de quatre
annes de labeur.

procrastinates : V temporise
It is often the quickness of brain action that determines the result. One
man thinks "I will do it," but while he procrastinates the other goes
ahead and does the work. They both have the same opportunity. The one
will complain of his lost chance. But it should teach him a lesson,

seek : verbe chercher
he is seeking the path that leads to success.

doom's day : jour de malheur
Many persons read good books, but say they do not get much good out of
They do not realize that all any book or any lesson course can do is to
awaken them to their possibilities;
to stimulate them to use their will power.
You may teach a person from now until doom's day, but that person will
only know what he learns himself. "You can lead him to the fountain, but
you can't make him drink."

You can lead him to the fountain, but you can't make him drink

asset: atout
a most valuable asset sometimes
un atout le plus prcieux

Foreword : Prface

Mary Irwin, the wife of the late moon-walking astronaut, Jim Irwin, has
written a book about their adventures on Mount Ararat and the search for
Noahs Ark.
This book was prompted by a deceptive National Geographic special on
Noahs Ark in May 2009.
In the foreword, Bob Cornuke, another Ark hunter, laments that he has
been searching for Noahs Ark for 25 years and has never seen the old
boat, and then asks: but has anyone ever seen the remains of Noahs Ark?
(page xi).

Legendary: legendary adjectif
lgendaire adj
Reports about the traces of the legendary Noah's Ark appear in the media
on a regular basis.
The majority of such messages say that there is a mysterious object
resting on top of Ararat Mount.
The object could be the ancient vessel, on which Noah rescued animals
from the Great Flood.

Tunisia has a rich and chequered history, replete with invasions,
conquests and influences.
The most important part of its history is the fact that despite
Tunisia still retains its past which is proudly etched it its landscape,
architecture and most importantly in its people.
Of the innumerable ethnic races that set foot on the soil of Tunisia are
the Phoenicians, the Romans, the Vandals, the Byzantines, the Turks, the
Spanish and finally the French (in historical sequence).

La Tunisie a une histoire riche et mouvemente, remplie d'invasions, de
conqutes et influences.
La partie la plus importante de son histoire est le fait que, malgr la
modernisation, la Tunisie conserve encore son pass qui est firement
grav il son paysage,
l'architecture et surtout dans ses people.les races ethniques
innombrables qui mettent le pied sur le sol de la Tunisie sont la
Phniciens, les Romains, les Vandales, les Byzantins, les Turcs, les
Espagnols et enfin les Franais (dans l'ordre chronologique).

physically adverbe
We were not afraid at all and we have never had any injuries as a result
of our sky walking.
As a result of our mission, we didn't get any sleep for over 24 hours,
it was physically and mentally challenging for the both of us. Our target
was to climb the highest tower in China and the seconds highest in the
it felt amazing to accomplish it, the sky is the limit!

sleep verbe
Now to summarize all of that and put it into black and white letters
was indeed very, very difficult, and we've had a lot of help from a lot
of people
who helped draft this and didn't get much sleep.

Il a t trs difficile de rassembler tout cela pour le coucher sur le
et nombreux sont ceux qui ont apport leur aide la rdaction de ce
rsum en y sacrifiant beaucoup de sommeil.

I didn't get any sleep again during the night?
Je n'ai pas encore dormi cette nuit?

engraved adjectif
The love padlocks, called cadenas damour, multiplied until there were
thousands of love tokens on the bridge, each engraved with a message of

almost :presque

Its 5 pm and it's almost dark. In winter ,days are short

alone : adj seul
Aunt Dora lives alone now;her husband died a month ago

able : adj to be able to
etre capable de
Jack is able to eat very much,but sometimes he gets sick

unable :pas capable

abolish :abolir
In France, the death penalty was abolished in October 1981.


absent-minded : adj distrait
Joe always forgets her keys and loses her things ;she is very absent-

absurd : adj absurde , ridicule
this is absurd !

accent :n accent
Andrew , you speak French with a very good accent

accept : v accepter

Ted has had a car accident. His leg is broken

accuse : v accuser

act :n acte acts of violence are illegal

actually: en ralit , en fait

adventure : n aventure

advertisement : n publicit

A firefighter attempts to exting
uish a fire which broke out on piles of reed at a paper factory in
Changde, Hunan province, on February 16, 2014
Un pompier tente d'teindre un incendie qui a clat sur des piles de
roseau dans une usine de papier Changde, province du Hunan, le 16
Fvrier, 2014

trapped :adj coinc
A woman trapped in the rubble of a collapsed resort building waits to be
rescued in Gyeongju, South Korea, Monday, February 17, 2014.
South Korean police and news reports say that dozens of university
students are feared trapped after a building's roof collapsed because of
recent heavy snowfall.

Rebel fighters fire a heavy machine gun at the government forces Al-
Samman checkpoint on a road leading to Idlib near the Syrian city of
on February 17, 2014. More than 140,000 people have been killed in three
years of fighting, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Les combattants rebelles tirent une mitrailleuse lourde contre les forces
du gouvernement Al-Samman poste de contrle sur une route menant Idlib
prs de la ville syrienne de Hama,
le 17 Fvrier 2014. Plus de 140.000 personnes ont t tues en trois ans
de combats, selon l'Observatoire syrien pour les droits de l'homme

outskirts: banlieue
Pakistani girl, Kiran Riasat, 8, who works with her mother and father,
seen in the background, in a brick factory,
checks on her brother, Rizwan, 1.5, laying in a hammock attached on a
bed, at the site of work, in the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan,
Tuesday, February 18, 2014. According to Kiran's parents she started to
work at the factory 3 years ago, and they couldn't afford financially
sending her to a school.

Carrier travel agency : agence de transporteur
Independent agency : agence indpendante
Retail travel agency : agence distributrice
Travel agency association : agence associative
Travel agency : agence de voyage

escorted tour : voyage en groupe
Airline tickets : Vol sec
Flights, airline tickets, are usually bought by travel organizers that
sell them on its own or often with other services.

Tour, trip :circuit
Road trip, road tour : autotour
All included, all inclusive: tout compris, tout inclus
Meal arrangements cover food servicesand taxes within the hotel complex.
Bed and breakfast :petit djouner
Car and hotel : voiture et hotel
Full-board: pension complte
Guided tour : circuit accompagn d'un guide
Half board : demi-pension
High season : haute saison
Long stay more than 3 nights : Long sjour
Low season : Basse saison
Short stay from 1 to 3 nights: Court sjour
Stay : Sjour
allotment :
The tour operator allots a limited number of packages to each travel
Guide: guide tourestique
booking service : service rservation
call center : centre d'appel
sales person : commercial
online travel agency
business traveller voyageurr d'affaire
escorted tourists : groupes de touristes
individual tourist : touriste individuel
town hall,city hall : mairie
product chief : chef de produit
welcome : bienvenue
My name is
I will be your guide during the visit
A breathtaking scenery: un panorama vous couper le souffle
admire the landscape : admirer ce paysage
appreciate, enjoy : apprcier
as you can see : comme vous pouvez voir
At the grocery store / Supermarket au supermarch
do you have any question ? avez vous des questions ?
flee market march aux puces
for your conveniences : pour votre confort
I recommend you to double check that you have not forgotten anything in
the coach :Je vous suggre de vrifier que vous n'avez rien oubli
if you look up you will notice : si vous regardez en haut, vous
in a few minutes... Dans quelques minutes
in front of you : en face de vous
in the commercial center, in the mall (US) Dans le centre commercial
keep your eyes open for... Garder vos yeux ouverts pour...
look to the west,you'll see the sunset... Regardez vers l'ouest vous
verrez le coucher du soleil...
no flash sans flash

no video camera : Pas de camescope
on your right you will see...A votre droite, vous verrez...
on your right/left A votre droite/ votre gauche...
our driver's name is... Le nom de notre chauffeur est...
surroundings : Les environs
take a good look at ...Regardez bien ...
to glance at something : jeter un coup d'oeil
to go shopping: faire des achats
watch your step : attention la marche
we are finishing our excursion : nous finissons notre excursion
we are going to the business district: nous allons dans le quartier
we are now coming up to: nous arrivons ...
wet floor : sol mouill
you can take pictures
you may have noticed vous avez peut etre remarqu
can we make a little stop at...pouvons nous faire un petit arret au...?
how long can we stay in ...combien de temps pouvons nous rester dans...?
is that the painting you were talking about ? est ce la toile dont vous
parliez ?
where can i buy postcards? stamps ? ou puis je acheter des cartes
postales? timbre ?
where is the main entrance ? Ou est l'entre principale?
will we see it on the way back ? le verrons-nous sur le chemin du retour
to come around to sb's point of view, to be of the same opinion / same
mind as sb , to share the view of sb ,to be in complete / in thorough/in
full agreement with sb
aile prendre qqn sous son aile : to take sb. under one's wing,to give sb.
one's patronage
aimer :quand on aime,on a toujours vinght ans :love keeps you young
s'envoyer en l'air : to have sex,to have it off/ away with sb
ame soeur :the soul mate , the kindred spirit
ami : etre amis la vie , la mort to be friends for life , to be
lifelong friends
etre les meilleurs amis du monde : to be the best of friends
un petit ami : boyfriend
se lier d'amiti avec qqn: to make friends with sb
its not love its raving madness : ce n'est pas de l'amour c'est de la
faites l'amour,pas la guerre : make love , not war
l'amour est aveugle : love is blind
le grand amour : true love
aventure : une aventure sans lendemain/d'une nuit : a one night stand
etre port sur la bagatelle : to be fond of sex , to like it a lot
a friend in need is a friend indeed
bijou jewels
cadeau : there's nothing like a little present between friends
capote: a condom
charme :to be held spellbound by sb by sthg's spell
to fall beneath sb/sthg's spell
le meilleur ami de l'homme: man's best friend
besoin: un besoin naturel : the call of nature
satisfaire un besoin pressant : to relieve oneself , to answer the call
of nature
Grim death:
when his boat capsized, the yachtsman held onto the wreckage like grim
death until he was rescued:
Quand son bateau s'est retourn, le navigateur s'est cramponn l'pave
avec l'nergie du dsespoir jusqu' l'arrive des secours.

A city like New York would seem grim and dark if all advertising would be
switched off one day.
Une ville comme New York paratrait menaante et sombre si toute la
publicit serait change

However, scientific data paints a grim picture of the future of these
stocks if fishing continues.
Toutefois, les donnes scientifiques annoncent un avenir sombre pour ces
stocks si la pche

Despite the grim and worsening realities of the war in Afghanistan,
Canadians have been able to contribute to a better future for Afghans.
Malgr la guerre, avec son interminable cortge d'horreurs et de
souffrances, les Canadiens sont arrivs amliorer le sort des Afghans.

In the expectation that their lives are about to change completely, they
cling to each other like grim death and fanatically defend their own
precarious position.
Dans l'attente de voir leur vie compltement chamboule, ils se
cramponnent les uns aux autres et dfendent avec fanatisme leur position

I would ask the representative of Egypt to please hold his horses.
) : Je prierais le reprsentant de l'gypte de se calmer.

Hold your horses! We haven't finished the main course and you already
want dessert.
Oh la, du calme! Nous n'avons pas encore termin le plat de rsistance et
tu veux dj le dessert.

Hold water :
This argument does not hold water because, as shown by the documents
submitted in the context of the notification,
the shareholders in question control Permasteelisa despite the fact that
the company is listed on the Milan stock exchange.:

Ce point n'est pas pertinent dans la mesure o, conformment aux
documents prsents dans le cadre de la notification,
il apparat que les actionnaires en cause exercent le contrle sur
Permasteelisa en dpit de la cotation en bourse de Milan.

The economic argument that these measures will be costly does not hold
L'argument conomique selon lequel ces mesures seront coteuses ne tient

to hold water : tenir debout (pour un argument, une thse...). L'image
voque celle d'un contenant assez
solide pour retenir l'eau

The speaker held forth for two hours, by which time most of the audience
was asleep.
L'orateur a parl sans discontinuer pendant deux heures, et presque tout
l'auditoir s'est endormi.

She held forth on her favourite subject at great length;
Elle a parl longuement de son sujet prfr.

enjoy your holiday and don't worry,Mark will hold the forth while you are
profite de tes vacances et t'inquites pas,Mark s'occupera de tout en ton

to hold the forth (for someone): remplacer quelqu'un pendant son absence

I am afraid she is on the other line. Will you hold ?
Dsole, elle est dj en ligne. Vous patientez ?

Vous entendez trs frquement cette expression lorsque vous serez
mis en attente au tlphone. La phrase complte est will you hold the
line ?
Voulez vous patienter ?

I'll put you on hold : je vous mets en attente
I'll hold : si vous voulez patienter

to hold one's own :se dfendre
Don't worry about Salim. He can hold his own in an argument:
Ne t'inquite pas pour Salim. Il se dfend bien dans une discussion.

This is the fifth company he's worked for this year. He just can't hold
down a job. :
Ne t'inquite pas pour salim. Il se dfend bien dans une discussion.

She was attacked by four muggers, but she gave a good account of herself
elle a t attaque par quatre voleurs, mais elle s'est bien dfendue.

the governement has been able to hold inflation in check for the past
eighteen months. :
le gouvernement a russi juguler depuis dix huit mois.

to hold/ keep something in check: restreindre ou enrayer. "tenir en

afraid to take responsability, he passed the buck to his manager :
craignant d'en assumer la responsabilit,il refila le bb son

I've called five times. but i still can't get hold of her. :
Cela fait cinq fois que j'appelle et je n'arrive toujours pas la

Get hold of yourself! veut dire "reprenez vos esprits"

I didn't want to work this weekend but my boss held a gun to my head. He
said he'd sack me if i didn't.:
Je ne voulais pas travailler ce week-end, mais le patron ne m'a pas
laiss le choix. Il m'a dit que je serais vir si je refusais.

to hold a gun to someone's head : s'emploie au sens figur pour indiquer
un cas de force majeure, une situation ou l'on n'a vraiment pas le choix

taisez vous : to hold one's tongue
hold your fire! ne tirez pas

I was about to make a sarcastic remark,but i decided to hold my tongue :
J'tais sur le point de faire une remarque sarcastique, mais j'ai prfr
me taire.

Hold your tongue! Shut up!
shut your face! ou shut your mouth

Egyptian authorities should prosecute all those for whom they have
compelling evidence of responsibility for this horrific attack,
in judicial proceedings that meet international fair trial standards,
Human Rights Watch said.

compelling evidence : preuves irrfutables
horrific attack : attaque horrible

a manager is a responsible for the work performance in one or more people
in an organization

Project management is the process and activity of planning, organizing,
motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. A
project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product,
service or result with a defined beginning and end
endeavor : endeavor nom
effort m
tentative f
essai m

When my business collapsed, i was left high and dry without a penny.
Quand mon affaire a capot, je me suis retrouv compltement sec. Je
n'avais plus un sou.

to leave someone / to be left high and dry
mettre quelqu'un/ se retrouver sur le sable ou dans une situation trs

Quebec farmers have been left high and dry.
Les agriculteurs qubcois sont laisss pour compte dans cette histoire.

We're running low on sugar. You'd better get some the next time you go to
the supermarket.
On n'a presque plus de sucre. Tu ferais bien d'en acheter la prochaine
fois que tu iras au supermarch.

to run low on something: n'avoir presque plus de quelque chose
We're running short of sugar : Quand on n'en a vraiment plus.
Damn! we've run out of petrol : zut! on est en panne d'essence
We're out of petrol

after falling steadily for eight months, capital expenditure at a low
aprs avoir chut sans discontinuer pendant huit mois, l'investissement
productif stagne aujourd'hui un niveau trs bas.

to be at a low ebb: etre un niveau bas
her spirits were at a low ebb- elle avait le moral zero

our company hires only high-fliers. Do you fit that description ?
notre compagnien'embauche que des cracks. Est-ce que vous vous dfiniriez
comme tel ?

a high-flier (ou flyer): un as/ un crack.
quelqu'un qui a de grandes ambitions professionnelles
l'adje tif est high-flying: my brother is one of those high-flying
advertising executives you read about in the papers:
mon frere est un de ce's jeunes cadres dynamiques de la pub dont on nous
parle dans la presse.
en francais "de haute vole"

to give someone the low-down : raconter une affaire par le menu
David will give us the low-down when he gets out of the meeting.
Ds qu'il sera sorti de runion, David nous fera un point dtaill.

A music portal where groups, artists and labels are invited to give the
low-down on their productions
Portail musical proposant aux groupes/artistes et labels de prsenter
leurs productions.

where the hell have you been? I 've been hunting high and low for you!
ou diable tais tu pass ? Je t'ai cherch partout !

to hunt/ look high and low for someone/ something: chercher quelqu'un /
quelque chose partout
on peut aussi dire hunting all over.
Where have you been ?

she's been feeling low ever since she failed her finals.
Son moral est au plus bas depuis qu'elle a rat ses examens.

to feel low: etre dprim / ne pas avoir le moral
to be in low spirits : pour parler de quelqu'un qui a le moral zero

on dit : he/she's feeling down
to get someone down. Work is getting me down at the moment- le travail me
fiche le cafarden ce moment.

evil eyes :
Cross : Stands against the evil eyes.
La croix : protge du mauvais il.

there's a cabinet reshuffle on the cards, and at least two ministers will
be for the high-jump.
Il y a un remaniement ministriel l'horizon, et au moins deux ministres
vont sauter.

to be for the high-jump " sauter" ou perdre son poste

come hell or high water :
we'll finish the job on time, come hell or high water.
Nous finirons dans les dlais, quoi qu'il arrive

Come hell or high water, you will receive your order at the agreed time,
and not a minute later.
Mme si nous devons faire l'impossible, vous tes toujours assur de
recevoir vos produits au moment convenu, et pas une minute plus tard

I read the instruction manual twice, but i couldn't make head nor tail of
J'ai lu le manuel d'utilisationdeux fois, mais je n'y ai rien compris.

Not to make head nor tail of something : ne rien comprendre
I can't make head or tail of what they're saying

using macros is easy. You can do it standing on your head.
On peut utiliser des macro instructions les yeux ferms tellement facile.

to do something standing on one's head: faire quelque chose facilement.

He 's earning a pittance, but they somehow manage to keep their heads
above water.
Il gagne une vraie misre, mais malgr tout, ca leur permet de survivre.
to keep one's head above water : survivre financirement , " se
maintenir flot" c'est l'image de quelqu'un qui essaye de nager dans une
mer agite.

to keep it afloat: the new shareholders pumped money into the company in
an effort to keep it afloat : les nouveaux actionnaires ont inject de
l'argent dans la socit afin de la maintenir flot.

He tried to explain cricket to me, but it went over my head.
IL a essay de m'expliquer les rgles du cricket, mais ca m'a dpas.

to go over one's head : dpasser quelqu'un, lui "passer au dessus de la
The lecture went way over his head : il n'a rien compris la confrence.

Here, let me help you. Two heads are better than one.
Laisse-moi t'aider. Deux tetes valent mieux qu'une.

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and
blaming it on'll be a man my son!
Si tu sais garder la tete froide alors que tout le monde autour de toi
perd la sienne et t'accuse d'etre responsable...alors, tu seras un homme,
mon fils.

to keep one's head: garder ses esprits
to keep a cool head: garder la tete froide, ce qui a donn l'expression
mondialement clbre:keep cool!

the crisis came to a head when the palastinian delegate stormed out of
the meeting.
La crise atteignit son paroxysme lorsque le dlgu palestinien claque la
porte de la salle de runion.

to come to a head: atteindre son paroxysme, se dit gnralement d'une
crise, d'un problme, etc.

The two women sat down and had a heart-to-heart, which helped to clear
the air.
Les deux femmes s'assirent et se dirent mutuellement ce qu'elles avaient
sur le coeur, ce qui dtendit l'atmosphre.

To have a heart-to-heartou heart to heart talk: se parler avec franchise

Although James denied it, he knew in his heart of hearts that he had made
the wrong decision.
Bien que james refusat de l'admettre,il savait au plus profond de lui
meme qu'il avait pris la mauvaise dcision.

In one's heart of hearts: en son for intrieur

It breaks my heart to see him so depressed. I wish he'd cheer up.
Cela me brise le coeur de le voir si dprim. Si seulement il pouvait
reprendre courage.

to break (someone's) heart: fendre le coeur (de quelqu'un)

My heart sank when i heard the news. That's the third order we've lost to
our competitors this year.
Ca m'a fait un coup d'apprendre que nos concurrents avaient obtenu la
commande. C'est la troisime fois cette anne.

Have one's heart sinking: comportait la notion de peur ;aujourd'hui, elle
laisse entendre une dception, une perte d'espoir.

You mean you only have six weeks' holiday in your new job?
You poor thing. My heart bleeds for you!
Comment? Tu n'as que six semaines de vacances ton nouveau boulot? Si
j'avais le temps,je te plaindrais!

I really admire the way she says exactly what she thinks. She's a woman
after my own heart. /
J'admire cette manire qu'elle a de dire exactement ce qu'elle pense.
C'est vraiment une femme comme je les aime.

A person after one's own heart : est quelqu'un avec qui on a beaucoup
d'affinits ou qui ragit de la meme manire que soi.

He just can't hide his emotions. He wears his heart on his sleeve.
Il est incapable de cacher ses sentiments. Il porte son coeur en

to wear one's heart on one's sleeve: montrer ses motions ouvertement.
I hate people who wear their heart on their sleeve and who cry easily- Je
dteste les gens qui montrent leurs motions et qui pleurent facilement.

after six months of negotiations, the plan finally got the thumbs-up.
aprs six mois de ngociations, le projet a enfin recu le feu vert.

to get ou give the thumbs-up : donner ou recevoir un accord .
Le contraire est to get/give the thumbs-down

-If you're fired, i'll get your job -don't keep your fingers crossed
Si tu es vir, j'aurai ta place. - tu peux toujours rever!

-Do you really know the president personally ?
-No, i was just pulling your leg.
Connaissez-vous vraiment le prsident personnellement? -mais non , je te
faiser marcher.
a leg-pull, une plaisanterie

their plane was three hours late! i had to sit in the airport and twiddle
my thumbs.
leur avion avait trois heures de retard !j'ai du attendre l'aroport en
me tournant les pouces.

to twiddle: signifie tripoter, tourner quelque chose
twiddle my thumbs:traduit l'ide de patience

twaddle: des betises
don't listen to him. He talks a lot of twaddle-Ne l'coute pas, il ne
raconte que des betises.

the journalist covering the trial had his tongue firmly in his cheek.
le journaliste qui couvrait ce procs tait ironique souhait.
tongue in cheek : signifie tout ce qui n'est pas pris au srieux , ou
fait avec une certaine ironie.

I had so much to tell him, but when we finally met i was tongue-tied.
J'avais tellement de choses lui raconter, mais quand enfin nous nous
sommes rencontrs, j'ai t incapable de dire un mot.

to be tongue-tied: etre rendu muet-par la timidit, la peur ou une autre
motion forte.
L'motion est telle que la langue s'en trouve littralement ligote.

Since she became a press secretary for the mayor, she's been rubbing
shoulders with the rich and famous.
Depuis qu'elle est attache de presse de maire, elle cotoie tout le

to rub shoulders with: frquenter, gnralement des gens riches, clbre,

What's this world: Antidisestablishmentarianism?
What a tongue-twister!

a tongue-twister: c'est imprononcable! un mot ou une phrase difficile

My father and i get on very well, but we don't always see eye-to-eye on
Mon pre et moi nous entendons bien, mais nous n'avons pas toujours la
meme vision des chosesen politique.

to see eye-to-eye with someone: etre d'accord avec quelqu'un

that documentary about homelessness in London was a real eye-opener.
Ce documentaire sur les SDF Londres a vraiment jou un role rvlateur.

An eye-opener: quelque chose qui ouvre les yeux sur la ralit d'une

An eye-opening documentary

you know a lot about car engines. Can i pick your brains?
Tu t'y connais drolement en moteurs de voiture. Tu permets que je profite
de tes lumires?

to pick someone's brains: profiter des connaissances de quelqu'un.

the world wide web was the brainchild of the berners-Lee.
to be the brainchild (of someone): etre n de l'imagination (de

the situation is totally out of hand - La situation chappe tout
to get out of hand se dit d'une situation qui dgnre ou drape.

I wasn't surprised when i found out that alex was involved.He's got a
finger in every pie.
Je n'ai pas t surpris d'apprendre qu'Alex tait dans le coup. Il mange
tous les rateliers.

to have a finger in every pie: se meler de tout, de plusieurs affaires en
meme temps. La nuance est assez pjorative.

The police believe that your brother had a hand in the robbery : La
police croit que ton frre tait mel au braquage.

She's never been very good with her hands. She's all fingers and thumbs.
Elle n'a jamais t trs zdroite de ses mains. C'est une empote.

to be all fingers and thumbs: etre maladroit

Butterfingers! "tu as du beure sur les doights- si quelqu'un qui laisse
tomber quelque chose par maladresse.

They worked their fingers to the bone for ten years to make a success of
the restaurant.
To work one's fingers to the bone: s'user au travail.On aurait pu dire
aussi: They slaved for ten years, etc : on travaille tellement dur qu'on
a besoin d'affuter ses outils en permanence.

The hurricane devasted the entire neighbourhood but the emergency
services didn't lift a finger.
L'ouragan a dtruit le quartier entier, mais les urgences n'ont rien fait
du tout.

to lift a finger (to help): faire un geste pour aider
he wouldn't lift a little finger to help-il refusait de lever le petit

To twist someone's arm : tordre le bras de quelqu'un
I really didn't want to go to Bali for a fortnight, but she twisted my
arm!: Je n'avais pas du tout envie d'aller passer deux semaines Bali ,
mais elle a su me convaincre.

To foot the bill:payer
A corporate sponsor agreed to foot the bill for the exhibition.

cough up : They finally coughed up the money they owed us

He started off on the wrong foot when he criticised her taste in music.
To start out / off on the wrong foot. : mal commencer une relation

You really put your foot in it when you introduced Cathy as Mike's wife.
They're not even engaged!
To put one's foot in it: mettre les pieds dans le plat

The government really shot itself in the foot when it launched the
investigation into phone tapping.
Le gouvernement s'est tir une balle dansle pied en lancant l'enquete sur
les coutes tlphoniques.

He's one of the privileged elite. He was born with a silver spoon in his

To be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, qui signifie que l'on est
n dans un milieu ais.

What's the matter? You look really down in the mouth :
To be / look down in the mouth : etre malheureux ou dprim

To be down-at-heel: traverser une priode difficile
He must try to dress better,he looks really down-at-heel- il doit essayer
de s'habiller mieux;il a vraiment l'air d'un misreux.

I'd better finish the report quickly or i'll have my boss breathing down
my neck.
: j'ai intret finir le rapport en vitesse,sinon je vais avoir le
patron sur le dos.

To have someone breathing down (the back of) one's neck : avoir quelqu'un
accroch ses basques.

Andy really got my back up with his thought less remark. : Andy
m'avraiment mis en boule avec cette remarque inconsidre.
To get someone's back up : nerver quelqu'un

admire the landscape : admirer ce paysage
appreciate, enjoy : apprcier
as you can see... comme vous pouvez voir...
At the grocery store / supermarket
Do you ear me ?
Do you have any question
For your conveniences: pour votre confort
I remind you: je vous rappelle
In a few minutes... dans quelques minutes
In front of you : en face de vous
keep your eyes open for: Garder vos yeux ouverts pour...
No falsh : sans flash
No video camera :pas de camescope
Surroundings : les environs
Take a good look at...
To glance at something:jeter un coup d'oeil
To go shopping : faire des achats
Wet floor: sol mouill
You can take pictures :vous pouvez prendre des photos
concelation : annulation
Car insurance : assurance-automobile
Civil responsability insurance : assurance responsabilit civile
Comprehensive insurance :assurance multi-risques
Dental care insurance : assurance soins dentaires
Fixed benefits,insurance : assurance couverture limite
Illness/injury insurance : assurance-maladie / accident
Luggage insurance : assurance bagages et biens personnels
Medical expenses insurance : frais mdicaux et d'hospitalisation
Pictures and movies : Photos et films
Cost of the medical care, treatments : Cout des soins mdicaux
home misfortune: accident mnager
illness,injury, death : maladie, blessure, dcs
lost damaged luggage : bagages perdus, endommags
Services of a private nurse : services d'une infirmire prive
Autumn : Automne
Spring : Printemps
Summer : Et
Winter : Hiver

Average annual temperature : temprature moyenne annuelle
Cloud : nuage
Cloudy: nuageux
Glaze : verglas
Hurricane : ouragan
Rain : pluie
Shower : averse
Snow : neige
Storm : tempete,orage
Sun : soleil
Sunny : ensoleill
Temperature at night : temprature nocturne
Temperature of the day : temprature du jour
Wind :vent
Windy : venteux
You will apprciate a breathtaking landscape: you will apprecierez un
paysage vous couper le souffle.
Beach : plage
Capital : capitale
City : ville
Countryside : compagne
Desert : dsert
Exotic : exotique
Foreign stranger : etranger (un)
Get a suntan : bronzer
Go abroad : aller l'tranger
Lake : lac
Landscape : paysage
Mountain : montagne
Sunbath : se faire bronzer
Bear : Ours
Bird :oiseau
Crocodile : crocodile
Dolphin : dauphin
Elephant : lphant
Gazelle : gazelle
Giant panda : panda gant
Giraffe : Girafe
Leopard : lopard
Lion : Lion
Monkey : singe
Pinguin : Pingouin
Polar bear: ours polaire
Shark : Requin
Tiger : tigre
Whale : baleine

To go on honeymoon : partir en voyage de noces
Tourism to exotic threatened or protected ecosystems to observe wildlife
or to help preserve nature.
Tourisme dans un environnement exotique, naturel et menac ou protg
pour observer la vie sauvage et prserver l'environnement.

Ecotourism is a type of sustainablhe tourism that emphasizes conserving
nature and improving the lives of local people in rural and wilderness
C'est un voyage responsable dans les zones naturelles qui conserve le
milieu et soutient le bien-etre des populations locales.

Do not confuse sustainable tourism and ecotourism. Indeed, ecotourism is
a particular form of tourism as urban tourism, rural or sport tourism
while sustainable tourism applies to all tourism sorts.
If everyone applies the sustainable tourism principles, all tourism types
be should be considered as sutainable.
How to practice sustainable tourism ? It's simple:if you know how to take
care of your planet when you are at home, it suffices to reproduce the
same small gestures when you travel.
Il ne faut pas confondre tourisme durable et ecotourisme. En effet,
l'cotourisme est une forme de tourisme particulire comme le tourisme
urbain,le tourisme rural ou sportif tandis que le tourisme durable
s'applique toutes les sortes de tourisme.
Si tout le monde applique les principes de tourisme durable, tous les
types de tourismes pourront se dire durable.
Alors comment pratiquer le tourisme durable? C'est simple:si vous savez
prendre soin de votre plante lorsque vous etes chez vous, il suffit de
reproduire les memes petits gestes quand vous etes en voyage.

Tourisme durable sustainable travel
Tourism that meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while
protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future.

Minimize impacts
Minimiser les impacts.

Build environment and cultural awareness and respect.
construire un respect et une conscience de l'environnement et de la

Provide positive experience for both visitors and hosts.
procurer des expriences positives aux visiteurs ainsi qu' leurs hotes.

Provide direct financial benifits for conservation.
fournir des avantages financiers pour la conservation.

Provide financial benifits and empowerment for local people.
attribuer des aventages financiers la population locale et leur confier
des responsabilits.

Raise sensitivity to host contries political, environmental, and social
accroitre l'interet pour les politiques, l'environnement et le climat
social des pays hotes.

Promote tourism that is economically productive, socially responsible and
environmentally friendly.
Promouvoir un tourisme qui soit conomiquement viable , socialement
responsable et respectueux de l'environnement.

Bear in mind the rights of the local population and respect local laws
and costums.
garder l'sprit les droits de la population locale et respecter les
lois et les traditions.

Attempt to involve the host population in all tourism projects that we
may instigate.
essayer d'impliquer la population locale dans les projets touristiques.

At the hotel : a l'hotel
language : communication
dress : accoutrement
behaviour comportement
photos: photographies
environment: environnement
buy local : acheter local
its expensive c'est hors de prix!
it's too difficult to be a responsible : c'est trop difficile d'etre un
touriste responsable traveller
it means travelling to tropical jungle : cela revient partir pour une
jungle tropicale

These are the astonishing images of the very aptly named door to hell, a
fiery crater thats baffled scientist and has been flaming away for more
than 40 years. The crater is 230-feet wide and situated near Derweze
village in Turkmenistan. It was named the Door to Hell by locals,
referring to the endless flames and boiling mud that can be found inside

fiery adjectif
fougueux adj
ardent adj
Despite their thick fur, this group of dogs and puppies in China feel the
cold. Luckily, in the winter, they're allowed to huddle round a staff
canteen stove in their home in Jiulongjiang Forest Park, Rucheng County
Malgr leur fourrure paisse, ce groupe de chiens et de chiots en Chine
sentent le froid. Heureusement, en hiver, ils sont autoriss s'entasser
autour d'une cuisinire.

Keep the stove area a "kid-free zone" (one meter distance).
Faites de la cuisinire une zone sans enfants (distance d'un mtre).

This is the terrifying moment a diver came head to head with a shark as
it swims inches away snatching a bite for dinner. The close encounter,
captured off Bimini Island in the Bahamas, shows the hammerhead
approaching diver Eli Martinez who bravely stands his ground as the giant
beast approaches
"C'est le moment terrifiant un plongeur est venu en tte tte avec un
requin comme il nage pouces arrachant un morceau pour le dner
Diver :plongeur

mugging nom
A teenage street gang carry out a mugging in a deserted alley in New York

clashes: clashes pourrait tre Pluriel
clash nom, singulier
conflit m
affrontement m
fracas m diffrend m dispute f
People beat up another man during clashes of Pro-Russian and Pro-
Ukrainian activists during a rally in Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, 09
March 2014.
The USA and European Union have threatened sanctions against Moscow over
the military standoff in the strategic Crimean peninsula, and are urging
Russia to pull back its forces in the region and allow in international
observers and human rights monitors.

to listen : couter
to do homework: faire ses devoirs
to draw: dessiner
to run : courir
to read : lire
to write : crire
to answer : rpondre
to measure : mesurer
to tidy : ranger
to line up : se mettre en rang
to whisper : chuchoter
to count : compter
to sing : chanter
scissors : des ciseaux
sea : mer
a seal : un phoque
a season : une saison
september : septembre
above : au dessus
an accident : un accident
an accordion : un accordon
an actor : un acteur
an afternoon : un aprs midi
an alarm clock : un rveil
amazing : extraordinaire
an angel :un ange
angry : en colre
an animal : un animal
an ankle :une cheville
an ant : une fourmi
an apple : une pomme
an apricot : un abricot
octopus : pieuvre
tuna : thon
crocodile :crocodile
horse :cheval
elephant : lphant
lion : lion
chameau : camel
tigre : tigre
wolf :loup
reindeer : renne
deer : cerf
snake : serpent
dolphin : dauphin
kangaroo : kangourou
sheep : mouton
cow : vache
cock : coq
calf : veau
pig : cochon
goat : chvre
lamb : agneau
goose : oie
dog : chien
rabbit : lapin
cat : chat
tortoise : tortue
frog : grenouille
april : avril
an aquarium : un aquarium
an arm :un bra
an armchair : un fauteuil
an artichoke :un artichaut
an artist : un artiste
august :aout
an aunt :une tante
autumn : automne
awful : affreux
a baby : un bb
bad : vilain Eric is a bad boy
a bag : un sac
a baker : un boulanger
balance : quilibre
Bob lost his balance
a computer : un ordinateur
a concert : un concert
there is a concert in the street
a conductor : un chef d'orchestre
a cow : une vache
a cradle : un berceau
crazy : fou
a crown : une couronne
a cup :une tasse
a cupboard : un placard
Lucy often tidies the cupoard
Lucy range souvent le placard
a cushion : un coussin
Vicky puts cushions on her bed
Vicky met des coussins sur son lit

cut : couper
a daffodil: une jonquille
a daisy : une marguerite
a dancer : un danseur
dangerous :dangereux
dark : noir
a date : une datte
a day : un jour
a deer : un cerf
delicious : dlicieux
a dentist : un dentiste
devil : diale
a diamond : un diamant
dice : ds
a dinner : un diner
dirty : sale
a disease : une maladie
a doctor : un docteur
a doe : une biche
a dog : un chien
a doll : une poupe
a dolphin : un dauphin
a donkey : un ane
a door : une porte
a dragon : un dragon
a drawer : un tiroir
a dream : un reve
a dress : une robe
drink : boire
a dromedary : un dromadaire
a drum : un tambour
a duck : un canard
dust : poussire
each : chaque
an eagle : un aigle
an ear : une oreille
early : tot
earth : terre
east : est
an egg : un oeuf
eight : huit
eighteen : dix-huit
an elbow : un coude
an electrician : un lectricien
elegant : lgant
empty : vide
an enemy : un ennemi
enormous : norme
the evening : le soir
an event : un vnement
evil : mchant
an experiment : une exprience
an eye : un oeil
her husband: son mari
his wife : sa femme
the daughter : la fille
the son : le fils
the cousin :le cousin
a fever :la fivre
a fire : un feu
a fish : un poison
five :cinq
a flower : une fleur
a flute : une flute
a fly : une mouche
a fork :une fourchette
a fox : un renard
Friday :vendredi
a fridge : un rfrigrateur
a friend :un ami
frightened : effray
full : rempli
furious : furieux
a game : un jeu
a garden : un jardin
garlic : ail
a gate : un portail
a ghost : un fantome
a giant :un gant
a gift : un cadeau
abandon : abandonner
able : to be able to : etre capable de, pouvoir
Jack is able to eat very much, but sometimes he gets sick.
Abolish : abolir
In France, the death penalty was abolished in october 1981.
Abroad : adv : l'tranger
My family likes to go on holidays abroad, especially in Greece.
absent-minded : adj distrait
absurd : adj ridicul
advantage : avantage
adventure : aventure
adore : adorer
addict :toxicomane
adolescent n adolescent
adopt: adopter
against :
Lara is leaning against the wall
air : n air
in big cities
the air is not as healthy as in the mountain
air conditioning :n climatisation
a lot of cinemas have air conditioning nowadays.
Album : n album
photo album
alcohol : n alcool
you drink too much alcohol. Its not good for your health
allergy : n allergie
allergic : adj allergique
i am allergic to cats but i love them .
allow : permettre , donner la permission
allowance : argent de poche
almost : adv presque
alone : adj seul
along : le long de
i love walking along the beach
alphabet :n alphabet
its 9 pm Terry has already gone to bed
il est 9 h du soir Terry est dja all se coucher
always : adv toujours
amazing : adj extraordinaire
trs surprenant
this magician is amazing !
ambition : n ambition
annoy : v agacer , gener ,irriter
it annoys me when people arrive late.
cela m'agace quand les gens arrivent en retard.
annoyed : adj contrari(e), fach(e)
antenna : antenne
anxious : trs inquiet
apartment : appartement
apologize : s'excuser
appear : apparaitre
appetite : apptit
apple : pomme
approve : approuver
approval :approbation
approximately : adv peu prs
area : rgion , zone
argue : discuter , se disputer
don't argue with him. He is right
arm : bras
dam nom
barrage m
sequel nom
suite f
debatable adjectif
discutable adj
contestable adj
discut adj
flourish verbe
prosprer v
Al-Rashid ruled from 786 to 809, and his time was marked by scientific,
cultural, and religious prosperity.
Islamic art and Islamic music also flourished significantly during his
He established the legendary library Bayt al-Hikma ("House of Wisdom").

tiles : tiles nom, pluriel
tuiles pl
wherever you go in Baghdad you will see domes and minarets ornamented in
blue or glazed tiles, or covered with gold leaf. Many of them belong to
shrines and mosques that have their stories to tell about holy men who
once rendered humanity great services with their teaching, wisdom, and
Leaf : leaf nom, singulier
feuille f
feuillet m

ornament verbe
dcorer v
orner v
some grotesques or reliefs were carved onto a frieze, which is a
horizontal band of decoration around the upper section of a wall, often
ornamented with sculpture.
certains marmousets ou reliefs sont sculpts dans une frise, bordure
ornementale horizontale qu'on trouve la section suprieure d'un mur et
qui est souvent agrmente d'une sculpture.

mankind nom
humanit f
genre humain
the Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last of God?s emissaries (following
in the footsteps of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc) to bring revelation to
mankind. He was distinguished with bringing a message for the whole of
mankind, rather than just to a certain peoples.
resort : resort nom, singulier
station f
recours m
centre de villgiature
the Maldives are a perfect destination whether your dream beach trip
consists of spending a few pampered nights in a four-star resort or
swimming among tropical fish some 80 feet underwater.
picnic : pique-nique
most popular places for tourists, given the crystal clear blue waters and
fine sand. Many of the beaches are places where families can enjoy a nice
stretch verbe
s'tirer v
tirer v
stretch nom, singulier
tirement m
tronon m
stretch adjectif
extensible adj
as you walk along the long stretch of white sand along Boujaffar Beach,
you will also find high-rise hotel buildings alongside. Everyone here
gets to enjoy the clear blue waters and white sand at this beach. This
beach is a great place to enjoy a picnic with your children.

parade nom
parade f
dfil m
revue f
Tunisia's geographical location has meant that many different peoples
have entered and dominated the country. Probably the original population
was Berber speaking.
the parade of invaders began with the Phoenicians, who settled Carthage,
used it as a trading base, and eventually entered into a losing conflict
with Rome. Under the Romans, who dominated Tunisia for several centuries,
Christianity also entered the country.
After the decline of the Romans, the Vandals invaded from the west,
followed by a Byzantine reconquest from the east. The Byzantines were
replaced by Muslim Arabs from the east, but by land, in the seventh
century. Tunisia has been predominantly Arabic-speaking and Muslim since
then, though dynasties have come and gone. After 1574, Tunisia was
incorporated into the Ottoman Empire.
the Spanish held parts of Tunisia briefly before the Ottomans, and the
French ruled Tunisia during the colonial period from 1881 to 1956.
decline nom
dclin m
baisse f
dcadence f
decline verbe
refuser v
dcliner v diminuer
reflect verbe
reflter v
rflchir v
penser v
mditer v
reflect nom
traditional Tunisian cuisine reflects local agriculture. It stresses
wheat, in the form of bread or couscous, olives and olive oil, meat
(above all, mutton), fruit, and vegetables. Couscous (semolina wheat
prepared with a stew of meat and vegetables) is the national dish, and
most people eat
dish nom
plat m
assiette f
repas m
pray verbe
among certain obligations for Muslims are to pray five times a day - at
dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening. The exact time is listed in
the local newspaper each day. Friday is the Muslim holy day so many men
will go for afternoon prayers but unlike many Muslim countries the
weekend is still Saturday and Sunday.
dawn nom
aube f
holy adjectif
saint adj
sacr adj
during the holy month of Ramadan all Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk
and are only permitted to work six hours per day. Fasting includes no
eating, drinking, cigarette smoking, or gum chewing

endowed :
Although Israel was not richly endowed with mineral resources, the Dead
Sea was one of the world's richest sources of potassium chloride(potash),
magnesium bromide, and other salts; more than 1% of the world's
refractory-grade magnesia came from the Dead Sea
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It's worth your attention :
And that's why it's worth your attention, at any stage in your career
Elle mrite donc votre attention, chaque tape de votre carrire

Elle mrite donc votre attention, chaque tape de votre carrire

Today, the men and women of Comau look ahead to the future with optimism,
enthusiasm and passion.

mentalit nom, singulier, fminin
mentality n
mindset n
They stand ready to face new challenges and work daily to ensure that
Comau achieves solid, sustainable growth in every area of the world

Notre plus grand dfi est de changer de mentalit pour adopter une
nouvelle manire de nous situer dans le monde.
Our greatest challenge is to change mentality to a new way of being in
the world.

Un changement de mentalit et de comportement est ncessaire.
A change in thinking and attitudes is necessary.

devote : v consacrer
the Group devotes time and energy to developing the skills and
encouraging the aspirations of the individuals in our team. In fact, we
believe it is important to leave plenty of room for growth - for
individual initiative and enterprise, in order to allow every
individuals talent and creativity to emerge

continuously adverbe
continuellement adv
We look for individuals of value, assess their skills, identify their
talents and create opportunities that will enable them to fully achieve
their potential.
We attach great importance to an individual's aptitude, managerial and
interpersonal skills, as well as to the demonstration of our guiding
During the selection process, we will evaluate the professional
opportunities that best reflect your capabilities and aspirations.

garnered attention : retenu l'attention
Ceramic Engineering is the technology of manufacturing and usage of
ceramic materials. Many engineering applications benefit from ceramics
characteristics as a material.
The characteristics of ceramics have garnered attention from engineers
across the world, including those in the fields: Electrical Engineering,
Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and
many others.
Highly regarded for being resistant to heat, ceramics can be used for
many demanding tasks that other materials like Metal and Polymers can't.

thorough :
This investigation will be thorough.
On peut affirmer que cette enqute sera complte

Ceramics, in addition to being a fine art, also requires a thorough
working knowledge of certain materials.
Whether we need to design a new office building, or a vase for our
bedroom, we need a ceramic engineer.
Someone has to figure out our creative designs into a reality and here
walks in the engineer. A ceramicist joins ceramics and engineering and
helps us to create new and more interesting works with new materials,
which we cant, even dream of.

integrated circuit : puce intgre
The electronics industry is a growth area for this technology, as
ceramics are used as insulators for transistors and integrated circuits.

Refractory ceramics are required in the refining of iron and aluminum,
and this industry is especially in need of this type of worker.

vital role:
Ceramic Engineers are playing a vital role in this new science

experienced :
Ceramic Engineers experienced in both scientific and production aspects
of the profession may also work as administrators, project supervisors,
sales engineers or technical consultants to firms using ceramic materials

They are among the most highly experienced, most trusted and most
accountable organizations in the world.
Ces organisations comptent parmi les plus exprimentes, les plus
prouves et les plus responsables dans le monde

Ceramic engineering is the science and technology of creating ceramic
objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials.
Ceramic materials are used widely from household utensils to spacecraft
as heat-resistant materials.

Ceramic engineering is the science and technology of creating ceramic
objects from inorganic, non-metallic materials.
Ceramic materials are used widely from household utensils to spacecraft
as heat-resistant materials. The special character of ceramic materials
gives rise to many applications in materials, electrical, chemical and
mechanical engineering.

Ceramic engineering refers to the processing and fabrication of
components/ devices/ machines of ceramics for technological applications,
and glasses of various kinds.
The ceramics industry in India is growing.

developed social skills
With commercial ambition and well developed social skills

self motivated

reputation :
corresponding to domains in which it has acquired over the years a
national and international reputation. By expanding its knowledge and
adapting it to the needs of industry, new products are brought to market
and new ventures are creat

fleuri adjectif
flowery adj
ornate adj

The charm of the lovingly tended, wooded and flowing parklands where we
can appreciate the surrounding beauty in total peace and quiet
, and take comfort from the babbling waterfall.

L'agrment d'un parc arbor et fleuri amoureusement entretenu duquel on
profite de la beaut environnante en toute quitude en se laissant bercer
par les murmures d'une cascade.

babbling verbe

babbling verbe

ppite nom, singulier, fminin

set goal
When President Kennedy set a goal of having a person on the moon by the
end of the decade, I think that is what led to the American success,
having an actual end date and a specific time.
Le prsident Kennedy a un jour fix l'objectif d'envoyer quelqu'un sur la
lune avant la fin de la dcennie.

disrupt verbe
perturber v
troubler v dsorganiser v dranger v dsaccoupler v
Evidence shows that migrants might affect and disrupt the internal labour
Certaines donnes montrent que l'immigration pourrait avoir une influence
sur le march du travail intrieur et le dsquilibrer.

daunting adjectif
dcourageant adj
intimidant adj

The lure : l'attrait
The lure of a new BMW is what drives us to
work endless hours, rather than a need to put food on the table.

L'attrait d'une nouvelle BMW est ce qui nous pousse
travailler de longues heures, plutt que de la ncessit de mettre de la
nourriture sur la table.

balance :v
There is nobody else that can create time for you other than
you. Its not going to just happen. The only person that really
cares about how you balance your life is you

survey :survey nom, singulier
enqute f
sondage m
tude f
A Forbes survey in 1991 highlighted the fact that nearly 80 per cent of
the wealth in America is owned
by women over 40. Most of the men who slaved 18 to 20 hours
a day to achieve their great wealth and achievement did not live long
enough to enjoy it. The survey also predicted that most of
those women will probably spend the money before they died.
And who can blame them?

Working Smarter is about approaching your life, work and goals
in a more sustainable, enjoyable and less stressful way than any
other method. It can be used with almost any diary system or time
planner.Working Smarter is a refreshing new approach,a new model, and a
new philosophy which guides you into making
the everyday decisions which affect your enjoyment and your future.

Rose Arianna McGowan (born September 5, 1973) is an American actress and
She is well known for her role as Paige Matthews in The WB Television
Network supernatural drama series Charmed.

ancient :
ancient adjectif
antique adj
ancien adj
historique adj
Here at the Pale Horse studio, I cant stop drawing aliens, mythical
creatures, ancient civilizations, sacred geometry, luchadores and
religious icons.

are developed through
the graphics I've produced for clients like NIKE, WWE, Mini Cooper, DC
Comics and Hasbro are developed through a process of intricate line work
and shading in Photoshop

shaped :
shaped adjectif
faonn a
In this extensively revised new edition of his excellent guidebook,
Christopher Shields introduces the whole of Aristotles philosophy,
showing how his powerful conception of human nature shaped much of his
thinking on the nature of the soul and the mind, ethics, politics, and
the arts.

century : sicle
The Eighteenth century is one of the most important periods in the
history of Western philosophy, witnessing philosophical, scientific, and
social and political change on a vast scale. In spite of this, there are
few single volume overviews of the philosophy of the period as a whole.

exceeds their expectation
Achim Nowak is a highly successful speaker in a very tough market ;he
trains trainers in New York City. It is not an easy task, but he
routinely exceeds their expectations.

focus verbe
se concentrer v
mettre au point v

Achim Nowak is one of the most inspiring speakers I have heard in a very
long time. He has a superior ability to read his audience and
present material in a way :that keeps everyone completely focused and

indebted adjectif
The creation of this book, and my thoughts on the process of becoming a
powerful speaker, have been shaped by the many inspiring individuals
who I have met while teaching and exploring the principles of personal
transformation. I am indebted to every single one of you!

gratitude :
gratitude nom, singulier
gratitude f
Very speci?cally, I wish to express my deep gratitude to:
Sally Fisherfor having faith in me before I did, and giving me the
opportunity to do the real work.

unwavering adjectif
inbranlable adj
indfectible adj

It has been unwavering as long as I have been a member here.
Il a manifest un soutien inbranlable depuis que je suis dput

fortunate : fortunate adjectif
chanceux adj
heureux adj
Sometimes were fortunate to ?nd a teacher who makes a difference,
someone who is able to shape us in a way that transforms what we do
for the rest of our lives. Joy McLean Bos?eld was that teacher in my

I had never heard before.

conducting : conduisant
conducting one of my public-speaking seminars for corporate trainers.
As I coach this group, I witness some of the telltale signs of the novice

One speaker noted the importance of raising awareness and conducting
research as a basis for strategy formulation.
Un orateur a not l'importance de la sensibilisation et de la recherche
pour la formulation des stratgies.

dazzle verbe
blouir v
aveugler v
French production succeeded in presenting this alloy in such an
attractive way that dazzled the whole world".
La production franaise a russi prsenter cet alliage sous une forme
attrayante qui a bloui le monde entier

most importantly:
Finally, and most importantly, I will encourage you to assess and clarify
what you truly project, every time you speak in front of

realm : domaine m
It will lift you into the realm of the power speakers who are able to
transport their audiences into magical
states of ?ow.

dazzled :bloui
The truth of this sentence is revealed to me,again and again, as I listen
to people speak. An audience will be dazzled

guide : V
guider v
diriger v
I will guide you from a practice of the essential skills to the
incorporation of tools that can help you connect with any

guidelines nom, pluriel
lignes directrices

mastery nom
matrise f
A mastery of these skills marks the difference between a beginning and an
advanced public speaker.
master nom, singulier
matre m
professeur m
patron m

knapsack nom
sac dos m
havresac m

He pulled a cassette tape out of his knapsack.
Il sortit une cassette de son sac dos.

tape nom, singulier
ruban m
bande f
cassette f
vidocassette f

homemade adjectif
fait maison adj
artisanal adj

scratchy adjectif
rugueux adj
enrou adj

scratchy voice
scratchy background sound that was
unpleasant to the ear. What really annoyed me

annoy : annoy verbe
agacer v ennuyer v embter v irriter v offusquer
I'll speak about just two other national studies that really annoy me.
Je vais vous parler de deux autres tudes nationales qui me drangent

The tape was simple, homemade, with a scratchy background sound that was
unpleasant to the ear. What really annoyed me, however, was the sound of
the speakers voice: she spoke in a high, shrill pitch

I have just scratched the surface.
Et je n'ai fait que gratter la surface.

shrill adjectif
criard adj
strident adj
perant adj
I am very sorry to have to say it, but the Liberals do not have much
credibility with their shrill demands for more funding for CBC/Radio-
Je suis dsole d'avoir le dire, mais les libraux ne sont pas trs
crdibles quand ils rclament corps et cri un meilleur financement
pour Radio-Canada.

gulp verbe
avaler v
engloutir v
It eats by gulping in a huge mouthful of water and food.

After barely thirty seconds I turned off the tape, irritated by this
unsavory voice, and more than a little peeved with my friend for
suggesting I listen to it in the ?rst place

gathering nom
rassemblement m
runion f ensemble m groupe m ramassage m

gathering nom, singulier
cueillette f assemble f

soiree nom
soire f

vivacious adjectif
vif adj
vivace adj
Her vivacious personality dulled, and her head remained bowed in shame.
Sa personnalit enjoue devient morose et la honte l'oblige garder tte

bowed adjectif
courb adj
bowed in shame.
The school bowed to government pressure and allowed the girl to wear her
L'cole a cd aux pressions du gouvernement et permis la jeune fille
de porter son foulard,

headscarf nom
foulard m

marvel nom
merveille f

We should never cease to marvel at these things.
Nous ne devrions jamais cesser de nous tonner devant ces prodiges.

I marveled with a mixture of awe and disbelief at her seemingly endless
reservoir of energy. Seeing her in person, I recognized the appeal of
this energy.
Je me suis merveill avec un mlange de crainte et d'incrdulit son
rservoir apparemment inpuisable d'nergie. En la voyant en personne,
j'ai reconnu l'attrait de cette nergie.

seemingly adverbe
apparemment adv
vraisemblablement adv
censment adv

seemingly endless
This long, seemingly endless conflict has resulted in countless human
rights violations, including kidnappings, targeted killings and massive
internal displacements
Ce conflit long et persistant a donn lieu d'innombrables violations
des droits humains, dont des enlvements, des meurtres cibls, des
dplacements internes

gesture nom
geste m
signe m
And the gestures and sentences moved too fast
et les gestes et phrases dplacs trop vite

diver nom
plongeur m
scaphandrier m
dive verbe
plonger v
dive nom
plonge f
dive adjectif
During a diver survey conducted in the Sutherlands River in 2002, 15
large and 24 small salmon were observed.
Lors d'un relev en plonge effectu dans la Sutherlands en 2002, on a
observ 15 grands saumons et 24 petits saumons.

brilliance nom
brillance f
clat m
gnie m
A wildlife photographer hides himself in full camouflage just yards from
unsuspecting creatures to capture the brilliance of nature

abandoned adjectif
abandonn adj
dlaiss adj
Photographer Vincent Jansen travels throughout Europe, visiting beautiful
abandoned places. He explores churches, factories, sanatoriums,
mortuaries, villas and theaters, all quietly waiting for renovation or
demolition. His photos show a unique perspective on what is happening
behind the no trespassing signs: where nature is slowly gaining ground
and the desolation, loneliness and decay leave their stunning traces.

mortuary nom
morgue f
The following day, the first author went to Ampara and was shown his
son's body at the mortuary.

sanatorium nom
sanatorium m
I work eight hours a day in the Sanatorium.
Je travaille huit heures par jour au soin des malades.

compete verbe
participer v rivaliser v

muddy adjectif
boueux adj
sale adj
crott adj
morne adj
muddy verbe
salir v

paddy nom, singulier
riz m

An Indonesian jockey competes during a traditional Pacu Jawi, a cow race
on the muddy unplanted paddy fields of Tanah Datar, Indonesia, May 3,
2014. Pacu Jawi is held by farmers before the start of the new harvesting

harvest nom
rcolte f
moisson f
harvesting pourrait tre un participe prsent
harvest verbe
rcolter v vendanger v moissonner v

fresh water nom
eau douce f

renowned adjectif
renomm adj
rput adj
clbre adj
connu adj
minent adj

apart from adverbe
part adv
apart from prposition
hormis prp

Located in Siberia, Laka Baikal is the largest freshwater lake on the
planet that contains approximately 20 percent of the Earths freshwater.
Apart from being the oldest lake in the world at over 25 million years
old, Lake Baikal is also home to over two thousand varieties of flora and
fauna, of which almost 1,600 are endemic to the lake.The water of Lake
Baikal is renowned for being some of the clearest in the world. When the
lake freezes during the winter, an amazing phenomena takes place: large
shards of transparent ice form on the surface of the lake, giving the
amazing appearance of turquoise ice

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