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CIS 433 Electronic Commerce Requirements and Design

Instructor: Krunal Dave

Time&Place: Thursday 06:00pm 09:05pm; (To be decided )
Office hours: To be decided.
Phone: (9!) 596"####; ($0%) 90"%96% (cell phone)
Email: &bd5'n(i).edu * &runalbdave'
Purose of the course: +lec)ronic ,ommerce is rapidly /$/ (/usiness )o /usiness))ool
0or /usiness as .ell as /$, (/usiness To consumer) mar&e)in- sales companies as i) -ives a .ide
re-ions o0 mar&e)* 1upply ,hain 2ana-emen). 3) is re4uired )o have &no.led-e )o .or& in a 0as)
paced and a--ressive sales mar&e). 3)s no) (us) only abou) )echnolo-y bu) also /usiness
s&ills and sa0e and secured Transac)ions and5or 1)ra)e-ies. This course .ould provide &no.led-e
and bac&-round 0rom /asic up )o )he Desi-nin-53mplemen)a)ion o0 )he applica)ions. ,ourse
.ould -ive a clear idea o0 /ene0i)s and 6imi)a)ions o0 +"/usiness 5 +",ommerce and )he )ools )o )o people .ho 4ues)ion )he value* or purpose* o0 havin- an online componen) o0 )heir
mar&e)in- pro-ram.
Prerequisites: 31 7!% or ,1 7!% and 31 !90 or ,1 790.
Course format: The course relies upon lec)ures* on"line -roup discussions* and hands"on .or&
.i)h .eb"applica)ions developmen) )ools da)abase* 8ava " 819 .i)h ,::* and 8ava1crip).
9ro(ec) assi-nmen)s .ill provide a realis)ic se))in- )o develop elec)ronic commerce sys)em
buildin- s&ills.
!!!: This syllabus* announcemen)s and selec)ed course ma)erials are available durin- )he class
as .ell as online ;roup Discussion plus Te<) boo& =e0erence. The >nline discussion 5
su--es)ions -roup .ould be available a) la)er poin) a) )he s)ar)in- o0 )he session.
Imortant announcement and reminders "ill #e osted on class "e#ct or sent to
$our %&IT email account' (ou must chec) class $our %&IT email at least t"ice a
Course goals: ?) )he conclusion o0 )he course you should be able )o:
%) ?naly@e business oppor)uni)ies and challen-es 0or an e"commerce company
$) 3n Dep)h concep) o0 re4uiremen)s 0or an e"commerce applica)ion.
!) Desi-n and 3mplemen) user in)er0ace 0or an e"commerce applica)ion
7) Develop e"commerce .eb ?pplica)ion usin- 8ava " 819 and da)abase (2y14l or >racle)
Reference Te*t#oo) and Readings:
1chneider* ;. 9.* Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave* 5
+di)ion* Thomson ,ourse
Technolo-y* $007. 31/AB 0"6%9"$%!!%"0
Java 2: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition - by Herbert Schild .
31/AB 00$$$7$0
Or Seventh Edition of the ame boo! "o#ld be $ood a "ell% &Java: The Complete
Reference, Seventh Edition' . 31/AB 00$$6!C55
?ddi)ional ar)icles )o be handed ou) in class
+rading: Dour 0inal -rade .ill depend on bo)h your .or& and )he .or& o0 )he o)her s)uden)s in
)he class. The 0inal -rade .ill be .ei-h)ed as 0ollo.s:
7 ?ssi-nmen)s $0 E
Term pro(ec) $5 E
% Fui@ %0 E
?))endance* par)icipa)ion (in"class and online .ebc)) %0 E
2id)erm e<am %5 E
Ginal e<am $0 E
To)al %00 E
O,erflo" +rades: 9lease no)e )ha) any ou)s)andin- H?:I .or& in any o0 )he si< componen)s .ill be
re.arded accordin-ly .i)h a -rade over0lo. in)o )he o)her componen)s.
30 you en)irely miss more )han %5E (in each and every sec)ion men)ioned above) o0 class .or&
.i)hou) appropria)e reasons* your -rade .ill be -. Gor e<ample* i0 you do no) submi) assi-nmen)s
(0or a) leas) %5E o0 $0E) * your -rade .ill be - re-ardless o0 )he scores 0or )he o)her .or&. 3n
compliance .i)h )he depar)men) -uideline* )he 0inal -rades .ill be as 0ollo.s:
1)uden)s .ho score To)al C5 E or plus .ould -e) ?. 5"C5 E : /:. 65 5 E .ould -e) /.
55 65 E ,: and 50 55 E .ould -e) ,.
.ssignments: Durin- )he semes)er you .ill be .or&in- on sys)ems developmen) assi-nmen)s )o
.hich you .ill apply )he concep)s .e are discussin- in class. There .ill be 7 assi-nmen)s )ha)
build upon ano)her.
.ssignment Points Title Due
% %0 Gile upload e<ercise 0$50%
$ %5 JT26 K 8avascrip) 0$5$$
! 75 8ava ?ssi-nmen) % 3mplemen)a)ion 0!5$$
7 !0 ?dvanced Leb developmen) 075$6
/idterm & -inal e*am: The mid)erm K 0inal e<am .ill cover all lec)ures* readin-s* class
discussions* and so0).are demons)ra)ions.
2id)erm e<am .ill be H)a&e homeI e<am .hich .ould be based upon lec)ures )ill mid)erm and
boo& as .ell* .hich .ould con)ain ).o par) one .ill be 0or )heore)ical and )he o)her par) .ill be
basic demo implemen)a)ion and5or codin- )es) in based upon class discussion.
The 0inal e<am .ill be an Min"class*N closed"boo& e<am. 3) .ill call upon your &no.led-e o0 )he
ma)erial covered in class and applica)ion and e<)ension o0 )he ma)erial )o )he real business .orld.
There .ill be no ni)pic&in- on minor de)ails bu) you are accoun)able 0or )he essence o0 all
ma)erials covered in )he class. The ma)erial 0or )he 0inal e<am .ill be revie.ed in )he session prior
)o )he e<am.
Term ro0ect: The purpose o0 )he )erm pro(ec) is )o -ain 0irs)"hand e<perience in elec)ronic
commerce sys)em developmen). The pro(ec) consis)s o0 developin- a business plan* in0orma)ion
sys)ems speci0ica)ions and a pro)o)ype o0 an elec)ronic commerce sys)em 0or a real business or
or-ani@a)ion. The 0inal produc) o0 your pro(ec) .ill be a pro)o)ype )ha) you .ill presen) in )he las)
class session. The )erm pro(ec) .ill be carried ou) in )eams o0 !. The -rade o0 )erm pro(ec) .ill be
.ei-h)ed as 0ollo.s:
Title Points Due
9ro(ec) )eam " 0%5$5
9ro(ec) proposal 5 0$50C
9ro(ec) pro-ress memo % 0!5$$
Ginal repor) K sys)em pro)o)ype %$ 075$6
Ginal 9resen)a)ion 075%9" 075$6
To)al $5
Team ro0ect rogress memo: 1ubmi) a memo brie0ly )ellin- me .ha) each member in your )eam has
done in )he -roup pro(ec) and Gu)ure +<pansion o0 )he pro(ec). ;ive a lis) o0 (ournal papers or .eb lin&s
you have 0ound use0ul )o your pro(ec). 2en)ion any problems or roadbloc&s )ha) you need help .i)h.
1ui2: >ne 4ui@ .ill be )a&en durin- )he second .ee& a0)er mid)erm.
4' Class attendance and cheating
Dou are re4uired )o a))end all class mee)in-s includin- )he on"line discussion (Le,T)
sessions. 30 you mus) miss a class* in0orm me be0orehand ei)her by callin- or via e"mail
(pre0erred). There .ill be %O 5/.6E7PS5 0or any .or& missed due )o une<plainable
absences. Dou have )o provide proo0 documen)s (e.-. doc)orNs no)e) )o -e) a chance 0or
Dou .ill be e<pec)ed )o have prepared 0or each class by readin- )he assi-ned chap)ers and
handou)s. Dou .ill be e<pec)ed )o arrive in )ime and )o remain in class un)il )he end. 30
you mus) arrive la)e or leave early* please in0orm me be0orehand. Dour class par)icipa)ion
-rade .ill be ne-a)ively in0luenced by any la)e arrivals 5 early depar)ures 5 absen)eeism.
A83T Jonor ,ode: 1)uden)s should abide by A83T honor code 0or all your re4uired .or& rela)ed
.i)h )his course. The code is a) h))p:55....n(i).edu5academics5honorcode.php. 30 you chea) in
your assi-nmen)s or any class .or& such as e<ams* you .ill 3OSE !8O3E POI%TS
0or )he assi-nmen) or e<am.
9' In class and "e#ct discussions
There .ill be ! online (.ebc)) discussions )hrou-hou) )he semes)er.The class .ill mee)
once a .ee&. Lebc) discussion is a hal0 o0 )he class mee)in- in )he .ee& )ha) .e have i).
Dou are e<pec)ed )o .CTI:E3( par)icipa)e in )he .ebc) discussion. The discussion
)opics .ill be -iven be0orehand. Dour par)icipa)ion .ill be evalua)ed based on )he cri)eria:
1ualit$: (value )o )he class)* no) )he 4uan)i)y* o0 your inpu).
Originalit$ : Dou should le) us &no. .ha) (O7 T8I%6 abou) )he issue. Dou should
no) simply lis) 0ac)s 0rom o)her sources (ar)icles* .eb pa-es).
Interaction "ith others : Dou are e<pec)ed )o in)erac) .i)h o)hers in classroom and
.ebboard discussions. Dou can commen) on o)hersN messa-es or e<press .he)her you
a-ree or disa-ree and .hy.
3' .ssignments
?ll assi-nmen)s should be handed in be0ore midni-h) o0 )he day )he assi-nmen) is due.
3ate assignments .ill be penali@ed .i)h a minimum 9;< mar)do"n. This helps bo)h
you and me )o s)ay on schedule and is only 0air )o everyone else .ho hands in his or her
.or& on )ime.
?ll assi-nmen)s should be submi))ed elec)ronically ()he ins)ruc)ions .ill be -iven in )he
class) unless ins)ruc)ed di00eren)ly.
;roups 0or 0inal pro(ec) may no) e<ceed )hree s)uden)s. 3) is no) possible )o s.i)ch -roups
durin- )he semes)er.
Dou can as& 4ues)ions or provide su--es)ions usin- )he MGeedbac& 0orumN on class Lebc).
;ood 4ues)ions and su--es)ions .ill be shared in )he class and re0lec)ed )o your
par)icipa)ion -rade.
,ourse 1chedule ,317!!
Session Class Discussion = Teaching oints References
Gounda)ions o0 +,
& (Te<)boo&) ,hap)er %
3n0ras)ruc)ure o0 +,
& JT26
& (Te<)boo&) ,hap)er $
& 9ro(ec) )eam due
+, so0).are
& Gron)"end )ools
& 8ava1crip)
& (Te<)boo&) ,hap)er C K 9
+, 1)ra)e-y K mar&e)in- on )he Leb
+, 1)ra)e-y K /usiness 9lans (/$/)
& (Te<)boo&) ,hap)er ! K 7
& ?ssi-nmen) % due
& 9ro(ec) 9roposal Due
0$5%5 & 8?O? 5 819 3 & ,omple)e 8ava =e0erence
+, ,onsumer /ehavior
9ro(ec) Discussion ;roup 5 >vervie.
2id")erm +<am F K ?
>nline Discussion =evie.
0!50C /id>term E*am
Class Discussion Toic I
& 9ro(ec) 9ro-ress 2emo due
Pro0ect Progress /emo Due

0!5$9 3n)roduc)ion To Da)abase >ver vie. " 33
2y14l =e0erences 5 >racle =e0.
07505 =e4uiremen) ?nalysis o0 +, Lebsi)e
075%$ & 8?O? 5 819 33 8D/, 3n)roduc)ion
Desi-n o0 +, Lebsi)es
9ro(ec) 9resen)a)ion 3
& (Te<)boo&) ,hap)er %0
& ?ssi-nmen) ! due
& 9ro(ec) 9resen)a)ion
9aymen) and 1ecuri)y 3ssues
9ro(ec) 9resen)a)ion 33
Ginal +<am Discussion F K ?
& (Te<)boo&) ,hap)er %% K %$
& 9ro(ec) 9resen)a)ion
0550! -inal E*am
& " /oo& chap)ers & " Larnin-P ?ssi-nmen) due
& " Jands"on )rainin-s and online discussions
The schedule is tentative and you will be notified of any modification to the syllabus throughout the semester.

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