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Annotated Bibliography

Clark, Irene L. Are Writing Centers Ethical? WPA 2.! "#$$%&' (2)!. *rint. + ,ay 2#-.
.heds light on the arg/0ents that 1riting centers are /nethical based on the degree o2
inter3ention by t/tors. By 2oc/sing on the origins o2 established 1riting center policies,
e4a0ining plagiaris0, intellect/al property rights, and the rise and li0itations o2 1riting center
orthodo4y, the a/thors atte0pt to decipher alternati3e directi3e t/toring policies. 5his 0ay be
help2/l to those e4a0ining noninter3entionist policies and t/toring approaches that 0ay help both
st/dent and t/tor.
6eller, Anne E., 7rankie Condon, and ,eg Carroll. B8L9' 5he E3eryday Writing Center and the
*rod/ction o2 :e1 ;no1ledge in Antiracist 5heory and *ractice. Writing Centers and the New
Racism: A Call for Sustainable Dialogue and Change. Eds. La/ra 6reen2ield and ;aren <o1an.
Logan, =tah' =tah .tate =*, 2##. ##)#2(. *rint.
:arrates the 1ays t/tors at the =ni3ersity o2 :ebraska Lincoln "=:L& co0e to /nderstand the
1ays instit/tional, ad0inistrati3e, and pedagogical i0plications play o/t in the 1riting center.
5he a/thors also pro3ides e4plore notions o2 1hite sha0e and 1hite pri3ilege 1ithin their
st/dent body. this 0ay be help2/l to those 1riting abo/t 1ays st/dents and st/dent 1orkers 1rite
and /nderstand race.
6reen2ield, La/ra. 5he >.tandard English? 7airy 5ale.Writing Centers and the New Racism: A Call for
Sustainable Dialogue and Change. Eds. La/ra 6reen2ield and ;aren <o1an. Logan, =tah' =tah
.tate =*, 2##. (()!$. *rint.
Interrogated the 0yth that .tandard English is the 0ost sophisticated and enriching lang/age that
st/dents 0/st adhere to by s/ggesting that lang/ages cannot be standardi@ed. .he categori@es
broken and nat/ral speakers o2 English to 0ake this distinction. 5his 0ay be help2/l to those
cond/cting research on topics pertaining to .tandard English and the relationship bet1een
lang/age"s& and st/dent achie3e0ent.
6ri00, :ancy ,. <etheori@ing Writing Center Work to 5rans2or0 a .yste0 o2 Ad3antaged Based on
<acis0. Writing Centers and the New Racism: A Call for Sustainable Dialogue and Change.
Eds. La/ra 6reen2ield and ;aren <o1an. Logan, =tah' =tah .tate =*, 2##. +!)$$. *rint.
7oc/ses on 3ario/s 0ottos by 1hich t/tors are to abide to 1hen t/toring a st/dent. 5hese 0ottos
0ay either li0it or restraint a t/tor 2ro0 pro3iding the e22ecti3e strategies to help st/dents
i0pro3eAenhance their 1riting. .he 2oc/ses on independent roles o2 both st/dent and t/tor in
1riting center disco/rse. 5his 0ay be help2/l to those cond/cting research on 1ays to pro0ote
identities o2 participation and notions o2 practice in 1riting center pedagogy.
Bones, Casey. 5he <elationship Bet1een Writing Centers and I0pro3e0ent in Writing Ability' An
Assess0ent o2 the Literat/re. Ed/cation 22.# "2#&' ()#C. Acade0ic .earch Elite. Web. $ ,ay
By 2oc/sing on the a/thor?s personal e4perience, theoretical possibilities o2 1riting centers, and
analy@ing 3ario/s s/r3eys dedicated to progra0 descriptions, the a/thor atte0pts to 0eas/re
the in2l/ence that 1riting centers ha3e on indi3id/al st/dent 1riting. 5his article 0ay be help2/l
to those cond/cting research on 0ethodological proble0s in 1riting center research and
i0pro3e0ent on st/dent 1riting ability.
8@ias, ,oira and Beth 6odbee. 8rgani@ing 2or Antiracis0 in Writing Centers' *rinciples 2or Enacting
.ocial Change. Writing Centers and the New Racism. Eds. La/ra 6reen2ield and ;aren <o1an.
Logan, =tah' =tah .tate =*, 2##. #!)#+(. *rint.
5he p/rpose o2 this article is three 2old' ackno1ledging the need 2or 1riting centers to organi@e
against racist dri3en ideologies, identi2ying g/iding principles and tactics 2or antiracist
pedagogy, and diologic pedagogies o2 1riting centers. 5his 0ay be help2/l to those doing
research on 1hether racis0 is e4istent in 1riting centers.
Dillan/e3a, Dictor. 5he <hetorics o2 <acis0. Writing Centers and the New Racism. Eds. La/ra
6reen2ield and ;aren <o1an. Logan, =tah' =tah .tate =*, 2##. #+)(2. *rint.
Conte4t/ali@es the ter0, racis0, as a ter0 that has not been aro/nd long, b/t that 2/nctions as a
1ay o2 identi2ying certain gro/ps o2 people. Ee begins by co0paring :o0os and Ecclesia, then
0o3es on to e4plain the rise o2 race in a ne1 1orld generated thro/gh science, and 0o3es to the
ne1 racis0. 5his article 1o/ld be help2/l in st/dying the progression o2 racis0 1ithin the

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