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Present continuous, form

The present continuous of any verb is composed of two parts - the present tense of the verb to
be + the present participle of the main verb.
(The form of the present participle is: base+ing, e.g. talking, playing, moving, smiling)
Subject + to be + base+ing
she is talking

Subject + to be + not + base+ing
she is not (isn't) talking

to be + subject + base+ing
is she talking?
Example: to go, present continuous
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am going am not going !m going?
You are going "ou aren't going# !re you going?
He, she, it is going $e% she% it isn't going s he% she% it going?
We are going &e aren't going !re we going?
You are going "ou aren't going !re you going?
They are going They aren't going !re they going?
Note: alternative negative contractions: I'm not going, you're not going, he's not going etc.
2. Present Continuous, function
!s with all tenses in 'nglish% the speaker's attitude is as important as the time of the action
or event# &hen someone uses the present continuous% they are thinking about something that
is unfinised or incomplete#
The present continuous is used
to describe an action that is going on at this moment e#g#
!ou are using the Internet# !ou are stud"ing English grammar.
to describe an action that is going on during this period of time or a trend% e#g#
#re "ou still $orking for the same company? More and more people are
to describe an action or event in the future% which has already been planned or prepared
((ee also '&ays of e)pressing the future) e#g#
%e're going on holiday tomorro# &'m meeting my boyfriend tonight# #re te"
'isitingyou ne)t winter?
to describe a temporary event or situation% e#g#
!e usually plays the drums, but e's pla"ing bass guitar tonight# "he eather forecast as
good, but it's raining at the moment.
with 'always% forever% constantly'% to describe and emphasise a continuing series of
repeated actions% e#g#
!arry and #ally are al$a"s arguing$ !ou're fore'er complaining about your mother%in%
Complete with the verbs in present continuous
1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.
2. Usually, I (ork) as a secretary at !"#, but this su$$er I
(study) %rench at a lan&ua&e school in 'aris. #hat is hy I a$ in 'aris.
(. Shhhhh) "e *uiet) +ohn (sleep) .
,. -on.t for&et to take your u$brella. It (rain) .
/. I hate livin& in Seattle because it (rain, alays) .
0. I.$ sorry I can.t hear hat you (say) because everybody (talk)
so loudly.
1. +ustin (rite, currently) a book about his adventures in #ibet. I hope
he can find a &ood publisher hen he is finished.
2. +i$3 -o you ant to co$e over for dinner toni&ht4
-enise3 5h, I.$ sorry, I can.t. I (&o) to a $ovie toni&ht ith so$e friends.
6. #he business cards (be, nor$ally ) printed by a co$pany in 7e 8ork.
#heir prices (be) ine9pensive, yet the *uality of their ork is *uite &ood.
1:. #his delicious chocolate (be) $ade by a s$all chocolatier in ;urich,
=o$plete ith verbs in present continuous
*) !le)ander a film# (to $atc)
+) &e a computer game# (to pla")
,) The dog at the cat# (to bark)
-) .eter his rabbits# (to feed)
/) .hilipp and 0ohnny a song# (to sing)
1) 2ary her hair# (to $as)
3) to 4oris# (to talk)
5) .eggy a picture# (to dra$)
6) $enry and his sister their mother# (to elp)
*7) "ou the poem by heart# (to learn)
Complete with present simple or cont.
('lay) I &olf every eekend.
('lay) #he children outside at the $o$ent.
(>ork) ?aruka today.
(>ork) 8ou can@t borro $y lan$oer because it doesn@t
(Make) S$ells &ood) >hat are you 4
(Make) My husband never $e breakfast.
(Aive) 'auline is in ?on& Bon&.
(Aive)-o you still ith your parents4

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