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Study guide Exam #2

Oral Comprehension:
-You will hear one person description recorded for a French reality TV show. The first time
simply listen and try to get the gist of what you hear. The second time write the answers down
in ENGLISH and the third time chec! your answers.
*s +atthieu the youngest or the oldest of the contestants,
-ow old is +atthieu,
.here does he li&e,
.hat does he do for a li&ing,
-ow does he descri/e himself,
For this you need to re&iew the &oca/ulary of self-description. 0age 21 2competence 34
$2 2competence ' and 24 '55 2competence '4 678 to learn the &oca/ulary page 29:-299 2all
Reading Comprehension:
Test de connaissance de soi-mme. 28o not fill out this test4 ;ust answer the <uestions that
follow it in English.
1. Attachez-vous de limportance votre apparence physique?
a. Vous vous maquillez tous les jours
b. Jamais
c. Seulement pour les grandes occasions
2.Comment voulez-vous rencontrer votre compagnon?
a. Coup de foudre
b. Par un ami
c. Au travail
3. Avec vos amis vous tes?
a. Distant, ce sont eu qui viennent ! vous
b. "oujours en train de prendre des nouvelles
c. #n peu des deu.
4. ue supportez-vous le moins dans une relation ?
a. $a jalousie
b. $%infid&lit&
c. $a vanit&
5. uel genre de personne tes-vous?

a. Vous aimez rester seul et faire les tac'es domestiques
b. Vous sortez tous les soirs pour faire la f(te.
c. Vous aimez vous reposer et lire ou faire une sieste.

6ccording to this test
= what are two ways to meet your future companion,
= what are the options to determine what !ind of person you are,
= what is a good way to see if a person cares a/out her appearance or not,
For this you need to re&iew and learn the same &oca/ulary as for the oral
comprehension. Voca/ulary of relationship daily routine=
1) La vie de tous les jours. Use the following verbs to describe your typical day. Please conjugate
the verbs in the present tense or in the future prcohe
1. Demain, je ________me brosse________________________ (se brosser les dents
!. "n g#n#ral, tu ______ne te ma$uilles pas_______________________ (ne%pas &se ma$uiller
3. 'a semaine prochaine, ils _____ne s(ennuient pas_____________________ (ne%pas&
s)ennuyer * mourir che+ tante ,#l-ne.
4. .ous ___nous parlons_________________________ (se parler trois fois par jour au
/or this you need to review 0 .e1 pas surrounds the conjugated verb. (page 23
4ou need to also review how to conjugate a refle5ive verb in the present tense. Page !36&
!37. and in the future proche page !2! or 8b.
2) Une relation en pril. 9rite 6 sentences describing what happens in a poor relationship, using
at least 6 of the following verbs0 se quitter, sentendre, se rencontrer, se perdre de vue, se
disputer Please conjugate all verbs in the present tense. :nd add adverbs li;e souvent, toujours,
ne...jamais, rarement1.
1 <iley =yrus et sa m-re se disputent tout le temps.
! 8ob l>#ponge et Patric; s(entendent souvent
? 8lanche neige et les sept nains s(entendent toujours
6 :ngelina @olie et 8rad Pitt se rencontrent d(habitude
AB .ote that 0 :dverbs that tell how much, how often, or how well you do something are
generally placed immediatly :/C"D the verb. ,owever, d>abord, $uel$ue fois and
d>habitude are normally placed at the beginning or end of the clause and comme ci comme Ea
is placed at the end.
AB Deview the conjuguation of Fre verbs page !23.
AB 4ou need to also review how to conjugate a refle5ive verb in the present tense. Page !36&!37
or 8b.
3. Qui fait quoi =hoose the logical !re verb and conjugate it in the present tense.
1. <arie_______vend_______________ (r#pondre%vendre ses vGtements.
!. @e _______________descends______ (descendre%revendre l)escalier tr-s vite.
?. Cu________t(entends__________________________ (s>entendre%prendre bien avec tes
6. "lles _____r#pondent____________________ (attendre%r#pondre tout le temps au t#l#phone.
7. Hous _____vous perde+_________________________ (perdre% se perdre dans le parc.
/or this you need to review the Fre verbs page !23 and how to conjugate a
reciprocal%refle5ive verb in the present tense. Page !36&!37.
4. "er#es rflchis $ %ass =ompos# &U Imparfait J (select the right tense
Hous _imp_____________________________ (se reposer dimanche matin $uand soudain vous
___vous_ Gtes r#veilles_________ (se r#veiller en sursaut (startled vous rappelant $ue vous
____________________________ (devoir appeler votre grand&m-re. Hotre sKur
________________________ (oublier aussi, mais votre grand&m-re
__________________________ (ne%pas F Gtre fLch#e. =ela m)est arriv# une fois avec mon p-re,
mais nous __________________________ (se parler, nous _____________________________
(se r#concilier et nous __________________________ (se pardonner. Muand je
_________________ (Gtre jeune, je m(ai entendu _________________________ (s)entendre
mal avec mon p-re, mais aujourd>hui Ea va mieu5 N
/or this you need to review how to conjugate a refle5ive%reciprocal verb in the pass#
compos# and in the imparfait tenses. Page !OP%!O!. :nd review when to use those tenses. Page
!7? or 8b. :nd to review the Fre verbs conjuguation page !23
'. Les prono(s relatifs que, qui et dont. Use either qui)que)qu)dont to complete the following
1. Cu as des amis _______ s>int#ressent * l>art J
!. Il y a trois choses _______ j>ai peur.
?. 'a personne _______ il est amoureu5 est derri-re toi.
6. 'a pi-ce de th#Ltre _______ il a vu #tait g#niale.
7. @e pr#f-re un partenaire _______ cultive son corps..
3. @e pr#f-re la musi$ue _______ on fait maintenant.
2. Hoici la description de l)homme ________ je me souviens.
O. Hous aime+ les gens ______ jouent de la guitare J
Q. Paul est le garEon ______ tu souhaites #pouser J
1P. =)est $uel$u)un _______ est venu en /rance il y a longtemps.
*+,-. topic of the (ini co(position $
QU,./0*1* %,/.0*$ -&1%&20.0&3
In a well organized, coherent paragraph, tell what you did before you left the
house last Saturday. Describe what you did using as many different reflexive verbs
as possible in the pass compose and imparfait. Incorporate vocabulary from the
chapter as well. Write at least ! sentences in "rench.
Overall: You need to re&iew pages 29$#291 and 29:#299.
If you have any question, need extra help, or else please do not hesitate to contact me.
Bonne chance!

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