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1.Ceea ce are nevoie lumea este o crestere sanatoasa , durabila. Pentru a realiz
a o crestere durabila - o crestere compatibila cu nevoile si constrngerile naturi
i - trebuie sa asigure legatura dintre politicile de mediu si economice la toate
nivelurile de guvernare si n toate sectoarele economiei.Armonizarea expansiunii
economice cu protectia mediului necesita o recunoastere a faptului ca exista ben
eficii de mediu pentru cresterea economica, la fel cum exista beneficii economic
e de la sistemele naturale sanatoase. Buna crestere unifica probleme de mediu, s
ociale si economice, si subliniaza responsabilitatea tuturor persoanelor fizice
pentru a sustine o relatie sanatoasa cu natura.
1. Agricultural land represents about 30% of the total area of the UK, and among
agricultural commodities include grain, sugar beets, fruits and vegetables.
2. In the United States occupies only 21% arable land ; here is growing corn, so
ybeans, wheat, cotton, tobacco, sorghum, potatoes and fruits (lemons, oranges, t
angerines, pineapples, apples, peaches, grapes, etc.)
3. Livestock plays a significant role in the U.S. economy, particularly the grow
th of cattle, pigs and horses.
4. Although only 7% of the territory is for agriculture, Canada is one of the ma
jor world producers of wheat, other important agricultural products are barley,
oats, flax, canola, potatoes and tomatoes.
5. Australia is one of the leading exporters of beef and lamb, wool and wheat, a
lthough only about 9% of the land is arable.
(Tourist) - Hello , I`m a British tourist and I want to visit your country .
(T) - What can I see? What do you recommend?
(ME) - Hello . Yes , I can help you .
(M) - Romania is a beautiful country and you can visit a lot of tourist attracti
(T) - I`m very curious .What attraction are in North of Romania?
(M) - In North of Romania you can visit Bucovina and Maramures . There you can v
isit the old churches and ancient towns.Architecture shows how both homes and ch
urches were built, such as structured home and as wood carved sides.Life and sty
le presents traditional style of life, still present in the region that can be c
onsidered a living museum.
(T) - Fabulous. I am amazed by what I hear . Tell me , you know something about
Dobrogea and Transylvania ?
(M) - Yes .Transylvania is by far the most romantic and inspiring of Romania's p
rovinces.The medieval cities, fortresses, castles, and fortified churches of Tra
nsylvania contribute to its attractiveness, and are living remnants of the areas
colorful, turbulent, and ancient history.
(T) - Woww , you have a beautiful country .
(M) - In Dobrogea you can visit the ruins of the ancient town of Tomis (now Cons
tanta),he beach resorts on the Black Sea coast(Mamaia, Neptun-Olimp,Eforie Nord,
Costinesti, Mangalia),the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve third largest biodiver
sity in the world
(T) - Thank you very much for help . You must be proud, you have a beautiful cou
ntry with many nice places
(M) -Yes , Romania is a nice country .
(T) - Goodbye ,thanks.

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