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Here's how Nokia !escribe the report:
"ince #$$#% we&'e consistently reporte! on corporate responsibility% an! each year we
buil! upon our transparency an! co'era(e of issues. )o!ay% our report co'ers the ethical%
socio*economic an! en'ironmental areas most rele'ant to Nokia&s business an! its
)he Nokia +eople , +lanet -eport #$1# is split into Nokia&s efforts for people an! the
planet. )he +eople section !iscusses how mobile technolo(y can be harnesse! for the
(oo! of in!i'i!uals an! communities% but it also co'ers challen(es we face! in #$1# as
well as how this impacte! our employees an! the communities in which we operate. )he
+lanet part reports on our initiati'es to minimi.e the potential ne(ati'e impacts on the
en'ironment an! the positi'e contributions mobile !e'ices can make to the planet. )he
report is only a'ailable in !i(ital format% as we want to print less.
)he reports talks in !etail about the positi'e an! ne(ati'e aspects of Nokia's business
operations% an! !etails the company's o'erall performance% whether it met its tar(ets% an!
plans for the future.
Here are some selecte! hi(hli(hts from the report:
Corporate taxation
Nokia says that% /as a (oo! corporate citi.en Nokia pays the amount of ta0 le(ally !ue
an! obser'es all applicable rules an! re(ulations in each country where it operates/. )he
report notes that the company has followe! the same centralise! business mo!el in the
allocation of ta0able income since the early 199$s. 1n essence% the ma2ority of profit 3an!
loss4 is carrie! by the business in 5inlan!% with a smaller portion carrie! in the countries
in which Nokia operates. 6lthou(h it's not specifically mentione! in the report for
ob'ious reasons% this is in sharp contrast to a number of other technolo(y companies who
ha'e been in the hea!lines for offshorin( profits in low corporate ta0 2uris!ictions.
6s a result of Nokia's new strate(y 3switch to 7in!ows +hone4 there were a lar(e number
of 2ob losses. 1n or!er to help employees affecte! by the re!uctions Nokia establishe! a
support pro(ram call 8ri!(e. 8y the en! of #$1# 17%$$$ employees ha! participate! in
the pro(ram% an! almost 1%$$$ new businesses ha'e been set up by former employees.
)here are four support paths for those employees affecte! by the transformation:
9 6 new 2ob within the company : Nokia will seek to retain talent to the e0tent possible%
by pro'i!in( career counselin( an! helpin( employees i!entify 2ob opportunities in
9 6 new 2ob outsi!e the company : Nokia will offer career counselin(% help i!entify 2ob
opportunities an! work with our e0tensi'e network to create a !e!icate! 2ob portal%
linkin( employees !irectly with local companies an! their resourcin( nee!s. 6ll
employees can remain with the company throu(hout #$11% while employees affecte! in
#$1# will be (i'en a two*month (race perio!. 1n a!!ition% employees will recei'e a
financial packa(e in accor!ance with local practices shoul! they lea'e Nokia.
9 ;ntrepreneurship : Nokia will offer trainin(% fun!in(% an! help i!entify business
opportunities an! partnerships for those intereste! in startin( a new business or a
company on their own% which can fuel new (rowth for impacte! communities.
9 <areer renewal : Nokia will work with local partners to create new opportunities
throu(h co*fun!e! research pro(rams% scholarships% supporte! employment in local not*
for*profit or(ani.ations an! other (rowth companies.<"-News/<"-News_"how_;N.asp=1>?13@33

Environmental design
6 !e!icate! !esi(n for en'ironment 3>5f;4 specialists work acti'ely throu(hout e'ery
pro!uct !e'elopment pro2ect at Nokia% 'erifyin( le(al an! 'oluntary tar(et compliance% as
well as promotin( sustainable alternati'es for materials an! other !esi(n consi!erations.

A'er the last !eca!e Nokia has re!uce! the (reenhouse (as footprint of their phones by

1n #$1# Nokia banne! the use! of ra!ioacti'e substances in all pro!ucts% packa(in(% an!
internal pro!uction processes. )his in the latest in a lon( line of substance na! material
mana(ement policies. 5or e0ample% the use of perfluorooctanoic aci! 3+5A64 was
restricte!% an! in #$1$ all Nokia pro!ucts were free from bromine an! chlorine
compoun!s relate! to flame retar!ants.

1n #$1# Nokia retail packa(in( material use! 1@%@75 tonnes of paper 3on a'era(e 5#B
recycle!4 an! a futher 9%5C9 tonnes of paper 3on a'era(e @9B recycle!4 in transport
packa(in( material.

A'er the last 1$ years Nokia has re!uce! the no*loa! consumption of its char(ers by 73B
3i.e. char(er plu((e! in% but not bein( acti'ely use! for char(in(4. )he best*in*class
char(ers ha'e seen a 9$B re!uction.

)he a'era(e no*loa! power consumption on Nokia char(ers shippe! in #$1# was $.$9@7%
a re!uction of 13B from the pre'ious year.

1n #$1# all new Nokia !e'ices are bein( shippe! with four or fi'e star char(er.

D$B of the electricity use! by Nokia comes from renewable sources

Nokia aims to re!uce <A# emissions by a minimum of 3$B by #$#$ 3from a #$$C
baseline4. )he #$13 emissions fi(ure was !own #9B from #$$C.

Nokia re!uce! <A# emissions from air tra'el by 5DB from #$11 to #$1# in total% an! by
39B when calculatin( re!uctions per employee. 1n part this was !ue to the installation
an! (reater use of new 'i!eo conferencin( facilities.
Nokia Launches its Recycle Program
-ecyclin( $5 #$C03$$ Nokia Eaunches its -ecycle +ro(ram a <ustomers "ocial
-esponsibility+akistan has become @Cth country in the worl! where Nokia has launche!
its recyclin( pro(ram% throu(h a press e'ent in Farachi.
G)ake 8ackH pro(ram will ha'e recycle bo0es at all 9 Nokia <are centers across the
country. 6lon( with% there woul! be D$$I collection points an! a mobile 'an in Farachi
to ser'e urban mobile market.
)he initiati'e is launche! to in'ite the mobile phone users to recycle their ol! phones.
Nokia isn&t acceptin( only Nokia ma!e mo!els% but also "amsun(% "iemens an! other
makes are also encoura(e! to be !roppe! into -ecycle 8o0es.
Joreo'er% customers can !rop ol! batteries% char(ers or any other accessories in !rop
bo0es too.

7hen aske! about any incenti'es offere! to customers or society in return% Nokia sai!
that there are no incenti'es for customers in this. )hey will ha'e to !rop their phones for
no*return at allK
"o there is no monetary a!'anta(e in'ol'e! here. Nokia assumes that it&s the customer&s
social responsibility.
Howe'er% for society&s betterment% Nokia sai! that it will re*in'est money sa'e! throu(h
recyclin(% which ultimately will help company brin( better !e'ices at low cost.
1n response to a Luestion that there are alrea!y options a'ailable to customers where they
can sell their ol!/useless phones for -s. #$$ or so% Nokia sai! GNaiki ki koi keemat nae
>urin( the briefin(% Nokia sai! that !e'ices collecte! throu(h this pro(ram will be
shippe! back to Hun(ry. 7hen aske! about the establishment of a recyclin( unit in
+akistan% Nokia e0plaine! that transportin( it outsi!e +akistan is less costly than actually
maintainin( the plant here.
5ollowin( are other hi(hli(hts of Nokia&s 8riefin(:
Nokia is sa'in( some 5$$ million ;uros% (lobally% out of this recyclin( pro(ram
Nokia was the first company in +akistan to intro!uce simple packa(in(.
@$ percent of Nokia&s new !e'ices are recycle*able. New packa(in( is also ma!e
up to C5B of recyclable material. 1t&s free of +M< since #$$C.
6ccor!in( to Nokia&s country mana(er in +akistan% a'era(e life of cell phone is
one an! a half year or two at most.
6ccor!in( to a sur'ey con!ucte! by Nokia% only 3B people know about
recyclin(. 7DB ha'e no i!ea about it. 5$B of the people are unaware that it is
possible to recycle mobile phone
1nterestin( fact: 6ccor!in( to Nokia&s sur'eys almost @B of cell phones are stolen
each year.
Nokia has been tryin( to re!uce the cost of cell phones so basically they are
puttin( their sa'e! money in re!ucin( the cell phone cost.$1$/1$/1D/nokia*launches*its*recycle*pro(ram/
Nokia Recycling Program Envisions A Greener Pakistan
Nokia -ecyclin( ;n(lish +icture -elease 1C703$$ Nokia -ecyclin( +ro(ram ;n'isions 6
Nreener +akistanNokia recently kicke!*off a two month lon( Jobile +hone )ake 8ack
an! -ecyclin( <ampai(n in collaboration with Ofone% Onile'er% -a!io 5J 91% 6-P
Jusic% Arient 6!'ertisin( an! Onite! Je!ia.
6ll the companies in'ol'e! in the campai(n 2oine! han!s to impro'e the en'ironmental
awareness in +akistan an! to pro'i!e an easily accessible solution for responsible
recyclin( of mobile phones% accessories% char(ers an! mobile batteries of all bran!s.
-ecyclin( is processin( ol! materials into somethin( new in or!er to pre'ent wastin(
useful material% to cut !own on ener(y consumption an! to re!uce the nee! for waste lan!
fillin( that can spoil +akistan&s en'ironment.
+eople all across +akistan are contributin( to the campai(n by recyclin( ol! an!
re!un!ant or e'en broken mobiles that are no lon(er of use. )akin( part in this campai(n
is easy: simply brin( your ol! mobile !e'ices% char(ers% batteries an! accessories of all
bran!s to one of the 33 Nokia <are <entres or Ofone "ales an! "er'ice <entres across the
)he campai(n will (i'e a free (ift hamper from Onile'er an! a chance to win a bran!
new Nokia N@ !e'ice only if person will !rop off a mobile phone for recyclin( 3all
bran!s accepte!4.
Nokia Jobile +hone )ake 8ack an! -ecyclin( +ro(ram rolle! out in +akistan !urin(
#$1$. 6t this point in time% Nokia aims to increase awareness about why it is important to
recycle your ol! phone an! how easy it can be !one.
)alkin( about Nokia&s contribution to en'ironment in +akistan% 6!eel Hashmi%
<ommunications Jana(er% Nokia +akistan , 6f(hanistan% sai!%
Nokia has a comprehensi'e sustainability an! en'ironmental strate(y an! recyclin( is
one of the key aspects co'ere!. 7e un!erstan! that lea!ership means responsibility% that&s
why at Nokia we consi!er the en'ironment in e'erythin( we !o an! e'en (o beyon! our
own operations an! pro!ucts: we want to (i'e that chance to our consumers as well
because we un!erstan! that a power of a billion people can !o a lot of (oo! to our

1f the D.C billion people usin( mobile phones recycle! 2ust one unuse! phone at the en! of
its life% to(ether we woul! sa'e nearly 37$%$$$ tons of raw materials an! re!uce
(reenhouse (ases to the same effect as takin( C million cars off the roa!.
6ccor!in( to Nokia&s (lobal consumer sur'ey on recyclin(% only 3B of people sai! they
ha! recycle! their ol! phone : whereas DDB of ol! mobile phones are lyin( at home for
no use an! not bein( recycle!. )he sur'ey re'eale! that one of the main reasons why so
few people recycle their mobile phones is because they simply !on&t know that it is
possible to !o so.
Jobile !e'ices an! accessories contain raw materials which : if recycle! in a responsible
hi(h stan!ar! process : can be reuse! in many ways to make new thin(s% such as musical
instruments or e'en !ental fillin(s. 1$$ percent of the materials in Nokia !e'ices can be
reco'ere! an! use! to make new pro!ucts or (enerate ener(y.
<ommentin( on the campai(n kick*off% -e.a 8urney% <ountry <are Jana(er Nokia
+akistan , 6f(hanistan sai!%
G1t is an e0citin( moment for Nokia to brin( an opportunity for +akistani consumers to
make a positi'e contribution to the en'ironment. Nokia has more than 5%$$$ recyclin(
points (lobally in almost 1$$ countries. 1n +akistan% we initiate! an awareness !ri'e to
help people un!erstan! recyclin( an! its benefits% an! in a!!ition we facilitate that all
collecte! !e'ices% char(ers% accessories an! batteries are recycle! in a responsible way
accor!in( to hi(h en'ironmental stan!ar!s.
8y workin( to(ether% small in!i'i!ual actions can a!! up to make a bi( !ifference an! we
ha'e ma!e recyclin( ol! mobile phones 'ery simple for people. 6ll they nee! to !o is
!rop in the ol! mobile phone% char(er% battery or accessories of any bran! at one of our
collection points an! we&ll take care of the rest.
Nokia !oes neither resell the phones nor carry out refurbishment business as there is no
control o'er the Luality or safety of the phones after restoration. 1nstea!% Nokia works
with carefully selecte!% appro'e! recyclers who reclaim materials accor!in( to hi(hest
en'ironmental an! international stan!ar!s.$11/$5/1$/nokia*recyclin(*pro(ram*en'isions*a*(reener*pakistan/
Nokia Care brings Amaing Eid !""er "or Nokia Lumia "ans
<arin( for the +akistani consumers in a manner that is only appropriate to the Holy
month of -ama!an followe! by the ;i! celebrations% Nokia <are brin(s an ;i!
offer to a!! more !eli(ht an! 2oy in your life this ;i!. Nokia <are is offerin( a massi'e
D$B on Nokia Q8E +lay Op an! Nokia +ower Op "peakers on purchase of any Nokia
Eumia phone. )his offer is only 'ali! when purchasin( the Nokia Eumia phone from any
Nokia <are <entre. )he complete list of Nokia <are <entre location is a'ailable on Nokia
+akistan 5acebook pa(e.
5or all those Nokia fans out there who always wante! to own a 7in!ows phone% this is
2ust the ri(ht time to buy their Nokia Eumia phone an! share more happiness with their
frien!s an! family. )he offer seems (oo! enou(h to bri(hten up the !ay of any Nokia
Eumia fan with a chance to buy must*ha'e accessories that can really accentuate the
o'erall Nokia Eumia e0perience.
Nokia always comes up with some promotional offer or the other on e'ery ;i!. )his time
is no e0ception. Howe'er% what is !ifferent about the ;i! promotion this time is that the
promotion is a'ailable e0clusi'ely 'ia Nokia <are <entre an! the (oo! news is that
e'eryone is (oin( to be a winner.
#he t$o companies signed a memorandum o" agreement by the virtue o" $hich both
kinds o" %ong &'Ms $ill be available at () Nokia Care centres in Pakistan and
Nokia phones can be purchased "rom all %ong C&Cs*
1slamaba! : #Dth Actober% #$13: Ron( has si(ne! a JoO with Nokia <are accor!in( to
which both "1Js of Ron( will be a'ailable at all Nokia <are centers an! Nokia phones
will be ma!e a'ailable for purchase at all Ron( <ustomer "er'ice <enters 3<"<4 across
the country. )he JoO was si(ne! at Ron(&s hea!Luarters in 1slamaba!.
)his collaboration is probably the first of its kin! in the robustly !e'elopin( telecom
market of country. 6ccor!in( to the partnership% both companies will be able to increase
their outreach to customers an! facilitate them in a better way by offerin( bun!le!
<ommentin( on the occasion% Jr. 6rif "hafiLue% country (eneral mana(er% Nokia
+akistan state!: GNokia +akistan an! Ron( ha'e 2oine! han!s to promote a uniLue
collaboration in the telecom sector !ue to which the two companies will be able to set a
new stan!ar! in customer facilitation. 6s customers remain at the heart of all Nokia
pro!ucts% we want to pro'i!e them with the best mi0 of pro!ucts an! ser'ices. Nokia has
always en'isione! connectin( the nation to(ether an! thus we take our 'ision further
throu(h such en!ea'ors. Aur !e'ices enable our customers to (et the most out of their
social lifestyle by connectin( with e'erythin( that matters to them. )he a'ailability of
Ron( "1Js at all Nokia <are centers means that our customers can now benefit from a
reliable cellular network which is the fastest (rowin( at present in +akistanH.
"peakin( at the si(nin( ceremony% Jr. 5an Pun2un% <;A% Ron( sai!: GRon( remains
committe! to the a!'ancement of telecom sector in +akistan. )hrou(h our partnership
with Nokia <are% we aim to take our commitment further by enhancin( the offerin(s at
our <ustomer "er'ice <enters an! increase our customers& outreach in +akistan 'ia Nokia
<are centres. Jore Nokia customers can now become the part of +akistan&s fastest
(rowin( cellular network by (ettin( a Ron( "1J from any Nokia <are centre across
)he telecom market in +akistan is (rowin( at an e0ponential pace an! Ron(% : a <hina
Jobile +akistan 3<J+ak4 company an! part of <hina Jobile% the lar(est telecom
operator in the worl!% is a si(nificant part of the process. 8ein( the fastest (rowin(
cellular company in the country% it constantly stri'es to !eepen its network throu(h
similar initiati'es. )his way% more an! more customers can become a part of the Ron(
family. Nokia mobile phones combine! with Ron( network can take the mobility
e0perience to a wholly new le'el.
&ustainable +usiness , 'nnovations
G7e ha'e a 'ery simple philosophy. 7hate'er we !o : an! this !oesn&t 2ust apply to <"-
: anythin( that the company un!ertakes always has an internal stan!ar! of performance.
6n! that&s the same no matter where we operate.H : sai! Jarkus )erho% Hea! of
"ustainability% Nokia in an inter'iew with R. >a'is.
;JN spoke with Jarkus )erho% Hea! of "ustainability for Nokia% about the thin(s the
company has learnt alon( the 2ourney an! what new milestones are appearin( on the
hori.on as it continues.
Nokia was recently 'ote! by Newsweek as one of the worl!&s top 15 (reenest companies.
)ell us about some of the thin(s you&'e !one to achie'e that% an! how you ha'e
influence! your in!ustry.
)o start with% we were the first company in the electronics in!ustry to chan(e our 'iew on
how we mana(e materials that (o into our pro!ucts.
)ypically what consumer electronics companies !o is form a list of materials that are not
permitte! to be use! in their pro!ucts% which they then sen! to their suppliers with
instructions to comply. )his is actually a 'ery ol!*fashione! way of !oin( thin(s% which
we !i! until the mi!*nineties when we ha! a clear chan(e of 'iewpoint an! !irection.
6s of the mi!*nineties we ha'e wante! to know about e'ery substance in'ol'e! in the
components% parts% sub*assemblies% or e'en the 'ery materials that we use. 6 simple piece
of plastic has se'eral !ifferent materials in it% so our aim is to know e0actly what is in our
pro!ucts% ri(ht !own to that le'el.
7hen we first un!ertook this initiati'e% many sai! it woul! be impossible to ascertain all
this. )hey thou(ht no*one woul! (i'e us the information% or that it woul! be impossible
to mana(e% or that it woul! be 'ery costly an! our business woul! suffer. )his has ne'er
happene!K Howe'er% it took us a lon( time : more than si0 years in fact : to buil! this
capability. 1t has helpe! us si(nificantly.
Jany e0ternal reLuirements ha'e been initiate! by re(ulators in ;urope% the O"6% <hina
an! other parts of the worl!% such as new materials bein( a!!e! to a restricte! list% or
totally banne! from use in certain applications or pro!ucts.
Now% when the !iscussion on the policy front starts an! scientists start to look at new
e'i!ence an! !ebate whether a certain substance shoul! be re(ulate! or not% we can
imme!iately (o into our component !atabase an! see where we use this substance% an!
e'aluate whether it can be replace! by somethin( else. 7e also look at how much effort
will be reLuire! to tweak it in the future. 7e ha'e now !e'elope! this capability to
pro'i!e a full material !eclaration : a 1$$B break!own : of what materials are in a
component or a part that one company mi(ht supply to another.
7ith this information% we ha'e create! a stan!ar!i.e! system incorporate! into our
supply chain% which lets us intelli(ently mana(e substances of concern in our pro!ucts
an! ensure that the hi(hest (lobal stan!ar!s are met. 1t&s been (oo! to see some other
electronics manufacturin( companies followin( our lea! on this. 7e are also 'ery acti'e
with re(ar! to cooperation within the electronics in!ustry supply chain.
7e make sure we mana(e risk factor areas% such as workin( con!itions% workplace safety%
en'ironmental impact an! ambitions of the company% an! how information about these
areas is e0chan(e! within the supply chain. 7e look at how Nokia% with its many
suppliers% can cate(ori.e an! assess risk with certain types of manufacturin( processes%
materials an! locations% for e0ample.
Nokia has also been an acti'e participant in the Nlobal e*"ustainability 1nitiati'e 3Ne"14%
which is an in!ustry*wi!e effort to help the bi((est players in the in!ustry work for
e0ample with the same information about pro!ucts an! materials. 7e&'e been able to
simplify that process Luite ra!ically% so that instea! of e'ery company ha'in( to seek out
information for itself% it is all commonly a'ailable amon( companies usin( the same
system an! approach.
7ith thin(s like this% where we ha'e taken an approach of !e'elopin( somethin( base!
on our nee!s% we always try to look at how we mi(ht be able to help the wi!er in!ustry in
areas we feel are important. Eea!in( sustainability is not about pushin( certain i!eas onto
others% but rather lookin( at how we can work with others to make a better impact on the
in!ustry as a whole% an! create a better en! result.
Corporate &ocial Responsibility o" Nokia
G7hat is corporate social responsibility= >ifferent or(ani.ations ha'e frame! !ifferent
!efinitions% !epen!in( on a number of factors. )hese inclu!e the firm&s si.e% pro!ucts%
acti'ities% location% suppliers% lea!ership an! reputation * althou(h there is consi!erable
common (roun! between them. )he !efinition of <"- is that <"- is about how
companies mana(e the business processes to pro!uce an o'erall positi'e impact on
society. H 3Jallen 8aker% #$1$4
1n recent years% corporate social responsibility has been an increasin(ly popular topic.
Jore an! more companies notice the importance of corporate social responsibility.
8ecause consumers are not only payin( attention to the pro!ucts like before% but also your bran!s now. 1n or!er to maintain respecte! bran!s% <"- is a (oo! way
for or(ani.ations to e'aluate their impact on the worl! aroun! them% an! to make chan(es
that create positi'e effects in their communities.
)his report will show the benefits of corporate social responsibility% the key issues in
corporate social responsibility an! implementin( corporate social responsibility. )he aim
of this essay is usin( the corporate social responsibility mo!el to analysis the company of
Nokia an! to make sure what kin! of Nokia&s corporate social responsibility strate(y is.
)his report coul! !i'i!e in four parts. "ection 1 the o'er'iew of corporate social
responsibility% "ection # implementin( corporate social responsibility% "ection 3 Nokia&s
corporate social responsibility mo!el% "ection D conclusion.
C&R Main Components
)he scope of <"- is unboun! at the present time% because the corporate social
responsibility is !ifferent for !ifferent or(ani.ations. 8ritish council 3#$$D4 shows that
G<"- is relate! to: ;n'ironmental protectionS Eabour "ecurityS Human ri(htsS
<ommunity in'ol'ementS 8usiness stan!ar!sS JarketplaceS ;nterprise an! economic
!e'elopmentS Health promotionS ;!ucation an! Eea!ership >e'elopmentS Human
>isaster -elief.H
#he +ene"its o" C&R
-olan! 8Tnabou an! Qean )irole 3#$$94 show that G;mpirical stu!ies often relate
corporate profitability with socially responsible beha'ior. )here seems to be% o'erall% no
or a sli(htly positi'e correlation between socially responsible beha'ior an! corporate
returns.H "o somebo!y 'iew <"- as a !rain on resources% because carefully implemente!
<"- policies can help your or(ani.ation. 6ccor!in( to the website of "imply <"-
3#$$@4% Gbenefits of <"- to companies inclu!e: 1. 7in new business. #. 1ncrease
customer retention. 3. >e'elop an! enhance relationships with customers% suppliers an!
networks. D. 6ttract% retain an! maintain a happy workforce an! be an ;mployer of
<hoice. 5. "a'e money on ener(y an! operatin( costs an! mana(e risk. C. >ifferentiate
yourself from your competitors. 7. Nenerate inno'ation an! learnin( an! enhance your
influence. @. 1mpro'e your business reputation an! stan!in(. 9. +ro'i!e access to
in'estment an! fun!in( opportunities. 1$. Nenerate positi'e publicity an! me!ia
opportunities !ue to me!ia interest in ethical business acti'ities.H
-o$ to implement C&R commitments
>ifferent company will approach <"- implementation in !ifferent ways. +aul Hohnen
3#$$74 show Gone way to implement <"- commitments:
>e'elop an inte(rate! <"- !ecision*makin( structureS
+repare an! implement a <"- business planS
"et measurable tar(ets an! i!entify performance measuresS
;n(a(e employees an! others to whom <"- commitments applyS
>esi(n an! con!uct <"- trainin(S
;stablish mechanisms for a!!ressin( problematic beha'iorS
<reate internal an! e0ternal communications plansS
Jake commitments public.H
Case study o" Nokia
!vervie$ o" C&R at Nokia
;'ery company&s characteristics an! circumstances are !ifferent% an! it will affect how
the company !efinin( an! implementin( social responsibility. "o there is no Gone*si.e*
fits*allH metho! for pursuin( a corporate social responsibility approach. Eet&s take Nokia
for e0ample to ha'e a look how much work it has alrea!y !one towar!s implementin( a
<"- approach.
Jobile communications ha'e playe! a bi( role in people's li'es an! Nokia was alrea!y
the worl! lea!er in the mobile telephone in!ustry. )he Nokia&s website shows Nokia&s
hea! office is locate! in ;spoo% 5inlan!% but pro!uction% research an! !e'elopment% sales%
an! marketin( acti'ities are locate! aroun! the worl!. )he company has sales in more
than 15$ country% o'er a billion people in the worl! use a Nokia phone. 6s a market
lea!er% Nokia aim to lea! in sustainability in a responsible way by takin( it into account
in e'erythin( they !o an! impro'in( people&s li'e. 3Nokia% #$1$4
Nokia.s community C&R analysis
5rom the Nokia&s sustainability report #$$9% we can see a wi!e ran(e of e0amples of
what kin!s of corporate social responsibility ha! Nokia !one for enhancin( their
sustainability. 6ccor!in( to the corporate social responsibility&s key issues% there are
sections on:
;n'ironmental protection: Nokia aims to be a lea!in( company in en'ironmental
performance. )hey effort focus on four issues: "ubstance mana(ement% ;ner(y efficiency%
)ake*back an! recyclin(% +romotin( sustainability throu(h ser'ices an! software. 5or
e0ample% they re!uce the a'era(e char(er&s no*loa! power consumption from #$$C le'el
by 5$B by the en! of #$1$. 3Nokia&s sustainability report% #$$94
Eabour "ecurity: )hey run a ran(e of campai(ns an! trainin( pro(rams to raise awareness
about health an! safety issues. 1n #$$9% Nokia&s (lobal in2ury an! illness rate was $.D9%
continuin( a three*year !ownwar! tren!. )here were no fatal in2uries. 3Nokia&s
sustainability report% #$$94
Human ri(hts: )hey focus on !e'elopin( workplaces free from !iscrimination. 5or
e0ample% labor con!ition assessments are con!ucte! e'ery secon! year at all pro!uction
sites. 3Nokia&s sustainability report% #$$94
<ommunity in'ol'ement: ;mployee 'olunteerin( also is an important part of Nokia&s
(lobal corporate responsibility approach. ;'ery year% thousan!s of employees contribute
their time an! effort to worthy causes in their communities. 3Nokia&s sustainability report%
8usiness stan!ar!s: )hey comply with employment (ui!elines an! labor con!ition
stan!ar!. 5or e0ample% labor con!ition assessments are con!ucte! e'ery secon! year at
all pro!uction sites. 3Nokia&s sustainability report% #$$94
;mployee wellbein(: )he wellbein( of employees ha! ma!e a bi( !ifference with before.
1n the #$$9 employee sur'ey% C1 percent of the respon!ents felt that their mana(er
supports them in their efforts to maintain a life balance. 3Nokia&s sustainability report%
"upply chain: )hey thou(ht !efine e0pectations for their suppliers clearly as an important
part of their work an! they ha! !e'elope! a comprehensi'e set of (lobal Nokia "upplier
-eLuirements. 3Nokia&s sustainability report% #$$94
;!ucation an! Eea!ership >e'elopment: )hey pro'i!e a 'ariety of trainin( opportunities
for employees to help them !e'elop a broa! ran(e of skills for the workplace. >urin(
#$$9% they spent #5 million euro on trainin( for employees. 3Nokia&s sustainability report%
Human >isaster -elief: )hey try to respon! to !isaster relief. 1n #$1$ they ha'e
respon!e! to the earthLuakes in Haiti an! Uin(hai re(ion of 7estern <hina as well as the
mu!sli!e in O(an!a. 3Nokia&s sustainability report% #$$94
5rom the information abo'e% we can see that Nokia&s corporate social responsibility has
inclu!e! ;conomic -esponsibilities% Ee(al -esponsibilities% ;thical -esponsibilities an!
>iscretionary -esponsibilities. 6t Nokia they try to lea! in sustainability by takin( it into
account in e'erythin( they !o. "o we can say that Nokia&s social responsibility strate(y is
proacti'e. 1n a!!ition% Nokia&s <"- strate(y helps it (et (reat benefits. 5or Nokia% <"- is
not only about shapin( corporate culture% risk% enhancin( efficiency an!
buil!in( company reputation in the eyes of the public% but also the <"- ha! been an
inte(ral part of (oo! business sense. 6nother important business benefit is the <"- help
it makin( a (oo! relationship with (o'ernment. <orporate social responsibility is
fun!amental to Nokia&s business% bran! an! culture% so Nokia will continually approach
<"- implementation acti'ely. 3Nokia&s sustainability report% #$$94
1n a conclusion% this report has !escribe! the !efinition of <"-% main components of
<"-% benefits of <"- to companies an! how to implement <"- commitments.
Joreo'er% take the company of Nokia for case stu!y% analysis what kin!s of <"- ha!
Nokia !one by some e0amples% what kin!s of business benefits ha! Nokia (ot an! the
tren!. 5inally% the <"- is still in the early sta(e an! the richer our societies the hi(her
!eman! for social responsibility% so 1 hope will be more companies approach <"-
-ea! more:*social*

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