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1. Dont use an with own.

Sue needs her own room. (NOT Sue needs an own room.)
d !i"e a #hone !ine of my own. (NOT $ an own #hone !ine.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )*+.
,. Use or rather to (orre(t -ourse!..
Shes German / or rather& Austrian. (NOT Shes German / or 0etter& Austrian.)
!! see -ou on %rida- / or rather& Saturda-.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1+1.
'. Use the sim#!e #resent / play(s), rain(s) et( / to ta!" a0out ha0its
and re#eated a(tions.
play tennis e2er- Saturda-. (NOT am #!a-in3 tennis e2er- Saturda-.)
t usua!!- rains a !ot in No2em0er.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tions )41/).
). Use will & not the #resent& .or o..ers and #romises.
ll cook -ou su##er this e2enin3. (NOT (oo" -ou su##er this e2enin3.)
#romise ll phone -ou tomorrow. (NOT #romise #hone -ou tomorrow.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,11.
+. Dont dro# #re#ositions with #assi2e 2er0s.
dont !i"e to 0e shouted at. (NOT dont !i"e to 0e shouted.)
This needs to 0e thou3ht about some more. (NOT This needs to 0e thou3ht some
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition #a3e se(tion )14.
4. Dont use a #resent tense a.ter Its time.
ts time -ou went home. (NOT ts time -ou 3o home.)
ts time we invited 5i!! and Sonia. (NOT ts time we in2ite 5i!! and Sonia.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '*4.
1. Use was/were born to 3i2e dates o. 0irth.
was born in 161+. (NOT am 0orn in 161+.)
Sha"es#eare was born in 1+4).
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1*7.
7. Police is a #!ura! noun.
The #o!i(e are !oo"in3 .or him. (NOT The #o!i(e is !oo"in3 .or him.)
(a!!ed the #o!i(e& 0ut they were too 0us- to (ome.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +,).
6. Don8t use the to ta!" a0out thin3s in 3enera!.
Books are e9#ensi2e. (NOT The 0oo"s are e9#ensi2e.)
!o2e music. (NOT !o2e the musi(.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 47.
1*. Use had better& not have better.
thin" -oud better see the do(tor. (NOT thin" -ou ha2e 0etter see the do(tor.)
:ed better as" ;ohn to he!# us.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,'*.
11. Use the #resent #ro3ressi2e < am playing, is raining et( < to ta!"
a0out thin3s that are (ontinuin3 at the time o. s#ea"in3.
m playing 2er- 0ad!- toda-. (NOT #!a- 2er- 0ad!- toda-.)
Loo"= t8s raining= (NOT Loo"= t rains=)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tions )41/).
1,. Use for with a #eriod o. time. Use since with the 0e3innin3 o. the
for the !ast two hours > sin(e 6 o8(!o("
for three da-s > sin(e Monda-
for .i2e -ears > sin(e !e.t s(hoo!
2e 0een !earnin3 En3!ish for .i2e -ears. (NOT 2e 0een !earnin3 En3!ish sin(e three
:e2e 0een waitin3 for a3es& sin(e ei3ht o(!o(".
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,*7.
1'. Don8t se#arate the 2er0 .rom the o0?e(t.
She speaks English 2er- we!! . (NOT She s#ea"s 2er- we!! En3!ish.)
And- likes skiing 2er- mu(h. (NOT And- !i"es 2er- mu(h s"iin3.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 411.
1). Don8t use the #resent #er.e(t < have/has seen, have/has gone et(
< with words that name a .inished time.
saw him yesterday. (NOT ha2e seen him -esterda-.)
The- went to Gree(e last summer. (NOT The- ha2e 3one $ !ast summer.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )+4.
1+. En3!ish (the !an3ua3e) norma!!- has no arti(!e.
Bou s#ea" very good English. (NOT Bou s#ea" a 2er- 3ood En3!ish.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1)6.
14. A.ter loo forward to& we use !ing& not an in.initi2e.
!oo" .orward to seeing -ou. (NOT !oo" .orward to see -ou.)
:ere !oo"in3 .orward to going on ho!ida-. (NOT $ to 3o on ho!ida-.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,67.
11. Information is an un(ounta0!e noun.
Aan -ou 3i2e me some in.ormationC (NOT Aan -ou 3i2e me an in.ormationC)
3ot a !ot o. information .rom the nternet. (NOT 3ot a !ot o. in.ormations .rom
the nternet.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1)7.
17. Use <in3 .orms a.ter #re#ositions.
dro2e there without stopping. (NOT dro2e there without to sto#.)
:ash -our hands 0e.ore eating. (NOT :ash -our hands 0e.ore to eat.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,67.
16. Use this& not that& .or thin3s that are (!ose.
Aome here and !oo" at this #a#er. (NOT Aome here and !oo" at that #a#er.)
Dow !on3 ha2e -ou 0een in this (ountr-C (NOT Dow !on3 ha2e -ou 0een in that
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1)7.
,*. Use a #!ura! noun a.ter one and a half.
:e waited one and a ha!. hours. (NOT :e waited one and a ha!. hour.)
A mi!e is a0out one and a ha!. kilometres. (NOT A mi!e is a0out one and a ha!.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,'1.
,1. Use the #resent #er.e(t& not the #resent& to sa- how !on3 thin3s
ha2e 0een 3oin3 on.
've been waiting sin(e 1* o8(!o(". (NOT 8m waitin3 sin(e 1* o8(!o(".)
:e8ve lived here .or nine -ears. (NOT :e !i2e here .or nine -ears.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )4*.
,,. "he ma#ority is norma!!- #!ura!.
Some #eo#!e are interested& 0ut the ma?orit- don't care. (NOT ... 0ut the ma?orit-
doesn8t (are.)
The ma?orit- o. these #eo#!e are 2er- #oor. (NOT The ma?orit- o. these #eo#!e is
2er- #oor.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +,4.
,'. Use too m$ch/many 0e.ore (ad?e(ti2e E) nounF use too 0e.ore an
ad?e(ti2e with no noun.
There8s too much noise.
0ou3ht too much red #aint.
Those shoes are too expensive. (NOT Those shoes are too mu(h e9#ensi2e.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +6+.
,). Use that& not what& a.ter all.
82e to!d -ou all that "now. (NOT 82e to!d -ou a!! what "now.)
De 3a2e her all that he had.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )6).
,+. Don8t sa- according to me to 3i2e -our o#inion.
I think it8s a 3ood .i!m. (NOT A((ordin3 to me& it8s a 3ood .i!m.)
In my opinion& -ou8re ma"in3 a serious mista"e. (NOT A((ordin3 to me& -ou8re
ma"in3 a serious mista"e.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 7.
,4. Don8t as" a0out #ossi0i!ities with %ay yo$ &&&' et(.
Do you think -ou8!! 3o (am#in3 this summerC (NOT Ma- -ou 3o (am#in3 this
Is ;oan likely to 0e here tomorrowC (NOT Ma- ;oan 0e here tomorrowC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ''6.
,1. Use who& not which& .or #eo#!e in re!ati2e stru(tures.
The woman who !i2es u#stairs is .rom Thai!and. (NOT The woman whi(h !i2es
u#stairs is .rom Thai!and.)
don8t !i"e #eo#!e who shout a!! the time. (NOT don8t !i"e #eo#!e whi(h shout a!!
the time.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )6).
,7. Use for& not d$ring& to sa- Ghow !on38.
:e waited for si9 hours. (NOT :e waited durin3 si9 hours.)
De was i!! for three wee"s. (NOT De was i!! durin3 three wee"s.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 141.
,6. Use to &&&, not for &&&& to sa- wh- -ou do somethin3.
(ame here to stud- En3!ish. (NOT (ame here .or stud- En3!ish.)
She te!e#honed me to e9#!ain the #ro0!em. (NOT She te!e#honed me .or e9#!ain the
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,76.
'*. Use re.!e9i2es (myself et() when the o0?e(t is the same as the
!oo"ed at myself in the mirror. (NOT !oo"ed at me in the mirror.)
:h- are -ou ta!"in3 to yourselfC (NOT :h- are -ou ta!"in3 to -ouC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )6'.
'1. Use a #resent tense to ta!" a0out the .uture a.ter when, $ntil, as
soon as, after, before et(.
!! #hone -ou when arrive. (NOT !! #hone -ou when wi!! arri2e.)
Lets wait unti! it gets dar". (NOT Lets wait unti! it wi!! 3et dar".)
:e!! start as soon as Mar- arrives. (NOT :e!! start as soon as Mar- wi!! arri2e.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,*,.
',. 5e.ore most a0stra(t nouns& we use great& not big.
ha2e great res#e(t .or her ideas. (NOT ha2e 0i3 res#e(t .or her ideas.)
:e had great di..i(u!t- in understandin3 him. (NOT :e had 0i3 di..i(u!t- in
understandin3 him.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1*4.
''. Dont use the with a su#er!ati2e when -ou are not (om#arin3 one
#erson or thin3 with another.
Shes the nicest o. the three tea(hers.
Shes nicest when shes wor"in3 with sma!! (hi!dren.
This is the best wine 2e 3ot.
This wine is best when its three or .our -ears o!d.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1)1.
'). Iut eno$gh a.ter& not 0e.ore& ad?e(ti2es.
This sou# isnt hot enough. (NOT This sou# isnt enou3h hot.)
Shes o!d enough to wa!" to s(hoo! 0- herse!..
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 171.
'+. Dont use a stru(ture with that a.ter want or wo$ld lie.
M- #arents want me to go to uni2ersit-. (NOT M- #arents want that 3o to
d !i"e everybody to leave. (NOT d !i"e that e2er-0od- !ea2es.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,7'.
'4. A.ter !in" 2er0s !i"e be, seem, feel, loo, smell, so$nd, taste& we
use ad?e(ti2es& not ad2er0s.
.ee! happy toda-. (NOT .ee! ha##i!- toda-.)
This sou# tastes strange. (NOT This sou# tastes stran3e!-.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ',7.
'1. Use than a.ter (om#arati2es.
M- mother is three -ears o!der than m- .ather. (NOT M- mother is three -ears o!der
thatJas m- .ather.)
Ietro! is more e9#ensi2e than diese!.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1'6.
'7. n Kuestions& #ut the su0?e(t immediate!- a.ter the au9i!iar- 2er0.
:here are the President and his family sta-in3C (NOT :here are sta-in3 the
Iresident and his .ami!-C)
ave all the guests arri2edC (NOT Da2e arri2ed a!! the 3uestsC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )7*.
'6. Used to has no #resent.
play tennis at wee"ends. (NOT use to #!a- tennis at wee"ends.)
:here do -ou usua!!- have !un(hC (NOT :here do -ou use to ha2e !un(hC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 4*).
)*. Use thro$gh& not along& .or #eriods o. time.
A!! through the (enturies& there ha2e 0een wars. (NOT A!! a!on3 the (enturies& there
ha2e 0een wars.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )+.
)1. Use cant& not m$stnt& to sa- that somethin3 is !o3i(a!!-
t cant 0e the #ostman at the door. ts on!- 1 o(!o(". (NOT t mustnt 0e the
#ostman at the door. ts on!- 1 o(!o(".)
. A is 0i33er than 5& and 5 is 0i33er than A& then A cant 0e 0i33er than A. (NOT $
then A mustnt 0e 0i33er than A.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '+6.
),. Use the #resent #er.e(t with "his is the first time et(.
This is the .irst time ve been here. (NOT This is the .irst time m here.)
This is the (u# o. ( ve drunk toda-. (NOT This is the (u# o. (
drin" toda-.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +61.
)'. Use be& not have& to 3i2e #eo#!es a3es.
M- sister is 1+ (-ears o!d). (NOT M- sister has 1+ -ears.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ',.
)). Use between& not among& to ta!" a0out #osition in re!ation to
se2era! (!ear!- se#arate #eo#!e or thin3s.
SwitLer!and is between %ran(e& Austria& German- and ta!-. (NOT SwitLer!and is
amon3 %ran(e& Austria& German- and ta!-.)
The 0ott!e ro!!ed between the whee!s o. the (ar.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1*+.
)+. :e dont norma!!- use the 0e.ore a00re2iations that are
#ronoun(ed !i"e words (Ma(ron-ms).
M- (ousin wor"s .or !"#$. (NOT M- (ousin wor"s .or the NATO.)
The mone- was 3i2en 0- %!E&'$. (NOT $ 0- the UNESAO.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,.
)4. Everybody is a sin3u!ar word.
E2er-0od- was !ate. (NOT E2er-0od- were !ate.)
Is e2er-0od- read-C (NOT Are e2er-0od- read-C)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +)7.
)1. Use any& not some& in ne3ati2e senten(es.
She hasnt 3ot any mone-. (NOT She hasnt 3ot some mone-.)
didnt see any0od-. (NOT didnt see some0od-.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +)1.
)7. Use interested .or .ee!in3sF use interesting .or the thin3s that
interest #eo#!e. The same 3oes .or bored/boring& e(cited/e(citing et(.
m interested in histor-. (NOT m interestin3 in histor-.)
Distor- is interesting.
m bored in the maths !essons. (NOT m 0orin3 in the maths !essons.)
thin" maths is boring.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )*6.
)6. Use by& not $ntil/till& to mean Mnot !ater than.
Aan -ou mend this by Tuesda-C (NOT Aan -ou mend this unti! Tuesda-C)
!! .inish the 0oo" by toni3ht. (NOT !! .inish the 0oo" ti!! toni3ht.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 4*,.
+*. Use lie& not as& to 3i2e e9am#!es. warm (ountries& like S#ain. (NOT warm (ountries& as S#ain.)
eat a !ot o. meat& like 0ee. or !am0.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ',4.
+1. Use whether& not if& a.ter #re#ositions.
:e ta!"ed a0out whether it was read-. (NOT :e ta!"ed a0out i. it was read-.)
ts a Kuestion o. whether we ha2e enou3h time. (NOT ts a Kuestion o. i. we ha2e
enou3h time.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )+'.
+,. Use the #resent #ro3ressi2e #assi2e& not the sim#!e #resent
#assi2e& to ta!" a0out thin3s that are 3oin3 on ?ust around now.
Our .!at is 0ein3 de(orated this wee". (NOT Our .!at is de(orated this wee".)
Bour 0i!! is ?ust 0ein3 #re#ared& sir. (NOT Bour 0i!! is ?ust #re#ared& sir.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )1,.
+'. :e dont norma!!- use m$st to ta!" a0out the #ast.
had to see the dentist -esterda-. (NOT must see the dentist -esterda-.)
:hen !e.t s(hoo!& -oun3 men had to do mi!itar- ser2i(e. (NOT :hen !e.t s(hoo!&
-oun3 men must do mi!itar- ser2i(e.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '+7.
+). :hen -ou #ut two nouns to3ether& 0e (are.u! to 3et the ri3ht
!i"e eatin3 mi!" (ho(o!ate. (NOT !i"e eatin3 (ho(o!ate mi!".)
:hats -our #hone num0erC (NOT :hats -our num0er #honeC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '7+.
++. Use the whole of& not whole& 0e.ore the name o. a #!a(e.
The who!e o. Iaris was (e!e0ratin3. (NOT :ho!e Iaris was (e!e0ratin3.)
De "nows the who!e o. South Ameri(a 2er- we!!. (NOT De "nows who!e South
Ameri(a 2er- we!!.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )*.
+4. :e dont norma!!- use #ro3ressi2e .orms o. believe.
dont 0e!ie2e him. (NOT m not 0e!ie2in3 him.)
Do -ou 0e!ie2e what she sa-sC (NOT Are -ou 0e!ie2in3 what she sa-sC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )11.
+1. Dont use in front of to mean M.a(in3 or Mo##osite.
She sat down .a(in3 me and !oo"ed into m- e-es. (NOT She sat down in .ront o. me
and !oo"ed into m- e-es.)
Theres a hote! o##osite our house. (NOT Theres a hote! in .ront o. our house.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )*,.
+7. Use it& not I, he, she et( to identi.- #eo#!e.
(on the #hone)H De!!o. ts A!an :i!!iams s#ea"in3. ((NOT De!!o. m A!an :i!!iams.)
M:hos thatC Mts ;ohn. (NOT :hos thatC MDes ;ohn.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ),7.
+6. People (meanin3 M#ersons) is a #!ura! word.
The #eo#!e in this town are 2er- .riend!-. (NOT The #eo#!e in this town is 2er-
:ho are those #eo#!eC (NOT :ho is that #eo#!eC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +,).
4*. Use altho$gh or b$t& 0ut not 0oth to3ether.
A!thou3h it was !ate& she went out.
t was !ate& 0ut she went out.
(5UT NOT A!thou3h it was !ate& 0ut she went out.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +11.
41. :ith if& we norma!!- use the #resent to ta!" a0out the .uture.
. have time& !! #hone -ou. (NOT . !! ha2e time& !! #hone -ou.)
!! 0e sur#rised i. she answers m- !etter. (NOT !! 0e sur#rised i. she!! answer m-
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,+1.
4,. Use almost& not nearly& to sa- that one thin3 is 2er- !i"e another.
She is almost a sister to me. (NOT She is near!- a sister to me.)
almost wish had sta-ed at home. (NOT near!- wish had sta-ed at home.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )'.
4'. . -ou dont do somethin3 an- more& -ou stop doing it.
The do(tor to!d me to stop smoking. (NOT The do(tor to!d me to sto# to smo"e.)
m 3oin3 to stop working so hard. (NOT m 3oin3 to sto# to wor" so hard.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,66.
4). A sin3u!ar (ounta0!e noun must norma!!- ha2e a determiner
(e.3. a/an, the, my, that).
She 0ro"e a(the(that(my window. (NOT She 0ro"e window.)
:here is the stationC (NOT :here is stationC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 4,.
4+. :e dont o.ten use wo$ld in su0ordinate (!ausesF instead& we use
#ast tenses.
:ou!d -ou .o!!ow me where2er wentC (NOT :ou!d -ou .o!!ow me where2er wou!d
wou!d te!! -ou i. knew. (NOT wou!d te!! -ou i. wou!d "now.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +7*.
44. :ith when& use the #ast #er.e(t to ma"e it (!ear that one thin3
.inished 0e.ore another started.
:hen had written m- !etters& did some 3ardenin3. (NOT :hen wrote m-
!etters& did some 3ardenin3.)
:hen he had cleaned the windows& he sto##ed .or a (u# o. tea. (NOT :hen he
(!eaned the windows& he sto##ed .or a (u# o. tea.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ),).
41. Dont use can to ta!" a0out the (han(e that somethin3 wi!! ha##en.
t may(might(could rain this e2enin3. (NOT t (an rain this e2enin3.)
thin" ;ane may(might(could (ome tomorrow. (NOT thin" ;ane (an (ome
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ')+.
47. Dont use an in.initi2e a.ter thin.
m thin"in3 of changing m- ?o0. (NOT m thin"in3 to (han3e m- ?o0.)
Are -ou thin"in3 of going home this wee"endC (NOT Are -ou thin"in3 to 3o home
this wee"endC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +77.
46. Use a sin3u!ar noun a.ter every.
#!a- tennis e2er- )ednesday. (NOT #!a- tennis e2er- :ednesda-s.)
De wrote to e2er- child in the 2i!!a3e. (NOT De wrote to e2er- (hi!dren $)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 16'.
1*. :hen -ou sa- what some0od-s ?o0 is& use a/an.
M- sister is a #hoto3ra#her. (NOT M- sister is #hoto3ra#her.)
m stud-in3 to 0e an en3ineer. (NOT m stud-in3 to 0e en3ineer.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 4,.
11. Use at last& not finally& as an e9(!amation.
)t last* :here ha2e -ou 0eenC (NOT %ina!!-= :here ha2e -ou 0eenC)
Shes written to me. )t last*
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,*).
1,. +et (an mean M0e(ome& 0ut not 0e.ore nouns.
ts 3ettin3 cold.
ts 3ettin3 to be winter.
(5UT NOT ts 3ettin3 winter.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,,'.
1'. Dont use ne3ati2e Kuestions in #o!ite reKuests or enKuiries.
,o$ld yo$ he!# me& #!easeC (NOT Aou!dnt -ou he!# me& #!easeC)
-o$ havent seen ;ohn& ha2e -ouC (NOT Da2ent -ou seen ;ohnC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '47.
1). One ne3ati2e word is usua!!- enou3h.
She !oo"ed& 0ut she didnt see anything. (NOT She !oo"ed& 0ut she didnt see
have never heard o. him. (NOT ha2ent ne2er heard o. him.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '1*.
1+. %$ch and many are unusua! in a..irmati2e senten(es (e9(e#t in a
2er- .orma! st-!e).
De has a lot / plenty o. mone-. (NOT De has mu(h mone-.)
M- .ather has tra2e!!ed to !ots o. (ountries. (More natura! than %y father has
travelled to many co$ntries.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '+1.
14. Dont use since to ta!" a0out the .uture.
!! 0e home from three o(!o(". (NOT !! 0e home sin(e three o(!o(".)
The sho# wi!! 0e (!osed .or two wee"s from Monda-. (NOT The sho# wi!! 0e (!osed .or
two wee"s sin(e Monda-.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '*7.
11. Sin3u!ar .ra(tion E #!ura! nounH use a #!ura! 2er0.
A third o. the students are .rom a0road. (NOT A third o. the students is .rom
A Kuarter o. the trees have 0een (ut down.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '76.
17. Bou listen to somethin3.
She ne2er !istens to me. (NOT She ne2er !istens me.)
Listen to this= (NOT Listen this=)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ))6.
16. Dont use the #ast #ro3ressi2e .or #ast ha0its.
:hen was ,* smoed J $sed to smoe. (NOT :hen was ,* was smo"in3.)
played J $sed to play a !ot o. .oot0a!! at s(hoo!. (NOT was #!a-in3 a !ot o.
.oot0a!! at s(hoo!.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ),,.
7*. Dont use most of dire(t!- 0e.ore a noun.
%ost of these #eo#!e a3ree with me.
%ost #eo#!e a3ree with me.
(5UT NOT Most o. #eo#!e a3ree with me.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '+4.
71. n Munrea! (onditions with if& use wo$ld& not will.
. "new the #ri(e& wo$ld te!! -ou. (NOT . "new the #ri(e& wi!! te!! -ou.)
t wo$ld 0e 0etter i. he to!d the truth. (NOT t wi!! 0e 0etter i. he to!d the truth.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,+7.
7,. Dont use later with an e9#ression o. time to ta!" a0out the .uture.
!! see -ou later.
!! see -ou in a few days&
(5UT NOT !! see -ou a .ew da-s !ater.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '1+.
7'. Dont use in case to mean Mi..
!! ta"e an um0re!!a in case it rains. (> M$ 0e(ause it mi3ht rain.)
!! o#en the um0re!!a if it rains. (NOT !! o#en the um0re!!a in (ase it rains.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,11.
7). Use so 0e.ore an ad?e(ti2e& 0ut not 0e.ore ad?e(ti2e E noun.
!o2e this (ountr- / its so bea$tif$l. (NOT !o2e this so 0eauti.u! (ountr-.)
Than"s .or -our he!#. That was so ind o. -ou. (NOT Than"s .or -our so "ind he!#.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion +'7.
7+. On!- use $nless to mean Me9(e#t i..
!! see -ou tomorrow $nless ha2e to wor".
!! 0e rea!!- u#set if dont #ass the e9am. (NOT !! 0e rea!!- u#set un!ess #ass the
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 4*1.
74. Use be with ad?e(ti2es& not have with nouns& to ta!" a0out #h-si(a!
sensations !i"e (o!d& hun3er& thirst et(.
am thirst-. (NOT ha2e thirst.)
:e are (o!d in this house. (NOT :e ha2e (o!d in this house.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 6,.
71. Dont use to!in.initi2es a.ter can, co$ld, will, wo$ld, may, might,
shall, sho$ld or m$st.
(an swim. (NOT (an to swim.)
Must -ou mae so mu(h noiseC (NOT Must -ou to ma"e so mu(h noiseC)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '+'.
77. Use not& not no& to ma"e senten(es ne3ati2e.
m not as!ee#. (NOT m no as!ee#.)
:e are o#en on Saturda-s& 0ut not on Sunda-s. (NOT $ 0ut no on Sunda-s.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion '7,.
76. :e dont usua!!- use #resent tenses a.ter #ast re#ortin3 2er0s.
She to!d me she had a heada(he. (NOT She to!d me she has a heada(he.)
as"ed him what he wanted. (NOT N as"ed him what he wants.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,1+.
6*. Use to a.ter married, engaged.
Des married to a do(tor. (NOT Des married with a do(tor.)
M- sister is en3a3ed to a (om#uter en3ineer. (NOT M- sister is en3a3ed with a
(om#uter en3ineer.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ))6.
61. Use which& not what& to 0a(" to a who!e senten(e.
She #assed her e9am& which sur#rised e2er-0od-. (NOT She #assed her e9am& what
sur#rised e2er-0od-.)
M- .ather has ?ust (!im0ed Mont 5!an(& which is #rett- 3ood .or a man o. 1+. (NOT $
what is #rett- 3ood .or a man o. 1+.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )6).
6,. Dont use the with society when it has a 3enera! meanin3.
:e a!! ha2e to !i2e in society. (NOT :e a!! ha2e to !i2e in the so(iet-.)
Rousseau said that society ma"es #eo#!e e2i!. (NOT Rousseau said that the so(iet-
ma"es #eo#!e e2i!.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 47.
6'. Use a to<in.initi2e a.ter want.
want to go home. (NOT want 3o home.)
The (hi!dren want to stay u# !ate. (NOT The (hi!dren want sta- u# !ate.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 41'.
6). Use mae& not do& with mistae.
ha2e made a mista"e. (NOT ha2e done a mista"e.)
Bou (ant s#ea" a !an3ua3e without maing mista"es. (NOT $ without doin3
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 14*.
6+. Dont re#eat a re!ati2e #ronoun with another #ronoun.
Theres the man that wor" .or. (NOT Theres the man that wor" .or him.)
She saw a do(tor who sent her to hos#ita!. (NOT She saw a do(tor who he sent her
to hos#ita!.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion )6).
64. A.ter a su#er!ati2e& use in with a #!a(e e9#ression.
:hi(h is the 0i33est (it- in the wor!dC (NOT :hi(h is the 0i33est (it- o. the wor!dC)
This is the 0est restaurant in the (it-. (NOT This is the 0est restaurant o. the (it-.)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1'6.
61. Bou e(plain and s$ggest somethin3 to some0od-.
I!ease e9#!ain to me what -ou want. (NOT I!ease e9#!ain me what -ou want.)
Aan -ou su33est a 3ood restaurant to usC (NOT Aan -ou su33est us a 3ood
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tions 167 and +1*.
67. .or is an un(ounta0!e noun.
m !oo"in3 .or wor. (NOT m !oo"in3 .or a wor".)
M- 0rother has .ound a new #ob. (NOT M- 0rother has .ound a new wor".)
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion 1)7.
66. 5e (are.u! o. the word order in ne3ati2e in.initi2es.
ts im#ortant not to wor too hard. (NOT ts im#ortant to not wor" too hard.)
as"ed her not to mae so mu(h noise.
%or more detai!s& see Practical English Usage 'rd Edition se(tion ,7*.
1**. Iossessi2es re#!a(e arti(!es.
:e sta-ed in /ohns house at the wee"end. (NOT :e sta-ed in the ;ohns house at
the wee"end.)
Shes 0een stud-in3 0ritains .orei3n #o!i(- sin(e 167*. (NOT Shes 0een stud-in3
the 5ritains .orei3n #o!i(- sin(e 167*.)

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