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Nama : Muhammad Sugeng Hidayat, S.K.M, M.H.P

Alamat : Bulak Tengah V/3 Klender Jakarta Timur
Alamat alternatif : Jl. Selomulyo Mukti Timur 218 / D Semarang
Tel : 081326566863
Email :

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Tanggal Lahir : 11 Agustus 1970
Tempat Lahir : Jakarta
Status : Kawin
Berat Badan : 78 kg
Tinggi Badan : 171 cm


1989 - 1992 : Akademi Gizi Jakarta
1998 2000 : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas
Diponegoro Semarang

2002 2004 : Master of health Promotion di the University of
Melbourne Australia


1996 : Nutritional Program Placement development in
Jakarta, (130 hours)
1996 : AKTA MENGAJAR III / Teaching Skill Course
1999 : Short Term Course on Food and Nutrition Program
Planning and Management di the University of
2000 2001 : English Language Subjects and Foundation Study di
Trinity College Melbourne - Australia

2002 : Community Health Services survey di Shepparton,
Victoria, Australia
2002 : Introduction to Basic Statistics, School of Rural Health,
The University of Melbourne - Australia
2004 : Pengenalan pengembangan website,
Bapelkes Salaman, in Semarang
(30 hours)
2004 : Pelatihan Pendidikan Teknologi Informasi di
Poltekkes Semarang (36 JPL)
2004 : Pelatihan Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi, di
Bapelkes Salaman Magelang
2007 : Course in Management and Financial Reporting for
Tobacco Control (Bloomberg Global Initative to
Reduce Tobacco Use) TheUnion, Bogor
2007-2008 : Health Promotion Officer for Nutritional Medical
Edutainment (Event Organizer for health and nutrition
2009 : Workshop on Training of Trainer (ToT) Tobacco
Cessation for Health Provider, Bangkok, Thailand 26-
27 Nov 2009
2011 : Technical Consultation on Indicators for Non-
Communicable Diseases and Situational Analysis on
Cancer, Kuala Lumpur, 21-23 November 2011


Experience pada Pengembangan Program Gizi Masyarakat

Training design developer and study methods
Pendidik Kesehatan dan Gizi (Health and Nutrition educator);
Health Promotion and Informatics;
Data analysis and Interpretation;
Health and Nutrition Program Evaluation tools and health indicators
Healthy Life Style Officer at Indonesian MoH


2007 sekarang : Direktorat Pengendalian Penyakit Tidak Menular

1995 2007 : Senior Lecturer di Poltekkes Kesehatan Semarang
(Jabfung terakhir : Lektor)


1. Gaplek Contribution for Staple Food Replacement towards
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) and nutritional status of
Children Under-five (1999);

2. Improving the Performance of Posyandu in Gunungpati, Semarang

3. Risk Factors of Zinc and Vitamin A Deficiency towards Dark
Adaptory Ability in Primary School Children (2004)

4. The Food Formula for Malnourished Children using Corn (2005)

5. The Increased Protein Level of Gaplek Flour with Soybean Flour
Composition (2005)

6. The Association of Physical Activity with Obesity Rate in Primary
School Children in Central Java, Indonesia (2006)

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