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The Importance of Place Value
A lot of students may find themselves struggling as they get into the higher levels of mathematics.
One of the assumptions of mastering math is that you just need to memorize the formula and plug in
the numbers. But to truly excel in any field, you must also understand the concept and the reasoning
behind it so that you can play around with it. Well, this learning perspective can be applied to
concepts in elementary school math as well.

Place value is the idea that each digit in a number represents a certain amount, depending on the
position that it occupies (quick note: a digit is a particular number within a larger number; the
number refers to the entire group of digits). Thus, a number like 465 has a 4 in the hundreds place,
a 6 in the tens place, and a 5 in the ones place. The digit 4, in the hundreds place, does not represent
4 it represents 400. This idea is generally introduced in the lower elementary grades in order to
help students manipulate numbers and solve problems. If a child understands that 465 is actually
400+60+5, he or she can play around with this number more easily. Understanding this concept
might make it easier to add or subtract numbers, as well as use multiplication in the future grades
465 x 3 = (400 x 3) + (60 x 3) + (5 x 3). This method avoids carrying over in multiplication, which is
where a lot of students make calculation errors.

The concept that numbers can be broken apart and put back together gives the student a more solid
understanding of how different operations work. Not only that, but the student can also figure out
how to solve problems independently by playing with the numbers. Once a child has a good
understanding of place value, he or she will have an easier time with addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, expanded notation, etc. Place value is the why behind the basics of
mathematics; it teaches beyond memorization and repetition.
Ruth Rumack has been a full-time teacher and educator since 1996. Visit her Google+ page to find
out more about early childhood education.

The Impact of Place Value on Mathematics
Collect It!
By H.J. Sherman|L.I. Richardson|G.J. Yard Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall
Updated on Dec 22, 2010
Place value is perhaps the most fundamental concept imbedded in the elementary and middle school
mathematics curriculum. Correctly solving problems that involve computation of whole and rational numbers
is dependent upon understanding and expressing multidigit quantities. It is absolutely essential that students
develop a solid understanding of the base ten numeration system and place-value concepts by the end of grade
2. Students need many instructional experiences to develop their understanding of the systems including how
numbers are written (NCTM, 2000, p. 81). Yet, knowing when to exchange groups of ones for tens or how to
handle a zero in the hundreds place when subtracting, for example, confuses many students who then struggle
with algorithms. Learners can correct these and other misunderstandings by solving real-world problems with
hands-on materials and learning aids such as counters, base ten manipulatives, and place value charts.
Understanding and fluency are related . . . and there is some evidence that understanding is the basis for
developing procedural fluency (Kilpatrick, Swafford, & Findell, 2001, p. 197). Correctly recording numerals
in the quotient when dividing 348 by 30 is an example of demonstrating procedural fluency.
Research indicates that students experience using physical models to represent hundreds, tens, and ones can
be effective in dealing with place value issues early in the curriculum. The materials should help them e think
about how to combine quantities and eventually how this process connects with written procedure (Kilpatrick
et al., 2001, p. 198). However, merely having manipulatives available does not insure that students will think
about how to group the quantities and express them symbolically (NCTM, 2000, p. 80). Rather, students must
construct meaning for themselves by using manipulatives to represent groups of tens in classroom discussions
and in authentic, cooperative activities.
This article will deal with typical multidigit place value errors of both conceptual understanding and
procedure. Appropriate remediation activities will be described for each place value error pattern.
Nilai tempat mungkin konsep yang paling asas imbedded dalam kurikulum matematik
sekolah rendah dan menengah. Betul menyelesaikan masalah yang melibatkan
pengiraan nombor bulat dan rasional adalah bergantung kepada pemahaman dan
menyatakan kuantiti multidigit . " Ia adalah amat penting bahawa pelajar
membangunkan kefahaman yang kukuh tentang asas sepuluh sistem nombor dan
konsep nilai tempat pada akhir gred 2 . Pelajar perlu pengalaman pengajaran banyak
untuk membangunkan kefahaman mereka ke atas sistem termasuk bagaimana nombor
ditulis ( NCTM , 2000, p . 81). Namun , tahu bila untuk bertukar-tukar kumpulan
orang-orang yang untuk berpuluh-puluh atau bagaimana untuk mengendalikan suatu
kosong pada tempatnya beratus-ratus apabila menolak , sebagai contoh, mengelirukan
ramai pelajar yang kemudiannya bergelut dengan algoritma. Pelajar boleh
membetulkan ini dan salah faham yang lain dengan menyelesaikan masalah dunia
sebenar dengan tangan ke atas bahan dan alat bantuan pembelajaran seperti kaunter,
asas sepuluh manipulatif, dan carta nilai tempat . " Memahami dan kefasihan yang
berkaitan. . . dan terdapat beberapa bukti bahawa pemahaman adalah asas untuk
membangunkan kefasihan prosedur "( Kilpatrick , Swafford , & Findell , 2001, ms .
197). Betul rakaman angka dalam hasil bahagi apabila membahagikan 348 dengan 30
adalah satu contoh menunjukkan kefasihan prosedur.
Penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa pengalaman pelajar menggunakan model fizikal
untuk mewakili beratus-ratus, berpuluh-puluh, dan orang-orang yang boleh menjadi
efektif dalam menangani isu-isu nilai tempat awal dalam kurikulum. Bahan-bahan
yang perlu " membantu mereka e berfikir tentang bagaimana untuk menggabungkan
kuantiti dan akhirnya bagaimana proses ini menghubungkan dengan prosedur bertulis
" ( Kilpatrick et al. , 2001, ms . 198). Walau bagaimanapun, " semata-mata
mempunyai manipulatif ada tidak menginsuranskan bahawa pelajar akan berfikir
tentang bagaimana untuk kumpulan kuantiti dan menyatakan mereka secara simbolik
" ( NCTM , 2000, p . 80). Sebaliknya, pelajar mesti membina pengertian untuk diri
mereka sendiri dengan menggunakan manipulatif untuk mewakili kumpulan puluhan
dalam perbincangan bilik darjah dan dalam sahih , aktiviti koperasi.
Artikel ini akan menangani biasa ralat nilai tempat multidigit kedua-dua kefahaman
dan prosedur konsep. Aktiviti pemulihan yang bersesuaian akan diterangkan bagi
setiap corak ralat nilai tempat .
What Is Place Value?
Place value systems are also termed positional systems because the value of a number is determined in part by
the position or place it holds. In a decimal place value system, for example, each digit represents a group or
base of 10. Place value pertains to an understanding that the same numeral represents different amounts
depending on which position it is in (Charlesworth P. & Lind, 2003, pp. 308309). The place value concept
enables us to represent any value using 10 symbols (09) and compute using whole numbers. Other positional
or place value systems include those based on groups of 12, as seen in clock time for counting hours, or groups
of 60, for minutes in the hour.
The following are examples of regrouping in base-10 and base-12 system inwhole-number algorithms. Current
literature (Ma, 1999) uses the term regrouping. It applies to the exchanges of base groups in the four
operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example, in
1 745 + 389 ---------- 1134
10 ones in the sum of the ones column, 14, is regrouped to the tens column as 1 ten.
Likewise, for the following example:
6 14 7 ft 2 in. - 4 ft 8 in. ------------------ 2 ft 6 in.
7 feet is renamed to 6 feet 12 inches. The quantity of 12 inches is combined with 2 inches to be named
as 14 inches when computing in a place value system based on groups of 12.

Understanding Place Value
What is Place Value
By Deb Russell

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Place value in an extremely important concept that is taught as early as in kindergarten and as students learn about larger
numbers, the concept of place value continues throughout the middle grades. Place value refers to the value of the digit based on
its position. Place value is a concept that is difficult for young learners. Understanding place value fully requires many hands on
Why is Place Value a Difficult Concept for Students?
Think about the way young learners learn about numbers. They begin with rote counting, 1,2,3,4... From there they get to two
digit numbers, 11, 12, 13 and to three digit numbers 100, 101, 102... To a child the 1 in 1, 10 and 100 often mean the same thing.
However, in place value, a 1 is one, a 10 is 1 group of ten, 100, is ten, tens or 1 group of 100. Therefore, the difficulty is
understanding the place of the specific number and knowing that the placement changes the value of the digit.
Fikirkan tentang cara pelajar muda belajar tentang nombor. Mereka bermula dengan pengiraan hafalan,
1,2,3,4 ... Dari situ mereka dapat dua nombor digit, 11, 12, 13 dan tiga digit nombor 100, 101, 102 ...
Untuk kanak-kanak 1 dalam 1 , 10 dan 100 sering bermakna perkara yang sama. Walau bagaimanapun,
dalam nilai tempat, yang 1 adalah satu, 10 adalah 1 kumpulan sepuluh, 100, adalah sepuluh, berpuluh-
puluh atau 1 kumpulan 100. Oleh itu, kesukaran itu memahami tempat bilangan tertentu dan mengetahui
bahawa penempatan perubahan nilai digit.

What Helps Students to Better Understand Place Value?
Students need opportunities to see amounts in numbers. For instance, use base ten blocks or stripsto ensure that students see the
value of numbers. The place value blocks are most effective at showing the value of numbers. There are cubes to represent one,
strips to represent ten, flats to represent 100 and blocks to represent 1,000. The students can easily see that 10 cubes fit into a 10
strip, 10 strips fit into the 100 flat and 10 100 flats fit into the 1000 block. Spend times having students show numbers with the
blocks and then writing the numbers. Practice building many numbers with the place value blocks or strips to better solidify the
concept. As time progresses, provide a chart like the image with this article and ask questions about the placement of specific
numbers. For instance, with a numbers like 7,028,360,501 You may say, what does the 7 represent? (billion) what does the 0 next
to the 7 represent? (hundred million) what number is in the hundred thousand's place?
However, take small steps. Begin with 2 and 3 digit numbers. As children progress throughout the grades, move on to the
thousands and ten thousands. Do not move to the other side of ones until students are at the point in their math that they're ready
for decimals (tenths, hundredths etc.)
You can usually tell when students have a good grasp of place value by their ability to round numbers. When a child understands
place value, they are quick to be able to round numbers to a specific place.
You may wish to print this worksheet and reproduce the place value strip on it for students.
Pelajar memerlukan peluang untuk melihat jumlah bilangannya. Sebagai contoh, menggunakan asas
sepuluh blok atau stripsto memastikan pelajar melihat nilai nombor. Blok-blok nilai tempat yang paling
berkesan di menunjukkan nilai nombor. Terdapat kiub untuk mewakili satu, jalur untuk mewakili
sepuluh , rumah pangsa untuk mewakili 100 dan blok untuk mewakili 1,000. Pelajar-pelajar boleh
melihat bahawa 10 kiub dimuatkan ke dalam jalur 10, 10 jalur muat ke dalam 100 rata dan 10 100
rumah pangsa dimuatkan ke dalam blok 1000. Luangkan masa mempunyai pelajar menunjukkan
nombor dengan blok-blok dan kemudian menulis nombor. Amalan membina banyak nombor dengan
blok nilai tempat atau jalur untuk lebih mengukuhkan konsep itu. Sementara masa berlalu ,
menyediakan carta seperti imej dengan artikel ini dan bertanya soalan mengenai penempatan nombor
tertentu. Sebagai contoh , dengan nombor seperti 7028360501 Anda boleh berkata, apakah yang
mewakili 7 ? (bilion) apakah 0 bersebelahan dengan 7 mewakili? ( ratus juta ) apa nombor dalam ratus
tempat ribu itu ?
Walau bagaimanapun , mengambil langkah-langkah kecil . Mulakan dengan 2 dan 3 nombor angka.
Sebagai anak-anak maju di seluruh gred, bergerak ke beribu-ribu dan sepuluh ribu. Jangan berpindah ke
bahagian lain yang sehingga pelajar pada titik yang matematik mereka bahawa mereka sudah bersedia
untuk perpuluhan ( sepuluh , perseratus dan lain-lain )
Anda biasanya boleh memberitahu apabila pelajar memahami dengan baik nilai tempat oleh keupayaan
untuk pusingan nombor. Apabila kanak-kanak memahami nilai tempat, mereka cepat dapat ke pusingan
nombor ke tempat tertentu.
Anda mungkin ingin mencetak lembaran kerja ini dan menghasilkan jalur nilai tempat di atasnya untuk

Base Ten Place Value and Operations
Helping Students with Disabilities Understand Base Ten Place Value
By Jerry Webster

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Base ten, or the digital number system, the number system used in modern society, is based on grouping numbers in multiples of
10. It is important that children begin to understand place value if they are to eventually understand regrouping across places,
decimals and exponents.
Our digital system uses ten different digits, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. By placing in different positions, from right to left, on
either side of a decimal, we can increase the value (or decrease the value.) Primary children need to be able to identify 20 as two
tens, 30 as three tens, etc. Children with disabilities need lots of concrete and visual experiences with numbers. Some of the
activities that will support this understanding include.
One Hundred Days: This activity is pretty typical of most pre-school and kindergarten programs. You add a popsicle stick or
stirrer to bundles of ten, and write the number names, ie. 52 days is five bundles of ten and two individual sticks for the ones. On
the hundredth day, you celebrate.
Hundred's Charts: A hundreds chart, both a large classroom chart and smaller individual charts can be used in a number of ways
to help children understand the base ten number system. The chart can be cut into "tens strips" (i.e. 11-20, 31 to 40, etc.) and then
students can order them and paste them in the correct order. The chart can be used to teach skip counting by 5's and 10's, also an
important part of understanding place value as well as counting coins in the decimal system (U.S. dollars, Canadian dollars, the
Euro and the English pound.) The hundred's chart can be used as a giant bingo card, and it will give children experience both in
reading numbers and matching them on the hundred's chart.
Base Ten Blocks There are several manufacturers of base ten blocks, which consist of 1 centimeter square cubes, 10 by 1
centimeter rods (10's), 10 X 10 X 1 squares (100's) and 10 X 10 X 10 cubes (100's.) The rods can be used for measuring, the
square can be used to help students understand area, and the cubes for teaching volume. A printed template can also help support
teaching students place value for tens and ones, using the Base Ten Blocks.
Cuisenaire Rods Cuisenaire rods are system build on the concept of one equaling a white centimeter cube, and rods of differing
lengths and colors (a 2 is a two centimeter rod, 4 is a four centimeter rod, etc.) They can be used not only to teach operations,
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, they can also be used to help students understand numbers larger than ten, since
the sets will include hundred squares and thousand cubes. Because the Cuisenaire Rods are also centimeter based, they can be
used in conjunction withBase Ten Blocks.
Regrouping: Regrouping is the term that is interchangeable with "carrying" and "borrowing." Regrouping across ones and tens is
the first step in understanding operations across the base ten system, and often the key to future success with long division and
multiple digit multiplication. It is important for children with disabilities to understand how we can gather ten ones into a ten, and
add it to the tens, or to break a ten into ten ones in order to subtract a number. It is good to actually have students create the
numbers with base ten blocks, and do the regrouping, either for addition or subtraction: i.e. for 24 + 37, the child counts out four
tens and two tens, and seven ones and three tens, combine the four ones and seven ones to make eleven, which the child converts
into a ten rod and a one block, and then counts the ten rods, to write the sum (61.) Subtraction is done in a similar manner.

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