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According to classification from social science, there are eight main personality traits a human

can be categorised into and based on these eight main traits, there are 16 more basic
personality types that can be extended. Interestingly, most of us have a combination of these
traits and this is the main reason why we are having unique combination of personalities. In light
of this fact, people with different traits have distinct attitudes in approaching their professions
and work as well as the way they communicate with the people around them. The three
dominant traits that most pharmacists having are extroverted, introverted and thinking.
Being a science-based professional, pharmacist is usually an introvert. Pharmacists who are
described as an introvert tend to stay in their work area or cubicle instead of socialising with
their colleagues and patients. Therefore, they need to be approached for opinions before they
supply you by themselves. Even if others taking the initiative to approach them, they may have
trouble in communicating their ideas and thus most of them dont prefer to be interrupted. A
good attitude to be noted from introverted pharmacists is that they take their works seriously
and hence they can work well even under little supervision.
We shall be well-aware that there are significant numbers of pharmacists are extroverts.
Contrasted to introverts, they have a well-connected social network which can be attributed to
their tendency to socialise with the people around them. They have excellent verbal skills and
therefore they respond quickly to their colleague and customers needs without hesitations.
They welcome interruptions from anyone because they used to develop their ideas through
interactions. They probably have most of the patients revisiting them because they appear
friendly even a stranger asking for their assistance and hence they may be the center of
attraction in their workplace.
Most of the pharmacists have thinking as one of their traits combination. The thinking type
pharmacists analyse critically the problems facing by their patients in order to come out with a
justified solution. They look at the consequences of every choice that is available and decide it
on the basis of logical science theories. In other words, they tend to follow their head rather
than heart. Consequently, they tend to overlook the people part of a situation and
unintentionally offend the customers or patients who seeking for their opinions because they
believe being truthful is more important than being tactful.
When it comes to personality, we should be aware that we are perfectly imperfect. There are no
perfect personality exists and every personality has its own advantages and disadvantages. In
spite of that, pharmacists who are in the heart of healthcare system should understand their
personality well in order to know their strength and weakness for the sake of improving their
delivery of healthcare services to the patients. Besides of knowing their own personality, they
should take the initiative to understand the personality of colleagues around them because
healthcare service is a teamwork that involves various fields of expertise.

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