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1he CuesL for !

usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

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I n t e r n a t | o n a | n u m a n k | g h t s a n d C o n f | | c t k e s o | u t | o n C | | n | c
S t a n f o r d L a w S c h o o |
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

Cover photo: 1ree of Llfe joll ln Lhe Sldl Salyad Mosque ln Ahmedabad, lndla (1373)

1|t|e quote: lndlan Supreme CourL !udgmenL (p.7) ln Lhe 8esL 8akery" Case: (When Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlng agency helps Lhe accused, Lhe wlLnesses are LhreaLened Lo depose falsely
and prosecuLor acLs ln a manner as lf he was defendlng Lhe accused, and Lhe CourL was
acLlng merely as an onlooker and Lhere ls no falr Lrlal aL all, [usLlce becomes Lhe vlcLlm.")

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

When Iust|ce 8ecomes the V|ct|m:
1he uest for Iust|ce After the 2002 V|o|ence |n Gu[arat
May 2014

Internat|ona| numan k|ghts and Conf||ct keso|ut|on C||n|c
Stanford Law Schoo|

SuggesLed ClLaLlon:

ln1L8nA1lCnAL PuMAn 8lCP1S Anu CCnlLlC1 8LSCLu1lCn CLlnlC A1 S1AnlC8u LAW SCPCCL,
WPLn !uS1lCL 8LCCMLS 1PL vlC1lM: 1PL CuLS1 lC8 lC8 !uS1lCL Al1L8 1PL 2002 vlCLLnCL ln
Cu!A8A1 (2014).

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

2014 lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc, Mllls Legal Cllnlc, SLanford Law School

All rlghLs reserved.

noLe: 1hls reporL was auLhored by !"#$%&' !)''#'*#+,, Cllnlcal Supervlslng ALLorney and LecLurer ln
Law wlLh Lhe lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc (lP8C8C). 1he SLanford
lP8C8C ls one of Len cllnlcs ln Lhe Mllls Legal Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School.

1he lP8C8C provldes dlrecL represenLaLlon Lo vlcLlms, and parLners wlLh communlLles LhaL have
suffered or face poLenLlal abuse, or human rlghLs advocacy organlzaLlons. 1he lP8C8C seeks Lo
Lraln SLanford Law sLudenLs Lo be effecLlve human rlghLs advocaLes whlle slmulLaneously
advanclng Lhe cause of human rlghLs and global [usLlce worldwlde.

1hls reporL was drafLed wlLh Lhe supporL of several sLudenL-aLLorneys ln Lhe lP8C8C. 1he reporL
was prepared ln parLnershlp wlLh varlous human rlghLs lawyers, communlLy acLlvlsLs and non-
proflL organlzaLlons. lP8C8C's research was conducLed lndependenLly of Lhese acLors, and
lP8C8C ls graLeful for Lhelr advlce, and Lechnlcal asslsLance. 1he vlews expressed ln Lhls reporL
are Lhose of Lhe auLhor alone, and do noL necessarlly reflecL Lhe offlclal pollcy or poslLlon of
SLanford unlverslLy, SLanford Law School, or Lhe Mllls Legal Cllnlc.

1he cllnlc wlshes Lo warmly Lhank Lhe sLudenL-aLLorneys who helped complle Lhe daLa for Lhls
reporL, as well as Lhe Armed ConfllcL 8esoluLlon and eople's 8lghLs ro[ecL aL uC 8erkeley,
rashanL: CenLer for Puman 8lghLs, !usLlce, and eace, Cu[araL, and Lhe CenLer for !usLlce and
eace for Lhelr valuable commenLs durlng Lhe revlew and edlLlng process.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

1ab|e of Contents
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lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Lxecut|ve Summary
ln laLe lebruary 2002, rloLs spread across Cu[araL (pop. 60 mllllon),
one of lndla's mosL prosperous sLaLes. 1he vlolence began on
lebruary 27, 2002, when one carrlage of a Lraln carrylng sevoks (llt.
volunLeers," here, Lhe Lerm suggesLs Plndu naLlonallsL acLlvlsLs) was
aLLacked by a Musllm mob and subsequenLly engulfed ln flames. 1he
flre kllled more Lhan 30 passengers. Pours afLer Lhe aLLack, Lhe
vlsbvo nloJo lotlsboJ (vP), Lhe organlzaLlon LhaL had organlzed Lhe
[ourney, called a sLaLewlde booJb (or prlvaLely enforced general
sLrlke), clalmlng LhaL Musllm groups had consplred Lo aLLack and klll
Lhe Plndus on Lhe Lraln. 1he Cu[araL sLaLe governmenL, meanwhlle,
hasLlly raLlfled Lhe call for a booJb, and made preparaLlons for Lhe
bodles of Lhe dead Lo be LransporLed by road a few hours norLh Lo
Lhe SLaLe's largesL clLy, Ahmedabad (see below, SecLlons ll and lll).
8efore Lhe bodles even arrlved ln Ahmedabad, anLl-Musllm vlolence had already broken ouL across Lhe sLaLe. A
number of rloLs broke ouL along Lhe paLh of Lhe convoy carrylng Lhe bodles, lncludlng ln Ahmedabad where rloLs
branched ouL from Lhe hosplLal where Lhey were recelved shorLly afLer mldnlghL. 1he followlng mornlng, on
lebruary 28, Ahmedabad was ln chaos. ollce were unable or unwllllng Lo lnLervene agalnsL mobs of aLLackers,
many wleldlng knlves, LrldenLs, swords, guns and gas canlsLers (used Lo blow up concreLe walls). 1hese mobs ofLen
numbered ln Lhe Lhousands, and roamed unencumbered Lhrough Lhe clLy (see below, SecLlons lll). AL around 9:30
AM on lebruary 28, Lwo slmulLaneous aLLacks Look place. 1he flrsL Look place aL naroda aLla, a poor and mlxed
Plndu-Musllm nelghborhood on Lhe ouLsklrLs of Ahmedabad. 1he second Look place aL Culberg SocleLy, a small,
mlddle class complex houslng mosLly Musllm lnhablLanLs, lncludlng one promlnenL pollLlclan, Mr. Lhsan !afrl. 8oLh
aLLacks conLlnued lnLo Lhe afLernoon hours, desplLe repeaLed desperaLe calls for help by Lhe lnhablLanLs Lo Lhe
pollce. When Lhe dusL seLLled, Lhe cumulaLlve deaLh Loll from Lhese Lwo locaLlons alone lncluded aL leasL 163 men,
women and chlldren, wlLh many more ln[ured. lncluded ln Lhe deaLh Loll was Mr. !afrl hlmself, who had been
kllled and bruLally dlsmembered by Lhe rloLers. Survlvors Lold ghasLly sLorles of abuse, lncludlng mass sexual
vlolence (see below, SecLlon lll).
1he mosL large-scale vlolence lasLed for Lhree days, alLhough sporadlc aLLacks agalnsL Musllms conLlnued for
several monLhs.
Clvll socleLy acLlvlsLs and newspaper reporLers ofLen refer Lo Lhe vlolence as Lhe Carnage."
Some scholars have urged for Lhe evenLs Lo be descrlbed collecLlvely as a pogrom."
All Lold, beLween 1000 and
2000 people losL Lhelr llves,
Lhousands more were ln[ured,
and hundreds of Lhousands were dlsplaced as a resulL
of Lhe vlolence and desLrucLlon (see below, SecLlons lll and lv).
1hls reporL focuses on Lhe response of lndla's [udlclary Lo Lhe crlmlnal cases emerglng from Cu[araL's communal
vlolence ln 2002. Larly on, lL became clear LhaL Lhe courLs would face lnLense scruLlny as Lhey evaluaLed Lhe cases
broughL before Lhem. under lndla's [udlclal sysLem, Lhe cases were flrsL handled by Lhe lower courLs of orlglnal
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
[urlsdlcLlon. 1he pollce falled Lo brlng charges agalnsL mosL of Lhe alleged perpeLraLors of Lhe vlolence, and even
when Lhey dld, Lhey falled Lo provlde cruclal evldence needed for Lhelr convlcLlon (see below, SecLlons lll and lv).
An analysls of Lhe lower courLs' handllng of Lhe cases reveals a number of slgnlflcanL shorLcomlngs, as well as
some noLeworLhy successes (see below, SecLlon lv). Many vlcLlms of Lhe vlolence feel LhaL courLs overlooked
pollce blas, leadlng Lo an lmproper dlsmlssal of cases (see below, SecLlon lll and lv). Many of Lhe accused recelved
ball and were able Lo carry on wlLh Lhelr llves. ln some lnsLances, Lhese accused LhreaLened vlcLlms and wlLnesses
ln Lhe cases agalnsL Lhem (see below, SecLlons lll and lv).
noneLheless, human rlghLs acLlvlsLs, lawyers and vlcLlm famllles were able Lo overcome barrlers and use Lhe courL
sysLem Lo produce a small buL growlng number of convlcLlons agalnsL Lhose who commlLLed aLroclLles ln 2002.
Accordlng Lo one advocaLe famlllar wlLh Lhe cases emerglng from Lhe 2002 vlolence, convlcLlons were secured ln
only a small sub-seL of cases: Lhose ln whlch Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla had (1) removed Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon from
Lhe Cu[araL ollce, (2) provlded wlLness proLecLlon Lo Lhe prosecuLlon wlLnesses, and (3) replaced Lhe publlc
prosecuLors brlnglng Lhe case, and addlLlonally (4) where Lhe Cu[araL Plgh CourL Chlef !usLlce, under Lhe
supervlslon of Lhe Supreme CourL, had appolnLed Lhe presldlng [udges, and (3) clvll socleLy had Laken an acLlve
lnLeresL ln Lhe case.
1he Cu[araL Plgh CourL heard a number of appeals ln Lhe cases lnlLlally broughL Lo Lhe lower
dlsLrlcL and sesslons courLs, and Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla lnLervened as early as 2003 Lo ensure LhaL some of
Cu[araL's hlghesL-proflle cases were handled approprlaLely.
1he Lrlckle of cases LhaL led Lo convlcLlons (esLlmaLed ln 2012 Lo be no hlgher Lhan 1.2 of Lhe complalnLs
orlglnally flled wlLh Lhe pollce, compared Lo a 9.6 convlcLlon raLe for rloL-relaLed cases naLlonwlde)
reklndled Lhe hope for many rloL survlvors LhaL Lhey Loo mlghL someday see [usLlce done ln Lhelr cases.
1welve years afLer Lhe vlolence began, Lherefore, lL ls posslble Lo Lake sLock of Lhe [udlclary's performance,
focuslng boLh on lLs successes and lLs fallures. 1o conducL Lhls analysls, Lhe auLhor of Lhls reporL examlned
avallable courL documenLs and medla coverage of Lhree of Lhe mosL promlnenL cases Lo emerge from Lhe 2002
rloLs. 1hese Lhree cases were arguably Lhe hlghesL-proflle and pollLlcally mosL conLroverslal cases Lo emerge from
Lhe 2002 rloLs, and Lhus worLhy of deLalled analysls because of Lhelr capaclLy Lo hlghllghL Lhe sLrengLhs and
weaknesses of Lhe Cu[araL [udlclary when faced wlLh hlgh proflle cases alleglng hlgh-level compllclLy ln cases of
communal vlolence.
1he flrsL case revlewed ln Lhls reporL arlses from Lhe Lraglc evenLs aL Lhe Culberg SocleLy, ln whlch vlcLlms alleged
Lhe exlsLence of a crlmlnal consplracy by hlgh-level pollce and pollLlcal flgures, along wlLh a hosL of oLher crlmlnal
charges agalnsL lndlvlduals acLlng ln a non-offlclal capaclLy. 1he second case, focuslng on Lhe evenLs aL naroda
aLla, conLalned slmllar allegaLlons. 1haL second case has resulLed ln numerous crlmlnal convlcLlons. 1he AugusL
2012 [udgmenL esLabllshed ln damnlng language LhaL a crlmlnal consplracy lnvolvlng one very hlgh proflle
pollLlclan led Lo Lhe vlolence aL naroda aLla. lL esLabllshed legal crlLerla and evldenLlary sLandards LhaL many of
Lhe oLher ongolng Lrlals could also apply Lo evaluaLe Lhe evldence presenLed ln Lhose cases.
1he Lhlrd case revlewed ln Lhls reporL was lnlLlaLed ln 2006, four years afLer Lhe vlolence subslded. Ms. Zakla !afrl,
wldow of Lhe pollLlclan kllled aL Lhe Culberg SocleLy, drew on a varleLy of publlcly avallable sources Lo allege a
hlgh-level consplracy lnvolvlng 60 persons Lo plan, carry ouL and subsequenLly cover up Lhe Cu[araL-wlde vlolence.
Cne of Lhose she accused was Mr. narendra Modl, Chlef MlnlsLer of Cu[araL slnce 2001, who ls currenLly
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

campalgnlng Lo be rlme MlnlsLer of lndla. undersLandably, Ms. !afrl's case has assumed enormous pollLlcal
Ms. !afrl has been seeklng Lo geL a courL Lo accepL her peLlLlon and flle crlmlnal charges, so far unsuccessfully. Per
enLreaLles have, however, resulLed ln a prolonged lnvesLlgaLlon by Lhe Speclal lnvesLlgaLlve 1eam (Sl1), an ad hoc
lnvesLlgaLory body creaLed by Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla ln 2008 Lo lnqulre lnLo a llmlLed number of hlgh proflle,
rloL-relaLed cases. ln 2011, Lhe Sl1 communlcaLed Lo Lhe Supreme CourL lLs recommendaLlon LhaL Lhe !afrl case be
closed for lack of sufflclenL evldence of crlmlnal wrongdolng (Lhe Sl1's closure reporL was communlcaLed Lo Lhe
Cu[araL Lrlal courL ln early 2012).
1he auLhor chose Lhe Lhree cases glven LhaL Lhey represenL some of Lhe mosL well documenLed lnsLances of Lhe
legal sysLem addresslng communal vlolence ln Cu[araL. 1hey serve as a rlch enLry-polnL for anyone wanLlng Lo
undersLand Lhe challenges Lhe lndlan legal sysLem faces when lL handles senslLlve and serlous allegaLlons of
offlclal compllclLy ln whaL some conslder Lo be crlmes agalnsL humanlLy.
1he Lhree cases also address deep and LraumaLlc human sufferlng. Cur hope ls LhaL Lhls reporL wlll hlghllghL some
of Lhe successes and challenges LhaL survlvors have faced ln Lhelr pursulL of [usLlce, and generaLe some
meanlngful recommendaLlons regardlng [udlclal responses Lo allegaLlons of communal vlolence.
Accordlng Lo Lhe analysls deLalled ln Lhls reporL, Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL has falled Lo pursue accounLablllLy vlgorously
for whaL Lransplred ln 2002, nor has lL effecLlvely acLed Lo allevlaLe Lhe sufferlng of rloL-affecLed vlcLlms ln Lhe
pasL Lwelve years. 1he fraglllLy of Lhe slLuaLlon ln Cu[araL Loday suggesLs LhaL necessary reforms may noL be
lmplemenLed absenL serlous aLLenLlon and overslghL from ouLslde of Cu[araL. Such overslghL would necessarlly
lnvolve Lhe CenLral CovernmenL of lndla.
1he analysls conLalned ln Lhls reporL suggesLs slx key areas where Cu[araL sLaLe auLhorlLles and lndlan federal
auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should focus Lhelr efforLs Lo achleve compllance wlLh lnLernaLlonal
human rlghLs norms. 1hese recommendaLlons are descrlbed ln greaLer deLall ln Lhe reporL (see below SecLlon lv).
1. 8elevanL federal and sLaLe auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should redouble Lhelr efforLs Lo
seLLle ongolng dlspuLes over Lhe evenLs of 2002. 1roubllng and unanswered allegaLlons perslsL LhaL Lhe
warnlngs lssued by Lhe Cu[araL lnLelllgence communlLy abouL Lhe poLenLlal for unresL falled Lo Lrlgger an
adequaLe law enforcemenL response ln anLlclpaLlon of Lhe 2002 rloLs. 1he LruLh commlsslon Lasked wlLh
conducLlng an offlclal lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe 2002 rloLs has yeL Lo lssue lLs reporL on Lhe vlolence, and lL ls
noL clear when LhaL reporL wlll be lssued (8ecommendaLlons 1 & 13).
2. Cu[araL [udlclal auLhorlLles musL lmprove Lhe process by whlch crlmlnal cases are lnlLlaLed. ln many cases,
vlcLlms faced lnsurmounLable challenges whlle Lrylng Lo Lrlgger an lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo crlmes allegedly
commlLLed agalnsL Lhem. ln oLhers, pollce lnacLlon or malfeasance rendered Lhe lnformaLlon vlcLlms
provlded legally lrrelevanL. 1he Supreme CourL of lndla ordered Lhe reopenlng of over 2000 cases arlslng
from Lhe Cu[araL vlolence LhaL, ln lLs assessmenL, had been lmproperly closed. Many of Lhose cases were
allegedly closed agaln shorLly afLer Lhe Supreme CourL ordered Lhem Lo be relnvesLlgaLed. 1he percepLlon
perslsLs, parLlcularly among Cu[araL's mlnorlLy communlLy, LhaL Lhe fallure of Lhe pollce lnvesLlgaLory
process led Lo a greaL number of cases never belng properly lnvesLlgaLed and heard ln courL. Cu[araL
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
[udlclal and pollce auLhorlLles need urgenLly Lo address Lhls problem by lmplemenLlng LransparenL and
lncorrupLlble procedures for members of Lhe publlc Lo lnform Lhe relevanL [udlclal and pollce auLhorlLles
abouL alleged crlmlnal wrongdolng (8ecommendaLlons 2-7).
3. Cu[araL [udlclal auLhorlLles should ensure LhaL publlc prosecuLors ln Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL are noL selecLed
and evaluaLed based upon Lhelr pollLlcal afflllaLlons. (8ecommendaLlon 8).
4. 8elevanL federal and sLaLe auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, need Lo ensure LhaL crlmlnal Lrlals
conLlnue Lo become more vlcLlm-frlendly. 1he naroda aLla case (revlewed ln Lhls reporL) made greaL
sLrldes ln LhaL dlrecLlon, and should be seen as a precedenL-seLLlng sLarLlng polnL lnformlng [udges
overseelng oLher senslLlve Lrlals. 8loL vlcLlms who LesLlfled ln Lrlals followlng Lhe 2002 rloLs ln Cu[araL
were among Lhe flrsL ln lndla Lo recelve wlLness pollce proLecLlon. More needs Lo be done, however, Lo
safeguard vlcLlms' physlcal, soclal, economlc, and psychologlcal needs as Lhey parLlclpaLe ln Lhe [udlclal
process (8ecommendaLlons 9-10, 12-13).
3. 8elevanL federal and sLaLe auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, musL ensure LhaL clvll socleLy
acLors, human rlghLs defenders, and lndependenL [ournallsLs conLlnue Lo en[oy Lhe freedom Lo carry ouL
Lhelr work wlLhouL lnLerference or harassmenL by governmenL or governmenL-endorsed acLors
(8ecommendaLlons 11, 13).
6. 8elevanL federal and sLaLe auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should promulgaLe leglslaLlve and
lnsLlLuLlonal safeguards deslgned Lo prevenL communallsL vlolence, such as Lhe 2002 Cu[araL rloLs. lederal
lawmakers should conslder passage of Lhe proposed revenLlon of CommunallsL vlolence 8lll as an
lmporLanL sLep ln LhaL dlrecLlon (8ecommendaLlon 14).
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Sect|on I: Introduct|on
ln Lhe afLermaLh of any vlolenL conflagraLlon,
Lhe [usLlce sysLem plays a cruclal role. unllke
academlcs or [ournallsLs renderlng Lhelr
oplnlons on evenLs ln Lhe pasL, properly
funcLlonlng courLs can lssue lmmedlaLe and
blndlng rellef Lo vlcLlms, and ldeally deLer oLher
would-be crlmlnals from commlLLlng slmllar
crlmes ln Lhe fuLure. Llke LruLh commlsslons,
courLs can also esLabllsh ob[ecLlve and facL-
based hlsLorlcal records of whaL happened. And
unllke pollLlclans, courLs have Lhe llberLy of
focuslng on one very narrow lssue only:
wheLher Lhe accused perpeLraLors dld-or dld
noL-vlolaLe Lhe law. When courLs operaLe
lndependenLly, vlcLlms and oLher observers can
resL assured LhaL Lhelr cases wlll be handled
falrly, wlLhouL conslderaLlon for oLher, legally
lrrelevanL facLors. llnally, counLrles are
Cu[araL, lndla
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
obllgaLed under lnLernaLlonal Law Lo provlde
adequaLe remedles for human rlghLs vlolaLlons
LhaL Lake place wlLhln Lhelr borders. 1he
prlmary focus of Lhls sLudy ls Lo assess, agalnsL
Lhls ldeal, Lhe Cu[araL courLs' responses Lo Lhe
2002 rloLs, and Lo formulaLe recommendaLlons
based on an analysls on Lhe sLrengLhs and
weaknesses of Lhls response.
1he lndlan legal sysLem's response Lo Lhe 2002
vlolence was Lhe mosL problemaLlc ln cases LhaL
alleged Lhe compllclLy of Cu[araL's pollLlcal
esLabllshmenL ln Lhe vlolence. Accordlng Lo
many eyewlLnesses and analysLs, Lhe 2002
vlolence was noL an lnsLance of sponLaneous
lnLer-communal vlolence. 8aLher, many have
asserLed lL Lo be Lhe resulL of a carefully
orchesLraLed plan by a group of eLhno-
naLlonallsLs who soughL Lo lnsLlgaLe such
vlolence and subsequenLly consolldaLe Lhelr
pollLlcal hold on Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL (see below
secLlon lll). Some of Lhese allegaLlons have
lmpllcaLed Mr. narendra u. Modl, Chlef
MlnlsLer of Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL slnce CcLober
2001, and Lhe 8haraLlya !anaLa arLy (8!)
candldaLe for Lhe poslLlon of lndla's rlme
MlnlsLer ln Lhe 2014 general elecLlons.
and vlcLlms have also accused several oLher
hlgh-ranklng governmenL and clvlc leaders of
playlng a role ln Lhe vlolence (see below, secLlon
lll). lndeed, followlng Lhe rloLs, vlcLlm-survlvors,
human rlghLs advocaLes, and a small buL
growlng group of whlsLle-blowers alleged a
wldespread refusal by sLaLe and [udlclal
auLhorlLles Lo hold Lhose responslble for Lhe
vlolence accounLable before Lhe law (see below,
secLlons lll and lv).
1he chorus of allegaLlons has perslsLed. WlLhln
days of Lhe rloLs breaklng ouL across Cu[araL,
Lhe lndlan naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon
(nP8C) lnlLlaLed lnqulrles lnLo reporLs LhaL
Cu[araL SLaLe auLhorlLles had been compllclL ln
Lhe vlolence and subsequenL efforLs Lo subverL
[usLlce. 1he nP8C subsequenLly flled a Speclal
Leave eLlLlon wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla
seeklng Lo have an lnlLlal seL of flve hlgh-proflle
cases (lncludlng Lhe naroda aLla and Culberg
SocleLy cases dlscussed ln Lhls reporL)
lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe CenLral 8ureau of
lnLelllgence (a federal organ), raLher Lhan Lhe
Cu[araL pollce. 1hese efforLs proved
unsuccessful. Cne year laLer, ln 2004, Lhe nP8C
agaln approached Lhe Supreme CourL, Lhls Llme
asklng Lhe CourL Lo overLurn Lhe acqulLLals ln
Lwo cases LhaL had emerged from Lhe Cu[araL
vlolence: Lhe 8esL 8akery" and 8llkls 8ano"
cases (see below, secLlon lv). 8oLh cases
recelved naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal medla
coverage and aLLracLed conslderable aLLenLlon
from promlnenL human rlghLs groups. 1he
Supreme CourL agreed wlLh Lhe nP8C's
assessmenL LhaL Lhere had been a serlous
mlscarrlage of [usLlce ln Lhe Cu[araL lower
courLs, and ln facL LhaL Lhere coolJ be oo [usLlce
done ln Lhese cases as long as Lhey remalned ln
Lhe hands of Lhe Cu[araL pollce, prosecuLorlal,
and [udlclal auLhorlLles. 1he Supreme CourL
ordered Lhe cases Lo be re-lnvesLlgaLed and
reLrled ln nelghborlng MaharashLra SLaLe,
where boLh ulLlmaLely led Lo Lhe convlcLlons of
some of Lhe accused (see below, secLlon lv).
ln 2004, Lhe Supreme CourL ordered Lhe Cu[araL
pollce Lo reopen approxlmaLely 2000 oLher
cases Lhey had earller dlsmlssed (clalmlng lack
of sufflclenL evldence). lour years laLer, ln 2008,
Lhe Supreme CourL appolnLed a Speclal
lnvesLlgaLlve 1eam (Sl1) Lo relnvesLlgaLe Len
hlgh-proflle cases, lncludlng Lhe flve LhaL Lhe
nP8C had lnlLlally flagged for Lhe CourL. 1he
Sl1's mandaLe was only Lo lnvesLlgaLe. ln effecL,
lLs role was Lo conducL Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon LhaL
sboolJ have been conducLed by Lhe pollce afLer
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Lhe lnlLlal allegaLlons of crlmlnal behavlor. 1he
resulLs of Lhe Sl1's lnvesLlgaLlon were Lhen
handed Lo a speclally-appolnLed publlc
prosecuLor, who conducLed Lhe prosecuLlon on
behalf of Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL ln one of slx fasL-
Lrack" courLs mandaLed by Lhe Supreme CourL
Lo handle all rloL relaLed cases (see below,
secLlons lll and lv).
Whlle Lhe Sl1 lnvesLlgaLlons dld lead Lo some
convlcLlons, boLh of Musllms accused of
orchesLraLlng a lebruary 27, 2002 aLLack on a
Lraln (see below SecLlon ll), and of Plndus
lnvolved ln Lhe subsequenL rloLlng LhaL swepL
across Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL (see below SecLlon
lll), some observers suggesLed LhaL Lhe Sl1 shled
away from serlously lnvesLlgaLlng charges
agalnsL hlgh-ranklng pollLlcal and clvlc
auLhorlLles ln Cu[araL for Lhelr alleged
compllclLy ln Lhe vlolence (see below, p. 39).
ln llghL of Lhe growlng concerns over Lhe Sl1's
lndependence, Lhe Supreme CourL ln May 2011
lnvlLed Mr. 8a[u 8amachandran, one of lndla's
mosL well-respecLed and promlnenL lawyers, Lo
serve as omlcos cotloe (llt. ftleoJ of tbe coott),
and revlew Lhe evldence gaLhered by Lhe Sl1
durlng lLs lnLo allegaLlons made by Ms. Zakla
!afrl. Ms. !afrl's case (see below, SecLlon lll), ls
arguably Lhe mosL conLroverslal Lo have been
broughL followlng Lhe 2002 rloLs, slnce lL alleges
Lhe dlrecL compllclLy ln Lhe vlolence of much of
Lhe SLaLe's pollLlcal leadershlp. ln lLs prellmlnary
lnvesLlgaLlon Lhe Sl1 concluded LhaL Lhere was
noL enough prosecuLable evldence Lo esLabllsh
posslble crlmlnal charges agalnsL Mr. Modl and
oLher hlgh-ranklng offlclals ln Lhe vlolence. AfLer
conducLlng hls revlew of Lhe Sl1's lnvesLlgaLlon,
however, Mr. 8amachandran came Lo preclsely
Lhe opposlLe concluslon, argulng LhaL Lhe ptlmo
focle allegaLlons agalnsL Mr. Modl and oLhers
could consLlLuLe gross crlmlnal mlsconducL.
More fundamenLally, Mr. 8amachandran
concluded LhaL Lhe proper forum for evaluaLlng
Lhe evldenLlary slgnlflcance of Ms. !afrl's case
was a regular crlmlnal Lrlal, and noL by Lhe
lnvesLlgaLory body charged wlLh gaLherlng
relevanL evldence of crlmlnal wrongdolng (see
below, secLlons lll and lv).
1he clrcumsLances of Lhe Cu[araL communal
vlolence of 2002 are parLlcularly charged glven
Mr. Modl's conLlnulng role ln pollLlcs.
offlclal and clvll-socleLy sponsored commlsslons
(or clLlzens' Lrlbunals) have lnvesLlgaLed Lhe
evenLs of 2002.
!ournallsLs have also
conLrlbuLed slgnlflcanLly Lo Lhe formaLlon of
publlc oplnlon abouL Lhe Cu[araL rloLs, lLs
orlglns, and subsequenL efforLs Lo hold Lhose
responslble accounLable for Lhelr acLlons.
* , 10

numerous lndlan and lnLernaLlonal human
rlghLs organlzaLlons have wrlLLen abouL Lhe
evenLs of 2002, provldlng vlLal documenLaLlon
of Lhe desLrucLlon and lmpacLs on affecLed
llnally, Lhe lnLerneL ls repleLe
wlLh exposes, facL-sheeLs, and aLLempLs Lo
frame whaL happened ln Cu[araL.
1hls laLLer
caLegory of wrlLlng ls especlally problemaLlc, ln
LhaL much of lL lacks ob[ecLlvlLy, and ofLen
recasLs facLs and daLa speclflcally Lo sulL narrow
pollLlcal or culLural agendas.
1he baLLle over Lhe consequences of Lhe
Cu[araL vlolence has grown ln feroclLy ln Lhe
run-up Lo Lhe 2014 naLlonal elecLlons. Allowlng
Lhe pollLlcal and medla arenas Lo become Lhe

1hls reporL relles heavlly on boLh
conLemporaneous as well as reLrospecLlve medla
coverage of Lhe Cu[araL vlolence.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
domlnanL fora for Lhe baLLle over how Lo
lnLerpreL Lhe 2002 vlolence rlsks Lransformlng
Lhe vlcLlms' quesL for [usLlce lnLo a wlnner-Lake-
all pollLlcal compeLlLlon, dlsconnecLed from Lhe
ongolng physlcal and emoLlonal needs of Lhe
vlcLlms and survlvors of Lhe vlolence, noL Lo
menLlon [usLlce and Lhe rule of law.
Meanwhlle, ln Lhe mldsL of Lhe swlrllng and
lncreaslngly shrlll commenLary, Lhe lndlan and
Cu[araL courLs have been asked Lo render Lhelr
own ob[ecLlve, evldence-based, and lmparLlal
oplnlons as Lo whom or whaL should be blamed
for Lhe Cu[araL communal vlolence. Clven Lhe
currenL aLmosphere, every verdlcL lssued wlll
lnevlLably be selzed by some as vlndlcaLlon,
whlle oLhers llkely wlll re[ecL Lhe oplnlon and
lmpugn Lhe compeLence or lmparLlallLy of Lhe
[udlclary. neverLheless, Lhe obllgaLlons of Lhe
courLs Lo render a proper verdlcL remaln
unchanged. uelay, or a blankeL refusal Lo
enLerLaln charges, merely undermlnes Lhe
courLs' credlblllLy and leglLlmacy among oll
concerned sLakeholders.
1hls reporL focuses on Lhe quesLlon of wheLher
Lhe lndlan [udlclary has llved up Lo Lhe baslc
prlnclple arLlculaLed by Mr. 8amachandran: LhaL
Lhe courLs should remaln open Lo allegaLlons of
crlmlnal wrongdolng, no maLLer how
conLroverslal Lhe sub[ecL maLLer or how hlgh-
ranklng Lhe alleged perpeLraLor may be. 1hls
reporL's analysls of Lhree hlgh-proflle cases
arlslng from Lhe Cu[araL communal vlolence
suggesLs LhaL Lhe [udlclary unforLunaLely sLlll
has a long way Lo go Lo llve up Lo Mr.
8amachandran's prlnclple.
1hls reporL hlghllghLs Lhe successes and
shorLcomlngs of Lhe Cu[araL auLhorlLles' pollce
and [udlclal response Lo Lhe 2002 rloL cases. 1he
reporL also deLalls a number of recommend-
aLlons arlslng ouL of lLs analysls of Lhe Lhree
hlghesL-proflle cases Lo emerge from Lhe rloLs.
1he ma[orlLy of Lhese recommendaLlons focus
on sLrucLural reforms LhaL auLhorlLles can make
Lo ensure LhaL Lhe subsLanLlal problems
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe [udlclal response Lo Lhe
2002 rloLs ln Cu[araL do noL occur agaln ln
fuLure such scenarlos.
1he reporL does noL seek Lo re-examlne Lhe
baslc facLs of whaL happened ln Cu[araL durlng
Lhe 2002 vlolence. 1he reporL presenLs no facLs
abouL Lhe evenLs ln 2002 LhaL have noL been
documenLed elsewhere. lnsLead, Lhls reporL
seeks Lo add Lo Lhe well-esLabllshed facLs abouL
Lhe 2002 vlolence Lhe perspecLlves and
experlences of Lhe vlcLlms, survlvors,
prosecuLlon wlLnesses and peLlLloners ln Lhe
Lhree revlewed cases, as well as Lhelr lawyers,
as Lhey seek [usLlce Lhrough Lhe lndlan [udlclary.
1he auLhor of Lhls reporL and cllnlc sLudenLs
were wlLness Lo dozens of conversaLlons
beLween prlmary vlcLlms and survlvors of Lhe
vlolence, as well as Lhelr famlly members. 1hese
lnLeracLlons, whlch Look place durlng meeLlngs
held by a clvll socleLy group, deepened and
conLexLuallzed Lhe analysls LhaL lnformed Lhls
reporL. 1he LraumaLlc evenLs descrlbed by Lhese
lndlvlduals represenL [usL a small fracLlon of Lhe
LoLallLy of Lhe vlolence LhaL engulfed Cu[araL ln
early 2002. noneLheless, Lhese conversaLlons
lllumlnaLed Lhe subsLanLlal dlfflculLles LhaL aL
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

leasL some vlcLlms and survlvors conLlnue Lo
face as Lhey seek [usLlce.
Clven Lhe focus of Lhls reporL, Lhe auLhor's
meLhodology was Lo examlne ln deLall Lhe courL
records and medla coverage of Lhree slgnlflcanL
crlmlnal cases: Lhe Culberg SocleLy, naroda
aLla, and Zakla !afrl cases. 1hese cases were
noL selecLed aL random. All Lhree have garnered
naLlonal aLLenLlon from Lhe lndlan medla. Lach
case has relled prlmarlly on vlcLlms, survlvors
and Lhelr lawyers, agalnsL greaL odds, Lo drlve
Lhe cases Lhrough Lhe [udlclary. 1he Lhree cases
are also closely lnLerLwlned, boLh legally and
facLually. llnally, Lhe Lhree cases lllusLraLe how
harrowlng lL has been for Lhe survlvors of mass
vlolence ln Cu[araL Lo seek [usLlce.
Where aLLacks were reporLedly perpeLraLed by
Musllms agalnsL members of Lhe Plndu ma[orlLy
communlLy-lncludlng Lhe well-known lebruary
27, 2002 Codhra lncldenL (descrlbed below)-
Lhe cases were prompLly prosecuLed by SLaLe
offlclals, ln Lhe face of llLLle publlc opposlLlon.
1he reporL focuses lnsLead on Lhose cases ln
whlch Lhe Cu[araL and lndlan legal sysLem has
been called Lo acL ln Lhe mosL pollLlcally
charged conLexLs, namely Lhose relaLlng Lo
lnsLances ln whlch predomlnanLly 'mlnorlLy'
(l.e., Musllm) communlLles suffered aL Lhe
hands of prlmarlly 'ma[orlLy' (l.e., Plndu)
1o daLe, 1he lndlan [udlclary has had llmlLed
successes. lL has held some perpeLraLors of Lhe
vlolence responslble for Lhelr acLs and
compensaLed some of Lhe survlvors. Powever,
LhaL process has been lnconslsLenL, exacLlng,
Lenuous and ulLlmaLely lnadequaLe. 1welve
years afLer Lhe Cu[araL rloLs, Lhe need for
furLher acLlon and sLrucLural reforms remalns
Whlle revlewlng Lhe case maLerlals, Lhe auLhor
was lnvlLed Lo observe a serles of conversaLlons
beLween lawyers, soclal sclenLlsLs, acLlvlsLs, and
vlcLlms and survlvors of Lhe aLLacks aL Culberg
SocleLy and naroda aLla. 1he auLhor was able
Lo llsLen Lo Lhe survlvors recounL Lhelr
experlences pursulng [usLlce and Lhelr dally llves
slnce 2002. WhaL follows ls a summary of Lhose
observaLlons, supplemenLed by slgnlflcanL
clLaLlons Lo research and reporLlng conducLed
by oLhers. 1he auLhor observed a number of key
lnLervlews wlLh wlLnesses who LesLlfled ln Lhe
Lwo cases and conducLed a subsLanLlal revlew
of avallable secondary llLeraLure on Lhe Loplc.
MosL of Lhe observed lnLervlews were
conducLed ln prlvaLe, whlle oLhers were
conducLed ln small focus-group seLLlngs. ln
cases ln whlch Lhe vlcLlm and survlvors dld noL
speak Lngllsh, Lhe reporL's auLhor had access Lo
LranslaLors accepLable Lo Lhe vlcLlms and
survlvors. SeparaLely, Lhe auLhor also soughL
ouL many of Lhe lawyers lnvolved ln llLlgaLlng
Lhese cases. 1he auLhor Lravelled Lo uelhl,
Mumbal, and Ahmedabad. lnLervlews Look
place ln each of Lhese locaLlons as well as Lhe
unlLed SLaLes.
Clven Lhe slgnlflcanL rlsk LhaL vlcLlms and
survlvors sLlll face when speaklng abouL Lhe
evenLs of 2002, all lnLervlewees remaln
anonymous ln Lhls reporL.
1he auLhor and cllnlc sLudenLs also conducLed
an exLenslve llLeraLure revlew of avallable
secondary sources. Sources lnclude [udlclal, Sl1
and amlcus oplnlons, oLher courL documenLs,
reporLs by human rlghLs organlzaLlons and
speclallzed governmenLal lnsLlLuLlons, prlnL
medla, blogs, oLher forms of web-based medla
(such as ?ou1ube conLenL and speclallzed
webslLes dedlcaLed Lo Lhe 2002 rloLs), as well as
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
academlc publlcaLlons. Many of Lhose sources
are noL avallable elecLronlcally and can be made
avallable by Lhe auLhor upon requesL.

! "

1he reporL beglns by deLalllng Lhe broader
conLexL and hlsLory of Lhe Cu[araL rloLs, and
Lhen Lurns Lo a dlscusslon of Lhe evenLs LhaL
unfolded beLween lebruary 27 and March 2,
2002, as well as Lhe serlous afLer-effecLs of Lhe
lnlLlal rloLlng on Lhe sLaLe's Musllm communlLy.
1hese evenLs have been descrlbed ln much
greaLer deLall elsewhere, buL are summarlzed ln
Lhls reporL Lo provlde Lhe conLexL for Lhe
subsequenL analysls.
1he reporL descrlbes ln deLall Lhree hlgh-proflle
cases arlslng ouL of Lhe posL-Codhra communal
vlolence revlewed ln Lhls reporL. Cnly one of
Lhose cases has resulLed ln a flnal verdlcL and
subsequenL crlmlnal convlcLlons. Cf Lhe
remalnlng Lwo, one has been sLayed, and Lhe
oLher (Lhe only one Lo allege a sLaLe-wlde
crlmlnal consplracy) has yeL Lo resulL ln charges
belng flled by sLaLe auLhorlLles.
1he flnal secLlon of Lhe reporL offers an analysls
of Lhe lndlan [udlclary's performance so far wlLh
regard Lo Lhe Lhree cases under revlew, as well
as recommendaLlons based on Lhls analysls.
1here ls some cause Lo welcome Lhe role of Lhe
[udlclary ln holdlng rloL perpeLraLors Lo accounL.
1hese successes, however modesL and delayed
Lhey may be ln Lhe eyes of some commenLaLors,
have resLored falLh ln Lhe [udlclary for some
vlcLlms. no doubL, Lhe Llreless efforLs of
counLless rloL survlvors and Lhelr advocaLes
played an lmporLanL role ln caLalyzlng Lhese
declslons. lew commenLaLors belleve LhaL Lhe
Cu[araL [udlclary would have achleved Lhese
modesL [udlclal vlcLorles had lL noL been for Lhe
ongolng lnLervenLlons and overslghL by Lhe
lndlan Supreme CourL. 1hus, much needs Lo be
done Lo safeguard and relnforce Lhe
lndependence and effecLlveness of Lhe Cu[araL
[udlclary, and Lhe efflclency of Lhe sysLem as a
whole. 1he auLhor looks Lo lndlan [udlclal
precedenL, as well as lndla's obllgaLlons under
lnLernaLlonal law Lo lnvesLlgaLe and prosecuLe
crlmlnal wrongdolng, and proposes a llsL of
recommendaLlons on how Lo lncrease Lhe
capaclLy of Lhe lndlan [udlclary Lo handle such
cases ln Lhe fuLure.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Sect|on II: 1he Lvents of Iebruary 27, 2002
1here ls vlrLual consensus LhaL Lhe susLalned
vlolence known as Lhe Cu[araL Carnage sLarLed
wlLh a flre ln a Lraln car on lebruary 27, 2002
near Lhe Lraln sLaLlon ln Codhra, Cu[araL. 1haL
evenL, and Lhe communal vlolence LhaL
followed, have been Lhe sub[ecL noL only of
lnLense medla and academlc llLeraLure, buL also
crlmlnal courL cases. A sLrlklng feaLure ls Lhe
very dlfferenL LreaLmenL of cases broughL
agalnsL alleged perpeLraLors of Lhe Lraln flre
versus cases broughL agalnsL alleged
parLlclpanLs ln Lhe vlolence LhaL followed.
Cn lebruary 27, 2002, a devasLaLlng flre broke
ouL ln coach S-6 of Lhe SabarmaLl Lxpress aL Lhe
Codhra Lraln sLaLlon. 1he flre lefL 39 passengers
dead, lncludlng 27 women and 10 chlldren, and
anoLher 48 ln[ured.
1hls lncldenL ls commonly
referred Lo as Lhe evenL LhaL subsequenLly
provoked vlolenL rloLs across Lhe sLaLe of
Cu[araL ln Lhe comlng days and weeks.
Lhe Codhra Lragedy provoked Lhese subsequenL
rloLs, and more speclflcally, wheLher Lhe
subsequenL rloLs erupLed sponLaneously ln a flL
of reLallaLory popular ouLrage, or due Lo careful
pre-medlLaLlon by Plndu naLlonallsLs, ls Lhe
sub[ecL of lnLense ongolng debaLe.
AccounLs dlffer as Lo whaL caused Lhe flre on
Lhe SabarmaLl Lxpress. Some belleve LhaL Lhe
flre was Lhe resulL of a premedlLaLed plan by
Musllms llvlng ln Codhra Lo klll Plndu pllgrlms.

vP acLlvlsLs had been reLurnlng home from
norLhern lndla, where Lhey had conLroverslally
assembled Lo begln Lhe consLrucLlon of a Plndu
Lemple on a slLe ln Ayodhya, where Lhe vP and
oLhers ln 1992 had desLroyed Lhe hlsLorlcally
slgnlflcanL 8abrl Mosque.
1hls narraLlve of
evenLs ls descrlbed as Lhe 'consplracy Lheory,'
slnce lL alleges advanced plannlng of Lhe
Codhra aLLack-perhaps even wlLh Lhe coverL
asslsLance of aklsLan's lSl lnLelllgence agency.

1hls Lheory was wldely promoLed by numerous
Cu[araL pollLlclans aL Lhe Llme, and qulckly
conflrmed by Lhe lnlLlal pollce lnvesLlgaLlon as
Lhe operaLlve Lheory of whaL caused Lhe aLLack
on Lhe SabarmaLl Lxpress.
CLhers deny LhaL
Lhere was any evldence of advance plannlng,
and lnslsL LhaL whaL happened aL Codhra was
lnsLead elLher a sponLaneous acL of communal
vlolence, unlawful and lllegal (perhaps ln
response Lo a quarrel aL Lhe Codhra Lraln
sLaLlon beLween Musllm vendors and vP
or even a Lraglc accldenL unrelaLed
Lo any communallsL rloLlng.

1he crlmlnal case agalnsL Lhe alleged
perpeLraLors of Lhe Codhra Lraln flre, whlch was

MosL noLably, Lhls ls Lhe concluslon reached by Lhe
nanavaLl-MehLa Commlsslon 8eporL, whlch was Lhe
sLaLe-sponsored commlsslon of lnqulry Lasked wlLh
lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe evenLs aL Codhra. 5ee nanavaLl-
MehLa Commlsslon 8eporL, Ln 13, ot 139 (All []
clrcumsLances lndlcaLe LhaL whaL was Lo be done
was planned ln advance.")
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
broughL Lo Lrlal by Lhe prosecuLlon under Lhe
guldance of Lhe Sl1, endorsed Lhe 'consplracy
Lheory.' 1he prosecuLlon alleged LhaL Lhe ploL Lo
flrebomb Lhe Lraln had been haLched by Lhe
pollLlcal and rellglous leaders of Lhe Musllm
communlLy ln Codhra."
lncluded ln Lhe group
of co-defendanLs were elghL promlnenL Musllm
rellglous and pollLlcal leaders, lncludlng a
promlnenL clerlc, a local pollLlclan who was well
known for hls opposlLlon Lo Lhe 8!, four
members of Lhe Codhra munlclpal councll, and
Lwo lawyers.
uefendanLs were lnlLlally
charged under Lhe revenLlon of 1errorlsm AcL
(C1A), buL Lhese Lerrorlsm charges were laLer
dropped afLer a cenLral revlew commlLLee ruled
C1A Lo be lnappllcable ln Lhls case.

uurlng Lhe Lrlal, numerous lndlcaLlons surfaced
suggesLlng LhaL Lhere had been no advance
plannlng behlnd Lhe aLLack. Several credlble
lnqulrles lnLo Lhe evenLs aL Codhra sLrongly
refuLed Lhe 'consplracy Lheory.'
Some of Lhe
prosecuLlon's key wlLnesses from Lhe Lrlal
recanLed Lhelr sLorles, or confessed Lo an
lndependenL [ournallsL durlng a sLlng operaLlon
LhaL Lhey had knowlngly fabrlcaLed LesLlmony Lo

5ee CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL - ll, sopto noLe 9, ot
12-17 (1he evldence as analysed above clearly
lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe lncldenL was noL preplanned by
Lhe Musllms, as alleged by Lhe governmenL."),
Chenoy 8eporL, sopto noLe 16, SecLlon 1, (1he
aLLack does noL appear Lo be pre-planned ln Lhe
sense ln whlch lL was clalmed publlcly by hlgh
auLhorlLles ln Lhe lmmedlaLe afLermaLh of Lhe
lncldenL of 27Lh leb. nelLher avallable lnformaLlon
nor Lhe clrcumsLances Lhen prevalllng provlde
supporL Lo Lhe Lheory of any deep-rooLed
consplracy, wlLh or wlLhouL lnvolvemenL of forelgn
susLaln Lhe prosecuLlon's 'consplracy Lheory.'

Some, allegedly, dld so Lo serve Lhe cause of
nloJotvo [Plndu naLlonallsm].
clalmed Lo have been brlbed,
or forclbly
coerced or LorLured
lnLo provldlng false
LesLlmony Lo Lhe courL. ln one case, Lhe
prosecuLlon reporLedly enLered lnLo evldence
LesLlmony made by a man who-upon
lnvesLlgaLlon by Lhe defense-had apparenLly
dled ln 1993.

1he [udge dlsmlssed nlne of Lhe prosecuLlon's
key wlLnesses as lacklng ln credlblllLy,
noneLheless found Lhere Lo have been a
consplracy Lo carry ouL an aLLack agalnsL Lhe
SabarmaLl Lxpress aL Codhra.
ln lebruary
2011, Lhe courL convlcLed 30 of Lhe 94 orlglnally
lndlcLed suspecLs.
Lleven of Lhose convlcLed
recelved deaLh senLences, and anoLher eleven
recelved senLences of llfe ln prlson.

1he aggresslve, declslve, and zealous response
by Lhe Cu[araL pollce and [udlclal auLhorlLles
sLands ln conLrasL Lo Lhelr handllng of Lhe posL-
Codhra rloL cases alleglng vlolence agalnsL
predomlnanLly Musllm communlLles.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Sect|on III: 1he Lvents Io||ow|ng the Godhra 1ragedy
l was offered 6 lakh Lo noL LesLlfy . . . l responded: 'l'll glve
you double LhaL Lo geL my famlly back'"
- Cu[araL vlolence survlvor

Cu[araL's mosL famous son-MahaLma
Candhl-condemned Lhe loglc of
reLrlbuLlve vlolence mosL polgnanLly,
years prlor Lo Lhe Cu[araL rloLs, when
he remarked LhaL an eye for an eye
leaves us all bllnd."

1he response Lo Lhe Codhra flre
lnvolved counLless acLs of horrlflc and
lllegal vlolence. Large mobs soughL Lo
klll or ln[ure enLlre communlLles of
lnnocenL clvlllans merely because of
Lhelr eLhnlc or rellglous backgrounds.

Some people and groups have soughL Lo [usLlfy
Lhe reLrlbuLlve communal vlolence agalnsL
Musllms followlng Lhe Codhra Lragedy as an
undersLandable response Lo Lhe Lraln flre,
lnvoklng an acLlon-reacLlon" frame Lo [usLlfy
Lhe vlolence.

Puman 8lghLs WaLch dlsmlssed Lhls acLlon-
reacLlon frame ln an Aprll 2002 reporL, flndlng
lnsLead LhaL Lhe vlolenL aLLacks agalnsL Musllms
were Lhe embodlmenL of a plan by several
loosely assoclaLed Plndu naLlonallsL
organlzaLlons called Lhe 5ooqb lotlvot, whose
ulLlmaLe alm ls Lo esLabllsh lndla as a Plndu

1he aLLacks on Musllms are parL of a concerLed campalgn of Plndu naLlonallsL organlzaLlons Lo
promoLe and explolL communal Lenslons Lo furLher Lhe 8!'s pollLlcal rule-a movemenL LhaL ls
supporLed aL Lhe local level by mlllLanL groups LhaL operaLe wlLh lmpunlLy and under Lhe
paLronage of Lhe sLaLe. 1he groups mosL dlrecLly responslble for vlolence agalnsL Musllms ln
Cu[araL lnclude Lhe vlshwa Plndu arlshad, Lhe 8a[rang ual, Lhe rullng 8!, and Lhe umbrella
organlzaLlon 8ashLrlya Swayamsevak Sangh (naLlonal volunLeer Corps, 8SS), all of whom
collecLlvely form Lhe sooqb potlvot (or famlly" of Plndu naLlonallsL groups). 1hese organlzaLlons,
alLhough dlfferenL ln many respecLs, have all promoLed Lhe argumenL LhaL because Plndus
consLlLuLe Lhe ma[orlLy of lndlans, lndla should be a Plndu sLaLe."

Lvldence shows thut Elndus und Musllms, lncludlng
the uccused und the vlctlms llved together wlthout notlceuble
dlshurmony over generutlons ut vllluge Rundhlkur tlll vlshwu
Elndu Purlshud guve cull for Cujurut 8undh followlng the
Codhru 1ruln 8urnlng lncldent, und ferment of communul
hutred surked off the rlots.
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lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
lollowlng Lhe Codhra Lragedy, Lhe vP
announced a sLaLewlde booJb for Lhe followlng
day, lebruary 28. A booJb ls essenLlally a
general sLrlke LhaL ls called and enforced by a
pollLlcal parLy or prlvaLe enLlLy.
booJbs are falrly common ln lndla,
Supreme CourL of lndla and numerous lower
courLs have repeaLedly held Lhem Lo be lllegal
and unconsLlLuLlonal."
1he courLs' clear
declslons noLwlLhsLandlng, numerous pollLlclans
have conLlnued Lo call for booJbs.

ln 2002, Lhe Cu[araL sLaLe governmenL
endorsed Lhe vP's call for a bandh.
allege LhaL by dolng so Lhe sLaLe governmenL
effecLlvely faclllLaLed Lhe lawlessness and lnLer-
communal vlolence LhaL ensued.
San[lv 8haLL,
Lhen-uepuLy Commlssloner of ollce, has
LesLlfled LhaL on Lhe very evenlng of Lhe Codhra
Lragedy, Mr. Modl allegedly lnsLrucLed Lhose
presenL aL a meeLlng of senlor bureaucraLs and
pollce offlclals aL hls home Lo granL Lhe
exLremlsL mobs free relgn.
8haLL's LesLlmony
was corroboraLed by lnvesLlgaLlve [ournallsLs,

LesLlmony from oLher lnslders before a clvll-
socleLy drlven commlsslon of lnqulry,
as well
as news reporLs coverlng sLaLemenLs made by
oLher lnslders-some appearlng ln prlnL as early
as March 2, 2002.

Cn lebruary 28, 2002, Lwo sLaLe governmenL
mlnlsLers were reporLedly posLed aL Lhe SLaLe
ollce ConLrol 8oom and Lhe Ahmedabad ClLy
ollce ConLrol 8oom.
Accordlng Lo 8haLL and
oLhers, Lhe role of Lhese mlnlsLers was Lo
ensure LhaL Lhe pollce would 'go slow' ln Lhelr
efforLs Lo puL an end Lo Lhe unfoldlng carnage.

Mr. Modl and hls supporLers have caLegorlcally
denled Lhese charges ln offlclal lnvesLlgaLlons as
well as ln numerous medla sLaLemenLs.

ALLacks on mlnorlLles began wlLhln hours of Lhe
Codhra Lraln flre.
Cn lebruary 27, SLaLe
auLhorlLles allowed Lhen-vP Ceneral SecreLary
for Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL, !aldeep aLel, Lo
organlze Lhe Lransfer Lo Ahmedabad of Lhe
bodles of Lhose who burnL Lo deaLh ln Codhra.

CrlLlcs allege LhaL Lhls move, whlch ceded
conLrol of Lhe bodles Lo a non-sLaLe
organlzaLlon wlLh an open acLlvlsL agenda, was
boLh lmprudenL from a vlolence-prevenLlon
perspecLlve, and noL ln keeplng wlLh sLandard
operaLlng procedures.
1he resulLlng
processlon drew huge crowds of anLl-Musllm
rloLers along Lhe way and especlally ln
Ahmedabad, where Lhe bodles were paraded
Lhrough Lhe sLreeLs. Cne analysls of leaked
messages senL Lo Lhe SLaLe lnLelllgence 8ureau
headquarLers from fleld offlcers, for example,
deLalled how a mob of 3,000 8SS members
gaLhered aL Sola hosplLal ln Ahmedabad Lo
greeL Lhe bodles, and LhaL-ln llne wlLh Lhe
warnlngs LhaL had been floodlng ln Lo LhaL same
number slnce Lhe nlghL before-soon vlolence
sparked off."
vlcLlms and eyewlLnesses of Lhe
massacre LhaL Look place on Lhe mornlng of
lebruary 28, 2002 aL naroda Cam, anoLher
Ahmedabad nelghborhood, accuse aLel and
Maya kodnanl (former senlor Cu[araL 8!
pollLlclan convlcLed ln Lhe naroda aLla
declslon, see below, p. 14), of havlng played a
slgnlflcanL role lnsLlgaLlng LhaL rloL as well.

Cn lebruary 28, 2002, coordlnaLed mob aLLacks
agalnsL Musllms conLlnued Lo spread across Lhe
sLaLe of Cu[araL. Cver Lhe course of Lhe nexL
Lhree days, 20 of Cu[araL's 23 dlsLrlcLs were
rocked by communal vlolence
- 12 of Lhem
serlously (accordlng Lo Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL's
2002 presenLaLlon Lo Lhe naLlonal LlecLlon
Commlsslon and lLs facLflndlng Leam).
wldespread reporLs Lo Lhe conLrary, Lhese
communal aLLacks, aL a reduced buL sLlll
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

slgnlflcanL scale, conLlnued well beyond Lhe
lnlLlal 72 hours.

1he communal vlolence followed a sLrlklngly
slmllar paLLern across Lhe sLaLe.
Mobs of
several Lhousand people arrlved ln Lrucks, ofLen
dressed ln saffron scarves and khakl shorLs (Lhe
unlform of Lhe 8SS, a paramlllLary bloJotvo
volunLeer corps), and aLLacked Lhe Cu[araLl
Musllm populaLlon.
Musllm homes and shops
were selecLlvely ldenLlfled, looLed and burned.

Mosques and Jotqobs (Musllm pllgrlmage slLes)
were desLroyed.
Musllm women and glrls
were bruLally raped-ofLen publlcly.
chlldren and adulLs allke were buLchered and
burnL allve.

8oLh of Lhe aLLacks LhaL led Lo Lhe cases
analyzed ln Lhls reporL-Lhe Culberg SocleLy
and naroda aLla aLLacks-Look place on
lebruary 28, 2002. 8oLh lncldenLs recelved
wldespread naLlonal news coverage and were
among Lhe deadllesL aLLacks Lo occur durlng Lhe
2002 Cu[araL rloLs.

1he Attack at the Gu|berg Soc|ety
1he aLLack on Lhe Culberg SocleLy clalmed Lhe
llves of 69 Musllm and arsee lnhablLanLs.
vlcLlms lncluded Lhsan !afrl-a former Member
of arllamenL and ouLspoken Modl crlLlc. 1he
Culberg SocleLy was a mulLl-unlL houslng com-
plex, lnhablLed prlmarlly by Musllm LenanLs.

uurlng Lhe aLLack, many of Lhe Culberg
SocleLy's lnhablLanLs Look shelLer ln Mr. !afrl's

Accordlng Lo 8urralya !afrl (43), Lhsan !afrl's

daughLer-ln-law, [Lhsan !afrl] had procured Lhe ploL
[for Lhe Culberg SocleLy] ln 1968 and subsequenLly
consLrucLed Lhe sLrucLure. 1he ldea was noL Lo make
a proflL buL provlde shelLer Lo Lhose ln need,
8urralya explalns. My faLher ln law also consLrucLed
a pollce cbowkle (posL) nearby, buL when Lhe rloLers
aLLacked our socleLy [] none of Lhe pollcemen came
Lo our rescue," she says blLLerly." (5ee vlnod kumar
Menon and lx nlrav 1rlvedl, l coo Clve op oot
8ooqolow llot fot ltee, Ln. 230).
home seeklng shelLer from Lhe vlolenL mobs,
hopeful LhaL Mr. !afrl's promlnence would
shleld Lhem from harm. LyewlLnesses esLlmaLed
LhaL several Lhousand rloLers aLLacked Lhe
Culberg SocleLy LhroughouL Lhe day, roamlng
freely Lhrough Lhe sLreeLs, unencumbered by
Lhe pollce.

?ears laLer, lmporLanL deLalls abouL Lhe naLure
and scope of Lhe vlolence aL Lhe Culberg SocleLy
emerged durlng LesLlmony ln 2009 ln Lhe
crlmlnal Lrlal agalnsL Lhe accused ln LhaL case.
numerous wlLnesses descrlbed hearlng Mr. !afrl
make calls Lo promlnenL Congress arLy and 8!
pollLlclans and pollce offlclals, lncludlng Mr.
Modl hlmself.
1hese allegaLlons could noL be
conflrmed by Lhe auLhor of Lhls reporL, and Mr.
Modl has denled ever havlng recelved such
none of Lhese lndlvlduals provlded Lhe
asslsLance allegedly requesLed by Mr. !afrl Lo
hlm or Lo Lhe oLhers Lrapped aL Lhe Culberg
lnsLead, a wlLness alleged LhaL Mr.
Modl had asked why are you noL dead yeL?"

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
numerous wlLnesses descrlbed Lhe
presence of Lhe Cu[araL ollce Chlef
.C. ande on Lhe scene shorLly
before Lhe mobs descended aL
around 10:30 ln Lhe mornlng,
promlslng LhaL he would send help
CLher pollce offlcers
allegedly dld show up lnLermlLLenLly
LhroughouL Lhe day, buL none sLayed
Lo proLecL Lhe Musllms under aLLack.
AllegaLlons also emerged LhaL hlgh-
level 8! and vP offlclals had
lnsLlgaLed and dlrecLed Lhe mobs.

WlLnesses also descrlbed sexual
vlolence LhaL allegedly Look place
durlng Lhe aLLack.

! "

1hree monhLs afLer Lhe aLLack aL Lhe Culberg
SocleLy, on !une 3, 2002, a crlmlnal case was
lnlLlaLed ln Lhe lower courL ln Lhe SLaLe of
Cu[araL. 1he Supreme CourL sLayed Lhe case ln
november 2003 (along wlLh 9 oLher hlgh proflle
cases) amldsL concerns over Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe
SLaLe of Cu[araL's efforLs Lo ldenLlfy and
prosecuLe perpeLraLors of Lhe vlolence.
AL Lhe
Llme Lhls reporL wenL Lo press, Lhe case ls sLlll
pendlng, and ls expecLed Lo resulL ln a verdlcL
WlLnesses spoke of Lhe efforLs by senlor pollce
offlcers Lo exLorL wlLnesses Lo lnduce Lhem Lo
lle Lo Lhe nanavaLl Commlsslon (an offlclal
probe Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe 2002 Cu[araL vlolence),
Lo cover up for pollce malfeasance.

lurLhermore, Lhere have been allegaLlons of a
sysLemaLlc efforL Lo desLroy or Lamper wlLh
forenslc evldence afLer Lhe aLLack had ended.

ln March 2008, afLer Lhe Supreme CourL
declded noL Lo remove Lhe Culberg SocleLy case
(and several oLher casess) Lo oLher [urlsdlcLlons
for Lrlal, Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon resumed ln Cu[araL,
under Lhe supervlslon of Lhe newly-formed Sl1.
Cnce lL had flnlshed lLs lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe Sl1
was Lo Lransfer Lhe case Lo a speclal prosecuLor
who would brlng Lhe case Lo Lrlal ln a speclal
fasL Lrack" courL creaLed Lo handle Cu[araL
rloL-relaLed cases. 1he charges broughL ln Lhe
case lncluded crlmlnal consplracy, murder,
aLLempL Lo murder, promoLlng enmlLy beLween
dlfferenL groups on grounds of rellglon, causlng
dlsappearance of evldence, [and] rloLlng."
Lrlal began on May 14, 2009, wlLh 36 accused.

l culled the then ollce commlssloner und usked for
hel, but no one cume. . . .1hey were currylng knlves und
swords. Muny of them were eltlng stones und throwlng
burnlng rugs ut vehlcles und lnto houses. . . . 1he mob hud
surrounded the house und 'ufrl declded to go out even though
we urged hlm not to. 1he moment they suw hlm, the mob
drugged 'ufrl uwuy. A burnlng rug fell on me und l fell
unconsclous. Azhur wus stundlng beslde me. vhen l regulned
consclousness, Azhur wus nowhere to be seen.
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1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Cne noLable challenge ln Lhe case has been Lhe
Lroubled relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe presldlng
[udge and Lhe wlLnesses ln Lhe case. As a
crlmlnal case, Lhe publlc prosecuLor was Lasked
wlLh maklng Lhe case agalnsL Lhe alleged
1he wlLnesses also played an acLlve role ln Lhe
proceedlngs, however. WlLnesses ln Lhe
Culberg SocleLy case had Lhelr own legal
counsel, and Lhelr advocaLe, S.M. vora, lnlLlally
was able Lo address Lhe courL dlrecLly.
Cu[araL Plgh CourL [udgmenL laLer scaled back
Lhe wlLness advocaLe's ablllLy Lo dlrecLly
address Lhe courL, lnsLrucLlng hlm Lo do so only
vla Lhe ubllc rosecuLor.

numerous Llmes, wlLnesses and Lhelr advocaLes
accused Lhe presldlng [udge ln Lhe Culberg
SocleLy case of blas, boLh ln hls LreaLmenL of
Lhem and ln hls behavlor LhroughouL Lhe
WlLnesses spoke of hls abuslve
conducL durlng Lrlal, alleglng LhaL he ofLen
shamed vlcLlms and LreaLed Lhem as lf Lhey
Lhemselves were Lhe accused.

ln lebruary 2010 Speclal ubllc rosecuLor 8.k.
Shah and hls asslsLanL nayana 8haLL reslgned,
Lhey clalmed, ln Lhe lnLeresL of ensur[lng] Lhe
rule of law and LhaL Lhe gullLy geL punlshed."

ln a leLLer wrlLLen Lo Lhe Sl1 [usLlfylng hls
reslgnaLlon, Shah conflrmed Lhe allegaLlons LhaL
Lhe prosecuLlon wlLnesses had made ln Lhelr
peLlLlon (see below) Lo geL !udge !oshl
removed, sLaLlng:

1he aLLlLude of Lhe learned [udge Lowards Lhe wlLnesses, parLlcularly vlcLlm eye-wlLnesses, has
by and large remalned hosLlle and unsympaLheLlc. Pe browbeaLs Lhem, or LhreaLens Lhem, or
LaunLs Lhem. Pe does noL allow wlLnesses Lo go Lo Lhe dock for Lhe purpose of ldenLlflcaLlon and
lnslsLs on ldenLlflcaLlon from [Lhe] wlLness box as lf he ls holdlng [a] LesL ldenLlflcaLlon parade and
Lhe mosL maLerlal evldence regardlng ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe accused geLs affecLed."

ln response Lo Lhe allegaLlons levled by Shah,
Lhe Supreme CourL on March 13, 2010 agaln
sLayed Lhe Culberg SocleLy Lrlal, pendlng a
deLalled response from Lhe Sl1."
ln mld-!une
2010, Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL appolnLed 8.C.
kodekar and n.k. uahlya as Lhe new ubllc
rosecuLors, allowlng Lhe case Lo resume.

1hroughouL 2010, wlLnesses ln Lhe Culberg
SocleLy case had unsuccessfully peLlLloned Lhe
Cu[araL Plgh CourL Lo have !udge !oshl
lL Look anoLher year for Lhe
wlLnesses' plea Lo be answered, when Lhe
Cu[araL Plgh CourL ordered Lhe Lransfer of
!udge !oshl Lo anoLher [urlsdlcLlon, replaclng
hlm wlLh !udge 8.!. uhandha.
AbouL Lwo years
laLer !udge uhandha reLlred.
announcemenL came afLer flnal argumenLs ln
Lhe case had already been made.
ln lebruary
2013, Lhe Supreme CourL had agaln sLayed Lhe
Lrlal courL from lssulng a [udgmenL pendlng Lhe
MaglsLraLe CourL's declslon ln Lhe !afrl case (see
AnoLher ma[or procedural lssue had Lo do wlLh
wlLnesses' efforLs Lo [oln hlgher-level pollLlcal
and pollce auLhorlLles as co-defendanLs ln Lhe
case, based on evldence LhaL Lhey had elLher
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
conducLed, lnsLlgaLed, or abeLLed Lhe
vlcLlms and Lhelr advocaLes soughL
Lo expand Lhe llsL of accused ln 2009, followlng
LesLlmony by a few wlLnesses alleglng LhaL hlgh-
level 5ooqb lotlvot lndlvlduals had coordlnaLed
Lhe vlolence.
1he Sl1 opposed Lhe wlLnesses'
1he Plgh CourL ln 2010 concurred wlLh
Lhe Sl1
for slx of Lhe alleged elghL hlgh-level
5ooqb lotlvot accused, whlle ln Lhe Lwo
remalnlng lnsLances lL added Lhe lndlvlduals Lo
Lhe llsL of Lhe accused ln Lhe case.

1he lssue of addlng new defendanLs came up
agaln under !udge uhanda's Lenure as presldlng
Llke hls predecessor, !udge uhanda also
concurred wlLh Lhe Sl1's assessmenL LhaL Lhere
was lnsufflclenL evldence Lo brlng charges
agalnsL addlLlonal defendanLs.
A few monLhs
laLer, Lhe wlLnesses for Lhe Lhlrd Llme flled a
moLlon Lo brlng charges agalnsL hlgher-level
alleged consplraLors, Lhls Llme relylng on Lhe
evldence gaLhered by Lhe Sl1 ln Lhe !afrl case
(see below, p. 20).
1he Sl1, however, refused
Lo hand over lLs lnvesLlgaLlon documenLs Lo Lhe
Lrlal courL hearlng Lhe Culberg SocleLy case,
clalmlng lL had noL been auLhorlzed Lo do so by
Lhe Supreme CourL.
ln Lhe meanLlme, Lhe Lrlal
agalnsL Lhe exlstloq defendanLs conLlnued.
WlLnesses soughL Lo sLay Lhe Lrlal, clalmlng LhaL
unless all evldences relaLed Lo Lhe case [are]
submlLLed ln Lhe courL, pre[udlce could be
caused Lo Lhe Lrlal."
nelLher Lhe Lrlal courL,

nor Lhe Cu[araL Plgh CourL,
whlch heard an
lnLerlocuLory appeal, agreed Lo sLay Lhe Lrlal Lo
walL for Lhe Sl1 Lo submlL lLs documenLs. 1haL
only happened ln lebruary 2013, afLer Lhe
Supreme CourL of lndla lnLervened Lo sLay Lhe
Lrlal from reachlng a verdlcL pendlng Lhe
ouLcome of Lhe !afrl case, whlch alleged hlgher-
level consplracy (see below). AL Lhe Llme Lhls
reporL wenL Lo press, Lhe lssue was sLlll
1he Naroda at|a Attack
1he Culberg SocleLy nelghborhood was noL Lhe
only one aLLacked on lebruary 28, 2002.
SlmulLaneous wlLh LhaL aLLack, mobs also
Lerrorlzed Lhe resldenLs of naroda aLla, a
mlxed-eLhnlclLy nelghborhood on Lhe
ouLsklrLs of Ahmedabad, lnhablLed
mosLly by less affluenL day-laborers.

1he aLLack on naroda aLla clalmed
Lhe llves of aL leasL 96 lndlvlduals, and
serlously ln[ured 123 more.

1he crlmlnal case agalnsL Lhe accused
perpeLraLors of Lhe naroda aLla
massacre dlffers from Lhe Culberg
SocleLy case ln LhaL lL has resulLed ln
convlcLlons of several of Lhe accused, lncludlng
some hlgh-ranklng pollLlcal flgures. Some credlL
Lhe Lrlal [udge, !yoLsna ?agnlk, as havlng played
a cruclally consLrucLlve role ln LhaL ouLcome.
1he mob stormed our house und drugged me und my
urents out. 1hey doused us wlth etrol und threw llghted
mutch stlcks on us . . . my urents ure deud und see whut they
huve done to me,' crled yeurold Shuh 'uhun, u resldent of
[Nurodu Putlu|, olntlng to her fuce thut looked llke u blood
curdllng horrormusk.
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1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

1he case concluded on AugusL 29, 2012,
resulLlng ln an almosL 2000-page publlc record
of whaL Lransplred LhaL day. numerous
wlLnesses aL Lhe Lrlal LesLlfled Lo Lhe role LhaL
Maya kodnanl, aL Lhe Llme a hlgh-ranklng 8!
pollLlclan (laLer appolnLed as MlnlsLer of SLaLe
for Women and Chlld Welfare and Plgher
LducaLlon), had played. Accordlng Lo Lhe Lrlal
flndlngs, kodnanl had lnclLed oLhers Lo klll
Musllm lnhablLanLs of naroda aLla,
Lhe desLrucLlon of a mosque,
promlsed Lhe
rloLers LhaL she would proLecL Lhem from
and flred her own revolver Lo
anlmaLe Lhe crowd.
kodnanl became Lhe
hlghesL-proflle flgure Lo be held accounLable for
her acLlons durlng Lhe rloLs. 8abu 8a[rangl (a
former 8ojtooq uol convener), klshan koranl
(8! member of Lhe Ahmedabad Munlclpal
CorporaLlon), and 8! and vP leaders 8lpln
anchal and Ashok Slndhl were also

WlLnesses aL Lhe Lrlal spoke of numerous
lncldenLs suggesLlng offlclal compllclLy wlLh Lhe
rloLers, lncludlng accounLs of desperaLely
seeklng shelLer wlLh Lhe SLaLe 8eserve ollce
(paramlllLary pollce forces Lralned Lo deal wlLh
publlc emergencles), whose compound was
locaLed 300 meLers from naroda aLla, only Lo
be Lurned away by Lhe offlcers guardlng Lhe

1he courL found LhaL Lhere was a crlmlnal
consplracy Lo carry ouL Lhe aLLack aL naroda
1he courL was confronLed wlLh Lwo
alLernaLlve explanaLlons for Lhe aLLack. 1he flrsL
was Lhe acLlon-reacLlon explanaLlon (Lhe
vlolence was merely Lhe sponLaneous and
uncoordlnaLed ouLpourlng of vlgllanLe ouLrage
agalnsL Lhe evenLs ln Codhra). 1he second was
Lhe allegaLlon LhaL Lhe vlolence had been pre-
planned even prlor Lo Lhe Codhra Lragedy.

1he courL's [udgmenL sLopped shorL of
endorslng elLher of Lhese frames, lnsLead
flndlng Lhe formaLlon of a crlmlnal consplracy
afLer Lhe Codhra occurrence on 27/02/2002
and before 9:30 a.m. of 28/02/2002 when Lhe
consplraLors meL aL Lhe slLe."
1he courL Lhus
lefL open Lhe quesLlon wheLher a wlder or more
long-sLandlng crlmlnal consplracy could be
proved: a quesLlon ralsed dlrecLly ln Lhe !afrl
case (dlscussed below, p. 20).

! "

As wlLh Lhe Culberg SocleLy case, Lhe lnlLlal
lnvesLlgaLlon conducLed by Lhe local pollce
auLhorlLles lnLo Lhe crlmes aL naroda aLla was
deeply flawed. !udge ?agnlk found Lhe lnlLlal
lnvesLlgaLlon Lo be so poorly done LhaL she
afforded lL llLLle Lo no evldenLlary welghL ln her
flnal declslon.
1haL declslon openly
quesLloned Lhe professlonal lnLegrlLy of Lhe
pollce offlclals on duLy as Lhe vlolence unfolded
and durlng subsequenL efforLs Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe

1he early lnvesLlgaLlon was characLerlzed by a
long and drawn-ouL process of slowly arresLlng
lncludlng some known 5ooqb
lotlvot acLlvlsLs,
followed by ball hearlngs.

ln november 2003, Lhe Supreme CourL sLayed
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
Lhe Lrlal (along wlLh Lhe Culberg SocleLy Lrlal
and oLhers).
nearly slx years laLer, ln
SepLember 2009, Lhe many lndlvldual llrsL
lnformaLlon 8eporLs (ll8s)
comprlslng Lhe
varlous alleged lncldenLs LhaL Look place aL
naroda aLla were consolldaLed lnLo one
omnlbus" ll8,
and one monLh laLer Lhe Sl1
lssued chargesheeLs agalnsL 60 defendanLs.

1he Lrlal resLarLed, and wlLness LesLlmony-
lncludlng LesLlmony perLalnlng Lo sexual
began ln laLe 2009, aLLracLlng
conslderable medla aLLenLlon.

Cn AugusL 29, 2012, !udge ?agnlk acqulLLed 29
accused and convlcLed Lhe remalnlng 32
defendanLs, senLenclng Lhem Lo prlson Lerms of
varylng lengLhs whlle reservlng senLenclng for
one convlcL who had absconded. 1hough Lhe
courL acknowledged LhaL serlous sexual
vlolence had occurred durlng Lhe aLLack, no
perpeLraLors could be ldenLlfled for Lhese
crlmes. lnsLead, !udge ?agnlk ordered Lhe lone
wlLness who had LesLlfled LhaL she had been
Lo recelve 8s. 300,000 ln compensaLlon
(see below, p. 30 for furLher dlscusslon).
vlcLlms and survlvors ln Lhe case spoke abouL
how graLeful Lhey were for havlng had an
empaLheLlc [udge.
WlLnesses felL LhaL !udge
?agnlk was recepLlve Lo Lhe needs of vlcLlms
and survlvors, and more lnLeresLed ln flndlng
ouL abouL Lhe LruLh of whaL happened aL
naroda aLla Lhan ln shleldlng Lhe accused from

varlous oLher alleged rape vlcLlms aL naroda aLla
had been kllled by Lhelr aLLackers, or dled as a resulL
of Lhelr wounds. Cnly one rape survlvor Lold her
sLory Lo Lhe CourL.
belng held llable for Lhelr crlmes.
humanlLy," and Lhe facL LhaL she was a
woman, were parLlcularly lmporLanL for
survlvors of sexual vlolence, who felL LhaL she
had been more able Lo relaLe Lo Lhelr
experlences and needs.

uesplLe Lhe greaL success of Lhe naroda aLla
verdlcL, !udge ?agnlk noneLheless dld noL wlsh
Lo enLerLaln argumenLs by vlcLlms and Lhelr
advocaLes Lo conslder evldence of a wlder,
sLaLewlde consplracy llnklng Lhe evenLs aL
naroda aLla Lo Lhe resL of Lhe Cu[araL vlolence.
1wo years prlor Lo Lhe verdlcL, ln lebruary 2010,
Lwo survlvors of Lhe naroda aLla massacre had
flled separaLe peLlLlons urglng Lhe courL Lo Lake
heed of new lnformaLlon LhaL had surfaced
llnklng key perpeLraLors ln Lhe aLLacks Lo acLors
noL physlcally presenL durlng Lhe vlolence.

!udge ?agnlk denled Lhose requesLs, saylng she
felL Lhese clalms were already belng
lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe Sl1 ln Lhe !afrl case (whlch
had noL yeL shared lLs flndlngs wlLh Lhe courL),
and slmulLaneously re[ecLed a plea Lo sLay Lhe
Lrlal pendlng Lhe Sl1's flnal reporL.

1he 2012 naroda aLla [udgmenL-whlle noL
Lhe flrsL posL-Codhra [udgmenL resulLlng ln
convlcLlons-represenLed a Lremendous
vlndlcaLlon of Lhe rloL vlcLlms' sufferlng, and
resulLed ln aL leasL Lwo lmporLanL hlgh-level
convlcLlons-LhaL of Maya kodnanl and LhaL of
8abu 8a[rangl. 8uL Lhe verdlcL broughL Lo [usLlce
only a handful of several lnfluenLlal pollLlclans
or 5ooqb lotlvot acLlvlsLs alleged Lo have played
an acLlve role ln Lhe massacre.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Lv|dence of Consp|rac|es |n the Attacks on Mus||ms
WheLher Lhe aLLacks on Musllms were pre-
planned or sponLaneous has been wldely
debaLed. Cu[araL has a long hlsLory of
communal vlolence.
reclsely due Lo Lhls
hlsLory, auLhorlLles should have anLlclpaLed LhaL
an lncldenL llke Lhe mass deaLhs ln Lhe Codhra
flre mlghL provoke broader, eLhnlc vlolence.
Many crlLlcs argue LhaL Lhe
governmenL's fallure Lo heed Lhe
warnlng slgns LhaL lnLer-communal
vlolence was llkely Lo erupL
consLlLuLes, aL a mlnlmum,
negllgence. 1hls ls parLlcularly Lrue
glven Lhe reLurn of Lhe kot sevoks
from Lhe 8am 1emple / 8abrl
Mosque slLe,
followed by Lhe
Codhra Lragedy.

CLher analysLs argue LhaL Lhe 2002 vlolence ln
Cu[araL was ln facL preplanned, and LhaL a core
group of 5ooqb lotlvot acLlvlsLs had been
meLlculously plannlng for Lhe klnd of anLl-
Musllm vlolence LhaL erupLed followlng Lhe
Codhra lncldenL.
WlLnesses alleged LhaL
local Lenslons bullL up afLer Lhe formaLlon of
an 8SS/vP/8u unlL ln Lhe area."
parLlcular, young 8ojtooq uol recrulLs were
allegedly asked Lo survey Lhelr nelghborhoods
Lo collecL lnformaLlon abouL Musllm places of
resldence, properLy, buslnesses, famlly, eLc.,"

and glven assurances LhaL [l]f you kllled
Musllms, Lhe organlsaLlon was Lhere Lo proLecL
you from penal consequences."
sclenLlsLs hlnLed aL a posslble moLlve for such
moblllzaLlon and Lralnlng,
sLaLlsLlcally LhaL vlolence was oot mosL llkely Lo
occur ln Lhose reglons where 8! supporL was
Lhe sLrongesL, buL raLher ln Lhose where Lhe 8!
faced Lhe mosL compeLlLlve pollLlcal conLesLs.

Accordlng Lo Lhe above, Lhe vP and 8! (along
wlLh oLher 5ooqb lotlvot organlzaLlons) were
allled ln an endeavor Lo spread nloJotvo
ldeology and cemenL Lhe 8!'s pollLlcal
domlnance ln Lhe SLaLe.
SubsLanLlal evldence has been amassed by
commlsslons of lnqulry, [ournallsLs and vlcLlms'
advocaLes, LhaL suggesLs an organlzed plan for
vlolence may have been ouLllned ln Lhe hours
lmmedlaLely followloq Codhra.
lor example,
Lhe Chalrman of Lhe Cu[araL unlL of Lhe vP,
keshavram kashlram ShasLrl, acknowledged
LhaL llsLs of shops owned by Musllms ln
Ahmedabad" had been prepared on Lhe
mornlng of lebruary 28.
Mr. ShasLrl made
Lhls reveallng sLaLemenL-lronlcally-as parL of
hls defense agalnsL allegaLlons LhaL Lhe ploL Lo
LargeL and klll Musllms had been haLched ptlot
Lo Lhe 28Lh. ollce offlclals also corroboraLed
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe mobs hardly falled Lo lay
hands on Lhelr LargeLs, Lhanks Lo documenLs
llke Lhe voLers' llsL."
8ecause Cu[araL has a
hlsLory of communal vlolence, many Musllm
esLabllshmenLs have Plndu names.
?eL, Lhe
aLLackers were sLlll able Lo sysLemaLlcally LargeL,
1oduy we huve u hollduy und you ure to dle.
Q44"C"8 #:):"L"&:# %/ !"&$%7 V&#D"9:%7 %/ :E" *)7%8) B%4$9" !:):$%& $&
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Z*Q 2QEL"8)N)8A .@ <)&+ 0G@ 01G1 2)7:$94" %& /$4" S$:E )=:E%7#A
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
burn and looL Musllm-owned properLy, whereas
nelghborlng Plndu-owned esLabllshmenLs
remalned unscaLhed.

Much debaLe has also focused on wheLher SLaLe
auLhorlLles could have done more Lo call on Lhe
supporL of federal army Lroops Lo help quell Lhe
vlolence. 1hose Lroops only began Lo deploy ln
Ahmedabad on Lhe mornlng of Lhe March 1,
2002, afLer many hundreds of persons had
already been kllled.
Many observers credlL
Lhe army Lroops, once deployed, wlLh havlng
puL a sLop Lo Lhe communal vlolence.
argue, however, LhaL Lhe Lwo-day delay ln Lhelr
deploymenL was lnexcusable, and caused by a
calculaLed sLraLegy by sLaLe governmenL
1he governmenL malnLalns lL was
Lhe federal army Lroops who were unable Lo
respond more expedlenLly.
8egardless, by Lhe
Llme Lhe army had deployed, Lhe worsL of Lhe
vlolence had already been commlLLed.

1hose who belleve Lhere Lo have been an
organlzed plan behlnd Lhe vlolence ln Cu[araL
also polnL Lo Lhe prollferaLlon of haLe speech
and haLe publlcaLlons ln Lhe days and weeks
followlng Lhe Codhra lncldenL.
pollLlclans and 5ooqb lotlvot acLlvlsLs lssued
publlc sLaLemenLs LaclLly condonlng Lhe
vlolence ln Lerms of Lhe acLlon-reacLlon frame,
and dld llLLle Lo slgnal Lo rloLlng mobs LhaL Lhelr
acLlons were lllegal or unwelcome.

erhaps Lhe sLrongesL evldence of Cu[araL
governmenL offlclals' compllclLy ln Lhe vlolence
comes from Lhe lacklusLer pollce response Lo
quell Lhe rloLs, especlally durlng Lhe flrsL Lhree
days of Lhe rloLlng. CrlLlcs accuse Lhe Cu[araL
ollce of Lurnlng a bllnd eye Lo Lhe vlolence.
8oLh Puman 8lghLs WaLch and Lhe nP8C noLed
LhaL pollce sLaLlons and pollce posLs were near
many of Lhe affecLed slLes.
1he naroda aLla
nelghborhood was locaLed [usL across Lhe sLreeL
from Lhe SLaLe 8eserve ollce quarLers, and Lhe
Culberg SocleLy was locaLed less
Lhan Lhree kllomeLers from
Shahlbaug ollce PeadquarLers.
defense of Lhelr lnablllLy Lo keep Lhe
peace, pollce offlcers descrlbe belng
overwhelmed by Lhe sheer number
and feroclLy of Lhe rloLers. 1haL
[usLlflcaLlon, however, rlngs hollow
ln Lhe face of numerous anecdoLes
from Lhe 2002 rloLs of successful
dlspersemenL of Lhousands of rloLers
by small unlLs of deLermlned pollce offlcers.

ollce aL Lhe Culberg SocleLy and naroda aLla
falled enLlrely Lo lnLervene effecLlvely. lndeed,
some pollce offlcers allegedly dld more Lhan
merely acL wlLh negllgence. 1here are mulLlple
lnsLances ln whlch Lhe pollce are alleged Lo
have acLlvely parLlclpaLed ln Lhe anLl-Musllm
vlolence. Cne survlvor of Lhe naroda aLla
massacre recalled how [w]herever we hld, Lhe
pollce showed [Lhe rloLers] where we were."

Survlvors of Lhe vlolence spoke of Lhelr
desperaLe aLLempLs Lo galn enLry lnLo pollce
barracks Lo save Lhemselves from murderous
mobs, only Lo be Lurned away by Lhe offlcers
guardlng Lhe gaLe.

CLher wlLnesses descrlbed seelng pollce offlcers
gaLhered, llsLenlng Lo a speech by kodnanl
exhorLlng Lhem Lo acLlon. ln addlLlon Lo leadlng
vhlle eole were flocklng the streets, leuvlng thelr
households lnslde, Shrl l.l. Mysorewulu hus reorted to the
Control Room thut "everythlng ls Ckuy (XE)$7$>): O)$ - 1here ls
euce und hulness ln Putlyu ureu) lt wus llke "[E"& H%L"
S)# N=7&$&C@ *"7% S)# D4)>$&C /$884"+\
*)7%8) B):$) <=8CL"&:@ Q=C=#: 0U@ 01G0@ D+.?]
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

and dlrecLlng mobs, Lhe pollce also flred Lhelr
weapons, ln[urlng or kllllng lnnocenL clvlllans.

Mr. Modl reporLedly defended Lhls pollce use of
force, sLaLlng LhaL Lhe pollce had 'mowed
down people' Lo quell Lhe vlolence."
8uL a
look aL Lhe casualLy flgures shows LhaL Lhe vasL
ma[orlLy of pollce gunshoL vlcLlms were
noL Plndu rloLers.
lollowlng Lhe rloLs, pollce dld llLLle Lo gaLher
evldence of crlmlnal wrongdolng from Lhe
1here was vlrLually no pollce
presence aL all ln Lhe rellef camps and rellef
colonles, where mosL survlvors had fled
followlng Lhe rloLs (see below, p. 33).
made lL exLremely dlfflculL for lndlvlduals Lo
presenL Lhelr evldence wlLhouL reLurnlng Lo Lhe
same locaLlons Lhey had fled.
Lven when presenL Lo Lake noLe of an alleged
rloL-relaLed aLLack, offlcers ofLen compromlsed
Lhe value of vlcLlms' allegaLlons by flllng
lncompleLe or lnaccuraLe ll8s.
ln some cases,
pollce slmply refused Lo flle an ll8. ln oLhers,
ll8s were flled, buL Lhe recordlng offlcer would
wlllfully dlsLorL or dlluLe Lhe wlLness'
sLaLemenLs, maklng Lhe lnformaLlon pracLlcally
meanlngless for prosecuLorlal purposes (see
below, p. 36).
llnally, pollce offlcers apparenLly faced
slgnlflcanL pressure from wlLhln Lhelr unlLs Lo
suppress and compromlse evldence of any
crlmlnal wrongdolng ln Lhe Cu[araL vlolence.
When lndlvldual pollce offlcers dld do Lhelr [ob
properly (as happened ln Lhe case of offlcer klrlL
Lrda, Senlor lnspecLor-ln-Charge of Lhe
Meghanlnagar pollce sLaLlon, who lmpllcaLed a
local 8! leader ueepak aLel ln Lhe crlmes LhaL
Look place aL Lhe Culberg SocleLy)
Lhey ofLen
faced pressure from wlLhln Lhelr organlzaLlon Lo
recanL Lhelr sLaLemenLs. CLhers were passed
over for promoLlons or acLlvely demoLed or
Lransferred Lo oLher, less deslrable posLs.

And, ln aL leasL Lhree cases, lmporLanL
whlsLleblowers who revealed Lo Lhe Sl1 or Lhe
nanavaLl Commlsslon lmporLanL lnformaLlon
abouL offlclal compllclLy ln Lhe rloLs, were
dlsmlssed or crlmlnally prosecuLed for Lhelr
acLlons. San[lv 8haLL, who LesLlfled abouL Lhe
lebruary 27, 2002 meeLlng aL Mr. Modl's
resldence Lo Lhe Sl1, was dlsmlssed from hls
posL and subsequenLly faced crlmlnal charges
(slnce vacaLed).
8ahul Sharma, who provlded
Lo Lhe nanavaLl Commlsslon cruclal phone
records allegedly showlng LhaL rloLers ln Lhe
sLreeL were acLlvely communlcaLlng wlLh
pollLlclans and pollce offlcers durlng Lhe posL-
Codhra rloLs, was also crlmlnally charged ln
2011 under Lhe Cfflclal SecreLs AcL for
professlonal mlsconducL (charges sLlll pendlng
ln 2014).
llnally, 8.8. Sreekumar, who made
several affldavlLs Lo Lhe nanavaLl Commlsslon
regardlng alleged pollce compllclLy ln Lhe 2002
aLLacks, faced professlonal repercusslons LhaL
have slnce been deemed lllegal by several
revlew boards.

Cn Lhe whole, Cu[araL's pollce falled Lo uphold
Lhe law. 1hose offlcers who fulfllled Lhelr duLles
dld so ln Lhe face of whaL one unnamed Lop
pollce offlclal" allegedly descrlbed as Lhe sLaLe
governmenL's lnsLrucLlons" Lo avold lmpllcaLlng
anyone belonglng Lo Lhe sooqb potlvot.

lor example, a pollce reporL wrlLLen by
AsslsLanL ollce Sub-lnspecLor n.1. 8ala sLaLed
LhaL Lhe carnage aL naroda aLla was Lhe
handlwork of a mob of 6,000, whlch was led by
8abu 8a[rang[l, klshan kosanl, 1.!. 8a[puL, Parlsh
8ohlL and 8a[u Coyal."
Accordlng Lo Lhe
AssoclaLed ress, Lhese flve lndlvlduals were all
conflrmed vP local leaders.
When pressed
on why Lhese lndlvlduals were never charged
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
wlLh any crlmlnal offenses, a senlor vP offlclal
alleged ln March 2002 LhaL Lhe accusaLlons
agalnsL Lhese lndlvlduals were levled by anLl-
Plndu forces" wlLhln Lhe pollce force.
hlmself changed hls sLory ln May 2002, alleglng
LhaL he had been coerced lnLo flllng a
fraudulenL reporL.
1he Cu[araL governmenL,
for lLs parL, soughL Lo play down Lhe scandal by
appolnLlng a speclal lnvesLlgaLor wlLh a sLrong
and open connecLlon Lo Lhe vP Lo lnvesLlgaLe
Lhe maLLer.

SLaLe governmenL offlclals ln March 2002
clalmed Lo have arresLed 2,300 lndlvlduals ln
connecLlon wlLh Lhe posL-Codhra vlolence.

MosL of Lhose orlglnally arresLed were soon
released, some were released on ball, buL mosL
wlLhouL ever belng charged, allowlng Lhem Lo
roam free for years followlng Lhe rloLs and, ln
some cases, even Lake up pollLlcal offlce.
lrequenLly, aL Lhe ouLseL of Lhe Lrlals, Lhe only
ones lefL on Lhe chargesheeLs were lower-casLe
Jollts (unLouchables), many of whom had
allegedly been broughL lnLo Cu[araL prlor Lo Lhe
rloLs speclflcally for Lhe purpose of carrylng ouL
some of Lhe vlolence.

1he Iafr| Case Lmerges
Cn !une 8, 2006, Zakla !afrl (wldow of Lhe
murdered former Member of arllamenL Lhsan
!afrl, who dled ln Lhe Culberg SocleLy massacre)
flled a 118-page complalnL agalnsL lnlLlally 63-
now 60-lndlvlduals (Lhree of Lhe orlglnal
accused have slnce passed away), for consplrlng
Lo effecLuaLe Lhe Cu[araL vlolence.
1he llsL of
alleged perpeLraLors lncludes Mr. Modl.

!afrl's complalnL has yeL Lo resulL ln charges
belng flled agalnsL any of Lhe lndlvlduals she
named. unllke Lhe naroda aLla and Lhe
Culberg SocleLy cases, however, whlch focus on
lower-level perpeLraLors, Ms. !afrl, alleges hlgh-
level consplracy. Per focus ls noL on any one
lnsLance of vlolence or looLlng, buL raLher Lhe
enLlre paLLern of seemlngly dlsparaLe Lhough
conLemporaneous lncldenLs and locales of Lhe
rloLs LhroughouL Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL."
peLlLlon alleges Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL's
compllclLy ln Lhe rloLs as much as lLs dupllclLy ln
launchlng osLenslble crlmlnal prosecuLlons ln
respecL of Lhem."
More speclflcally, Lhe !afrl
peLlLlon alleges crlmlnal wrongdolng by Mr.
Modl and 39 oLher defendanLs, lncludlng
CablneL MlnlsLers, slLLlng Members of Lhe
(Cu[araL) LeglslaLlve Assembly (MLAs), 8! and
vP funcLlonarles, and hlgh-ranklng pollce
offlcers and bureaucraLs.

Lacklng Lhe powers LhaL a proper lnvesLlgaLory
body would en[oy, Ms. !afrl has faced greaL
dlfflculLy gaLherlng Lhe necessary evldence Lo
supporL her allegaLlons. When Lhe case was flrsL
lnlLlaLed ln 2006, peLlLloners relled on
documenLs complled from publlc or quasl-
publlc sources.
Slnce 2006, more lnformaLlon
has been made publlc, lncludlng LesLlmony by
whlsLleblowers and lndependenL lnvesLlgaLlons
conducLed by nCCs and [ournallsLs.
Slnce Lhe
case ls unfoldlng ln Lhe mldsL of a pollLlcal
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

elecLlon campalgn, lL ls belng carefully followed
by a range of pollLlcal acLors.
1he case seeks Lo prove crlmlnal consplracy

and abeLmenL
on Lhe parL of Mr. Modl and
oLhers by relylng on clrcumsLanLlal evldence
LhaL has emerged lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe rloLs ln
Cu[araL had been sysLemaLlcally planned,

1. 1haL lmmedlaLely upon hearlng news of Lhe
Codhra Lragedy, Mr. Modl allegedly
consplred wlLh Cu[araL Ceneral SecreLary of
Lhe vP, Mr. !aydeep aLel,

2. 1haL Mr. aLel, ln accordance wlLh Lhe
agreemenL he allegedly haLched wlLh Mr.
Modl, reporLedly seL ln moLlon a serles of
evenLs deslgned Lo lnflame popular
senLlmenL agalnsL Musllms,

Consplracy under lndlan Law ls deflned ln 120A
& 1208 of Lhe lndlan enal Code (1860). 1o be
charged wlLh crlmlnal consplracy, Lwo or more
lndlvlduals musL be gullLy of agreelng Lo conducL an
lllegal acL (or a legal acL by lllegal means), ooJ one of
Lhose parLles musL have Laken an lnlLlal sLep ln
furLherance of LhaL agreemenL.
SecLlon 107 of Lhe lndlan enal Code sLaLes LhaL A
person abeLs Lhe dolng of a Lhlng, who [1] lnsLlgaLes
any person Lo do LhaL Lhlng, or [2] Lngages wlLh one
or more oLher person or persons ln any consplracy
for Lhe dolng of LhaL Lhlng, lf an acL or lllegal
omlsslon Lakes place ln pursuance of LhaL consplracy,
and ln or der Lo Lhe dolng of LhaL Lhlng, or [3]
lnLenLlonally alds, by any acL or lllegal omlsslon, Lhe
dolng of LhaL Lhlng."

1he llsL below ls Lhe auLhor's summary of

argumenLs presenLed ln Lhe !afrl roLesL eLlLlon,
(see Ln 31).
3. 1haL Mr. Modl, ln keeplng wlLh Lhe
agreemenL he ls alleged Lo have made wlLh
Mr. aLel, reporLedly provlded quasl-offlclal
sancLlon Lo Lhe message and acLlons of Lhe
vP acLlvlsLs, and LhaL furLhermore he
allegedly encouraged Lhe oLherwlse-capable
law enforcemenL auLhorlLles ln Cu[araL Lo
'go slow' on Lhe rloLers, and Lo
subsequenLly deny survlvors of Lhe rloLs Lhe
proper rellef and rehablllLaLlon,

4. 1haL Mr. Modl and Mr. aLel [olnLly
allegedly lnvlLed and lncenLlvlzed Lhe oLher
accused Lo knowlngly [oln Lhe ongolng
crlmlnal consplracy,

3. 1haL Mr. Modl and oLhers have slnce
allegedly consplred Lo keep evldence of Lhls
orlglnal crlmlnal consplracy ouL of Lhe
[udlclary and press,

and flnally
6. 1haL as a resulL of Lhls belng an alleged
crlmlnal consplracy, all defendanLs are
[olnLly llable for all crlmes commlLLed as a
resulL of Lhls consplracy.
WheLher Lhese accusaLlons are evenLually
found Lo be Lrue or noL, Lhe !afrl case weaves
LogeLher a serles of accusaLlons LhaL many of
Cu[araL's mlnorlLy populaLlon belleve Lo be

SLlll, oLher observers are unconvlnced by Lhe
accuracy of Ms. !afrl's allegaLlons. lndeed, Lhe
case has come Lo embody Lhe psychologlcal gulf
LhaL conLlnues Lo separaLe Cu[araL's ma[orlLy
and mlnorlLy communlLles-cerLalnly when lL
comes Lo Lhelr percepLlons of Lhe evenLs ln
2002. 1he key quesLlon, Lherefore, ls how Lo
ensure LhaL Lhe evldence ls evaluaLed by a
process LhaL all sldes percelve as falr.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

! "

Slnce 2006, when Ms. !afrl flrsL aLLempLed Lo
prompL an offlclal lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo her
charges, Lhe legal quesLlon has always been
wheLher Lhe clalms she makes abouL a wlder
consplracy Lo plan and execuLe Lhe posL-Codhra
rloLs were sufflclenLly well documenLed by
evldence Lo merlL a Lrlal. When Ms. !afrl flrsL
broughL Lhe case, Lhe pollce refused Lo reglsLer
an ll8 based on her wrlLLen complalnL, lnslsLlng
lnsLead LhaL she flrsL speak Lo an lnvesLlgaLor.
Ms. !afrl demanded LhaL her wrlLLen reporL
should be LreaLed as a wlLness sLaLemenL, and
LhaL she dld noL LrusL Lhe pollce Lo Lake down a
proper ll8 based on her oral LesLlmony.
1o secure a courL order compelllng Lhe pollce Lo
reglsLer an ll8, !afrl and her co-peLlLloners
(CenLer for !usLlce and eace, or C!") flled a
peLlLlon wlLh Lhe Cu[araL Plgh CourL ln lebruary
1wo successlve Plgh CourL [udges
refused Lo hear Lhe case, and a Lhlrd flnally
dlsmlssed Lhe peLlLlon ln november 2007.
March 2008, Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla
accepLed peLlLloners' appeal of Lhe Plgh CourL
A llLLle over one year laLer, ln Aprll
2009, Lhe Supreme CourL lnvlLed Lhe Sl1 Lo
look lnLo [Lhe] maLLer and Lake sLeps as
requlred ln law and glve lLs reporL Lo Lhls CourL
wlLhln Lhree monLhs."
1he Supreme CourL
also appolnLed noLed human rlghLs lawyer
rashanL 8hushan as omlcos cotloe Lo provlde
hls experL analysls on Lhe case.
1he Sl1
lnLervlewed 163 wlLnesses,
lncludlng, ln
March 2010, Mr. Modl hlmself.
Cver a year
laLer, ln May 2010, Lhe Sl1 submlLLed lLs
enqulry reporL" Lo Lhe Supreme CourL.

ln CcLober 2010, [usL prlor Lo Lhe submlsslon by
Lhe omlcos cotloe of hls reporL lnLo Lhe legal
lssues arlslng from Lhe Sl1's lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe
CovernmenL of Cu[araL accused Mr. 8hushan of
belng blased, whereupon he recused hlmself
from Lhe case.
Mr. 8a[u 8amachandran, a
promlnenL legal experL and advocaLe, was
appolnLed as hls replacemenL.
ln !anuary
2011, Mr. 8amachandran submlLLed hls Lhen
confldenLlal analysls Lo Lhe Supreme CourL,
where he urged a more serlous lnvesLlgaLlon
lnLo Lhe maLLer.
1he CourL agreed, and asked
Lhe Sl1 Lo relnvesLlgaLe some of Lhe lssues
flagged as parLlcularly problemaLlc by Mr.
8amachandran's early analysls.
ln llghL of
growlng crlLlclsm of Lhe Sl1 (see below, p. 43),
Lhe Supreme CourL also broadened Mr.
8amachandran's auLhorlLy, allowlng hlm noL
only Lo revlew Lhe Sl1's documenLaLlon, buL also
Lo conducL hls own lndependenL lnvesLlgaLlon
and lnLervlew wlLnesses.

8y early 2012, lL was lncreaslngly clear Lo many
observers LhaL Lhe Sl1 lnLended Lo conclude lLs
lnvesLlgaLlon wlLh a recommendaLlon for Lhe
closure of Lhe case.
lndeed, Lhe Sl1 Closure
8eporL, whlch was subsequenLly released Lo Lhe
peLlLloners, summarlly dlsmlssed each of Ms.
!afrl's clalms, labellng Lhem as elLher baseless,
or noL sufflclenLly egreglous Lo consLlLuLe
crlmlnal mlsconducL.
1he Sl1 also lmpugned
Lhe repuLaLlons of many of Lhe peLlLloners'
as well as Ms. !afrl herself.
arrlve aL lLs concluslon, Lhe Sl1 dlsmlssed
allegaLlons LhaL Mr. Modl had allegedly
suggesLed LhaL Cu[araL sLaLe securlLy servlces
should leL Lhe Plndus venL Lhelr anger" from
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Lhe Codhra Lragedy aL a meeLlng of hlgh-level
pollLlclans on Lhe evenlng of lebruary 27, 2002.
Lvldence of Mr. Modl havlng allegedly uLLered
Lhese words came from several sources,
mosL dlrecLly from Mr. San[lv 8haLL, former
uepuLy Commlssloner of ollce, who clalmed Lo
have been presenL aL Lhe meeLlng on lebruary
27, and Lo have heard Mr. Modl speak Lhose

1he Sl1 ln 2011 concluded LhaL none of Lhese
sources was sufflclenLly robusL Lo wlLhsLand
[udlclal scruLlny,
and consequenLly
dlscredlLed any evldence of an alleged
consplracy beLween Mr. Modl or any of Lhe
oLher defendanLs.
AfLer revlewlng Lhe Sl1's sLlll-confldenLlal
concluslons, Mr. 8amachandran submlLLed hls
flnal reporL on Lhe Sl1's lnvesLlgaLlon ln !uly
Mr. 8amachandran dlsagreed wlLh Lhe
Sl1's oplnlon LhaL Lhe peLlLloners' evldence was
lnsufflclenL Lo make ouL a ptlmo focle crlmlnal
charge agalnsL Mr. Modl and hls alleged co-
Pe agreed wlLh Lhe Sl1 LhaL
much of Lhe evldence presenLed by Lhe
peLlLloners was flawed or clrcumsLanLlal, buL he
also lnslsLed LhaL evldenLlary quesLlons should
be declded ln open courL, raLher Lhan by Lhe
Sl1-a Lhree-person panel LhaL self-descrlbedly
preferred Lo operaLe ln a hlghly confldenLlal
Mr. 8amachandran recommended
LhaL Lhe Sl1 compleLe lLs reporL, buL LhaL Lhe
peLlLloners also be glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
challenge Lhe Sl1's concluslon.
1he Supreme
CourL agreed wlLh Mr. 8amachandran, and on
SepLember 12, 2011 remanded Lhe !afrl case Lo
a MaglsLraLe CourL (Lrlal courL) ln Ahmedabad
Lo declde wheLher Lo lnlLlaLe a formal Lrlal
based on Ms. !afrl's orlglnal peLlLlon.
lebruary 2012, Lhe Sl1 submlLLed lLs Closure
8eporL Lo Lhe MaglsLraLe CourL.
1he Sl1's
reporL lncluded a secLlon respondlng Lo-and
dlsmlsslng-Mr. 8amachandran's assessmenL of
lLs concluslons.

Meanwhlle, a vlgorous debaLe began ln Lhe
press on wheLher Lhe Sl1's Closure 8eporL
represenLed a 'clean chlL' for Mr. Modl.
Supreme CourL's SepLember 12, 2011 order
makes lL clear LhaL Lhe only lmpacL of Lhe Sl1's
Closure 8eporL ls Lo provlde Lhe Lrlal courL wlLh
a non-blndlng recommendaLlon.
1he courL ls
sLlll empowered Lo declde freely wheLher Lo
proceed wlLh Lhe case or Lo dlsmlss lL.
Lhe Sl1's closure reporL was noL Lhe 'clean chlL'
LhaL some have suggesLed, aL leasL noL ln Lhe
sense of a [udlclal deLermlnaLlon based on
evldence presenLed ln courL.
Whlle Lhe MaglsLraLe CourL had access Lo Lhe
Sl1 Closure 8eporL as early as lebruary 2012,

peLlLloners sLruggled for over a year Lo obLaln
Lhe Sl1's reporL and compleLe lnvesLlgaLlon flles,
so Lhey could revlew lL and flle an appeal.
Aprll 13, 2013, Ms. !afrl and her co-peLlLloners
flled Lhelr roLesL eLlLlon challenglng Lhe Sl1's
Closure 8eporL.


AL lssue ln Lhe ensulng case was sLlll only Lhe
quesLlon of wheLher ptlmo focle, Lhere ls
reasonable maLerlal Lo Lake cognlzance of Lhe
lf so, peLlLloners argued, Lhe courL

Ms. !afrl almosL wasn'L able Lo flle her roLesL
eLlLlon. AfLer glvlng her Lwo monLhs Lo process Lhe
volumlnous documenLs ln Lhe Sl1's lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe
courL lnlLlally re[ecLed Ms. !afrl's plea Lo exLend LhaL
wlndow. 5ee 8aLhln uas, 5etbock fot 2oklo Ioftl,
8oost to MoJl ke-lectloo, 1PL lCnLL8 (new uelhl) 1,
nov. 28, 2012.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
has a duLy Lo lssue process agalnsL Lhe
accused." under lndlan law, Lhe MaglsLraLe has
dlscreLlon elLher Lo accepL or re[ecL Lhe resulLs
of a pollce lnvesLlgaLlon
(whlch ls whaL Lhe
Supreme CourL ln lLs orlglnal order Lasked Lhe
Sl1 wlLh conducLlng).
ln oLher words, Lhe
quesLlon before Lhe MaglsLraLe CourL ln 2013
was wheLher Lhe MaglsLraLe, lnformed buL noL
bound by Lhe Sl1 reporL and Mr.
8amachandran's reporL, belleved a formal
prosecuLlon should be opened.
Cn uecember 26, 2013, almosL elghL monLhs
afLer peLlLloners flled Lhelr roLesL eLlLlon,
!udge 8.!. CanaLra aL Lhe MeLropollLan
(MaglsLraLe) CourL ln Ahmedabad dlsmlssed Ms.
!afrl & co-peLlLloners' roLesL eLlLlon and
accepLed Lhe closure reporL flled by Lhe Sl1.

As a resulL, charges have noL been flled agalnsL
any of Lhe 60 lndlvlduals named ln Ms. !afrl's
roLesL eLlLlon, nor ls Lhere currenLly a crlmlnal
lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Ms. !afrl's allegaLlons.
Cn March 18, 2014, Ms. !afrl and her co-
peLlLloners appealed Lhe Munlclpal CourL's
declslon before Lhe Cu[araL Plgh CourL.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Sect|on IV: Ana|ys|s & kecommendat|ons for System|c keforms
1he remalnder of Lhls reporL presenLs
recommendaLlons for sLrucLural reform
lnlLlaLlves LhaL should be addressed by Lhe
Cu[araL and lndlan cenLral auLhorlLles Lo comply
wlLh Lhelr obllgaLlons under lnLernaLlonal
human rlghLs law Lo provlde Lhe vlcLlms of Lhe
Cu[araL vlolence wlLh an effecLlve remedy for
Lhelr losses, Lrauma, and dlsplacemenL.
1hls reporL's flndlngs suggesL LhaL Lhe success of
Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem Lwelve years afLer
Lhe rloLs ls mlxed. LsLlmaLes of Lhe percenLage
of crlmlnal cases reglsLered ln response Lo Lhe
2002 communal vlolence LhaL resulLed ln a
crlmlnal convlcLlon of any sorL range beLween
0.21 and 1.18.
Lven aL Lhe hlgh end of Lhls
range (1.18), Lhe percenLages are well below
levels for slmllar crlmlnal prosecuLlons ln
Cu[araL. 1hus, for example, Lhe convlcLlon raLe
ls 9.6 ln cases lnvolvlng rloL-relaLed charges

1he sLaLlsLlcs perLaln Lo cases reporLed across
lndla havlng Lo do wlLh Lhe followlng offenses of Lhe
lndlan enal Code: (1) lC 143-unlshmenL for
unlawful assembly, (2) lC 144-!olnlng unlawful
assembly armed wlLh deadly weapon, (3) lC 143-
!olnlng or conLlnulng ln unlawful assembly, knowlng
lL has been commanded Lo dlsperse, (4) lC 147-
unlshmenL for rloLlng, (3) lC 148-8loLlng, armed
wlLh deadly weapon, (6) lC 149-Lvery member of
unlawful assembly gullLy of offence commlLLed ln
prosecuLlon of common ob[ecL, (7) lC 130-Plrlng,
or connlvlng aL hlrlng, of persons Lo [oln unlawful
assembly, (8) lC 131-knowlngly [olnlng or
conLlnulng ln assembly of flve or more persons afLer
lL has been commanded Lo dlsperse, (9) lC 133-
WanLonly glvlng provocaLlon wlLh lnLenL Lo cause

rloL-lf rloLlng be commlLLed-lf noL commlLLed, (10)
lC 133A-romoLlng enmlLy beLween dlfferenL
groups on grounds of rellglon, race, place of blrLh,
resldence, language, eLc., and dolng acLs pre[udlclal
Lo malnLenance of harmony, (11) lC 1338-
lmpuLaLlons, asserLlons pre[udlclal Lo naLlonal-
lnLegraLlon, (12) lC 137-Parbourlng persons
hlred for an unlawful assembly, (13) lC 138-8elng
hlred Lo Lake parL ln an unlawful assembly or rloL,
and (14) lC 160 lC-unlshmenL for commlLLlng
> =X5Y


R$3+$%):[$ -2 A-%Z*+)*-%(
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lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
lo qeoetol ln Cu[araL. 1hls flgure (9.6) ls based
on boLh 2002 communal vlolence-relaLed and
oLher rloLs ln Lhe aggregaLe LhaL ended ln 2012
(83 convlcLlons ouL of a LoLal 863 such cases
compleLed ln 2012). 1he flgure for rloL-relaLed
cases endlng ln convlcLlon across lndla as a
whole ls hlgher sLlll-18.3 (7,281 convlcLlons
ouL of a LoLal 39,413 such cases compleLed ln
1he over 13-fold dlfference ln
convlcLlon raLes arlslng from 2002 communal
vlolence-relaLed cases versus all oLher rloL-
relaLed cases ln lndla needs Lo be examlned
ln 2004, Lhe lndlan Supreme CourL looked aL
Lhls problem ln Lhe conLexL of Lwo lndlvldual
cases: Lhe 8esL 8akery" case
224 , 111
and Lhe
8llkls 8ano case.
223 ,
1hese Lwo cases are

1he 8esL 8akery" case generaLed wldespread
medla coverage and aLLracLed subsLanLlal
lnLernaLlonal aLLenLlon. lL dealL wlLh an lncldenL ln
whlch a mob of approxlmaLely 300 people
converged on a Musllm-owned bakery, flrebombed
Lhe bulldlng and kllled Lhe predomlnanLly Musllm
clLlzens who had Laken shelLer ln LhaL sLore. ln Lhe
subsequenL Lrlal, mosL of Lhe wlLnesses who had
prevlously LesLlfled abouL Lhe aLLack Lurned hosLlle"
and refused Lo cooperaLe furLher wlLh Lhe
prosecuLlon. As a resulL, Lhe case ended ln Lhe
acqulLLal of all Lhe accused. LaLer, one of Lhe key
wlLnesses fled Cu[araL Lo seek securlLy wlLh an
ouLspoken advocaLe for Cu[araL's rloL vlcLlms, Ms.
1eesLa SeLalvad (SecreLary of ClLlzens for !usLlce and
eace) ln Mumbal, where she spoke abouL efforLs Lo
LhreaLen and lnLlmldaLe her lnLo falslfylng her
LesLlmony. ln response, Lhe Supreme CourL ordered
Lhe case removed Lo a MaharashLra CourL, where
Lhe Lrlal ended wlLh Lhe convlcLlon of several of Lhe

1he 8llkls 8ano case soughL Lo hold accounLable

Lhose who had gang raped and lefL for dead a

noLeworLhy glven Lhe CourL's remedy: removal
from Lhe Cu[araL [udlclal sysLem.
AfLer lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe varlous procedural and
prosecuLorlal abuses LhaL Look place ln Lhose
cases, Lhe Supreme CourL recognlzed LhaL lL
would be lmposslble Lo guaranLee a falr Lrlal os
looq os tbe coses temoloeJ lo Cojotot.
When Lhe lnvesLlgaLlng agency helps Lhe
accused, Lhe wlLnesses are LhreaLened Lo
depose falsely and prosecuLor acLs ln a manner
as lf he was defendlng Lhe accused, and Lhe
CourL was acLlng merely as an onlooker and
Lhere ls no falr Lrlal aL all, [usLlce becomes Lhe

1he remedy of Lransfer, whlle perhaps
[usLlflable as an emergency measure ln Lruly
remarkable clrcumsLances, coooot be Lhe
soluLlon for Lhe Lhousands of cases arlslng ouL
of Lhe communal vlolence ln Cu[araL. Whlle
removal of conLroverslal maLLers may resolve
Lenslons and lncrease Lhe llkellhood of
lmparLlallLy ln a parLlcular case or cases, Lhls
devlce ls noL a remedy for sLrucLural
shorLcomlngs. 8emoval cannoL, by lLs very
naLure, be employed on a wldespread basls, ln
parL because lL vlolaLes Lhe defaulL prlnclple

woman, ln addlLlon Lo kllllng many of her famlly
members. 8ano flled an ll8 Lo lnlLlaLe sulL agalnsL
her nelghbors who had perpeLraLed Lhe aLLack. ln
8ano's case, Lhe pollce abuse, harassmenL, and
lnLlmldaLlon of Lhe key wlLnesses was so lnLense LhaL
Lhe Supreme CourL declded LhaL Lhe Cu[araL
[udlclary was noL capable of guaranLeelng Ms. 8llkls
a falr Lrlal. 1he case was moved Lo MaharashLra,
where lL ended ln crlmlnal convlcLlons of some of Lhe
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

arLlculaLed ln Lhe lndlan Code of Crlmlnal
rocedure LhaL [e]very offense shall ordlnarlly
be lnqulred lnLo and Lrled by a CourL wlLhln
whose local [urlsdlcLlon lL was commlLLed."

lndeed, a year afLer decldlng Lhe 8esL 8akery
and 8llkls 8ano cases, Lhe lndlan Supreme CourL
ordered Lhe pollce ln Cu[araL Lo reopen some
2,000 vlolence-relaLed cases LhaL had earller
been closed.
1he pollce ln Cu[araL
subsequenLly reopened 1,394 cases and
reporLedly announced 41 lnLernal lnvesLlgaLlons
agalnsL offlcers who had been found Lo have
lmproperly dlsposed of cases.
Accordlng Lo
one sLudy, many of Lhose reopened cases were
summarlly shuL down agaln, and Lhe sLaLus of
Lhe remalnlng cases conLlnues Lo be unclear.

1he unforLunaLe reallLy, as documenLed ln Lhls
reporL and many oLhers,
ls LhaL many of Lhe
serlous shorLcomlngs Lhe courL noLed ln Lhe
8esL 8akery and 8llkls 8ano cases perslsL Lo Lhls
day. Lchoes of Lhe behavlor crlLlclzed by Lhe
Supreme CourL ln Lhe 8esL 8akery and 8llkls
8ano cases were also presenL ln Lhe Culberg
SocleLy and Lhe naroda aLla cases.
WlLnesses ln Lhe Culberg SocleLy
case complalned abouL [udlclal blas,
even afLer Lhe Supreme CourL began
Lo monlLor LhaL case acLlvely. 1he
facL LhaL such complalnLs perslsLed,
even ln such a hlgh-
proflle case, ralses
serlous concerns
abouL Lhe lnLegrlLy
of Lhe many rloL-
relaLed Lrlals LhaL
were noL monlLored
by Lhe Supreme
CourL or sub[ecL Lo
Lhe same level of
medla coverage. 1he
lmpresslon perslsLs LhaL Lhe Cu[araL [usLlce
sysLem remalns compromlsed ln any case LhaL
lmpllcaLes Lhe pollLlcal leadershlp of Lhe sLaLe.
More susLalnable soluLlons can and musL be
found Lo sLrengLhen Lhe capaclLy of Lhe Cu[araL
[udlclal sysLem Lo handle compllcaLed and
pollLlcally charged cases alleglng communal
llnally, Lhe concepL of [usLlce" cannoL
adequaLely be capLured wlLh reference only Lo
convlcLlon raLes ln crlmlnal Lrlals agalnsL alleged
perpeLraLors. !usLlce also requlres varlous forms
of reparaLlon Lo Lhe vlcLlms of ln[usLlce: efforLs
Lo esLabllsh and documenL Lhe LruLh abouL whaL
happened, offlclal apologles and efforLs Lo
memorlallze and acknowledge Lhe Lrauma
suffered by vlcLlms and survlvors, and varlous
sLrucLural reforms deslgned Lo prevenL Lhe
same paLLerns of vlolence from arlslng agaln. ln
Cu[araL Loday, Lwelve years afLer Lhe 2002 rloLs,
Lhere needs Lo be more subsLanLlal progress ln
all of Lhese areas.
ve lost such u lot. [1wo members of my fumlly dled|. l
um u dully wuge eurner, l work to kee thlngs golng. 1here wus u
lot of sutlsfuctlon thut we got most of the eretrutors.
Q&%&>L%=# #=7T$T%7 #:):"L"&:@ 01G-
1he modern duy "Neros' were looklng elsewhere when 8est 8ukery
und lnnocent chlldren und women were burnlng, und were robubly
dellberutlng how the eretrutors of the crlme cun be suved or rotected. Luw
und justlce become flles ln the hunds of these "wunton boys'. vhen fences
sturt to swullow the cros, no scoe wlll be left for survlvul of luw und order or
truth und justlce. Publlc order us well us ubllc lnterest become murtyrs und
!=D7"L" (%=7: %/ V&8$) ^3"#: 3)5"7>\ <=8CL"&:@ QD7$4 G0@ 011.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
Some Noteworthy Successes
8efore focuslng on Lhe need Lo reform Lhe
lndlan [udlclary, lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe Lhe
successes of lndla's [udlclal response Lo Lhe
2002 vlolence. Any proposed reform efforLs
musL bulld on Lhe lnsLlLuLlonal bases for Lhese
noLable successes.
llrsL, Lhere have been some very hlgh proflle
convlcLlons of perpeLraLors, mosL noLably Lhe
8esL 8akery, 8llkls 8ano and naroda aLla cases.
lor Lhe lndlvldual vlcLlms and survlvors who
suffered harm durlng Lhe communal vlolence, a
convlcLlon ln courL represenLs a vlndlcaLlon of
Lhe ldea LhaL all ln lndla are held equal before
Lhe law, and LhaL [usLlce can prevall over power.
Survlvors have emphaslzed repeaLedly how
lmporLanL Lhe ongolng [udlclal processes were
Lo Lhem. Survlvors spoke of noL belng able Lo
psychologlcally overcome whaL had happened
Lo Lhem and Lhelr famlly members ln 2002 unLll
afLer Lhelr courL cases had concluded.

lor Lhose rloL survlvors who LesLlfled ln a
crlmlnal Lrlal agalnsL Lhelr alleged perpeLraLors,
Lhe lmpacL of convlcLlons was palpable. Cne
survlvor of Lhe naroda aLla massacre lndlcaLed
ln LesLlmony havlng felL more empowered"
and vlndlcaLed" by Lhe courL's favorable
SLrlklngly, Lhe naroda aLla
convlcLlon had rlpple effecLs across Lhe eotlte
communlLy of vlcLlm-survlvors, noL [usL Lhose
who were personally connecLed Lo LhaL case. As
one survlvor from Lhe Culberg SocleLy puL lL
when dlscusslng Lhe convlcLlons ln Lhe naroda
aLla case: AL leasL some people goL [usLlce.
now lL's my Lurn."
!usL as a mlscarrlage of
[usLlce Lends Lo erode LrusL ln Lhe legal sysLem,
Lhe opposlLe ls also Lrue: success ln an
lmporLanL case also may locteose confldence ln
Lhe [udlclary among Lhe populaLlon as a whole.
noL lnslgnlflcanLly, especlally for Lhose vlcLlms
whose llvellhoods were so severely dlsrupLed by
Lhe evenLs of 2002, Lhe courLs were also ln
some lnsLances able Lo provlde badly needed
moneLary compensaLlon for Lhe losses Lhey
suffered. Some vlcLlms have been able Lo buy
homes wlLh Lhls compensaLlon Lo replace Lhe
ones Lhey losL durlng Lhe rloLs,
or oLherwlse
use compensaLlon Lo regaln economlc sLablllLy
ln Lhelr dally llves.
llnally, as dlscussed above, Lhe llsL of convlcLed
crlmlnals lncludes more Lhan [usL low-level
perpeLraLors. Whlle Lhls ls noL Lhe flrsL Llme LhaL
hlgh-level offlclals and pollLlcal leaders have
been accused or convlcLed of crlmlnal
mlsconducL ln lnsLances of communal vlolence
ln lndla,
Lhe convlcLlons of Ms. kodnanl and
Mr. 8a[rangl ln Lhe naroda aLla case sLlll sLand
ouL as an excepLlon raLher Lhan Lhe norm. 1he
convlcLlon of Lhese hlgh-level pollLlclans
conLlnues Lo be a naLlonal news sLory.
convlcLlons documenL LhaL aL leasL ln some
lnsLances, pollLlcs and vlolenL communal
behavlor were dangerously lnLerLwlned ln
Cu[araL durlng Lhe 2002 vlolence.
1hese successes would llkely noL have been
posslble wlLhouL Lhe crlLlcal lnvolvemenL of clvll
socleLy, Lhe medla, Lhe naLlonal Puman 8lghLs
Commlsslon, Lhe naLlonal Commlsslon on
MlnorlLles, and Lhe lndlan Supreme CourL.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

!"# %&'# &( )*+*' ,&-*#./
CommenLlng on Lhe 8llkls 8ano case, one reporLer came Lo Lhe followlng concluslon:
Clven Lhe lnLlmldaLlon and abuse of a wlLness llke Zaheera Shelkh ln Lhe 8esL 8akery case, Lhe
manner ln whlch Lhe Leam around 8llkls ensured wlLness proLecLlon played a cruclal role. Cne of
Lhose lnvolved wlLh Lhe case, who prefers Lo remaln anonymous, says, 1here was a broad-based
Leam, lnvolvlng a cross-secLlon of people and acLlvlsLs, who gave 8llkls emoLlonal, maLerlal and
legal supporL for slx years." As [Supreme CourL lawyer vrlnda] Crover sees lL, lL ls clearly noL
enough Lo have a sLrong case. 1haL's Lhe reason why convlcLlons ln such cases are few and far
beLween. An enLlre casL of characLers has Lo generaLe a supporL sysLem Lo make Lhe crlmlnal
[usLlce sysLem work. lL becomes a movemenL. And 8llkls' became a LesL case." WlLness proLecLlon
ls Lhe duLy of Lhe SLaLe. 8uL for 8llkls, Lhe women's movemenL and a neLwork of acLlvlsLs have
provlded Lhe proLecLlon."

Lach of Lhe Lhree cases under revlew ln Lhls
reporL had a slmllar clvll socleLy moblllzaLlon
efforL supporLlng Lhe peLlLloners. CrganlzaLlons
such as C!, !an Sangharsh Manch (!SM) and
oLhers supporLed Lhe peLlLloners slnce 2002, as
Lhey soughL Lo move Lhelr cases Lhrough Lhe
lndlan [udlclal sysLem.
Survlvors spoke of Lhe cruclal psychologlcal,
legal and flnanclal lmporLance of such supporL.
Paala, a survlvor of Lhe Culberg SocleLy
massacre, spoke of Lhe powerful
psychologlcal effecL LhaL Lelllng
her sLory and llsLenlng Lo Lhose
of oLhers who faced slmllar
ordeals had on her.
anoLher survlvor, spoke of Lhe
lmporLance of supporL golng
beyond legal advlce.
descrlblng why she chose Lo LrusL C!, she
menLloned Lhe facL LhaL C! had reLurned Lo Lhe
lnLernally dlsplaced person camps subsequenL
Lo an lnlLlal documenLaLlon fleld vlslL offerlng
legal supporL.
Several survlvors menLloned
Lhe lmporLanL role LhaL clvll socleLy
organlzaLlons, especlally C!, played ln
explalnlng ln lay Lerms Lhe labyrlnLhlne
procedural LwlsLs and Lurns of Lhe cases.
mosL of all, survlvors spoke of Lhe lmporLance
of C!'s long-Lerm commlLmenL Lo Lhe
communlLy of survlvors.

My grlef ls llmlLless. 1he way l am sLlll angulshed.l don'L
wanL oLhers Lo suffer. Lven Lhough l have llved Lhrough a loL of paln,
l feel beLLer when l llsLen Lo oLhers. My paln ls noL Lhe only paln.
!=7T$T%7 #:):"L"&: 2O))4) _ D#"=8%&>LA@ 01G-
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
!"# %&'# &( !"# 0#1*2
Some of Lhe early reporLlng on Lhe rloLs Look on
a hlghly pollLlclzed Lone, and some vlcLlms'
advocaLes and scholars have accused cerLaln
Cu[araLl newspapers and Lelevlslon
broadcasLers of havlng propagaLed haLe speech
durlng and afLer Lhe rloLs.

8uL for Lhe mosL parL, Lhe medla have covered
Lhe maln evenLs of Lhe posL-rloL afLermaLh wlLh
rlgor, and are credlLed by analysLs as havlng
exposed Lhe LruLh abouL whaL happened ln
2002 Cu[araL.
1hls ls especlally Lrue of Lhe
counLry's lnvesLlgaLlve reporLers.
lndeed, Lhe
peLlLloners ln Lhe !afrl case have beneflLLed
Lremendously from Lhe efforLs of [ournallsLs Lo
uncover deLalls of how and why Lhe Cu[araL
rloLs unfolded.
Many of Lhese exposes have
generaLed evldence LhaL was used by Ms. !afrl
ln her case alleglng a hlgher-level consplracy
behlnd Lhe vlolence LhaL swepL Lhe sLaLe ln
2002. lor example, Ms. !afrl lnLroduced
evldence of advance plannlng by sooqb potlvot
acLlvlsLs Lo klll Musllms LhaL had been capLured
by a 1ehelka undercover news [ournallsL, and
numerous oLher whlsLleblower revelaLlons
documenLed by lndependenL [ournallsLs.

1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe medla and Lhe
ongolng cases has been a symbloLlc one. noL
only dld Lhe vlcLlms and Lhelr lawyers beneflL
from Lhe ongolng efforLs of lnvesLlgaLlve
[ournallsLs, buL Lhe cases Lhemselves also
provlded Lhe lmpeLus for many [ournallsLs Lo
[usLlfy Lhelr conLlnued coverage of Lhe rloLs'
afLermaLh. 1he dally reporLlng of mosL Cu[araL
edlLlons of Lhe ma[or Lngllsh-language naLlonal
newspapers (l.e. tbe 1lmes of loJlo, tbe nloJo,
uNA, tbe loJloo xptess, nloJostoo 1lmes) has
exLenslvely covered rloL-relaLed sLorles. MosL of
Lhls ongolng reporLlng has focused on Lhe cases
as Lhey make Lhelr way Lhrough Lhe courLs.
Cccaslonally, usually followlng a ma[or evenL ln
one of Lhe cases, Lhe pages of Lhese
newspapers would publlsh oplnlon pleces on
Lhe legacy of Lhe 2002 rloLs. 1he !afrl, Culberg
SocleLy and naroda aLla cases ln parLlcular
have been documenLed ln greaL deLall Lhrough
news ouLleLs. Survlvors of Lhe vlolence have
appeared ln lnLervlews wlLh Lhe medla and have
had Lhe opporLunlLy, llke Lhe accused,
speak abouL Lhelr ordeals.
1he resulL ls LhaL
Lhe memory of Lhe Cu[araL rloLs ls sLlll allve for
many newspaper readers, and Lhe broader
publlc ls aware of efforLs Lo hold Lhe
perpeLraLors accounLable before Lhe law.
More recenLly, some advocaLes have begun Lo
complaln LhaL lndla's press freedom ls
lncreaslngly under aLLack, especlally ln Lhe run-
up Lo Lhe 2014 general elecLlon.
1hls would
be a dangerous Lrend, and lL would slgnlflcanLly
undermlne one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL barrlers
Lo lmpunlLy LhaL has exlsLed ln posL-2002

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
!"# %&'# &( ,3#-*2'*4#1 5#1#62' 789.*.:.*&89
ln lLs 2002 reporL on Lhe Cu[araL rloLs, Puman
8lghLs WaLch commended Lhe role of Lhe
naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon (nP8C) and
Lhe naLlonal Commlsslon for MlnorlLles (nCM)
ln Laklng prompL acLlon ln response Lo news of
Lhe Cu[araL rloLs.
lndeed, Lhe nP8C lssued lLs
flrsL order relaLlng Lo Lhe rloLs on March 1,
2002, Lwo days afLer Lhe vlolence flrsL broke
AfLer conducLlng an lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo
Lhe vlolence, Lhe nP8C recommended Lhe
removal of flve cases Lo Lhe CenLral 8ureau of
lnvesLlgaLlon (C8l) for lnvesLlgaLlon.
234, ****
ln a
wrlLLen response, Lhe SLaLe governmenL
re[ecLed Lhe need for C8l lnvolvemenL, sLaLlng
LhaL such a move would only lndeflnlLely delay
Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon" and llkely lead Lo Lhe release
of Lhe accused on ball.
1he naLlonal MlnlsLry
of Pome Affalrs agreed, sLaLlng LhaL such a
Lransfer would be lmposslble wlLhouL a formal
requesL by Lhe Cu[araL governmenL.

1he nP8C lnLervened agaln ln !uly 2003, when
news emerged LhaL Lhe conLroverslal 8esL
8akery case had ended wlLh Lhe acqulLLal of all
accused. AfLer an urgenL facL-flndlng mlsslon Lo
vadodara (where Lhe case had gone Lo Lrlal),
Lhe Commlsslon referred Lhe case Lo Lhe lndlan
Supreme CourL, demandlng LhaL Lhe Lrlal courL's
[udgmenL be volded, Lhe case be re-lnvesLlgaLed
by an lndependenL agency, and Lhe subsequenL
Lrlal be held ouLslde Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL.

1he C8l ls Lhe ellLe, federal-level lnvesLlgaLlve
pollce agency ln lndla.
nP8C played a slmllar role ln Lhe 8llkls 8ano

1he nCM also conducLed lndependenL
lnvesLlgaLlons lnLo Lhe Cu[araL vlolence. ln
March 2002, subsequenL Lo a facL-flndlng
mlsslon Lo Cu[araL, Lhe nCM expressed lLs
concern for Lhe safeLy and well belng of
Cu[araL's lus, and recommended Lhe
lmmedlaLe reconsLrucLlon of places of worshlp
LhaL were desLroyed durlng Lhe vlolence.
nCM conLlnued Lo focus on Lhe pllghL of
Cu[araL's lus, and ln 2006 lssued anoLher
reporL Laklng lssue wlLh Lhe offlclal sLaLemenLs
of Lhe Cu[araL governmenL regardlng Lhe
condlLlons ln Lhe sLaLe's lu camps.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
!"# %&'# &( !"# ,:36#;# )&:6.
Much of Lhls early acLlvlsm focused on efforLs Lo
move Lhe lndlan Supreme CourL. As descrlbed
above, Lhe nP8C, wlLh Lhe supporL of several
oLher clvll socleLy acLors, peLlLloned Lhe
Supreme CourL ln 2003 Lo vold Lhe Lrlal courLs'
declslons ln Lhe 8esL 8akery and 8llkls 8ano
cases, and Lo Lransfer Lhose cases ouLslde of Lhe
Cu[araL courLs Lo be relnvesLlgaLed and reLrled.
1he Supreme CourL ln Aprll 2004 ordered Lhe
removal of Lhe 8esL 8akery case Lo MaharashLra
and dld Lhe same for Lhe 8llkls 8ano
case ln AugusL of Lhe same year.
1haL same
monLh, Lhe CourL ordered Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL
Lo creaLe a hlgh-level pollce commlLLee Lo
reopen, re-lnvesLlgaLe, and Lake measures Lo
brlng Lo Lrlal over 2,000 cases LhaL had been
closed or dlsmlssed by Cu[araL auLhorlLles,
osLenslbly for lack of acLlonable evldence.

1hree monLhs laLer, Lhe Supreme CourL enLered
a sLay ln Len ongolng cases ln Lhe Cu[araL courL
sysLem, lncludlng Lhe naroda aLla and Lhe
Culberg SocleLy cases.
ln March 2008, Lhe
Supreme CourL flnally declded agalnsL
Lransferrlng Lhe cases ouLslde of Cu[araL and
lnsLead creaLed Lhe Sl1 Lo relnvesLlgaLe Lhe
A year laLer, afLer revlewlng Lhe lnlLlal
efforLs of Lhe Sl1, Lhe courL llfLed Lhe sLay on
Lhe cases and ordered Lhe Cu[araL Plgh CourL Lo
deslgnaLe slx fasL Lrack" courLs Lo handle Lhe
1he courL also ordered Lhe Sl1, ln
collaboraLlon wlLh relevanL sLaLe and federal
auLhorlLles, Lo provlde wlLnesses and Lhelr
famllles wlLh physlcal proLecLlon.

1he Supreme CourL subsequenLly lnLervened
mulLlple Llmes Lo relnforce Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe
ad-hoc lnsLlLuLlonal lnfrasLrucLure lL had
creaLed. ln May 2009, and agaln ln Aprll 2010,
Lhe Supreme CourL lnLervened Lo reconsLlLuLe
Lhe Sl1 ln response Lo a serles of reslgnaLlons or
allegaLlons by mlnorlLy wlLnesses (or
defendanLs ln Lhe Codhra case) LhaL members
of Lhe Sl1 were blased agalnsL Lhem.
lebruary 2011, Lhe Supreme CourL lnLervened
ln Lhe ongolng Culberg SocleLy Lrlal, orderlng
LhaL Lhe presldlng [udge be replaced ln response
Lo complalnLs abouL hls lack of lmparLlallLy (see
above, p.13). 1he Supreme CourL also ordered
LhaL wlLnesses ln Lhe Sl1-run cases be granLed
proLecLlon by Lhe CenLral lndusLrlal SecurlLy
lorce, ln response Lo reporLs of LhreaLs Lo
Accordlng Lo one of Lhe co-
peLlLloners ln Lhe !afrl case, none of Lhese
cruclal roadblocks Lo [usLlce would have been
llfLed absenL Lhe Supreme CourL's

1he Supreme CourL conLlnues Lo be Lhe
ulLlmaLe guaranLor of [usLlce ln Lhe nlne rloL-
relaLed cases sLlll under Lhe courL's overslghL.
8uL Lhe Supreme CourL ls also a boLLleneck.
Cnly few lawyers are experlenced enough Lo
have ready access Lhe Supreme CourL.
lurLhermore, ln aL leasL Lwo cases, Lhe Supreme
CourL has made clear lLs apparenL
exasperaLlon" LhaL advocaLes conLlnue Lo look
Lo Lhe Supreme CourL Lo ensure Lhe lnLegrlLy of
Lhe [udlclal proceedlngs aL Lhe local level.

A [udlclal sysLem LhaL relles excluslvely on Lhe
lndlan Supreme CourL as Lhe guaranLor of
[udlclal lnLegrlLy ls, by deflnlLlon, a fraglle one.
1o be Lruly susLalnable, Lhe reform process
musL promoLe lnsLlLuLlonal reform aL Lhe local
level, ln Cu[araL lLself.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

1he need for Iurther keforms
under lnLernaLlonal law, sLaLes have an
obllgaLlon Lo ensure adequaLe remedles for
vlcLlms of human rlghLs vlolaLlons. 1hls baslc
prlnclple of human rlghLs docLrlne ls arLlculaLed
ln ArLlcle 2(3) of Lhe lnLernaLlonal CovenanL on
Clvll and ollLlcal 8lghLs (lCC8), whlch
mandaLes each SLaLe arLy:

(a) 1o ensure LhaL any person whose [clvll and
pollLlcal rlghLs] are vlolaLed shall have an
effecLlve remedy [],
(b) 1o ensure LhaL any person clalmlng such a
remedy shall have hls rlghL LhereLo
deLermlned by compeLenL [udlclal,
admlnlsLraLlve or leglslaLlve auLhorlLles, or
by any oLher compeLenL auLhorlLy provlded
for by Lhe legal sysLem of Lhe SLaLe, and Lo
develop Lhe posslblllLles of [udlclal remedy,
(c) 1o ensure LhaL Lhe compeLenL auLhorlLles
shall enforce such remedles when granLed.
ln 2003, Lhe unlLed naLlons Ceneral Assembly
lssued a resoluLlon ouLllnlng baslc prlnclples and
derlved from Lhese core human
rlghLs obllgaLlons.
1he documenL concerns
sLaLes' obllgaLlons ln response Lo gross
vlolaLlons of human rlghLs law and serlous
vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law

and does noL enumeraLe any addlLlonal
lnLernaLlonal or domesLlc legal obllgaLlons.
8aLher, lL ldenLlf[les] mechanlsms, modallLles

1hls documenL ls reproduced ln full ln Appendlx
A Lo Lhls reporL, below, p. 69.
procedures and meLhods for Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of exlstloq legal obllgaLlons
under lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law and
lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law"
added). ln oLher words, Lhe documenL merely
resLaLes Lhe obllgaLlons sLaLes already have by
vlrLue of oLher, blndlng sources of law.

1he 2003 resoluLlon llsLs four duLles LhaL flow
from sLaLes' fundamenLal responslblllLy Lo
respecL, proLecL, and fulflll lnLernaLlonal human
rlghLs law and lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan

1. 1ake approprlaLe leglslaLlve and
admlnlsLraLlve and oLher approprlaLe
measures Lo prevenL vlolaLlons,
2. lnvesLlgaLe vlolaLlons effecLlvely,
prompLly, Lhoroughly and lmparLlally and,
where approprlaLe, Lake acLlon agalnsL
Lhose allegedly responslble ln accordance
wlLh domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal law,
3. rovlde Lhose who clalm Lo be vlcLlms of a
human rlghLs or humanlLarlan law
vlolaLlon wlLh equal and effecLlve access Lo
[usLlce, [] lrrespecLlve of who may be Lhe
bearer of Lhe responslblllLy for Lhe
vlolaLlon, and

A charL summarlzlng blndlng and non-blndlng
sources of lnLernaLlonal law relevanL Lo Lhe slLuaLlon
dlscussed ln Lhls reporL can be found ln Appendlx 8
Lo Lhls reporL, below, p. 79.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
4. Provide effective remedies to victims,
including reparation, [].
1hese four duLles form Lhe basls for Lhe
recommendaLlons LhaL follow, whlch adopL Lhe
sLrucLure of Lhe 2003 baslc prlnclples and
hlghllghL a number of poLenLlal areas for
sLrucLural reform. 1he analysls Lhen reLurns
brlefly Lo Lhe Culberg SocleLy and !afrl cases
(Lhe Lwo cases under revlew ln Lhls reporL LhaL
are sLlll pendlng ln ln Cu[araL's [udlclal sysLem
when Lhe reporL wenL Lo press), drawlng some
flnal concluslons on how Lhe auLhorlLles
lnvolved ln Lhose cases mlghL proceed ln llghL
of Lhelr obllgaLlons under lnLernaLlonal human
rlghLs law. llnally, Lhe reporL concludes wlLh
recommendaLlons almed aL Lhe lnLernaLlonal
communlLy as lL asslsLs and supporLs Lhe
lndlan and Cu[araL auLhorlLles ln Lhese varlous
romote Leg|s|at|ve, Adm|n|strat|ve and Cther In|t|at|ves to revent Communa| V|o|ence
AlLhough beyond Lhe scope of Lhls reporL, lL
seems clear LhaL auLhorlLles ln Cu[araL falled Lo
prepare for and counLeracL communal vlolence,
boLh ln Codhra as well as ln Lhe days and weeks
followlng Lhe Codhra lncldenL. ln dlscusslng Lhe
lssue, Lhe nP8C sLaLed LhaL Lhe prlnclple of tes
lpso lopoltot (llt. tbe offolt speokloq fot ltself)
applles, suggesLlng LhaL Lhere was a clear sLaLe
fallure Lo proLecL Lhe rlghLs Lo llfe, llberLy,
equallLy and dlgnlLy of all of Lhose who
consLlLuLe lL."
1hus, even accepLlng Lhe Sl1's
concluslon LhaL Lhere were no loJlvlJools
among Ms. !afrl's llsL of alleged consplraLors
who could be crlmlnally charged wlLh any
wrongdolng, Lhe nP8C flndlng noneLheless
underscores Lhe urgenL need Lo lmplemenL
systemlc reforms deslgned Lo ldenLlfy and
prevenL communal vlolence from occurrlng
agaln ln Lhe fuLure.
Much has been wrlLLen abouL Lhe fallure of
Cu[araL law enforcemenL auLhorlLles durlng Lhe
2002 rloLs Lo heed Lhe ample warnlng slgns,
boLh ln Lhe weeks and days prlor Lo lebruary
27, 2002, and ln Lhe chaoLlc lmmedlaLe
afLermaLh of Lhe Codhra Lragedy, LhaL
communal vlolence was llkely Lo occur.
deLalls of Lhe lnLelllgence breakdown ln Cu[araL,
especlally as recounLed by lnslders such as Mr.
8.8. Sreekumar, former ulrecLor Ceneral of
ollce (uC)

of Cu[araL,
should be
scruLlnlzed for lessons on how Lo enhance Lhe
ablllLy of Lhe SLaLe's lnLelllgence and law
enforcemenL auLhorlLles Lo prevenL slLuaLlons
of poLenLlal communal vlolence from splrallng
ouL of conLrol. naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal besL
pracLlces wlLh regard Lo such prevenLaLlve
measures should be Laken lnLo accounL.
1he resulL of such research could be Lhe
compllaLlon and promulgaLlon of lnLernal
guldellnes on how Lo prevenL, conLaln and
counLeracL slLuaLlons of communal vlolence.

1he uC ls Lhe hlghesL-ranklng pollce offlclal ln

an lndlan SLaLe.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


kecommendat|on #1:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should Lask an lndependenL
commlsslon Lo analyze Lhe breakdown ln 2002 of Cu[araL's lnLelllgence and law enforcemenL safeguards
agalnsL communal vlolence, and Lake acLlons on any recommendaLlons for lmprovemenL.
1he commlsslon of lnqulry should have llmlLed power Lo granL lnslders lmmunlLy for Lhelr LesLlmony.
1he purpose of Lhe commlsslon would be Lo generaLe acLlonable guldellnes for Cu[araL auLhorlLles on
how Lo prevenL, conLaln and counLeracL slLuaLlons of communal vlolence.
Invest|gate and rosecute A||eged Instances of Communa| V|o|ence
1he second prong of sLaLes' responslblllLy Lo
respecL, proLecL, and fulflll lnLernaLlonal human
rlghLs law and lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law
perLalns Lo lLs obllgaLlon Lo lnvesLlgaLe
vlolaLlons effecLlvely, prompLly, Lhoroughly and
lmparLlally and, where approprlaLe, Lake acLlon
agalnsL Lhose allegedly responslble ln
accordance wlLh domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal
ln oLher words, sLaLes under
lnLernaLlonal law have an obllgaLlon Lo (1)
lnvesLlgaLe grave vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal
human rlghLs law (lP8L)
and lnLernaLlonal
Crlmlnal Law (lCL),
and (2) Lo prosecuLe

lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law addresses rlghLs
LhaL Lhe sLaLe ls obllgaLed Lo tespect, ptotect and
folflll wlLh regard Lo lndlvlduals over whom lL
exerclses [urlsdlcLlon, as arLlculaLed ln varlous
blndlng LreaLles and cusLomary lnLernaLlonal legal
lnLernaLlonal Crlmlnal law perLalns Lo a seL of
grave offenses, Lyplcally deflned as war crlmes,
crlmes agalnsL humanlLy, acLs of genoclde, and

crlmlnally Lhose responslble for such vlolaLlons.
1he responslblllLy for Lhese lnvesLlgaLlons and
subsequenL prosecuLlons resLs wlLh Lhe SLaLe,
and should be carrled ouL regardless of Lhe
lnlLlaLlve of vlcLlms and survlvors of Lhe

crlmes agalnsL peace, LhaL glve rlse Lo lndlvldual
crlmlnal llablllLy.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
<+#6"2:' 281 %#*8(&6-# ."# 57% 36&-#99
As descrlbed above, Lhe process by whlch
crlmlnal cases were lnlLlaLed ln Lhe posL-Codhra
rloL cases was deeply flawed and prone Lo
wldespread abuse and manlpulaLlon. As a
resulL, hundreds-lf noL Lhousands-of cases
never even made lL lnLo Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce
AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal has concluded LhaL ln
some cases, pollce slmply refused Lo flle an ll8
for many vlcLlms of communal vlolence ln
ln oLhers, Lhe pollce offlcer Laklng
down Lhe case lnformaLlon wlllfully dlsLorLed,
dlluLed or falslfled wlLness' sLaLemenLs, maklng
Lhe lnformaLlon pracLlcally meanlngless for
prosecuLorlal purposes.
Many of Lhe ll8s

More ofLen, however, pollce lnvesLlgaLors
slmply refused Lo record properly Lhe full deLalls of
Lhe crlmes commlLLed or lmporLanL facLs abouL Lhe
abouL Lhe ldenLlLles of Lhe alleged perpeLraLors. 1hls
paLLern of offlclal mlsconducL has been wldely
documenLed by lnvesLlgaLlve commlsslons and
human rlghLs reporLs. 5ee Ln 282.
documenLlng wlLness' sLaLemenLs were wrlLLen
Lo suggesL only LhaL an unruly mob" had
perpeLraLed Lhe alleged crlme, maklng lL
lmposslble even for a well-lnLenLloned
prosecuLor Lo brlng crlmlnal charges agalnsL any
lndlvldual members of LhaL mob for lack of
lnformaLlon. Several prosecuLlon wlLnesses ln
boLh Lhe Culberg SocleLy and naroda aLla
cases descrlbed pollce unwllllngness Lo properly
record Lhelr allegaLlons ln an ll8.

ollce also consolldaLed numerous lndlvldual
ll8s lnLo so-called omnlbus ll8s" (bundllng
LogeLher lndlvldual reporLs of crlmlnal vlolence
perLalnlng Lo Lhe same general serles of
aLLacks). lor example, Lhe naroda aLla case
bundled LogeLher 120
separaLe lndlvldual ll8s lnLo
one omnlbus ll8,
whlle Lhe
Culberg SocleLy Case bundled
24 such complalnLs.
ln LhaL
process, Lhe new omnlbus ll8s
ofLen losL much of Lhe
speclflclLy and facLual deLalls
LhaL were conLalned ln Lhe
orlglnal ll8s.
CrlLlcs alleged
LhaL such bundllng may have
been done sLraLeglcally Lo
shleld key hlgh-ranklng accused from llablllLy.

ln oLher cases, Lhe pollce requlred vlcLlms
seeklng Lo lnlLlaLe crlmlnal proceedlngs Lo lead
Lhe pollce on walklng Lours of Lhelr former
nelghborhoods. CsLenslbly, Lhls was done Lo
allow pollce Lo flll ln Lhe deLalls mlsslng ln Lhe
ln pracLlce, however, perpeLraLors were
able Lo easlly ldenLlfy Lhe lndlvlduals who
lnlLlaLed crlmlnal charges agalnsL Lhem. 1hls has
1he ollce . suld thut u Elndu mob uttucked u Musllm mob .
l um not u 'mob,' l um u womun who wus gungrued by three men. Eow
cun l hoe for justlce when they don't even reglster my comlulnt
roerly? [she udded| 1o my surrlse, the ollce suld l cunnot flle un llR.
1hey suld un llR hud ulreudy exlsted for thut duy's events.
!=4:)&) `"7%R !E"$5E _ #=7T$T%7 T$9:$L
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1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

creaLed Lhe poLenLlal for harassmenL, LhreaLs,
and lnLlmldaLlon of wlLnesses by poLenLlal
defendanLs seeklng Lo geL Lhose complalnLs

lrom Lhe above dlscusslon, lL seems apparenL
LhaL ln slLuaLlons of alleged communal vlolence,
especlally ln Lhose ln whlch Lhe pollce are
poLenLlally lmpllcaLed ln Lhe vlolence, Lhe
currenL process for lnlLlaLlng a crlmlnal case ls
deeply flawed. 1he currenL sysLem effecLlvely
glves Lhe pollce offlcer Laklng down Lhe wlLness
sLaLemenL de facLo veLo power over wheLher
LhaL complalnL wlll ever resulL ln crlmlnal
1he lndlan Code of Crlmlnal rocedure (1973)
already conLalns four lmporLanL safeguards
agalnsL fraud and manlpulaLlon of ll8s by
recordlng pollce offlcers: (1) pollce offlcers musL
read aloud Lo Lhe lnformanL Lhe conLenL of Lhe
ll8s as recorded, (2) Lhe complalnanL musL slgn
Lhe ll8 as recorded, (3) Lhe ll8s musL be
enLered lnLo a reglsLer Lo be kepL by Lhe offlcer,
and (4) Lhe complalnanL musL be glven a copy of
Lhe ll8, free of charge.

kecommendat|on #2:
Cu[araL pollce lnLernal overslghL mechanlsms should rlgorously enforce compllance wlLh safeguards
deslgned Lo prevenL fraud and manlpulaLlon of llrsL lnsLance 8eporLs (ll8s) by Lhe recordlng pollce
ollce offlcers who neglecL Lo ablde by Lhese safeguards should be warned and, when approprlaLe,
dlsclpllned lncludlng Lhrough LermlnaLlon of employmenL.

unforLunaLely, Lhese safeguards, even when
respecLed, have provlded vlcLlms wlLh only
llmlLed proLecLlon from fraud. ln slLuaLlons ln
whlch complalnanLs are sub[ecLed Lo lllegal
duress, lnLlmldaLlon, or when pollce offlcers
explolL complalnanLs' llllLeracy or oLher lnablllLy
Lo fully comprehend Lhe naLure of Lhe legal
process, vlcLlms have been forced Lo slgn ll8s
Lhey laLer recanLed as fraudulenL or lmproperly
recorded. lor Lhls reason, addlLlonal safeguards
need Lo be developed Lo mlnlmlze Lhe
opporLunlLy for pollce offlcers Lo fraudulenLly
record ll8s.

kecommendat|on #3:
lndlan federal and sLaLe [udlclal auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should modernlze Lhe
process by whlch ll8s are reglsLered.
1hls modernlzaLlon process should explore Lhe feaslblllLy of Lechnologlcal means of capLurlng and
dlglLally auLhenLlcaLlng all orally communlcaLed reporLs of alleged crlmlnal wrongdolng, lncludlng
submlsslon of ll8s by emall.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

1here are robusL pollcy reasons for allocaLlng
Lhe prlmary responslblllLy Lo handle crlmlnal
lnvesLlgaLlons Lo Lhe pollce. 8uL when Lhe
lnLegrlLy of Lhe pollce lnvesLlgaLlon process
lLself ls ln doubL (as lL was alleged ln Lhe case of
Lhe Cu[araL 2002 rloLs), Lhe sysLem musL
provlde an alLernaLe means of lnlLlaLlng a
crlmlnal complalnL.
lndlan law already foresees such provlslons.
Accordlng Lo ArLlcle 190 of Lhe lndlan Code of
Crlmlnal rocedure (1973), oral communlcaLlon
of a cognlzable offense before a pollce offlcer ls
only one of Lhree ways Lo lnlLlaLe a crlmlnal
case before a maglsLraLe.
1wo alLernaLe
means also exlsL: (1) Lhe lndependenL
submlsslon of a complalnL alleglng facLs LhaL
would rlse Lo Lhe level of a cognlzable offense
(Lhe process Ms. !afrl and her co-peLlLloners
used Lo flle Lhelr case), and (2) Lhe MaglsLraLe's
own lnlLlaLlve based on hls or her lndependenL
knowledge of a cognlzable offense, or an
lnLeracLlon he or she has wlLh someone who
reporLs on LhaL offense.
ln pracLlce, Lhese Lwo alLernaLe means are
rarely used. CourLs rouLlnely refuse Lo Lake
acLlon on complalnLs of crlmlnal wrongdolng lf
Lhe vlcLlms have noL flrsL flled an ll8 wlLh Lhe
pollce. lurLhermore, especlally for vlcLlms who
do noL en[oy legal represenLaLlon, dlscernlng
how Lo lnlLlaLe a crlmlnal case uslng one of
Lhese alLernaLe means ls a daunLlng Lask. 1here
ls llLLle popularly accesslble guldance on how
Lhese alLernaLe modallLles funcLlon. !udlclal
auLhorlLles aL boLh Lhe cenLral and sLaLe level
should clarlfy by whaL process vlcLlms can
lnlLlaLe a case lf for some reason Lhey cannoL
use Lhe regular ll8 process.

kecommendat|on #4:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe [udlclal auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should spread awareness
among lawyers, paralegals, and communlLy acLlvlsLs regardlng alLernaLe means Lo lnlLlaLe a crlmlnal case
ln lndla.
1hese means, LhaL do noL rely on a pollce reporL belng flled, should be ln llne wlLh ArLlcle 190 of Lhe
lndlan Code of Crlmlnal rocedure (1973). AuLhorlLles should clarlfy Lhe procedure by whlch
lndlvlduals-wlLh or wlLhouL Lhe supporL of lawyers-can orally communlcaLe an alleged vlolaLlon
dlrecLly Lo a maglsLraLe, as well as Lhe formal submlsslon procedure for complalnLs already reduced Lo
wrlLlng by Lhe complalnanL and (when appllcable) hls or her lawyers.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

=89:6# ."# >1#?:2.# 78+#9.*@2.*&8 A&6 %#B78+#9.*@2.*&8C &( >''#@#1 789.28-#9 &(
)&;;:82' D*&'#8-#
1he Sl1, as hlghllghLed by Lhe 8amachandran
assumed for lLself Lhe quasl-[udlclal
funcLlon of evaluaLlng Lhe credlblllLy of Lhe
evldence cruclal Lo Ms. !afrl's allegaLlons of
As descrlbed
above, Lhe
CourL man-
daLed Lhe Sl1
only Lo
relnvesLlgaLe" Lhe hlgh-proflle cases ldenLlfled
ln lLs order, sLaLlng LhaL [f]or Lhe purposes of
Lhe cases covered by Lhese dlrecLlons, Lhe Sl1
shall Lake over Lhe funcLlons of Lhe concerned
ollce SLaLlons qua lnvesLlgaLlng agencles and
accordlngly exerclse powers and [urlsdlcLlon ln
consonance wlLh Lhe scheme and provlslons of
Lhe Code of Crlmlnal rocedure, 1973."

under Lhe lndlan Code of Crlmlnal rocedure,
all pollce lnvesLlgaLlons-regardless of wheLher
Lhe pollce belleve Lhe allegaLlons Lo be well
founded-are handed Lo a MaglsLraLe's CourL.
1he MaglsLraLe has Lhe power Lo commlsslon a
renewed loJepeoJeot lnvesLlgaLlon under hls or
her dlrecLlon, and declde wheLher Lo proceed Lo
Lrlal or dlsmlss Lhe complalnL.

AL Lhe same Llme LhaL Lhe Sl1 exceeded lLs
mandaLe by assesslng Lhe evldenLlary value of
Lhe LesLlmony lL had gaLhered, lL also fell shorL
of lLs mandaLe Lo fully re-lnvesLlgaLe Lhe alleged
crlmes ln Lhe cases asslgned Lo lL. As descrlbed
above, Lhe Supreme CourL Lwlce reconsLlLuLed
Lhe Sl1 ln response Lo serlous allegaLlons of blas
among Lhe Sl1's members (see above, p. 32).
Many vlcLlms, survlvors and Lhelr advocaLes
have accused Lhe Sl1 of blas,
parLlcularly ln
Lhe Culberg SocleLy and !afrl cases.
1hls ls
perhaps noL surprlslng glven LhaL Lhe chlef
offlcers Lasked wlLh supervlslng Lhe
were all drawn
from Lhe Cu[araL
pollce force,

some llLerally
from Lhe pollce
lnvesLlgaLlon unlLs
LhaL Lhe Sl1 was
Lasked Lo replace.
1he Sl1 has been accused
of falllng Lo ask wlLnesses abouL lnconslsLencles
ln Lhelr narraLlves LhaL were wldely debaLed ln
Lhe medla aL Lhe Llme, or selecLlvely maklng
reference Lo evldence from cerLaln pro-
esLabllshmenL parLles over oLhers.
ln 2010,
Lhe speclal publlc prosecuLor ln Lhe Culberg
SocleLy case [olned Lhe wlLnesses ln crlLlqulng
Lhe Sl1's lmparLlallLy, [usLlfylng hls reslgnaLlon
from Lhe case ln parL wlLh reference Lo Lhe Sl1's
alleged efforLs Lo shleld pollce from crlmlnal
1he Sl1 even resorLed Lo dlrecL
personal aLLacks on Ms. !afrl and her co-
peLlLloners ln response Lo Lhelr refusal Lo accepL
Lhe Sl1's closure reporL on legal and subsLanLlve

1he evldence suggesLs LhaL Lhe Sl1 falled Lo
conducL a proper lnvesLlgaLlon. As a resulL, Lhe
Supreme CourL oughL Lo reLhlnk lLs sLraLegy for
lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe alleged crlmes of Lhe Cu[araL
rloLs. A new sLraLegy mlghL lncorporaLe
slgnlflcanL addlLlonal safeguards Lo ensure Lhe
lmparLlallLy of Lhe Sl1.
ln llghL of Lhe slgnlflcanL and credlble
allegaLlons of blas and lncompleLe lnvesLlgaLlon
1hey ure ull fundumentullsts.
*%"4 B)7L)7 _ !VK I"LN"7
!D")5$&C )N%=: M=c)7):$ I=#4$L# S$:E =&8"79%T"7 c%=7&)4$#: Q#E$#E XE"$:)&
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
by Lhe Sl1, Lhe SLaLe of lndla sLlll has arguably
noL successfully conducLed an effecLlve,
prompL, Lhorough and lmparLlal"

lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe alleged vlolaLlons of Lhe
2002 Cu[araL rloLs.

kecommendat|on #S:
1he lndlan Supreme CourL should order a revlew of Lhe Len 2002 rloL cases LhaL Lhe Supreme CourL
Lasked Lhe Sl1 Lo lnvesLlgaLe, ensurlng Lhe effecLlveness, prompLness, Lhoroughness and lmparLlallLy of
Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon.
lf Lhe Supreme CourL Lasks Lhe Sl1 wlLh Lhls revlew, lL musL flrsL reconsLlLuLe Lhe Sl1's membershlp Lo
ensure lLs lndependence and lmparLlallLy. lL should do Lhls wlLh Lhe asslsLance of clvll socleLy. ln Lhe
alLernaLlve, [udlclal auLhorlLles mlghL devlse an alLernaLe model for conducLlng an effecLlve, prompL,
Lhorough and lmparLlal lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe cases.

llnally, lL ls unclear wheLher Lhe over 2,000 rloL-
relaLed cases LhaL Lhe Supreme CourL ordered
Lo be relnvesLlgaLed ln 2004
have been
properly re-lnvesLlgaLed. 1he Supreme CourL
should deslgnaLe a speclallzed complalnLs
mechanlsm Lo allow vlcLlms of any lnsLances of
communal vlolence who feel LhaL Lhelr orlglnal
complalnLs have been elLher lmproperly
dlsmlssed or lnadequaLely lnvesLlgaLed Lo flle a
formal complalnL, and Lo have LhaL complalnL
prompLly lnvesLlgaLed by a speclal auLhorlLy.

kecommendat|on #6:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe [udlclal auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should creaLe a speclal
mechanlsm Lo accepL and lnvesLlgaLe lndlvldual complalnLs alleglng Lhe lmproper dlsmlssal or
lnadequaLe lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo a communal vlolence-relaLed lncldenL.
%#*8(&6-# ."# E:1*-*2' ,/9.#;F9 >G*'*./ .& )&3# H*." )29#9 >''#@*8@ )&;;:82' D*&'#8-#
Accordlng Lo Lhe lndlan Code of Crlmlnal
rocedures, once an alleged crlmlnal vlolaLlon
has been adequaLely lnvesLlgaLed, lL ls handed
Lo a MaglsLraLe's Lrlbunal.
1he lnvesLlgaLlng
agency (lA) wlll flle a reporL aL Lhe end of Lhe
lf Lhe lA belleves Lhe charges
are well founded, lL wlll lssue a chargesheeL,
and Lhe Lrlal wlll commence.
lf Lhe lA
belleves LhaL Lhe case should be closed, lL wlll
lssue a closure reporL.
ln such cases, Lhe
MaglsLraLe can elLher accepL Lhe lA's reporL and
close Lhe maLLer, or re[ecL Lhe lA's oplnlon and
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Lake cognlzance of Lhe offense and proceed
wlLh Lhe Lrlal.
1here are Lhree lmporLanL
lnsLlLuLlonal componenLs LhaL are essenLlal Lo
Lhe proper funcLlonlng of a crlmlnal Lrlal: (1) Lhe
exlsLence of an loJepeoJeot and lmpottlol
[udlclary, (2) Lhe exlsLence of an lmpottlol and
objectlve prosecuLorlal agency, and (3) Lhe
exlsLence of an loJepeoJeot lawyers' bar (see
below, p.47).

Independent and Impart|a| Iud|c|ary:
1he un Ceneral Assembly ln 1983 deflned a
serles of Lechnlcal benchmarks LhaL should be
used Lo evaluaLe Lhe lndependence and
lmparLlallLy of a [udlclary.
lmporLanLly, [udges
and Lhe [udlclary as a whole musL be seen Lo be
operaLlng wlLhouL blas.
1hus, even a courL
LhaL acLually does noL demonsLraLe blas agalnsL
any of Lhe parLles may sLlll be reasonably
percelved Lo be operaLlng wlLh blas or poLenLlal
blas, and Lhus fall Lhe LesL of lmparLlallLy.

Accordlng Lo Lhe 8angalore rlnclples of !udlclal
ConducL, Lhe proper response for [udges who
sLand accused of blas ls Lo recuse oneself from
Lhe case.

As descrlbed above,

Lhe wlLnesses ln Lhe
Culberg SocleLy case accused Lhe presldlng
[udge of blas.
ln LhaL case, Lhe Cu[araL Plgh
CourL flnally ordered Lhe Lransfer of presldlng
!udge !oshl Lo oLher maLLers, afLer years of
efforL by wlLnesses and Lhelr advocaLes.
Accordlng Lo lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs norms,
however, !udge !oshl could also have recused
hlmself from Lhe case Lhe momenL he reallzed
LhaL lmporLanL sLakeholders Lo Lhe Lrlal-ln Lhls
case wlLnesses and prosecuLors-percelved hlm
Lo be blased. WlLnesses ln LhaL case began
alleglng [udlclal blas as early as !anuary 2010,
barely a few monLhs lnLo Lhe Lrlal.
Clven Lhe
lnLenslLy and severlLy of Lhe allegaLlons made
agalnsL hlm, !udge !oshl should have consldered
recuslng hlmself from Lhe Lrlal ln Lhe lnLeresLs
of ensurlng a falr Lrlal.
Cf course, recusal should be reserved only for
excepLlonal lnsLances.
1he naLlonal and SLaLe
courLs of appeal reLaln Lhe ulLlmaLe auLhorlLy Lo
force [udlclal reasslgnmenL ln cases of alleged
[udlclal blas. ln handllng any such allegaLlons,
Lhe courLs of appeal should welgh Lhe severlLy
of Lhe alleged blas agalnsL oLher lnLeresLs of
[udlclal lnLegrlLy.
ln any case of [udlclal reasslgnmenL due Lo
alleged blas, wheLher volunLary or forced by a
hlgher [udlclal auLhorlLy, an lndependenL
lnvesLlgaLlon should be seL up afLer Lhe [udge's
removal Lo ensure LhaL Lhe Lrlal process,
wlLness LesLlmony, and evldence gaLhered has
noL been compromlsed by Lhe [udges alleged
sub[ecLlve or ob[ecLlve blas.

kecommendat|on #7:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe [udlclal auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should lmplemenL a
mandaLory lnqulry ln all Communal vlolence-relaLed cases where a former [udge elLher volunLarlly
recused hlm- or herself from a case, or was removed from Lhe case by order of a hlgher courL, Lo see
wheLher LhaL [udge caused lrreparable harm Lo Lhe Lrlal record by vlrLue of blas, and, lf so, correcL for
LhaL harm before proceedlng wlLh Lhe case.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
Impart|a| and Cb[ect|ve rosecutor|a|
ln 1990, Lhe LlghLh unlLed naLlons Congress on
Lhe revenLlon of Crlme and Lhe 1reaLmenL of
Cffenders promulgaLed Lhe unlLed naLlons
Culdellnes on Lhe 8ole of rosecuLors.

Accordlng Lo Lhese sLandards, prosecuLors
should be lndlvlduals of lnLegrlLy and ablllLy,
wlLh approprlaLe Lralnlng and quallflcaLlons,"

and Lhe hlrlng process musL embody
safeguards agalnsL appolnLmenLs based on
parLlallLy or pre[udlce, excludlng any
dlscrlmlnaLlon agalnsL a person on Lhe grounds
of race, colour, sex, language, rellglon, polltlcol
ot otbet oploloo, naLlonal, soclal or eLhnlc
orlgln, properLy, blrLh, economlc or oLher
(emphasls added). rosecuLors musL
be allowed Lo carry ouL Lhelr duLy shlelded from
efforLs Lo lnLlmldaLe, harass, or oLherwlse
lnLerfere wlLh Lhelr work.

rosecuLors also have Lhe duLy Lo glve due
aLLenLlon Lo Lhe prosecuLlon of crlmes
commlLLed by publlc offlclals, parLlcularly . . .
grave vlolaLlons of human rlghLs and oLher
crlmes recognlzed by lnLernaLlonal law"

WlLh regard Lo Lhe performance of Lhelr duLles,
rosecuLors shall:

(a) Carry ouL Lhelr luncLlons lmparLlally and
avold all pollLlcal, soclal, rellglous, raclal,
culLural, sexual or any oLher klnd of
(b) roLecL Lhe publlc lnLeresL, acL wlLh
ob[ecLlvlLy, Lake proper accounL of Lhe
poslLlon of Lhe suspecL and Lhe vlcLlm, and
pay aLLenLlon Lo all relevanL clrcumsLances,
lrrespecLlve of wheLher Lhey are Lo Lhe
advanLage or dlsadvanLage of Lhe suspecL,
(c) keep maLLers ln Lhelr possesslon
confldenLlal, unless Lhe performance of Lhe
duLy or Lhe needs of [usLlce requlre
oLherwlse, [and]
(d) Conslder Lhe vlews and concerns of vlcLlms
when Lhelr personal lnLeresLs are affecLed
and ensure LhaL vlcLlms are lnformed of
Lhelr rlghLs ln accordance wlLh Lhe
ueclaraLlon of 8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for
vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower.
Applylng Lhese sLandards Lo Lhe Cu[araL rloLs,
serlous quesLlons arlse as Lo Lhe lmparLlallLy
and ob[ecLlvlLy of Lhe SLaLe's prosecuLors. 1he
!afrl case alleges LhaL Lhe Cu[araL courL sysLem
should be held accounLable for recommendlng
pro 8!, vP advocaLes for appolnLmenL as
ubllc rosecuLors, Lo presenL cases agalnsL
Plndu rloLers."
ln lLs Closure 8eporL, Lhe Sl1
oqteeJ wlLh Lhe eLlLloner. 1he Sl1 wroLe LhaL
Lhe pollLlcal afflllaLlon of Lhe advocaLes dld
welgh wlLh Lhe CovL. for Lhe appolnLmenL of
Lhe ubllc rosecuLors."
1he Sl1 wenL on Lo
dlsmlss Lhe maLerlal relevance of Lhls flndlng,
however, noLlng LhaL no speclflc allegaLlon of
showlng favour by [Lhe prosecuLors] Lo any of
Lhe accused persons lnvolved ln Lhe rloLs elLher
ln granL of ball or durlng Lhe Lrlal has come Lo

Accordlng Lo Lhe lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs
sLandards clLed above, however, Lhe Sl1 has
applled Lhe lncorrecL sLandards ln assesslng Ms.
!afrl's allegaLlons. lL ls noL, as Lhe Sl1
conLended, relevanL wheLher Lhe ubllc
rosecuLors ln Cu[araL lo foct showed any
favorlLlsm Lowards Lhe defendanLs.
relevanL quesLlon ls lnsLead wheLher Lhe hlrlng
process embod[les] safeguards agalnsL
appolnLmenLs based on parLlallLy or
Cn Lhls score, Lhe Sl1's flndlngs are
sufflclenL Lo demonsLraLe a clear shorLcomlng
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

accordlng Lo lnLernaLlonal legal norms.
pollLlclzaLlon of prosecuLorlal hlrlng and
appolnLmenL pracLlces should be expressly
forbldden, and reforms should be puL ln place
Lo prevenL such conslderaLlons from enLerlng
lnLo Lhe hlrlng, promoLlon, or appolnLmenL
declslons perLalnlng Lo rosecuLors ln Lhe SLaLe
of Cu[araL.

kecommendat|on #8:
Cu[araL sLaLe auLhorlLles should revlew Lhe crlLerla used Lo declde wheLher Lo hlre, LermlnaLe, promoLe,
demoLe, appolnL or remove prosecuLors ln Lhe SLaLe of Cu[araL, ensurlng LhaL an lndlvldual's pollLlcal
procllvlLles or afflllaLlon wlLh cerLaln groups or organlzaLlons cannoL facLor lnLo such declslons.
02*89.6#2; 281 I:*'1 J3&8 ."# KD*-.*;B56*#81'/L !6*2' 0&1#'
1he [udgmenL ln Lhe naroda aLla case spoke of
Lhe lmporLance of glv[lng] compleLe llberLy Lo
Lhe defence, buL aL Lhe same Llme, sttlctly ooJ
slocetely tokloq cote of jtbe] feelloqjs] of tbe
jltosecotloo wltoesses (lw)], ptotectjloq] tbem
oqolost ooooyloq, losoltloq ot embottossloq
poestloos by tbe ctoss exomloet"
added). 1he [udgmenL descrlbes Lhe fear and
reLraumaLlzaLlon LhaL vlcLlms suffered whlle
LesLlfylng ln open courL:

1hls CourL has observed LhaL durlng Lhe deposlLlon many of Lhe wlLnesses were flndlng lL very
dlfflculL Lo conLrol rolllng down Lhelr Lears on Lhelr cheeks. 1hey were eager Lo show Lhelr burnL
llmbs, Lhelr ln[ured llmbs and explaln Lhelr losses Lo Lhe CourL. Many of Lhe parenL wlLnesses
were unable Lo descrlbe abouL Lhe deaLh of Lhelr chlldren ln Lhe rloL, Lhey became so emoLlonal
LhaL very ofLen needed Lo be consoled and offered a glass of waLer Lo compleLe Lhelr deposlLlon.
1helr palns, agonles, anxleLy, effecLs of shock and Lrauma were very much vlslble and noLlceable.
Lven on Lhe daLe of Lhe deposlLlon Lhey were noLlced Lo have been very much afrald. 1hey were
frequenLly assured abouL Lhelr securlLy, buL when Lhey used Lo go Lo ldenLlfy Lhe accused, lL was
noLlced LhaL many of Lhe wlLnesses have avolded Lo ldenLlfy Lhe accused whom Lhey were
knowlng very well. AL leasL Lwo Lo Lhree Ws were so much dlsLurbed LhaL Lhelr physlcal healLh
was affecLed and ambulance had Lo be called Lo Lake Lhem Lo Lhe hosplLal."

vlcLlms and survlvors spoke of Lhe
Lrauma assoclaLed wlLh LesLlfylng
ln courL. 1he sLress was
compounded when Lhe presldlng
[udge proved unsympaLheLlc Lo Lhe
l was narraLlng whaL happened when l broke down. l gave
LesLlmony for [several] days, sLandlng Lhe whole Llme.
P M=c)7): T$%4"&9" #=7T$T%7
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
experlences of Lhe wlLnesses, as happened ln
Lhe Culberg SocleLy case. WlLnesses of Lhe
Cu[araL vlolence also descrlbed how Lhe cross
examlnaLlon of Lhelr LesLlmony ofLen focused
on a serles of Lechnlcal and subsLanLlvely
lrrelevanL quesLlons abouL mlnor deLalls, ln an
efforL Lo lmpugn Lhelr credlblllLy as wlLnesses,
raLher Lhan Lhe subsLance of Lhelr LesLlmony.

1hese courL-sancLloned behavlors compounded
Lhe wlLness' anxleLy durlng and afLer Lhelr
Accordlng Lo Lhe [udge ln Lhe naroda aLla case,
[v]lcLlms musL be LreaLed beLLer by Lhe
Crlmlnal !usLlce SysLem."
1he crlmlnal [usLlce
sysLem, accordlng Lo LhaL [udgmenL, needs Lo
be more vlcLlm-frlendly and should LreaL
wlLnesses as human belngs and noL as evldence
for Lhls slde or LhaL slde."

!udge ?agnlk's vlslon of a more
vlcLlm-frlendly [udlclal process ls
conslsLenL wlLh lnLernaLlonal human
rlghLs norms focuslng on Lhe rlghLs
LhaL vlctlms should en[oy ln a falr
Lrlal. Accordlng Lo a u.n. Ceneral
Assembly resoluLlon passed on Lhls
Loplc ln 1983, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL
vlcLlms be LreaLed wlLh compasslon
and respecL for Lhelr dlgnlLy."

1hroughouL Lhe [udlclal process, vlcLlms also
en[oy Lhe followlng rlghLs:
1he rlghL Lo be lnformed of Lhelr role and Lhe
scope, Llmlng and progress of Lhe proceedlngs
and of Lhe dlsposlLlon of Lhelr cases, especlally
where serlous crlmes are lnvolved and where
Lhey have requesLed such lnformaLlon."

1he rlghL Lo have a volce ln Lhe proceedlngs
whenever Lhelr lnLeresLs are concerned, wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo Lhe accused.

1he rlghL Lo proper asslsLance . . . LhroughouL
Lhe legal process."

1he rlghL of vlcLlms Lo have lnconvenlences" for
Lhem mlnlmlzed, Lo have Lhelr prlvacy proLecLed,
and, when necessary, Lo have Lhelr safeLy
ensured, as well as LhaL of Lhelr famllles and
wlLnesses on Lhelr behalf, from lnLlmldaLlon and

1he expecLaLlon LhaL auLhorlLles wlll avold[]
unnecessary delay ln Lhe dlsposlLlon of cases and
Lhe execuLlon of orders or decrees granLlng
awards Lo vlcLlms."

vlcLlms also en[oy Lhe rlghL Lo resLlLuLlon and/or
compensaLlon, and necessary maLerlal, medlcal,
psychologlcal and soclal asslsLance and

WlLnesses who LesLlfled ln Lhe naroda aLla
case generally had a more favorable oplnlon of
Lhe [udge and Lhe [udlclary ln LhaL case. Cne
such wlLness found !udge ?agnlk Lo be very
empaLheLlc" and encouraglng.
1he [udge
allowed Lhe wlLness Lo Lake her Llme ln recalllng
deLalls of Lhe evenLs LhaL happened a decade
earller and gave her ample opporLunlLy Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe accused ln open courL.
1he [udge
also reporLedly dld noL publlcly dlscredlL Lhe
wlLnesses, nor dld she LreaL Lhem as lf Lhey
Lhemselves were Lhe accused ln need of
defendlng Lhemselves and Lhelr experlences.
l losL [so much]. l wlll never be Lhe same. uurlng LesLlmony
l was recalllng Lhe evenLs, and Lhe prosecuLor was Lrylng Lo supporL
me. Whlle l was glvlng LesLlmony, Lhe [udge sald does she look
damaged aL all?" And durlng my LesLlmony Lhe [udge kepL looklng aL
Lhe accused and laughlng. Pe allowed Lhe accused Lo move places ln
an efforL Lo confuse me when l was ldenLlfylng Lhem.
P M=c)7): T$%4"&9" #=7T$T%7
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

lnsLead, she made Lhe wlLnesses feel more aL
ease and comforLable ln courL. 1hls was
parLlcularly lmporLanL for female survlvors of
gender vlolence. !udge ?agnlk's approach Lo
courLroom managemenL should serve as a
model for oLher [udges presldlng over slmllar

kecommendat|on #9:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe [udlclal auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should Lake noLe of and
dlssemlnaLe besL pracLlces regardlng Lhe malnLenance of a vlcLlm-frlendly" Lrlal.

AnoLher lssue ln need of furLher research ls how
besL Lo guaranLee Lhe physlcal securlLy of key
prosecuLlon wlLnesses ln cases lnvolvlng
allegaLlons of communal vlolence, whlle aL Lhe
same Llme mlnlmlzlng Lhe poLenLlal for such
securlLy Lo osLraclze LhaL wlLness from hls or her
communlLy. lndla lnLroduced lLs flrsL wlLness
proLecLlon program ln 1983, llmlLlng lL Lo
Lerrorlsm cases.
ln 2000, wlLness proLecLlon
measures were lnLroduced Lo proLecL [uvenlles
from publlc scruLlny ln legal
and ln 2002, Lhe use
of vldeo conferenclng and wrlLLen
quesLlons ln cases alleglng sexual
offenses was flrsL lnLroduced.

ln 2003, Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla
addressed Lhe lssue of wlLness
proLecLlon ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe Cu[araL rloLs. ln
Lhe nP8C v. SLaLe of Cu[araL declslon,
CourL sLaLed LhaL lL ls [] lmperaLlve LhaL for
[usLlce Lo be done, Lhe proLecLlon of wlLnesses
and vlcLlms becomes essenLlal."
1he CourL,
afLer conducLlng an exLenslve survey of oLher
[urlsdlcLlons and lnLernaLlonal crlmlnal
Lrlbunals, regreLLed LhaL 'no law has yeL been
enacLed, noL even a scheme has been framed
by Lhe unlon of lndla or by Lhe SLaLe
CovernmenL for glvlng proLecLlon Lo Lhe
1he Supreme CourL
compensaLed for Lhls leglslaLlve sllence ln Lhe
nlne cases lL gave Lo Lhe Sl1 Lo lnvesLlgaLe, and
Lhus Lhe vlcLlms and wlLnesses ln Lhe Culberg
SocleLy and naroda aLla cases were among Lhe
flrsL ln lndla Lo beneflL from lndla's emerglng
wlLness proLecLlon docLrlne. 1helr experlence ls
lnsLrucLlve for ongolng leglslaLlve efforLs Lo
lnsLlLuLlonallze lndla's approach Lo wlLness
proLecLlon ln senslLlve cases.
ln response Lo Lhe nP8C v. Cu[araL declslon and
several oLhers, Lhe Law Commlsslon of lndla
also Look up Lhe lssue, seeklng speclflcally Lo
respond Lo Lhe Supreme CourL's call for
leglslaLlon seLLlng forLh lndla's approach Lo
wlLness proLecLlon.
ln 2004, Lhe Commlsslon
clrculaLed a consulLaLlon paper on wlLness
ldenLlfy proLecLlon and wlLness proLecLlon
AL Lhe concluslon of Lhe
consulLaLlon, lL found LhaL Lhe need for
proLecLlon of vlcLlms and wlLnesses ls noL
AfLer Lhe LesLlmony, Lhe daughLer of one of Lhe accused
LhreaLened Lo [aLLack me]. She LhreaLened me on Lhe 28
aLLacked ln broad dayllghL, now we wlll aLLack you ln
your sleep."
P M=c)7): T$%4"&9" #=7T$T%7
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
necessarlly conflned Lo cases of Lerrorlsm, or
sexual offences agalnsL women or chlldren ln
respecL of whom speclal sLaLuLes exlsL . . . [buL
raLher Lo all cases] where Lhe CourL ls saLlsfled
LhaL Lhere ls evldence abouL Lhe llkellhood of
danger Lo Lhe llves or properLy of Lhe vlcLlm or
Lo Lhe relaLlves or Lo Lhe llves or properLy of Lhe
wlLnesses or of Lhelr relaLlves."

unforLunaLely, examples abound demonsLraLlng
Lhe serlous LhreaL LhaL many wlLnesses faced as
a resulL of LesLlfylng ln a rloL-relaLed case.

Cne wlLness, speaklng wlLh her lawyer, sLaLed
LhaL wlLhouL pollce proLecLlon [she] would
have been flnlshed a long Llme ago."
wlLness spoke of how she felL safe enough Lo
speak and ldenLlfy Lhe accused ln large parL due
Lo Lhe pollce proLecLlon she recelved.
same wlLness also LesLlfled, however, LhaL even
afLer Lhe [udgmenL had come down, she and
her famlly sLlll aL Llmes feel LhreaLened,
especlally glven LhaL many of Lhe accused's
frlends and former confederaLes conLlnue Lo
llve ln Lhe nelghborhood.

CLher wlLnesses-especlally Lhose ln a poslLlon
Lo provlde key evldence agalnsL hlgher-level
accused-experlenced severe repercusslons for
Lhelr declslon Lo LesLlfy. 1hree of Cu[araL's mosL
promlnenL wlLnesses, 8.8. Sreekumar, San[lv
8haLL and radeep Shrama, faced crlmlnal and
professlonal sancLlons ln whaL Lhey clalmed
were llleglLlmaLe efforLs Lo dlscredlL, sllence,
and punlsh Lhem for Lhelr LesLlmony.
ln oLher
lnsLances, wlLnesses descrlbed belng harassed,
LhreaLened, and osLraclzed, someLlmes by Lhelr
own communlLles and famllles for comlng

8uL even Lhose wlLnesses who were afforded
pollce proLecLlon dld noL descrlbe Lhls as a
perfecL soluLlon. Several wlLnesses conLlnue Lo
recelve LhreaLs desplLe such proLecLlon, and
oLhers were aLLacked for brlnglng charges and
LesLlfylng as wlLnesses.
Cne very hlgh proflle
wlLness who LesLlfled ln Lhe Culberg SocleLy
case and frequenLly appears ln Lhe medla,
spoke of how Lhe very hlgh-vlslblllLy pollce
proLecLlon she recelves marks her for Lhe enLlre
communlLy, and leads her Lo feel less secure as
a resulL.

Per fears are noL unfounded:
nadeem Salyed, a key wlLness ln Lhe
naroda aLla case, was kllled on
november 3, 2011, ln broad dayllghL,
only yards from a pollce posL ln Lhe
!uhapura area of Ahmedabad.

Salyed had been under pollce
proLecLlon slnce 2009.
uurlng Lhe
naroda aLla case, Salyed had LesLlfled agalnsL
Ashok Slndhl, who ls one of Lhe hlgher-proflle
accused Lo be convlcLed ln Lhe naroda aLla
1hree years prlor, Salyed had been
aLLacked ln Lhe same locaLlon and lefL for dead
by hls aLLackers.
ln AugusL 2011, Salyed flled
an ll8 alleglng LhaL a local gangsLer had
LhreaLened Lo klll hlm unless he changed hls
LesLlmony ln Lhe Lrlal.
!usL a few days prlor Lo
hls murder, Salyed had apparenLly approached
Ahmedabad pollce chlef S.k. Salkla seeklng
more securlLy
and had also soughL Lo arrange
a meeLlng wlLh one of Lhe lawyers handllng Lhe
naroda aLla case.

l am sLlll geLLlng LhreaLs. l have proLecLlon, buL lL ls
[usL [a] formallLy. 1hls formallLy sLlll makes a dlfference. lL ls
psychologlcal confldence. AL flrsL l was worrled and scared.
now l feel vlndlcaLed.
P M=c)7): T$%4"&9" #=7T$T%7
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

ollce and oLher unnamed sources, however,
dlsmlssed speculaLlon LhaL Salyed had been
LargeLed because of hls lnvolvemenL ln Lhe
naroda aLla case. lnsLead, Lhey descrlbed
Salyed Lo reporLers as a conLroverslal
someone who was boLh amblLlous
a pollce lnformer,"
and also
someone who faced [unspeclfled] allegaLlons
of exLorLlons and blackmall."
1he Lheory puL
forward by Lhese sources wlLhln hours of
Salyed's murder was LhaL a local gangsLer musL
have ordered Salyed's kllllng as revenge for hls
cooperaLlon wlLh pollce ln Lhelr lnvesLlgaLlon of
an lllegal slaughLerhouse operaLlng ln Lhe
dlsLrlcL (an explanaLlon LhaL many of Lhe medla
reporLs adopLed).

1he pollce's Lheory on whaL caused Salyed's
murder falled Lo allay Lhe fears of oLher naroda
aLla massacre survlvors LhaL Lhey Loo [mlghL]
meeL Lhe same faLe as nadeem Salyed."
afLer Salyed's deaLh and Lhe fasL-Lrack courL's
lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe Sl1 Lo provlde adequaLe
proLecLlon Lo Lhe remalnlng wlLnesses ln Lhe
naroda aLla case, wlLnesses alleged LhaL Lhe
securlLy deLall ls rarely around and Lhe cops do
noL even respond when called for help."

As menLloned above, Lhe lssue of wlLness
proLecLlon was very much on Lhe leglslaLlve
agenda ln 2006. ln lLs reporL on Lhe lssue, Lhe
Law Commlsslon proposed a drafL WlLness
(ldenLlLy) roLecLlon 8lll,
and clrculaLed lL Lo
Lhe 28 SLaLes and unlon 1errlLorles for
When Lhls reporL wenL Lo press
Lhere sLlll had been no publlc progress on Lhe
flnallzaLlon of such a wlLness proLecLlon blll.
1he SLaLe obllgaLlon Lo provlde wlLnesses wlLh
proLecLlon has been esLabllshed ln several
lnLernaLlonal lnsLrumenLs, and esLabllshed as a
core prlnclple of Lhe varlous lnLernaLlonal and
hybrld crlmlnal Lrlbunals.
1he unlLed naLlons
Cfflce on urugs and Crlme (unCuC), for
example, has sLaLed LhaL: All crlmlnal [usLlce
sysLems have a duLy Lo puL ln place procedures
Lo provlde measures for Lhe proLecLlon of
persons whose cooperaLlon wlLh Lhe crlmlnal
[usLlce sysLem ln an lnvesLlgaLlon or
prosecuLlon, puLs Lhem, or persons closely
assoclaLed wlLh Lhem, aL rlsk of serlous physlcal
or emoLlonal harm."
lndlan auLhorlLles should
re-prlorlLlze Lhe passage of a comprehenslve
wlLness proLecLlon acL, ln llne wlLh domesLlc
necesslLy and lnLernaLlonal beLLer pracLlces.

kecommendat|on #10:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe [udlclal and law enforcemenL auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL,
should revlew Lhelr wlLness proLecLlon programs and ensure LhaL Lhey draw on and lmplemenL besL
lnLernaLlonal pracLlces.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
,2(#@:261 ."# 781#3#81#8-# &( ."# M#@2' N6&(#99*&8
1he flnal elemenL of Lhe rlghL Lo a falr Lrlal ls Lhe
exlsLence of an |ndependent legal professlon.
1he 1990 unlLed naLlons 8aslc rlnclples on Lhe
8ole of Lawyers sLaLes LhaL:

[A]dequaLe proLecLlon of human rlghLs and
fundamenLal freedoms Lo whlch all persons are
enLlLled, be Lhey economlc, soclal and culLural,
or clvll and pollLlcal, requlres LhaL all persons
have effecLlve access Lo legal servlces provlded
by an lndependenL legal professlon.
1he 8aslc rlnclples on Lhe 8ole of Lawyers also
arLlculaLe Lhree lmporLanL safeguards Lo [udlclal
lndependence LhaL were allegedly [eopardlzed
ln Lhe posL-rloLs Lrlals:

rlnclple 16: CovernmenLs shall ensure LhaL
lawyers (a) are able Lo perform all of
Lhelr professlonal funcLlons wlLhouL
lnLlmldaLlon, hlndrance, harassmenL
or lmproper lnLerference, . and (c)
shall noL suffer, or be LhreaLened
wlLh, prosecuLlon or admlnlsLraLlve,
economlc, or oLher sancLlons for
any acLlon Laken ln accordance wlLh
recognlzed professlonal duLles,
sLandards and eLhlcs.
rlnclple 18: Lawyers shall noL be ldenLlfled wlLh
Lhelr cllenLs or Lhelr cllenLs' causes
as a resulL of dlscharglng Lhelr
rlnclple 21: lL ls Lhe duLy of Lhe compeLenL
auLhorlLles Lo ensure lawyers access
Lo approprlaLe lnformaLlon, flles
and documenLs ln Lhelr possesslon
or conLrol ln sufflclenL Llme Lo
enable lawyers Lo provlde effecLlve
legal asslsLance Lo Lhelr cllenLs. Such
access should be provlded aL Lhe
earllesL approprlaLe Llme.
lrom Lhe ouLseL, many of Lhe lawyers lnvolved
ln Lhe Lhree cases under revlew ln Lhls reporL
faced (and conLlnue Lo face) exLreme pressure,
verglng on lnLlmldaLlon and harassmenL.
Lawyers complalned of exLreme professlonal
consequences for darlng Lo engage ln a rloL

ln one such case, remchand 1lwarl, an alleged
perpeLraLor of Lhe naroda aLla case,
approached Lhe 8ar Councll of Cu[araL (8CC)
seeklng Lhe dlsbarmenL of flve promlnenL
lawyers wlLh Lhe non-proflL organlzaLlon !an
Sangharsh Manch (!SM) who were worklng on
Lhe case, alleglng professlonal mlsconducL.

!SM clalmed Lo have reasons Lo belleve LhaL
Lhere are many persons behlnd Lhe
complalnanL-accused, lncludlng lawyers of Lhe
accused, Lop pollLlclans and leaders of Lhe rullng
parLy who are also accused ln [Lhe] naroda
aLla case."
ln Aprll 2014, Lhe 8CC cleared
Lhe !SM lawyers of any wrongdolng.
MehLa, former Chlef MlnlsLer of Cu[araL (1993-
1996), also spoke ouL agalnsL Lhe proceedlngs,
whereupon Lhe 8CC LhreaLened MehLa wlLh
dlsclpllnary acLlon as well.

1eesLa SeLalvad, SecreLary of C! (perhaps Lhe
mosL well-known Cu[araL vlcLlms' advocacy
organlzaLlon), was forced several Llmes Lo
defend herself agalnsL allegaLlons LhaL she had
manlpulaLed evldence and lllegally coached
and LhaL she had lllegally exhumed
bodles of 2002 rloL vlcLlms.
Charges LhaL
SeLalvad or her assoclaLes had coached
wlLnesses also came up (and were subsequenLly
dlsmlssed) ln Lhe flve separaLe rloL relaLed
AlLhough SeLalvad was ulLlmaLely
vlndlcaLed, she was obllgaLed Lo respond Lo
four separaLe crlmlnal proceedlngs and Lhe Sl1's
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

lnqulry lnLo Lhe maLLer.
ln her !anuary 2012
submlsslon Lo Lhe Supreme CourL defendlng
herself agalnsL such accusaLlons, SeLalvad
alleged LhaL Lhe Cu[araL governmenL [was
drlvlng Lhese allegaLlons ln order Lo] embroll
her and her organlzaLlon ln parallel legal
procedures," and LhaL Lhe sLaLe governmenL
was Lrylng Lo dlluLe Lhe concenLraLlon and
aLLenLlon on noL [usL Lhe ongolng Lrlals ln crlLlcal
rloL cases, buL [also Lhe !afrl case] whereln Lhe
chlef mlnlsLer of Lhe sLaLe and oLher lnfluenLlal
persons are accused.'"

ln !anuary 2014, SeLalvad, her husband, Lhsan
!afrl's son, and Lwo Culberg massacre survlvors
were accused of crlmlnal mlsconducL for
allegedly mlshandllng funds desLlned Lo creaLe a
memorlal aL Lhe slLe of Lhe Culberg SocleLy
1hese allegaLlons of crlmlnal
mlsconducL were lssued shorLly afLer Lhe
peLlLloners had announced Lhelr lnLenLlon Lo
appeal Lhe Cu[araL MaglsLraLe CourL's declslon
re[ecLlng Lhelr roLesL eLlLlon. uesplLe
lmmedlaLe ouLpourlngs of supporL for
Lhe courLs have so far refused Lo
quash Lhls case, or Lo granL SeLalvad and her co-
accused Lemporary ball, meanlng LhaL aL Lhe
Llme Lhls reporL wenL Lo press SeLalvad was
rlsklng arresL.
Cu[araL pollce have frozen all
accounLs run by SeLalvad's LrusL as well as
SeLalvad and her husband's personal accounLs.
AL Lhe Llme Lhls reporL wenL Lo press, Lhe
accused had flled a case alleglng vlndlcLlve
pollce reLallaLlon.

kecommendat|on #11:
Lawyers lnvolved ln cases of alleged communal vlolence musL conLlnue Lo en[oy Lhe freedom Lo carry
ouL Lhelr work wlLhouL lnLerference or harassmenL. Lawyers shall noL be assoclaLed wlLh Lhe causes or
alleged crlmes of Lhelr cllenLs. 8elevanL federal and sLaLe bar assoclaLlons, acLlng lndlvldually or ln
concerL, should lnvesLlgaLe and Lake acLlon on any allegaLlons of lawyers faclng such harassmenL.
rov|de V|ct|ms of Communa| V|o|ence w|th Lasy Access to Seek Iust|ce
1he Lhlrd plllar of Lhe SLaLe responslblllLy Lo
respecL, proLecL, and fulflll lLs obllgaLlon Lo
provlde an effecLlve remedy ls Lo provlde
Lhose who clalm Lo be vlcLlms of a human rlghLs
or humanlLarlan law vlolaLlon wlLh equal and
effecLlve access Lo [usLlce [], lrrespecLlve of who
may ulLlmaLely be Lhe bearer of responslblllLy
for Lhe vlolaLlon."
1he un Ceneral Assembly
8esoluLlon on Lhe 8aslc rlnclples and
Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and
8eparaLlons for vlcLlms speclfles LhaL vlcLlms
should have access Lo boLh [udlclal remedles
and oLher remedles," as relevanL under
domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal law. lL obllgaLes
sLaLes, lotet ollo Lo:
ulssemlnaLe lnformaLlon abouL Lhe remedles
avallable Lo vlcLlms of human rlghLs or
humanlLarlan law,
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
Lnsure LhaL Lhese mechanlsms are vlcLlm-
frlendly," and
rovlde legal ald Lo vlcLlms as Lhey seek Lo
clalm remedles.
1hls paper focused prlmarlly on ctlmlool cases
arlslng from Lhe Cu[araL rloLs. WheLher
subsLanLlal numbers of survlvors accessed Lhe
Cu[araL courLs seeklng loJlvlJool reparaLlons,
and-lf so-how Lhose cases fared ln Lhe courLs
goes beyond Lhe scope of Lhls paper, buL may
well form Lhe basls of fuLure analysls.
)&89*1#6 =9.2G'*9"*8@ ,3#-*2' K,:6+*+&69F !6*G:82'9L
8elylng on a broad noLlon of Lhe role of law",
Lhe naroda aLla declslon fashloned an
exLraordlnary remedy for one wlLness who
LesLlfled Lo havlng been bruLally ln[ured and
gang raped by unknown perpeLraLors durlng Lhe
vlolence LhaL engulfed her communlLy on
lebruary 28, 2002. 1he wlLness' name ls
wlLhheld ln Lhls reporL, buL ls dlsclosed ln Lhe
orlglnal [udgmenL.
Sexual vlolence was
wldespread durlng Lhe 2002 rloLs-even
allegedly exLolled by some of Lhe sooqb potlvot
rloLers. noneLheless, only ooe vlcLlm ln Lhe
naroda aLla case survlved her ordeal and
LesLlfled abouL her experlence ln courL. ln lLs
declslon, Lhe CourL awarded money damages Lo
Lhe survlvor, even Lhough lL found no lndlvldual
defendanL gullLy of Lhe crlmes she had endured.
lnsLead, Lhe CourL held Lhe SLaLe responslble for
provldlng Lhe remedy.
noLlng LhaL Lhe wlLness' LesLlmony dld noL
enable a convlcLlon agalnsL any lndlvldual
and lndeed LhaL she had noL
soughL any prayer from Lhls CourL,"
Lhe CourL
neverLheless found a way Lo compensaLe Lhe
survlvor. 1he CourL's oplnlon lncludes a sLrlklng
recognlLlon of Lhe soclal sLlgma assoclaLed wlLh
sexual vlolence, and how Lhls sLlgma dlssuades
survlvors from Lurnlng Lo Lhe courLs for redress:

lL ls seLLled poslLlon of law LhaL ln Lhe LradlLlon bound and non permlsslve socleLy of lndla,
normally every woman would be exLremely relucLanL even Lo admlL LhaL any lncldenL whlch ls
llkely Lo reflecL on her chasLlLy, her maLrlmonlal llfe or her lmage ln Lhe socleLy had even occurred.
She would be consclous of Lhe anger of belng osLraclzed by Lhe socleLy or belng looked down by
Lhe socleLy lncludlng her own famlly members, relaLlves, frlends and nelghbours. lf a woman ls
marrled, Lhe fear of belng LaunLed by husband and ln-laws would always haunL her. 1he naLural
lncllnaLlon would be Lo avold glvlng any publlclLy Lo Lhe lncldenL lesL Lhe famlly name and famlly
honour ls broughL lnLo conLroversy. ln case Lhe vlcLlm of such crlme dled, Lhen, Lhe naLural
lncllnaLlon of Lhe parenLs would be Lo do noL menLlon Lhe lncldenL aL all a lL would have lLs ugly
shadows on Lhe llves of Lhe survlvlng chlldren and even Lhere ls consLanL fear of soclal sLlgma on
Lhe famlly ln case of such occurrence belng quoLed.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

AgalnsL Lhls backdrop, Lhe [udge concluded LhaL
Lhe wlLness was undoubLedly Lhe vlcLlm of
Lerrlfylng sexual vlolence. 8uL lnsLead of falllng
Lo provlde redress Lo Lhe vlcLlm slmply because
of Lhe courL's lnablllLy Lo ldenLlfy Lhe loJlvlJool
perpeLraLor, Lhe [udge lnsLead acknowledged
Lhe SLaLe's responslblllLy ln such a slLuaLlon:

[l]L sounds qulLe flLLlng Lo record Lhe deep concern of Lhe CourL abouL vlolaLlon of human rlghLs
and consLlLuLlonal rlghLs of Lhe vlcLlm who was sub[ecLed Lo gang rape . . . . 1hls courL flrmly
belleves LhaL lL ls call of [usLlce, equlLy, good consclence and even prlme and paramounL duLy of
Lhe CourL Lo address Lhe lssue even Lhough Lhe accusaLlon agalnsL Lhe accused has noL been
proved . . . .1he lnLernaLlonal concern for Lhe lmpacLs of sexual offences agalnsL women gulde Lhls
courL LhaL Lhls vlcLlm needs Lo be compensaLed."

1he courL awarded Lhe wlLness 8s. 3 lacs
(approx. $9,000 uSu), sLaLlng LhaL lL ls Lhe Joty
of tbe stote Lo malnLaln law and order slLuaLlon
so nlcely LhaL, such offences do noL Lake place
aL all. When such offences Lake place, lL shows
LhaL Lhe sLaLe has responslblllLy Lo compensaLe
Lhe vlcLlm as, tbe coocept of jtbe] tole of low so
(Lmphasls added).
As !udge ?agnlk herself noLed, however, for
many survlvors of sexual vlolence, Lhe mere
exlsLence of a remedy ls sLlll lnsufflclenL Lo
overcome Lhe subsLanLlal soclal and culLural
barrlers prevenLlng Lhem from speaklng ouL
abouL pasL aLLacks. lnLernaLlonal law lmposes
obllgaLlons on sLaLes ln slLuaLlons of rape and
oLher forms of sexual vlolence.
lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law, Lhe sLaLe has a
systemlc obllgaLlon Lo suppress gender
vlolence, as well as an loJlvlJool-level
responslblllLy Lo provlde each vlcLlm wlLh
effecLlve measures of prevenLlon, proLecLlon,
punlshmenL and reparaLlon."
1o do so, Lhe
sLaLe needs Lo guaranLee an effecLlvely
funcLlonlng crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem."

LxLenslve beLLer pracLlces llLeraLure has
emerged descrlblng how Lo sLrucLure a
courLroom envlronmenL Lo be more conduclve
Lo Lhe needs of survlvors of sexual vlolence.

lndla, over Lhe pasL decade, has made greaL
sLrldes deflnlng (and crlmlnallzlng) sexual
vlolence, especlally ln Lhe wake of several hlgh-
proflle lnsLances of sexual vlolence ln uelhl and
SLrlklngly, however, whlle Lhe
reforms conLaln numerous very lmporLanL new
measures wlLh regard Lo sexual vlolence and
vlolence agalnsL women, provldlng survlvors
wlLh a vlcLlm-frlendly" envlronmenL ln courL
has oot flgured promlnenLly ln Lhese reform

CLher Lhan some recommendaLlons perLalnlng

Lo an lmproved ll8 reglsLraLlon process and more
vlcLlm-frlendly faclllLles aL pollce sLaLlon, mosL of Lhe
recommendaLlons ln Lhe verna Commlsslon reporL
have Lo do wlLh deflnlng prevlously vague caLegorles
of sexual vlolence (ex. 8ape, Sex Lrafflcklng,
voyeurlsm, eLc.), and lnserLlng accounLablllLy
mechanlsms for publlc offlclals Lasked wlLh
prevenLlng and respondlng Lo vlolence agalnsL
women. 5ee qeoetolly, verna Commlsslon 8eporL,
Ln, 406.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
1hus, !udge ?agnlk's call for a more vlcLlm-
frlendly Lrlal remalns as presslng now as lL was
when Lhe declslon was lssued.
her lncllnaLlon ls also conslsLenL wlLh
lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law, and appllcable
noL only for lnsLances of sexual vlolence, buL for
oLher human rlghLs vlolaLlons as well.
?agnlk ascrlbed responslblllLy for wlLness'
sufferlng (gang rape, ln Lhe naroda aLla case)
Lo Lhe SLaLe under Lhe Joe Jlllqeoce sLandard,
holdlng LhaL Lhe sLaLe could have Laken
prevenLlve measures (e.g., earller and more
effecLlve pollce lnLervenLlon, subsequenL Lo
speclflc warnlngs LhaL vlolenL aLLack could Lake
1he naroda aLla [udgmenL provldes a
powerful sLandard by whlch Lo [udge a SLaLe for
lLs fallure Lo prevenL serlous human rlghLs
vlolaLlons from occurrlng across Cu[araL durlng
Lhe 2002 8loLs. Moreover, lL provldes Lhe
survlvors of Lhose vlolenL aLLacks wlLh a
posslble remedy for Lhelr sufferlng, even lf Lhey
cannoL ldenLlfy Lhelr aLLacker(s).
1he creaLlon of a speclallzed Lrlbunal deslgned
speclflcally Lo hear such cases would allow Lhe
[udlclary Lo lnLroduce addlLlonal vlcLlm-
frlendly" provlslons LhaL mlghL noL be avallable
ln Lhe LradlLlonal, adversarlal conLexL of a
crlmlnal Lrlbunal.

kecommendat|on #12:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe [udlclal auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should conslder creaLlng
a speclallzed [udlclal procedure Lo handle clalms for reparaLlons from vlcLlms of communal vlolence.
Survlvors of human rlghLs vlolaLlons should have access Lo [udlclal remedles lndependenL of Lhe SLaLe's
obllgaLlon Lo lnvesLlgaLe and prosecuLe crlmlnal wrongdolng. A speclallzed Lrlbunal could be deslgned
around Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe vlcLlms, survlvors and wlLnesses of human rlghLs abuse, and open Lo
survlvors regardless of wheLher Lhey know Lhe ldenLlLy/les of Lhelr perpeLraLor(s). 1he sLaLe's sole
lnLeresL ln Lhese hearlngs would be Lo prevenL fraud and provlde reparaLlons Lo Lhe vlcLlms of gross
human rlghLs abuses.
rov|de Lffect|ve kemed|es to V|ct|ms of Communa| V|o|ence, Inc|ud|ng keparat|ons
1he flnal prong of a sLaLe's responslblllLy Lo
ensure Lhe rlghL Lo an effecLlve remedy for
vlcLlms of human rlghLs and humanlLarlan law
vlolaLlons lnvolves reparaLlons. 1he un Ceneral
Assembly 8esoluLlon on Lhe 8aslc rlnclples and
Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and
8eparaLlons for vlcLlms speclfles LhaL a SLaLe
shall provlde reparaLlon Lo vlcLlms for acLs or
omlsslons whlch can be aLLrlbuLed Lo Lhe SLaLe
and consLlLuLe gross vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal
human rlghLs law or serlous vlolaLlons of
lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law."
documenL also speclfles sLaLes should esLabllsh
naLlonal programmes for reparaLlon and oLher
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

asslsLance Lo vlcLlms ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe
parLles llable for Lhe harm suffered are unable
or unwllllng Lo meeL Lhelr obllgaLlons."
Cu[araL, Lhls sLandard would lmply LhaL boLh
Lhe lndlan and Cu[araL SLaLe governmenLs bear
Lhe ulLlmaLe responslblllLy for ensurlng LhaL
vlcLlms recelve reparaLlons for Lhe harms Lhey
suffered durlng Lhe 2002 rloLs.
1he u.n. documenL llsLs flve dlfferenL
caLegorles of reparaLlon.
1. kestltotloo:
8eparaLlon lnLended Lo resLore Lhe vlcLlm Lo Lhe orlglnal slLuaLlon before
Lhe gross vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs law or serlous vlolaLlons
of lnLernaLlonal humanlLarlan law occurred."

2. compeosotloo:
8eparaLlons (usually moneLary) for any economlcally assessable damage,
as approprlaLe and proporLlonal Lo Lhe gravlLy of Lhe vlolaLlon and Lhe
clrcumsLances of each case."

3. kebobllltotloo:
1he provlslon Lo vlcLlms of medlcal and psychologlcal care, as well as legal
and soclal servlces."

4. 5otlsfoctloo:
Cfflclal acknowledgmenL of Lhe vlolaLlons, lncludlng efforLs Lo sLop ongolng
vlolence, LruLh commlsslons or oLher forms of offlclal lnqulry, publlc
apologles and LrlbuLes Lo Lhe vlcLlms, lncluslon of vlcLlms' narraLlves lnLo
educaLlonal maLerlals, eLc.

Cootootees of
SLrucLural and lnsLlLuLlonal measures deslgned Lo prevenL slmllar human
rlghLs or humanlLarlan law vlolaLlons ln Lhe fuLure.

1hls reporL focuses on Lhe efforLs Lo secure
ctlmlool convlcLlons agalnsL Lhose who engaged
ln vlolenL behavlor durlng Lhe 2002 Cu[araL
rloLs. 8uL as Lhe above llsL makes clear, [usLlce-
especlally from Lhe vlcLlms' perspecLlve-ls a far
broader concepL. 1hus, alLhough lL goes beyond
Lhe scope of Lhls reporL, Lhe hollsLlc pursulL of
[usLlce would requlre auLhorlLles aL boLh Lhe
sLaLe and naLlonal level Lo serlously conslder a
more broadly deflned sysLem of reparaLlons Lo
rloL vlcLlms. Such a sysLem mlghL lnclude
moneLary resLlLuLlon and compensaLlon for
harms suffered, ln-klnd servlces Lo help
survlvors deal wlLh ongolng Lrauma, and a
varleLy of oLher lnlLlaLlves deslgned Lo esLabllsh
Lhe LruLh of whaL happened durlng Lhe rloLs. lL
mlghL also lnclude memorlallzaLlon efforLs
deslgned Lo publlcly acknowledge LhaL whaL
happened was boLh wrong and lllegal. llnally, lL
mlghL requlre auLhorlLles Lo enacL leglslaLlve or
lnsLlLuLlonal measures deslgned Lo prevenL a
reoccurrence of slmllar vlolence ln Lhe fuLure.
Many rloL vlcLlms have yeL Lo be adequaLely
compensaLed (or compensaLed aL all) for whaL
Lhey losL ln 2002. When Lhe vlolence had
subslded, Lhousands of Musllms had losL Lhelr
llves, and many more had been ln[ured,
dlsplaced, humlllaLed, and deprlved of Lhelr
llvellhoods (see above, SecLlons ll and lll). nCCs
esLlmaLe LhaL Lhe Cu[araLl Musllm communlLy
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
suffered an economlc loss of abouL $760
As Puman 8lghLs WaLch noLed, clvll
socleLy groups esLlmaLed LhaL [a]cross Cu[araL,
over 1,100 Musllm-owned hoLels, over 100,000
homes, around 13,000 buslness esLabllshmenLs,
3,000 handcarLs, and over 3,000 vehlcles were
badly damaged or compleLely desLroyed."

Some Plndus were also dlsplaced, and some
acLs of reLrlbuLlve counLer vlolence also
occurred, especlally agalnsL uallLs and Adlvasls.
1he legacy of Lhese losses conLlnues for many of
Lhe famllles even Loday, Lwelve years afLer Lhe
rloLs Look place.
8y March 1, 2002, rellef camps across Cu[araL
were houslng beLween 91,000
and 174,000

lnLernally ulsplaced ersons (lus), wlLh
anoLher esLlmaLed 76,000 llvlng wlLh frlends or
1he lnLernally dlsplaced felL Lhey
had few opLlons oLher Lhan Lo flee Lhelr homes.
As one former resldenL of naroda aLla sLaLed:
We barely survlved leavlng. We barely saved
ourselves on Lhe way ouL, why would we go
back? l don'L have a deaLh wlsh."
ln CcLober
2002-barely elghL monLhs afLer Lhe vlolence
flrsL erupLed-Lhe Cu[araL governmenL closed
Lhe offlclal rellef camps.
1housands of lus
were forced Lo choose beLween reLurnlng Lo
Lhelr old communlLles, leavlng Cu[araL
resLarLlng Lhelr llves ln mlnorlLy-only
gheLLos," or movlng Lo newly-consLrucLed
rellef colonles bullL by nCCs and Musllm
charlLable organlzaLlons. Accordlng Lo a survey
conducLed ln 2012, abouL 16,000 vlcLlms were
sLlll llvlng ln 83 rellef colonles spread
LhroughouL Cu[araL.
WlLh llLLle Lo no access
Lo governmenL servlces, condlLlons ln Lhese
rellef colonles were, and remaln, deplorable.

1oday, only one affecLed area of Ahmedabad
(naroda aLla) has wlLnessed Lhe reLurn of
slgnlflcanL numbers of formerly dlsplaced
'mlnorlLy' lnhablLanLs.
1he resL of Lhe clLy's
lus have moved lnLo largely segregaLed parLs
of Lown, lncludlng one lnformal seLLlemenL
close Lo Ahmedabad's munlclpal garbage
and Lhe !uhapura dlsLrlcL on Lhe
ouLsklrLs of Lhe clLy, an area home Lo 330,000
mlnorlLles LhaL has been dubbed lndla's largesL
Musllm gheLLo."

1he economlc lmpacL of Lhe rloLs on Lhose who
fled was also dramaLlc. WlLhouL compensaLlon
Lo help rebulld, large segmenLs of Cu[araL's
'mlnorlLy' communlLy slmply could noL afford Lo
reLurn home or rebulld.
1he governmenL has
provlded some compensaLlon Lo vlcLlms of Lhe
Cu[araL vlolence.
Accordlng Lo Lhe Sl1's
lnvesLlgaLlon, Lhe governmenL compensaLed
vlcLlms and vlcLlm households for Lhe loss of
serlous ln[ury,
Lhe loss of properLy
or lncome generaLlng
AddlLlonally, Lhe governmenL
provlded a range of dlrecL nuLrlLlonal
supplemenLs, waLer and sanlLaLlon supporL,
shelLer and medlcal care Lo dlsplaced persons ln
vlcLlms' groups have crlLlclzed Lhe
governmenL's ald and compensaLlon lnlLlaLlves
as havlng been Loo llLLle,
and Loo laLe.

uesplLe Lhese complalnLs, Lhe CovernmenL of
Cu[araL ln lebruary 2003 reLurned 8s.
1,900,000 (or approxlmaLely $71,000, lnflaLlon
ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) Lo Lhe federal
governmenL, clalmlng LhaL adequaLe
compensaLlon had [already] been made" Lo Lhe
1hls led C! ln 2010 Lo accuse Lhe
governmenL of Cu[araL of wlllfully lnLendlng Lo
deny dlgnlfled compensaLlon Lo Lhe vlcLlms of
Lhe mass carnage of 2002."
1he federal
governmenL has also been crlLlclzed for
allegedly noL dolng enough Lo help Lhe rloL
vlcLlms. ln laLe 2006-followlng pressure by
Cu[araL clvll socleLy groups on Lhe cenLral
governmenL-former lndlan MlnlsLer of Pome
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Affalrs v.k. uuggal wenL on Lelevlslon Lo
announce LhaL a rehablllLaLlon package
comparable Lo Lhe one glven Lo survlvors of Lhe
1984 anLl-Slkh rloLs ln new uelhl would be
glven also Lo Lhe survlvors of Lhe Cu[araL
As of 2012, Lhe federal auLhorlLles had
yeL Lo Lake acLlon on LhaL promlse.

1he ongolng conLroversy over Lhe
compensaLlon process for rloL-affecLed famllles,
as well as Lhe obvlous poverLy LhaL conLlnues Lo
plague Lhose households, suggesL LhaL Lhe
governmenL could do more Lo provlde
reparaLlons Lo rloL-affecLed vlcLlms.
ln addlLlon Lo moneLary reparaLlons, Lhe SLaLe
and naLlonal auLhorlLles should also conslder a
range of broader lnlLlaLlves deslgned Lo brlng
closure Lo Lhe Cu[araL carnage. 1he nanavaLl-
Shah commlsslon has been heavlly crlLlclzed as
no longer belng relevanL ln Lhe debaLe over
whaL happened durlng Lhe 2002 vlolence.

CLher non-[udlclal measures such as
memorlallzaLlon efforLs
or a slmple,
sLralghLforward apology by a governmenL
offlclal on behalf of Lhe sLaLe
mlghL also be

kecommendat|on #13:
8elevanL federal and sLaLe auLhorlLles, acLlng lndlvldually or ln concerL, should conslder a broader range
of reparaLlon measures for vlcLlms affecLed by communal vlolence ln Cu[araL. 1hls could lnclude a
varleLy of moneLary reparaLlon schemes, servlces, offlclal measures deslgned Lo fosLer lnLer-communal
reconclllaLlon, memorlallzaLlon of Lhe evenLs of 2002, educaLlon lnlLlaLlves almed aL breaklng down
ldenLlLy barrlers and negaLlve sLereoLypes abouL boLh Lhe 'ma[orlLy' and 'mlnorlLy' communlLles, and a
relnvlgoraLed LruLh commlsslon Lo documenL whaL happened ln Cu[araL durlng Lhe rloLs.
1he So|ut|on at nand: the revent|on of Communa| and 1argeted V|o|ence 8|||
ln early lebruary 2014, Lhe CovernmenL of lndla
was forced Lo abandon lLs plans Lo pass Lhe
revenLlon of Communal and 1argeLed vlolence
(Access Lo !usLlce and 8eparaLlons) 8lll
(betelooftet Communal vlolence 8lll").
blll was crlLlclzed by some opposlLlon parLles,
lncludlng 8!, whlch alleged LhaL lL
unconsLlLuLlonally soughL Lo expand federal
powers aL Lhe expense of sLaLes' rlghLs, and LhaL
lL was belng proposed as a publlclLy sLunL Lo
garner mlnorlLy voLes. AL Lhe Llme of Lhls
wrlLlng, Lhe pollLlcal debaLes LhaL prevenLed
passage of Lhe blll remaln unresolved.
ongolng uncerLalnLy over Lhls blll ls unforLunaLe.
1he drafL blll ls premlsed on Lhe ldea LhaL
[c]ommunal and LargeLed vlolence spreads
malnly because Lhe publlc offlclals charged wlLh
proLecLlng and prevenLlng, elLher fall Lo acL or
acL ln a blased manner."
1he blll seeks Lo
provlde correcLlon of lnsLlLuLlonal blas agalnsL
groups parLlcularly vulnerable ln any SLaLe, Lhus
glvlng all clLlzens, no maLLer how small Lhelr
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
numbers of where Lhey choose Lo be domlclled,
an equal playlng fleld, ln en[oylng Lhelr full
measure of rlghLs as clLlzens."

1he drafL blll orlglnally proposed by Lhe nAC ln
2011 would have conLalned Lhe followlng
noLable provlslons:
1. Lxp||c|t Cr|m|na||zat|on of Dere||ct|on
of Duty by ub||c Servants

1he arLlculaLlon of a sLandard whereby publlc
offlclals who (a) have a legal duLy Lo acL, and (b)
have Lhe maLerlal ablllLy Lo acL, can be held
lndlvldually and crlmlnally llable for Lhelr fallure
Lo lnLervene Lo prevenL communal vlolence ls
conslsLenL wlLh general prlnclples of law, and
conflrmed by Lhe [urlsprudence of Lhe un ad-
hoc Lrlbunals for 8wanda and Lhe former
?ugoslavla and Lhe sLaLuLe of Lhe lnLernaLlonal
Crlmlnal CourL, as well as ln scholarly wrlLlngs
on Lhe sub[ecL.

1he lndlan [udlclal sysLem sLruggled wlLh Lhls
Lheory of llablllLy ln aL leasL one of Lhe rloL-
relaLed cases revlewed for Lhls reporL. 1he Sl1,
ln dlscusslng Lhe !afrl case, acknowledged LhaL
several of Lhe senlor pollce offlcers who had
lnLeracLed wlLh Musllms Lrapped ln Lhe Culberg
SocleLy case had acLed wlLh gross
unprofesslonallsm. 8uL accordlng Lo Lhe Sl1
(and Lhe lower MaglsLraLe's CourL afflrmlng Lhe
Sl1's closure recommendaLlon), Lhese flndlngs
were lnsufflclenL Lo Lrlgger crlmlnal llablllLy. 1he
sLandards relaLlng Lo acLs of omlsslon
reafflrmed by Lhe proposed Communal vlolence
8lll would have allowed Lhe courLs Lo hold
pollce offlcers who falled Lo Lake any acLlons Lo
prevenL Lhe rloLs from Laklng place crlmlnally
llable for Lhelr lnacLlon.

2. Lxp||c|t Cr|m|na||zat|on of 8reach of
Command kespons|b|||ty

1he proposed revenLlon of Communal and
1argeLed vlolence 8lll conLalns language LhaL
would clarlfy Lhe docLrlne of command
responslblllLy ln Lhe lndlan legal conLexL. 1he
flrsL deflnlLlon would crlmlnallze Lhe fallure by a
mllltoty or pollce offlcer Lo sLop acLlons or
lnacLlons by subordlnaLes leadlng Lo communal
vlolence ln slLuaLlons when: (1) Lhe offlcer
knew or oughL Lo have known" LhaL hls or her
subordlnaLe(s) would commlL (or were llkely Lo
commlL) such offenses, and (2) Lhe offlcer elLher
falled Lo Lake necessary and reasonable"
acLlon LhaL would have been wlLhln Lhe offlcer's
power Lo prevenL or repress crlmlnal behavlor
by hls or her subordlnaLes, ot falled Lo submlL
Lhe maLLer Lo be lnvesLlgaLed and
1he second deflnlLlon perLalned
Lo superlors oot ln a mlllLary or pollce
and would have aLLached ln
slLuaLlons when LhaL superlor (1) knew or
consclously dlsregarded" lnformaLlon LhaL hls or
her subordlnaLes were abouL Lo commlL such an
offense, (2) LhaL Lhe offenses concerned
acLlvlLles over whlch Lhe offlcer had
responslblllLy and conLrol, and (3) LhaL Lhe
supervlsor falled Lo Lake all necessary and
reasonable measures wlLhln hls or her power Lo
prevenL or repress" Lhe offense ot submlL Lhe
maLLer Lo Lhe compeLenL auLhorlLles Lo
lnvesLlgaLe and prosecuLe.

1hese Lwo deflnlLlons are broadly conslsLenL
wlLh Lhe conLours of command responslblllLy as
deflned ln lnLernaLlonal Crlmlnal Law, by boLh
experLs and Lhe growlng [urlsprudence of Lhe
un ad-hoc 1rlbunals and Lhe lCC.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

3. L||m|nate the Need for Cbta|n|ng r|or
"Sanct|on" from State or Iedera|
Government for rosecut|on of ub||c

1hls provlslon relaLes Lo an aspecL of lndlan
Crlmlnal rocedure lnLended Lo prevenL
frlvolous crlmlnal charges agalnsL governmenL
servanLs. lL bars Lhe courLs from enLerLalnlng
complalnLs agalnsL [udges, maglsLraLes or pobllc
setvoots accused of crlmlnal wrongdolng whlle
acLlng or purporLlng Lo acL ln Lhe dlscharge of
hls [or her] offlclal duLy,"
ooless qlveo speclflc
sooctloo to Jo so (permlsslon) by elLher Lhe
cenLral (ln cases of federal employees) or SLaLe
governmenL. ln Lhe rloL-relaLed cases, as ln
many oLher slLuaLlons where sLaLe auLhorlLles
are lmpllcaLed ln communal crlmes, Lhls klnd of
safeguard can prove Lo be an lnsurmounLable
hurdle for Lhe vlcLlms seeklng [usLlce for whaL
happened Lo Lhem, especlally lf Lhey allege Lo
have been vlcLlmlzed ln parL by Lhe acLlon or
lnacLlon of publlc servanLs. ln Lhls conLexL,
lmparLlal and lndependenL [udges seem far
beLLer placed Lo make Lhe declslon on wheLher
Lo allow allegaLlons of crlmlnal wrongdolng by
publlc servanLs Lo move forward Lhan
admlnlsLraLlve offlclals, who are empowered
under Lhe currenL model wlLh effecLlve power
Lo veLo any such allegaLlons.
4. 1he Creat|on of Nat|ona| & State
Author|t|es for Communa| narmony,
Iust|ce & keparat|on

1he call for Lhe creaLlon of an offlclal
bureaucracy dedlcaLed Lo Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of
alleged communal crlmes by lndlan offlclals aL
boLh Lhe federal and sLaLe levels ls perhaps Lhe
mosL slgnlflcanL parL of Lhe Communal vlolence
8lll. As dlscussed above, efforLs Lo hold Lhe
perpeLraLors of Lhe Cu[araL vlolence
accounLable under law were caLalyzed lnlLlally
by Lhe early lnLervenLlon of Lhe naLlonal Puman
8lghLs Commlsslon and Lhe naLlonal
Commlsslon for MlnorlLles. 1hls example shows
LhaL speclally resourced lnsLlLuLlons wlLh a
speclflc mandaLe can be hlghly sallenL ln
caLalyzlng acLlon. nelLher Lhe naLlonal Puman
8lghLs Commlsslon nor Lhe naLlonal
Commlsslon on MlnorlLles has Lhe speclflc
mandaLe Lo focus only on alleged lnsLances of
communal vlolence, nor can Lhey lnvesLlgaLe
Lhe compllclLy of sLaLe offlclals and-when
approprlaLe-help prepare Lhe paper Lrall LhaL
would allow crlmlnal charges Lo be broughL
agalnsL Lhese offlclals. Clven Lhe much broader
lnvesLlgaLory powers LhaL Lhe proposed
neLwork of naLlonal and SLaLe AuLhorlLles for
Communal Parmony, !usLlce & 8eparaLlon
(nACP!8/SACP!8) would en[oy, Lhls proposal
represenLs a subsLanLlal lmprovemenL over Lhe
currenL sLaLus quo.
S. 1he strengthen|ng of V|ct|ms k|ghts
rotect|ons |n the Cr|m|na| Iust|ce

1he cruclal lmporLance of safeguardlng vlcLlms'
rlghLs, boLh as a maLLer of humanlLy as well as
emerglng human rlghLs norms, has been
dlscussed above (aL pg. 43). lndeed, lL ls
noLeworLhy how much !udge ?agnlk was able Lo
lnfluence Lhe vlcLlm-frlendllness of her own Lrlal
proceedlngs ln Lhe naroda aLla case.
noneLheless, Lhere are llmlLs Lo how far even an
excepLlonal [udge can go Lo make hls or her
courLroom a more vlcLlm-frlendly place. 1he
reforms envlsaged by Lhe Communal vlolence
8lll seek Lo address Lhe needs of vlcLlms aL a
sLrucLural level, and provldes vlcLlms wlLh an
lnsLlLuLlonal complalnLs mechanlsms Lo
lnvesLlgaLe allegaLlons LhaL Lhelr rlghLs were
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
compromlsed ln Lhe course of a crlmlnal Lrlal on
Lhelr behalf.
6. C|ar|f|cat|on of Cb||gat|ons to rov|de
Lmergency ke||ef to V|ct|ms of
Communa| V|o|ence

As descrlbed above (aL pg. 33), a vlgorous
debaLe conLlnues Loday over Lhe alleged
lnadequacy of Lhe CovernmenL of Cu[araL's
response Lo Lhe humanlLarlan crlsls LhaL
followed Lhe lmmedlaLe vlolence of Lhe 2002
rloLs. 1he provlslons ln Lhls proposed blll would
seL an lmporLanL benchmark for LhaL debaLe,
and allow acLlvlsLs ln fuLure lnsLances of
communal vlolence Lo work wlLh governmenLs
Lo ensure LhaL Lhe vlcLlms of communal
vlolence are noL re-vlcLlmlzed a second Llme
durlng Lhe lmmedlaLe afLermaLh of Lhe crlsls
due Lo lncompeLenL or bad-falLh governmenL
supporL for Lhelr humanlLarlan needs.
7. Compensat|on for a|| "Affected

1he economlc and llvellhood lmpacLs of
communal vlolence are ofLen Lremendous, as
was Lhe case for many vlcLlms of Lhe 2002 rloLs
ln Cu[araL. An lmmeJlote and subsLanLlal
compensaLory scheme would help allevlaLe
much of Lhe long-Lerm sufferlng LhaL many
famllles faced glven Lhelr loss of serlous
economlc asseLs followlng Lhe communal
vlolence. lL mlghL allow famllles Lo make
dlfferenL cholces wlLh regard Lo Lhelr own
llvellhoods sLraLegles followlng Lhe vlolence.
noL lnslgnlflcanLly, guaranLeelng vlcLlms of
communal vlolence such lmmedlaLe
compensaLlon would also help lmmunlze Lhe
[udlclal process Lo Lhe LhreaL of payoffs made Lo
prosecuLlon wlLnesses ln reLurn for Lhelr Lurnlng
'hosLlle' durlng Lhe Lrlals.

Pad Lhe provlslons conLalned ln Lhe drafL
Communal vlolence 8lll been ln place prlor Lo
2002, many of Lhe problems deLalled ln Lhls
reporL may never have arlsen. 1he drafL blll
conLalns robusL and deLalled proposals LhaL
address many, lf noL all, of Lhe problems
hlghllghLed ln Lhls reporL.
1he legal
deflnlLlons and norms conLalned ln Lhe drafL blll
are conslsLenL wlLh Lhe sLandards and
deflnlLlons found ln lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs
documenLs and lnLernaLlonal Crlmlnal Law, and
Lherefore would saLlsfy lndla's obllgaLlon Lo
lncorporaLe Lhose sLandards lnLo lLs domesLlc
law. lurLhermore, Lhe drafL blll would do more
Lhan merely puL progresslve laws on Lhe books
ln lndla, Lhe creaLlon of Lhe (nACP!8/SACP!8)
neLwork would creaLe an lmporLanL
lnsLlLuLlonal lnfrasLrucLure Lasked Lo ensure
LhaL Lhe blll's proLecLlons are lmplemenLed
across lndla.
1he drafL blll has faced slgnlflcanL pollLlcal
opposlLlon. noneLheless, lL represenLs an
lmporLanL naLlonal lnlLlaLlve Lo Lake acLlon ln
response Lo communal vlolence ln lndla, noL
[usL ln Cu[araL, buL across Lhe counLry.

kecommendat|on #14:
lndla's CovernmenL should pass Lhe revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll as soon as posslble, and
should ensure LhaL efforLs Lo amend Lhe LexL Lo do noL undermlne lLs core purpose.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


Safeguard the Independence of C|v|| Soc|ety & Med|a
llnally, Lhe analysls of Lhe Lhree cases revlewed
ln Lhls reporL hlghllghLs Lhe cruclal role LhaL
lndla's clvll socleLy and medla play ln Lhe
vlndlcaLlon of vlcLlm rlghLs. unforLunaLely,
however, clvll socleLy acLlvlsLs have pald a
heavy prlce for Lhelr work on behalf of survlvors
of Lhe 2002 Cu[araL communal vlolence. 1he
efforLs Lo lnLlmldaLe and harass rlghLs
defenders and [ournallsLs have been parLlcularly
dangerous glven Lhe chllllng effecL Lhey have
noL only on Lhe lnLended LargeLs, buL also oLher
poLenLlal rlghLs defenders and clvll socleLy
acLlvlsLs, noL Lo menLlon Lhe consLlLuenLs whom
Lhey supporL.

kecommendat|on #1S:
lndlan federal and sLaLe auLhorlLles musL ensure LhaL clvll socleLy acLors, human rlghLs defenders, and
lndependenL [ournallsLs conLlnue Lo en[oy Lhe freedom Lo carry ouL Lhelr professlonal work wlLhouL
lnLerference or harassmenL by governmenL or prlvaLe acLors supporLed or LoleraLed by Lhe governmenL.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Sect|on V: 1he ko|e of the Internat|ona| Commun|ty
1hls secLlon of Lhe reporL focuses on acLlons
LhaL Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy mlghL
underLake ln supporL of efforLs Lo sLrengLhen
lndla's capaclLy Lo handle slLuaLlons of
communal vlolence. 1he lnLernaLlonal
communlLy has conslsLenLly played a slgnlflcanL
role ln shaplng responses Lo Lhe Cu[araL
vlolence. ln some lnsLances, lnLernaLlonal
lnLeresL was moLlvaLed by forelgn naLlonals
personally affecLed by Lhe vlolence.
ln oLher
lnsLances, rloL-affecLed vlcLlms who lefL lndla
for economlc or oLher reasons broughL wlLh
Lhem awareness of Lhe confllcL Lo Lhelr new

Larly on, Lhe lnLernaLlonal dlplomaLlc
communlLy also played a role ln efforLs Lo
respond Lo Lhe vlolence. ulplomaLlc mlsslons,
lncludlng Lhose of Lhe unlLed klngdom,
Cermany and Lhe Luropean unlon formally or
lnformally boycoLLed Mr. Modl and Cu[araL
followlng Lhe 2002 rloLs.
ln March 2003, Lhe
unlLed SLaLes denled Mr. Modl a vlsa Lo Lhe
unlLed SLaLes.
Lspeclally glven Lhe slow pace
of Cu[araL's [udlclal accounLablllLy processes,
vlcLlms and Lhelr advocaLes ofLen derlved solace
ln Lhese lnLernaLlonal expresslons of ongolng
concern over Lhe alleged hlgh-level culpablllLy
and reporLs of ongolng lmpunlLy regardlng Lhe
2002 vlolence. ueclslons Lo normallze"
relaLlonshlps wlLh Mr. Modl, on Lhe oLher hand,
or efforLs Lo promoLe lncreased Lrade beLween
Cu[araL and Lhe resL of Lhe world, have been
vlewed by commenLaLors as slgns LhaL Lhe resL
of Lhe world has forgoLLen abouL Cu[araL's rloL

1he lnLernaLlonal communlLy musL respond Lo
ongolng evenLs ln Cu[araL. needless Lo say, Mr.
Modl's pollLlcal forLune and Cu[araL's economlc
progress, wlll llkely prompL many counLrles Lo
re-evaluaLe Lhelr dlplomaLlc approach Lowards
hlm and hls supporLers.
AL Lhe same Llme, Lhe
Cu[araL vlolence cannoL and should noL be
reduced Lo Lhe quesLlon of how Lo engage wlLh
one lndlvldual. 1he lnLernaLlonal communlLy
can engage ln a varleLy of measures Lo supporL
Lhe creaLlon of a more robusL lnsLlLuLlonal and
legal bulwark agalnsL fuLure ouLbreaks of
communal vlolence ln Cu[araL and across Lhe
counLry. Slmllarly, Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy
can provlde supporL Lo Lhe vlcLlms of Lhe 2002
vlolence, many of whom conLlnue Lo suffer
slgnlflcanLly from Lhe rloL afLereffecLs.

1he lnLernaLlonal dlplomaLlc communlLy,
Lherefore, should relnforce Lhe message LhaL
respecL for human rlghLs and respecL for
rellglous and culLural mlnorlLles remaln
essenLlal cornersLones of lndla's relaLlonshlp
wlLh Lhe resL of Lhe world. lurLhermore, lL
should conLlnue Lo monlLor Lhe slLuaLlon faced
by human rlghLs defenders, [ournallsLs, and
oLher professlonals who work on behalf of Lhe
vlcLlms of communal vlolence, Laklng acLlon
where approprlaLe Lo counLeracL efforLs Lo
LhreaLen, lnLlmldaLe or harass Lhem. lf and
when called upon Lo do so, lnLernaLlonal
experLs and pollcy makers should conLrlbuLe
Lhelr experLlse on comparaLlve besL pracLlces
from oLher counLrles on how Lo deal effecLlvely
wlLh communal vlolence.
lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School
llnally, prlvaLe acLors on Lhe lnLernaLlonal sLage
also have a role Lo play. Cu[araL's economlc
growLh has been much pralsed, and many
lnvesLors have flocked Lo Lhe SLaLe Lo seek
sLable lnvesLmenL opporLunlLles. ln so dolng,
Lhose lnvesLors should conslder lL parL of Lhelr
eLhlcal lnvesLmenL obllgaLlons Lo work wlLh
Lhelr Cu[araL and lndlan counLerparLs Lo ensure
LhaL Lhelr lnvesLmenLs yleld maxlmum beneflLs
for oll segmenLs of Cu[araL's populaLlon,
lncludlng Lhose negaLlvely affecLed by Lhe 2002

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

Sect|on VI: Imp||cat|ons for the Gu|berg Soc|ety and Iafr| Cases
Whlle Lhe above analysls suggesLs Lhe need Lo
lnlLlaLe broad sLrucLural and legal reforms, Lhe
reporL concludes wlLh a brlef summary of whaL
Lhe above analysls suggesLs should happen ln
Lhe Lwo cases LhaL remaln unseLLled ln Lhe
Cu[araL courL sysLem. As Lhls reporL goes Lo
press, Lhe Culberg SocleLy case ls nearly
compleLed, whereas Lhe !afrl case seems Lo
have a longer road ahead, as Lhe peLlLloners
have appealed Lhe MaglsLraLe CourL's
declslon-a process LhaL could Lake years Lo

1he Gu|berg Soc|ety Case
As descrlbed above (SecLlon lll), Lhe Supreme
CourL sLayed Lhe Culberg SocleLy case pendlng
Lhe faLe of Lhe !afrl case. 1he Culberg SocleLy
case should be lmmedlaLely resLarLed. 1he
vlcLlms ln LhaL case have llved Lhrough Lwelve
years of legal proceedlngs followlng Lhelr lnlLlal
ordeal, and desperaLely hope Lo see Lhe
crlmlnal case agalnsL Lhe alleged perpeLraLors
concluded. 1he need Lo appolnL a new presldlng
[udge followlng !udge uhanda's reLlremenL
presenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo selecL a [udge of
hlgh moral characLer, who can boLh re-examlne
Lhe evldence and LesLlmony gaLhered under hls
or her Lwo predecessors, deLermlne wheLher
any addlLlonal lnvesLlgaLlons and LesLlmony are
necessary, and proceed Lo conclude Lhe case.
1he new [udge wlll llkely have Lo grapple wlLh
some of Lhe same lssues LhaL arose for hls or
her predecessors: wheLher Lo enLerLaln
evldence suggesLlng Lhe crlmlnal culpablllLy of
some of Lhe senlor offlcers responslble for
malnLalnlng Lhe peace ln Meghanlnagar ulsLrlcL
on lebruary 28, 2002, and wheLher Lo brlng
charges for sexual vlolence.

1he Iafr| Case
Ms. !afrl and her co-peLlLloners have appealed
Lhe MaglsLraLe CourL's declslon. ConsequenLly,
Lhe Plgh CourL wlll have Lo revlew Lhe legallLy of
Lhe lower courL's declslon Lo re[ecL Lhe evldence
presenLed ln eLlLloners' roLesL eLlLlon and
follow lnsLead Lhe concluslon of Lhe Sl1's
Closure 8eporL. ln conducLlng lLs revlew, Lhe
Plgh CourL should compare Lhe Sl1's
lnvesLlgaLlon wlLh Lhe professlonal sLandards Lo
whlch a pollce lnvesLlgaLlon should be held. lf lL
flnds LhaL Lhe numerous allegaLlons of blas and
unprofesslonallsm cannoL be dlsmlssed, Lhe
Plgh CourL should elLher order a re-
lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe !afrl case, or lnsLrucL a
lower-courL Lo lndependenLly and Lhoroughly
conslder lnlLlaLlng a case based solely on Ms.
!afrl's roLesL eLlLlon, pursuanL Lo Lhe lndlan
Code of Crlmlnal rocedure.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

1he Cu[araL rloLs were unforLunaLely noL Lhe
flrsL lnsLance of communal vlolence agalnsL
mlnorlLles ln lndla. nor, sadly, were Lhey Lhe
ln 1984 [n]early 3,000 members of
lndla's Slkh communlLy were massacred afLer
Lhe assasslnaLlon of rlme MlnlsLer lndlra
Candhl by her Lwo Slkh bodyguards."
And, ln
2008-slx years afLer Lhe Cu[araL rloLs-Plndu
naLlonallsLs orchesLraLed rloLs agalnsL ChrlsLlan
communlLles ln Cdlsha (also spelled Crlssa) ln
revenge for Lhe kllllng of one of Lhelr leaders,
presumably by MaolsL lnsurgenLs.
Cne auLhor
who has sLudled exLenslvely communal vlolence
ln lndla alleges Lhe paralysls of sLaLe lnsLlLuLlons
whose funcLlon lL ls Lo guaranLee Lhe separaLlon
of sLaLe and rellglon durlng lnsLances of
communal vlolence.

lL seems, Lherefore, LhaL whaL happened ln
Cu[araL ln 2002 ls nelLher unlque Lo Cu[araL, nor
of concern only Lo lndla's Musllm communlLy.
lndla os o wbole musL flnd more effecLlve
soluLlons Lo prevenL such ouLbursLs of senseless
communal vlolence from Larnlshlng Lhe
counLry's progress.
ln Cu[araL, Lhe Lwelve years slnce vlolence
erupLed ln early 2002 have seen only halLlng
progress Lowards Lhe goal of Lhorough [udlclal
lnvesLlgaLlon and prosecuLlon of Lhose
responslble for Lhe vlolence. LfforLs Lo
compensaLe vlcLlms of Lhe vlolence have also
been conLroverslal, wlLh many clalmlng Lhem Lo
have been lnadequaLe. 1housands of rloL
survlvors remaln severely LraumaLlzed and
economlcally dlsadvanLaged as a dlrecL resulL of
Lhe vlolence, whlle Lhose who allegedly
perpeLraLed Lhe aLLacks have elLher been
acqulLLed ln suspecL legal proceedlngs or never
charged. Cnly a handful of crlmlnal cases have
resulLed ln convlcLlons of any sorL. Meanwhlle,
Lhe vlcLlms conLlnue Lo lack access Lo oLher
relevanL forms of remedles for Lhelr sufferlng.
1he recommendaLlons ln Lhls reporL are
lnLended Lo appeal Lo pollLlcal acLors octoss
lndla's pollLlcal specLrum, regardless of parLy
afflllaLlon, on Lhe assumpLlon LhaL all
reasonable publlc servanLs ln lndla can agree
LhaL communal vlolence can never be LoleraLed
ln a modern democraLlc sLaLe such as lndla.
Cver a decade afLer Lhe vlolence ln Cu[araL has
subslded, lndla's pollLlclans and [udlclal
auLhorlLles sLlll hold Lhe keys Lo demonsLraLe
Lhe lndlan SLaLe's commlLmenL Lo Lhls concepL.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

2003 unlLed naLlons Ceneral Assembly 8aslc rlnclples and
Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and 8eparaLlon for vlcLlms
of Cross vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs law and
Serlous vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal PumanlLarlan Law
8 Appllcable lnLernaLlonal Legal 1reaLles & norms (p.79)

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

200S Un|ted Nat|ons Genera| Assemb|y 8as|c r|nc|p|es and Gu|de||nes
on the k|ght to a kemedy and keparat|on for V|ct|ms of Gross
V|o|at|ons of Internat|ona| numan k|ghts |aw and Ser|ous V|o|at|ons of
Internat|ona| numan|tar|an Law

United Nations A/RES/60/147

General Assembly
Distr.: General
21 March 2006
Sixtieth session
Agenda item 71 (a)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 16 December 2005
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/60/509/Add.1)]
60/147. Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy
and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of
International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law

The General Assembly,
Guided by the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights,
the International Covenants on Human Rights,
other relevant
human rights instruments and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action,

Affirming the importance of addressing the question of remedies and reparation
for victims of gross violations of international human rights law and serious
violations of international humanitarian law in a systematic and thorough way at the
national and international levels,
Recognizing that, in honouring the victims right to benefit from remedies and
reparation, the international community keeps faith with the plight of victims,
survivors and future human generations and reaffirms international law in the field,
Recalling the adoption of the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a
Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human
Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law by the
Commission on Human Rights in its resolution 2005/35 of 19 April 2005
and by
the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 2005/30 of 25 July 2005, in which
the Council recommended to the General Assembly that it adopt the Basic Principles
and Guidelines,
1. Adopts the Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and
Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and
Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law annexed to the present
Resolution 217 A (III).
Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex.
A/CONF.157/24 (Part I), chap. III.
See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2005, Supplement No. 3 and corrigendum
(E/2005/23 and Corr.1), chap. II, sect. A.
2. Recommends that States take the Basic Principles and Guidelines into
account, promote respect thereof and bring them to the attention of members of the
executive bodies of government, in particular law enforcement officials and military
and security forces, legislative bodies, the judiciary, victims and their
representatives, human rights defenders and lawyers, the media and the public in
3. Requests the Secretary-General to take steps to ensure the widest
possible dissemination of the Basic Principles and Guidelines in all the official
languages of the United Nations, including by transmitting them to Governments
and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and by including the
Basic Principles and Guidelines in the United Nations publication entitled Human
Rights: A Compilation of International Instruments.

64th plenary meeting
16 December 2005

Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and
Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International
Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law

The General Assembly,
Recalling the provisions providing a right to a remedy for victims of violations
of international human rights law found in numerous international instruments, in
particular article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
article 2 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
article 6 of the International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
article 14 of
the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment,
and article 39 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
and of
international humanitarian law as found in article 3 of the Hague Convention
respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land of 18 October 1907
(Convention IV),
article 91 of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions
of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed
Conflicts (Protocol I) of 8 June 1977,
and articles 68 and 75 of the Rome Statute of
the International Criminal Court,

Resolution 2106 A (XX), annex.
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1465, No. 24841.
Ibid., vol. 1577, No. 27531.
See Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and
1907 (New York, Oxford University Press, 1915).
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1125, No. 17512.
Official Records of the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment
of an International Criminal Court, Rome, 15 June17 July 1998, vol. I: Final documents (United Nations
publication, Sales No. E.02.I.5), sect. A.
Recalling the provisions providing a right to a remedy for victims of violations
of international human rights found in regional conventions, in particular article 7 of
the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights,
article 25 of the American
Convention on Human Rights,
and article 13 of the Convention for the Protection
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,

Recalling the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime
and Abuse of Power emanating from the deliberations of the Seventh United Nations
Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders and General
Assembly resolution 40/34 of 29 November 1985 by which the Assembly adopted
the text recommended by the Congress,
Reaffirming the principles enunciated in the Declaration of Basic Principles of
Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power, including that victims should be
treated with compassion and respect for their dignity, have their right to access to
justice and redress mechanisms fully respected, and that the establishment,
strengthening and expansion of national funds for compensation to victims should
be encouraged, together with the expeditious development of appropriate rights and
remedies for victims,
Noting that the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court requires the
establishment of principles relating to reparations to, or in respect of, victims,
including restitution, compensation and rehabilitation, requires the Assembly of
States Parties to establish a trust fund for the benefit of victims of crimes within the
jurisdiction of the Court, and of the families of such victims, and mandates the
Court to protect the safety, physical and psychological well-being, dignity and
privacy of victims and to permit the participation of victims at all stages of the
proceedings determined to be appropriate by the Court,
Affirming that the Basic Principles and Guidelines contained herein are
directed at gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations
of international humanitarian law which, by their very grave nature, constitute an
affront to human dignity,
Emphasizing that the Basic Principles and Guidelines contained herein do not
entail new international or domestic legal obligations but identify mechanisms,
modalities, procedures and methods for the implementation of existing legal
obligations under international human rights law and international humanitarian law
which are complementary though different as to their norms,
Recalling that international law contains the obligation to prosecute
perpetrators of certain international crimes in accordance with international
obligations of States and the requirements of national law or as provided for in the
applicable statutes of international judicial organs, and that the duty to prosecute
reinforces the international legal obligations to be carried out in accordance with
national legal requirements and procedures and supports the concept of
United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1520, No. 26363.
Ibid., vol. 1144, No. 17955.
Ibid., vol. 213, No. 2889.
Noting that contemporary forms of victimization, while essentially directed
against persons, may nevertheless also be directed against groups of persons who
are targeted collectively,
Recognizing that, in honouring the victims right to benefit from remedies and
reparation, the international community keeps faith with the plight of victims,
survivors and future human generations and reaffirms the international legal
principles of accountability, justice and the rule of law,
Convinced that, in adopting a victim-oriented perspective, the international
community affirms its human solidarity with victims of violations of international
law, including violations of international human rights law and international
humanitarian law, as well as with humanity at large, in accordance with the
following Basic Principles and Guidelines,
Adopts the following Basic Principles and Guidelines:

I. Obligation to respect, ensure respect for and implement international
human rights law and international humanitarian law
1. The obligation to respect, ensure respect for and implement international
human rights law and international humanitarian law as provided for under the
respective bodies of law emanates from:
(a) Treaties to which a State is a party;
(b) Customary international law;
(c) The domestic law of each State.
2. If they have not already done so, States shall, as required under international
law, ensure that their domestic law is consistent with their international legal
obligations by:
(a) Incorporating norms of international human rights law and international
humanitarian law into their domestic law, or otherwise implementing them in their
domestic legal system;
(b) Adopting appropriate and effective legislative and administrative
procedures and other appropriate measures that provide fair, effective and prompt
access to justice;
(c) Making available adequate, effective, prompt and appropriate remedies,
including reparation, as defined below;
(d) Ensuring that their domestic law provides at least the same level of
protection for victims as that required by their international obligations.

II. Scope of the obligation
3. The obligation to respect, ensure respect for and implement international
human rights law and international humanitarian law as provided for under the
respective bodies of law, includes, inter alia, the duty to:
(a) Take appropriate legislative and administrative and other appropriate
measures to prevent violations;
(b) Investigate violations effectively, promptly, thoroughly and impartially
and, where appropriate, take action against those allegedly responsible in
accordance with domestic and international law;
(c) Provide those who claim to be victims of a human rights or humanitarian
law violation with equal and effective access to justice, as described below,
irrespective of who may ultimately be the bearer of responsibility for the violation;
(d) Provide effective remedies to victims, including reparation, as described

III. Gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations
of international humanitarian law that constitute crimes
under international law
4. In cases of gross violations of international human rights law and serious
violations of international humanitarian law constituting crimes under international
law, States have the duty to investigate and, if there is sufficient evidence, the duty
to submit to prosecution the person allegedly responsible for the violations and, if
found guilty, the duty to punish her or him. Moreover, in these cases, States should,
in accordance with international law, cooperate with one another and assist
international judicial organs competent in the investigation and prosecution of these
5. To that end, where so provided in an applicable treaty or under other
international law obligations, States shall incorporate or otherwise implement within
their domestic law appropriate provisions for universal jurisdiction. Moreover,
where it is so provided for in an applicable treaty or other international legal
obligations, States should facilitate extradition or surrender offenders to other States
and to appropriate international judicial bodies and provide judicial assistance and
other forms of cooperation in the pursuit of international justice, including
assistance to, and protection of, victims and witnesses, consistent with international
human rights legal standards and subject to international legal requirements such as
those relating to the prohibition of torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment.

IV. Statutes of limitations
6. Where so provided for in an applicable treaty or contained in other
international legal obligations, statutes of limitations shall not apply to gross
violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international
humanitarian law which constitute crimes under international law.
7. Domestic statutes of limitations for other types of violations that do not
constitute crimes under international law, including those time limitations applicable
to civil claims and other procedures, should not be unduly restrictive.

V. Victims of gross violations of international human rights law
and serious violations of international humanitarian law
8. For purposes of the present document, victims are persons who individually or
collectively suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering,
economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or
omissions that constitute gross violations of international human rights law, or
serious violations of international humanitarian law. Where appropriate, and in
accordance with domestic law, the term victim also includes the immediate family
or dependants of the direct victim and persons who have suffered harm in
intervening to assist victims in distress or to prevent victimization.
9. A person shall be considered a victim regardless of whether the perpetrator of
the violation is identified, apprehended, prosecuted, or convicted and regardless of
the familial relationship between the perpetrator and the victim.

VI. Treatment of victims
10. Victims should be treated with humanity and respect for their dignity and
human rights, and appropriate measures should be taken to ensure their safety,
physical and psychological well-being and privacy, as well as those of their
families. The State should ensure that its domestic laws, to the extent possible,
provide that a victim who has suffered violence or trauma should benefit from
special consideration and care to avoid his or her re-traumatization in the course of
legal and administrative procedures designed to provide justice and reparation.

VII. Victims right to remedies
11. Remedies for gross violations of international human rights law and serious
violations of international humanitarian law include the victims right to the
following as provided for under international law:
(a) Equal and effective access to justice;
(b) Adequate, effective and prompt reparation for harm suffered;
(c) Access to relevant information concerning violations and reparation

VIII. Access to justice
12. A victim of a gross violation of international human rights law or of a serious
violation of international humanitarian law shall have equal access to an effective
judicial remedy as provided for under international law. Other remedies available to
the victim include access to administrative and other bodies, as well as mechanisms,
modalities and proceedings conducted in accordance with domestic law. Obligations
arising under international law to secure the right to access justice and fair and
impartial proceedings shall be reflected in domestic laws. To that end, States should:
(a) Disseminate, through public and private mechanisms, information about
all available remedies for gross violations of international human rights law and
serious violations of international humanitarian law;
(b) Take measures to minimize the inconvenience to victims and their
representatives, protect against unlawful interference with their privacy as
appropriate and ensure their safety from intimidation and retaliation, as well as that
of their families and witnesses, before, during and after judicial, administrative, or
other proceedings that affect the interests of victims;
(c) Provide proper assistance to victims seeking access to justice;
(d) Make available all appropriate legal, diplomatic and consular means to
ensure that victims can exercise their rights to remedy for gross violations of
international human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian
13. In addition to individual access to justice, States should endeavour to develop
procedures to allow groups of victims to present claims for reparation and to receive
reparation, as appropriate.
14. An adequate, effective and prompt remedy for gross violations of international
human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian law should
include all available and appropriate international processes in which a person may
have legal standing and should be without prejudice to any other domestic remedies.

IX. Reparation for harm suffered
15. Adequate, effective and prompt reparation is intended to promote justice by
redressing gross violations of international human rights law or serious violations of
international humanitarian law. Reparation should be proportional to the gravity of
the violations and the harm suffered. In accordance with its domestic laws and
international legal obligations, a State shall provide reparation to victims for acts or
omissions which can be attributed to the State and constitute gross violations of
international human rights law or serious violations of international humanitarian
law. In cases where a person, a legal person, or other entity is found liable for
reparation to a victim, such party should provide reparation to the victim or
compensate the State if the State has already provided reparation to the victim.
16. States should endeavour to establish national programmes for reparation and
other assistance to victims in the event that the parties liable for the harm suffered
are unable or unwilling to meet their obligations.
17. States shall, with respect to claims by victims, enforce domestic judgements
for reparation against individuals or entities liable for the harm suffered and
endeavour to enforce valid foreign legal judgements for reparation in accordance
with domestic law and international legal obligations. To that end, States should
provide under their domestic laws effective mechanisms for the enforcement of
reparation judgements.
18. In accordance with domestic law and international law, and taking account of
individual circumstances, victims of gross violations of international human rights
law and serious violations of international humanitarian law should, as appropriate
and proportional to the gravity of the violation and the circumstances of each case,
be provided with full and effective reparation, as laid out in principles 19 to 23,
which include the following forms: restitution, compensation, rehabilitation,
satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.
19. Restitution should, whenever possible, restore the victim to the original
situation before the gross violations of international human rights law or serious
violations of international humanitarian law occurred. Restitution includes, as
appropriate: restoration of liberty, enjoyment of human rights, identity, family life
and citizenship, return to ones place of residence, restoration of employment and
return of property.
20. Compensation should be provided for any economically assessable damage, as
appropriate and proportional to the gravity of the violation and the circumstances of
each case, resulting from gross violations of international human rights law and
serious violations of international humanitarian law, such as:
(a) Physical or mental harm;
(b) Lost opportunities, including employment, education and social benefits;
(c) Material damages and loss of earnings, including loss of earning
(d) Moral damage;
(e) Costs required for legal or expert assistance, medicine and medical
services, and psychological and social services.
21. Rehabilitation should include medical and psychological care as well as legal
and social services.
22. Satisfaction should include, where applicable, any or all of the following:
(a) Effective measures aimed at the cessation of continuing violations;
(b) Verification of the facts and full and public disclosure of the truth to the
extent that such disclosure does not cause further harm or threaten the safety and
interests of the victim, the victims relatives, witnesses, or persons who have
intervened to assist the victim or prevent the occurrence of further violations;
(c) The search for the whereabouts of the disappeared, for the identities of
the children abducted, and for the bodies of those killed, and assistance in the
recovery, identification and reburial of the bodies in accordance with the expressed
or presumed wish of the victims, or the cultural practices of the families and
(d) An official declaration or a judicial decision restoring the dignity, the
reputation and the rights of the victim and of persons closely connected with the
(e) Public apology, including acknowledgement of the facts and acceptance
of responsibility;
(f) Judicial and administrative sanctions against persons liable for the
(g) Commemorations and tributes to the victims;
(h) Inclusion of an accurate account of the violations that occurred in
international human rights law and international humanitarian law training and in
educational material at all levels.
23. Guarantees of non-repetition should include, where applicable, any or all of
the following measures, which will also contribute to prevention:
(a) Ensuring effective civilian control of military and security forces;
(b) Ensuring that all civilian and military proceedings abide by international
standards of due process, fairness and impartiality;
(c) Strengthening the independence of the judiciary;
(d) Protecting persons in the legal, medical and health-care professions, the
media and other related professions, and human rights defenders;
(e) Providing, on a priority and continued basis, human rights and
international humanitarian law education to all sectors of society and training for
law enforcement officials as well as military and security forces;
(f) Promoting the observance of codes of conduct and ethical norms, in
particular international standards, by public servants, including law enforcement,
correctional, media, medical, psychological, social service and military personnel,
as well as by economic enterprises;
(g) Promoting mechanisms for preventing and monitoring social conflicts
and their resolution;
(h) Reviewing and reforming laws contributing to or allowing gross
violations of international human rights law and serious violations of international
humanitarian law.

X. Access to relevant information concerning violations and reparation
24. States should develop means of informing the general public and, in particular,
victims of gross violations of international human rights law and serious violations
of international humanitarian law of the rights and remedies addressed by these
Basic Principles and Guidelines and of all available legal, medical, psychological,
social, administrative and all other services to which victims may have a right of
access. Moreover, victims and their representatives should be entitled to seek and
obtain information on the causes leading to their victimization and on the causes and
conditions pertaining to the gross violations of international human rights law and
serious violations of international humanitarian law and to learn the truth in regard
to these violations.

XI. Non-discrimination
25. The application and interpretation of these Basic Principles and Guidelines
must be consistent with international human rights law and international
humanitarian law and be without any discrimination of any kind or on any ground,
without exception.

XII. Non-derogation
26. Nothing in these Basic Principles and Guidelines shall be construed as
restricting or derogating from any rights or obligations arising under domestic and
international law. In particular, it is understood that the present Basic Principles and
Guidelines are without prejudice to the right to a remedy and reparation for victims
of all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian
law. It is further understood that these Basic Principles and Guidelines are without
prejudice to special rules of international law.

XIII. Rights of others
27. Nothing in this document is to be construed as derogating from internationally
or nationally protected rights of others, in particular the right of an accused person
to benefit from applicable standards of due process.
1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL

App||cab|e Internat|ona| Lega| 1reat|es & Norms

numan k|ghts Norms ke|evant to the Ieb]March 2002 Gu[arat V|o|ence and |ts Aftermath

1948 unlversal ueclaraLlon of Puman 8lghLs (uuP8)


lndla voLed ln favor of Lhe ueclaraLlon's
adopLlon by Lhe un Ceneral Assembly ln 1948.
1963 lnLernaLlonal ConvenLlon on Lhe LllmlnaLlon of
All lorms of 8aclal ulscrlmlnaLlon (lCL8u)

lndla rat|f|ed on uec. 3, 1968.
1966 lnLernaLlonal CovenanL on Lconomlc, Soclal
and CulLural 8lghLs (lCLSC8)

lndla acceded on Apr. 10, 1979.
1966 lnLernaLlonal CovenanL on Clvll and ollLlcal
8lghLs (lCC8)

lndla acceded on Apr. 19, 1979.
1979 ConvenLlon on Lhe LllmlnaLlon of All lorms of
ulscrlmlnaLlon agalnsL Women (CLuAW)

lndla rat|f|ed on !uly 9, 1993.
1979 Code of ConducL for Law LnforcemenL Cfflclals AdopLed wlLhouL a voLe by Lhe un Ceneral
Assembly resoluLlon 34/169 on uec. 17, 1979.
1981 ueclaraLlon on Lhe LllmlnaLlon of All lorms of
lnLolerance and of ulscrlmlnaLlon 8ased on
8ellglon or 8ellef
AdopLed wlLhouL a voLe by Lhe un Ceneral
Assembly resoluLlon 36/33 on nov. 23, 1981.
1984 ConvenLlon AgalnsL 1orLure and CLher Cruel,
lnhuman or uegradlng 1reaLmenL or
unlshmenL (1orLure ConvenLlon)

lndla s|gned on CcL. 14, 1997. ArLlcle 2 of
1orLure ConvenLlon deemed Lo be blndlng as a
maLLer of cusLomary lnLernaLlonal law.

1983 8aslc rlnclples on Lhe lndependence of Lhe
AdopLed by Lhe SevenLh un Congress on Lhe
revenLlon of Crlme and Lhe 1reaLmenL of
Cffenders, Mllan, lLaly, 26 Aug. Lo 6 SepL.
1983, and endorsed by Lhe Ceneral Assembly
resoluLlons 40/32 of 29 nov. 1983 and 40/146
of 13 uec. 1983.
1983 ueclaraLlon of 8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for
vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower
AdopLed wlLhouL a voLe by Lhe un Ceneral
Assembly resoluLlon 40/34 on nov. 29, 1983.
1989 ConvenLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of Lhe Chlld (C8C)
lndla acceded on uec. 11, 1992.
8loJloq os pet tteoty totlflcotloo
8loJloq os pet costomoty lotetootloool low

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

numan k|ghts Norms ke|evant to the Ieb]March 2002 Gu[arat V|o|ence and |ts Aftermath

1990 Culdellnes on Lhe 8ole of rosecuLors AdopLed by Lhe LlghLh un Congress on Lhe
revenLlon of Crlme and Lhe 1reaLmenL of
Cffenders, Pavana, Cuba, 27 Aug. Lo 7 SepL.
1992 ueclaraLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of ersons
8elonglng Lo naLlonal or LLhnlc, 8ellglous
and LlngulsLlc MlnorlLles
AdopLed wlLhouL a voLe by Lhe un Ceneral
Assembly resoluLlon 47/133 on uec. 18,
2002 1he 8angalore rlnclples of !udlclal
8ecommended for conslderaLlon,
conslsLenL wlLh Lhelr domesLlc legal
sysLems, by Lhe un Lconomlc and Soclal
Councll Lo Member SLaLes on !uly 27, 2006
2003 8aslc rlnclples and Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL
Lo a 8emedy and 8eparaLlon for vlcLlms of
Cross vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal Puman
8lghLs Law and Serlous vlolaLlons of
lnLernaLlonal PumanlLarlan Law
AdopLed wlLhouL a voLe by Lhe un Ceneral
Assembly resoluLlon 60/147 on uec. 16,

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


5ee lofto, N 57
5ee e.q., arvls Chassem-lachandl, CC8CM ln Cu!A8A1: Plnuu nA1lCnALlSM Anu An1l-MuSLlM vlCLLnCL ln
lnulA (rlnceLon unlverslLy ress: 2012). 5ee olso e.q., S.n. vl[eLha, 1eo eots oo, oo Iostlce fot Cojotot
cotooqe vlctlms, soys 5oojlv 8bott, 1PL Plnuu, Mar. 10, 2012, hLLp://
5ee Cojotot klot ueotb 1oll keveoleJ, 88C nLWS, May 11, 2003,
hLLp:// (ln 2003, Lhe Cu[araL governmenL released offlclal flgures
LhaL 1044 lndlvlduals had been conflrmed dead, wlLh anoLher 223 mlsslng [and assumed kllled]. Larller reporLs
esLlmaLed Lhe number dead around 2000, due ln large parL Lo Lhe ongolng uncerLalnLy abouL Lhe deaLh Loll aL
Lhe Llme). 5ee PuMAn 8lCP1S WA1CP, compoooJloq lojostlce. tbe Covetomeots lollote to keJtess Mossoctes lo
Cojotot 10, !ul. 2003, [betelooftet P8W 2003"],
hLLp:// (ln a maLLer of days more Lhan 2,000 people
were kllled"), PuMAn 8lCP1S WA1CP, ulscootoqloq ulsseot. lotlmlJotloo ooJ notossmeot of wltoesses nomoo
klqbts Actlvlsts, ooJ lowyets lotsoloq Accoootoblllty fot tbe 2002 commoool vloleoce lo Cojotot 1, Sep 2004,
[betelooftet P8W 2004"], hLLp://[araL/gu[araL0904.pdf, (as
many as 2,000"), AMnLS1? ln1L8nA1lCnAL, loJlo. Iostlce tbe vlctlm - Cojotot 5tote lolls to ltotect womeo ftom
vloleoce 3, Al lndex: ASA 20/001/2003, !an. 2003, [betelooftet Al 2003"],
d38a49c0d632/asa200012003en.pdf, ([s]ome 2000 people"), 1be CoJbto vetJlct. wlll 1bete 8e closote?
8Lu1L8S, leb. 21, 2011, hLLp://, (more Lhan 2,300"
accordlng Lo Puman 8lghLs groups, buL offlclal deaLh Loll around 1,000), AMnLS1? ln1L8nA1lCnAL, loJlo. llve eots
Oo - tbe 8lttet ooJ upblll 5ttoqqle fot Iostlce lo Cojotot 2, Al lndex: ASA 20/007/2007, leb. 29 2012,
[betelooftet Al 2007"], hLLp://
a329-2f46302a8cc6/asa200072007en.pdf, (more Lhan 2,000 people were kllled"), PuMAn 8lCP1S WA1CP, loJlo.
A uecoJe oo, Cojotot Iostlce locomplete, leb. 24, 2012, hLLp://
gu[araL-[usLlce-lncompleLe, [betelooftet P8W 2012"], (nearly 2,000 people"), AMnLS1? ln1L8nA1lCnAL, loJlo. o
uecoJe oo ltom tbe Cojotot klots, oo Ovetwbelmloq Mojotlty of vlctlms Awolt Iostlce lo loJlo, Al lndex: ASA
20/006/2012, leb. 29 2012, hLLp://
410e-93c9-68313bd3eebc/asa200062012en.hLml (aL leasL 2,000").
Cojotot klot ueotb 1oll keveoleJ, sopto noLe 3.
Correspondence wlLh Mlhlr uesal, romlnenL Puman 8lghLs advocaLe, (2014).
5ee lofto, Ln 222.
8. Muralldhar 8eddy, lts Offlclol. MoJl ls 8Ils cbolce, 1PL Plnuu, SepL. 14, 2013,
5ee e.q., Ashlsh kheLan, 1wlce 8otot 5tlll 5lmmetloq,, nov. 3, 2007,
hLLp:// (1he LruLh
abouL Codhra underlles everyLhlng caLaclysmlc LhaL happened afLerwards. 1he LruLh abouL Codhra underlles
one of Lhe mosL dangerous and polarlslng faulLllnes ln lndla. 1he LruLh abouL Codhra underlles Lhe very way we
see ourselves as a naLlon.")
5ee Concerned ClLlzens 1rlbunal, Crlme AgalnsL PumanlLy, volumes l & ll, (Anll uharkar: Mumbal, 2002)
[betelooftet Concerned ClLlzens 1rlbunal l" and Concerned ClLlzens 1rlbunal ll"], naLlonal Puman 8lghLs

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

Commlsslon, (Case no. 1130/6/2001-2002), May 31, 2002. ln addlLlon, a conLroverslal commlsslon Lasked wlLh
conducLlng an lnqulry lnLo Lhe Cu[araL vlolence has yeL Lo release lLs flndlngs. 5ee nlkun[ Sonl, 1J6 Mootbs Aftet
lt wos 5et op to ltobe 2002 Cojotot klots, Nooovotl commlssloo Cets 20
xteosloo fot 6 Mootbs, unA, !uly 3,
2013, hLLp://!-APu-136-monLhs-afLer-lL-was-seL-up-Lo-probe-2002-gu[araL-rloLs-
nanavaLl-commlsslon-g-4309340-nC8.hLml (Lhe nanavaLl-MehLa commlsslon was lnlLlally chalred by !usLlces
C.1. nanavaLl and !.C. Shah, Lhus lL ls ofLen also referred Lo as Lhe nanavaLl-Shah commlsslon, especlally ln Lhe
perlod prlor Lo 2008. ln 2008, !usLlce Shah dled, and was replaced by !usLlce A. MehLa. 1he commlsslon dlvlded
lLs lnqulry lnLo Lwo parLs, lnqulrlng flrsL lnLo Lhe evenLs leadlng up Lo Lhe burnlng of Lhe S-6 rall carrlage ln
Codhra, and nexL lnLo Lhe posL Codhra rloLs. 1he commlsslon released lLs reporL lnLo Lhe Codhra Lragedy ln
2008, buL has yeL Lo release a reporL on Lhe subsequenL rloLs).
5ee Cu!A8A1: 1PL MAklnC Cl A 18ACLu?, Ch. 8, (SlddharLh varadara[an ed., enguln, 2002) ot 271 [betelooftet
SluuPA81P, 1PL MAklnC Cl A 18ACLu?"], ([1]he naLlonal medla dld noL fllnch from bearlng wlLness Lo Lhe
compllclLy of Lhe rullng parLy and sLaLe admlnlsLraLlon ln Lhe vlolence. 1hls was Lrue of Lhe Lngllsh language
medla as for much of Lhe vernacular, non-Cu[araLl press.") Cne reglonal commlsslon formed Lo sLudy mlnorlLy
rlghLs across souLh Asla found ln a revlew of Lhe medla coverage of Lhe slLuaLlon ln Cu[araL, LhaL Lngllsh
medla, malnly '1he lndlan Lxpress' and '1he Plndu', was neuLral because lf lL had Laken Lhe communal sLand
Lhen lL would have had Lo compeLe wlLh reglonal medla," buL also LhaL [l]ocal Lngllsh medla ln Cu[araL,
however, was beLLer, reglonal edlLlons of mosL naLlonal newspapers covered Lhe slLuaLlon well ln Ahmedabad."
(SCu1P ASlAn LCLL'S CCMMlSSlCn lC8 1PL 8lCP1S Cl MlnC8l1lLS, lnCLuulnC 1PL LxCLuuLu, 106-107 (Meghna
CuhaLhakurLa, ed., 2006).
5ee 8LLlClCn Anu PuMAn 8lCP1S: An ln18CuuC1lCn 337 (!ohn WlLLe, and ChrlsLlan Creen, eds., Cxford unlverslLy
ress 2012) (clLlng ln fn. 21 A. 8ASPlLu CMA8, 1PL Cu!A8A1 MASSAC8L (unpubllshed paper), 2009, ln whlch Cmar
noLes LhaL more Lhan 60 naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal agencles [have] lnvesLlgaLed Lhe 2002 Cu[araL vlolence
[and] concluded LhaL offlclals of Lhe Cu[araL sLaLe were compllclL"), 5ee olso P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 3,
(sLaLlng LhaL no less Lhan forLy reporLs have been released by human rlghLs and clLlzens' groups documenLlng
Lhe scale of Lhe vlolence, Lhe compllclLy of Lhe sLaLe governmenL, Lhe mlllLary-llke plannlng of Lhe aLLacks, and
Lhe fallure Lo rehablllLaLe Lhe vlcLlms and prosecuLe Lhe offenders.")
5ee e.q., Cl1lZLnS lC8 !uS1lCL Anu LACL, hLLp://www.c[, (lasL vlslLed leb. 8, 2014), CCun1L8Cu88Ln1S.C8C,
Cojotot loqtom, hLLp://[araL.hLm, (lasL vlslLed leb. 8, 2014), Cu!A8A1 8lC1S: 1PL
18uL S1C8?, hLLp://[, (lasL vlslLed leb. 8, 2014), CnLlnLvCLun1LL8S.C8C,
hLLp://, (lasL vlslLed leb. 8, 2014), 18u1P Cl Cu!A8A1,
hLLp://www.LruLhofgu[, (lasL vlslLed leb. 8, 2014).
8LC81 8? 1PL CCMMlSSlCn Cl lnCul8? CCnSlS1lnC Cl M8. !uS1lCL C.1. nAnAvA1l Anu M8. !uS1lCL AkSPA? P. MLP1A, 1,
SepL. 18, 2008, hLLp://[, [PerelnafLer
nanavaLl-MehLa Commlsslon 8eporL"].
5ee PuMAn 8lCP1S WA1CP, WL PAvL nC C8uL8S 1C SAvL ?Cu: S1A1L A81lClA1lCn Anu CCMLlCl1? ln CCMMunAL vlCLLnCL
ln Cu!A8A1, 4, Apr. 30, 2002, hLLp://,
[netelooftet P8W 2002"] (1he vlolence ln Cu[araL began afLer a Musllm mob ln Lhe Lown of Codhra aLLacked
and seL flre Lo Lwo carrlages of a Lraln carrylng Plndu acLlvlsLs").
5ee qeoetolly 1lmelloe. AyoJbyo noly 5lte ctlsls, 88C nLWS - SCu1P ASlA, uec. 6, 2012,
5ee kamal MlLra Chenoy, eL al., Cojotot cotooqe 2002. A kepott to tbe Notloo by Ao loJepeoJeot loct lloJloq
Mlssloo, Cu1LCCklnulA.CCM, SecLlon 2, Apr. 11, 2002, [betelooftet Chenoy 8eporL"]
hLLp://, (1he facL LhaL Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer lmmedlaLely branded Lhe

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


evenL as lSl and aklsLanl-lnsplred, followed by unlon Pome MlnlsLer Advanl, ln Lhe absence of any evldence or
lnqulry, furLher lnflamed Lhe slLuaLlon."), see olso ceottol l8 Offlcet llooteJ l5l coospltocy 1beoty fot CoJbto,
1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), leb. 3, 2012, 3 (quoLlng LesLlmony by 8.8. Sreekumar (reLlred pollce
lnLelllgence offlcer) [Lhe Lhen ulrecLor Ceneral of ollce (uC - or Cu[araL Chlef of ollce)] Lold me LhaL CenLral
[lnLelllgence 8ureau] [olnL dlrecLor, Ahmedabad, 8a[edra kumar had come ouL wlLh Lhe Lheory of lSl consplracy
behlnd Lhe Codhra lncldenL and he had ca[oled Lhe uC Lo pursue lnvesLlgaLlon, LreaLlng Lhe Codhra lncldenL as
a consplracy.")
5ee Ashlsh kheLan, 8oto Aftet keoJloq, 1LPLLkA vol. 8:9, Mar. 3, 2011, (slnce mob fury could noL pass musLer as
Lerrorlsm wlLhouL lnLroduclng Lhe elemenL of consplracy, slx days afLer [Lhe revenLlon of 1errorlsm AcL] was
lnvoked, on 9 March, Lhe pollce lnvoked secLlon 120(b) of Lhe lndlan enal Code, whlch perLalns Lo crlmlnal
consplracy."). 5ee olso ceottol l8 Offlcet llooteJ l5l coospltocy 1beoty fot CoJbto, sopto noLe 16, (1hls
[consplracy] Lheory was vlgorously pursued by Lhe sLaLe governmenL by lnvoklng [Lhe revenLlon of 1errorlsm
AcL] agalnsL Lhe accused.")
Ashlsh kheLan, 1wlce 8otot 5tlll 5lmmetloq, sopto noLe 8 (SubLracL Lhe pollLlcal and rellglous names from Lhe llsL
of Codhra accused and whaL remalns ls a crlmlnal buL sponLaneous acL of arson"), see olso CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS
18l8unAL - ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 12-17, (eyewlLnesses who LesLlfled before Lhe Concerned ClLlzens 1rlbunal alleged
LhaL sLone Lhrowlng and lron-bar-wleldlng crowd of Musllms had assembled ln response Lo provocaLlons by
Plndu acLlvlsLs on Lhe Lraln), Chenoy 8eporL, sopto noLe 16, SecLlon 1, ([1he aLLack aL Codhra] was an lnsLance
of a ghasLly communal rloL, ln a place LhaL has a long hlsLory of communal rloLs.")
5ee MA81PA nuSS8AuM, 1PL CLASP Wl1Pln: uLMCC8AC?, 8LLlClCuS vlCLLnCL, Anu lnulA'S lu1u8L (Parvard unlverslLy
ress 2008), ot 19 (1he one vlew LhaL nobody seemed Lo defend aL Lhe Llme ls Lhe one LhaL now, ln reLrospecL,
seems Lhe mosL llkely, namely LhaL Lhe exploslon was a Lraglc accldenL."), CoJbto 1tolo llte AcclJeotol.
8ooetjee kepott, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, Mar. 4, 2006, hLLp://
5ee Ashlsh kheLan, 8oto Aftet keoJloq, sopto noLe 17.
lJ. (Slx of Lhose lnlLlal defendanLs were laLer released. Cnly Lwo of Lhe Codhra munlclpal councll members were
subsequenLly convlcLed.)
See Ashlsh kheLan, 8urn AfLer 8eadlng, supra noLe 17. See also Ashlsh kheLan, 1wlce 8otot 5tlll 5lmmetloq, sopto
noLe 8, SLaLemenL by 1eesLa SeLalvad, SecreLary ClLlzens for !usLlce and eace, before Lhe Speclal lnvesLlgaLlon
1eam (Sl1) appolnLed by Lhe Pon'ble Supreme CourL Lhrough lLs Crder daLed 26.3.2008, May 9, 2008, Sl1 Cfflce
Ashlsh kheLan, 1wlce 8otot 5tlll 5lmmetloq, sopto noLe 8, (quoLlng Lwo of Lhe key wlLnesses Lo LesLlfy ln Lhe
Codhra Lrlal, boLh of whom admlLLed Lo an undercover [ournallsL Lo noL have been presenL aL Lhe aLLack. kakul
aLhak: 1hls ls Lhe work of PlnduLva. We musL do whaLever Lhe parLy commands," Murll Mulchandanl: he
would sLlck Lo hls word slnce he cannoL beLray Plndulsm.")
Ashlsh kheLan, 1wlce 8otot 5tlll 5lmmetloq, sopto noLe 8, (8an[lLslngh aLel, one of Lhe Lwo peLrol pump
employees who had LesLlfled LhaL Lhey had sold 140 llLres of peLrol Lo Lhe accused durlng Lhe nlghL of lebruary
26, admlLLed Lo a [ournallsL LhaL he was pald 8S 30,000 by noel armar. . . . Pe sald a slmllar amounL was also
pald Lo hls colleague, rabhaLslngh. Pe also sald LhaL armar had Lold hlm LhaL when he Llme came Lo ldenLlfy
Lhe accused ln Lhe courL, he would show Lhe accused Lo 8an[lLslngh ln advance and on Lhe sly so LhaL he could
remember Lhelr faces and pln Lhem down ln courL."). 5ee olso key vlJeoce lqooteJ lo CoJbto 1tolo llte cose,
unA lnulA (Ahmedabad) !an. 24, 2012, hLLp://

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

Lraln-flre-case-1641679 (efforL by one of Lhe accused who recelved a deaLh senLence Lo challenge LhaL senLence
based on Lhe 1ehelka sLlng operaLlon evldence).
5ee CoJbto cose. wltoess clolms lollce 1ottoteJ nlm, 1PL Plnuu, leb. 23, 2010,
hlm/arLlcle112176.ece (llyas Pussaln Mulla, a resldenL of Codhra ln Cu[araL. . . [clalms] 'l was ln ale[ vlllage
whlch ls more Lhan 130 km away from Codhra.' . . . 'l slgned Lhe confesslonal sLaLemenL ln courL and became a
wlLness ln Lhe case as [Lhe pollce] had Lhen kepL my faLher ln lllegal deLenLlon and [were] LhreaLenlng Lo
lmpllcaLe me along wlLh my faLher ln Lhe case.'"), vldya Subrahmanlam CoJbto wltoess scopes to 1ell bls
5toty, 1PL Plnuu, leb 23, 2010, hLLp://, (Mr.
Mulla . . . . says he was noL held ln proLecLlve cusLody" buL was abducLed and LorLured by Lhe pollce, lncludlng
Lhe Sl1's asslsLlng sLaff, wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of compelllng hlm Lo say a dlcLaLed llne ln courL."), Mlssloq CoJbto
wltoess llles letltloo lo 5c, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (vadodara), leb. 24, 2010,
hLLp://, (Around
3.13 pm, Lhe appllcanL was deLalned by Lhe Sl1 ollce ln a whlLe 1aLa Sumo vehlcle bearlng C!1- 4448, and
handcuffed, sLaLes Lhe appllcaLlon. lurLher, Lhe appllcanL was Laken Lo a governmenL guesL house ln Shehra,
abouL 20 km from Codhra, on lebruary 17 where he was beaLen up by pollce offlclals allegedly ln presence of
anchmahals SuperlnLendenL of ollce ! 8 MoLhallya. l was asked Lo slgn on blank sheeLs, whlch were Lo be senL
Lo AddlLlonal Sesslons !udge ln SabarmaLl and a copy Lo Sl1 ulrecLor 8 k 8aghavan ln whlch l was made Lo
reLracL Lhe sLaLemenLs LhaL l had faxed Lo Lhe [udge before abouL my belng forced lnLo confesslng LhaL l am an
eyewlLness and l had pulled Lhe chaln of SabarmaLl Lxpress on Lhe advlce of one Sallm 8adam, sLaLed lllyas ln
hls appllcaLlon."). 5ee olso Ashlsh kheLan, 1wlce 8otot 5tlll 5lmmetloq, sopto noLe 8 (ln an lnLervlew wlLh
1LPLLkA, Lhe Lwo narraLed how Lhey were lllegally conflned and LorLured by noel armar and hls Leam. 'Lvery
nlghL Lhe cops would come and puL a log of wood on my legs and Lhen walk over lL.' Sald llllas. 'l was glven
elecLrlc shocks on my genlLals.' Sald kalandar. 1hey were made Lo memorlse a sLaLemenL handed Lo Lhem by
Lhe pollce.")
5ee CoJbto 1tolo 8otoloq wltoess uleJ lo 1995. uefeoce, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad), Mar. 1, 2011,
Ashlsh kheLan, 8oto Aftet keoJloq, sopto noLe 17.
5ee lJ., (desplLe all hls own asLuLe concluslons whlch conLravenes Lhe poslLlon, !udge aLel sLlll upheld Lhe
pollce Lheory LhaL Lhe Codhra carnage was Lhe resulL of a premedlLaLed consplracy.").
nlkun[ Sonl, CoJbto cose. 5l1 Moy Appeol Aqolost Acpolttol of umotjl, 62 Otbets, unA (Ahmedabad) 4, leb. 26,
2011, arlmal uabhl, Ooe Mote AccoseJ AcpoltteJ lo 2002 CoJbto 1tolo cotooqe cose, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, nov.
30, 2013, hLLp://
case/1201393/, (descrlblng Lhe subsequenL acqulLLal of one flnal suspecL ln Lhe Codhra case).
arlmal uabhl, sopto noLe 30.
5ee P8W 2012, sopto noLe 3, (Whlle lnvesLlgaLlons ln Lhe Codhra Lraln aLLack proceeded rapldly, lnvesLlgaLlons
lnLo cases relaLed Lo Lhe anLl-Musllm rloLs LhaL followed were dellberaLely slowed down or slmply noL pursued,
Puman 8lghLs WaLch sald."), see olso P8W 2002, sopto, oote 14, ot 14 (descrlblng how Lhe suspecLs were
lnlLlally charged under Lhe conLroverslal revenLlon of 1errorlsm Crdlnance (C1C), and clLlng ln fn. 21 an
anonymous lnLervlewee: C1C ls belng puL up buL why has Lhe governmenL noL flled a C1C case agalnsL Lhe
vP? ls Lhe law only agalnsL Musllms? lL should be applled equally agalnsL everyone."), see olso cllotoo
ctltlclzes MoJl Covt Ovet CobJto, 1PL LCCnCMlC 1lMLS, Mar. 3, 2003,
godhra (CllnLon . . . polnLed ouL LhaL whlle Lhe accused ln Lhe Codhra lncldenL had been booked 'under Lhe

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


draconlan oLa,' Lhe prosecuLlon of Lhose responslble for Lhe reLallaLory large-scale kllllngs of Musllms was yeL
Lo sLarL.")
?ALL 8CCk Cl CuC1A1lCnS, (lred 8. Shaplro, ed., ?ale unlverslLy ress: 2006), 269-70.
1he SLaLe of Cu[araL v. n.A. Chhara, Speclal CL. for ConducLlng Lhe Speedy 1rlal of 8loL Cases (Ahmedabad), Aug.
29, 2012, 1937-1938,
20Common20!udgmenL.pdf [herelnafLer naroda aLla ueclslon"] (Lvery clLlzen of Lhls counLry musL
undersLand, LhaL one llves ln Lhe socleLy where rule of law very much survlves. . . . lL ls Lrue LhaL predomlnanL
feellng among Lhe convlcLs was Lo Lake revenge of Lhe Codhra carnage buL, LhaL amounLs Lo Laklng law lnLo
one's own hands[,] whlch cannoL be Laken llghLly by Lhls CourL").
SluuPA81P, 1PL MAklnC Cl A 18ACLu?, sopto noLe 10, ot 22, (clLlng a speech glven by Mr. Modl ln whlch he
descrlbed Lhe aLLack LhaL kllled Lhsan !afrl as a chaln of acLlon and reacLlon," referrlng Lo Lhsan's alleged
shooLlng of a gun aL Lhe maraudlng mob ln defense of Lhose shelLerlng ln Lhe Culbarg socleLy as Lhe acLlon"
provoklng Lhe subsequenL reacLlon." Lcholng Lhls commenL, Lhe 8SS ln mld March of 2002 lssued a resoluLlon
ln whlch lL sLaLed LhaL [L]he reacLlon of Lhls murderous lncldenL ln Cu[araL was naLural and sponLaneous." (lJ.,
ot 21) ln May of 2002, vP leader Ashok Slnghal descrlbed Lhe slLuaLlon ln Cu[araL as a maLLer of prlde" and a
beflLLlng reply Lo whaL has been perpeLraLed on Lhe Plndus ln Lhe pasL 1,000 years." (lJ., ot 2J) Pls vP
comrade ravln 1ogadla heralded Cu[araL as a Plndu awakenlng." (lJ., ot 2J) rlme MlnlsLer va[payee
explalned ln Aprll of 2002, LhaL we should noL forgeL how Lhe Lragedy of Cu[araL sLarLed. 1he subsequenL
developmenLs were no doubL condemnable, buL who llL Lhe flre? Pow dld Lhe flre spread?" (lJ., ot 23)), see olso
Sheela 8haLL, lt noJ to be uooe, vnl leoJet 5oys of klots,, Mar. 12, 2002, ovolloble ot
bttp.//, (quoLlng a senlor vP leader who, whlle descrlblng of one
parLlcular communlLy of rloLers, exclalmed LhaL: Lhey have done an amazlng [ob!").
P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 4.
5ee 1uhln A. Slnha, Motcbloq wltb tbe 1lmes, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, !ul. 12, 2010,
1lmes/arLlcleshow/6133480.cms, (a bandh lmply Lhe communlLy or pollLlcal parLy declarlng lL [expecLs] Lhe
general publlc Lo sLay ln Lhelr homes and sLrlke work."). lot exomples of teceot booJbs, see e.q., looe 8ooJb
1otos vloleot, 5eoo wotkets nelJ, Cnn-l8n, uec. 28, 2010, hLLp://
vlolenL-sena-workers-held/138749-3.hLml (1he bandh call by Shlv Sena [] Lurned vlolenL as Sena workers wenL
on a rampage Lo proLesL Lhe removal of a sLaLue of Shlva[l's guru uado[l konddev. Shlv Sena acLlvlsLs pelLed
sLones aL buses ln une and sLopped Lwo Lralns near Lonavala."), rasanLa Mazumdar, Assom 8ooJb 1otos
vloleot, 1 kllleJ, unA lnulA (CuwahaLl), Aug. 29, 2012, hLLp://
Lurns-vlolenL-1-kllled-1733993 (ln a booJb ln Lhe sLaLe of Assam, [L]he bandh supporLers blocked rall Lrafflc,
pelLed sLones aL vehlcles and foughL plLched baLLles wlLh Lhe pollce and publlc aL many places. Several 1v
[ournallsLs and camerapersons were ln[ured afLer Lhey were aLLacked by Lhe bandh acLlvlsLs aL Coalpara,
8arpeLa 8oad, SonlLpur and Slvasagar. . . . AL 8arpeLa 8oad ln 8arpeLa dlsLrlcL, a 30-year-old man dled and 27
oLhers were ln[ured when Lhe bandh supporLers clashed wlLh Lraders. 1he proLesLors also seL ablaze some
shops"), 8botot 8ooJb 1otos vloleot, 8oses 5et oo llte lo kotootoko, lnulA 1v, May 31, 2012,
hLLp://, (8! and
LefL leaders were deLalned aL several places amld reporLs of buses and commerclal esLabllshmenLs refuslng Lo
down Lhelr shuLLers belng LargeLed by Lhelr acLlvlsLs."), 8ooJb otets uoy 1wo. 65 nelJ fot vloleoce, ?APCC!
lnulA nLWS, leb. 21, 2013, hLLp://
030008073.hLml, (Cn day one of Lhe sLrlke, mobs of workers aLLacked facLorles LhaL were open and seL flre Lo

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

vehlcles of Lhelr owners as well as flre Lenders. AL leasL one facLory complex was also Lorched, offlclals and
wlLnesses sald. Also, a hoslery unlL ln nolda was ransacked, pollce sources sald. Pours laLer, sLrlke supporLers
sLoned facLorles and ouLleLs ln secLors 81, 82 and 84 of CreaLer nolda. Class panes ln many facLorles were
shaLLered even as Lhe securlLy guards Lrled Lo paclfy Lhe mobs and laLer flred ln Lhe alr, a pollce offlcer Lold
lAnS"), vloleoce, Attests Mot 8botot 8ooJb, Notmol llfe nlt, ZLL nLWS, leb. 21, 2013,
(School chlldren and offlce-goers suffered Lhe mosL as mosL auLo-rlckshaw and Laxl drlvers elLher refused or
overcharged Lhem. assengers aL ma[or rallway sLaLlons and bus sLands were sLranded for hours and forced Lo
shell ouL more fares Lo reach Lhelr desLlnaLlons. 8adlo Laxls, however, were on Lhe roads."). 5ttoy vloleoce Mots
8lbot 8ooJb, uLCCAn PL8ALu, !un. 18, 2013, hLLp://
mars-blhar-bandh.hLml (1he bandh [ln Lhe sLaLe of 8lhar] affecLed normal llfe wlLh 8! workers forclng closure
of shops, markeL places and dlsrupLlng movemenL of Lralns ln Lhe dlsLrlcLs llke uarbhanga and nalanda - Lhe
naLlve dlsLrlcL of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer, offlclal sources sald. 8andh supporLers also blocked roads ln Aurangabad,
urnla, Muzaffarpur and oLher dlsLrlcLs"), SLray vlolence Mars 8andh ln 8ayalseema, 1PL nLW lnulAn Lx8LSS,
Aug. 3, 2013, hLLp://
8ayalseema/2013/08/03/arLlcle1713702.ece.uxanWLzvLgn (descrlblng Lhe vlolence, LhreaLs agalnsL small
buslness owners, and properLy damage LhaL accompanled a booJb called ln response Lo efforLs Lo dlvlde Andra
radesh lnLo Lwo separaLe sLaLes)
5ee sopto, noLe 37. 5ee olso e.q., 8ooJbs 8ecome llleqol lo Assom, lnulA 1CuA? (CuwahaLl), Aug. 29, 2012,
hLLp://lndlaLoday.lnLoday.ln/sLory/bandhs-become-lllegal-ln-assam/1/213224.hLml, (1here were 73 days of
bandhs ln Assam ln 2003").
5ee qeoetolly !udlclary SLands llrm, Says All 8andhs, SLrlkes lllegal, Cnn-l8n, CcL. 1, 2007,
hLLp://[udlclary-sLands-flrm-says-all-bandhs-sLrlkes-lllegal/49712-3.hLml, 5ee olso uMk
8ooJb llleqol. 5c, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, CcL. 1, 2007, hLLp://
SC/arLlcleshow/2417306.cms (ln 1998, Lhe apex courL had upheld a full courL [udgmenL of Lhe kerala hlgh
courL bannlng bandhs. 1hls was a general order noL almed aL any pollLlcal parLy. [1he Supreme CourL [udgmenL
on Sep. 30, 2007 esLopplng pollLlclans ln 1amll nadu from holdlng a booJb] vlrLually creaLed hlsLory as lL pre-
empLed a pollLlcal coallLlon from holdlng a bandh."), 5c 5tops 1N 5botJowo by uMk. 8ooJbs ote llleqol, 1PL
lnulAn Lx8LSS, Sep. 30, 2007, hLLp://
are-lllegal/222973/0 (Accordlng Lo Lhe bench, a bandh call essenLlally paralysed publlc llfe and was vlolaLlve of
Lhe lundamenLal 8lghLs guaranLeed under ArLlcle 19 (lreedom of Speech) and ArLlcle 21 (8lghL 1o LlberLy) of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon.")
5ee e.q., SwaLl ueshpande, 5botJowo coll llleqol ooJ lo cootempt of coott, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, May 31, 2012,
courL/arLlcleshow/13681132.cms, (descrlblng a 2012 call by 8! and Shlv Sena Lo call a booJb), uotjeelloq
8ooJb uecloteJ llleqol, 72-noot ultlmotom to coll lt Off, 1PL nLW lnulAn Lx8LSS (uar[eellng/kolkaLa), Aug. 11,
2013, hLLp://[eellng-bandh-declared-lllegal-72-hour-ulLlmaLum-Lo-call-
lL-off/2013/08/11/arLlcle1729103.ece.uxaZ0nzvLgn, (descrlblng a 8 day booJb ln Lhe sLaLe of WesL 8engal),
cooqtess 1etms 8ooJb coll llleqol, 1PL Plnuu, Sep. 19, 2012, hLLp://
naLlonal/Lp-karnaLaka/congress-Lerms-bandh-call-lllegal/arLlcle3913272.ece, (descrlblng Lhe response Lo a
counLrywlde booJb call by Lhe 8! and oLhers).
Chenoy 8eporL, sopto noLe 16, SecLlon 2, P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 21
5ee Chenoy 8eporL, sopto noLe 16, SecLlon 3 (Slnce lL was clear LhaL an lmmedlaLe posL-Codhra booJb could
only lead Lo communal vlolence, Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer should have forced Lhe vP Lo wlLhdraw Lhe booJb, falllng

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


whlch he should have suppressed lL by deploylng Lhe enLlre mlghL of Lhe SLaLe and requlslLlonlng exLra forces
from ouLslde. Pe clearly falled Lo do so, and lnsLead dld Lhe very opposlLe. 8y dolng Lhls Lhe vP and Cu[araL
governmenL, ln effecL, prepared Lhe grounds for Lhe rloLs."), see olso Manas uasgupLa, 5offtoolseJ lollce 5bow
tbelt coloot, 1PL Plnuu, Mar. 3, 2002, hLLp:// (1he
pollce may noL have demonsLraLed such lmpoLency wlLhouL a LaclL approval from above whlch Lhey recelved
from Lhe rullng parLy exLendlng supporL Lo Lhe booJb call. ln such a slLuaLlon, Lhe pollce would always be
heslLanL Lo acL lesL lL hurL Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe pollLlcal bosses.")
5ee Speclal lnvesLlgaLlon 1eam, 8eporL ln Compllance Lo Lhe Crder uLd. 12.09.2011 of Lhe Pon'ble Supreme
CourL of lndla ln Lhe ComplalnL uLd. 08.06.2006 of SmL. !akla naslm Ahesan !afrl, 29, [betelooftet Sl1 !afrl
Closure 8eporL"], ovolloble ot hLLp://www.c[,
(reporLlng 8haLL's LesLlmony LhaL [Mr. Modl had] lmpressed upon Lhe gaLherlng . . . 'LhaL for Loo long Lhe
Cu[araL ollce had been followlng Lhe prlnclple of balanclng Lhe acLlons agalnsL Lhe Plndus and Musllms whlle
deallng wlLh Lhe communal rloLs ln Cu[araL. 1hls Llme Lhe slLuaLlon warranLed LhaL Lhe Musllms be LaughL a
lesson Lo ensure LhaL such lncldenLs do noL recur ever agaln. 1he Chlef MlnlsLer Shrl narendra Modl expressed
Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe emoLlons were runnlng very hlgh amongsL Lhe Plndus and lL was lmperaLlve LhaL Lhey be
allowed Lo venL ouL Lhelr anger'"), 5ee olso Ashlsh kheLan, 5eolot ll5 Offlcet 5oojeev 8bott AttesteJ lo
AbmeJoboJ, 1LPLLkA, vol. 8:7, leb. 19, 2011,
hLLp:// (reporLlng Lhe exacL
lncendlary words" LhaL Mr. Modl allegedly spoke: [L]here ls a loL of anger ln Lhe people. 1hls Llme a balanced
approach agalnsL Plndus and Musllms wlll noL work. lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe anger of Lhe people ls allowed Lo be
venLed"), 8a[u 8amachandran, 8eporL by Lhe Amlcos cotloe uaLed 23.07.2011 SubmlLLed ursuanL Lo Lhe Crder
of 1hls Pon'ble CourL uaLed 03.03.2011, 7, [betelooftet Amlcus Curlae reporL"] ovolloble ot
5ee Ashlsh kheLan, 5eolot ll5 Offlcet 5oojeev 8bott AttesteJ lo AbmeJoboJ, sopto noLe 43 (descrlblng an
undercover lnvesLlgaLlon conducLed by 1ehelka, ln whlch Codhra 8! [Member of Lhe sLaLe LeglslaLlve
Assembly] and [] rabld 8a[rang ual leader, Paresh 8haLL [] Lold [Lhe reporLer of Lhe arLlcle] . . . LhaL Modl had
glven rloLers approval Lo run amok for Lhree days," and LhaL Arvlnd andya, Lhe Modl governmenL's speclal
prosecuLor ln Lhe !usLlce nanavaLl-Shah Commlsslon, was also capLured on a spy-cam saylng lL was Modl's
sLrong leadershlp LhaL had made Lhe posL-Codhra pogrom posslble.")
5ee lJ., (descrlblng: (1) LesLlmony LhaL former 8! MLA Paren andya had allegedly made on May 13, 2002
before Lwo reLlred [udges chalrlng Lhe Concerned ClLlzens 1rlbunal, LhaL he had aLLended a meeLlng on 27
lebruary 2002 nlghL aL Lhe resldence of Modl ln whlch Lhe laLLer had made lL clear LhaL should Lhere be a
backlash from Lhe Plndus Lhe pollce should noL come ln Lhelr way,")
5ee Manas uasgupLa, 5offtoolseJ pollce sbow tbelt coloot, sopto noLe 42, (lnslders ln Lhe 8! admlL LhaL Lhe
pollce were under lnsLrucLlons from Lhe narendra Modl admlnlsLraLlon noL Lo acL flrmly").
Amlcus Curlae reporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 7.
Amlcus Curlae reporL, supra, noLe 43, aL 4.
5ee lofto, Ln 130.
P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 21 (clLlng, ln fn. 30, 1lme lloe, PlnuuS1An 1lMLS, Mar. 3, 2002), see olso Ashlsh
kheLan, xcloslve. neoJlloes 1oJoy ltobe keveols Cojotot klots wete Not 5pootooeoos ooJ 5oJJeo, lnulA 1CuA?,
Apr. 13, 2013, [betelooftet Ashlsh kheLan - Communlques] hLLp://lndlaLoday.lnLoday.ln/sLory/gu[araL-rloLs-
2002-godhra-sudden-sponLaneous-backlash-franLlc-pollce-warnlngs-lgnored/1/262413.hLml (clLlng numerous
leaked SLaLe lnLelllgence 8ureau lax Messages senL from around Cu[araL Lo Lhe cenLral pollce offlces ln

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

Ahmedabad and Chandlnagar deLalllng paLLerns of lncendlary speeches by vP or oLher sooqb potlvot acLlvlsLs,
followed by ouLbursL of mob vlolence, as early as Lhe afLernoon of lebruary 27, 2002).
5ee Ashlsh kheLan - Communlques, sopto noLe 30, see olso Mrs. Zakla Ahsan !afrl vs. Mr. narendra Modl &
CLhers, 8C1LS1 L1l1lCn Cn 1PL CCMLAln1 uA1Lu 8.6.2006 Anu ACAlnS1 1PL llnAL 8LC81 Cl 1PL SLClAL lnvLS1lCA1lCn
1LAM uA1Lu 8.2.2012, arL l & ll, 44-30, ovolloble ot
hLLp://www.c[, [betelooftet !afrl roLesL
eLlLlon"], (alleglng LhaL Mr. Modl auLhorlzed aLel Lo LransporL Lhe bodles by road from Cohra Lo Ahmedabad,
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe facL LhaL Mr. aLel had no auLhorlLy Lo handle Lhe bodles or mange Lhelr auLopsles and
5opto, noLe 31.
5ee Ashlsh kheLan - Communlques, sopto noLe 30.
Cojotot klots. wltoess 5oys lotel, koJoool lostlqoteJ Mob, ZnLWS, Mar. 13, 2010,
LLLC1lCn CCMMlSSlCn Cl lnulA, ress noLe: Ceneral LlecLlons Lo Lhe Cu[araL LeglslaLlve Assembly, no.
LCl/n/33/2002/MCS, Aug. 16, 2002, 13, ovolloble ot
lJ., see olso CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL l, sopto noLe 9, ot 19 (esLlmaLlng 16 serlously affecLed provlnces).
see CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 26 (lrom Lhe evldence placed before us lL ls clear LhaL
sLarLlng from lebruary 28, wlLhln Lhe flrsL 72 hours, even as Shrl Modl clalmed Lhe slLuaLlon Lo be under
conLrol, Lhere was unprecedenLed loss of llfe and properLy. 1hereafLer, vlolence conLlnued ln 3-4 dlsLlncL sLages
rlghL up Lo mld-May"), P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 21.
P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 22 (uozens of wlLnesses lnLervlewed by Puman 8lghLs WaLch descrlbed almosL
ldenLlcal operaLlons.").
lJ., see olso CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL l, sopto noLe 9, ot 19-20.
5ee CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 44-7.
lJ., ot 48-30, P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 31.
CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 38-43, P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 27-29.
CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 23-26, P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 30-31, see olso 8adha Sharma,
and San[ay andey, Mob Almost wlpes oot locollty, ketoto fot Mote, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (uelhl), Mar. 2, 2002,
('A mob sLormed our house and pulled me and my parenLs ouL. 1hey doused us wlLh peLrol and seL us ablaze.
My parenLs are dead and see whaL Lhey have done Lo me,' sobbed 13-year old Shah !ahan, a resldenL of
nooranl Mas[ld ln naroda-aLla, her face drlpplng ln blood.")
Colbetq 5oclety klot ueotb 1oll oow 69, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, May 19, 2009,
5ee SluuPA81P, 1PL MAklnC Cl A 18ACLu?, sopto noLe 10, ot 140.
5ee lJ., ot 140-44, see olso l 5ow nlm 5ttlppeJ, cboppeJ Off ooJ tbeo 8otot Allve, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS
(Ahmedabad), 3, CcL. 23, 2010 (Zakla !afrl LesLlmony, esLlmaLlng Lhe mob aL 3000 sLrong), losteoJ of 5eoJloq
nelp, MoJl AboseJ Ioftl, Colbotq klot 5otvlvot 1ells coott, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8, 2, nov. 3, 2009 (lmLlaz aLhan
LesLlmony, esLlmaLlng Lhe mob aL 4000 sLrong).

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


5ee Ioftl noJ colleJ op AJvool, MoJl. Colbotq wltoess, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8, 7, uec. 16, 2009 (Salrabanu Sallm
Sandhl LesLlmony, alleglng LhaL Lhsan !afrl called Lk Advanl-Lhen Pome MlnlsLer of Cu[araL, Mr. Modl,
Amarslnh Chaudhary-former Chlef MlnlsLer of Cu[araL, Congress arLy, and 8adruddln Shelkh-leader of
Ahmedabad Congress arLy for help, buL none of Lhem responded), 5ee llnAL SCLu1lCn (8akesh Sharma, ulr
2004) (lnLervlewlng wlLness who clalms Mr. !afrl also called Ahmed aLel (senlor naLlonal-level Congress
pollLlclan), as well as senL a fax Lo uelhl"), Aootbet klot wltoess 5oys Ioffety noJ colleJ op MoJl, 1PL LCCnCMlC
1lMLS, 2, nov. 11, 2009 (8oopa Mody LesLlmony), 'wbeo Ioftl colleJ MoJl fot nelp uotloq klots, cM AboseJ
nlm,' 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad), 3, nov. 3, 2009 (lmLlaz Saeed khan aLhan LesLlmony), P8W 2002, sopto
noLe 14, ot 18. losteoJ of 5eoJloq nelp, MoJl AboseJ Ioftl, Colbotq klot 5otvlvot 1ells coott, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8,
2, nov. 3, 2009 (lmLlaz aLhan LesLlmony)
5ee lofto, Ln 130.
8ot cf. Ashlsh kheLan - Communlques, sopto noLe 30 (documenLlng, vla an analysls of leaked messages senL Lo
Lhe SLaLe lnLelllgence 8ureau headquarLers from fleld offlcers, LhaL Lhere were Lhree alerLs abouL Lhe
lmpendlng massacre aL Culberg," one aL 12:13 pm warnlng: Mob ls surroundlng Lhe place. SLrlcL waLch should
be kepL Lhere," anoLher aL 2:30 pm warnlng: Mob of 3000 rloLers has surrounded Culberg SocleLy, Lake
lmmedlaLe acLlon," and a flnal message aL 3:00 pm, reporLlng: Mob aLLacked Lhe socleLy from all sldes Lhsan
!affrl and women and chlldren burnL allve. Pouses are ablaze. Mob ls looLlng from homes.").
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Paala (pseudonym), 2013, 5ee olso wbeo Ioftl colleJ MoJl fot nelp uotloq
klots, cM AboseJ nlm, sopto noLe 67 (lmLlaz Saeed khan aLhan LesLlmony), Aootbet klot wltoess 5oys Ioffety
noJ colleJ op MoJl, sopto noLe 67, Ioftl colleJ op cops, cM fot nelp, 5oys klot 5otvlvot, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8, 11,
nov. 18, 2009 (nadlm Shelkh LesLlmony: [Mr. !afrl] sald he called up Chlef MlnlsLer narendra Modl for help,
buL Modl abused hlm lnsLead of sendlng Lhe pollce"), wltoess clolms Ioftl noJ colleJ MoJl fot nelp, 1PL ACL
(Mumbal), 6, nov. 3, 2009 (lmLlaz aLhan LesLlmony: Mr. aLhan clalmed LhaL he had asked [Mr. !afrl] abouL
whaL Mr. Modl sald, Lo whlch Lhe ex-M had replled LhaL Mr. Modl lnsLead of sendlng help had used offenslve
language wlLh hlm on phone (slc)).
5ee losteoJ of 5eoJloq nelp, MoJl AboseJ Ioftl, Colbotq klot 5otvlvot 1ells coott, sopto noLe 67 (lmLlaz aLhan
LesLlmony: 1he Lhen pollce chlef C ande and Meghanlnagar l k C Lrda came here. [Mr. !afrl] asked Lhem
for booJobost [pollce proLecLlon]. 1he cops promlsed Lo send help soon and lefL. ln a few seconds, a 4,000-
sLrong mob gaLhered ouLslde Lhe socleLy."), Ioftl colleJ op cops, cM fot nelp, 5oys klot 5otvlvot, sopto noLe 70
(nadlm Shelkh LesLlmony: when l asked [Mr. !afrl] whaL Lhey Lalked abouL, he Lold me Lhe pollce offlcers had
promlsed Lo send a blg pollce force Lo Lhe socleLy for proLecLlon. llfLeen mlnuLes afLer Lhe pollce offlcers lefL, a
mob aLLacked our socleLy.")
5ee Iofftl noJ colleJ op AJvool, MoJl. Colbotq wltoess sopto noLe 67, (Cn LhaL day, she had seen !agrupslnh
8a[puL, former [8!] depuLy mayor, and Meghslnh Chaudhary, a local [vP] leader, lnsLlgaLlng Lhe mobs Lo
aLLack us"), P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 18.
5ee lollce AskeJ klllets to look fot Azbot. kopo MoJy, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4, nov. 11, 2009, (8upa
Mody LesLlmony: Mody had furLher sLaLed LhaL she had seen 4 Lo 3 naked bodles lylng ln Lhe !afrls' garden
whlle she was comlng ouL afLer Lhe pollce arrlved."), Ioftl colleJ op cops, cM fot nelp, 5oys klot 5otvlvot, sopto
noLe 70 (nadlm Shelkh LesLlmony: l saw Lakhlo and Lala ?ogendra raplng Sal[ldabano and Lhe unknown
5ee cbotqe to be llleJ lo NotoJo lotlo cose,, !un. 4, 2002,
hLLp://[un/04Lraln1.hLm (reference Lo charge sheeL belng lssued Lhe day before ln
Culberg SocleLy case). 5ee olso Mano[ MlLLa, 1wo eots oo, Cojotot klot coses 5tlll utoqqloq, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(new uelhl), 9, uec. 31, 2003.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

5ee Ioftl noJ colleJ cM fot nelp lotzoolo Motbet 1ells coott, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8, 10, nov. 11, 2009 (8upa Mody
LesLlmony: 8upa also alleged LhaL Lhe pollcemen goL her Lo change her sLaLemenL before Lhe nanavaLl
Commlsslon. '1he pollcemen Lold me LhaL lf l Lold Lhe panel LhaL Lhey had arrlved Lo help us before 3 pm, Lhey
wll flnd my chlld. l LrusLed Lhem and dld whaL Lhey asked,' she sald.").
5ee Colbetq Mossocte cose. key wltoess nlots ot 1ompetloq of vlJeoce, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 1, nov.
18, 2009 (Saeedkhan aLhan LesLlmony: aL Lhe Llme of leavlng Lhe socleLy, when Lhe pollce had Laken conLrol
of Lhe Culberg SocleLy, he had seen many bodles lylng around and he could ldenLlfy many of Lhem. . . . aLhan
sald. . . [o]n March 2, Lhey were asked by Lhe camp auLhorlLles Lo go Lo Lhe graveyard Lo ldenLlfy bodles
recovered from Culberg SocleLy. 'l dld noL go Lhere due Lo lll healLh, buL my son, lmLlaz, had gone Lhere. Pe Lold
me LhaL when we had lefL Culberg SocleLy, Lhe bodles were qulLe ldenLlflable. 8uL Lhe bodles broughL Lo Lhe
graveyard were charred and unldenLlflable.")
31 Accused ln Ambasana 8loL AcqulLLed-1rlal ln Culbarg SocleLy 8loL Case Also 8egan WlLh lramlng of Charges,
APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 (page and daLe unknown), see olso Culbarg Accused ChargesheeLed, unA (SaLurday-
Ahmedabad) 3, uec. 13, 2008.
5ee 1tlol 8eqlos lo Colbetq Mossocte cose, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad), 1, May 13, 2009, 5eveo eots oo,
Colbotq Mossocte 1tlol 8eqlos, 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), 1, May 13, 2009.
1he Cu[araL Plgh CourL on Aug. 3, 2010, ruled LhaL Lhe wlLnesses' advocaLe would no longer be able Lo address
Lhe courL Jltectly (as S.M. vora had done up Lo LhaL polnL), buL raLher only Lhrough Lhe publlc prosecuLors. 1he
rullng applled noL only Lo Lhe Culberg SocleLy case (where wlLnesses up Lo LhaL polnL had en[oyed
represenLaLlon), buL also Lo Lhe naroda aLla and naroda Cam cases, where wlLnesses had up Lo LhaL polnL noL
been allowed Lo have legal represenLaLlon. klot coses. wltoesses AlloweJ to nlte lowyets, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad) 4, Aug. 6, 2010.
5ee, e.q., wltoesses coll 1tlol IoJqe 8loseJ, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, !an. 26, 2010 (WlLnesses clLed
varlous lnsLances from Lhe Lrlal proceedlngs ln Lhelr allegaLlons agalnsL !oshl. 1hey have sald LhaL !oshl has pre-
[udged Lhe auLhenLlclLy of Lhelr deposlLlons and so Lhey have no hope of geLLlng any [usLlce from hls courL. . . .
[1hey] also sald LhaL !oshl has been LreaLlng Lhe wlLnesses worse Lhan even Lhe accused."), klot cose IoJqe
8loseJ, unA (SaLurday-Ahmedabad), 4, Mar. 6, 2010 ([1]he [udge has been blaLanLly aggresslve and blased
Lowards eye-wlLnesses."), Colbetq 5oclety Mossocte. wltoesses Accose IoJqe of 8los, 5eek 1toosfet of cose, 1PL
lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, Mar. 3, 2010, cootts Apptoocb uofolt, 5oy Colbotq Mossocte wltoesses,
APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 6, !an. 12, 2010, IoJqe kemotks Mlffs Colbotq wltoesses, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3,
!an. 12, 2010, Colbetq klots. 7 yewltoesses coll 1tlol coott 8loseJ, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 1, !an. 12,
5ee sopto noLe 81.
5ee nlkun[ Sonl, wby Colbotq wos Ooly cose ne Oolt lo 46 ts, unA (Sunday-Ahmedabad) 4, Mar. 14, 2010
(Shah and 8haLL reslgned allegedly due Lo non-cooperaLlon of Lhe offlcers of Lhe Sl1 and blased approach of
Lhe [udge."), lowyets lettet 8lomes IoJqe, 5l1 fot Oolttloq Colbotq 1tlol, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4,
Mar. 11, 2010.
lowyets lettet 8lomes IoJqe, 5l1 fot Oolttloq Colbotq 1tlol, sopto noLe 83.
5c 5toys Colbotq ltobe, 5eeks kepott ftom 5l1 oo Alleqotloos, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 1, Mar. 16, 2010.
Covt Appolots New ll fot Colbotq klots cose, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, !un. 23, 2010, 5tote Appolots
5peclol lobllc ltosecotot lo Colbetq cose, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 4, !un. 23, 2010.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


5ee nc kejects lleo to cbooqe IoJqe lo Colbotq Mossocte cose, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, !ul. 30, 2010.
5ee olso IoJqe kefoses to 5toy Colbotq 1tlol, unA (Ahmedabad) 4, leb. 2, 2010 (deLalllng !udge !oshl's refusal
Lo sLay Lhe Lrlal pendlng Lhe Plgh CourL's declslon regardlng wlLnesses' efforLs Lo have hlm removed as
presldlng [udge ln Lhe Culberg Lrlal).
Colbotq cose Cets New IoJqe, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), leb. 12, 2011,
Colbetq cose. ueslqooteJ coott IoJqe ketltes, No 5occessot NomeJ, 8uSlnLSS S1AnuA8u, SepL. 1, 2013,
lJ. (1he case, whlch had aLLracLed naLlonwlde aLLenLlon, ls ln Lhe lasL sLage of compleLlon as hearlng of flnal
argumenLs from boLh defence and prosecuLlon ls over. WlLh uhandha's reLlremenL, Lhe new [udge may have Lo
hear flnal argumenLs from all Lhe parLles agaln.").
5ee uemooJ fot locloJloq 1op cop os AccoseJ, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, uec. 24, 2009.
lJ., see olso Colbotq cose. nc 5oys oo to Mokloq 1ooJoo AccoseJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4, leb. 23,
8oshan kumar, 1ooJoo coot be MoJe AccoseJ. 5l1 to coott, unA (Ahmedabad) 4, !an. 7, 2010. 5ee olso coott
Notlce to Iloqot lo Colbotq Mossocte cose, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, !an. 19, 2010 ([L]ack of evldence, allbl and
deaLh of one of Lhe elghL accused have been menLloned as Lhe reasons why Lhey cannoL be arralgned as
Colbotq cose. nc 5oys oo to Mokloq 1ooJoo AccoseJ, sopto noLe 92, Colbetq Mossocte. nc 1otos uowo lleo fot
Nomloq cops os AccoseJ, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 23, 2010 (no charges flled agalnsL former
!olnL Commlssloner of Ahmedabad M k 1andon and Lhe Lhen lnspecLor of Meghanlnagar pollce sLaLlon n u
armar"), nc kejects lleo to Attolqo lotmet Jy Moyot, 2 Otbets, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 2, Sep. 11,
2010 (no charges flled agalnsL former depuLy mayor !agrupslnh 8a[puL, Manlsh Splendor and Mahendra
Colbetq klot. coott OtJets to Nome MotwoJl os AccoseJ, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 9, 2010,
([olnlng 8abu Marwadl), Colbotq cose. coott AJmlts lleo oo Nomloq coostoble os AccoseJ, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8
3, !an. 19, 2010 ([olnlng 8a[esh !ln[ar, pollce consLable), coott Notlce to Iloqot lo Colbotq Mossocte cose, sopto
noLe 93.
5ee Manas uasgupLa, lleo to Attolqo loot lollce Offlcets os AccoseJ lo Colbetq cose, 1PL Plnuu, May 14, 2011,
5ee Manas uasgupLa, 5l1 Clves cleoo cblt to loot lotmet lollce Offlcets lo Colbetq cose, 1PL Plnuu, May 28,
2011, hLLp://
ln-gulberg-case/arLlcle2036069.ece, Colbetq. coott woot otettolo lleo to coll lo x-cops os AccoseJ, 1PL
lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad), !un. 1, 2011, hLLp://
Colbotq wltoesses utqe coott to coll loot 1op cops, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, CcL. 4, 2011.
5l1 kefoses to ltoJoce Colbetq llle lo 1tlol coott, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, CcL. 19, 2011
5l1 nlJloq vlJeoce to ltotect lolltlcloos, unA (Ahmedabad) 4, nov. 13, 2011 (quoLlng S.M.vohra, lawyer
represenLlng vlcLlms' lnLeresLs ln Lhe Culberg SocleLy case).
See Colbotq cose. 5peclol coott kejects lleo to 5toy 1tlol, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, nov. 19, 2011.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

See Colbetq klot vlctlm Moves nc fot 5toy oo 1tlol ltoceeJloqs, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, uec. 22,
2011, coott kefoses to 5toy Colbetq 5oclety 1tlol, 1PL Plnuu 10, uec. 30, 2011.
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 301-04, (descrlblng Lhe naroda ollce SLaLlon area as an area of
Ahmedabad wlLh approxlmaLely 430,000 persons, abouL 4.44 of whom were Musllm, and furLher descrlblng
mosL of Lhose wlLnesses who LesLlfled ln Lhe naroda aLla case as concenLraLlng on Lhelr llvellhood and famlly
more Lhan anyLhlng else.")
lJ., ot 13.
5ee NotoJo lotlo wltoess Accoses cops of lottlol 1teotmeot, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, May 26, 2010,
(8ashlrkhan Mansurl LesLlmony uurlng hls deposlLlon, Mansurl ldenLlfled former sLaLe mlnlsLer Maya kodnanl,
8lpln anchal and Suresh Langda [arresLed CcLober 2012 ln MaharashLra afLer fleelng [usLlce]. narraLlng whaL
he wlLnessed on lebruary 28 mornlng aL aLla, Lhe wlLness sald LhaL a mob had gaLhered near naLra[ PoLel and
kodnanl came and addressed pollce personnel ln Lhe mornlng. lmmedlaLely afLer she lefL Lhe spoL, pollcemen
opened flre agalnsL Musllms. Pe sald LhaL he saw Lwo persons becomlng vlcLlms of pollce flrlng, ln whlch he
also susLalned ln[urles on hls lefL shoulder."), NotoJo wltoess ueposes Aqolost koJoool, unA (Ahmedabad), 3,
May 26, 2010, (8ashlr khan nanhe khan Mansurl LesLlmony: Mansurl ln hls deposlLlon also sald LhaL whlle he
was sLandlng near Lhe spoL, he saw Maya 8en kodnanl reachlng Lhere and afLer Lalklng Lo pollce who were
already deployed aL Lhe place, she lefL Lhe spoL. MlnuLes laLer kodnanl lefL (slc), Lhe pollce aL Lhe slLe sLarLed
flrlng ln Lhe alr. AL Lhe same Llme, one 8lpln AuLowallah sLarLed flrlng on Lhe Musllm mob wlLh hls revolver and
a Suresh Langda, began pelLlng sLones. Mansurl sLaLed LhaL ln Lhe flrlng, Maksood dled on Lhe spoL from bulleL
ln[urles whlle he and anoLher person, Abld, susLalned severe wounds."), koJoool noJ llteJ ltom net kevolvet,
unA, !an. 21, 2010, ovolloble ot hLLp://c[[araL1rlals/presscllp/dna210110.hLm (Amlnaben Abbas
8hel 8allf LesLlmony: Amlna, who ldenLlfled kodnanl and 8lpln AuLowallah who were presenL ln Lhe courL,
charged Lhem of lnclLlng Lhe mob and flrlng from Lhelr guns. . . . Cn lebruary 28. . . an armed mob had
assembled near naLra[ PoLel and was shouLlng slogans agalnsL Lhe mlnorlLy communlLy. Amlna. . . was sLandlng
near naLra[ PoLel when she noLlced kodnanl lnclLe Lhe mob Lo LargeL her communlLy."), NotoJo lotlyo klot.
yewltoess lJeotlfles koJoool, 4 Otbets, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) Mar. 24, 2010, (Mohammed Sallm
Shelkh LesLlmony: AfLer a whlle, Shelkh came ouL of Lhe house Lo ascerLaln lf Lhere was any danger. AL LhaL
Llme, he saw kodnanl Lalklng Lo pollcemen. She was wearlng a whlLe sarl and a saffron scarf, he sald."), NotoJo
klots. wltoess lJeotlfles Moyo, IolJeep, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) Mar. 13, 2010, (Alyub Lalumlya Cureshl
koJoool boJ llteJ ltom net kevolvet, sopto noLe 103, (Amlnaben Abbas 8hel 8allf LesLlmony: [kodnanl] also
asked Lhem Lo damage nooranl Mas[ld").
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 768 (clLlng lnLervlew recorded by W 322 wlLh A-21: Mayaben. . .
sald, 'klll Lhem. l am and wlll be wlLh you always. ?ou wlll always have my backlng.'")
koJoool boJ llteJ ltom net kevolvet, sopto noLe 103, (Amlnaben Abbas 8hel 8allf LesLlmony: LaLer, kodnanl
flred from her gun LargeLlng aL Lhe mlnorlLy communlLy and lefL Lhe spoL.")
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34 ot 1937-69. 5ee olso Manas uasgupLa, x-8Il Mlolstet Amooq J2
coovlcteJ of NotoJo-lotlyo Mossocte, 1PL Plnuu (Ahmedabad), Aug. 30, 2012,
8oshan kumar, NotoJo lotlo vlctlm 8teoks uowo lo coott, unA (Ahmedabad), 4, May 28, 2010, (8aflqan 8ano
LesLlmony: When Lhe slLuaLlon worsened ln he afLernoon, 8ano, along wlLh her chlldren and oLher Musllm
members, lefL Lhelr house Lo Lake refuge ln Lhe nearby S8 quarLers. Powever, desplLe pleadlng wlLh Lhe S8
securlLy, 8ano and Lhe oLher Musllms were noL allowed Lo enLer Lhe quarLers. As Lhe group moved Lowards Lhe

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


CoplnaLh socleLy, Lhey were aLLacked by rloLers armed wlLh sharp weapons, peLrol bombs, and oLher
lnflammable maLerlal. 8ano recounLed LhaL a mob led by Cuddu Chhara [deceased as of november 2012] and
1lnyo MaraLhl [ln prlson 08.19.2003 and subsequenLly found gullLy of murder], also responslble for kllllng her
daughLers, forced her son Samsad Lo consume peLrol and Lhen Lhrew hlm lnLo Lhe flre."), 1bey 8otot my klJs
Allve. NotoJo lotlo klots wltoess 1ells 5peclol coott, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), 4 May 28, 2010, (referrlng
also Lo 8aflqan 8ano LesLlmony: We were Lold by S8 personnel LhaL Lhere were orders Lo klll us, [8ano] Lold
Lhe courL"), see olso x-uCl lots 5kl Offlcet lo uock fot NotoJo Mossocte, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, (Ahmedabad),
leb. 3, 2012, hLLp://
massacre/. 5ee olso Mosllm cops AlloweJ NotoJo lotlo to noppeo, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), leb. 3,
2012 (reporLlng sLaLemenL Lo Lhe Sl1 by reLlred uC and Lhen Chlef of S8l, 8.8. Sreekumarhow how Lwo
Musllm pollce offlcers (khurshld Ahamed and hls subordlnaLe Cureshl), allegedly def[led] hls lnsLrucLlons and
dld noL allow Lhe naroda aLla vlcLlms Lo enLer S8 quarLers. . . . [l]ollowlng Lhls lncldenL, Lhe [] offlcers were
glven speclal favours by Lhe sLaLe governmenL.").
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 246-47, 333-730 (27 of Lhe 62 defendanLs LhaL were sLlll llvlng ln 2011
were charged as belng parLy Lo Lhls consplracy under 120(8) of Lhe lndlan enal Code).
5ee lofto, noLes 131-138 and accompanylng LexL. lndeed, some of Lhe survlvor LesLlmony aL Lhe Lrlal seemed Lo
supporL Lhls laLLer consplraLorlal Lheory, alleglng LhaL Lhere had been lncldenLs ln naroda aLla prlor Lo Lhe
2002 rloLs where 5ooqb lotlvot acLlvlsLs had hlnLed of an lmmlnenL revenge aLLack. 5ee lotlo wltoess lJeotlfles
koJoool, unA (Ahmedabad), 3, Mar. 23, 2010, (Mohammed Sallm Shelkh LesLlmony: WlLness Mohammed
Sallm Shelkh sald LhaL ln 2001, Lhe 8! and oLher 5ooqb lotlvot organlzaLlons had glven booJb call ln
Ahmedabad proLesLlng agalnsL Lhe kllllng of kashmlrl andlLs ln Lhe !&k valley. Cn Lhe day of Lhe booJb call he
was sLandlng near Amba[l Mandlr aL naroda aLlya when Lwo persons approached hlm and sald LhaL Lhey
wanLed Lo Lake revenge for Lhe kashmlrl andlL kllllngs. Powerver, klshan koranl, who was one of Lhe Lwo
persons, sald LhaL Lhe Llme was noL approprlaLe for revenge and asked Lo walL and waLch for developmenLs.")
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 246, 749.
5ee e.q., naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 326 (ln [a] nuLshell, Lhe prevlous lnvesLlgaLlon or say Lhe
lnvesLlgaLlon unLll Sl1 Look over, ls noL dependable, noL rellable, noL keeplng Lhe falLhful record, was prepared
ln panlc condlLlon and was ln Lhe lmpacL of fear ln Lhe mlnds and hearLs of Lhe vlcLlms eLc."), see olso NotoJo
cbotqe-5beet. vlctlms 1oto lostlqotots, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 1, !un. 3, 2002, 8lq Nomes Mlssloq ltom
NotoJo-lotlo cbotqe-5beet, 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, !un. 3, 2002, NotoJo cbotqesbeet keveols loose
oJs, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Mumbal) 11, !un. 6, 2002 (descrlblng Lhe pollce narraLlve of whaL happened aL naroda
aLla as an example of Lwo communlLles clashlng wlLh each oLher, among oLher now compleLely dlscredlLed
Lheorles of whaL happened and who was responslble), SLavan uesal, NotoJo-lotlyo 1oll. lt uoesot AJJ up, 1PL
lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 1, Aug. 29, 2002, lostlqotot of NotoJo-lotlyo Mossocte nelJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad) 3, nov. 16, 2002 (one of Lhe flrsL arresLs was of a Musllm man whom pollce accused of lnsLlgaLlng
Lhe naroda aLla massacre by allegedly kldnapplng an auLorlckshaw drlver, whereupon [L]hls Lrlggered off Lhe
carnage of several members of Lhe mlnorlLy communlLy."), looel utqeJ to OtJet ltesb ltobe lo NotoJo-lotlo
cose, unA (Money-Ahmedabad) 3, SepL. 11, 2007.
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 481-333, 313 (Lhe slncerlLy, senslLlvlLy and more lmporLanLly Lhe
deslre Lo do proper lnvesLlgaLlon was mlsslng ln Lhe prevlous lnvesLlgaLors and Lhe aLLempL noL Lo lnclude
names of cerLaln accused ln Lhe crlme was consLanL and common for all Lhe prevlous lnvesLlgaLors lncludlng all
Lhe l.C. of Crlme 8ranch."), NotoJo lotlo wltoess Accoses cops of lottlol 1teotmeot, sopto noLe 103
(8ashlrkhan Mansurl LesLlmony: he narraLed how Lhe naroda pollce and Lhe clLy crlme branch offlclals dld noL

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

record Lhelr complalnL ln proper manner, and why Lhelr sLaLemenLs before Sl1 vary from Lhe ones earller
recorded" [slc]).
5ee e.q., 19 AttesteJ lo NotoJo lotlo cose, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (new uelhl) 7, Apr. 19, 2002, loceless llks 5et to
Cet closet look, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 1, May 21, 2002 (ollce are ln facL sLarLlng from scraLch wlLh
Lhe lnvesLlgaLlons looklng closely aL some of Lhe ll8s whlch, lL ls suspecLed, were deslgned Lo leL Lhe culprlLs off
Lhe hook."), 8aveen 1hukral, 2J cbotqeJ lo NotoJo lotlo cose, PlnuuS1An 1lMLS (new uelhl) 9, !un. 3, 2002, 1wo
Mote NotoJo AccoseJ lo costoJy, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, !un. 6, 2002, llve NotoJo AccoseJ lo
IoJlclol costoJy, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, !un. 8, 2002, NotoJo-lotlo cotooqe AbscooJets AskeJ to
5bow op by leb. 15, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4, leb. 7, 2003 (regardlng a courL requesL Lo slx accused Lo
show up aL courL), NotoJo-lotlyo AccoseJ Attocks cops, lojotes J, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 1, !an. 4,
2004 (regardlng Lhe arresL of Mukesh Chhara allas Cuddu), NotoJo klot AccoseJ NobbeJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 4, 2004, (regardlng Lhe arresL of Ashok 8hll), 8oshan kumar, coott lssoes wottoot Aqolost
1wo NotoJo lotlo cose AccoseJ, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, Aug. 7, 2009, NotoJo lotlo wltoess Accoses cops of
lottlol 1teotmeot, sopto noLe 103 (8ashlrkhan Mansurl LesLlmony: Lhe courL Look [wlLness 8ashlrkhan]
Mansurl's sLaLemenL on record ln whlch he narraLed how Lhe naroda pollce and Lhe clLy crlme branch offlclals
dld noL record Lhelr complalnL ln proper manner.")
NotoJo kloqleoJets lo lollce Net, lloolly, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 1, May 29, 2002 (ln whaL ls belng
Lermed as a ma[or breakLhrough ln lnvesLlgaLlons, Lhree persons sald Lo have been leaders of mobs LhaL
buLchered and burnL 86 persons aL naroda-aLla on lebruary 28 were arresLed by Lhe Crlme 8ranch ln Lhe wee
hours of 1uesday. . . . Some of Lhose arresLed [were]: 8abu 8a[rangl, admendra Slngh allas ! 8a[puL and
klshan khubchand koranl. ollce sald 8a[rangl was assoclaLed wlLh Lhe 8a[rang ual, whlle 8a[puL had llnks wlLh
Lhe vP."), J lotlvot Meo nelJ fot NotoJo klllloqs, 1PL ASlAn ACL 1, May 29, 2002.
compote tepotts of boll qtooteJ: coott Ctoots 8oll to Moyo koJoool, IoyJeep lotel lo NotoJo klot coses, 1PL
lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 1, May 20, 2009, lost-ttock coott Ctoots 8oll to 1wo klot AccoseJ, unA
(Ahmedabad) 3, !un. 23, 2009, 2 NotoJo lotlo AccoseJ CtooteJ 8oll, 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), !un. 23, 2009,
nc 8teotbet fot 8obo 8ojtooql, 8oll 5tooJs, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 4, uec. 27, 2011, wltb tepotts of boll
JeoleJ: NotoJo lotlo cose. coott kejects 8oll lleo of AccoseJ, unA (SaLurday-Ahmedabad) 6, !ul. 4, 2009,
NotoJo lotlyo klot. coott coocels 8oll of 1wo AccoseJ, (Ahmedabad) 4, nov. 7, 2009, nc ueoles 8oll to 2
NotoJo lotlo AccoseJ, 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Sunday-Ahmedabad) 6, May 23, 2010.
5ee Mano[ MlLLa, 1wo eots Oo, Cojotot klot coses 5tlll utoqqloq, supra noLe 74.
1he reporLs generaLed by Lhe pollce ln response Lo clLlzen allegaLlons of crlmlnal wrongdolng are commonly
referred Lo as llrsL lncldenL 8eporLs (ll8s"). 5ee qeoetolly Code Cf Crlmlnal rocedure, 1973, [netelooftet
CoC 1973"], Ch.xll, 134 (lnformaLlon ln cognlzable cases. (1) Lvery lnformaLlon relaLlng Lo Lhe commlsslon
of a cognlzable offence, lf glven orally Lo an offlcer ln charge of a pollce sLaLlon, shall be reduced Lo wrlLlng by
hlm or under hls dlrecLlon, and be read [o]ver Lo Lhe lnformanL, and every such lnformaLlon, wheLher glven ln
wrlLlng or reduced Lo wrlLlng as aforesald, shall be slgned by Lhe person glvlng lL, and Lhe subsLance Lhereof
shall be enLered ln a book Lo be kepL by such offlcer ln such form as Lhe SLaLe CovernmenL may prescrlbe ln Lhls
behalf. (2) A copy of Lhe lnformaLlon as recorded under sub-secLlon (1) shall be glven forLhwlLh, free of cosL, Lo
Lhe lnformanL.").
5ee 8oshan kumar, clob All coses keloteJ to NotoJo lotlo, 5oys coott, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, Sep. 14, 2009. 5ee
olso lofto p.36 for dlscusslon of omnlbus ll8s.
5ee cbotqes ltomeJ Aqolost 60 lo NotoJo lotlo Mossocte, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, CcL. 9, 2009.
5ee e.q., Covt uoc 8osts NotoJo lotlo loetos 5toty, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4, Mar. 18, 2010, 2002 klot
vlctlms mbtyo wos Not 1oto oot of womb. uoctot, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 10, Mar. 18, 2010, NotoJo wltoess

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


5oys sbe wos Not kopeJ, unA (SaLurday-Ahmedabad) 3, Aug. 28, 2010, NotoJo klot wltoess ulsowos AfflJovlt,
5oys ulJ Not 5ee Aoy kope, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, CcL. 16, 2010. 8ot see ClLlzens for !usLlce and
eace, 8eporL for Lhe CommlLLee for Lhe LllmlnaLlon of ulscrlmlnaLlon AgalnsL Women (CLuAW), 2010, 3.
hLLp://www.c[!Su8vlvC8S!unL202010_.pdf (referrlng Lo Lhe lncldenL aL naroda aLla where
a nlne monLh pregnanL woman had been Lhe vlcLlm of one of Lhe mosL bruLallzed kllllngs LhaL had come Lo
Lyplfy Lhe barbarlLy of whaL happened ln 2002. . . . LlghL years down, senlor and hlghly pald counsel for Lhe
SLaLe ln new uelhl and Cu[araL have made all ouL blds Lo clalm noL only LhaL Lhls vlle lncldenL had noL Laken
place buL worse Llll, dlscredlL human rlghLs defenders. . . for 'cooklng up sLorles llke kauserbano's kllllng.'").
5ee, e.q., klot of looqbtet lo o Ctove cose, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4, !an. 9, 2010 (Canlbhal Mansurl
LesLlmony), 8CSPAn kumar, koJoool noJ llteJ ftom bet kevolvet, unA (Ahmedabad) 4, !an. 21, 2010,
(Amlnaben Abbas 8hal 8allf LesLlmony), NotoJo klots. wltoess lJeotlfles Moyo, IolJeep, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad), Mar. 13, 2010 (Alyub Lalumlya Cureshl LesLlmony), lotlo wltoess lJeotlfles koJoool, unA
(Ahmedabad) 3, Mar. 23, 2010, (Mohammed Sallm Shelkh LesLlmony), NotoJo lotlyo klot. yewltoess lJeotlfles
koJoool, 4 Otbets, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad), Mar. 24, 2010 (Mohammed Sallm Shelkh LesLlmony),
wltoess lJeotlfles IolJeep lotel, unA (ClLy-Ahmedabad) 4, Mar. 31, 2010 (Ayum umar Mansurl LesLlmony),
NotoJo wltoess ueposes Aqolost koJoool, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, May 26, 2010 (8ashlrkhan Mansurl LesLlmony),
NotoJo lotlo wltoess Accoses cops of lottlol 1teotmeot, sopto noLe 103 (8ashlrkhan Mansurl LesLlmony), 1bey
8otot my klJs Allve. NotoJo lotlo klots wltoess 1ells 5peclol coott, sopto, noLe 103 (8aflqanbanu 8ahlmbhal
Salyed LesLlmony), 8oshan kumar, NotoJo lotlo vlctlm 8teoks uowo lo coott, unA (ClLy-Ahmedabad) 4, May
28, 2010 (8aflqan 8ano LesLlmony), now ulJ so Mooy leople 5otvlve, cops AskeJ os, unA (SaLurday-
Ahmeabad) 6, May 29, 2010,
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Lalla (pseudonym), 2013 (1he !udge was very empaLheLlc. She kepL
reassurlng me Lo speak Lo LruLh wlLhouL efear, don'L look aL Lhe accused and say whaL you have Lo say. l Lold
Lhe [udge l needed Llme. 1he [udge gave me Llme."), lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh larhlna (pseudonym),
2013, (1he [udge proLecLed us llke chlldren")
5ee, e.q., 2002 NotoJo lotlyo klot. coott kefoses cootempt ltoceeJloqs Aqolost wltoess, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS
(Ahmedabad) 3, May 28, 2010, (!udge re[ecLs defense counsel's suggesLlons LhaL one wlLness' aglLaLlon aL belng
aggresslvely cross-examlned amounLs Lo conLempL of courL: lL ls very Lough for someone Lo lose Lhree chlldren
even due Lo naLural cause (slc). 8uL here Lhe wlLness losL her chlldren ln rloLs and herself susLalned serlous
ln[urles. As such, 8aflqan's approach should be consldered ln Lhe background of Lhe facLual clrcumsLances and
should noL be consLrued as conLempLuous, Lhe [udge sald.")
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Aasmaa (pseudonym), 2013,([Cur [udge ran a more humane courLroom]
because [she] could see whaL had happened Lo Lhe women, Lhe gender vlolence. She dld a slLe vlslL Lo naroda
aLla. . . . lL ls because she ls a woman [udge and because Lhere was such greaL gender vlolence [LhaL she
undersLood us].")
5ee NotoJo lotlyo. wltoess woots lottbet ltobe, unA (Ahmedabad) 4, leb. 26, 2010, (relylng on 173(8) of Lhe
CrC ln hls peLlLlon, whlch applles Lo slLuaLlons where addlLlonal lnformaLlon perLlnenL Lo a case comes
avallable afLer Lhe case has already begun), 5l1 ltobe locomplete 5oys NotoJo wltoess, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 20, 2010, (1he appllcanL has charged Lhe Sl1 of noL dolng analysls of Lhe moblle phone
daLa conLalned ln Lhe Cu furnlshed by lS offlcer 8ahul Sharma. 1hls could have easlly proved Lhe consplracy.
Moreover, Sl1 has noL Laken any sLep agalnsL ln-charge pollce offlcers, whose negllgence led Lo Lhls
massacre."). NotoJo lotlo lovestlqotloo. vetJlct llkely oo Motcb 4, unA 7, Mar. 1, 2010, (quoLlng a lawyer
lnvolved ln Lhe peLlLlon: [L]he Sl1 and pollce had arresLed only Lhose persons who had been presenL aL Lhe
spoL durlng Lhe lncldenL or who had been named by Lhe wlLness and survlvors of Lhe case. 1here were sLlll a

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

large number of people alleged Lo be behlnd Lhe consplracy of massacre, who remalned Lo be arresLed."),
Aootbet NCO woots lottbet ltobe loto NotoJo lotlo klot 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 26, 2010.
No lottbet ltobe lo 02 NotoJo lotlo klot,' 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4, Mar. 3, 2010.
narendra Modl, SLaLemenL of Shrl narendra Modl Lo Sl1, March 27-8, 2010, 16, [betelooftet Modl Sl1
SLaLemenL"] ovolloble ot hLLp://, (1hose who have
read Lhe hlsLory of Cu[araL would deflnlLely be aware LhaL communal vlolence ln Cu[araL has a very old hlsLory.
Slnce long and even before my blrLh, Cu[araL has wlLnessed serles of lncldenLs of such communal vlolence. As
per avallable hlsLory, from 1714 Au Lo upLlll now, ln Cu[araL, Lhousands of lncldenLs of communal vlolence have
been recorded.")
5ee, e.q., 8rlef for eLlLloner, !akla n.A.P. !afrl eL. al v. SLaLe of Cu[araL eL. al, ln Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla, aL
24, 13, Mar. 3, 2008, [betelooftet 2008 !afrl Supreme CourL eLlLlon"] ovolloble ot
hLLp://www.c[!20SL20108820of20200820flnal.pdf, (1he cynlcal
subverslon of Lhe law and dellberaLe non compllance wlLh known and Llme-LesLed measured (slc) Lo malnLaln
publlc peace began prlor Lo Lhe Codhra mass arson of lebruary 27, 2002. lnLelllgence sllence or fallure, and
subsequenL lack of precauLlonary measures (lncludlng calllng ln Lhe army as a precauLlon], ln 2002, ls shocklng
and sLarLllng glven Lhe reporLed background and poLenLlal LhreaL Lo peace by Lhe provocaLlve behavlor by kar
sevaks, demonsLraLed repeaLedly ln Lhelr [ourneys Lo and from Cu[araL ln Lhe pasL (beLween 1989-2002]. ln
1992, such lncldenLs were reporLed from ale[, uahod and Codhra soon afLer Lhe 8abrl Mosque demollLlon.
WlLh Lhls hlsLory, should noL Lhe pollce have kepL sLrlcL waLch and vlgll over Lhe deparLure and reLurn of kar
sevaks, especlally when Lhe cllmaLe ln Lhe counLry was Lense and belllgerenL?"), !afrl roLesL eLlLlon, sopto
noLe 31, ot 278 (1he facL LhaL kotsevoks were expecLed [Lo pass Lhrough Codhra by Lraln] and Lhe facL LhaL
Codhra has a fraglle communal hlsLory were and are Lhemselves enough for addlLlonal precauLlonary
deploymenL."), occotJ 8.8.Sreekumar AffldavlL Lo Lhe !usLlce k.C.Shah an !usLlce nanavaLl Commlsslon, !ul. 13,
2002, ot 4-3 [betelooftet !uly 2002 Sreekumar AffldavlL], (deLalllng how Lhe Cu[araL SLaLe lnLelllgence 8ureau
had monlLored Lhe vP as Lhey recrulLed and prepared volunLeers Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe kom Mobo oqoo aL
Ayodhya, how Lhey dlssemlnaLed warnlngs Lo several key pollLlcal and pollce auLhorlLles ln Cu[araL LhaL lf Lhe
law and order slLuaLlon deLerloraLed aL Ayodhya lL would have very serlous repercusslons ln Cu[araL and lL
mlghL lead Lo severe loss of llves and properLy, as lL happened durlng Lhe rloLs ln 1992, followlng Lhe demollLlon
of Lhe 8abrl Mas[ld.").
!uly 2002 Sreekumar AffldavlL, sopto noLe 131, ot 9 21 (1he SLaLe lnLelllgence 8ureau had lnpuLs abouL Lhe
llkely repercusslons of Lhe Codhra lncldenL on 27.2.2002. Accordlngly, Lhe Sl8 had sufflclenLly alerLed all Lhe
ollce Commlssloners and SupdLs. of ollce of all ulsLrlcLs for Laklng precauLlonary sLeps Lo prevenL llkely
communal clashes ln Lhelr [urlsdlcLlon.").
5ee CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 28-30, 33-74, (1hls lmporLanL sLudy, relylng on over 1,300
lnLervlews wlLh vlcLlm-survlvors ln Lhe lmmedlaLe afLermaLh of Lhe vlolence, alleged deLalled mlllLary-sLyle
pre-plannlng" as evldenced by prlor moblllsaLlon of men and maLerlals, and an organlsaLlon ln place LhaL made
posslble Lhe sysLemaLlc and calculaLed preparaLlons LhaL preceded many of Lhe massacres.").
lJ., ot 33.
CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 36 (All Lhe lnformaLlon so gaLhered was Lo be passed on ln Lhe
form of a wrlLLen reporL LhaL was malnLalned by Lhe [more senlor vP acLlvlsL-Lralners]"), see olso Sheela 8haLL,
sopto noLe 33, see olso P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 22 (sLaLlng LhaL rloLers LargeLed Musllm properLles wlLh
compuLer prlnLouLs llsLlng Lhe addresses of Musllm famllles and Lhelr properLles, lnformaLlon obLalned from
Lhe Ahmedabad munlclpal corporaLlon among oLher sources").

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


5ee CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 33. 5ee olso Sheela 8haLL, sopto noLe 33, (lnLervlew wlLh
Chalrman of Lhe Cu[araL unlL of Lhe vP, ln whlch he conflrms LhaL a Leam of 30 lawyers had been formed Lo
provlde pro-bono legal asslsLance Lo Lhose accused of rloLlng and looLlng because Lhey belleve ln Lhe 8SS
See 8aheel uhaLLlwala, uellbetoteoess ooJ 5pootooelty lo vloleoce, 1PL Plnuu, uec. 31, 2013, ovolloble ot
8aheel uhaLLlwala and Mlchael 8lggs, 1be lolltlcol loqlc of tbolc vloleoce. 1be Aotl-Mosllm loqtom lo Cojotot,
2002, CLl1lCS Anu SCClL1?, 40:4 483-316, 304 (Musllms were mosL vulnerable where Lhe 8! had prevlously
won 33-36 percenL of Lhe voLe, lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe parLy had Lo aLLracL more voLers Lo secure vlcLory aL Lhe nexL
elecLlon. We also demonsLraLe LhaL vlolence dld lndeed boosL Lhe 8!'s voLe ln Lhe subsequenL elecLlon.") 5ee
olso SLeven Wllklnson, voLes and vlolence: LlecLoral CompeLlLlon and LLhnlc 8loLs ln lndla, (new ?ork,
Cambrldge unlverslLy ress, 2004).
5ee sopto noLes 111-113 and accompanylng LexL (descrlblng how Lhe [udge ln Lhe naroda aLla case found LhaL
a crlmlnal consplracy had been formed someLlme beLween Lhe mornlng of lebruary 27, 2002 and Lhe mornlng
of lebruary 28, 2002, when Lhe co-consplraLors ln LhaL case meL aL naroda aLla).
Sheela 8haLL, sopto noLe 33. 5ee olso Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 306, (ln dlscusslng Lhls evldence,
Lhe Sl1 sLaLed merely LhaL rofessor k.k. ShasLrl had explred" on SepL. 9, 2006, lgnorlng enLlrely Lhe
evldenLlary slgnlflcance of hls sLaLemenLs ln Lhe lmmedlaLe afLermaLh of Lhe vlolence.)
5ee, P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 23. 5ee olso Mlsose of votets llst lo Cojotot klots AlleqeJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA,
Mar. 12, 2002, hLLp://[araL-rloLs-
kamal MlLra Chenoy, vlshnu nagar, rasen[lL 8ose, vl[oo krlshnan. tbolc cleoosloq lo AbmeJoboJ. A
ptellmlooty tepott by tbe 5AnMA1 loct lloJloq 1eom to AbmeJoboJ. Mar. 10-11, 2002.
hLLp:// (PerelnafLer Chenoy eL al., tbolc cleoosloq lo
5ee P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 22, Chenoy eL al., tbolc cleoosloq lo AbmeJoboJ, sopto noLe 142.
Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 138.
5ee, e.q., llnAL SCLu1lCn, sopto noLe 67, ot mloote 17 (noLlng LhaL Lhe Army had Lo be deployed ln varlous parLs
of Cu[araL Lo curb Lhe vlolence" and LhaL vlolence ln Cu[araL conLlnued for several monLhs afLer Lhe army was
5ee P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 21 (1hough Lhe army arrlved ln Cu[araL soon afLer Lhe Codhra carnage, Lhe
sLaLe governmenL refused Lo deploy Lhe soldlers unLll LwenLy-four hours afLer Lhey arrlved and only once Lhe
worsL vlolence had ended."), ooJ !afrl roLesL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 31, ot 284-83, (deLalllng Lhe delay ln
deploylng army Lroops Lo Codhra).
5ee Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 138 (Lhe allegaLlon LhaL Lhere was an undue delay ln requlslLlon
and deploymenL of Lhe Army ls . . . noL esLabllshed.").
P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 21, see olso Ashlsh kheLan, Pere's Lhe Smoklng Cun. So Pow Come Lhe Sl1 ls
Looklng Lhe CLher Way?" 1LPLLkA vol. 8:6, leb. 12, 2011, ovolloble ot
5ee e.q., CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 62, (Lhe perlod beLween lebruary and Aprll, 2002 saw
Lhe prollferaLlon of such [haLe pamphleLs]. . . . lL ls asLoundlng LhaL no acLlon was lnlLlaLed by any wlng of Lhe

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

Cu[araL sLaLe lnLelllgence or pollce agalnsL such haLeful and lncendlary wrlLlng, nor dld Lhe [udlclary Lake soo
moto acLlon, whlch lL ls empowered Lo do.")
5ee e.q., Sheela 8haLL, sopto noLe 33, (quoLlng Cu[araL vP Chalrman, rof. keshavram kashlram ShasLrl-Lwo
weeks afLer Lhe ouLbreak of vlolence-as saylng: We don'L supporL lL. 8uL we can'L condemn lL because Lhey
are our boys. lf my daughLer does someLhlng, wlll l condemn lL? We don'L belleve LhaL Lhe boys have done
someLhlng wrong, because Lhls was Lhe resulL of an ouLbursL. 8uL we do feel LhaL Lhey should noL have gone so
far. 8uL LhaL's an afLerLhoughL. We needed Lo do someLhlng."), bot see Modl Sl1 SLaLemenL, sopto noLe 130, ot
Cs 16, 28 & 33 (ln LesLlmony Lo Lhe Sl1, Mr. Modl dlsavows havlng personally been lnvolved wlLh Lhe declslon Lo
supporL even Lhe vP-declared booJb, and lnsLead appealed Lo [Lhe] publlc Lhrough [Lhe medla] for [Lhe]
malnLenance of peace.")
P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 22.
5ee Ashlsh kheLan - Communlques, sopto noLe 30.
5ee e.q., 8oxy Cagdekar, now Ooly loot cops 5oveJ 1,200 Mosllm llves uotloq Cojotot klots, unA
(Ahmedabad), Mar. 1, 2012, hLLp://
llves-durlng-gu[araL-rloLs-1637047 (deLalllng how four pollce offlcers deLerred a mob of around 10,000
people" LhaL had allegedly planned a massacre" ln Lhe vlllage of Cln[ar, kheda dlsLrlcL, and saved 1,200
Musllms whom Lhe mob had already cornered when Lhey arrlved aL Lhe scene), see olso Ashlsh kheLan, 5eolot
ll5 Offlcet 5oojeev 8bott AttesteJ lo AbmeJoboJ, sopto noLe 43, (quoLlng San[eev 8haLL, former lndlan ollce
Servlce Cfflcer ln Ahmedabad, ln hls sLaLemenLs Lo Lhe Sl1: 1wo days afLer Lhe Codhra Lraln lncldenL, . . . l was
passlng by Saraspur area. 1o my rlghL l saw a mob Lrylng Lo demollsh a mas[ld known as Mancha Mas[ld. l Lold
my drlver Lo sLop. 1he momenL l sLepped ouL of Lhe car, Lhe mob sLarLed dlsperslng.").
P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 16.
5ee sopto, noLe 110.
lJ., ot 23-27, see olso NotoJo lotlo wltoess Accoses cops of lottlol 1teotmeot, sopto noLe 103 (8ashlrkhan
Mansurl LesLlmony: narraLlng whaL he wlLnessed on lebruary 28 mornlng aL [naroda aLla, 8ashlrkhan
Mansurl] sald LhaL a mob had gaLhered near naLra[ PoLel and kodnanl came and addressed pollce personnel ln
Lhe mornlng. lmmedlaLely afLer she lefL Lhe spoL, pollcemen opened flre agalnsL Musllms. Pe sald LhaL he saw
Lwo persons becomlng vlcLlms of pollce flrlng, ln whlch he also susLalned ln[urles on hls lefL shoulder."), see olso
llnAL SCLu1lCn, sopto noLe 67, ot mloote 13:43.
P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, 23.
5ee e.q., Cojotot lollce lotollzeJ, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, Aug. 24, 2013.
lJ., ot 33, see olso naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon rellmlnary CommenLs, 8ecommendaLlons, v, Apr. 1,
2002 (As early as Aprll 2002, Lhe naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon recommended LhaL [p]ollce desks should
be seL-up (slc) ln Lhe rellef camps Lo recelve complalnLs, record ll8s and forward Lhem Lo ollce SLaLlons havlng
5ee coott kejects lmtlozs lleo, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, nov. 6, 2009 ([lmLlaz khan] aLhan had submlLLed an
affldavlL Lo Lhe clLy pollce commlssloner and an appllcaLlon Lo Meghanlnagar [rlnclpal lnvesLlgaLor] sLaLlng
LhaL when Lhe lncldenL Look place and Lhe flrsL complaln (slc) were reglsLered, nu armar, Lhe lnvesLlgaLlng
offlcer who reglsLered Lhe complalnL, dld noL flle an ll8 ln accordance wlLh hls sLaLemenLs, and of lacunae ln
Lhe ll8." aLhan's plea Lo lnLroduce hls wrlLLen complalnLs Lo Lhe pollce proLesLlng Lhelr alLeraLlons as evldence
ln Lhe Culberg SocleLy Lrlal was re[ecLed by Lhe presldlng [udge). 5ee olso NotoJo lotlo wltoess Accoses cops of
lottlol 1teotmeot, sopto noLe 103 (8ashlrkhan Mansurl LesLlmony: 1he courL Look [wlLness 8ashlrkhan]

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


Mansurl's sLaLemenL on record ln whlch he narraLed how Lhe naroda pollce and Lhe clLy crlme branch offlclals
dld noL record Lhelr complalnL ln [Lhe] proper manner.").
P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 47, fn. 224 (clLlng 8upak Sanyal, loJloo pollce tepotts soy qovetoloq potty offlclol
ooJ nloJo ootlooollst leoJets leJ mobs, ASSCClA1Lu 8LSS, Mar. 3, 2002.)
5ee Memo to tbe Covetoot of Cojotot, Aooexote 1. kewotJ ooJ loolsbmeot, ovolloble ot
hLLp://www.c[ (wrlLLen
submlsslon Lo Covernor of Cu[araL prepared by a delegaLlon of emlnenL clLlzens of Cu[araL and Mumbal on Aug.
17, 2011, complllng aL leasL 14 lnsLances of Lhe SLaLe punlsh[lng] Lhose few offlcers who . . . performed Lhelr
duLles accordlng Lo Lhe law.") 5ee olso 8.8. Sreekumar, 5obmlssloo of AfflJovlt oo notossmeot ooJ vlctlmlzotloo
fot ueposloq 8efote tbe Iostlce C.1.Nooovotl & Iostlce k.C.5bob commlssloo, Apr. 9, 2003, 8.8. Sreekumar,
5obmlssloo of AfflJovlt oo tbe Oo-Coloq notossmeot ooJ vlctlmlzotloo fot ueposloq 8efote tbe Iostlce
C.1.Nooovotl & Iostlce k.C.5bob commlssloo, by Cojotot 5tote Covetomeot, CcL. 27, 2003.
MoJl Covetomeot Attests 5oojlv 8bott, 1PL Plnuu, CcL. 23, 2011,
hLLp://, loJlo coott 5toys 1tlol of Cojotot klots
lollcemoo, 88C, Apr. 20, 2012, hLLp://
5ee qeoetolly Cojotot klots. wblstleblowet cop kobol 5botmo cbotqesbeeteJ by MoJl Covt, nu1v, Aug. 13,
2011, hLLp://[araL-rloLs-whlsLleblower-cop-rahul-sharma-chargesheeLed-by-
modl-govL-126362, 2002 klots. 5top keveoqe Aqolost nooest Offlcets, x-Cojotot uCl 1ells MoJl, ll8S1CS1
lnulA, !an. 7, 2014, hLLp://[araL-
See 2002 klots. 5top keveoqe Aqolost nooest Offlcets, x-Cojotot uCl 1ells MoJl, sopto noLe 163, see olso
Mahesh Langa, kole of ll5 5teekomot lo xposloq Cojotot cM, PlnuuS1An 1lMLS, leb. 21, 2012,
P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 48, fn 227 (clLlng MoJl ltotects 8Il, vnl Meo, ASlAn ACL, Mar. 4, 2002, ('lL ls
pollLlcally lncorrecL Lo arresL Lhem and we are under Lremendous pressure Lo noL Lo acL agalnsL Lhem,' a Lop
pollce offlclal Lold. 1hese slx persons [lnvolved ln Lhe naroda aLla aLLacks], noLorlous for Lhelr fanaLlclsm, have
noL been arresLed by Lhe pollce so far and Lop home deparLmenL offlclals say LhaL Lhls ls because of Lhe sLaLe
governmenL's lnsLrucLlons. A senlor lndlan ollce Servlce offlclal admlLLed, 'Whlle mosL of Lhe pollcemen have
consclously avolded namlng any 8!, vP or 8a[rang ual acLlvlsL ln Lhe ll8s, some consclenLlous pollce offlclals
have done so. now Lhey are under severe pressure Lo make amends.'"), P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 13-16.
P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 47, fn 224, (quoLlng 8upak Sanyal, loJloo lollce kepotts 5oy Covetoloq lotty
Offlclol ooJ nloJo Notlooollst leoJets leJ Mobs, ASSCClA1Lu 8LSS, Mar. 3, 2002).
lJ., aL 47, fn 223, (quoLlng 8upak Sanyal, loJloo lollce kepotts 5oy Covetoloq lotty Offlclol ooJ nloJo
Notlooollst leoJets leJ Mobs, ASSCClA1Lu 8LSS, Mar. 3, 2002).
SLavan uesal, 1be llk 5toty tbot keeps cbooqloq, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, 1, 3, Sep. 18, 2002, (Cn lebruary 28 . . .
[naLwar 1apu vala,] Lhe Lhen AsslsLanL Sub-lnspecLor (ASl) of naroda pollce sLaLlon flled a llrsL lnformaLlon
8eporL (ll8 no 98/2002) afLer elghL persons were kllled and several houses and shops owned by Lhe mlnorlLy
communlLy seL ablaze by rloLers ln naroda vlllage. . . . [C]n May 6, anoLher sLaLemenL was recorded by vala . . .
[clalmlng] LhaL he dld noL ldenLlfy any of Lhe flve persons-8abu 8a[rangl, klshan koranl, ! 8a[puL, Paresh
8ohera and 8a[u Chaubal-named ln Lhe lebruary 28 ll8 as belng parL of Lhe mob whlch had aLLacked Lhe
Musllm Mohalla and oLher mlnorlLy-domlnaLed locallLles. lnsLead, ln Lhe new sLaLemenL vala sLaLed LhaL lL was

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

aL Lhe lnslsLence of Lhe Lhen Senlor ollce lnspecLor, k k Mysorewala LhaL he had slgned on Lhe ll8. . . . vala,
who was Llll Lhen an ASl, was promoLed Lo Lhe posL of ollce Sub-lnspecLor (Sl) on Aprll 3, a monLh before he
changed hls sLaLemenL. . . . Cn !uly 22, ln a sLaLemenL . . . vala wenL back on hls May 6 clalms and sLaLed LhaL
Lhe ll8 reglsLered on lebruary 28 was ln accordance wlLh whaL he had narraLed and LhaL Lhere was no
dlscrlpancles (slc) beLween whaL he had Lold and whaL was recorded. . . . Meanwhlle, ln reply Lo Lhe allegaLlons
made by vala ln hls May 6 sLaLemenL, l Mysorewala. . . has ln a sLaLemenL . . . [clalmed] LhaL he wasn'L presenL
aL Lhe naroda pollce sLaLlon when vala had reglsLered hls complalnL.")
P8W 2002 sopto noLe 14, ot 48, fn 228, (quoLlng lto-vnl offlcet to ptove wotst mossoctes, ASlAn ACL, Mar. 23,
lJ., ot 47, fn 222 (clLlng 8obln uavld and Leena Mlsra, leqol expetts feot moolpolotloo of llks, 1lMLS Cl lnulA,
Mar. 26, 2002).
!oydeep 8ay, 8u Moo Most wooteJ, 5oy cops, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 1-2, Mar. 3, 2002, (none of Lhe
13 persons named ln Lhe [Culberg SocleLy and naroda aLla cases] has been arresLed. !olnL pollce
Commlssloner M k 1andon sald Lhelr flrsL prlorlLy was resLorlng peace ln Lhe clLy, lnvesLlgaLlon would begln
laLer."). 5ee olso (wltb teqotJ to tbe Colbetq 5oclety cose), nc kejects lleo to Attolqo lotmet Jy Moyot, 2
Otbets, sopto noLe 94 (descrlblng Lhe re[ecLlon by Lhe [udge ln Lhe Culberg SocleLy case of a plea by lmlLlyaz
aLhan seeklng Lo add Lhree lndlvlduals-lncludlng former uepuLy Mayor !agrupslnh 8a[puL-as accused),
Colbetq klot. coott OtJets to Nome MotwoJl os AccoseJ, sopto noLe 93, (descrlblng Lhe courL-ordered
lncluslon of 8abu Marwadl as an accused ln LhaL case. Marwadl was one of elghL lndlvlduals wlLnesses asked Lo
be lncluded as accused), vlJeoce Ooly Aqolost coostoble lo Colbotq cose, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 7,
!an. 19, 2010, (descrlblng Lhe lncluslon of pollce consLable 8a[esh !lnger as an accused ln Lhe Culbarg SocleLy
case), Colbotq wltoesses utqe coott to coll loot 1op cops, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, CcL. 4, 2011,
(descrlblng how upon readlng Lhe Sl1's closure reporL ln Lhe !afrl case, wlLnesses ln Lhe Culbarg Case urged Lhe
courL Lo re-conslder Lhelr prevlously dlsmlssed peLlLlon Lo brlng charges agalnsL four hlgh-ranklng pollce offlcers
ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe Culbarg SocleLy case). 5ee olso (wltb teqotJ to tbe NotoJo lotlo cose) NotoJo-lotlo
cotooqe AbscooJets AskeJ to 5bow op by leb 15, sopto noLe 116, NotoJo klot AccoseJ NobbeJ, sopto noLe
116, clvll klqbts 8oJy 5obmlts wtltteo complolot to 1op cop, 5oys vnl leoJet AbetteJ klots, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS
(Ahmedabad) 1, nov. 8, 2007, (descrlblng efforLs Lo brlng charges agalnsL hlgh-level vP offlclal who was shown
Lo have been ln conLacL wlLh named accused ln Lhe naroda aLla and naroda Cam cases), NotoJo lotlo AccoseJ
NobbeJ, unA (Sunday-Ahmedabad) 3, !ul. 19, 2009. 5ee olso (wltb teqotJ to polltlcol offlce) negendar Sharma
and SLavan uesal, MoJl Covt 5oys Mlolstet leJ Mob 1bot kllleJ 95, PlnuuS1An 1lMLS (Mumbal) 1, leb. 21, 2009
(kodnanl conLlnues Lo aLLend Lo her offlclal duLles"), ueepal 1rlvedl, klot AccoseJ ls 8Il wotJ cblef, 1PL ACL
(Mumbal) 6, uec. 24, 2009 (As a reward Lo a rloL accused, Lhe Cu[araL 8! has made hulabhal vyas, one of Lhe
maln accused ln Lhe 2002 naroda vlllage massacre case, presldenL of Lhe new naroda ward 8!").
SCu1P ASlAn LCLL'S CCMMlSSlCn lC8 1PL 8lCP1S Cl MlnC8l1lLS, lnCLuulnC 1PL LxCLuuLu, sopto noLe *, ot 108
(Cenerally uallLs, lncludlng Lhose broughL ln from dlfferenL parLs of lndla upon paymenL of a meager 'salary',
commlLLed Lhe crlmes durlng Lhe rloLs. 1herefore, Lhey were Lhe ones who were caughL. SubsequenL rloLs
showed LhaL uallLs were noL so much a parL of Lhe PlnduLva fold."), see olso P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 38-61.
ComplalnL by Ms. !akla naslm Ahesan Pussaln !afrl AgalnsL Chlef MlnlsLer narendra Modl eL. al., !un. 8, 2006
[betelooftet !afrl ll8"]
2008 !afrl Supreme CourL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 131, ot 4.
lJ., ot 4.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


5ee Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 3 (hlghllghLlng Lhe lnescapable weakness of Lhe !afrl peLlLlon, by
noLlng LhaL Lhe allegaLlons are mosLly based on medla reporLs as well as oLher documenLs llke affldavlLs flled
by Shrl 8.8. Shreekumar abouL whlch she had no personal knowledge.").
!afrl roLesL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 31, ot 16 24 (over Llme, Lhe peLlLloners have supplemenLed Lhelr orlglnal
complalnL as more and more documenLs have been made publlc).
eLlLloners have submlLLed a volumlnous dossler of supporLlng evldence and documenLs Lo bolsLer Lhelr clalms
(ld., aL 22, ([Zakla !afrl's] complalnL/lnformaLlon and Lhe allegaLlons Lhereln agalnsL Lhe accused arrayed ln Lhe
sald complalnL/lnformaLlon, as Lo Lhelr compllclLy and consplracy ln Lhe commlsslon of Lhe alleged offenses, are
noL Lhe mere lpse dlxlL of Lhe complalnanL/Lhe peLlLloners."). 1hls record lnclues Lhe [udlclal record of Lhe 8esL
8akery case (see below, p. 48), Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon records of Lhe nanavaLl Shah Commlsslon of lnqulry, Lhe
records and reporL of Lhe naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon, Lhe records and reporL of Lhe Concerned ClLlzens
1rlbunal - Cu[araL 2002 (an lndependenL clvll socleLy lnlLlaLlve Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe Cu[araL vlolence), Lhe Sl1
lnvesLlgaLlon flles (whlch Ms. !afrl and her lawyers foughL Lo galn access Lo followlng Lhe Sl1's closure reporL),
and flnally Ms. !afrl's own experlence as a survlvor of Lhe massacre aL Lhe Culberg SocleLy (ld., aL 23).

5ee ClLlzens for !usLlce and eace, 1lme lloe ooJ cbtoooloqy of tbe cose,
hLLp://www.c[ (lasL vlslLed March 14, 2014).
2008 !afrl Supreme CourL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 131.
Supreme CourL of lndla-8ecord of roceedlngs, eLlLlon(s) for Speclal Leave Lo Appeal (Crl) no(s).1088/2008,
!akla naslm Ahesan & An 8. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL & Crs, Apr. 27, 2008.
Supreme CourL of lndla-8ecord of roceedlngs, eLlLlon(s) for Speclal Leave Lo Appeal (Crl) no(s).1088/2008,
!akla naslm Ahesan & An 8. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL & Crs, Mar. 3, 2008.
MAnC! Ml11A, 8ook LxLracL: uCn'1 ASk, uCn'1 1LLL, Ootlook leb. 17, 2014, avallable aL
hLLp://, [betelooftet MlLLa, uCn'1 ASk, uCn'1 1LLL]. 5ee olso
teqotJloq testlmooy by M.k. 1ooJoo (tetlteJ ll5 offlcet) befote 5l1. Colbotq klots cose. 5l1 Oolzzes 1ooJoo,
PlnuuS1An 1lMLS (new uelhl), Sep. 22, 2010, teqotJloq testlmooy by l.8. CooJlo (ll5 Offlcet) befote 5l1. Colbotq
Mossocte. 5l1 Ctllls CooJlo, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 8, Sep. 22, 2010, teqotJloq testlmooy by Moyo koJoool (8Il
MlA ooJ fotmet Mlolstet of Cojotot Covetomeot), CotJboo 2oopblo (fotmet Mo5 nome), ooJ 8obo lotel ollos
8obo 8ojtooql (fotmet leoJet of 8ojtooq uol) befote 5l1. lotmet Mlolstet Moyo koJoool OoestlooeJ by 5l1, 1PL
1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 2, Aug. 31, 2010, teqotJloq testlmooy by ltovlo 1oqoJlo (vnl leoJet) befote 5l1.
1oqoJlo llles uefomotloo Actloo oqolost 2oklo Ioftl, 5oo, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8, 6, May 16, 2010, teqotJloq
testlmooy by Nollo 8bott (fotmet Cojotot 8Il Ceoetol 5ectetoty) befote 5l1. Colbetq klots. Aftet MoJl, 5l1
5ommoos Nollo 8bott, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (vadodara) Mar. 12, 2010.
Modl Sl1 SLaLemenL, sopto noLe 130, see olso 5l1 5ommoos MoJl lo Colbotq klllloq cose, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 3,
Mar. 12, 2010, MoJl lssoeJ 5ommoos lo Colbotq cose, 1PL lCnLL8 (new uelhl) 6, Mar. 12, 2010, Colbetq cose.
MoJl Cets 5l1 5ommoos, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 1, Mar. 12, 2010, Now, MoJl wlll olso bove 5leepless
Nlqbts. 2oklo, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, Mar. 12, 2010, 5l1 5ommoos MoJl lo Iofftey MotJet opolty,
1PL Plnuu (uelhl) 1, Mar. 12, 2010, 8 eots Aftet CoJbto, low Clves MoJl o coll, unA (Ahmedabad) 1, Mar. 12,
2010, Ioftl wlJow 5peoks Aqolost MoJl, nos loltb lo Iostlce, 1PL ACL (Mumbal) 4, Mar. 12, 2010, 5l1
5ommooloq MoJl ls kelevoot, soys 5otesb Mebto, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, Mar. 19, 2010, Colbetq
klot. 5ommooloq of MoJl kelevoot, 5oys x-cM, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, Mar. 19, 2010, Manlsh
MlsLry, uet nol, AoJet Noblo, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 8, Mar. 21, 2010.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

5ee ClLlzens for !usLlce and eace, 1lme lloe ooJ cbtoooloqy of tbe cose, sopto noLe 184.
5ee now tbe cose ltoqtesseJ, unA (Ahmedabad) 1, Sep. 13, 2011.
kojo komocbooJtoo, ln Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla, Crlmlnal AppellaLe !urlsdlcLlon, Speclal Leave eLlLlon (C8L)
no. 1088 of 2008, ln Lhe MaLLer of !akla naslm Ahesan & Anr. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL & Crs., nC1L 8? 1PL AMlCuS
Cu8lAL, !an. 20, 2011, ovolloble ot hLLp://www.c[
5ee ClLlzens for !usLlce and eace, 1lme lloe ooJ cbtoooloqy of tbe cose, sopto noLe 184.
Supreme CourL of lndla-8ecord of roceedlngs, eLlLlon(s) for Speclal Leave Lo Appeal (Crl) no(s).1088/2008,
!akla naslm Ahesan & An 8. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL & Crs, May 3, 2011.
Manas uasgupLa, 5l1 lloooloq closote kepott oo MoJl, soys 5bteekomot, 1PL Plnuu (uelhl) 18, leb. 4, 2012,
klots. Actlvlsts wtlte to cIl AmlJ komots of 5l1 closote kepott. 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmeabad) 3, leb. 7, 2012.
5ee Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43.
lJ., (for example, on p. 47, wlLh regard Lo San[lv 8haLL: Shrl San[lv 8haLL, lS ls known Lo be a pollce offlcer wlLh
a dublous characLer faclng several crlmlnal cases of serlous naLure and whenever he wanLs a favour from Lhe
CovL., he creaLes a slLuaLlon whereby Lhe CovL. ls compelled Lo help hlm.")
lJ., (for example, on p. 3 of Lhe complalnL, alleglng LhaL peLlLloner had no personal knowledge" of Lhe
allegaLlons she was maklng, and LhaL Lhey were general ln naLure, mosLly based on medla reporLs as well as
oLher documenLs", on p. 16: 1he allegaLlons are vague, general and sLereoLyped and noLhlng speclflc has been
menLloned ln respecL of Lhe followlng accused persons. . .").
5ee !afrl roLesL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 31, ot 31-3, 83 (llsLlng Mr. San[lv 8haLL, Lhen uC of lnLelllgence, Mr.
Sreekumar, former lnLelllgence Cfflcer who reporLed on sLaLemenLs allegedly made Lo hlm by Mr. k.
ChakravarLl, uC of ollce, Mr. Paren andya, slnce deceased former Pome MlnlsLer, who made a sLaLemenL Lo
Lhe Concerned ClLlzens 1rlbunal abouL Lhe lebruary 27, 2002 meeLlng, and reLlred !usLlces .8. SawanL and
Suresh, former Supreme CourL !usLlces who chalred Lhe Concerned ClLlzens 1rlbunal and LesLlfled Lo Lhe Sl1
abouL andya's commenLs), 5ee olso Ashlsh kheLan, 5eolot ll5 Offlcet 5oojeev 8bott AttesteJ lo AbmeJoboJ,
sopto noLe 43 (llsLlng also corroboraLlve sLaLemenLs capLured ln an undercover lnvesLlgaLlon by Paresh 8haLL
(Codhra 8! MLA and 8a[rang ual leader) and Arvlnd andya (Cu[araL SLaLe CovernmenL's Speclal rosecuLor ln
Lhe !usLlce nanavaLl-Shah Commlsslon).
5ee Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 29, (reporLlng 8haLL's LesLlmony LhaL [Mr. Modl had] lmpressed
upon Lhe gaLherlng . . . LhaL for Loo long Lhe Cu[araL ollce had been followlng Lhe prlnclple of balanclng Lhe
acLlons agalnsL Lhe Plndus and Musllms whlle deallng wlLh Lhe communal rloLs ln Cu[araL. 1hls Llme Lhe
slLuaLlon warranLed LhaL Lhe Musllms be LaughL a lesson Lo ensure LhaL such lncldenLs do noL recur ever agaln.
1he Chlef MlnlsLer Shrl narendra Modl expressed Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe emoLlons were runnlng very hlgh amongsL
Lhe Plndus and lL was lmperaLlve LhaL Lhey be allowed Lo venL Lhelr anger"), 5ee olso Ashlsh kheLan, 5eolot ll5
Offlcet 5oojeev 8bott AttesteJ lo AbmeJoboJ, sopto noLe 43, (reporLlng Lhe exacL lncendlary words" LhaL Mr.
Modl allegedly spoke as: [L]here ls a loL of anger ln Lhe people. 1hls Llme a balanced approach agalnsL Plndus
and Musllms wlll noL work. lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe anger of Lhe people ls allowed Lo be venLed"), Amlcus Curlae
reporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 7, 5l1 cots 5bott key 1estlmooy Aqolost NoteoJto MoJl, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, Mar. 23,
2011, hLLp://
socleLy-k-g-menon, ll5 Offlcet lmpllcotes NoteoJto MoJl lo 2002 Cojotot klots, lnulA 1CuA? (new uelhl), Apr. 22,
2011, hLLp://lndlaLoday.lnLoday.ln/sLory/2002-gu[araL-rloLs-lps-offlcer-lmpllcaLes-narendra-

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43.
Amlcus Curlae reporL, sopto noLe 43.
Amlcus Curlae reporL, endnoLe 43, ot 22 (ln my oplnlon, Lhe offences whlch can be made ouL agalnsL Shrl Modl,
aL Lhls ptlmo focle sLage, are offences lotet ollo under SecLlons 133A(1)(a) & (b) [romoLlng enmlLy beLween
dlfferenL groups on grounds of rellglon, race, place of blrLh, resldence, language, eLc., and dolng acLs pre[udlclal
Lo Lhe malnLenance of harmony], 133(1)(c) [lmpuLaLlons, asserLlons pre[udlclal Lo naLlonal lnLegraLlon], 166
[ubllc servanL dlsobeylng law, wlLh lnLenL Lo cause ln[ury Lo any person], and 303(2) [SLaLemenLs concernlng
publlc mlschlef] of Lhe lC).
Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 3.
Amlcus Curlae reporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 23-7.
Supreme CourL of lndla: Crlmlnal AppellaLe !urlsdlcLlon, !akla naslm Ahesan & Anr. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL & Crs.
Crlmlnal Appeal no. 1763 of 2011, SepL. 12, 2011.
8oxy Cagdekar, 2oklo to wolt looqet fot kepott, unA (Sunday-Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 12, 2012 (Sl1 submlLLed
reporL Lo maglsLerlal courL on leb. 8, 2012 ln a sealed cover).
Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 383-341.
Compare e.g., 8a[nlsh Sharma, MoJl Cets 5l1 cleoo cblt lo Colbetq klllloq, 1PL ASlAn ACL (Mumbal) 1, Apr. 11,
2012, wlLh Clean ChlL for Modl? noL ?eL, unA (Ahmedabad) 1, Apr. 11, 2012.
Supreme courL of lndla: Crlmlnal AppellaLe !urlsdlcLlon, !akla naslm Ahesan & Anr. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL & Crs.
Crlmlnal Appeal no. 1763 of 2011, SepL. 12, 2011, sopto noLe 208, ot 7-8.
5ee 8oxy Cagdekar, 2oklo to wolt looqet fot kepott, sopto noLe 209. 1he full flle was only dellvered on March
14, 2012. 5ee 5l1 5obmlts 2oklo kepott uocomeots, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, Mar. 14, 2012.
5ee No 5l1 kepott fot Ioftl et, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 1, leb. 16, 2012 (LlecLlons ln uLLar radesh end
on March 6. Sl1 lawyer 8.S. !amuvar had asked Llme Llll March 6 Lo 8 Lo submlL all evldence"), Manas uasgupLa,
2oklo Ioftls lleo to Moke lobllc 5l1 kepott kejecteJ, 1PL Plnuu (uelhl) 8, Mar. 4, 2012, (maglsLraLe M.S. 8haLL
ruled LhaL slnce Lhe Sl1 was yeL Lo submlL lLs full reporL along wlLh Lhe accompanylng documenLs and annexure,
no acLlon was requlred on Lhe reporL aL Lhls sLage"), 2oklo Ioftl llles ltesb lleo fot Access to 5l1 kepott,
PlnuuS1An 1lMLS (new uelhl) 8, Mar. 16, 2012, (Lhe Sl1 soughL Llme Lo flle reply."), wlll 2oklo Cet kepott?
vetJlct oo Aptll 10, unA (Ahmedabad) 13, Mar. 28, 2012, (Zakla should be glven a copy of Lhe reporL only afLer
Lhe courL decldes wheLher Lo prosecuLe Lhose named ln her complalnL or close Lhe case agalnsL Lhem: Sl1's
lawyer, 8S !amuar), keol llqbt 8eqlos Now, 5oys 2oklo, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, Apr. 11, 2012 (courL
agreed Lo glve her Lhe flle), 2oklo oot Clveo key 5l1 lopets, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 1, May 11, 2012
([Zakla] ls seeklng 19 lmporLanL documenLs mlsslng from Lhe copy of relevanL documenLs" glven Lo her"), 5l1
Opposes 2oklos lleo fot Mlssloq uocomeots, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 4, May 26, 2012, 2002 klots.
coott Allows 2oklo to xomloe 5l1 uocomeots, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, May 29, 2012, 5l1 Opposes
1eestos lleo to lospect Otlqlool uocomeots, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, May 31, 2012, 5l1 ulJot 5obmlt
coll kecotJs of cMO. 1eesto, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, !un. 3, 2012, coott kejects 2oklos lleo fot 5l1s ltellmlooty
kepott, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 3, !ul. 17, 2012, Cojotot klots. 5c 8eocb kefoses to qo loto 2oklo Ioftls lleo,
PlnuuS1An 1lMLS (new uelhl) 8, uec. 11, 2012, 5l1 5opplles Mote lopets to 2oklo, 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Sunday-
Ahmedabad) 3, uec. 16, 2012.
!afrl roLesL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 31.
lJ., ot 4, 8.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

CoC 1973, sopto noLe 120, 202-4.
Supreme CourL of lndla: 1.. (Crl) nos. 194-202 of 2002, ln Lhe maLLer of naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon &
Crs. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL and oLhers and 1..(Crl.) nos.66-72 of 2004, ClLlzens for !usLlce and eace & CLhers vs.
SLaLe of Cu[araL & CLhers, Mar. 26, 2008, ot 3 (betelooftet Supreme CourL of lndla, Mar. 26, 2008") ([f]or Lhe
purposes of Lhe cases covered by Lhese dlrecLlons, Lhe Sl1 shall Lake over Lhe funcLlons of Lhe concerned ollce
SLaLlons qua lnvesLlgaLlng agencles and accordlngly exerclse powers and [urlsdlcLlon ln consonance wlLh Lhe
scheme and provlslons of Lhe Code of Crlmlnal rocedure, 1973.")
Ahmedabad MeLropollLan CourL no. 11, Zakla !afrl Case !udgmenL (uec. 26, 2013) (Cu[araLl-language declslon),
ovolloble ot hLLps://!afrl20!udgmenL2026.12.2013.ul
(1he MaglsLraLe came Lo Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhe Sl1 had noL been asked Lo lnvesLlgaLe abouL Lhe larger
consplracy and dlsbelleved Lhe LesLlmony of several lndependenL wlLnesses-all servlng pollce offlcers aL Lhe
Llme when Lhe rloLs happened (8ahul Sharma, Sreekumar, kuldlp Sharma, and San[lv 8haLL)-as well as Lhe
1ehelka sLlng operaLlon conducLed by lndependenL [ournallsL Ashlsh kheLan. 1he MaglsLraLe also refused Lo
apply Lhe Cenoclde prlnclples on Lhe ground LhaL lL was a forelgn prlnclple noL appllcable ln lndla), 5ee olso
Lngllsh-language analysls of Lhe declslon 1eesLa SeLalvad, We Wlll Soldler Cn (Zakla !afrl Case)
hLLp://[afrl-case.hLml (uec. 27, 2013).
2002 klots. 2oklo Ioftl Moves Cojotot nc Aqolost cleoo cblt to NoteoJto MoJl, ZLLnLWS, March 18, 2014,
Accordlng Lo one promlnenL blogger, by CcLober 2012 Lhere have been a LoLal of 443 convlcLlons [arlslng ouL
of Lhe Cu[araL vlolence], lncludlng 332 Plndus and 111 Musllms, accordlng Lo offlclal records." 1hls esLlmaLe
llsLed a LoLal of 30 cases, and lncluded ln lLs Lally Lhe 31 lndlvlduals who were convlcLed ln lebruary 2011 for
Lhelr role ln Lhe Codhra Lraln lncldenL. (Anonymous, Cu[araL 8loLs - 1he 1rue SLory," MyLh 21: no one was
broughL Lo [usLlce for Lhe rloLs, posLed CcL. 8, 2012, avallable aL hLLp://[
one-was-broughL-Lo-[usLlce-for-Lhe-rloLs/). A separaLe 2007 sLudy gaLherlng aggregaLe daLa on Lhe sLaLe of
crlmlnal cases opened followlng Lhe Cu[araL vlolence concluded LhaL ouL of an lnlLlal 4,232 crlmlnal cases flled,
Lhe SLaLe auLhorlLles lnlLlally closed over 2000 cases. AfLer Lhe Supreme CourL lnLervened Lo force Lhe Cu[araL
auLhorlLles Lo re-conslder Lhose lnlLlal case closures, Lhe sLaLe reopened 1,602 of Lhe prevlously closed cases,
buL laLer shuL down over 300 of Lhose cases agaln. ln laLe 2007, only 202 of Lhe cases had resulLed ln a verdlcL,
of whlch only 9 resulLed ln crlmlnal convlcLlons of any sorL, wlLh an addlLlonal 13 acqulLLals on appeal aL Lhe
Plgh CourL. (!oydeep 8ay, klot coses - Iostlce AbotteJ lo Cojotot, Cu!A8A1llLLS.nL1, nov. 6, 2007,
MlnlS18? Cl PCML AllAl8S: nA1lCnAL C8lML 8LCC8uS 8u8LAu, C8lML S1A1lS1lCS lnulA-2012, ovolloble ot
Supreme CourL of lndla, Crlmlnal AppellaLe !urlsdlcLlon, Crlmlnal Appeal nos. 446-449/2004, Zahlra Pablbulla P.
Shelkh and Anr. vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL and Crs. [betelooftet 8esL 8akery Case."]
5ee qeoetolly 8llkls cose coovlctloo uolpoe, soys c8l cooosel, PlnuuS1An 1lMLS, !an. 18, 2008, ovolloble ot
270342.aspx, S. Anand, 8llkls 8ooos 8tove llqbt, 1LPLLkA MACAZlnL, 3:4, leb 02, 2008, ovolloble ot
8esL 8akery Case, sopto noLe 224, ot 7.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


CoC 1973, sopto noLe 120, Ch.xlll, 177.
CourL Crders Cu[araL 8loL 8evlew," 88C nLWS, Aug. 17, 2004,
Al 2007 sopto noLe 3 ot 3-4.
5ee !oydeep 8ay, klot coses - Iostlce AbotteJ lo Cojotot, sopto noLe 222 (. . . buL even of Lhose [cases LhaL Lhe
Cu[araL governmenL reopened under pressure from Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla], over 300 cases have been
shuL once agaln and are noL [Lo] be reopened.").
5ee, most teceotly, P8W 2012, sopto noLe 3.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed ln 2013 (1here ls a loL of saLlsfacLlon LhaL we goL mosL of Lhe perpeLraLors."),
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh larhlna (pseudonym), 2013 (l was praylng LhaL [Lhe case would be]
resolved. l Lhanked Lhe almlghLy."), lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Lalla (pseudonym), 2013, (l am very
saLlsfled, l have some sense of securlLy").
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Aasmaa (pseudonym), 2013.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Paala (pseudonym), 2013.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Lalla (pseudonym), 2013.
5ee e.q., 2008 kooJbomel klots. 8Il MlA 5eoteoceJ to 7 eots lo Ioll, nu1v, !une 29, 2010,
(concernlng Lhe convlcLlon of a 8! Member of Lhe (Cdlsha SLaLe) LeglslaLlve Assembly over Lhe kllllng of a
ChrlsLlan ln Lhe SLaLe of Crlssa). 5ee olso, 8Il noootloq klot AccoseJ MlAs Moy 5tlt op ltesb 1tooble, 1PL Plnuu,
nov. 20, 2013, hLLp://[p-honourlng-rloL-accused-mlas-may-
sLlr-up-fresh-Lrouble/arLlcle3367732.ece (descrlblng Lhe honorlng by Lhe 8! of Lwo Members of Lhe (uLLar
radesh SLaLe) LeglslaLlve Assembly who were accused and arresLed for Lhelr alleged role ln Lhe SepLember
2013 communal rloLs ln Muzaffarnagar, uLLar radesh)
5ee e.q., uLkarsh Anand, 2002 Cojotot tlots. 5c exteoJs lotetlm boll of Moyo koJoool, lnulAn Lx8LSS (new uelhl),
leb. 13, 2014, hLLp://[araL-rloLs-sc-exLends-lnLerlm-ball-
of-maya-kodnanl/, Cojotot Mossocte AccoseJ 8obo 8ojtooql CtooteJ 1empototy 8oll, lnulA1v. leb. 22, 2014,
S. Anand, 8llkls 8ooos 8tove llqbt, sopto noLe 223.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Paala (pseudonym), 2013.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Aasmaa (pseudonym), 2013,(accordlng Lo Aasma, several organlzaLlons had
approached Lhe survlvor communlLy seeklng Lo represenL Lhem, buL [Lhey gave us] no guldance abouL Lhe
legal sysLem. [1hey would assure us LhaL Lhey] would flghL for [usLlce, buL l was noL convlnced. l dldn'L Lhlnk
Lhey were serlous abouL lL.")
lrom lnLervlews wlLnessed wlLh Aasmaa (pseudonym), 2013 (When we goL ln Louch wlLh C!, Lhey explalned
sLep by sLep whaL wlll happen, lncludlng delays ln Lhe courL.") ooJ Maanasl (pseudonym), 2013 (C! gave me
reallsLlc, sLep by sLep advlce").
lrom lnLervlews wlLnessed wlLh Lalla (pseudonym), 2013 (C! sLuck wlLh us for so long LhaL lL gave us
courage.") ooJ Aasmaa (pseudonym), 2013 (l goL a loL of courage because l found C!..").

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

5ee !afrl roLesL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 31, ot 112-7 (focuslng on Lhe alleged haLe speech appearlng ln 5ooJesb-
Cu[araL's leadlng dally newspaper), occotJ SluuPA81P, 1PL MAklnC Cl A 18ACLu?, sopto noLe 10, ot 279-J0J.
5ee SruLhl CoLLlpaLl, A coovetsotloo wltb. 2obet Ioftl, 1PL nLW ?C8k 1lMLS, Apr. 24, 2012,
hLLp://[afrl/. (quoLlng Zuber !afrl, (Lhsan !afrl's
son): l Lhlnk lndlan medla has played mosLly a poslLlve role ln keeplng Lhe lssue and sLruggle for [usLlce allve
for Lhe vlcLlms. Cu[araL governmenL would have closed all Lhe cases wlLhln monLhs lf lL weren'L for Lhe acLlvlsLs
and medla brlnglng Lhe real facLs ln fronL of Lhe people afLer Lhe rloLs."), see olso SluuPA81P, 1PL MAklnC Cl A
18ACLu?, sopto noLe 10, ot 271 (.Lhe naLlonal medla dld noL fllnch from bearlng wlLness Lo Lhe compllclLy of
Lhe rullng parLy and sLaLe admlnlsLraLlon ln Lhe vlolence. 1hls was as Lrue of Lhe Lngllsh language medla as for
much of Lhe vernacular, non-Cu[araLl press. 1he role of Lhe Sangh arlva and lLs fronL organlzaLlons llke Lhe
[vP] and 8a[rang ual also came lnLo open vlew. As evldence of Lhe orchesLraLed, LargeLed naLure of Lhe
vlolence mounLed, Lhe myLhlc, pollLlcally harmless dlscourse abouL 'rloLs' ln whlch 'Lwo communlLles' clash
made way for a new medla narraLlve ln whlch 'carnage', 'pogrom' and 'genoclde' were Lhe waLchwords. no one
wo read or waLched mosL of whaL was comlng ouL of Cu[araL durlng Lhose days should have been ln any doubL
abouL one Lhlng: 1haL Lhe vlolence dld noL sLem from 'Plndus' aLLacklng Lhe 'mlnorlLy communlLy' buL from Lhe
cotte bloocbe Lhe SLaLe gave members of Lhe rullng pollLlcal organlzaLlon Lo aLLack Musllms.").
5ee Ashlsh kheLan, 8oto Aftet keoJloq, sopto noLe 17, (AfLer Lhe lnlLlal years of ouLrage agalnsL Lhe Codhra
carnage and Lhe bloody rloLs LhaL followed, boLh Lhe naLlonal medla and opposlLlon pollLlcal parLles have
become less and less vlgllanL abouL unearLhlng Lhe facLs of whaL really happened or seeklng accounLablllLy for
lL. 1ehelka ls ofLen asked why lL pursues Lhe Cu[araL sLory so aggresslvely. ln Lhe face of Lhe sLark and
overwhelmlng evldence of foul play by Lhe SLaLe, lL ls dlfflculL Lo do oLherwlse.")
compote !afrl ll8, sopto noLe 70, ooJ roLesL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 38. 1he Sl1, ln recommendlng LhaL Lhe !afrl
case should be closed, commenLed LhaL Lhe allegaLlons ln Lhe complalnL.were. mosLly based on medla
reporLs as well as oLher documenLs llke affldavlLs." (Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43).
5opto noLe 247.
See e.g., Colbetq cose uoJetttlols oo lost lo Ioll, woot 5peeJy 1tlol ot 8oll, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3,
Aug. 2, 2012, koJoool 5peoJs 1lme lo Ioll keoJloq, unA (Ahmedabad) 2, May 7, 2009, AccoseJ Moves 5c, 5oys
uoot vlctlmlze os fot lolt 1tlol,' 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, nov. 6, 2009.
5ee e.q., SweLa 8amanu[an-ulxlL and SLavan uesal, uo yoo koow wbot lts llke to lose 19 Membets of oot
lomlly? PlnuuS1An 1lMLS (Mumbal) 9, leb. 21, 2009, 8oshan kumar, Colbotq wltoess nopes to Cet Iostlce, unA
(Ahmedabad) 3, nov. 3, 2009, 8oshan kumar, 8 eots lotet, Colbotq 5tlll nooots, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, Mar. 1,
2010, Ioftl wlJow 5peoks Aqolost MoJl, nos loltb lo Iostlce, sopto noLe 190, vlnod kumar Menon and lx nlrav
1rlvedl, l coo Clve op oot 8ooqolow llot fot ltee, SunuA? MluuA? 3, Mar. 28, 2010, l 5ow nlm 5ttlppeJ,
cboppeJ Off ooJ 1beo 8otot Allve, sopto noLe 66, u[[wala nayedu and Adam Palllday, As MoJl 8eqlos lost,
Colbetqs lost Moo 5oys wby bes 5tlll 1bete, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS 1, SepL. 17, 2011, leJ up! 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad) 2, leb. 7, 2012, eLer nazareLh, loooceoce lost, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) leb. 13, 2012,
Avlnash nalr, NotoJo lotlyo 2012. leot koles, bot nope llves, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 4, leb. 28, 2012,
uarshan uesal, lost ueptesses 1bem, bot lotote 8eckoos, 1PL Plnuu (uelhl) 11, Mar. 4, 2013.
lot o btooJet ctltlpoe of loJlos ttock tecotJ wltb teqotJ to tbe fteeJom of ptess, see 8eporLers WlLhouL
8orders, ress lreedom lndex (years 2002-2013), ovolloble ot hLLp://, ln whlch lndla's global ranklng
dropped from 80
Lo 140
beLween 2002 and 2013, see olso SukeLu MehLa, loJlos 5peecb lmpeJlmeots, 1PL
nLW ?C8k 1lMLS, Cp-Ld, leb. 3, 2013, hLLp://
5ee qeoetolly P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 60-62.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon, Sardar aLel 8havan, new uelhl (Case no. 1130/6/2001-2002), Mar. 1,
2002, hLLp://nhrc.nlc.ln/gu[raLorders.hLm, (orderlng LhaL lnqulrles wlLh Lhe Cu[araL sLaLe auLhorlLles begln).
naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon, Sardar aLel 8havan, new uelhl (Case no. 1130/6/2001-2002), Apr. 1,
2002, hLLp://nhrc.nlc.ln/gu[raLorders.hLm, (recommendlng (l) ln vlew of Lhe wldespread allegaLlons LhaL ll8s
have been poorly or wrongly recorded and LhaL lnvesLlgaLlons are belng 'lnfluenced' by exLraneous
conslderaLlons or players, Lhe Commlsslon ls of Lhe vlew LhaL Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe process has Lo be resLored. lL
Lherefore recommends Lhe enLrusLlng of cerLaln crlLlcal cases Lo Lhe C8l. 1hese lnclude Lhe cases relaLlng Lo Lhe:
Codhra lncldenL, whlch ls aL presenL belng lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe C8, Chamanpura (Culberga SocleLy) lncldenL,
naroda aLlya lncldenL, 8esL 8akery case ln vadodara, and Lhe Sadarpura case ln Mehsana dlsLrlcL.")
naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon, Sardar aLel 8havan, new uelhl (Case no. 1130/6/2001-2002), May. 31,
2002, sopto noLe 9.
See nP8C decldes Lo move Lhe Supreme CourL ln 8esL 8akery case 1ransfer appllcaLlon also moved ln respecL of
4 oLher serlous cases, nA1lCnAL PuMAn 8lCP1S CCMMlSSlCn: C8uL8S ASSLu 8? 1PL CCMMlSSlCn Cn Cu!A8A1,
5ee khushwanL Slngh, now tbe Mytb ctombles, 1PL 1LLLC8AP (CalcuLLa), CcL. 2, 2004,
P8W-2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 62.
8eporL of Lhe naLlonal Commlssoln for MlnorlLles' vlslL Lo Cu[araL, CcLober 13-17, 2006, ovolloble ot
8esL 8akery Case, sopto noLe 224.
5ecooJ klot cose 5blft, 1PL 1LLLC8AP (CalcuLLa), Aug. 7, 2004,
coott keopeos Cojotot klot coses, AL!AZLL8A, Aug. 17, 2004,
See Mano[ MlLLa, 1wo ?ears Cn, Cu[araL 8loL Cases SLlll uragglng, supra noLe 74.
Supreme CourL of lndla, Mar. 26, 2008, sopto noLe 219, (ln response Lo Lhe peLlLlon by Lhe nP8C Lo remove flve
cases from Lhe Cu[aLl courL sysLem, Lhe Supreme CourL ln 2008 creaLed Lhe Sl1, lnlLlally wlLh a mandaLe Lo
relnvesLlgaLe" seven cases: (1) Lhe Codhra cases, (2) Lhe Culberg SocleLy case, (3) Lhe naroda aLla case, (4)
Lhe Sardarpura case, (3) Lhe Cde cases, (6) Lhe naroda Caon case, and (7) Lhe ulpda uarwa[a Case.
Supreme CourL of lndla: Crlmlnal Crlglnal !urlsdlcLlon, WrlL eLlLlon (C8L). no.109 of 2003, naLlonal Puman
8lghLs eLlLlon vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL and Crs.: !udgmenL, May 1, 2009, 37 46(l) & 46(ll) [betelooftet nP8C vs.
SLaLe of Cu[araL"] (SC order for supplemenLal charge-sheeLs Lo be flled based on Lhe Sl1's lnvesLlgaLlon, along
wlLh Lhe creaLlon of slx speclal lasL 1rack CourLs" Lo Lry rloL-relaLed cases).
lJ., ot 34 42 (lL ls Lherefore dlrecLed LhaL lf a person who ls examlned as a wlLness needs proLecLlon Lo ensure
hls or her safeLy Lo depose freely ln a courL he or she shall make an appllcaLlon Lo Lhe Sl1 and Lhe Sl1 shall pass
necessary orders ln Lhe maLLer and shall Lake lnLo accounL all Lhe relevanL aspecLs and dlrecL such pollce
offlclal/offlclals as lL conslders proper Lo provlde Lhe proLecLlon Lo Lhe concerned person.").
5ee u[[wala nayudu, 5loce lts 8lttb lo 2008, 5l1 5ow Mooy 5boke-ops, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, May 13, 2012,
hLLp:// 5ee olso Ioftl
ltotest letltloo, sopto oote 51, ot 6, 11 (5opteme coott of loJlo otJet JoteJ Moy 15, 2009, otJetloq tbe

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

teplocemeot of Mt. c.8. 5otpotby, x-uCl, wbo boJ tecoseJ blmself, wltb two oew membets, oomely, Mt.
lotomvlt 5loqb, x-uCl/5peclol ultectot, c8l ooJ Mt. A.k. Molbotto, fotmet ulC, c8l)
Supreme CourL of lndla: Crlmlnal Crlglnal !urlsdlcLlon, WrlL eLlLlon (C8L). no.109 of 2003 sopto noLe 266, ot 18-
23 16-24 (drawlng lnsplraLlon from lndlan leglslaLlve acLlon, comparaLlve sLandards and pracLlces ln Lngland
& Wales, Lhe unlLed SLaLes, AusLralla, SouLh Afrlca, lLaly, Cermany and Lhe neLherlands as well as Lhe
lnLernaLlonal crlmlnal Lrlbunals (speclflcally Lhe lnLernaLlonal Crlmlnal 1rlbunal for 8wanda and Lhe
lnLernaLlonal Crlmlnal CourL), and flnally Lhe unlLed naLlons Ceneral Assembly, 8LSCLu1lCn: uLCLA8A1lCn Cl 8ASlC
8lnClLLS Cl !uS1lCL lC8 vlC1lMS Cl C8lML Anu A8uSL Cl CWL8, nov. 29, 1983, A/8LS/40/34, [betelooftet 8aslc
rlnclples of !usLlce for vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower"]. 5ee olso arLh ShasLrl, klot wltoesses qet cl5l
covet, 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, CcL. 28, 2009.
Correspondence wlLh 1eesLa SeLalvad, leb. 4, 2014 (1he Supreme CourL has lnLervened conLlnuously, ever
slnce C! flled peLlLlons based on Lhe naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon recommendaLlons ln May 2002. 1he
Supreme CourL's lnLervenLlons began ln AugusL 2003. Slnce Lhen, Lhere have been over Lwo-dozen acLlve
lnLervenLlons and orders, applylng Lhe wrlL of conLlnulng mandamus, largely and only because a group llke Lhe
C! kepL appralslng Lhe hlghesL courL of developmenLs on Lhe ground Lhrough subsLanLlaLed documenLaLlon,
maLerlal, sLaLlsLlcs, eLc.). 5ee olso P8W 2012, sopto noLe 3 (quoLlng Meenakshl Canguly, SouLh Asla dlrecLor aL
Puman 8lghLs WaLch, 1he Supreme CourL has been lndlspensable ln compelllng Lhe governmenL Lo do lLs [ob
Lo hold Lhe people responslble for Lhe Cu[araL vlolence accounLable." Canguly sald. Successful prosecuLlons of
cases moved ouLslde Cu[araL show LhaL Lhe governmenL can provlde adequaLe proLecLlon Lo vlcLlms and
wlLnesses when lL wanLs Lo.")
5ee 2002 klots. 5c 5oys coot Mooltot 1tlol oo uolly 8osls, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS 3, uec. 4, 2012 (observaLlon by
!usLlces u.k. !aln and Madan 8. Lokur: We cannoL, on a day-Lo-day basls, monlLor Lhe Lrlal ln Lhe case or
monlLor every parLlcular regardlng lmplemenLaLlon of varlous orders"). 5ee olso uoeoJloq klots ltobe ltks 5c,
1PL 1LLLC8AP, leb. 19, 2014, hLLp://[sp/naLlon/sLory_17967779.[sp ().
lnLernaLlonal CovenanL on Clvll and ollLlcal 8lghLs (lCC8), unlLed naLlons, 1reaLy Serles, vol. 999, 171, uec. 16,
unlLed naLlons Ceneral Assembly, 8esoluLlon: 8aslc rlnclples and Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and
8eparaLlon for vlcLlms of Cross vlolaLlons of lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs Law and Serlous vlolaLlons of
lnLernaLlonal PumanlLarlan Law, uec. 16, 2003, A/8LS/60/147, (betelooftet 8aslc rlnclples and Culdellnes on
Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and 8eparaLlons for vlcLlms").
lJ., ot 3.
ld., aL 3.
lJ., ot 4-3, 3.
naLlonal Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon, Sardar aLel 8havan, new uelhl (Case no. 1130/6/2001-2002), May. 31,
2002, sopto noLe 9 10. (.1he Commlsslon has [] reached Lhe deflnlLe concluslon LhaL Lhe prlnclple of 'res lpsa
loqulLur' applles ln Lhls case and LhaL Lhere was a comprehenslve fallure of Lhe SLaLe Lo proLecL Lhe
ConsLlLuLlonal rlghLs of Lhe people of Cu[araL, sLarLlng wlLh Lhe Lragedy ln Codhra on 27 lebruary 2002 and
conLlnulng wlLh Lhe vlolence LhaL ensued ln Lhe weeks LhaL followed.")
5ee sopto noLes 131-132 and accompanylng LexL.
8.8.Sreekumar AffldavlL Lo Lhe !usLlce C.1. nanavaLl & !usLlce k.C. Shah Commlsslon, CcL. 6, 2004, ooJ
8.8.Sreekumar AffldavlL Lo Lhe !usLlce C.1. nanavaLl & !usLlce Akshay MehLa Commlsslon, May 3, 2010.
8.8. Sreekumar, ln an affldavlL Lo Lhe Shah-nanavaLl Commlsslon sLaLed ln 2004 LhaL: [c]urrenLly no all-
lncluslve sLaLuLory, regulaLory and admlnlsLraLlve framework or guldellnes for sLrlcL adherence by Lhe

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


[urlsdlcLlonal offlclaldom and lLs auxlllary sLaff, for anLlclpaLlng, forewarnlng, preempLlng, prevenLlng and
conLalnlng communal, casLelsL and secLarlan vlolence and LhereafLer normallzlng / susLalnlng peace, are
avallable. 1here ls a need for lssulng comprehenslve lnsLrucLlons, by revlslng, updaLlng and embelllshlng Lhe
clrculars / lnsLrucLlons ln Lhe ollce Manuals and ln compllaLlons llke Communal eace." (8.8.Sreekumar
AffldavlL Lo Lhe !usLlce C.1. nanavaLl & !usLlce k.C. Shah Commlsslon, CcL. 6, 2004, Ln 279, 13).
8aslc rlnclples and Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and 8eparaLlons for vlcLlms, sopto noLe 273 ot 4-3, 3.
5ee Al 2007, sopto noLe 3, ot 4 (ln many cases pollce reglsLered Lhe complalnL Lhemselves, ldenLlfylng Lhe
perpeLraLors as tolo (mobs), for lnsLance 'a mob of 1-2000 people'" or an anonymous 'unruly mob'", maklng
effecLlve lnvesLlgaLlon and Lrlal vlrLually lmposslble. When lndlvldual wlLnesses of Lhe vlolence laLer approached
Lhe pollce Lo reglsLer Lhelr own complalnLs, pollce polnLed Lo Lhe exlsLlng llrsL lnformaLlon 8eporLs (ll8s) and
refused Lo Lake down lndlvldual complalnLs whlch would have deLalls of vlcLlms and accused."), P8W 2002,
sopto, oote 14, ot 48-9, clLlng lollce Not Nomloq Nomes lo llks, 1lMLS Cl lnulA, Mar. 26, 2002. (Slmllar
problems have been documenLed ln rural Cu[araL. nearly 137 persons from SabarkanLha dlsLrlcL, for example,
have reporLedly peLlLloned Lhe hlgh courL clalmlng LhaL Lhe pollce have noL flled Lhelr ll8s properly: 'Cnly cases
referrlng Lo a mob aLLack are belng reglsLered. ollce Lurn a deaf ear Lo oLhers, where Lhe perpeLraLors have
been ldenLlfled.'"), P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 13-23 (khalld noor Mohammed Shelkh losL nlne famlly
members ln Lhe massacre ln naroda aLla, lncudlng hls pregnanL LhlrLy-year-old daughLer kauser 8ano. Per
belly was cuL open and Lhe feLus was pulled ouL and hacked before she was kllled. 1hough Shelkh ls wllllng Lo
LesLlfy Lo whaL he saw, he clalms LhaL Lhe pollce refused Lo properly reglsLer hls complalnL and LhaL oLher
wlLnesses ln Lhe case are belng forced Lo back down one by one." lJ., ot 18-19), ooJ Al 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot
28-32 (ln some cases, pollce refused polnL blank Lo reglsLer complalnLs, ofLen clalmlng LhaL oLher lmporLanL
work had precedence. . . . numerous cases have been reporLed ln Lhe medla and documenLed by clvll rlghLs
groups, ln whlch pollce refused Lo Lake down names of perpeLraLors named by wlLnesses or of pollce Lelllng
complalnanLs LhaL an ll8 would only be lodged lf Lhey deleLed Lhe names of Lhe suspecLs. . . . A common
feaLure of lnadequaLely reglsLered ll8s, was Lhe omlsslon of names and numbers of vlcLlms. . . . ollce ofLen dld
noL read ouL sLaLemenLs Lo complalnanLs, leadlng ln many cases Lo complalnanLs belng unaware of Lhe
lncompleLe or dlsLorLed naLure of Lhe ll8s.").
5opto noLe 161.
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 20.
loceless llks 5et to Cet closet look, sopto noLe 116.
5ee sopto, noLe 282. 5ee olso SLavan uesal, NotoJo-lotlo 1oll. lt uoesot AJJ up, sopto noLe 114 (Pow many
were kllled aL naroda-aLlya, Lhe scene of one of Lhe blggesL massacres ln Lhe clLy, on lebruary 28? 1he offlclal
flgure ls 83. 1hls ls also Lhe flgure glven ln Lhe chargesheeL flled ln courL on !une 4. 8uL documenLs aLLached
wlLh Lhe chargesheeL lndlcaLe Lhe flgure ls 112.")
5ee sopto, noLe 282.
Sourav Mukher[ee, kellvloq nottot to kettoce klllloqs, 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, May 23, 2002, (a senlor
offlclal Lold [Lhe 1lmes news neLwork], 8econsLrucLlng Lhe scenes of crlme Lhrough eye-wlLness accounLs wlll
help prepare alr-LlghL cases agalnsL Lhe accused name ln Lhe half-baked ll8s LhaL have been handed over Lo us
more Lhan Lwo monLhs afLer Lhe vlolence.").
5ee Al 2007, sopto noLe 3, ot 6 (AcLlvlsLs have [] reporLed LhaL many of Lhe survlvors and eye wlLnesses ln Lhese
cases cannoL reLurn Lo Lhelr vlllages for fear of repercusslons and so become, refugees ln Lhelr own land."
AcLlvlsLs have also recelved reporLs of cases ln whlch Musllms have been Lold by Plndus llvlng ln Lhelr
nelghbourhood Lo drop legal cases lf Lhey wanL Lo reLurn home."), P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 13-23, (clLlng an

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

lnLervlew wlLh Lhe CommonwealLh Puman 8lghLs lnlLlaLlve, an nCC based ln uelhl, 'WlLnesses are LhreaLened
ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL ln Lhelr homes. 1hey are Lold, 'uon'L open your mouLh. 8emember lebruary 28? 1haL
wlll happen Lo you.' And Lhere's noLhlng we can do abouL lL.'"), ooJ P8W 2004, sopto noLe 3, ot 28-29
(dlscusslng LhreaLs Lo Ms. 8llkls ?akub 8asool, prlmary wlLness ln whaL ls ofLen known as Lhe 8llkls 8ano case.),
LLLC1lCn CCMMlSSlCn Cl lnulA, ress noLe: Ceneral LlecLlons Lo Lhe Cu[araL LeglslaLlve Assembly, sopto noLe 33,
ot 24 (reporLlng on Lhelr facLflndlng mlsslon Lo Cu[araL ln 2002, wrlLe Lverywhere Lhere were complalnLs of
culprlLs of Lhe vlolence sLlll movlng around scoL-free lncludlng some promlnenL pollLlcal persons and Lhose on
ball. 1hese persons LhreaLen Lhe dlsplaced affecLed persons Lo wlLhdraw cases agalnsL Lhem, falllng whlch Lhey
would noL be allowed Lo reLurn Lo Lhelr homes.")
CoC 1973, sopto noLe 120, ot Ch.xll, 134.
lJ., ot Ch.xlv, 190, (Cognlzance of offences by MaglsLraLes: (1) sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhls ChapLer
[perLalnlng Lo caLegorles of alleged offenses ln whlch courLs should oot lnlLlaLe Lrlals], any MaglsLraLe of Lhe
flrsL class, and any MaglsLraLe of Lhe second class speclally empowered ln Lhls behalf under sub-secLlon (2), may
Lake cognlzance of any offence- (a) upon recelvlng a complalnL of facLs whlch consLlLuLe such offence, (b) upon
a pollce reporL of such facLs, [and] (c) upon lnformaLlon recelved from any person oLher Lhan a pollce offlcer, or
upon hls own knowledge, LhaL such offence has been commlLLed.").
Amlcus Curlae reporL, sopto noLe 43 ot 14-3, (1hough Lhe Sl1, as Lhe lnvesLlgaLlng agency, has Laken a vlew, Lhe
quesLlon wheLher Shrl 8haLL was presenL aL Lhe meeLlng on 27.02.2002 and wheLher Shrl Modl had lndeed
made such a sLaLemenL (as spoken Lo by Shrl 8haLL) can only be declded by a courL of law. lL would noL be
correcL Lo dlsbelleve Lhe verslon of Shrl 8haLL, aL Lhls prlma facle sLage, on Lhe varlous grounds seL ouL by Lhe
Sl1 or because oLher parLlclpanLs ln Lhe meeLlng have denled (elLher caLegorlcally, or Lo Lhe besL of Lhelr
memory) hls presence and Lhe alleged sLaLemenL made by Shrl Modl. lf Shrl 8haLL sLands Lhe LesL of cross-
examlnaLlon, Lhen regardless of Lhe facL LhaL oLher wlLnesses have noL supporLed hls sLaLemenL, a courL of law
may reLurn a flndlng LhaL Shrl 8haLL lndeed was presenL aL Lhe meeLlng on 27.02.2002, and LhaL Shrl Modl dld
make a sLaLemenL as ls belng alleged by Shrl 8haLL.")
Supreme CourL of lndla, Mar. 26, 2008, sopto noLe 263 ot 3.
CoC 1973, sopto noLe 120, 202-4.
lor a comprehenslve revlew of Lhe Sl1, lncludlng a deLalled dlscusslon of Lhe many crlLlques made agalnsL lL, see
MlLLa, uCn'1 ASk, uCn'1 1LLL, sopto noLe 189. 5ee olso rashanL uayal, 5l1 1oo o coqeJ lottot,' 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad) 1, May 13, 2013 (descrlblng suspended lS Cfflcer San[lv 8haLL's allegaLlons LhaL Lhe Sl1
selecLlvely supplled reporLs Lo Lhose who have acLually been named as accused ln complalnLs"), wlll 5l1 ltobe lt
Owo Membet? 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), Apr. 29, 2009, aL 7 (descrlblng how one of Lhe members of Lhe Sl1
looklng lnLo Lhe Cde massacre case (Anand dlsLrlcL) was also one of Lhe alleged co-consplraLors named ln Lhe
!afrl case), CLn18AL 8u8LAu Cl lnvLS1lCA1lCn, Au1PLn1lCA1lCn Cl 1LPLLkA 1ALS u8SuAn1 1C 1PL nP8C C8uL8, (Mar. 3,
2008) aL 6, ovolloble ot
201apes.pdf, (lL ls appalllng Lo whaL exLenL Lhe Sl1-even wlLh Lhe Supreme CourL monlLorlng Lhe cases-has
gone Lo ensure LhaL Lhe valuable evldence provlded by 1ehelka's CperaLlon kalank. . . are noL broughL lnLo Lhe
amblL of Lhe 1rlal CourLs conslderlng Lhe henous crlmes commlLLed ln 2002.")
5ee rashanL uayal, 5l1 1oo o coqeJ lottot,' sopto noLe 293, 5l1 nlJloq vlJeoce to ltotect lolltlcloos, sopto
noLe 100 (descrlblng how vlcLlms of Lhe Culberg SocleLy massacre accused Lhe [Sl1] of conceallng evldences Lo
proLecL pollLlclans and hlgh-ranklng pollcemen"), 8oshan kumar, kecoostltote 5l1, uemooJ 5otvlvots, unA
(Ahmedabad), Mar. 1, 2010, aL 3 (deLalllng efforLs by survlvors and Lhelr lawyer Lo reconsLlLuLe Lhe Sl1 wlLh

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


members wlLh dlrecLlon Lo Lhem," alleglng LhaL Lhe currenL members are blased and spend lnsufflclenL Llme ln
5ee Ashlsh kheLan, 8oto Aftet keoJloq, sopto noLe 17, (1hough Lhe courL plcked reLlred [CenLral 8ureau of
lnvesLlgaLlon] dlrecL 8.k. 8aghavan, a 1amll nadu cadre offlcer, as chalrman, Lhe Lhree cruclal members of Lhe
probe Leam-[lnspecLor Cenerals] Ashlsh 8haLla, geeLa !ohrl and Shlvanand !ha-were all from Lhe Cu[araL
pollce. lL was Lhese Lhree offlcers who were enLrusLed wlLh Lhe dlrecL supervlslon of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlons. 1he
enLlre supporLlng Leam of pollcemen was also plcked from Lhe Cu[araL pollce.)
5ee lJ., ([1]he mosL shocklng appolnLmenL Lo Lhe Sl1 was noel armar, a depuLy [SuperlnLendenL of ollce] S
wlLh Lhe Cu[araL ollce. armar was Lhe chlef lnvesLlgaLlng offlcer of Lhe Codhra carnage. lL was he who had
consLrucLed Lhe premedlLaLed consplracy Lheory whlch was supposedly under lndependenL revlew by Lhe Sl1. .
. . Pow could a probe offlcer be lnducLed lnLo Lhe Sl1 Lo revlew hls own lnvesLlgaLlon, peLlLloners proLesLed.
under pressure, Lhe Sl1 relucLanLly dropped hlm from Lhe probe Leam. 8uL, ln anoLher [] move, lL lnducLed
armar's alde 8amesh aLel lnsLead. 1he loglc? aLel was famlllar wlLh Lhe case so hls presence would help Lhe
cooq occoses 5l1 cblef of sblelJloq MoJl, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 2, 2012 (a noLe from Lhe leader
of Congress arLy, ShakLlslnh Cohll sLaLed LhaL Lhe parLy belleves Lhe Sl1 chlef ls belng offered undue faclllLles
by Lhe narendra Modl governmenL and 8aghavan Lrles Lo proLecL [Lhe CM] ln hls lnvesLlgaLlon."), 5l1 keloctoot
to xomloe key wltoesses lo klot coses, 1PL LCCnCMlC 1lMLS 3, !an. 7, 2012, osote Notlceobly lolt ltobe loto
2oklos complolot. 8bott to koqbovoo, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 4, !an. 7, 2012 (quoLlng former lS
offlcer San[lv 8haLL: "'lL seems LhaL Lhe Sl1, for some lnexpllcable reason, ls conLlnulng Lo lnLenLlonally dlsregard
very lmporLanL aspecLs of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe complalnL of [Zakla !afrl].'"), 5l1 bos uellbetotely lqooteJ
vltol vlJeoce, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, leb. 7, 2012 (ln a leLLer senL Lo Lhe Chlef !usLlce of lndla, promlnenL
acLlvlsLs lncludlng Cedrlc rakash, Chunlbhal valdhya, Suresh MehLa, lllaben aLhak and oLhers alleged LhaL
cruclal evldence, lncludlng phone call records and pollce conLrol room records, all polnL[lng] Lo Lhe compllclLy
of senlor offlclals and pollLlclans of Lhe sLaLe ln Lhe rloLs of 2002" and LhaL Lhe Sl1 has noL Laken lnLo
conslderaLlon Lhese evldences.")
Whlle Lhe Lrlal [udge's blas was Lhe prlmary facLor moLlvaLlng Lhe reslgnaLlon, Lhe prosecuLor ln hls reslgnaLlon
leLLer also hlnLed aL how Sl1 members Lrled Lo proLecL pollce offlcers faclng allegaLlons by glvlng Lhe
prosecuLlon very llLLle scope Lo cross-examlne Lhem." (lowyets lettet 8lomes IoJqe, 5l1 fot Oolttloq Colbotq
1tlol, sopto noLe 83).
1he Sl1 has publlcly soughL Lo dlscredlL Ms. !afrl several Llmes, descrlblng her allegaLlons as noLhlng buL flcLlon
creaLed by Lhree-four persons." (lotqet coospltocy 8ebloJ lost-CoJbto klots oll llctloo. 5l1, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA,
Apr. 23, 2013, hLLp://[afrl-proLesL-
peLlLlon-slL-probe) lL has even accused Ms. !afrl of lnsLlgaLlng" poLenLlal communal dlsLurbances ln Lhe sLaLe,
and accused her of havlng no respecL" for Lhe [udlclary. (5l1 1etms 2oklo Ioftls letltloo lostlqotloq. 1PL 1lMLS
Cl lnulA, !un. 4, 2013, hLLp://
8aslc rlnclples and Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and 8eparaLlons for vlcLlms, sopto noLe 273, ot 4, 3.
5ee sopto, noLe 263 and accompanylng LexL.
CoC 1973, sopto noLe 120, ot Ch.xll, 137-38.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

CoC 1973, sopto noLe 120, ot Ch.xll, 170, 190, 200-03.
5ee qeoetolly lnLernaLlonal Commlsslon of !urlsLs, lnLernaLlonal rlnclples on Lhe lndependence and
AccounLablllLy of !udges, lawyers and rosecuLors: A pracLlLloners' Culde, Ceneva, SwlLzerland, 2004
[betelooftet lC! rlnclples"], see olso unlLed naLlons Cfflce of Lhe Plgh Commlssloner for Puman 8lghLs,
lnLernaLlonal 8ar AssoclaLlon, PuMAn 8lCP1S ln 1PL AuMlnlS18A1lCn Cl !uS1lCL: A MAnuAL Cn PuMAn 8lCP1S lC8
!uuCLS, 8CSLCu1C8S Anu LAW?L8S, 2003 [betelooftet CPCP8 Manual"] ovolloble ot
8aslc rlnclples on Lhe lndependence of Lhe !udlclary, 7
un Congress on Lhe revenLlon of Crlme and Lhe
1reaLmenL of Cffenders, Mllan, lLaly, hLLp://, (sobsepoeotly eoJotseJ by tbe
u.n. Ceneral Assembly 8es. 40/32, SLvLn1P unl1Lu nA1lCnS CCnC8LSS Cn 1PL 8LvLn1lCn Cl C8lML Anu 1PL
18LA1MLn1 Cl CllLnuL8S, nov. 29, 1983 and u.n. Ceneral Assembly 8es. 40/146, PuMAn 8lCP1S ln 1PL
AuMlnlS18A1lCn Cl !uS1lCL, uec. 13, 1983) (1hese domalns are: (1) Lhe lndependence of Lhe !udlclary, (2) Lhe
freedom of expresslon and assoclaLlon for [udges, (3) Lhe quallflcaLlons, selecLlon and Lralnlng necessary Lo
become a [udge, (4) Lhe [udlclal condlLlons of servlce and Lenure, (3) professlonal secrecy and lmmunlLy, and (6)
Lhe naLure of Lhe safeguards embedded Lo prevenL Lhe abuse of dlsclpllnary, suspenslon and removal
proceedlngs agalnsL slLLlng [udges.). 5ee olso lC! rlnclples, sopto noLe 309, ot 13-31 (Lhe lC! reporL breaks
down Lhe benchmarks of lndependence and lmparLlallLy as follows: (1) separaLlon of powers, lnsLlLuLlonal
lndependence of Lhe Lrlbunal, and Lhe lndlvldual lndependence of [udges, (2) acLual and apparenL lmparLlallLy
of Lhe Lrlbunal and [udge, (3) flnanclal auLonomy and sufflclenL resources, (4) Lhe guaranLee of fundamenLal
freedoms also Lo [udges, (3) Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe [udlclal appolnLmenL procedures, (6) Lhe condlLlons of [udlclal
Lenure and promoLlon, and (7) Lhe safeguards prevenLlng abuse of [udlclal accounLablllLy mechanlsms.).
lC! rlnclples, sopto noLe 309, ot 26-30.
lJ., ot 28, (clLlng kepott oo 1ettotlsm ooJ nomoo klqbts, CAS documenL CLA/Ser.L/v/ll.116, uoc. 3 rev.1 corr.,
22 CcLober 2002, para.229 for Lhe provlslon LhaL 1he lmparLlallLy of a Lrlbunal musL be evaluaLed from boLh a
sub[ecLlve and ob[ecLlve perspecLlve, Lo ensure Lhe absence of acLual pre[udlce on Lhe parL of a [udge or
Lrlbunal as well as sufflclenL assurances Lo exclude any leglLlmaLe doubL ln Lhls respecL. 1hese requlremenLs ln
Lurn requlre LhaL a [udge or Lrlbunal noL harbor any acLual blas ln a parLlcular case, and LhaL Lhe [udge or
Lrlbunal noL reasonably be percelved as belng LalnLed wlLh any blas.").
8angalore rlnclples of !udlclal ConducL (2002), hLLp://, AdopLed by Lhe
!udlclal Croup on SLrengLhenlng !udlclal lnLegrlLy and subsequenLly adopLed unanlmously by Lhe u.n.
Commlsslon on Puman 8lghLs on Apr. 29 2003, 8es. 2003/43, hLLp://
([n]oLlng Lhe 8angalore rlnclples of !udlclal ConducL. . . and brlnglng Lhose prlnclples Lo Lhe aLLenLlon of
Member SLaLes, Lhe relevanL unlLed naLlons organs and lnLergovernmenLal and nongovernmenLal organlzaLlons
for Lhelr conslderaLlon), rlnclple 2.3 (A [udge shall dlsquallfy hlmself or herself from parLlclpaLlng ln any
proceedlngs ln whlch Lhe [udge ls unable Lo declde Lhe maLLer lmparLlally or ln whlch lL may appear Lo a
reasonable observer LhaL Lhe [udge ls unable Lo declde Lhe maLLer lmparLlally. Such proceedlngs lnclude, buL
are noL llmlLed Lo, lnsLances where-(2.3.1) Lhe [udge has acLual blas or pre[udlce concernlng a parLy or
personal knowledge of dlspuLed evldenLlary facLs concernlng Lhe proceedlngs. . ."). 5ee olso lC! rlnclples, sopto
noLe 309, ot 30, (1he lmparLlallLy of a courL can be deflned as Lhe absence of blas, anlmoslLy or sympaLhy
Lowards elLher of Lhe parLles. CourLs musL be lmparLlal and appear lmparLlal. 1hus, [udges have a duLy Lo sLep
down from cases ln whlch Lhere are sufflclenL moLlves Lo puL Lhelr lmparLlallLy lnLo quesLlon.")
5ee sopto noLes 81-88 and accompanylng LexL.
5ee sopto noLe 81.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


8angalore rlnclples of !udlclal ConducL, sopto noLe 313, ot 4 (dlsquallflcaLlon of a [udge shall noL be requlred
lf no oLher Lrlbunal can be consLlLuLed Lo deal wlLh Lhe case or, because of urgenL clrcumsLances, fallure Lo acL
could lead Lo a serlous mlscarrlage of [usLlce.).
unlLed naLlons Culdellnes on Lhe 8ole of rosecuLors, adopLed by Lhe LlghLh unlLed naLlons Congress on Lhe
revenLlon of Crlme and Lhe 1reaLmenL of Cffenders, Pavana, Cuba, 27 AugusL Lo 7 SepLember 1990
[betelooftet un Culdellnes on Lhe 8ole of rosecuLors"].
lJ., Culdellne 1.
lJ., Culdellne 2(a).
lJ., Culdellne 4. 5ee olso lC! rlnclples, sopto noLe 309, ot 72.
un Culdellnes on Lhe 8ole of rosecuLors, sopto noLe 317, Culdellne 13.
lJ., Culdellne 13.
2008 !afrl Supreme CourL eLlLlon, sopto noLe 131, ot 38 & 61.
Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 144.
lJ., ot 144.
Leavlng aslde for Lhe momenL LhaL Lhe Supreme CourL ln Lhe 8esL 8akery Case found acLual blas on Lhe parL of
Lhe publlc prosecuLor, accuslng Lhe offlcer of havlng acLed more as a defence counsel Lhan one whose duLy
was Lo presenL Lhe LruLh Lo Lhe CourL." (8esL 8akery case, sopto noLe 224, ot 44).
5opto noLe 319.
5opto noLe 324.
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 300.
lJ., aL 378.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed ln 2013.
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 379.
lJ., aL 380.
8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower, sopto noLe 269, 4. 5ee olso CPCP8 Manual,
sopto noLe 309, aL 739 (Lhls lncludes, among oLher requlremenLs, an obllgaLlon for pollce offlcers Lo avold
conveylng Lhe lmpresslon LhaL Lhe crlme ls Lrlvlal or oLherwlse noL belng Laken serlously.").
8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower, sopto noLe 269, 6(a).
lJ., 6(b).
lJ., 6(c). 5ee olso un doc. A/CCnl.144/20, Annex, Culde for racLlLloners 8egardlng Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
ueclaraLlon of 8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower [betelooftet un doc.
A/CCnl.144/20, Annex, Culde for racLlLloners"], 13, 33 (Clvlng evldence ln courL ls a frlghLenlng experlence.
. . . ln some cases, Lhe provlslon of supporL ln courL can be very helpful, Lo ensure LhaL Lhe vlcLlm feels LhaL he
or she has been able Lo parLlclpaLe properly and LhaL Lhe courL ahs Lhe besL evldence before lL. laclllLles also
need Lo be provlded Lo ensure LhaL all wlLnesses are able Lo aLLend courL easlly (refreshmenLs, LransporL, chlld
care, eLc.). ln some counLrles, vlcLlm asslsLance schemes have supporLed lndlvldual vlcLlms ln courL, especlally
ln Lhe case of vlcLlms who have speclal problems (rape vlcLlms, chlld vlcLlms, eLc.). ln oLhers, local courL servlces
for vlcLlm supporL have been seL up Lo provlde a generlc servlce ln LhaL courL, such as a Lralned counselor ln a
walLlng room speclally deslgned Lo provlde a relaxed aLmosphere. Where vlcLlms are very fearful aL havlng Lo
glve evldence (for example, chlld vlcLlms of sexual assaulL), some [urlsdlcLlons have allowed Lhe use of vldeoed

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

evldence or dlrecL vldeo llnks. ln some, legal ald ls avallable for vlcLlms so LhaL Lhey can have Lhelr own legal
advlser ln courL and Lhls ls of course parLlcularly lmporLanL where vlcLlms are Lhe prosecuLors or where Lhelr
clvll clalm ls belng heard aL Lhe same Llme.").
8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower, sopto noLe 269, 6(d). 5ee olso ConvenLlon
on 1orLure and CLher Cruel, lnhuman or uegradlng 1reaLmenL or unlshmenL, un uoc A/39/31 (1984), !un. 26,
1987, ArLlcle 13 (Any lndlvldual who alleges he has been sub[ecLed Lo LorLure ln any LerrlLory under lLs
[urlsdlcLlon has Lhe rlghL Lo complaln Lo, and Lo have hls case prompLly and lmparLlally examlned by, lLs
compeLenL auLhorlLles. SLeps shall be Laken Lo ensure LhaL Lhe complalnanL and wlLnesses are proLecLed agalnsL
all lll-LreaLmenL or lnLlmldaLlon as a consequence of hls complalnL or any evldence glven." 1he facLs as alleged
by some of Lhe vlcLlms of Lhe Cu[araL carnage, where severe paln and sufferlng was lnfllcLed on lndlvlduals Lo
punlsh Lhem for Lhe alleged Musllm aLLack aL Codhra, and where LhaL vlolence was perpeLraLed aL Lhe
lnsLlgaLlon of or wlLh Lhe consenL or acqulescence of a publlc offlclal or oLher person acLlng ln an offlclal
capaclLy, would meeL Lhe deflnlLlon of LorLure conLalned ln Lhe ConvenLlon - ArLlcle 1.)
8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower, sopto noLe 269, 6(e).
8aslc rlnclples of !usLlce for vlcLlms of Crlme and Abuse of ower, sopto noLe 269, 8-19.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed ln 2013.
Law Commlsslon of lndla, Wl1nLSS luLn1l1? 8C1LC1lCn 32, 198
8eporL, Aug. 31, 2006,
lJ., ot 37.
lJ., ot 39.
nP8C vs. SLaLe of Cu[araL 5opto, oote 266.
lJ., ot 16, 8.
lJ., ot 16, 9.
lJ., ot 219.
lJ., ot 83.
See e.g., Zahld Cureshl, NotoJo-lotlyo klots. wltoess lomlly AttockeJ by llve Meo, APMLuA8Au MCnl1C8, 9,
Aug. 11, 2009, noose of NotoJo lotlyo wltoess AttockeJ, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS 3, Aug. 11, 2009.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed ln 2013.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed ln 2013 (l used Lo be scared. Wlll l be able Lo do lL rlghL? Wlll l geL aLLacked before
l can LesLlfy? 8uL somehow l found sLrengLh LhaL whaL l was saylng was LruLh. My LesLlmony was 3 days. 8 lady
pollce accompanled me, as well as 4 men from Lhe Cll and 1 more. 1hls was durlng all of Lhe evldence. . . . l had
Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe pollce Lhen, so l felL safe.").
lJ., (l'm noL happy LhaL flve people are ouL of [all (four people are on Len-day parole and one ls ouL on ball).
1hls makes me very uncomforLable. 1hree of Lhe four ouL on parole are very dangerous Lo my currenL llfe. 1hey
are Lhe klnd LhaL wlll provoke vlolence anyways. l Lhlnk someLhlng wlll happen ln Lhe nexL Lwo Lo Lhree days.")
5ee sopto, noLes 163-166 and accompanylng LexL.
lrom lnLervlews wlLnessed ln 2013 (SomeLlmes even my famlly members would quesLlon 'why do you keep
dolng Lhls Lhlng?' CfLen l am LaunLed LhaL l musL be geLLlng pald every Llme l go LesLlfy. . . . 1he relaLlves of [Lhe
accused] would say '?ou wenL Lo Lhe exLenL Lo go Lo courL. WalL for Lhe day and we wlll geL our revenge.' 1hese

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


LhreaLs come as l am golng Lo and from work."), ooJ (a female survlvor who LesLlfled durlng Lhe Lrlal sLaLed LhaL
she faces a loL of sexual LhreaLs, even from our own communlLy," buL LhaL on Lhe day of Lhe [udgmenL people
from our communlLy came and Lhanked us. 1hey would say 'you woman have acLually managed lL.'").
5ee e.q., Colbotq Mossocte wltoess 1bteoteoeJ wltb ueotb, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8 3, !un. 19, 2009.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed ln 2013 (speaklng of Lhe pollce proLecLlon she recelved durlng her LesLlmony aL
Lrlal: Lhe pollce would make me walk on Lhe sLreeL for 300 meLers surrounded by cops, ln publlc. l became
very vlslble ln Lhe nelghborhood. l felL LhaL Lhey were Lrylng Lo plnpolnL Lhe facL LhaL a survlvor was llvlng ln a
Plndu area.")
Cojotot klots wltoess 5tobbeJ 28 1lmes to ueotb lo 8tooJ uoyllqbt, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, nov. 3, 2011,
dayllghL/arLlcleshow/10619663.cms, 8asanL 8awaL, klot wltoess kllleJ lo Cojotot, 1PL 1LLLC8AP, nov. 6, 2011,
hLLp://[sp/naLlon/sLory_14714723.[sp (assers-by found nadeem Salyed
lylng on Lhe ground. . . barely yards from a pollce posL ln !uhapura.").
Cojotot 2002 Mossocte wltoess MotJeteJ oeot A15 nps, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, nov. 6, 2011,
lJ. 5ee olso sopto noLe 109.
8asanL 8awaL, klot wltoess kllleJ lo Cojotot, sopto noLe 360.
5ee Cojotot klots wltoess 5tobbeJ 28 1lmes to ueotb lo 8tooJ uoyllqbt, sopto noLe 360 (Salyed had also flled
an ll8 ln AugusL alleglng LhaL gangsLer Mehboob Senlor had LhreaLened Lo klll hlm lf he dld noL change hls
sLaLemenL ln Lhe naroda aLla case.").
Cojotot 2002 Mossocte wltoess MotJeteJ oeot A15 nps, sopto noLe 361.
2002 Cojotot klots wltoess 5tobbeJ to ueotb, PlnuuS1An 1lMLS (new uelhl), nov. 3, 2011,
763064.aspx (quoLlng a pollce offlclal ln Ahmedabad").
lJ., (quoLlng a pollce offlclal ln Ahmedabad").
lJ., (quoLlng a pollce offlclal ln Ahmedabad").
lJ., (quoLlng a pollce offlclal ln Ahmedabad").
5ee Cojotot klots wltoess 5tobbeJ 28 1lmes to ueotb lo 8tooJ uoyllqbt, sopto noLe 360 (Pe was sLabbed . . .
allegedly for provldlng lnformaLlon on lllegal slaughLer of caLLle Lo Lhe pollce. . . . Cn CcLober 29, a mob ln
!uhapura had seL a pollce [eep on flre when Lhe cops had gone Lhere afLer recelvlng lnformaLlon LhaL an lllegal
slaugher house was operaLlng ln Lhe area. 1wo pollcemen were ln[ured ln Lhe vlolence and some flve men were
arresLed. Sources sald, Salyed had approached Lhe pollce saylng Lhey had noL arresLed Lhe rlghL men and LhaL
Lhe real culprlLs were roamlng free, afLer whlch he was kllled. . . . 1he Cu[araL Anlmal reservaLlon
(AmendmenL) AcL 2011 became effecLlve from CcLober 24. 1he AcL lmposes a compleLe ban on cow slaughLer
besldes LransporLaLlon and selllng of beef. lL was passed ln Lhe SLaLe Assembly. under Lhe acL, Lhose lnvolved ln
cow-slaughLer and relaLed acLlvlLles can be sub[ecLed Lo lmprlsonmenL of up Lo seven years and a flne of 8S
30,000."), 2002 Cojotot klots wltoess 5tobbeJ to ueotb, sopto noLe 367 (Ahmedabad pollce, however, suspecL
LhaL Lhe murder was ln connecLlon wlLh a recenL clash beLween some lllegal slaughLerhouse owners and
pollce."), u.. 8haLLacharya, 2002 Cojotot klot. vlctlms ltotest MotJet of wltoess, lnulA 1CuA? (Chandlnagar),
nov. 7, 2011, hLLp://lndlaLoday.lnLoday.ln/sLory/gu[araL-rloLs-nadeem-salyed-naroda-paLlya/1/139000.hLml
(8ecenLly Lhe buLcher mafla had Lorched a pollce van ln !uhapura when Lhe cops wenL looklng for cows and

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

several people were plcked up. nadeem had reporLedly Lold Lhe pollce LhaL Lhose arresLed were lnnocenL,
blamlng kalu Cardan and hls accompllces - parL of Lhe mafla - lnsLead. lL ls alleged LhaL kalu Cardan and hls
men murdered nadeem."), Cu[araL 2002 rloL wlLness nadeem Sayeed aLLacked, kllled ln Ahmedabad
lndla 1oday Cnllne Ahmedabad, november 3, 2011, hLLp://lndlaLoday.lnLoday.ln/sLory/rLl-acLlvlsL-nadeem-
sayeed-ahmedabad-2002-godhra-rloLs/1/138760.hLml (Sources close Lo Sayed sald he was also a pollce
lnformer ln some cases, and hls murder had some connecLlon wlLh Lhe clash beLween Lhe slaughLer house
owners and pollce early Lhls week where Lwo pollcemen were ln[ured and a pollce [eep was Lorched by a
Zahld Cureshl, leot loctot, APMLuA8Au Ml88C8, leb. 12, 2014.
lJ., (ulldar umrav Salyed, whose LesLlmony hlanded former 8! MLA Maya kodnanl ln [all" sLaLed LhaL '1hrlce,
unknown men ln naroda aLlya aLLacked me. ?eL, l sLuck Lo my sLaLemenL. 1oday, kodnanl and many of her
supporLers are ouL on ball. l fear Lhey wlll seek revenge and Lhere ls no one here Lo proLecL us. l called Lhe
pollce headquarLers several Llmes Lo reporL abouL Lhe securlLy lapse buL no one heard ouL pleas," Lhe 70-year-
old says.' laLlmablbl Shelkh, a 60-year old resldenL of !awan nagar ln naroda aLlya, says 1he consLables are
supposed Lo work ln shlfLs and proLecL us day and nlghL. 1he ones asslgned Lo guard me glve me Lhelr cellphone
numbers and ask me Lo call whenever needed. l Lelephone Lhem when l have Lo go ouL, buL Lhey rarely plck up
Lhe phone. . . . WlLnesses laLlma ?asln Shelkh, Zulekha Chaudry and !annaLblbl Shelkh clalm Lhey face Lhe same
problem. 'l go ouL every day as l sell snacks ouLslde a school for a llvlng. 1he pollceman asslgned Lo me shows
hls face every mornlng and Lhen dlsappears,' says !annaLblbl.")
Law Commlsslon of lndla, Wl1nLSS luLn1l1? 8C1LC1lCn, sopto noLe 343.
5ee Cangadhar aLll, 5 eots oo, wltoess ltotectloo ltoposol Cotbets uost, unA (Mumbal), !an. 14, 2013,
5ee Lelgh 1oomey, ln1L8nA1lCnAL nL1WC8k 1C 8CMC1L 1PL 8uLL Cl LAW (ln8CL), wltoess ltotectloo lo cooottles
metqloq ftom coofllct 6-8, uec. 3, 2007,
unlLed naLlons Cfflce on urugs and Crlme (unCuC), vlcLlm AsslsLance and WlLness roLecLlon,
hLLp:// (lasL accessed Mar 9, 2014).
A revlew of Lhese besL pracLlces goes beyond Lhe scope of Lhls paper, buL should be consldered ln revlewlng Lhe
proLecLlon afforded wlLnesses ln rloL-relaLed cases by lndlan SLaLe and federal auLhorlLles. lot fottbet qolJooce,
see Lelgh 1oomey, ln8CL, sopto noLe 376 (provldlng general overvlew of prlnclples and exLenslve furLher
lnLernaLlonal and naLlonal sources for furLher guldance), unlLed naLlons Cfflce on urugs and Crlme (unCuC),
CCCu 8AC1lCLS lC8 1PL 8C1LC1lCn Cl Wl1nLSSLS ln C8lMlnAL 8CCLLulnCS lnvCLvlnC C8CAnlZLu C8lML, (new ?ork:
2008), ot hLLp://, Speclal
CourL for Slerra Leone, 8est-ltoctlce kecommeoJotloos fot tbe ltotectloo ooJ 5oppott of wltoesses, 2008,
hLLp:// 5ee olso Aruna kashyap, osotloq
wltoess 5ofety ceottol to kole of low, 1PL Plnuu, Mar. 14, 2013, hLLp://
unlLed naLlons 8aslc rlnclples on Lhe 8ole of Lawyers, adopLed by Lhe LlghLh unlLed naLlons Congress on Lhe
revenLlon of Crlme and Lhe 1reaLmenL of Cffenders, Pavana, Cuba, 27 AugusL Lo 7 SepLember 1990, reamble.
5ee qeoetolly, P8W 2004, sopto, noLe 3.

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


5ee I5M lloos Actloo Aqolost NotoJo lotlo AccoseJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 4, uec. 23, 2010. 5ee olso
8ot cooocll lssoes Notlces to klot vlctlms lowyets, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) 3, Sep. 27, 2011 (descrlblng
Lhe noLlces Lhe 8CC senL Lo Lhe flve accused lawyers almosL a year laLer ln response Lo Lhe orlglnal complalnL).
I5M lloos Actloo Aqolost NotoJo lotlo AccoseJ, sopto noLe 382.
8cC cleots tlot vlctlms' lowyets of 'ptofessloool mlscooJoct', ZLLnLWS, Apr. 13, 2014,
5ee x-cM 5oys Actloo Aqolost blm lotlle, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad), leb. 11, 2011.
Alleqotloo Aqolost 1eesto 5obstootloteJ by wltoesses, 5c 1olJ, 1PL lCnLL8 (new uelhl) 10, !an. 30, 2012. ln
SepLember 2011, Lhe Supreme CourL sLayed proceedlngs agalnsL SeLalvad arlslng from Lhe naroda Caam case
(1eesto Cets kellef, Apex coott 5toys ltobe lo cose of lolse AfflJovlts, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, Sep. 3, 2011,
5c 5loms MoJl Covt fot 5potloos cose Aqolost 1eesto 5etolvoJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA,
SL1ALvAu/A81lCLLSPCW/11973606.CMS. (ln lebruary 2012, Lhe Supreme CourL harshly chasLlsed Lhe Cu[araL
governmenL, descrlblng a Lhe case as [one] hundred percenL spurlous," and crlLlclzlng Lhe SLaLe governmenL
saylng Lhls Lype of case does no credlL Lo Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL ln any way."). 5ee olso 5c Asks Cojotot Covt to
5top ltobe Aqolost 1eesto 5etolvoJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, Apr. 13, 2012,
SeLalvad/arLlcleshow/12648811.cms/. (Lven afLer Lhe courL's lebruary holdlng, Lhe sLaLe of Cu[araL wenL
forward wlLh Lhe cases noneLheless).
5ee, teqotJloq tbe 8est 8okety cose. 8est 8okety letjotet 5otteoJets, 88C nLWS, Mar. 10, 2006,
hLLp:// 5ee olso 1eesLa SeLalvad, we kest oot cose, lott Ooe,
1LLS1A SL1ALvAu 8LCCSC1, !an. 9, 2014, hLLp://
one.hLml. keqotJloq tbe 5otJotpoto Mossocte cose. 1eesLa SeLalvad, we kest oot cose, lott Ooe, lJ., 1eesLa
SeLalvad, we kest oot cose, lott 1wo, 1LLS1A SL1ALvAu 8LCCSC1, !an. 29, 2014,
hLLp://, keqotJloq tbe NotoJo Coom
cose. 1eesto Cets kellef, Apex coott 5toys ltobe lo cose of lolse AfflJovlts, sopto noLe 386. keqotJloq tbe
NotoJo lotlo cose. naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 332. 5ee olso 1eesLa SeLalvad, we kest oot cose,
lott 1wo, lJ. keqotJloq tbe Colbetq 5oclety cose. 5l1 Ooestloos lotmet 1eesto AlJ kols kboo, nu1v, nov. 11,
2010, hLLp://
Covt 1tyloq to uetoll leqol ltocess. 1eesto, unA (Ahmedabad) 3, !an. 31, 2012.
Cojotot lollce keqlstets llk Aqolost 1eesto 5etolvoJ, Otbets fot 8teocb of 1tost, cbeotloq, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS
(Ahmedabad), !an. 03, 2014, hLLp://[araL-pollce-reglsLers-flr-agalnsL-LeesLa-
seLalvad-oLhers-for-breach-of-LrusL-cheaLlng/1213743/0, llk Aqolost 1eesto fot AlleqeJ Mlsose of lotelqo
looJs, 1PL Plnuu, !an. 7, 2014, hLLp://
LeesLa-for-alleged-mlsuse-of-forelgn-funds/arLlcle3347314.ece, 8ohlL 8han, lollce loJqe llk Aqolost Actlvlst
1eesto 5etolvoJ, nu1v, !an. 6, 2014, hLLp://
seLalvad-467196, llk Aqolost 1eesto. Colbotq keslJeots kecotJ 5totemeots, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, !an. 16, 2014,

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

5ee, e.q., Cojotot lollces Move cooJemoeJ, 1PL Plnuu, !an. 12, 2014,
(lndlan clLlzens have [usL goL a dlsLurblng gllmpse of how Lhe sLaLe would deal wlLh dlssldenLs and human-
rlghLs defenders should narendra Modl come Lo power naLlonally. Pardly had Lhe lnk drled on a maglsLraLe's
[udgmenL exoneraLlng Modl ln Lhe Zakla !afrl case, when Lhe Cu[araL pollce flled a llrsL lnformaLlon 8eporL
agalnsL 1eesLa SeLalvad and oLher ClLlzens for !usLlce and eace acLlvlsLs on paLenLly Lrumped-up charges."),
wltbJtow llk oqolost 1eesto. clM, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, !an. 7, 2014,
SwaLl ueshpande, 1eesto Cets lotetlm 8oll, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, !an. 11, 2014,
hLLp://, llk
Aqolost 1eesto fot AlleqeJ Mlsose of lotelqo looJs, sopto noLe Lrror! 8ookmark not def|ned., 'kols kboo
8ebloJ llk Aqolost 1eesto', 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, leb. 8, 2014,
1eesLa/arLlcleshow/30022673.cms, vlnaya ueshpande, 1eesto, nosbooJ ueoleJ Aotlclpototy 8oll, 1PL Plnuu,
!an. 31, 2014, hLLp://
ball/arLlcle3639213.ece, 1eesto, nobby ueoleJ Aotlclpototy 8oll, 1PL lCnLL8, leb. 3, 2014
hLLp://, Cojotot Covt Opposes
1eesto 5etolvoJ, nosbooJ's letltloo 5eekloq Ooosbloq of cose, unA, Mar. 12, 2014,
Correspondence wlLh Mlhlr uesal, sopto noLe 3.
Correspondence wlLh Mlhlr uesal, sopto noLe 3.
8aslc rlnclples and Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and 8eparaLlons for vlcLlms, sopto noLe 273,
reamble, ot 3.
naroda aLla ueclslon, sopto noLe 34, ot 1019.
lJ., aL 1702.
lJ., aL 1701.
lJ., aL 1697.
lJ., ot 1701-2.
lJ., ot 1702.
5ee qeoetolly, u.n. Ceneral Assembly, Puman 8lghLs Councll 23:3 8eporL of Lhe Speclal 8apporLeur on vlolence
AgalnsL Women, lLs Causes and Consequences, 8ashlda Man[oo, May 14, 2013 A/P8C/23/49 [betelooftet
8eporL of Lhe Speclal 8apporLeur on vlolence AgalnsL Women"], 8edress, 8Lu8LSS lC8 8AL: uSlnC ln1L8nA1lCnAL
!u8lS8uuLnCL Cn 8AL AS A lC8M Cl 1C81u8L C8 C1PL8 lLL-18LA1MLn1, CcL. 2013,,
8eporL of Lhe Speclal 8apporLeur on vlolence AgalnsL Women, sopto noLe 402, ot 7, 20.
8edress, 8Lu8LSS lC8 8AL, sopto noLe 402, aL 87 (accordlng Lo 8edress, Lhls obllgaLlon enLalls (1) avoldlng
dlscrlmlnaLory rape myLhs" from blaslng Lhe Lrlal agalnsL Lhe vlcLlm's lnLeresLs, (2) provldlng vlcLlms wlLh
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe proceedlngs and glvlng Lhem Lhe posslblllLy of belng heard ln Lhem, and (3) Laklng
speclflc measures Lo avold furLher LraumaLlzaLlon of Lhe rape survlvors (lJ., aL 87-90).
5ee e.q., klm 1huy Seellnger, Pelene Sllverberg & 8obln Me[la, 1be lovestlqotloo ooJ ltosecotloo of 5exool
vloleoce, Worklng aper of Lhe Sexual vlolence & AccounLablllLy ro[ecL, Puman 8lghLs CenLer, unlverslLy of
Callfornla, 8erkeley, May 2011, ot 43-33 (descrlblng beLLer pracLlces wlLh regard Lo proLecLlve measures durlng
Lrlal, pre-Lrlal preparaLlon of Lhe vlcLlm/survlvor, and Lhe role of Lhe [udge, as well as cruclal posL-Lrlal measures

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


Lo proLecL Lhe vlcLlm/survlvors' lnLeresLs), Lu8CLAn A8LlAMLn1: ul8LC1C8A1L CLnL8AL lC8 ln1L8nAL CLlClLS,
CvL8vlLW Cl 1PL WC8LuWluL 8LS1 8AC1lCLS lC8 8AL 8LvLn1lCn Anu lC8 ASSlS1lnC WCMLn vlC1lMS Cl 8AL, 2013,
ovolloble ot hLLp://[oln/2013/493023/lCL-
lLMM_L1(2013)493023_Ln.pdf. 5ee olso, e.q., C8CWn 8CSLCu1lCn SL8vlCL, CS CLlC? lC8 8CSLCu1lnC CASLS Cl
8AL, (8evlsed 2012), ovolloble ot hLLp://
5ee, lo pottlcolot, Iostlce I.5. vetmo (ketJ), Iostlce lello 5etb (ketJ), ooJ Copol 5obtomoolom, 8LC81 Cl 1PL
CCMMl11LL Cn AMLnuMLn1S 1C C8lMlnAL LAW, !an. 23, 2013 [betelooftet verma Commlsslon 8eporL"]. 5ee olso Al
2003, sopto noLe 3 (comprehenslve analysls of gendered vlolence durlng Lhe 2002 rloLs, as well as survey of
lmporLanL leglslaLlve reforms aL Lhe federal level havlng Lo do wlLh sexual vlolence and vlolence agalnsL
5ee Al 2003, sopto noLe 3, aL 38-60 (descrlblng varlous reform recommendaLlons perLalnlng Lo vlcLlm-frlendly
Lrlals, lncludlng: Lralnlng of MaglsLraLes on how Lo handle Lrlal of case alleglng rape and oLher forms of sexual
vlolence, Laklng advanLage of exlstloq provlslons allowlng for lo cometo proceedlngs ln senslLlve Lrlals, Lhe use
of vldeo-conferenclng Lechnology Lo shleld Lhe vlcLlm from excesslve reLraumaLlzaLlon, eLc.). 5ee olso cbooqe
lows to ltotect kope 5otvlvots, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, uec. 27, 2013,
survlvors/arLlcleshow/27988823.cms, 8lLuparna uuLLaa, loJloo ctlmlool Iostlce 5ystem ooJ kope 5otvlvots.
keflectloos, LlvLLAW.ln, nov. 3, 2013, hLLp://www.llvelaw.ln/lndlan-crlmlnal-[usLlce-sysLem-and-rape-survlvors-
reflecLlons/. (Lawyers and Puman 8lghLs Croups polnL ouL LhaL rape vlcLlms ln lndla have always wlLnessed
lnsenslLlve crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem, a sysLem whlch has never Laken care of Lhem medlcally and falled Lo dellver
5ee qeoetolly, SubhradlpLa Sarkar, 1be Ooest fot vlctlms Iostlce lo loJlo, 17 PuM. 81S. 88lLl 16 (2010)
(roLecLlon and redress for vlcLlms of crlme musL become a prlmary concern ln lndla.")
5ee 8eporL of Lhe Speclal 8apporLeur on vlolence AgalnsL Women, sopto noLe 402.
8aslc rlnclples and Culdellnes on Lhe 8lghL Lo a 8emedy and 8eparaLlons for vlcLlms, sopto noLe 273, ot 7, 13.
lJ., ot 7, 16.
lJ., ot 7, 19.
lJ., ot 7, 20.
lJ., ot 8, 21.
lJ., ot 8, 22.
lJ., ot 8, 23.
CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 44, P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 46.
P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 27 (clLlng concerned clLlzens Lrlbunal ll, nov. 21, 2002).
CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 122 (clLlng Lhe SLaLe governmenL's own assessmenL.")
CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 122 (clLlng unspeclfled lndependenL assessmenLs.")
CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 122 (clLlng unspeclfled lndependenL assessmenLs.")
P8W 2003, sopto noLe 3, ot 40.
lJ., ot 38-40.
CoallLlon AgalnsL Cenoclde, CLnCCluL ln Cu!A8A1 - 1PL SAnCP A8lvA8, nA8Lnu8A MCul, Anu 1PL CCvL8nMLn1 Cl
Cu!A8A1 9, March 2003. hLLp://
!anvlkas, Cu!A8A1'S ln1L8nALL? ulSLACLu: 1Ln ?LA8S LA1L8 4, 2012. hLLp://[anvlkas.ln/download/sLaLus-rep.pdf.

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

ln 2006, Lhe lndlan naLlonal Commlsslon for MlnorlLles descrlbed Lhe condlLlons lus faced as subhuman," and
called among oLher recommendaLlons for Lhe sLaLe governmenL Lo provlde safe drlnklng waLer, sLreeL llghLs,
approach roads, eLc." Lo Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe camps. (naLlonal Commlsslon for MlnorlLles, 8LC81 Cl 1PL
nA1lCnAL CCMMlSSlCn lC8 MlnC8l1lLS' vlSl1 1C Cu!A8A1, CcL. 13-17, 2006, keptoJoceJ lo foll lo CCMMunALlSM
CCM8A1, 13:124, !ul. 2007, hLLp://[uly07/forLherec2.hLml. 5ee olso Al 2007
sopto noLe 3 ot 8). ln 2008, a coallLlon of Cu[araL-based nCCs and acLlvlsLs clalmed ln a submlsslon Lo Lhe
unlLed naLlons CommlLLee on Lconomlc, Soclal and CulLural 8lghLs LhaL Musllms ln Cu[araL conLlnue Lo endure
Lhe lasLlng resulLs of Lhe pogroms ln Lhe form of gheLLolzed llvlng condlLlons, ofLen ln 'rellef colonles' LhaL lack
access Lo clean waLer and sanlLaLlon, causlng severe healLh problems. 1hey also suffer from unemploymenL,
severely resLrlcLed access Lo schools, and soclal/culLural osLraclsm." (Sophla khan and ur. Shakeel Ahmad eL.
al., 1PL MA8ClnALlZLu S1A1uS Cl MuSLlMS ln Cu!A8A1, Su8MlSSlCn 1C 1PL SLCCnu-lll1P 8LC81lnC SLSSlCn Cl 1PL
CCMMl11LL Cn LCCnCMlC, SCClAL Anu CuL1u8AL 8lCP1S 2, hLLp://
ngos/Cu[araL_lndla40.pdf). ln 2010, an lnvesLlgaLlve [ournallsL wrlLlng for lndla's lronLllne Magazlne descrlbes
Ahmedabad's rellef colonles as paLheLlc, mlserable and sad," quoLlng a local rellef worker named '8ashlda' as
saylng LhaL Lhere ha[d] been no lmprovemenL slnce 2002 when [Lhe lus] were moved [L]here." (Anupama
kaLakam, nell ooJ Aftet, l8Cn1LlnL, 27: 7 (2010),
hLLp://www.fronLllne.ln/navlgaLlon/?Lype=sLaLlc&page=archlve). Also ln 2010, Lhe lnLernal ulsplacemenL
MonlLorlng CenLre wroLe: lus were consLanLly LhreaLened by evlcLlons, as Lhelr dwelllngs had been
consLrucLed on land LhaL Lhe governmenL had declared agrlculLural land. 1he resldenLs Lhemselves had nelLher
land nor properLy LlLles" (luMC, lnulA: nA1lCnAL Anu S1A1L Au1PC8l1lLS lAlLlnC 1C 8C1LC1 luS 13, Sep. 2, 2010,
hLLp:// ln 2012, a
survey of Lhe 83 known rellef colonles concluded among oLher flndlngs LhaL mosL of Lhe lus are maklng
slgnlflcanLly less Lhan Lhey were before 2002" and LhaL Lhere has been vlrLually no efforL by Lhe governmenL Lo
reach ouL Lo Lhe lus, reLurn Lhelr properLy, or compensaLe Lhem for Lhelr losses." (!anvlkas, Cu!A8A1'S
ln1L8nALL? ulSLACLu: 1Ln ?LA8S LA1L8, sopto noLe 423, ot 37). llnally, ln 2013, accordlng Lo anoLher sLudy
conducLed by Lhe CenLre for Soclal !usLlce, 33 of vlcLlm-survlvors llvlng ln Lhe rellef colonles llsLed fear of
aLLack" as Lhe reason why Lhey have noL Lrled Lo reLurn Lo Lhelr homes, and 43 reporLed havlng losL Lhelr
llvellhood sources. (Pozefa u[[alnl and nayan aLel, CenLre for Soclal !usLlce, LACk Cl S1A1L 8C1LC1lCn Anu
SCClCLCCnCMlC vuLnL8A8lLl1? CPA8AC1L8lZL 1PL luS A uLCAuL Al1L8 Cu!A8A1 8lC1S, May 23, 2013,
5ee 15 lomllles ketoto to NotoJo-lotlo Aftet 5toyloq lo kellef comps fot 105 uoys, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Mumbal)
6, !un. 13, 2002, Avlnash nalr, NotoJo lotlyo 2012. leot koles, bot nope llves, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad)
4, leb. 28, 2012 (quoLlng Zubelda Shelkh, a resldenL of naroda aLla who losL her husband durlng Lhe vlolence:
l do noL have a place Lo flee Lo. l wlll conLlnue Lo sLlck Lo Lhls place as long as l llve.")
Copal kaLeshlya and Mandar CrlLre, kelocoteJ 5otvlvots llvloq by tbe Cotboqe uomp, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS
(Ahmedabad) 4, leb. 27, 2012.
5ee Zahlr !anmohamed, wbot lt Meoos to be o Mosllm lo loJlo, 1PL nLWS, nov. 3, 2013
hLLp://, 8oxy Cagdekar,
Ctowloq Mosllm Cbettoes ote o llvloq leqocy of 2002, unA (Ahmedabad), leb. 28, 2012.
lrom an lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Paala (pseudonym), 2013 (Lhls survlvor, who conslders herself Lo be
exLremely lucky, was able Lo relocaLe and rebulld due Lo donaLlons she recelved from her frlends and famlly ln
Lhe communlLy. Whlle her supporLers were able Lo musLer enough money for her Lo buy a new home, Lhey also
exhausLed Lhe enLlreLy of Lhelr collecLlve savlngs ln Lhe process, Lhus serlously [eopardlzlng all of tbelt

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


llvellhoods ln Lhe process. And sLlll, Lhe survlvor chose noL Lo reLurn Lo her prevlous communlLy ouL of fear of
whaL her former nelghbors mlghL do Lo her lf she reLurned).
5ee Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 182-197. 5ee olso Modl Sl1 SLaLemenL, sopto noLe 130, ot 8, (1he
CovL conLrlbuLed funds as per pollcy and Lhe rellef operaLlons were supervlsed by Lhe Same. 1he necessary
food, drlnklng waLer, medlclnes, and cash doles, eLc. arrangemenLs were made ln Lhese cases."), alak nandl, 6
Mootbs lotet, ne Cets bls cbepoe, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad) Sep. 19, 2002, NotoJo Otpboo lloolly Cets
compeosotloo, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA (Ahmedabad) 3, Sep. 19, 2002. 8ot see !oydeep 8ay, nls lomllys ueoJ, ooJ be
cootlooes to wolt fot compeosotloo, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad), Apr. 13, 2002.
5ee Sl1 !afrl Closure 8eporL, sopto noLe 43, ot 183 (clLlng governmenL sLaLlsLlcs LhaL vlcLlm households were
pald 1.3 lokb (approxlmaLely $3612, lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) ln compensaLlon for a rloL-relaLed deaLh.
1he governmenL clalmed lL spenL 8s.17.34 Crore (approx. $6.3 mllllon, lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) seLLllng a
LoLal of 1169 such cases. PlsLorlcal converslon raLes found on, and lndlan lnflaLlon raLes calculaLed
uslng Lhe Consumer rlce lndex daLa found on Lhe CovernmenL of lndla's Labour 8ureau webslLe:
5ee lJ., ot 184-3 (clLlng governmenL sLaLlsLlcs LhaL vlcLlm households were pald accordlng Lo a slldlng scale-
based on Lhe degree of dlsablllLy-ln cases of serlous ln[ury, ranglng from a 8s. 3,000 paymenL (approx. $187,
lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) for up Lo 10 ln[ury" Lo a 8s. 30,000 paymenL (approx. $1,871, lnflaLlon
ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) lf vlcLlms could cerLlfy permanenL dlsablllLy of more Lhan 40." 1he governmenL
clalmed lL spenL 2.21 Crore (approx. $830,000 mllllon, lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) seLLllng a LoLal of 2348
such cases).
5ee lJ., ot 184 (clLlng governmenL sLaLlsLlcs LhaL dlsplaced households were pald 8s. 13 (approx. 36, lnflaLlon
ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) per day per person, for up Lo 3 persons per famlly and for no longer Lhan 13 days. 1he
governmenL clalmed lL spenL 0.63 Crore (approx. $240,000, lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) seLLllng a LoLal of
7718 such cases).
5ee lJ., ot 191 (clLlng governmenL sLaLlsLlcs LhaL dlsplaced households were pald up Lo 8s. 30,000 (approx.
$1,871, lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) ln compensaLlon for Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhelr houslng durlng Lhe rloLs.
1he governmenL clalmed lL spenL 8s. 30.10 Crore (approx. $11,260,000, lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) seLLllng
a LoLal of 29,241 such cases).
5ee lJ., ot 191-3 (clLlng governmenL sLaLlsLlcs LhaL lndlvlduals and buslnesses were also enLlLled Lo
compensaLlon accordlng Lo a slldlng scale, wlLh compensaLlon capped aL 8s. 30,000 (approx. $1,871, lnflaLlon
ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) for large lndusLrlal enLerprlses, and capped aL 8s. 10,000 (approx. $374, lnflaLlon
ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) for mosL lndlvlduals).
5ee lJ., aL 184-91.
ClLlzens for !usLlce & eace peLlLloned Lhe Cu[araL Plgh CourL seeklng Lo declare Lhe compensaLlon cap of 8s.
30,000 for famllles who losL Lhelr houses unconsLlLuLlonal, argulng LhaL lL was approxlmaLely one slxLh of whaL
prevlous courL [udgmenLs had awarded Lo Lhe vlcLlms of Lhe 1984 anLl-Slkh pogroms ln new uelhl. (ClLlzens for
!usLlce and eace, 8eporL for Lhe CommlLLee for Lhe LllmlnaLlon of ulscrlmlnaLlon AgalnsL Women (CLuAW),
sopto noLe 123, ot 16-19). 1he C! peLlLlons relled ln parL on a 2002 survey conducLed by Lhe Women's
arllamneLary CommlLLee on LmpowermenL of Women (WC), whlch had esLlmaLed Lhe average payouL for
lndlvlduals whose homes had been completely desLroyed Lo have been around 8s. 13,000 (approx. $371,
lnflaLlon ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu). CLher lus apparenLly recelved as llLLle as 8s. 40 (approx. $1.30, lnflaLlon
ad[usLed Lo 2013 uSu) compensaLlon for Lhelr pottlolly desLroyed homes. 5ee MargareL Alva, CommlLLee on
LmpowermenL of Women, vlCLLnCL ACAlnS1 WCMLn uu8lnC 1PL 8lC1S 39, Aug. 2002,

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

1he Cu[araL sLaLe governmenL clalmed LhaL lL had adequaLely provlded for Lhe humanlLarlan needs of Lhe lus.
5ee sopto, noLe 431. Puman rlghLs groups, on Lhe oLher hand, clalmed LhaL whlle lus began fleelng Lo Lhese
rellef camps on lebruary 28, governmenL ald dld noL begln Lo reach Lhe camps unLll aL leasL a week laLer (P8W
2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 33). Lven Lhen, some camps had Lo peLlLlon Lhe Cu[araL Plgh CourL Lo force Lhe SLaLe
governmenL Lo fulflll lLs obllgaLlon Lo provlde ald. (CCnCL8nLu Cl1lZLnS 18l8unAL ll, sopto noLe 9, ot 123).
ConLemporaneous reporLs documenLed LhaL even when presenL, governmenL ald was lnadequaLe Lo meeL Lhe
camp lnhablLanLs' baslc needs. 5ee P8W 2002, sopto noLe 14, ot 33. 5ee olso AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal, lnulA: 1PL
S1A1L MuS1 LnSu8L 8Lu8LSS lC8 1PL vlC1lMS. A MLMC8AnuuM 1C 1PL CCvL8nMLn1 Cl Cu!A8A1 Cn l1S uu1lLS ln 1PL
Al1L8MA1P Cl 1PL vlCLLnCL 7, Mar. 28, 2002. hLLp://
[netelooftet AmnesLy 2002"].
ClLlzens for !usLlce and eace, 8eporL for Lhe CommlLLee for Lhe LllmlnaLlon of ulscrlmlnaLlon AgalnsL Women
(CLuAW), sopto noLe 123, ot 17.
lJ., ot 18.
!anvlkas, Cu!A8A1'S ln1L8nALL? ulSLACLu: 1Ln ?LA8S LA1L8, sopto noLe 423, ot 6.
5ee e.q., 2002 Cojotot klots. Nooovotl commlssloo cteJlblllty nlt Aqolo, MAlL 1CuA? (new uelhl), uec. 23, 2011,
(LxpecLlng an unblased reporL from such a panel seems llke a long shoL."), nllan[an Mukophadhyay, 1bot
5tobboto 5tolo oo MoJls kecotJ, 8Lulll.CCM, !ul. 21, 2013, hLLp://
sLubborn-sLaln-on-modls-record/20130721.hLm, (lL ls flve years slnce Lhe flrsL reporL on Lhe Codhra carnage
was glven and Lhe sllence LhereafLer has conLrlbuLed Lo fear of a [udlclal cover-up.")
C!A and Lhe !amla Mlllla lslamla unlverslLy ln uelhl organlzed a serles of evenLs enLlLled Memorlal Lo a
Cenoclde: CulberL Cu[araL 2002-2012. (Memotlol to o CeooclJe. Colbetq Cojotot 2002-2012, lnulA 1CuA?
CnLlnL, CcL. 11, 2012, hLLp://lndlaLoday.lnLoday.ln/educaLlon/sLory/[amla-mlllla-lslamla-programme-memorlal-
Lo-a-genoclde/1/224246.hLml. AL LhaL evenL, Mukul Mangallk spoke of Lhe lmporLance of memorlallzlng evenLs
such as Lhe Culberg SocleLy massacre. See Mokol Mooqollk, Cojotot 2002 most be temembeteJ ooJ
ooJetstooJ so lt oevet boppeos oqolo, (LranscrlpL of a speech glven on CcL. 12, 2012), ovolloble ot SouLh Asla
ClLlzens' Web hLLp://www.sacw.neL/arLlcle2921.hLml.
5ee l. cblJombotom. ulsoppolotloq tbot NoteoJto MoJl bos oot ApoloqlzeJ fot 2002 Cojotot klots, 1PL
llnAnClAL Lx8LSS (new uelhl) leb. 18, 2014, hLLp://
dlsappolnLlng-LhaL-narendra-modl-has-noL-apologlsed-for-2002-gu[araL-rloLs/1227098, see olso lotetvlew wltb
NoteoJto MoJl ooJ kotoo 1bopot on l8n-Cnn, ovolloble ot hLLps://
(where Mr. Modl walks ouL ln response Lo karan 1hapar's quesLlonlng abouL hls refusal Lo repeaL an apology for
whaL happened:

k.1hapar: Can l suggesL one Lhlng Lo you: why can'L you say LhaL you regreL Lhe kllllngs LhaL happened,
LhaL maybe Lhe governmenL should have done more Lo proLecL Lhe Musllms?"
Mr. Modl: WhaL l had Lo say l sald lL aL LhaL Llme, and you can flnd ouL my sLaLemenLs."
k. 1hapar: !usL say lL agaln."
Mr. Modl: noL necessary [why do l have Lo say agaln ln 2007 whaL l sald Lhen?]"

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


k. 1hapar: 8uL by noL saylng lL agaln, by noL leLLlng people hear Lhe message repeaLedly, you're relylng on
an lmage LhaL ls conLrary Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of Cu[araL Lo conLlnue. lL's ln your hands Lo change lL."

urafL revenLlon of Communal and 1argeLed vlolence (Access Lo !usLlce and 8eparaLlons) 8lll, 2011,
hLLp://nac.nlc.ln/pdf/pcLvb.pdf, [betelooftet urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll"]. 1he blll was
proposed ln 2011 by Lhe naLlonal Advlsory Councll (nAC). 1he nAC, chalred by noLed Congress personallLy
Sonla Chandl, has Lhe mandaLe Lo provlde lnpuLs ln Lhe formulaLlon of pollcy by Lhe CovernmenL and Lo
provlde supporL Lo Lhe CovernmenL ln lLs leglslaLlve buslness." naLlonal Advlsory Councll, hLLp://nac.nlc.ln (lasL
accessed March 13, 2014).
5ee commoool notmooy 8lll lot oo nolJ, unA (new uelhl), leb. 6, 2014.
naLlonal Advlsory Councll, LxLAnA1C8? nC1L: 8LvLn1lCn Cl CCMMunAL Anu 1A8CL1Lu vlCLLnCL (ACCLSS 1C !uS1lCL
Anu 8LA8A1lCnS 8lLL, 2011, 1, !ul. 21, 2011, (betelooftet urafL revenLlon of Communal and 1argeLed vlolence
8lll-LxplanaLory noLe"), ovolloble ot bttp.//ooc.olc.lo/pJf/explooototy_oote.pJf.
ld., aL 2.
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, ot 3, 13. 5ee olso urafL revenLlon of Communal
and 1argeLed vlolence 8lll LxplanaLory noLe, sopto noLe 449, ot 2, (CfLen Lhe greaLesL cause for communal
and LargeLed vlolence agalnsL non-domlnanL groups occurrlng, spreadlng, and perslsLlng, ls LhaL publlc offlclals
Jo oot oct. ubllc servanLs who acL or omlL Lo exerclse auLhorlLy vesLed ln Lhem under law and Lhereby fall Lo
proLecL offences, breach of publlc order, or cause an offence, screen any offender, or fall Lo acL as per law, or
acL wlLh malaflde and pre[udlce shall be gullLy of derellcLlon of duLy wlLh penal consequences.")
5ee qeoetolly, kAl AM8CS, 18LA1lSL Cn ln1L8nA1lCnAL C8lMlnAL LAW: vCL. 1, 190 (Cxford unlverslLy ress, 2013) (see
fooLnoLe 101). 5ee olso Mlchael uuLLwller, lloblllty fot Omlssloo lo lotetootloool ctlmlool low, 6 ln1'L C8lM. LAW
8LvlLW 1 (2006), ot 33 (surveylng legal sysLems LhaL provlde for crlmlnal sancLlons for commlsslon by omlsslon,
flndlng LhaL Lhere ls ln lnLernaLlonal law a general prlnclple of law whlch sLaLes LhaL for Lhe purposes of
crlmlnal law, omlsslon ls normaLlvely equlvalenL Lo acLlon, lf Lhere was a speclal legal duLy Lo acL and prevenL
Lhe harm ln quesLlon. 1hls flndlng has been conflrmed [] by Lhe pracLlce of Lhe unlLed naLlons ad-hoc Lrlbunals
and leadlng scholars ln Lhe fleld.").
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, 14-3, 5ee olso urafL revenLlon of Communal and
1argeLed vlolence 8lll LxplanaLory noLe, sopto noLe 449, ot 2 ([1he proposed 8lll] seeks Lo ensure LhaL Lhe
power of holdlng command over Lhe acLlons of oLhers ls lndeed upheld as a sacred duLy, and LhaL Lhere ls
culpablllLy for Lhose who are 'effecLlvely ln-charge.'").
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, 14.
lJ., ot 13, (deflned any non-sLaLe acLor or superlor or offlce-bearer of any assoclaLlon [any comblnaLlon or
boyd of lndlvlduals, wheLher or noL reglsLered or lncorporaLed under any law for Lhe Llme belng ln force] and
oLher Lhan Lhose [ln command, conLrol or supervlslon of Lhe armed forces or securlLy forces], ln command,
conLrol or supervlslon of any assoclaLlon or assumlng command vesLed ln hlm or her.")
lJ., aL 13.
5ee !udge 8akone !usLlce MoloLl, commooJ kespooslblllty lo lotetootloool ctlmlool 1tlboools, 8erkeley !. lnL'l L.
ubllclsL 12, 13-21.
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, 74, 5ee olso urafL revenLlon of Communal and
1argeLed vlolence 8lll LxplanaLory noLe, sopto noLe 449, ot 2-3, ([Lhe blll] proposes LhaL lf Lhere ls no response

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

Lo a requesL for sancLlon for prosecuLlon wlLhln 30 days from Lhe daLe of Lhe appllcaLlon Lo Lhe concerned
governmenL, sancLlon Lo prosecuLe wlll be deemed granLed.")
CoC 1973, sopto noLe 120, ot Ch.xlv, 197.
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, 20-34, 5ee olso urafL revenLlon of Communal
and 1argeLed vlolence 8lll LxplanaLory noLe, sopto noLe 449, ot 3 ([Lhe blll would have called for Lhe creaLlon
of a] . . . naLlonal AuLhorlLy for Communal Parmony, !usLlce and 8eparaLlon (nACP!8) and correspondlng SLaLe
AuLhorlLles for Communal Parmony, !usLlce and 8eparaLlons (SACP!8). 1helr [proposed] mandaLe [was] Lo
ensure LhaL publlc funcLlonarles acL Lo prevenL and conLrol communal & LargeLed vlolence and also LhaL publlc
servanLs ensure vlcLlms have access Lo [usLlce and reparaLlon when vlolence occurs. 1he funcLlons of Lhe
nACP!8/SACP!8 [were Lo have been] Lo waLch, advlse, remlnd, recommend and warn of consequences lf publlc
servanLs fall Lo acL as per law.")
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, 33-86, 5ee olso urafL revenLlon of Communal
and 1argeLed vlolence 8lll LxplanaLory noLe, sopto noLe 449, ot 4, ([Lhe proposed 8lll would] seek[] Lo
sLrengLhen Lhe rlghLs of Lhe vlcLlm ln Lhe crlmlnal [usLlce sysLem, Lhrough cerLaln provlslons ln Lhelr sLruggle for
[usLlce - from Lhe slmple rlghL Lo lnformaLlon aL all sLages, Lhe rlghL Lo geL coples of all Lhelr sLaLemenLs, Lo Lhe
rlghL Lo be heard ln a courL of law, rlghL Lo proLecLlon, rlghL Lo appeal, and Lhe rlghL Lo flle a complalnL wlLh Lhe
nACP!8/SACP!8 lf and when Lhey are aggrleved by fallure of Lhe sysLem Lo proLecL and secure for Lhem [usLlce
and reparaLlons.")
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, 87-110, 5ee olso urafL revenLlon of Communal
and 1argeLed vlolence 8lll LxplanaLory noLe, sopto noLe 449, ot 4, ([Lhe proposed 8lll would] casL[] legal duLles
on Lhe SLaLe Lo provlde rescue, rellef, rehablllLaLlon, compensaLlon and resLlLuLlon, Lo ensure LhaL all affecLed
persons are resLored Lo a slLuaLlon beLLer Lhan whlch prevalled before Lhey were affecLed by vlolence. 1hls ls
based on Lhe experlence LhaL some sLaLe governmenLs fall Lo provlde even elemenLary humanlLarlan servlces,
by refuslng Lo esLabllsh rellef camps or forcefully dlsbandlng Lhese premaLurely. 1he 8lll also recognlzes and
proLecLs Lhe rlghLs of lnLernally ulsplaced ersons, who are Lemporarlly or permanenLly dlslocaLed because of
LargeLed vlolence.").
urafL revenLlon of Communal vlolence 8lll, sopto noLe 447, 87-110, 5ee olso urafL revenLlon of Communal
and 1argeLed vlolence 8lll LxplanaLory noLe, sopto noLe 449, ot 4-3, ([Lhe proposed 8lll would] requlre[] LhaL
when Lhere ls vlolence, and clLlzens lose Lhelr llves, llvellhoods, and homes, Lhen each devasLaLlon musL be
recognlzed ln Lhe same manner. . . . 1hls 8lll provldes LhaL compensaLlon shall be pald wlLhln 30 days from Lhe
daLe of Lhe lncldenL, and ln accordance wlLh a Schedule, whlch shall be revlsed every 3 years. no compensaLlon
for deaLh shall be less Lhan 8s. 13 lakhs. no compensaLlon for rape shall be less Lhan 8s. 3 lakhs.").
Survlvors descrlbed how nelghbors (elLher relaLlves and frlends of Lhe accused, or oLhers whom Lhey dld noL
recognlze) approached Lhem asklng Lhem noL Lo LesLlfy. 5ee e.q., lnLervlew wlLnessed wlLh Paala (pseudonym),
2013. WlLnesses who lgnored such requesLs and LesLlfled anyway spoke of oLhers who chose Lo accepL brlbes
and wlLhdraw Lhemselves as wlLnesses. Whlle Lhe declslons by wlLnesses Lo Lurn hosLlle" ofLen proved
dlsasLrous Lo a case, many of Lhe survlvors expressed empaLhy for Lhose who accepLed Lhe money. 1he
desperaLe need Lo supporL Lhelr famllles, ofLen forced vlcLlm-survlvors Lo accepL Lhe payoff as a maLLer of self-
preservaLlon. 1hls same Lrend has been reporLed by several news ouLleLs as well. 5ee olso vlnod kumar Menon
and lx nlrav 1rlvedl, l coo Clve op oot 8ooqolow llot fot ltee, sopto noLe 230 (clLlng 8urralya !afrl, Lhsan
!afrl's daughLer-ln-law: assoclaLes of Modl, Lhrough some communlLy members had asked Lhe famlly Lo
wlLhdraw for huge sums of money."), Saeed khan, 02 klot vlctlm woots to be wltoess, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA
(Ahmedabad) 3, uec. 23, 2009 (8usLamkhan 8aloch, wlLness Lo Lhe burnlng of hls parenLs on March 2, 2002 ln
nava SLaLlon vlllage ln norLh Cu[araL, clalmlng LhaL hls uncle Lurned hosLlle afLer Lhe accused persons offered

1he CuesL for !usLlce AfLer Lhe 2002 vlolence ln Cu[araL


hlm a handsome amounL."), arlmal uabhl NotoJo yewltoess clolms be ls 8eloq loteJ to Absolve koJoool, 1PL
lnulAn Lx8LSS (Ahmedabad/vadodara) 1, Mar. 9, 2009 (recounLlng allegaLlons of brlbery and LhreaLs made by
assoclaLes of accused ln Lhe naroda aLla case agalnsL ulldar umrao Salyed: Chaumal, Slndhl (boLh accused ln
Lhe naroda kllllngs) and Lhree Lo flve oLher people were walLlng for me near a pooo shop. 1hey promlsed Lo
reward me well lf l changed my sLaLemenL LhaL l had seen Maya kodnanl and oLhers aL Lhe crlme scene ln
naroda aLlya, dlsLrlbuLlng weapons Lo rloLers, Salyed sald," and also LhaL Larller on november 23, 2008, a
bunch of unldenLlfled men wlLh lron rods had allegedly aLLacked Salyed whlle he was golng ln a rlckshaw on Lhe
naroda aLlya 8oad.").
ln Lhls regard, see also a SepLember 1, 2012 LdlLorlal ln Lhe Lconomlc 1lmes, whlch sLaLed LhaL Lhe unlque
challenge ln Cu[araL has been how Lo dellver [usLlce ln a slLuaLlon where vlrLually Lhe enLlre sLaLe machlnery ls
seen Lo be compllclL ln crlmes," and noLes LhaL [l]n LhaL conLexL, Lhe propose revenLlon of Communal and
1argeLed vlolence 8lll assumes cruclal lmporLance. lor, Lhe alm should be Lo noL only end Lhe culLure of
lmmunlLy fosLered by Lhe pollLlcal class ln communal rloL cases and come down wlLh full force of Lhe law on
lnsLlgaLors and perpeLraLors of rloLs buL also ensure Lhe rehablllLaLlon of vlcLlms." (5etvloq Iostlce, 1PL LCCnCMlC
1lMLS (Ahmedabad) 6, Sep. 1, 2012, on flle wlLh auLhor).
5ee e.q., Llnda ressly, 8llols ketoto to Cojotot, 88C 8adlo 4: Crosslng ConLlnenLs, uec. 18, 2003,
hLLp:// (AlLhough slx men were charged
wlLh Lhe 8rlLlsh LourlsLs' murder, Lhey have been released on ball."), klo of kllleJ 8tltoos 5eek compeosotloo,
1PL MlLLl CAZL11L, !un. 1-13, 2004, hLLp://!un04-rlnL-
LdlLlon/011306200488.hLm (1he dependenLs of Lhe Lwo 8rlLons have soughL compensaLlon of 8s. 22.18 crore
for Lhe murder of Saeed uawood (30) and Shakeel uawood (41). Shakeel and hls couslns Saeed, lmran uawood
and Mohammed AswaL, were aLLacked by a mob near Wadwasa vlllage when Lhey were on Lhelr way by car Lo
Lhelr ancesLral home ln La[pur vlllage, navsarl dlsLrlcL. Shakeel and Saeed dled on Lhe spoL, lmran escaped buL
susLalned severe ln[urles and AswaL sLlll remalns mlsslng. . . . 1he spokesperson for Lhe uawood's famlly from
8aLley ln WesL ?orkshlre, uk, where Lhe vlcLlms were seLLled, sald LhaL a plalnL of 60 pages was flled afLer
consulLaLlon wlLh lnLernaLlonal lawyers and legal experLs.")
5ee e.q., SruLhl CoLLlpaLl, A coovetsotloo wltb. 2obet Ioftl, sopto noLe 243.
5ee e.q., uk loJlo ovoy to vlslt Cojotot fot lltst 1lme 5loce klots, 88C, CcL. 11, 2002,
hLLp:// (8rlLlsh governmenL sources say Lhe vlslL has been
arranged because lL ls ln Lhe uk's naLlonal lnLeresL. 1en years laLer our naLlonal lnLeresLs are beLLer served
by engaglng, noL conLlnulng lsolaLlon, an offlclal sald. lL's abouL Cu[araL, noL Modl.), uk Notmollzes 1les wltb
NoteoJto MoJl, AL!AZLL8A, CcL. 22, 2012,
hLLp://[ (1he declslon by Lhe uk Lo
resume conLacL wlLh Modl ls seen as a cruel blow Lo Lhe causes of [usLlce for Lhe massacre's vlcLlms."), ueomotk
ctltlclzeJ fot ueolloqs wltb loJloo lM cooJlJote, 1PL CCLnPACLn CS1, leb. 23, 2014,
hLLp://, (quoLlng
Meenakshl Cenguly (Puman 8lghLs WaLch): 1he conversaLlons wlLh Modl are predomlnanLly abouL poLenLlal
lnvesLmenL opporLunlLles. uenmark should do more Lo convey Lhelr concern abouL Lhose responslble for Lhe
massacre who weren'L broughL Lo [usLlce,"), otopeoo uoloo oJs 8oycott of NoteoJto MoJl, MAlL 1CuA?
(lndla), leb. 8, 2013, hLLp://
Luropean-unlon-ends-boycoLL.hLml, Archls Mohan, 8ooqloJesb ovoy Meets MoJl, S18A1CS1, !ul. 28, 2013,
hLLp://, Cetmoo ovoy Meets NoteoJto MoJl, l8nLlve, nov.
16, 2013, hLLp://, (quoLlng
Cerman ambassador Lo lndla Mlchael SLelner: 1hls has noLhlng Lo do wlLh an endorsemenL. l am a
represenLaLlve of a forelgn counLry, llke my Luropean colleagues, we have Lo respecL LhaL lndla ls a democracy

lnLernaLlonal Puman 8lghLs and ConfllcL 8esoluLlon Cllnlc aL SLanford Law School

wlLh funcLlonlng lnsLlLuLlons, and we have Lo sLay neuLral, LhaL ls whaL we are dolng."), Noocy lowell Meets
NoteoJto MoJl, Nloe-eot-OlJ u5 8oycott oJs, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, leb. 13, 2014,
No otty fot MoJl loto u5. vlso ueoleJ, 1PL 1lMLS Cl lnulA, Mar. 18, 2003,
(1aklng a sLrong sLand agalnsL Lhe senlor 8! leader and PlnduLva lcon, Lhe uS Consular dlvlslon on lrlday
denled hlm a dlplomaLlc vlsa, apparenLly holdlng hlm responslble for Lhe communal rloLs ln Cu[araL ln 2002
whlch clalmed over 2000 llves.")
5ee e.q., we nove Not lotqotteo Cojotots 2002 klots. uk nlqb commlsslooet, 1PL lnulAn Lx8LSS, !an. 10, 2013,
commlssloner/1037339/, (respondlng Lo a quesLlon on wheLher Lhe uk's re-engagemenL wlLh Mr. Modl meanL
LhaL Lhe uk had forgoLLen Lhe 2002 communal rloLs, 8rlLlsh Plgh Commlssloner Lo lndla Slr !ames uavld 8evan
sLaLed we would llke Lo work ln assoclaLlon wlLh Lhe Cu[araL governmenL Lo glve [usLlce Lo [Lhe vlcLlms of Lhe
2002 rloLs]."
5ee sopto noLe 468 ([olnlng, lotet ollo, uenmark, Sweden, Lhe Lu, Lhe uk, Cermany, 8angladesh, uSA, 20 LaLln
Amerlcan and Carlbbean counLrles," Canada, SwlLzerland and lsrael ln already engaglng dlplomaLlcally and
economlcally wlLh Mr. Modl and hls governmenL).
5ee e.q., We Pave noL lorgoLLen Cu[araL's 2002 8loLs: uk Plgh Commlssloner, sopto noLe 470.
5ee 8eLwa Sharma, AfLer Muzaffarnagar 8loLs, a SLandoff over CovernmenL CompensaLlon," 1he new ?ork
1lmes - lndla lnk, uec. 12, 2013, avallable aL hLLp://
8ahul 8edl, lndlra Candhl's deaLh remembered," november 1, 2009.
Angana ChaLLer[l, PlnduLva's vlolenL PlsLory," 1ehelka Magazlne, 3:36 (SepL. 12, 2008), avallable aL
CommlLLee AgalnsL 1orLure, ConvenLlon AgalnsL 1orLure and oLher Cruel, lnhuman or uegradlng 1reaLmenL or
unlshmenL, Ceneral CommenL no. 2 - lmplemenLaLlon of ArLlcle 2 by SLaLes arLles, 39
Sesslon, 23 nov. 2007
CA1/C/CC/2/C8.1/8ev.4 (Slnce Lhe AdopLlon of Lhe ConvenLlon agalnsL 1orLure, Lhe absoluLe and non-
derogable characLer of Lhls prohlblLlon has become accepLed as a maLLer of cusLomary lnLernaLlonal law.").

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