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Factories Act, 1948

[63 OF 1948]
An Act to consolidate and amend the law e!"latin! la#o" in $actoies%
&'EREA( it is e)*edient to consolidate and amend the law e!"latin! la#o" in $actoies+ ,t is hee#-
enacted as $ollows ./
1. SHORT TITLE, EXTENT AND COMMENCEMENT. - 011 2his Act ma- #e called the Factoies Act3 1948%
041 ,t e)tends to the whole o$ ,ndia%
031 ,t shall come into $oce on the 1st da- o$ A*il3 1949%
2. INTERPRETATION. - ,n this Act3 "nless thee is an-thin! e*"!nant in the s"#5ect o conte)t3 / 0a1
6ad"lt6 means a *eson who has com*leted his ei!hteenth -ea o$ a!e+
0#1 6adolescent6 means a *eson who has com*leted his $i$teen -ea o$ a!e #"t has not com*leted his
ei!hteenth -ea+
0##1 6calenda -ea6 means the *eiod o$ twel7e months #e!innin! with the $ist da- o$ 8an"a- in an-
0c1 6child6 means a *eson who has not com*leted his $i$teenth -ea o$ a!e+
0ca1 6com*etent *eson63 in elation to an- *o7ision o$ this Act3 means a *eson o an instit"tion
eco!nised as s"ch #- the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto $o the *"*oses o$ ca-in! o"t tests3 e)aminations and
ins*ections e:"ied to #e done in a $acto- "nde the *o7isions o$ this Act ha7in! e!ad to / 0i1 the
:"ali$ications and e)*eience o$ the *eson and $acilities a7aila#le at his dis*osal+ o
0ii1 the :"ali$ications and e)*eience o$ the *esons em*lo-ed in s"ch instit"tion and $acilities a7aila#le
theein3 with e!ad to the cond"ct o$ s"ch test3 e)aminations and ins*ections3 and moe than one *eson
o instit"tion can #e eco!nised as a com*etent *eson in elation to a $acto-+
0c#1 6ha;ado"s *ocess6 means an- *ocess o acti7it- in elation to an ind"st- s*eci$ied to the Fist
(ched"le whee3 "nless s*ecial cae is ta<en3 aw mateials "sed theein o the intemediate o $inished
*od"cts3 #-e/*od"cts3 wastes o e$$l"ents theeo$ wo"ld / 0i1 ca"se mateial im*aiment to the health o$
the *esons en!a!ed in o connected theewith3 o
0d1 6-o"n! *eson6 means a *eson who is eithe a child o an adolescent+
0e1 6da-6 means a *eiod o$ twent-/$o" ho"s #e!innin! at midni!ht+
0$1 6wee<6 means a *eiod o$ se7en da-s #e!innin! at midni!ht on (at"da- ni!ht o s"ch othe ni!ht as
ma- #e a**o7ed in witin! $o a *atic"la aea #- the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto o$ $actoies+
0!1 6*owe6 means electical ene!-3 o an- othe $om o$ ene!- which is mechanicall- tansmitted and is
not !eneated #- h"man o animal a!enc-+
0<1 6man"$act"in! *ocess6 means an- *ocess $o / 0i1 ma<in!3 altein!3 e*aiin!3 onamentin!3
$inishin!3 *ac<in!3 oilin!3 washin!3 cleanin!3 #ea<in! "*3 demolishin!3 o othewise teatin! o ada*tin!
an- aticle o s"#stance with a 7iew to its "se3 sale3 tans*ot3 deli7eo dis*osal3 o
0ii1 *"m*in! oil3 wate3 sewa!e o an- othe s"#stance+ o+
0iii1 !eneatin!3 tans$omin! o tansmittin! *owe+ o
0i71 com*osin! t-*es $o *intin!3 *intin! #- lette *ess3 litho!a*h-3 *hoto!a7"e o othe simila
*ocess o #oo< #indin!+ la/6 ] [ la/= o la/= ]
071 const"ctin!3 econst"ctin!3 e*aiin!3 e$ittin!3 $inishin! o #ea<in! "* shi*s o 7essels+ 0,nseted #-
the Factoies 0Amendment1 Act3 19=63 w%e%$% 46/1>/19=6%1
07i1 *ese7in! o stoin! an- aticle in cold stoa!e+ 0l1 6wo<e6 means a *eson em*lo-ed3 diectl- o #-
o tho"!h an- a!enc- 0incl"din! a contacto1 with o witho"t the <nowled!e o$ the *inci*al em*lo-e3
whethe $o em"neation o not3 in an- man"$act"in! *ocess3 o in cleanin! an- *at o$ the machine-
o *emises "sed $o a man"$act"in! *ocess3 o in an- othe <ind o$ wo< incidental to3 o connected
with3 the man"$act"in! *ocess3 o the s"#5ect o$ the man"$act"in! *ocess #"t does not incl"de an-
mem#e o$ the amed $oces o$ the "nion+
0m1 6$acto-6 means an- *emises incl"din! the *ecincts theeo$ / 0i1 wheeon ten o moe wo<es ae
wo<in!3 o wee wo<in! on an- da- o$ the *ecedin! twel7e months3 and in an- *at o$ which a
man"$act"in! *ocess is #ein! caied on with the aid o$ *owe3 o is odinail- so caied on3 o 0ii1
wheeon twent- o moe wo<es ae wo<in!3 o wee wo<in! on an- da- o$ the *ecedin! twel7e
months3 and in an- *at o$ which a man"$act"in! *ocess is #ein! caied on witho"t the aid o$ *owe3 o
is odinail- so caied on3 #"t does not incl"de a mine s"#5ect to the o*eation o$ the Mines Act3 19?4 03?
o$ 19?413 o a mo#ile "nit #elon!in! to the amed $oces o$ the "nion3 a ailwa- "nnin! shed o a hotel3
esta"ant o eatin! *lace+
0n1 6occ"*ie@ o$ a $acto- means the *eson who has "ltimate contol o7e the a$$ais o$ the $acto- .
Po7ided that / 0i1 in the case o$ a $im o othe association o$ indi7id"als3 an- one o$ the indi7id"al
*atnes o mem#es theeo$ shall #e deemed to #e the occ"*ie+
0ii1 in the case o$ a com*an-3 an- one o$ the diectos shall #e deemed to #e the occ"*ie+
0iii1 in the case o$ a $acto- owned o contolled #- the 9ental Ao7enment o an- (tate Ao7enment3 o
an- local a"thoit-3 the *eson o *esons a**ointed to mana!e the a$$ais o$ the $acto- #- the 9ental
Ao7enment3 the (tate Ao7enment o the local a"thoit-3 as the case ma- #e3 shall #e deemed to #e the
occ"*ie .
3. REFERENCES TO TIME OF DAY. - ,n this Act e$eences to time o$ da- ae e$eences to ,ndian
(tandad 2ime3 #ein! $i7e and a hal$ ho"s ahead o$ Aeenwich Mean 2ime . Po7ided that $o an- aea in
which ,ndian (tandad 2ime is not odinail- o#se7ed the (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e "les / 0a1
s*eci$-in! the aea3
0#1 de$inin! the local mean time odinail- o#se7ed theein3 and
0c1 *emittin! s"ch time to #e o#se7ed in all o an- o$ the $actoies sit"ated in the aea%
ma<e "les / 0a1 e:"iin!3 $o the *"*oses o$ this Act3 the s"#mission o$ *lans o$ an- class o desci*tion
o$ $actoies to the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto o the (tate Ao7enment+
0aa1 e:"iin!3 the *e7io"s *emission in witin! o$ the (tate Ao7enment o the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto to #e
o#tained $o the site on which the $acto- is to #e sit"ated and $o the const"ction o e)tension o$ an-
$acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies+
0#1 e:"iin! $o the *"*ose o$ considein! a**lications $o s"ch *emission the s"#mission o$ *lans and
0c1 *esci#in! the nat"e o$ s"ch *lans and s*eci$ications and #- whom the- shall #e ceti$ied+
0d1 e:"iin! the e!istation and licensin! o$ $actoies o an- class o desci*tion o$ $actoies3 and
*esci#in! the $ees *a-a#le $o s"ch e!istation and licensin! and $o the enewal o$ licences+
0e1 e:"iin! that no licence shall #e !anted o enewed "nless the notice s*eci$ied in section = has #een
041 ,$ on an a**lication $o *emission e$eed to in cla"se 0aa1 o$ s"#/section 011 accom*anied #- the
*lans and s*eci$ications e:"ied #- the "les made "nde cla"se 0#1 o$ that s"#/section3 sent to the (tate
Ao7enment o 9hie$ ins*ecto #- e!isteed *ost3 no ode is comm"nicated to the a**licant within thee
months $om the date on which it is so sent3 the *emission a**lied $o in the said a**lication shall #e
deemed to ha7e #een !anted%
031 &hee a (tate Ao7enment o a 9hie$ ,ns*ecto e$"ses to !ant *emission to the site3 const"ction o
e)tension o$ a $acto- o to the e!istation and licensin! o$ a $acto-3 the a**licant ma- within thit- da-s
o$ the date o$ s"ch e$"sal a**eal to the 9ental Ao7enment i$ the decision a**ealed $om was o$ the
(tate Ao7enment and to the (tate Ao7enment in an- othe case%
8. INSPECTORS. - 011 2he (tate Ao7enment ma-3 #- noti$ication in the O$$icial Aa;ette3 a**oint s"ch
*esons as *ossess the *esci#ed :"ali$ication to #e ,ns*ectos $o the *"*oses o$ this Act and ma-
assi!n to them s"ch local limits as it ma- thin< $it%
041 2he (tate Ao7enment ma-3 #- noti$ication in the O$$icial Aa;ette3 a**oint an- *eson to #e a 9hie$
,ns*ecto who shall3 in addition to the *owes con$eed on a 9hie$ ,ns*ecto "nde this Act3 e)ecise the
*owes o$ an ,ns*ecto tho"!ho"t the (tate%
04A1 2he (tate Ao7enment ma-3 #- noti$ication in the O$$icial Aa;ette3 a**oint as man- Additional 9hie$
,ns*ectos3 8oint 9hie$ ,ns*ectos and Be*"t- 9hie$ ,ns*ectos and as man- othe o$$ices as it thin<s $it to
assist the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto and to e)ecise s"ch o$ the *owes o$ the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto as ma- #e s*eci$ied in
s"ch noti$ication%
04B1 E7e- Additional 9hie$ ,ns*ecto3 8oint 9hie$ ,ns*ecto3 Be*"t- 9hie$ ,ns*ecto and e7e- othe o$$ice
a**ointed "nde s"#/section 04A1 shall3 in addition to the *owes o$ a 9hie$ ,ns*ecto s*eci$ied in the
noti$ication #- which he is a**ointed3 e)ecise the *owes o$ an ,ns*ecto tho"!ho"t the (tate%
indiectl- inteested in a $acto- o in an- *ocess o #"siness caied on theein o in an- *atent o
machine- connected theewith%
041 E7e- Bistict Ma!istate shall #e an ,ns*ecto $o his distict%
35. PROTECTION OF EYES. - ,n es*ect o$ an- s"ch man"$act"in! *ocess caied on in an- $acto- as
ma- #e *esci#ed3 #ein! a *ocess which in7ol7es / 0a1 is< o$ in5"- to the e-es $om *aticles o
$a!ments thown o$$ in the co"se o$ the *ocess3 o
0#1 is< to the e-es #- eason o$ e)*os"e to e)cessi7e li!ht3 the (tate Ao7enment ma- #- "les e:"ie
that e$$ecti7e sceens o s"ita#le !o!!les shall #e *o7ided $o the *otection o$ *esons em*lo-ed on3 o
in the immediate 7icinit- o$3 the *ocess%
36. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST DANGEROUS FUMES, GASES, ETC. - 011 Co *eson shall #e e:"ied o
allowed to ente an- cham#e3 tan<3 7at3 *it3 *i*e3 $l"e o othe con$ined s*ace in an- $acto- in which an-
!as3 $"me3 7a*o" o d"st is li<el- to #e *esent to s"ch an e)tent as to in7ol7e is< to *esons #ein!
o7ecome thee#-3 "nless it is *o7ided with a manhole o$ ade:"ate si;e o othe e$$ecti7e means o$
041 Co *eson shall #e e:"ied o allowed to ente an- con$ined s*ace as is e$eed to in s"#/section 0113
"ntil all *actica#le meas"es ha7e #een ta<en to emo7e an- !as3 $"me3 7a*o" o d"st3 which ma- #e
*esent so as to #in! its le7el within the *emissi#le limits and to *e7ent an- in!ess o$ s"ch !as3 $"me3
7a*o" o d"st and "nless / 0a1 a ceti$icate in witin! has #een !i7en #- a com*etent *eson3 #ased on a
test caied o"t #- himsel$ that the s*ace is easona#l- $ee $om dan!eo"s !as3 $"me3 7a*o" o d"st+ o
0#1 s"ch *eson is weain! s"ita#le #eathin! a**aat"s and a #elt sec"el- attached to a o*e the $ee
end o$ which is held #- a *eson o"tside the con$ined s*ace%
*ota#le electic li!ht o an- othe electic a**liance o$ 7olta!e e)ceedin! twent-/$o" 7olts shall #e
*emitted $o "se inside an- cham#e3 tan<3 7at3 *it3 *i*e3 $l"e o othe con$ined s*ace "nless ade:"ate
sa$et- de7ices ae *o7ided+ and
0#1 i$ an- in$lamma#le !as3 $"me o d"st is li<el- to #e *esent in s"ch cham#e3 tan<3 7at3 *it3 *i*e3 $l"e
o othe con$ined s*ace3 no lam* o li!ht othe than that o$ $lame/*oo$ const"ction shall #e *emitted to
#e "sed theein%
3. EXPLOSIVE OR INFLAMMABLE DUST, GAS, ETC. - 011 &hee in an- $acto- an- man"$act"in!
*ocess *od"ces d"st3 !as3 $"me o 7a*o" o$ s"ch chaacte and to s"ch e)tent as to #e li<el- to e)*lode
to i!nition3 all *actica#le meas"es shall #e ta<en to *e7ent an- s"ch e)*losion #- / 0a1 e$$ecti7e
enclos"e o$ the *lant o machine- "sed in the *ocess+
0#1 emo7al o *e7ention o$ the acc"m"lation o$ s"ch d"st3 !as3 $"me o 7a*o"+
0c1 e)cl"sion o e$$ecti7e enclos"e o$ all *ossi#le so"ces o$ i!nition%
041 &hee in an- $acto- the *lant o machine- "sed in a *ocess s"ch as is e$eed to in s"#/section 011
is not so const"cted as to withstand the *o#a#le *ess"e which s"ch an e)*losion as a$oesaid wo"ld
*od"ce3 all *actica#le meas"es shall #e ta<en to estict the s*ead and e$$ects o$ the e)*losion #- the
*o7isions in the *lant o machine- o$ cho<es3 #a$$les3 7ents o othe e$$ecti7e a**liances%
031 &hee an- *at o$ the *lant o machine- in a $acto- contains an- e)*losi7e o in$lamma#le !as o
7a*o" "nde *ess"e !eate than atmos*heic *ess"e3 that *at shall not #e o*ened e)ce*t in
accodance with the $ollowin! *o7isions3 namel- ./ 0a1 #e$oe the $astenin! o$ an- 5oint o$ an- *i*e
connected with the *at o$ the $astenin! o$ the co7e o$ an- o*enin! into the *at is loosened3 an- $low o$
the !as o 7a*o" into the *at o$ an- s"ch *i*e shall #e e$$ecti7el- sto**ed #- a sto* 7al7e o othe
0#1 #e$oe an- s"ch $astenin! as a$oesaid is emo7ed3 all *actica#le meas"es shall #e ta<en to ed"ce
the *ess"e o$ the !as o 7a*o" in the *at o *i*e to atmos*heic *ess"e+
041 Co *lant3 tan< o 7essel which contains o has contained an- e)*losi7e o in$lamma#le s"#stance shall
#e s"#5ected in an- $acto- to an- weldin!3 #a;in!3 soldein! o c"ttin! o*eation which in7ol7es the
a**lication o$ heat "nless ade:"ate meas"es ha7e $ist #een ta<en to emo7e s"ch s"#stance
0?1 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- #- "les e)em*t3 s"#5ect to s"ch conditions as ma- #e *esci#ed3 an-
$acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies $om com*liance with all o an- o$ the *o7isions o$ this section%
38. PRECAUTIONS IN CASE OF FIRE. - 011 ,n e7e- $acto-3 all *actica#le meas"es shall #e ta<en to
*e7ent o"t#ea< o$ $ie and its s*ead3 #oth intenall- and e)tenall-3 and to *o7ide and maintain / 0a1
sa$e means o$ esca*e $o all *esons in the e7ent o$ a $ie3 and 0#1 the necessa- e:"i*ment and $acilities
$o e)tin!"ishin! $ie%
041 E$$ecti7e meas"es shall #e ta<en to ens"e that in e7e- $acto- all the wo<es ae $amilia with the
means o$ esca*e in case o$ $ie and ha7e #een ade:"atel- tained in the o"tine to #e $ollowed in s"ch
031 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e "les3 in es*ect o$ an- $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies3
e:"iin! the meas"es to #e ado*ted to !i7e e$$ect to the *o7isions o$ s"#/sections 011 and 041%
!". SAFETY OF BUILDINGS AND MACHINERY. - 011 ,$ it a**eas to the ,ns*ecto that an- #"ildin! o
*at o$ a #"ildin! o an- *at o$ the wa-s3 machine- o *lant in a $acto- is in s"ch a condition that it is
dan!eo"s to h"man li$e o sa$et-3 he ma- se7e on the occ"*ie o mana!e o #oth o$ the $acto- an
ode in witin! s*eci$-in! the meas"es which in his o*inion sho"ld #e ado*ted3 and e:"iin! them to #e
caied o"t #e$oe a s*eci$ied date%
041 ,$ it a**eas to the ,ns*ecto that the "se o$ an- #"ildin! o *at o$ a #"ildin! o an- *at o$ the wa-s3
machine- o *lant in a $acto- in7ol7es imminent dan!e to h"man li$e o sa$et-3 he ma- se7e on the
occ"*ie o mana!e o #oth o$ the $acto- an ode in witin! *ohi#itin! its "se "ntil it has #een *o*el-
e*aied o alteed%
!"A. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS. - ,$ it a**eas to the ,ns*ecto that an- #"ildin! o *at o$ a
#"ildin! in a $acto- is in s"ch a state o$ dise*ai as is li<el- to lead to conditions detimental to the health
and wel$ae o$ the wo<es3 he ma- se7e on the occ"*ie o mana!e o #oth o$ the $acto- an ode in
witin! s*eci$-in! the meas"es which in his o*inion sho"ld #e ta<en and e:"iin! the same to #e caied
o"t #e$oe s"ch date as is s*eci$ied in the ode%
!"B. SAFETY OFFICERS. - 011 ,n e7e- $acto-3 / 0i1 wheein one tho"sand o moe wo<es ae
odinail- em*lo-ed3 o
0ii1 wheein3 in the o*inion o$ the (tate Ao7enment3 an- man"$act"in! *ocess o o*eation is caied
on3 which *ocess o o*eation in7ol7es an- is< o$ #odil- in5"-3 *oisonin! o disease3 o an- othe ha;ad
to health3 to the *esons em*lo-ed in the $acto-3 the occ"*ie shall3 i$ so e:"ied #- the (tate
Ao7enment #- noti$ication in the O$$icial Aa;ette3 em*lo- s"ch n"m#e o$ (a$et- O$$ices as ma- #e
s*eci$ied in that noti$ication%
041 2he d"ties3 :"ali$ications and conditions o$ se7ice o$ (a$et- O$$ices shall #e s"ch as ma- #e
*esci#ed #- the (tate Ao7enment%
1G. #OR$ERS% PARTICIPATION IN SAFETY MANAGEMENT. 011 2he occ"*ie shall3 in e7e- $acto-
whee a ha;ado"s *ocess ta<es *lace3 o whee ha;ado"s s"#stances ae "sed o handled3 set "* a
(a$et- 9ommittee consistin! o$ e:"al n"m#e o$ e*esentati7es o$ wo<es and mana!ement to *omote
coo*eation #etween the wo<es and the mana!ement 041 2he com*osition o$ the (a$et- 9ommittee3 the
ten"e o$ o$$ice o$ its mem#es and thei i!hts and d"ties shall #e s"ch as ma- #e *esci#ed%
em*lo-ed in an- $acto- en!a!ed in a ha;ado"s *ocess ha7e easona#le a**ehension that thee is a
li<elihood o$ imminent dan!e to thei li7es o health d"e to an- accident3 the- ma- #in! the same to the
notice o$ the occ"*ie%
041 ,t shall #e the d"t- o$ s"ch occ"*ie3 a!ent3 mana!e o the *eson incha!e o$ the $acto- o *ocess
to ta<e immediate emedial action i$ he is satis$ied a#o"t the
031 ,$ the occ"*ie3 a!ent3 mana!e o the *eson incha!e e$eed to in s"#/section 041 is not satis$ied
a#o"t the e)istence o$ an- imminent dan!e as a**ehended #- the wo<es3 he shall3 ne7etheless3 e$e
the matte $othwith to the neaest ,ns*ecto whose decision on the :"estion o$ the e)istence o$ s"ch
imminent dan!e shall #e $inal%
!2. #ASHING FACILITIES. - 011 ,n e7e- $acto- / 0a1 ade:"ate and s"ita#le $acilities $o washin! shall
#e *o7ided and maintained $o the "se o$ the wo<es theein+
0#1 se*aate and ade:"atel- sceened $acilities shall #e *o7ided $o the "se o$ male and $emale wo<es+
0c1 s"ch $acilities shall #e con7enientl- accessi#le and shall #e <e*t clean%
041 2he (tate Ao7enment ma-3 in es*ect o$ an- $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies o o$ an-
man"$act"in! *ocess3 *esci#e standads o$ ade:"ate and s"ita#le $acilities $o washin!%
!3. FACILITIES FOR STORING AND DRYING CLOTHING. - 2he (tate Ao7enment ma-3 in es*ect o$
an- $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies3 ma<e "les e:"iin! the *o7ision theein o$ s"ita#le *laces
$o <ee*in! clothin! not won d"in! wo<in! ho"s and $o the d-in! o$ wet clothin!%
!!. FACILITIES FOR SITTING. - 011 ,n e7e- $acto- s"ita#le aan!ements $o sittin! shall #e *o7ided
and maintained $o all wo<es o#li!ed to wo< in a standin! *osition3 in ode that the- ma- ta<e
ad7anta!e o$ an- o**ot"nities $o est which ma- occ" in the co"se o$ thei wo<%
041 ,$3 in the o*inion o$ the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto3 the wo<es in an- $acto- en!a!ed in a *atic"la
man"$act"in! *ocess o wo<in! in a *atic"la oom ae a#le to do thei wo< e$$icientl- in a sittin!
*osition3 he ma-3 #- ode in witin!3 e:"ie the occ"*ie o$ the $acto- to *o7ide #e$oe a s*eci$ied date
s"ch seatin! aan!ements as ma- #e *actica#le $o all wo<es so en!a!ed o wo<in!%
031 2he (tate Ao7enment ma-3 #- noti$ication in the O$$icial Aa;ette3 declae that the *o7isions o$ s"#/
section 011 shall not a**l- to an- s*eci$ied $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies o to an- s*eci$ied
man"$act"in! *ocess%
!5. FIRST AID APPLIANCES. - 011 2hee shall in e7e- $acto- #e *o7ided and maintained so as to #e
eadil- accessi#le d"in! all wo<in! ho"s $ist/aid #o)es o c"*#oads e:"i**ed with the *esci#ed
contents3 and the n"m#e o$ s"ch #o)es o c"*#oads to #e *o7ided and maintained shall not #e less
than one $o e7e- one h"nded and $i$t- wo<es odinail- em*lo-ed at an- one time in the $acto-%
041 Cothin! e)ce*t the *esci#ed contents shall #e <e*t in a $ist/aid #o) o c"*#oad%
031 Each $ist/aid #o) o c"*#oad shall #e <e*t in the cha!e o$ a se*aate es*onsi#le *eson who holds
a ceti$icate in $ist/aid teatment eco!ni;ed #- (tate Ao7enment and who shall alwa-s #e eadil-
a7aila#le d"in! the wo<in! ho"s o$ the $acto-%
041 ,n e7e- $acto- wheein moe than $i7e h"nded wo<es ae odinail- em*lo-ed thee shall #e
*o7ided and maintained an am#"lance oom o$ the *esci#ed si;e3 containin! the *esci#ed e:"i*ment
and in the cha!e o$ s"ch medical and n"sin! sta$$ as ma- #e *esci#ed and those $acilities shall alwa-s
#e made eadil- a7aila#le d"in! the wo<in! ho"s o$ the $acto-%
!6. CANTEENS. - 011 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e "les e:"iin! that in an- s*eci$ied $acto-
wheein moe than two h"nded and3 $i$t- wo<es ae odinail- em*lo-ed3 a canteen o canteens shall #e
*o7ided and maintained #- the occ"*ie $o the "se o$ the wo<es%
041 &itho"t *e5"dice to the !enealit- o$ the $oe!oin! *owe3 s"ch "les ma- *o7ide $o / 0a1 the date
#- which s"ch canteen shall #e *o7ided+
0#1 the standads in es*ect o$ const"ction3 accommodation3 $"nit"e and othe e:"i*ment o$ the
0c1 the $oodst"$$s to #e se7ed theein and the cha!es which ma- #e made thee$o+
0d1 the constit"tion o$ a mana!in! committee $o the canteen and e*esentation o$ the wo<es in the
mana!ement o$ the canteen+
0dd1 the items o$ e)*endit"e in the "nnin! o$ the canteen which ae not to #e ta<en into acco"nt in
$i)in! the cost o$ $oodst"$$s and which shall #e #one #- the em*lo-e+
!. SHELTERS, REST ROOMS AND LUNCH ROOMS. - 011 ,n e7e- $acto- wheein moe than one
h"nded and $i$t- wo<es ae odinail- em*lo-ed3 ade:"ate and s"ita#le sheltes o est ooms and a
s"ita#le l"nch oom3 with *o7ision $o din<in! wate3 whee wo<es can eat meals #o"!ht #- them3
shall #e *o7ided and maintained $o the "se o$ the wo<es 041 2he sheltes o est ooms o l"nch ooms
to #e *o7ided "nde s"#/section 011 shall #e s"$$icientl- li!hted and 7entilated and shall #e maintained in
a cool and clean condition%
031 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- / 0a1 *esci#e the standads in es*ect o$ const"ction3 accommodation3
$"nit"e and othe e:"i*ment o$ sheltes3 est ooms and l"nch ooms to #e *o7ided "nde this section+
0#1 #- noti$ication in the O$$icial Aa;ette3 e)em*t an- $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies $om the
e:"iements o$ this section%
!8. CRECHES. - 011 ,n e7e- $acto- wheein moe than thit- women wo<es ae odinail- em*lo-ed
thee shall #e *o7ided and maintained a s"ita#le oom o ooms $o the "se o$ childen "nde the a!e o$
si) -eas o$ s"ch women%
041 ("ch ooms shall *o7ide ade:"ate accommodation3 shall #e ade:"atel- li!hted and 7entilated3 shall
#e maintained in a clean and sanita- condition and shall #e "nde the cha!e o$ women tained in the
cae o$ childen and in$ants%
031 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e "les / 0a1 *esci#in! the location and the standads in es*ect o$
const"ction3 accommodation3 $"nit"e and othe e:"i*ment o$ ooms to #e *o7ided3 "nde this section+
0#1 e:"iin! the *o7ision in $actoies to which this section a**lies o$ additional $acilities $o the cae o$
childen #elon!in! to women wo<es3 incl"din! s"ita#le *o7ision o$ $acilities $o washin! and chan!in!
thei clothin!+
0c1 e:"iin! the *o7ision in an- $acto- o$ $ee mil< o e$eshment o #oth $o s"ch childen+
0d1 e:"iin! that $acilities shall #e !i7en in an- $acto- $o the mothes o$ s"ch childen to $eed them at
the necessa- inte7als%
!&. #ELFARE OFFICERS. - 011 ,n e7e- $acto- wheein $i7e h"nded o moe wo<es ae odinail-
em*lo-ed the occ"*ie shall em*lo- in the $acto- s"ch n"m#e o$ &el$ae o$$ices as ma- #e *esci#ed%
041 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- *esci#e the d"ties3 :"ali$ications and 9onditions o$ se7ice o$ o$$ices
em*lo-ed "nde s"#/section 011%
5". PO#ER TO MA$E RULES TO SUPPLEMENT THIS CHAPTER. - 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e
"les / 0a1 e)em*tin!3 s"#5ect to com*liance with s"ch altenati7e aan!ements $o the wel$ae o$
wo<es as ma- #e *esci#ed3 an- $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies $om com*liance with an- o$
the *o7isions o$ this 9ha*te+
0#1 e:"iin! in an- $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies that e*esentati7es o$ the wo<es
em*lo-ed in the $acto- shall #e associated with the mana!ement o$ the wel$ae aan!ements o$ the
51. #EE$LY HOURS. - Co ad"lt wo<es shall #e e:"ied o allowed to wo< in a $acto- $o moe than
$ot-/ei!ht ho"s in an- wee<%
52. #EE$LY HOLIDAYS. - 011 Co ad"lt wo<e shall #e e:"ied o allowed to wo< in a $acto- on the
$ist da- o$ the wee< 0heeina$te e$eed to as the said da-13 "nless / 0a1 he has o will ha7e a holida- $o
a whole da- on one o$ the thee da-s immediatel- #e$oe o a$te the said da-3 and
0#1 the mana!e o$ the $acto- has3 #e$oe the said da- o the s"#stit"ted da- "nde cla"se 0a13 whiche7e
is ealie3 / 0i1 deli7eed a notice at the o$$ice o$ the ,ns*ecto o$ his intention to e:"ie the wo<e to
wo< on the said da- and o$ the da- which is to #e s"#stit"ted3 and
0ii1 dis*la-ed a notice to that e$$ect in the $acto- . Po7ided that no s"#stit"tion shall #e made which will
es"lt in an- wo<e wo<in! $o moe than ten da-s consec"ti7el- witho"t a holida- $o a whole da-%
041 Cotices !i7en "nde s"#/section 011 ma- #e cancelled #- a notice deli7eed at the o$$ice o$ the
,ns*ecto and a notice dis*la-ed in the $acto- not late than the da- #e$oe the said da- o the holida- to
#e cancelled3 whiche7e is ealie%
031 &hee3 in accodance with the *o7isions o$ s"#/section 0113 an- wo<e wo<s on the said da- and
has had a holida- on one o$ the thee da-s immediatel- #e$oe it3 that said da- shall3 $o the *"*ose o$
calc"latin! his wee<l- ho"s o$ wo<3 #e incl"ded in the *ecedin! wee<%
53. COMPENSATORY HOLIDAYS. - 011 &hee3 as a es"lt o$ the *assin! o$ an ode o the ma<in! o$ a
"le "nde the *o7isions o$ this Act e)em*tin! a $acto- o the wo<es theein $om the *o7isions o$
section ?43 a wo<e is de*i7ed o$ an- o$ the wee<l- holida-s $o which *o7ision is made in s"#/section
011 o$ that section3 he shall #e allowed3 within the month in which the holida-s wee d"e to him o within
the two months immediatel- $ollowin! that month3 com*ensato- holida-s o$ e:"al n"m#e to the holida-s
so lost%
041 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- *esci#e the manne in which the holida-s $o which *o7ision is made in
s"#/section 011 shall #e allowed%
5!. DAILY HOURS. - ("#5ect to the *o7isions o$ section ?13 no ad"lt wo<e shall #e e:"ied o allowed
to wo< in a $acto- $o moe than nine ho"s in an- da- .
Po7ided that3 s"#5ect to the *e7io"s a**o7al o$ the 9hie$ ins*ecto3 the dail- ma)im"m ho"s s*eci$ied
in this section ma- #e e)ceeded in ode to $acilitate the chan!e o$ shi$ts%
55. INTERVALS FOR REST. - 011 2he *eiods o$ wo< o$ ad"lt wo<es in a $acto- each da- shall #e so
$i)ed that no *eiod shall e)ceed $i7e ho"s and that no wo<e shall wo< $o moe than $i7e ho"s #e$oe
he has had an inte7al $o est o$ at least hal$ an ho"%
041 2he (tate Ao7enment o3 s"#5ect to the contol o$ the (tate Ao7enment3 the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto3 ma-3
#- witten ode and $o the easons s*eci$ied theein3 e)em*t
an- $acto- $om the *o7isions o$ s"#/section 011 so howe7e that the total n"m#e o$ ho"s wo<ed #- a
wo<e witho"t an inte7al does not e)ceed si)%
5. NIGHT SHIFTS. - &hee a wo<e in a $acto- wo<s on a shi$t which e)tends #e-ond midni!ht3 / 0a1
$o the *"*oses o$ sections ?4 and ?33 a holida- $o a whole da- shall mean in his case a *eiod o$
twent-/$o" consec"ti7e ho"s #e!innin! when his shi$t ends+
0#1 the $ollowin! da- $o him shall #e deemed to #e the *eiod o$ twent-/$o" ho"s #e!innin! when s"ch
shi$t ends3 and the ho"s he has wo<ed a$te midni!ht shall #e co"nted in the *e7io"s da-%
58. PROHIBITION OF OVERLAPPING SHIFTS. - 011 &o< shall not #e caied on in an- $acto- #-
means o$ a s-stem o$ shi$ts so aan!ed that moe than one ela- o$ wo<es is en!a!ed3 in wo< o$ the
same <ind at the same time%
041 2he (tate Ao7enment o s"#5ect to the contol o$ the (tate Ao7enment3 the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto3 ma-3 #-
witten ode and $o the easons s*eci$ied theein3 e)em*t on s"ch conditions as ma- #e deemed
e)*edient3 an- $acto- o class o desci*tion o$ $actoies o an- de*atment o section o$ a $acto- o an-
cate!o- o desci*tion o$ wo<es theein $om the *o7isions o$ s"#/section 011%
5&. EXTRA #AGES FOR OVERTIME. - 011 &hee a wo<e wo<s in a $acto- $o moe than nine ho"s
in an- da- o $o moe than $ot-/ei!ht ho"s in an- wee<3 he shall3 in es*ect o$ o7etime wo<3 #e
entitled to wa!es at the ate o$ twice his odina- ate o$ wa!es%
041 Fo the *"*oses o$ s"#/section 0113 6odina- ate o$ wa!es6 means the #asic wa!es *l"s s"ch
allowances3 incl"din! the cash e:"i7alent o$ the ad7anta!e acc"in! tho"!h the concessional sale to
wo<es o$ $ood!ains and othe aticles3 as the wo<e is $o the time #ein! entitled to3 #"t does not
incl"de a #on"s and wa!es $o o7etime wo<%
031 &hee an- wo<es in a $acto- ae *aid on a *iece/ate #asis3 the time ate shall #e deemed to #e
e:"i7alent to the dail- a7ea!e o$ thei $"ll/time eanin!s $o the da-s on which the- act"all- wo<ed on
the same o identical 5o# d"in! the month immediatel- *ecedin! the calenda month d"in! which the
o7etime wo< was done3 and s"ch time ates shall #e deemed to #e the odina- ates o$ wa!es o$ those
wo<es .
61. NOTICE OF PERIODS OF #OR$ FOR ADULTS. - 011 2hee shall #e dis*la-ed and coectl-
maintained in e7e- $acto- in accodance with the *o7isions o$ s"#/section 041 o$ section 1>83 a notice o$
*eiods o$ wo< $o ad"lts3 showin! cleal- $o e7e- da- the *eiods d"in! which ad"lt wo<es ma- #e
e:"ied to wo<%
041 2he *eiods shown in the notice e:"ied #- s"#/section 011 shall #e $i)ed #e$oehand in accodance
with the $ollowin! *o7isions o$ this section3 and shall #e s"ch that wo<es wo<in! $o those *eiods
wo"ld not #e wo<in! in conta7ention o$ an- o$ the *o7isions o$ sections ?13 ?43 ?33 ?43 ??3 ?6 and ?8%
031 &hee all the ad"lt wo<es in a $acto- ae e:"ied to wo< d"in! the same *eiods3 the mana!e o$
the $acto- shall $i) those *eiods $o s"ch wo<es !eneall-%
041 &hee all the ad"lt wo<es in a $acto- ae not e:"ied to wo< d"in! the same *eiods3 the
mana!e o$ the $acto- shall classi$- them into !o"*s accodin! to the nat"e o$ thei wo< indicatin! the
n"m#e o$ wo<es in each !o"*%
0?1 Fo each !o"* which is not e:"ied to wo< on a s-stem o$ shi$ts3 the mana!e o$ the $acto- shall $i)
the *eiods d"in! which the !o"* ma- #e e:"ied to wo<%
061 &hee an- !o"* is e:"ied to wo< on a s-stem o$ shi$ts and the ela-s ae not to #e s"#5ect to
*edetemined *eiodical chan!es o$ shi$ts3 the mana!e o$ the $acto- shall $i) the *eiods d"in! which
each ela- o$ the !o"* ma- #e e:"ied to wo<%
62. REGISTER OF ADULT #OR$ERS. - 011 2he mana!e o$ e7e- $acto- shall maintain a e!iste o$
ad"lt wo<es3 to #e a7aila#le to the ,ns*ecto at all times d"in! wo<in! ho"s3 o when an- wo< is
#ein! caied on in the $acto-3 showin! / 0a1 the name o$ each ad"lt wo<e in the $acto-+
0#1 the nat"e o$ his wo<+
0c1 the !o"*3 i$ an-3 in which he is incl"ded+
0d1 whee his !o"* wo<s on shi$ts3 the ela- to which he is allotted+ and
0e1 s"ch othe *atic"las as ma- #e *esci#ed .
01A1 Co ad"lt wo<e shall #e e:"ied o allowed to wo< in an- $acto- "nless his name and othe
*atic"las ha7e #een enteed in the e!iste o$ ad"lt wo<es%
041 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- *esci#e the $om o$ the e!iste o$ ad"lt wo<es3 the manne in which it
shall #e maintained and the *eiod $o which it shall #e *ese7ed%
UNDER SECTION 62. - Co ad"lt wo<e shall #e e:"ied o allowed to wo< in an- $acto- othewise
than in accodance with the notice o$ *eiods o$ wo< $o ad"lts dis*la-ed in the $acto- and the enties
made #e$oehand a!ainst his name in the e!iste o$ ad"lt wo<es o$ the $acto-%
66. FURTHER RESTRICTIONS ON EMPLOYMENT OF #OMEN. - 011 2he *o7isions o$ this 9ha*te
shall3 in thei a**lication to women in $actoies3 #e s"**lemented #- the $ollowin! $"the estictions3
namel- ./ 0a1 no e)em*tion $om the *o7isions o$ section ?4 ma- #e !anted in es*ect o$ an- women+
0#1 no women shall #e e:"ied o allowed to wo< in an- $acto- e)ce*t #etween the ho"s o$ 6 A%M% and
= P%M% .
041 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e "les *o7idin! $o the e)em*tion $om the estictions set o"t in
s"#/section 0113 to s"ch e)tent and s"#5ect to s"ch conditions as it ma- *esci#e3 o$ women wo<in! in
$ish c"in! o $ish/cannin! $actoies3 whee the em*lo-ment o$ women #e-ond the ho"s s*eci$ied in the
said estictions is necessa- to *e7ent dama!e to o deteioation in3 an- aw mateial%
031 2he "les made "nde s"#/section 041 shall emain in $oce $o not moe than thee -eas at a time%
68. NON-ADULT #OR$ERS TO CARRY TO$ENS. - A child who has com*leted his $o"teenth -ea o an
adolescent shall not #e e:"ied o allowed to wo< in an- $acto- "nless / 0a1 a ceti$icate o$ $itness
!anted with e$eence to him "nde section 69 is in the c"stod- o$ the mana!e o$ the $acto-+ and
0#1 s"ch child o adolescent caies while he is at wo< a to<en !i7in! a e$eence to s"ch ceti$icate%
8". #AGES DURING LEAVE PERIOD. - 011 Fo the lea7e allowed to him "nde section =8 o section =93
as the case ma- #e a wo<e shall #e entitled to wa!es at a ate e:"al to the dail- a7ea!e o$ his total $"ll
time eanin!s $o the da-s on which he act"all- wo<ed d"in! the month immediatel- *ecedin! his lea7e3
e)cl"si7e o$ an- o7etime and #on"s #"t incl"si7e o$ deaness allowance and the cash e:"i7alent o$ the
ad7anta!e acc"in! tho"!h the concessional sale to the wo<e o$ $ood!ains and othe aticles .
041 2he cash e:"i7alent o$ the ad7anta!e acc"in! tho"!h the concessional sale to the wo<e o$
$ood!ains and othe aticles shall #e com*"ted as o$ten as ma- #e *esci#ed3 on the #asis o$ the
ma)im"m :"antit- o$ $ood!ains and othe aticles admissi#le to a standad $amil-%
031 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e "les *esci#in! / 0a1 the manne in which the cash e:"i7alent o$
the ad7anta!e acc"in! tho"!h the concessional sale to a wo<e o$ $ood!ains and othe aticles shall #e
com*"ted+ and
0#1 the e!istes that shall #e maintained in a $acto- $o the *"*ose o$ sec"in! com*liance with the
*o7isions o$ this section%
88. NOTICE OF CERTAIN ACCIDENTS. - 011 &hee in an- $acto- an accident occ"s which ca"ses
death3 o which ca"ses an- #odil- in5"- #- eason o$ which the *eson in5"ed is *e7ented $om wo<in!
$o a *eiod o$ $ot-/ei!ht ho"s o moe immediatel- $ollowin! the accident3 o which is o$ s"ch nat"e as
ma- #e *esci#ed in this #ehal$3 the mana!e o$ the $acto- shall send notice theeo$ to s"ch a"thoities3
and in s"ch $om and within s"ch time3 as ma- #e *esci#ed%
041 &hee a notice !i7en "nde s"#/section 011 elates to an accident ca"sin! death3 the a"thoit- to
whom the notice is sent shall ma<e an in:"i- into the occ"ence within one month o$ the ecei*t o$ the
notice o3 i$ s"ch a"thoit- is not the ,ns*ecto3 ca"se the ,ns*ecto to ma<e an in:"i- within the said
031 2he (tate Ao7enment ma- ma<e "les $o e!"latin! the *oced"e at in:"iies "nde this section%
8&. NOTICE OF CERTAIN DISEASES. - 011 &hee an- wo<e in a $acto- contacts an- disease
s*eci$ied in the 2hid (ched"le3 the mana!e o$ the $acto- shall send notice theeo$ to s"ch a"thoities3
and in s"ch $om and within s"ch time as ma- #e *esci#ed%
041 ,$ an- medical *actitione attends on a *eson who is o has #een em*lo-ed in a $acto-3 and who is3
o is #elie7ed #- the medical *actitione to #e3 s"$$ein! $om an- disease3 s*eci$ied in the 2hid (ched"le
the medical *actitione shall witho"t dela- send a e*ot in witin! to the o$$ice o$ the 9hie$ ,ns*ecto
statin! / 0a1 the name and $"ll *ostal addess o$ the *atient3
0#1 the disease $om which he #elie7es the *atient to #e s"$$ein!3 and
0c1 the name and addess o$ the $acto- in which the *atient is3 o was last3 em*lo-ed%
% 041 ,$ an- medical *actitione $ails to com*l- with the *o7isions o$ s"#/section 0413 he shall #e
*"nisha#le with $ine which ma- e)tend to one tho"sand "*ees%
0?1 2he 9ental Ao7enment ma-3 #- noti$ication in the O$$icial Aa;ette3 add to o alte the 2hid (ched"le
and an- s"ch addition o alteation shall ha7e e$$ect as i$ it had #een made #- this Act%
*emises se*aate #"ildin!s ae leased to di$$eent occ"*ies $o "se as se*aate $actoies3 the owne o$
the *emises shall #e es*onsi#le $o the *o7ision and maintenance o$ common $acilities and se7ices3
s"ch as a**oach oads3 daina!e3 wate s"**l-3 li!htin! and sanitation%
041 2he 9hie$ ,ns*ecto shall ha7e3 s"#5ect to the contol o$ the (tate Ao7enment3 *owe to iss"e odes
to the owne o$ the *emises in es*ect o$ the ca-in! o"t o$ the *o7isions o$ s"#/section 011%
031 &hee in an- *emises3 inde*endent o sel$/contained3 $loos o $lats ae leased to di$$eent occ"*ies
$o "se as se*aate $actoies3 the owne o$ the *emises shall #e lia#le as i$ he wee the occ"*ie o
mana!e o$ a $acto-3 $o an- conta7ention o$ the *o7isions o$ this Act in es*ect o$ / 0i1 latines3 "inals
and washin! $acilities in so $a as the maintenance o$ the common s"**l- o$ wate $o these *"*oses is
0ii1 $encin! o$ machine- and *lant #elon!in! to the owne and not s*eci$icall- ent"sted to the c"stod- o
"se o$ an occ"*ie+
0iii1 sa$e means o$ access to the $loos o $lats and maintenance and cleanliness o$ staicases and common
0i71 *eca"tions in case o$ $ie+
071 maintenance o$ hoists and li$ts+ and
07i1 maintenance o$ an- othe common $acilities *o7ided in the *emises%
041 2he 9hie$ ,ns*ecto shall ha7e3 s"#5ect to the contol o$ the (tate Ao7enment3 *owe to iss"e odes
to the owne o$ the *emises in es*ect o$ the ca-in! o"t the *o7isions o$ s"#/section 031%
1"2. PO#ER OF COURT TO MA$E ORDERS. - 011 &hee the occ"*ie o mana!e o$ a $acto- is
con7icted o$ an o$$ence *"nisha#le "nde this Act the 9o"t ma-3 in addition to awadin! an- *"nishment3
#- ode in witin! e:"ie him3 within a *eiod s*eci$ied in the ode 0which the 9o"t ma-3 i$ it thin<s $it
and on a**lication in s"ch #ehal$3 $om time to time e)tend1 to ta<e s"ch meas"es as ma- #e so s*eci$ied
$o emed-in! the mattes in es*ect o$ which the o$$ence was committed%
041 &hee an ode is made "nde s"#/section 0113 the occ"*ie o mana!e o$ the $acto-3 as the case
ma- #e3 shall not #e lia#le "nde this Act in es*ect o$ the contin"ation o$ the o$$ence d"in! the *eiod o
e)tended *eiod3 i$ an-3 allowed #- the 9o"t3 #"t i$3 on the e)*i- o$ s"ch *eiod o e)tended *eiod3 as
the case ma- #e3 the ode o$ the 9o"t has not #een $"ll- com*lied with3 the occ"*ie o mana!e3 as the
case ma- #e3 shall #e deemed to ha7e committed a $"the o$$ence3 and ma- #e sentenced thee$o #- the
9o"t to "nde!o im*isonment $o a tem which ma- e)tend to si) months o to *a- a $ine which ma-
e)tend to one h"nded "*ees $o e7e- da- a$te s"ch e)*i- on which the ode has not #een com*lied
with3 o #oth to "nde!o s"ch im*isonment and to *a- s"ch $ine3 as a$oesaid%
110. Returns. The State Government may make rules requiring owners, occupiers or mangers of factories to submit such
returns, occasional or periodical, as may in its opinion be required for the purposes of this ct.
It is obligatory on the part of the management to maintain the following registers with upto date entries:
Muster Roll in F'() N'.22;
Register of adult workers in F'() N'.11;
Register of leave with wages in F'() *'.1!;
Register of accident or dangerous occurrence in F'() *'.23;
Inspection book containing F'() N'.6, 28 +*, 2&;
Overtime register in F'() *'.& in respect of exempted workers and corresponding duplicate copy of the
overtime slip;
Health register in F'() *'.16 in respect of factories involving haardous processes and dangerous
"xemptions # applicability of the $ct
%he &abour laws 'exemptions from furnishing returns and maintaining registers by certain establishments( $ct) *+,,
$n act to provide for the exemption to employers in relation to establishments is employing small no! of person from
furnishing returns and maintenance of registers under certain &abour laws!
It extends to the whole of India and applies to the establishments to which the schedule of the $ct applies!
On and from the commencement of this $ct an employer in relation to any small establishment to which a scheduled $ct
applies shall:-
*! .urnish a core Return in .orm $;
/! Maintain registers in F'() B) F'() C and .orm 0 in the case of small establishment and a register in .orm " in the
case of very small establishments and such establishments need not furnish the return or maintain the register under the
1cheduled $ct! 2ut th e employer shall continue to issue wages lips under the minimum wages central rules*+34) slips
relating to measurements of the amount of work done by piece rated workers under the 5ayment of 6ages 'Mines( Rules
*+37 and return relating to accidents under the .actories $ct) *+8, and 5lantations &abour $ct) *+3*!
%he following statutory notices or displays shall be displayed at conspicuous place in the factory premises!
9otice of periods of work in F'() *'.1" along with weekly holiday) name and address of the inspector and
the medical officer;
$bstract of the $ct and rules made thereunder in .orm no!*+;
Relevant cautionary notices wherever re:uired;
1afety and health policy of the factory;
Relevant safety posters to create awareness amongst the workers;
%he factories Manager of all the registered factories are re:uired to submit the following returns to the area inspector!
1. $nnual Return in F'() N'.2" in duplicate on or before *
.ebruary of subse:uent year;
2. Half yearly Return in F'() *'.21 in duplicate on or before *3
;uly of the calendar year;
3. Monthly accident return in F'() *'.23) on or before 3
subse:uent month;
2he !at"it- o$ the $ollowin! *esons ma- #e $o$eited.
Aat"it- o$ an em*lo-ee3 whose se7ices ha7e #een teminated $o an- act3 will$"l omission o ne!li!ence
ca"sin! an- dama!e o loss to3 o dest"ction o$3 *o*et- #elon!in! to the em*lo-e3 shall #e $o$eited to the
e)tent o$ the dama!e o loss so ca"sed%
2he !at"it- *a-a#le to an em*lo-ee ma- #e wholl- o *atiall- $o$eited.
a% i$ the se7ices o$ s"ch em*lo-ee ha7e #een teminated $o his ioto"s o disodel- cond"ct o an- othe act
o$ 7iolence on his *at3 o
#% i$ the se7ices o$ s"ch em*lo-ee ha7e #een teminated $o an- act which constit"tes an o$$ence in7ol7in!
moal t"*it"de3 *o7ided that s"ch o$$ence is committed #- him in the co"se o$ his em*lo-ment
Obligation of the Employer
1. The employer is usually required to submit a notice of opening of an establishment to the controlling authority of the
area in form A containing names and addresses of the establishment, employer, number of persons employed, nature of
business etc.
2. The employer shall display conspicuously a notice at or near the main entrance of the establishment in bold letters in
English and in a language understood by the majority of employees.
3. t is the duty of the employer to determine the amount of gratuity as soon as it becomes payable. !ailure to do so shall
render him liable to pay the interest at the pre"ailing rate from time ta#en.
$. To obtain insurance in the prescribed manner for his liability for payment of gratuity under the Act or establish appro"ed
gratuity fund in the prescribed manner.

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