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Travis Meyers


Educator profile:
PDP term: 5 years
Month/Year PDP Submitted for Goal Approval (Initial Educators Only):
Month/Year Plan Submitted for PDP Verification:
Years of educational experience: 0
License File Number:
License Expiration Date: 6/30/14
School district:
Current educational assignment: Student Teacher
Years in current assignment: 0.5
Present Licensure Stage: Pre-Service

Licensure stage sought: Initial

Professional Licensure Categories: Teacher
Professional Development Plan
Step I: Self-reflection
I am currently completing my intern teaching assignment through the University of Wisconsin-
Platteville at River Ridge High School, located in the River Ridge School District. High school
courses that I was able to teach were plant and animal sciences, engines and mechanics,
agribusiness etc. At the freshmen level I have the opportunity to focus more on the basics of

Step II A. Description of School and Teaching,
Administrative, or Pupil Services Situation
At River Ridge High School, it is the hope that students will be inspired to enter society as
knowledgable, responsible, and cultured citizens. River Ridge is focused on learning, leadership,
and connections to help students in making future decisions.

Step II B. Description of Goal to be Addressed
I will increase my knowledge of teaching methods along with content through professional
development and collaboration so that I may better prepare my students for successful careers
and for making decisions about the food, fiber, and natural resource industries.

Step II C. Rationale for the Goal: Links to Professional
Situation and Wisconsin Educator Standards
I will increase my knowledge of teaching methods along with content through professional
development and collaboration so that I may better prepare my students for successful careers
and for making decisions about the food, fiber, and natural resource industries.
Rationale for your Goal:
Agriculture is an ever changing industry which causes challenges in finding qualified employees
to fill new openings. It is obvious that I need to be focusing on the awareness of the changes
occurring within the agriculture industry to impart the employability skills that my students will
need. By meeting this goal I will have met Teacher Standard #1 Teachers know the subjects they
are teaching, Standard #3 Teachers understand that children learn differently, and Standard #10
Teachers are connected with other teachers and the community.
Licensure standard(s) addressed in your plan:
Teacher:(1) The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures
of the disciplines he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these
aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
Teacher:(3) The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning
and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs
of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
Teacher:(10) The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents and
agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and who acts
with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.

Step II D. Plan for Assessing and Documenting the Goal
I will increase my knowledge of teaching methods along with content through professional
development and collaboration so that I may better prepare my students for successful careers
and for making decisions about the food, fiber, and natural resource industries.
I will document my progress of learning and implementing new material and employability skills
in my curriculum through student learning style surveys, attendance at conferences, meetings,
workshops, and collaboration with other professionals. Documentation may include: attendance
records, certificate of completion, student evaluations of course work, curriculum changes,
pictures or videos of student work, SAE projects, or awards through FFA.

Step II E. Plan to Meet the Goal: Objectives, Activities,
Timeline, and Plan for Collaboration
I will increase my knowledge of teaching methods along with content through professional
development and collaboration so that I may better prepare my students for successful careers
and for making decisions about the food, fiber, and natural resource industries.
I will research different methods of classroom instruction so that I will be better able to address a
wide variety of learning styles
Activities Timelines Collaboration Completed
Statewide teacher convention workshops 2014-2019

I will include SAE's (Supervised Agricultural Experiences) in classroom instruction so students
can develop essential career skills
Activities Timelines Collaboration Completed
Implement SAE as a required unit in curriculum 2014-2019

I will research instructional strategies to implement into lessons to meet the needs of different
learning styles.
Activities Timelines Collaboration Completed
I will observe and meet with
other teachers to gain insight
into his/her teaching methods
I will observe and meet with
educators from Southwestern
Wisconsin and other area schools.

Documentation of the Plan
Step III: Annual Review of the PDP
I will increase my knowledge of teaching methods along with content through professional
development and collaboration so that I may better prepare my students for successful careers
and for making decisions about the food, fiber, and natural resource industries.
Step IV A: Evidence of Professional Growth and the Impact
of Professional Growth on Student Learning
I will increase my knowledge of teaching methods along with content through professional
development and collaboration so that I may better prepare my students for successful careers
and for making decisions about the food, fiber, and natural resource industries.
Step IV B: Reflection and Summary
I will increase my knowledge of teaching methods along with content through professional
development and collaboration so that I may better prepare my students for successful careers
and for making decisions about the food, fiber, and natural resource industries.

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