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Thoughts on Fire Vol.

By Leon Basin

L. Basin
Published in United States as Thoughts on Fire Vol.2
© L. Basin, 2009
First Edition
Thoughts on Fire is the copyright of the rightful owner.
Printed by
Leon Basin
Thoughts on Fire
No part of this book may be reproduced in part or
Whole in any other medium without written permission.
Also By Leon Basin:

A Closed Window of Truth

Digesting Current Events: Through Metaphors, Similes, and the abstract

Acceptance: A Children’s Poetry Anthology

Thoughts on Fire

Thoughts on Fire Vol.2

Table of Contents

Moving as Water

Wise Man

Walking on the Grass

Nothing is that Complicated

Is Tao a Living Organism?

Run of a Lifetime!

Life's Observations Part 4

We are Born Alone and We Die Alone

Live In The Now
Beauty of Simplicity

Calmly Sitting by the River

American Revolution Is Needed

Who or What am I?

The Way I Write...

Life’s Observations Part 5

Writing from the Heart and from my Soul

He Sat in the Corner of his Room

Thoughts and Ramblings

The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 1)

The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 2)

The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 3)

The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 4)

Moving as Water
Water runs as fast or as slow as one wants to see it. Is it an illusion to see water stop;
then start moving again? Can we control the water flow? Do you believe that water is
the most ignored form on our planet? Many people believe water is only needed for
staying “alive.” However, have you ever actually watched water move down a
stream? Have you seen water fall down from fallen leaves? What about rain falling
from the sky? Have any of you ever actually watched it? Paid attention long enough,
to open your mind and body to a possibility, that water is our form of electricity.

Being able to move, as water, is something short of extraordinary. Our bodies are
made out of 70% water. Therefore, moving through life as water moves down the
streams is an interesting concept.

Move as water. Let thoughts of ocean waves show you the way to understand yourself.
It becomes easier the more you do it of course. It becomes second nature and you
could benefit in many ways. When life has you down, remember how the ocean
waves flow. It moves slowly, at times, but then gains speed at times as well. It always
moves in and out. Let any negative thoughts come in and out of your mind. You do not
have to meditate in order to get your mind clear. You could be doing whatever. It will
work no matter what. The simple form of letting things come in and out will work. It
could be a thought about your car breaking down; a cable bill or even you forgot to
feed your cat. There is no way to turn the time back. Therefore, you have to let the
thoughts come in and out. It really is that simple. Why make things any more
Wise Man

Wise man spoke of today and not yesterday, because his belief was in him. Nowhere,
but inside him. This wise man spoke on the ground you and I walk on. He speaks
inside you today, yesterday and continuously continues to speak to you in the moment
of now! One does not believe in miracles. No one said you had to! Believe in yourself
for the beauty is inside each individual. Beauty that hides inside you is the real
beauty one always hopes and prays for! Each passing day, when that thought of rain
drops outside your window, you behave in a manner that is you and no one but you.
The real you shines bright, it does not hide behind the make-ups nor masks of hate.
The flying butterflies in your stomach are real, when you hear that thoughts of rain
drop one by one. They continue catching speed, as that is the only thing they know
how to do. It is up to you; to control these thought raindrops, and change them to
your surroundings and your ways of thinking.
Walking on the Grass

What an amazing feeling when I walked on the grass. Tingling feeling of comfort
moved down from my tiptoes, to my feet and into my calves and then my legs. I walk
around breathing in and out, hoping that my nervousness will go away, due to work-
related issues. I walk slowly on the grass. I breathe in and out. Soothing sounds of
birds chirp above my head, as I continue the journey from one patch of grass to the
other. Grass continues to tingle my feet, especially at the bottom. I squeeze the toes,
and then release. I continue walking, hoping that I don’t step into the dogs poop. It is
okay I begin to reassure myself. I will go with the flow. If I step into a dogs poop, I
will make sure to thoroughly clean my feet, when I return home.

I slowly sit in a half lotus position and hope my mind can relax for just one second.
Kids playing on monkey bars about 5 feet away from me. I close my eyes and start to
reminisce of when I was a kid. I used to roam free, just like the kids a few feet away
from me. I sit there for a few more minutes, before I open my eyes and lay down on
the grass. I spread my body wide, in order to stretch out my tense body. I stand up,
and continue walking on the grass barefooted. I continue breathing in and out and
in and out. I look up into the sun for one second, in order to feel the warmness on
both of my cheeks. I look down and see ants working as usual. I look at my bicycle,
and think to myself; is it time to go already? I stand there for a few more minutes not
moving an inch. I enjoy the breeze tapping my face and start heading towards the
Nothing is that Complicated
People seem to complicate things because they want to feel almighty and full of
“knowledge.” It seems it is more of an ego trip then anything else. I used to feel the
same way. However, that feeling subsided when I got older. Many people who are old
do complicate things in order to feel that they are accomplishing the impossible
“higher thought form.” Maybe they feel a point of excitement when they converse
with younger counterparts. Maybe, it is because our ego is bigger than theirs; or so
they think. I say maybe, because we are livelier and more in-tune with life than they
are. Another possibility, they could just simply be jealous. It couldn’t be that simple,
could it?

Do you feel more intelligent when you complicate things out of proportion? Look at
our textbooks. Books are as complicated as a life form itself. What about our parents?
They complicate things in a manner that is totally out of necessity. Things are not
that difficult to grasp. If one says it is, could it be that they have not been shown a
simple and easy path to simplicity? I know being able to grasp things in a simple
format is not easy; it does not come over night. However, I know with much
observations and analysis of ones life, one can make a right contribution to one’s
understanding about important issues in their lives.

Relax your mind and relax your body. Move along this wonderful life without much
thinking or much doing. Go with your intuition. Let things come and as they come,
you move with it and let thoughts just “be.” Let your mind and body “be” the water.
Once you can understand how this works, or how that could “be,” you will not be able
to grasp the complex issues of present and future.
Is Tao a Living Organism?
Let me explain what I mean by that.

Most of the philosophies I have encountered seem to focus on particular rules / laws.
It seem that Tao / Dao is and has been a living organism that has and will continue to
exist until we are long gone. Yes, there are “rules” or “laws” that everyone has to
“abide by,” but it seems that Tao / Dao could be applied into someone’s life in any way
they desire. For instance, when I study a philosophy such as Buddhism, is it not true
that you have to follow a certain amount of rules / laws? It seems that these rules /
laws have been written in stone. Tao / Dao, on the other hand, seems that it could go
into any direction one chooses. Is this a correct assumption? Personally, it seems that
Tao is non-existing, but at the same time, it is everywhere and is everything. One can
bring it out and can see it, when one choose to do so.

Is Tao a living organism. Does it expand? The philosophy itself? Are the rules / laws
set in stone? Can they be moved? Or can they be restructured. Is Tao a moving
Philosophy / Thought? Could it be applied even after 3,000 years to modern living?
Also could it be applied 3,000 years from now? It seems many other
religions/philosophies are out of date and do not seem to grow as Tao does. It seems
Tao is always growing in understanding and explanations from many different

Okay, I think this is all I have for now. I will add some additional thoughts and ideas.
Please, discuss and let me know what your thoughts are. Thank You all for reading!
Run of a Lifetime!
You put on your sneakers and walk out the door. You breathe in the flowers
surrounding you, gaze up above and pray to whomever you pray to that it continues
to be a glorious day. You insert one head-phone into your left ear and then you insert
the right hand-phone into the right ear. You start walking even faster and you bump
your head to the sound of the beat you hear in your IPod. You increase the speed and
begin to jog around your neighborhood. You watch in silence, as cars and people
move in a drone-like state. A slow movement and a slow wobble here and there. You
hear birds starting to chirp to reward you for your efforts. You grind and silently
continue to jog. As your heart increases, you start panting, but you don't stop. You
continue the push to the top of the mountain, where the reward is bigger than you
intended. Your legs try to give in, but you talk to them and try to silence the pain.
Your heart continues to beat faster, not enough oxygen in your body it tells you. So,
you open your mouth and breathe in all the air you can get. As you continue battling
the muscle aches and the mountain, you hear a car’s breaks. You turn one eye
towards the car, but continue pushing yourself towards the mountain. You know that
deep inside, you are battling with Mother Nature, there is no time to watch accidents.
As they happen on a regular bases. It's part of nature, you tell yourself. Half a mile
left, you tell yourself. You check the time by looking at your watch. It seems that time
continues to speed up. It's like you are fighting against time. Who says you cannot
beat time. Does time exist you ask yourself? Not on my watch. You toss the watch to
the ground and start picking up speed. You look in front of you and you see a mother
deer and baby deer, you don't want to scare them, because they are supposed to be
there. You are the guest and you are on their land. You think to yourself. “Why not
slow down and catch a breath.” That is exactly what you do. You slow down, and
approach the deer and baby deer slowly. You pay attention so closely; the deer is not
scared, and continues looking back at you. You smile and continue to run towards a
different path. Finally, you see the ending. You look up and then down to the ground.
You smile and grin, and make a noise that only you could hear, “GRRR,” as you push
yourself to the finish line. You pass the finish line and stop to catch a breath. You
look around you and you see beautiful trees standing still, as they have been there
for thousands of years. You look below you and you see mud. You look above you, and
you see a shooting start beam pass you. You make a wish and sit down to visualize the
run you just had, because the beauty you saw and heard simply could not be
Life's Observations Part 4
I have been thinking a lot about how waves from the ocean are energy flowing in
and out. When you think of waves, what is the first thing that pops into your head?
Fun? Surfers? Scary? All three? Could waves be considered bursts of energy that
fires up our planet earth? Think about it for a minute. When waves crash into the
beaches and get pulled back into the ocean, the energy of the waves die. When waves
of the ocean rise, the energy builds up and out again, like the heart beating in our
chests. I'm no expert in this area, however, I think it's fascinating to question and
think about waves / ocean and nature in particular. It seems something soothing and
calming about how nature is perfect, yet lacks explanation.

When you look at water, do you ever think how amazing it is? I mean 70% of our
bodies are supposedly, made out of water. Isn't that amazing? We have so much water
in our bodies, yet when we get cut, blood; not water leaking from us. I'm sure many of
you would use your left part of the brain, as it is common sense to why those things
happen. However, consider using your right side of the brain for a change. Let your
imaginations run wild. Question the meaning behind why those things are the way
they are. It is always easier, to make a quick decision, because most of us are busy
with are tight “schedules.”

Observing places/people and uncomfortable experiences is important. It seems to

have improved my thought process in the end. I continuously focus on my observing
everything around me. It has helped me many times before. Do you take time to
observe things around you? If so, how do you observe things? I personally sit there
quietly watching things move, just as the waves of the oceans do. It sounds simple,
but it seems to work for me.
We are Born Alone and We Die Alone
We are born alone and we die alone. A simple concept, which continues to ring true
throughout my waking hours of living. No matter what has happened in my life, I
have come to conclude, that we are born alone and we die alone. Even if you are on
your deathbed, and you have your family and friends wishing that you would not
leave them; you seem to forget that they are there. When you are on that deathbed,
all you can think of and hope for is that an afterlife exists and you have done good
deeds in this world, so that you can return to a better life than the one you just lived
and experienced.

Many people would feel lost for words, because no one really talks about being alone
in this empty life. However, I feel that it is my duty to start these conversations, in
order to get people thinking about their beliefs and sharing them with others and

Sure, we might come into this world as lonely souls, but we leave as experienced and
lovable souls/spirits. Even the troubled souls/spirits who commit suicide have love in
one way or another. One would argue that when we are born, we are not really born
alone because we have parents who are waiting for us on the other side of the plane.
However, I would argue that we are in fact born alone. The womb is one lonely place.
Even with all of the assistance by the Doctors, Mothers and Fathers, we are
indefinably alone, because our surroundings are new. In addition, for the 9 months
that we are in the womb of our mother, we are also alone.

Coming into this world is a beautiful thing of itself. When we are born, our loneliness
could be healed if the environment is a right type of environment. Nevertheless, no
matter how you spin the turntable, you come into this world alone. Having an
environment that changes your loneliness is important. If the environment is
lacking any consistent love, our psyche is broken; we stay broken and continue
declining with a fear of being lonely and not loved. It does not take much for that to
change, however. Loneliness could be healed. Ignoring this fact is ignorance at its
finest hour.

When we die, our surroundings might include the people we have given all of
ourselves too. Sometimes, we die without anyone around and I would say that the
death of not knowing when we die is a lonely feat of its own merit. Death should not
be looked down upon, as death is a next step into a place that is not here. I do not
know if it is better place than here, but I do know, it is a different place from here.
When we are on our deathbed, we might feel love and happiness of how life turned
out to be. However, many feel discomfort of how they lived their life. Even the ones,
who feel happiness and joy when on their deathbed, feel alone as well. As they know
that even if anyone is around them, they cannot take them with them.

I know that these thoughts might not ring true for everyone. Nevertheless, beliefs
and thoughts change dramatically throughout one’s life. I might be speaking from
ignorance of age, experience, or both. However, you simply cannot deny, some of the
possibilities I have outlined in this article/essay. Death is a difficult topic for many
people who are involved. But it does not have to be a topic of pain and suffering. If
more people speak or discuss this topic, we could learn ways to quiet our hearts and
minds, in order to prepare our loved ones and ourselves.
I wish to tell you a little story of my grandmother who passed away about a year ago.
From my encounter with her and the remembrance I had about her and with her, I
come to recollect that when she was born, the environment she grew up in was a
loving and a consistent environment of laughter and joy. However, with time, love
and joy started disappearing from her life. There were many reasons for that; one
was her health deteriorated quickly. She was a very sick human being. I remember
her living with one lung, half of a long intestine and hardly any small intestines.
She was a strong person and a person full of life. Nevertheless, battling these kinds
of health issues and others played a huge roll in her difficulty in staying happy and
full of joy in this life. I know that before her passing, she told my grandpa that it was
her time to go. I remember my grandfather’s words vividly. “She looked at me, full of
focus.,” my grandfather told me when I was visiting him. “I can feel that it is my
time to go,” she said. My grandfather asked where she was going. Her response was.
“I'm going home,” she responded proudly as she fell to sleep. She slept a lot because
she was not eating and so, she did not have much energy to do anything else. This
was a difficult time for me. I was afraid of death before her passing. However, she
gave me a meaning in order for me to search for my own conclusions to death. When
she passed on, I begged her to contact me. I waited 8 months before my begging was
answered. My grandmother spoke to me in my dreams. I wrote an article entitled, “Is
There a Hell or a Heaven?” She responded in my dreams, “Heaven and Hell do not
exist.”I was also able to ask her if she was all right and she was able to respond by
saying, “I'm better than I have ever been.” She looked happy from what I was able to
recall from my dreams. My grandmother had a gown that was all white. My
grandmother had a long white gown that went down to her feet. You were able to see
her ankles, but you could see that the gown hung loosely as it if was free just like she
was. It was as if she was floating in the air, smiling and answering my questions
without any worries in her world. It was perfect timing too. I was struggling with
life as any other young man my age.

This little experience was one of many I have had during this life here on this
planet. Death is freedom to my own existence and a way to reconnect with myself on
another part of a paralleled universe.
Live In the Now
Do you enjoy life in the present moment, or do you live in the tomorrow? Most of us
live in the future, and we seem to forget the present. It is as if we believe that if we
focus on the future, the present will work itself out. Does that not sound like a crock
of shit to you? Personally, it seems that we are afraid of the present, because of all
the worries we have, but do you think if we fix the present, the future will be better?

Striving to live your life small-steps at a time seems to be the only way to achieve
happiness. If we put our focus and emphasis on what we do not like right away, we
can get rid of the problems right away, instead of putting it on the back burner.

Why not start today. Merely let go of all your worries and try to live in this moment.
If a problem arises, deal with it immediately. Ignoring it will only cost you more
headaches further down the road.
Beauty of Simplicity
Beauty of simplicity; a word not know by any other name. Who would argue against
being simple? I would probably say many. Many people enjoy being complex,
because they believe that if they are complex, they are bound to be different. How
honest are they with themselves? Probably not too honest, but who are we to judge?

Many things around us are as complex as nuclear physics and as simple as breathing.
Sometimes we complicate things out of necessity. Difficulty is a source we feel closer
to because we feel complete when our life is challenging. It puts us into a zone of
focus and a way to connect to Mother Nature.

Some would agree that life is always complicated. Many people put out energy that is
detrimental to their health, but if they changed their thinking patterns, they would
make room for positive flow of simplicity. Ideas and the flow of life would be less of a
complex issue and it would be more about living in the moment. In my experience,
simplicity outshines complexity. No matter what situation arises in my life, Simplicity
has always been the simplest approach to anything life throws at me.

How do you simplify the most complex issues you in your life? What kinds of steps do
you take, in order to simplify your life? What tools do you use in order to get things
in order? Whom do you talk to when things are complicated in your life?
Calmly Sitting by the River
Calmly sitting by the river, water moved in an undisturbed rhythm, progressing to
begin anew. A cycling process of the nature was continuous. Life beginning and
ending to give room for future life force to grow and develop. Ducks swam without a
worry of where to swim next. Birds sang tunes of freedom. And I sit here and begin to
sing my own freedom tune.

“Gentle waves of the river

Let me flow with you
Therefore, I know what it is like to be free!
Nothing on my mind, but
Freedom in my eyes
And in my heart and in nature too
Tears rolling down my cheek
Because the life force is calling me!!!
I want to be free

“So, let me sing a song

With you birds today
Long forgotten
Since the Ancient Times.”

“Let my heart speak to you

So my soul could be released
From the dark caves of time
It’s the only way I know
How to live!”

As I sang the song of freedom, the birds followed for a chorus:

“Lovely day
Lovely night
Let his heart be free tonight
Of darkness in his mind
And with that he can
Write more so his writing touches all.”

All that singing power came to a sweet haul. And the sun came out to join the fun.
The sun beamed upon my face. I felt blessed to sit in silence, while singing my
freedom tune.
American Revolution Is Needed
I wrote this 3 or 4 years ago. Therefore, you will see grammar mistakes, opinions,
thoughts and feelings much different from what they are today. I am consistently
changing and maturing. I love reading my old writings and seeing how I thought
and improved from back then. I was about 21 or 22 when I wrote this.

The 2005 riot in France took a wide turn towards a revolution. As you all
might remember, group of about 10 high school students were playing
football in the Paris suburb of Clichy-Sous-Bois. Supposedly, the
teenagers ran and hid when police officers arrived to check their ID’s.

Three students thought the police were chasing them so they climbed
onto a building, to hide in a power substation. A transformer in the
electric substation electrocuted them. This caused tensions in the
community. This event ignited pre-existing tensions. There was a lot of
harassment and police brutality in the community. Many people in the
community joined to speak against police brutality and police
harassment. “People are joining together to say we’ve had enough”,
said one protester. “The Associated Press”

This is a great example of how the government had not done anything
to help the people in the ghetto. If this ignited the riots in France, who
is it to say that America would not step into the hot ring and start its
own riots because of police brutality and police harassment. Maybe we
are waiting for another incident to occur until someone raises their
glass and starts organizing an army against the police and the

What has taken so long for the Americans to step in and fight for our
right to freedom? It seems that our life is not as free as the constitution
outlines. If this is the case, who is to say what our rights really are? I
feel that revolution needs to implode, maybe then, will our government
system shake up and realize that we are not walking zombies, but people
with families, love and people who wish for greatness for everyone.

I suppose we need another incident, which will ignite some energy that
will fuel another senator to sign a bill, which has nothing to do with
helping our country. I suppose it is easier to sign things that do not
matter than things that do. When will America, wake up and start
working as a community? When will we realize things are drastically
declining, and we are losing thousands of soldiers while we contemplate
on things that do not matter? Who needs another topic on who Angelina
Jolie adopted or if Madonna is trying to compete with Angelina Jolie.
Why does it matter and really, who cares?

I believe that it is time to unite and come to a sensible conclusion for

improvement of America. I feel that time is running out, and we are
slowly declining to the bottomless hole of evaporation.
Who or What am I?
I was taking a spiritual course on-line and I was asked: Who or What Am I? Here is
what I wrote in about 10 min. I wrote this 5 years ago. Therefore, my thoughts,
feelings, and my grammar have improved and my explanations have changed as
well. I find it interesting, reading my old writings and seeing how I have grown and

Who or what am I? Is the question that has been raised. It does seem
somewhat a simplistic question, yet, it has a ring to it. I for one hand
consider myself, not human. I feel that I have powers which an average
person does not possess. If I share this with the world, I feel that I would
be ridiculed, or something. Therefore, I simply keep it to myself, or my
writings. I feel that I posses powers, that are very powerful. I also feel
that I have not fully understood what the powers are. I sometimes feel
like an Otherkin. I do not know if that is weird, or scary. Nevertheless, I
mean it is just a feeling I have. It is a tough question. I have multiple
answers. It depends. I mean at times I feel like a complex human being
or just a complicated one and at times, I feel somewhat useless. I do not
know, it is a hard question to ask. It does bother me, because I do not
know who I want to be, or if I know how I can tap into that complex part
of my brain. I have multiple questions, about who I am. Sometimes I
even feel like I have reached enlightenment, and sometimes I feel like I
have not. I mean I am 19 years old, and at this age, I know quite a bit.
Then I go out, see and experience things and I feel as if I have not
experienced much. I have to think about that question a little more. I
still believe that I am very complex and no one can touch me. I feel
invisible. I mean maybe the way I feel has to do something with my age;
maybe it is the feeling of being invisible and nothing being able to
“touch” me. On the other hand, maybe I am just afraid of myself, maybe
I am afraid of who I can be and not wanting to face reality. I do get
flashbacks. Or have gotten them. I had a flashback where I was a little
kid. Walking in the center of burning fire. I was about 7 years old. It was
a weird feeling. I was walking on the ground; it felt hot. It lasted 15
seconds or so. I do not know. I need to think about it a little. But for now,
this is who I think I am.
The Way I Write...
Life force is an extension of being one. Connection to love of life. Is a mixture of fact
and trivia. We are beings full of power and desire. When we ignore that power. We
could make ourselves extinct. Something more vital could move into our place. What I
say may not resonate with many people. As this is my opinion. This is how I feel, in
this moment in time. My motto: Write whenever I feel is necessary. I write whenever
I feel words are crying to come out from my finger tips. I believe that my writing is
channeled. I do not sit at a computer, looking at blank screen thinking of what I am
going to write next. I’m usually living life, the words come to me in the most
awkward moments. I could be taking a shower, walking, meditating or simply living.
Words will come and I write it all in my mind. I use my mind as a word processor and
a hardrive. I could be writing for weeks and then it could all stop. I also, do not do
outlines, or take notes. Most of my writing comes to me before I’m at a computer.
When I’m working on a particular story, poem, short story, book or even a song. I
tend to write it all out in my head before I approach my computer.

This process has not always been the same. I read, studied and followed many writers.
Many of them outlining their process in their interviews. I intended to follow and do
as they have outlined. I did this for a few years. I have been writing for nine years
now. For the past, six or seven years, I have worked on my own style. As that is the
most important part of being a “writer.” I have gained a lot of criticism for not using
grammar/punctuation. My old self would get depressed, as the content is the real
importance here. As long as it is eligible and made more sense, then no sense, it
should be all right. I have been working on my own style, so to speak, for a very long
time. It has been a brutal, devastating and awesome journey I have ever taken. I want
to pave my own way into the “literally world.” I do not seek fame, nor fortune. I do
not even ask for praise. What I do seek is this: I write for my own development. I
write because it is what I’m here to do. I write because writing is just like anything
else I do. Eating, Shitting, Fuckin' and Breathing. I do it because I need to do it. I do it
because it keeps me sane and connected to the source of one. It connects me with
myself. It also connects me with you, which is really me, connecting with my own

It is my desire to re-awake my senses and find myself as I continue to write my words

down, on paper, typewriter or in my mind. Writing is just like anything else you do,
you do it because you must. It is somewhat like: Writing was embedded into me from
since I chose to be re-born. I do not need an audience in order to continue writing. I
will do it even if I’m locked up on an island on my own. I use Internet as my medium
because it’s easy and its great having to read what people have to say about what my
writing has done for them. I have had dozens of people recently write to me and tell
me that my writing has A. Changed their life and B. Given them something to think
about. When you receive comments, emails and responses like that, you want to
continue to write even more. As there are many people out there who believe that
words are as powerful as breathing. I sure do believe in that phenomenon. One word
could save your life from deep depression. It has for me at least.. Do I really believe
that? Hell Yes I Do! I believe it to the highest degree. If you do not believe what I’m
writing here, listen to that one song that gets you through the difficult days. What
about songs that make you think that you “belong in this world we call your home!”

I will continue writing because this is what I need to do. It’s quite simple as that. I
have gotten many critics and I’m aware I will get many more. It does not faze me. I
say bring the critics. To be discussed and dissed, is a good way to help us grow as a
human beings and as a society as a whole. Our life on this planet is short. My words
could help heal or inspire an individual in ways I could never hardly imagine. The
most important thing to know about me is this: I write from my heart! I work on
being me. I work on finding my own style and voice. It seems that I’m coming along,
thus far. However, I know that I have a lot of work to do. I will continue writing and
developing as that is important just like having clean air. You might not agree with
anything I say, or you might take one or two sentences that resonate with you,
whatever you do, just remember to live life to the fullest. Love life and live this life to
the fullest love.
Life’s Observations Part 5
Emotional wisdom is traced in our minds before we are born. We are awakening to a
new beginning, a new way of breathing and questioning ourselves and our
surroundings. The missing link that is being neglected is this: Everything you need
to know is inside each and every individual on this planet! Each soul reading this and
each soul who is not has the necessary tools to re-awaken their senses and help
others to do the same! As we are all connected to one another. When you look at an
individual walking across the street, you see yourself. If you look into a mirror, you
would see yourself. Therefore, the person across the street walking is in all actuality
you walking. We are all connected and have been since, however long we have been
in these body suits.

We are more powerful than many people give themselves credit for. Some are more
powerful than others are, but we are powerful none-the-less. Many abuse the power
they do posses, however. Most do not know where to transfer their powers. They
believe material possessions are the only thing they need in order to be happy. They
do not believe in development of their souls and their minds. We should strip down all
distractions in our life. Move with water. When you look at water, you could see the
complexities of it and then you could see the simplicity in it as well. Life works that
way as well. We make things complicated and difficult. Life is not as difficult as many
want you to believe. I believe the “Tao Te Ching” book is the closest thing to the
“truth.” When I speak of truth, I do not mean the ultimate answers to all of the
questions we have asked in our civilization and our society. But answers to at least the
bare minimum. I would go far as saying; it is a stepping stone to finding out how to
live on this planet and how to evolve as a human species. Think of it as a foundation,
or an outline.

When we argue with our loved ones or people on the street, we are actually arguing
with ourselves. The anger you have for other people, is in actuality anger you have
for yourself. When you physically or emotionally abuse your girlfriend, wife, son,
daughter, husband, brother, sister, father, mother, and grandparent you are in
actuality abusing yourself.

The thoughts outlined here, are thoughts I have been contemplating on, for a few
years now. I have found many sources and have had many spiritual experiences (15)
that have connected these thoughts to the same point, repeatedly. I have been going
through a book called “The Law of One.” It’s a book that was channeled by Ra, a
group of “Aliens.” I believe this book is interesting and could benefit many people. I
suggest using common sense/logic and other source of thinking in order to come to
your own conclusions. You can read the book for yourself here:

Please, Let me know what your thoughts about the book are and your opinion on how
we are all connected. Thank you all! And happy living.
Writing from the Heart and from my Soul
Sometimes I feel unstoppable when I write and sometimes I feel weak as a sheep. I put my fingers
to the keyboard and start pounding on the keys. However, eventually I realize that whatever I am
writing is crap, pure and utter crap. It seems that most of the times I live in a fantasyland. I
believe that my writing could inspire and touch many people all around the world. But I think
that is just make believe. The candle burns bright in the corner of my room, but it seems to burn
out, whenever I start to think that I could help change this world. I’m not talking about simple and
mindless thinking. I am talking about things that have to do with one-self. Maybe individual kind
of thinking? Then I try to figure out what my purpose is, why am I here and what should I be doing
here. I watch movies like “Ask the Dust.” And get inspired to the core, but once the movie is
finished, that is when I finish writing. Whenever I read people like Paulo Coelho, I get inspired to
pick up his torch and add my own flavoring to the mix. But... I feel like I am not even close to his
proximity. I need to give up. Why even bother. I tell myself, but it is something in my soul, keeps
telling me to never stop. Something pushes me into a direction, where pushing ones limit is a

The only real reason I am here is to write. The ultimate truth to everything I think, observe and
produce. Writing is embedded into my soul. I am a Writer and that is what I want to be known as,
when I die. Nevertheless, no matter how hard I try to produce something of value; it seems to be
pure poop. Maybe it is because I am trying too hard. Maybe, I should let the flow of my fingers do
the talking. I just cannot find satisfaction in anything... but when I write and produce, it just
feels something extra-ordinary. Especially, when I get people telling me how much my writing
touched their lives or their hearts.

I do not have many fans, nor do I have many people who read my writing, but the few who do, I
would like to thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Each of you inspires me to the
fullest of my being.

I do not know where I am going with “this” writing. I am very confused with what I am trying to
achieve. I want to inspire and help people. I want to touch people with my writing. However, my
job is killing me slowly. I want to put my love and helping others into something more positive
than working in retail. I would like to work for a Non-Profit Org, but I feel that in order to do
that, I would need to have a degree or know someone who works in that organization. If I could do
that, I could put some of my energy into one part of good and another good part into the written

It seems the older I get, the more I am coming to terms with my style. My style is poetical/hip-
hop-ish. There is not much room for grammar, nor is there room for punctuation. It is raw and it
is real. I understand the importance of grammar and punctuation, but I feel the only way to
communicate with people from all lifestyles, I need to break down the barriers of rules and let my
soul speak to their soul.

I have made many mistakes trying to guide others. I cannot even guide myself, so why even try to
guide anyone else. I must guide myself and then, if anyone finds my words appealing, they could
use it for their own benefit. I must write from my experience and my surroundings. Why push if I
am not ready. It is all about baby-steps. I must mold all of my words into one single word: love. A
Word known by many other names. However, I must realize I give love to everyone who reads my
writing. I converse with anyone who is willing to open his or her heart to mine.

I must start from the beginning and look outwards. I have many things I am going through.
However, I must and I repeat, must start from the beginning. The journey is better walked, if
walked in a slow and steady pace. The beauty that you will see in that time will change your soul
in many more ways then you or I could dream of.
He Sat in the Corner of his Room
He sat in the corner of his room. Hidden by the empty promises of “I will text you”
and “I will call you.” However, it is 3AM and nothing. He sat there confused; hoping
that music from his iPod would provide some kind of output of comfort. He kept one
song on a repeat, however:!Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse. The song was on
repeat at least 20 times. He heard word after word, which helped him understand his
situation. The words were “change, everything you are and everything you were,
your number has been called; fights, battles have begun, revenge will surely come
your hard times are ahead.” The words never stopped producing a sound so pure that
Angelic could not stop pushing himself to write what he felt deep in his heart all

He endured pain so vicious that he could not sleep. He got up in order to meditate, he
wanted to get rid of the nasty thoughts his sick mind kept developing. However, that
did not work out well. Angelic began lying in bed, listening to Muse on repeat. Words
pounded into his brain like vicious breaking points of racism. How does one continue
striving to trust the love of your life, when he couldn’t trust his thoughts.
Continuing dissatisfaction with his life began to play on repeat as well. How does
anyone continue to be free, when he cannot sort the simplest things in one’s life? On
the other hand, is love so unexplainable no matter how well you think you have it
figured out, you will always struggle to find what love is? Angelic continued fighting
demons, which played dirty tricks on repeat, in his mind.

He could not find a way out. So... he sat, alone, with blood in his eyes. Blood rolled onto
his empty stomach of forgetful workouts. Grabbing a pen, he moved it in circular
rotations. Hopefully, his mind will produce something of satisfaction when all this is
done. Maybe these words will lay out how he feels and then he can sort these feelings
out with his love. On the other hand, maybe… he could do something more important.
No matter what the outcome will be. Angelic will continue sifting through his dark
and empty thoughts in his mind. Hoping that when words do come out, they will open
his mind, so that no one could control his heart so well that he has to sit alone, with a
pen and a pad, scribbling these thoughts down.
Thoughts and Ramblings
Is a complex organism that continuously evolves into an array of particles. The
automatic system of it all is so complex that I have problems sleeping at night. I
continuously question it and hope one day; I will be able to understand it all.

Are complex. It is amazing to consider how much thoughts could potentially change
directions you take in life. No matter what thought, if you act on it, it could change
your life for the better or for the worse.

Is uncomplicated. When we die, we begin life as life. Energy flows in and out. There is
no need for body in order to feel the flow of energy.

Endless and consciously existing. Never taking form, nor replaceable, to be
nonexistent. Love always existed and will always exist. Once we pass, love will remain
to be fluid.

Cleansing of bodies. Repeats the cycle like the movement of two bodies intertwined to
produce one single heart beat.
The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 1)
I have been reading an outstanding book called. “The Second Book of the Tao” by
Stephen Mitchell. If anyone is familiar with the Tao Te Ching, then you will love this
book. In the coming posts, I will start posting quotes from the book. I will include my
own commentary, as this will help me understand the book better.

Let us begin with the first quote:

What is bestowed on us at birth

is called human nature.
The fulfillment of human nature
is called the Tao.
The cultivation of the Tao
is the deepest form of learning.
The Tao is the way things are,
which you can’t depart from
even for one instant.
If you could depart from it,
it wouldn’t be the Tao.
Therefore the Master
looks into her own heart
and respects what is unseen and unheard.
Nothing is more manifest than the hidden;
nothing is more obvious than the unseen.
Therefore the Master
pays attention to what is happening
within her innermost self.


When someone tells you, "You are born with it," you accept it. When scientists do
experiments in the lab, hoping to find the cure for Cancer we praise them. However,
when human civilization stops moving with human nature, we throw our hands up
high because we believe we have not found the cure. Nevertheless, in reality, there
is no cure, as we have ignored moving with human nature.

Look into your own heart first, before you judge nature. As all human beings are,
nature and all things living in nature are as well. Move with it and let nature and
others guide you in understanding yourself.

Knowing that you can change your path in anyway should be one of the reasons to
keep waking up in the morning.
The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 2)

Before sorrow, anger,

Longing, or fear have arisen,
you are in the center.
When these emotions appear
and you know how to see through them,
you are in harmony.
That center is the root of the universe;
that harmony is the Tao,
which reaches out to all things.
Once you find the center
and achieve harmony,
heaven and earth take their proper places
and all things are fully nourished.

A person can only begin to save themselves first. Healing the world is extraordinary,
but how can you heal the world, if you are the one that needs healing? Find the
center and begin to cultivate harmony. Connect yourself to the center of the
universe. It will continuously guide you. The universe will return favors, if you
move with it and let it be your leader.
The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 3)

The great Tao cannot be named,

great discernment cannot be seen,
great benevolence is not gentle,
great modesty is not meek,
great courage is not aggressive.
When you truly understand
the Tao that cannot be named,
you become rooted in not-knowing.
This is called “inner radiance.”
Add to it, it is never full;
take from it, it is never depleted.
Who can tell where it comes from?
It is the inexhaustible treasury.

Not knowing is part of life. Sometimes, you do not know it is okay to admit that you do
not know. Why hide behind words that you do not mean. When it is your time to
share, someone or something will come and ask for it. There is no need to push
religion-thoughts and other philosophical ideas onto people. Let things be how they
are. When it is your time, it will be your time. You are not missing anything by
holding your tongue. You are gaining all the knowledge needed, for when that time
does come.
The Second Book of the Tao by Stephen Mitchell (Part 4)

The ancient Masters saw deeply.

How deep was their insight?
They realized that nothing exists.
This is perfect understanding.
Those at the next stage
thought that things existed
but saw no boundaries between them.
Next came those who saw boundaries
but didn’t judge things as good or bad.
When judgments arose,
understanding was damaged;
when understanding was damaged,
preferences became ingrained.
But is there really such a thing
as damage or wholeness?
The Master understands
that there is nothing to understand.


Most of us think we know a lot. What if we do not know anything? What if in reality,
we are immune to knowing? Is this reality real? Do we live in a reality that we
create? Does it really matter? Why not just live? I suppose many would say, “How can
we continue evolving, if we do not question our reality and our surroundings?” Well,
how about by being and by living?

Do boundaries exist in our minds from birth? Or do we create the boundaries

ourselves? Why not let things be as they are? I think the one way to evolve is simply
by living and being us. We have been questioning things to the point of exhaustion.

Let us stop this kind of thinking and find another solution.

Let’s just be. Be with whoever brings you joy. Why do you need anything more than
that? Personally, when I got rid of the complicated thoughts that is when I connected
with myself.

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