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'Chips Off The Old Block"
News From Marilyn Wood
Serving Christ through:
Spanish American Evangelism
3135 Forney Lane
EIPaso.TX 79935
Volume IV Number 1
May 1985
Dear Friends,
When I wrote my last newsletter, I was getting ready to go to
Indianapolis for the first meeting of the 1986 NACC/NMC executive
committees. We had some really good sessions, and all of us were
encouraged with the direction we are going. We had our second
meeting in March in St. Louis. We made even more progress and have
planned one more meeting for the Monday before the NACO in
Thanks to some Christmas gifts, I was able to go to Houston to spend
the holiday with my sister and her family. It was fun especially
celebrating with her children.
Our Christmas cantata, "A Christmas Tapestry," was held on
December 16.1 was in Indianapolis on the 13th and 14th and was a
little concerned I might get stranded somewhere in a snowstorm. 1had
to go through Denver, and the airport there had been closed for a little
while on the 14th. I arrived in El Paso, and before we had deplaned
a big hailstorm hit - causing the airport here to close. I was glad I was
on the ground.
The cantata was beautiful! The choir did a fantastic job, and the
people in the congregation were talking about it for weeksl Several
commented that It sounded as though there were 50 voices in the choir
instead of 12 adults and 8 children.
In April the adult choir presented, "Alleluia: A Praise Gathering for
Believers", by Bill and Gloria Gaither and Ronn Huff. We used a
background tape this time, so for the first time in my life I directed a
choir without playing the piano or organ. That was quite a change for
me. And once again the choir did a terrific job.
In January I took a few days vacation and went to Fresno, Califor
nia, for my brother's wedding. (Vly parents and my other sister, Mar
sha, were also there, so we had a small family reunion. It was nice,
but we really missed Nancy. Mynew sister-in-law, Cindy, is a real jewel,
and we're so glad she's a part of the family.
February I spent entirely in El Paso, but it was not without its
highlights. Janice and Faye Rostvit spent two weeks with Alma and
me while they worked with Freman Bump in a special meetings in
Judrez. Janice, Faye, and 1were Inschool at 080 together, and Alma
and they were in language school together in Costa Rica.
Following the meetings in Juarez, Rosa Baker, two of her children,
and i went to Eagle Pass for the bi-lingual convention. Rosa and t played
the piano and organ for all the sessions. We worked on some duets
ahead of time and really enjoyed being a part of the program. Janice
and Faye were the song leaders. The convention was excellent - Don
DeWelt was the keynote speaker, and the theme for the week con
cerned the Holy Spirit.
1returned home on Friday, and on Sunday night I left for the meeting
in St. Louis. Following that meeting I flew to Mexico City to attend the
annual Mexican Missionaries Reunion in Oaxtepec. Our speaker this
year was Mont Smith, former missionary to Ethiopia and now professor
at Pacific Christian College. He spoke on Covenant.
Next year I'm in charge of the children's reunion (I volunteered.),
so I'm currently contacting people to help with it. There are at least
15-20 children (fromabout four years old up through 6th grade) who
attend each year, and we try to have something special for them, too.
There's also a teen reunion.
I'll be spending most of the summer here in El Peso, but I will be
going to Anaheim for the NACC. The following week I'll be the
missionary speaker for the 4th and 5th grades week of camp at El
Pon/enir in New Mexico. InSeptember I'll be going to Orlando, Florida,
for the missionary convention. SAE plans to have a booth at both con
ventions, so come by and see me if you're at either one of them.
This week (May 27-31) I'm involved with VBS at Eastside. I'm In
charge of ail the music. We're having an evening VBS, so the entire
family can come. Because we are in a new area, we are reaching new
families, and VBS is one way to get more people involved.
One of the things Alma has done since she arrived last year has
been to finish one of the projects that I started - the Spanish mailing
list. So in March we went a packet of literature to everyone in the U.S.
and Mexico. (We still have to send them to Central and South American
and the Caribbean.) The response to this mailing has been tremen
dous. I'm still filling requests that have come in as a result of this mail
ing. So far this year we've received almost 250 requests. I've processed
over 200 of them, and over 540,000 pieces of literature (mostly tracts)
have been sent out. Bart and Bili have printed over 700,000 tracts this
year. But even with all that, our cupboards are practically bare. When
I finish filling the 30-h requests I still have sitting on my desk, we'll
only have two titles available. Right now we have seven. Please pray
with us and for us that God will provide the funds necessary to pay
our bills so that we can buy more paper to print more tracts.
SAE will welcome a mission intern this summer. Her name Is Kathy
Moreland, and she is from Johnson Bible College. She's had some
printing experience, so we plan to put her to work inthe print shop.
She'll also be working some with Freeman Bump in Juarez. Since Bill
Baker will be gone over half the summer, I'll be the one responsible
to see that she has things to do and gets a good working knowledge
of missions of this particular phase of it, at least. Since I spent three
summer internships in Mexico while I was In college, I'm looking for
ward to the summer.
One of the biggest blessings we have received here at the office
has been the new typesetting equipment. Most of you will have read
about it in the latest SAE newsletter. Although Itook some of the training
on it, I really haven't used it, there's been no time. Alma and Bill have
done practically ail the typesetting. Raul's also learning how to use
it and spends a lot of time on it when he's here each month.
In April I became the owner of a new Plymouth Horizon. My Honda
served me well, but it was costing too much for the up-keep. When
the clutch went out in March, that was "the straw that broke the camel's
back." Withthe increase incar payment and car insurance, mybudget
is reallytight. I had already had to drop my health insurance, something
I didn't want to do, but I had no choice. Mymonthly income is not suf
ficient to handle that expense. My car payment and insurance Increase
is over $50 monthly. Health insurance was costing me almost $80 a
month! and to replace it will cost about the same.
I do want to thank all you for your prayers, and also I want to thank
those of you who provide financial support. Your help means more
to me than words can say. I wish all of you could come to El Paso
and visit SAE and get a first hand glimpse of the workwe are doing.
We are so thankful for the way the Lord has blessed us and continues
to do so, both as a group and individually.
May God continue to bless you all as you continue serving Him.
In Christ,
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"Chips Off The Old Block"
News From Marilyn Wood
Serving Christ through:
Spanish American Evangelism
3135 Forney Lane
EiPaso,TX 79935
Volume IV Number 2
Fall 1985
Dear Christian Friends,
The calendar says "Fall" and the weather says the same thing. We're
having gorgeous weather here InEl Paso it's a littlecooler than normal
for this time of year, but we don't mind.
The North American Christian Convention was good, and as always,
I enjoyed visiting with so many friends. Alma and I also enjoyed playing
tourist. One of the things I enjoyed the most was visiting the Queen Mary,
a former cruise ship. It was beautiful.
The day before the convention started the executive committees of the
NACC/NMC for 1986 had their 3rd planning meeting. We're all excited
about this joint convention, and I hope a lot of you are planning to attend
next year in Indianapolis.
The week following the NACC, I was the missionary for a week of camp
at El Porvenir in New Mexico. To get there I flew to Albuquerque where
I was met by one of the preachers going to camp. El Porvenir is located
in the mountains of New Mexico -15 miles NW of Las Vegas - about a
three hour drive from Albuquerque.
However, it took us around 10 hours. We had car trouble and could only
go about 15 miles an hour. When we got to the mountain road, Joe Strot-
man (the preacher) decided to try going in reverse and our progress was
much faster. However, it was after 11:00 p.m., and this was a typical moun
tain road with hair pin curves. There were also four campers, plus Joe's
wife and baby, in the van - we were all a little nervous and were we reliev
ed when Joe finally backed into the campground. (The car trouble turned
out to be a clogged fuel line and was easily fixed before our return trip.)
The week at camp went well. There were around 60 4th and 5th grade
campers. I represented SAE as camp missionary. We also had family
groups as opposed to teams, and I was the "mother" for one of them.
Terry Fraker, whose sister was one of my roommates when I lived in Puerto
Rico, was the father. We were really pleased when one of our "children"
was one of the campers who memorized the most scripture during the
week. I think he came in 3rd or 4th.
I retumed to El Peso and was in the office for two weeks before taking
off again. This time I headed south for Chihuahua, Mexico, and the
Mexican National Christian Convention - caiied the Confratemidad. I took
our summer intern, Cathy Moreland, down so she would have a chance
to see a little of Mexico and also meet some of the people who use our
literature. I spent my three internships in Chihuahua, so I enjoyed getting
to go back there and also seeing friends I had made over 15 years ago.
We did not stay for the entire convention as Cathy wanted to get home
to Kansas for a wedding. However, as soon as we arrived in El Peso, she
was hospitalized with bacteriai dysentery. Her pians were delayed for about
a week. She missed the wedding, but she did get back to Johnson Bible
College in time to start her senior year. We realiy enjoyed having her, and
she proved to be a great asset in our printing department as she already
knew how to run a press. She is giving some thought to returning and
that she'ii make the right decision.
Oh, iest you think Cathy got sick in Mexico - the doctor teils us that this
bacteria has a twoweek incubation period, so it's quite possible she picked
up the "bug" in the States before she even left for Mexico.
The day before I ieft for Chihuahua I received an "SOS" from mysister,
Nancy, in Houston. Her husband was transferred back to Denver in July,
and she needed someone to come stay with their four children while she
went to Denver to go house hunting. I was able to go over from the 16th
through the 24th. It was quite an experience to be "Mommy" to four
chiidren all at once, but I enjoyed it. Philiip is nine and Allison is seven,
and they were a big help. The other two children are Sarah, who is four,
and Paul, who is one and a half.
On Friday the 30th I received a phone cali at the office from Allison.
She informed me that they were in El Peso. What a surprise! The apart
ment next door to ours was vacant, so they stayed there. Allison and Sarah
stayed with me. I was so glad they chose to come through El Peso on
their way to Denver. They were tuming the move into a family vacation,
since their furniture wasn't going to arrive until Sept. 3.
Saturday morning the Roberts left for Carlsbad Cavems, and my folks
arrived about two and one half hours later. It was their first visit to El Paso
in over two years, so it was good to have them here for a short visit. My
father is still working, so they had to leave early Monday morning Inorder
for him to be back to work on Tuesday.
As you can see, my summer turned out to be busier than I first thought
It would. And as I write this I'm getting ready to take off again - this time
to Orlando, Florida, for the National Missionary Convention. This Is the
year I officially begin my duties as secretary for the 1986 convention.
Rosa Baker and I are playing the piano and organ for the aftemoon ses
sions. We're looking forward to that. We've worked up some preludes and
offertories especially for the convention.
On the way home I'll be stopping In Denver and spending five days with
my sisters. My brother Is coming back from Callfomla at that time, so we
plan to have a small family reunion.
The work at SAE continues to go fonvard, though not as fast as we would
like at times. We've finally got the paper bills paid, and we're trying to
raise money to buy enough paper to print several hundred thousand tracts.
Our cupboards are practically bare once again and have been for two
months. I've filled around 305 orders and sent out over 660,000 tracts so
far this year. And there are still 20 plus requests on my desk waiting to
be filled.
I want to share with you a letter we received recently. The writer ex
plained how she received her box of literature from the post office and
proceeded to distribute It on her way home. She stopped at a hospital
and gave the tracts to the sick, the doctors, the nurses, the police, the
teachers and everyone she met on her way home. She returned home
very contented but without a single tract. She apologized lor distributing
the 1,400 tracts so rapidlyand then asked for some more. She explained
that she was 25 years old and without employment and could noTpay for
the materials but felt the need for Christian literature In her ministry. It
Is a joy to be able to supply that kind of worker with materials.
Please continue to pray with us and for us that God wlircontinue to supp
ly all our needs. Thank you!
Eastslde Christian Church where I attend continues to grow. We thank
the Lord that we never really experienced a "summer slump." We had
two lowSundays, followed by a Sunday attendance of 120 - average up
to this time was a little under ICQ.
On Sept. 15 we had our annual Fall Round-Up with 118 In Sunday
School and 201 in Church! A terrific day all around. Since the middle of
August we've had around 25 additions - almost all of them adults. We
praise God for the growth we're seeing - both numerically and spiritually.
I continue to direct the adult choir. We've already started working on
the Christmas Cantata "He Started The Whole World Singing" by Bill and
Gloria Galther.
The Eastside Angels Choir (children) also meets every Saturday. This
year I have an assistant - Jeanie Sparks - who Is a big help. I'm letting
her do the directing, and I'm playing the piano. The Eastside Angels are
going to have their own Christmas program - a "musical" with a play by
the Rainbow Kids - the children's study group that meets on Wednesday
night while the adults have Bible study. We're excited about doing this
I do want to take this time to thank you for your support and prayers.
Since I last wrote, my income has come lip some, and I've applied for
health insurance through the Ozark Christian College Alumni group plan.
I just learned that I've been accepted.
Again thank you for your help and prayers which help make my ministry
here at SAE possible. May God continue to bless you as you serve Him.
I'd like to close with my one of my favorite passages of Scripture,
Phillipians 4: 6, 7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace
of God, which transcends ail understanding, will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus.
In Christ,
Marilyn Wood
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Volume IV
"Chips Off The Did Block"
News From Marilyn Wood
Serving Christ through:
Spanish American Evangelism
3135 Forney Lane
El Paso, TX 79935
Number 3
Winter 1985
Dear Christian Friends,
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas," as I know you're
all aware. The calendar says the 25th is just around the corner,
but it hardly seems possible. Here at SAE, as well as at the
church, we're caught up in all the year-end activities and
The missionary convention was a blessing. It was one of the
best conventions ever great attendance, fine preaching, and
a record offering. Rosa Baker and I really enjoyed playing for
the afternoon sessions. (Someone asked me which instrument
i played. I do play both the piano and organ; however, when Rosa
and I play duets, she plays the piano, and i play the organ.)
During the missionaries' business meeting at the convention,
1was elected secretary for the 1987 convention which will be
held in Memphis, so I'm secretary for the convention for two
years. In Orlando I also officially assumed my duties as secretary
for the 1986 convention. The continuation committee also did
some of the planning for the missionary convention's part in next
year's combined convention.
November 18 & 19 found the executive committees of the both
the North American Christian Convention and the National
Missionary Convention meeting together in Indianapolis for the
fourth and final" planning session before the convention takes
place next summer July 6-10. A lot was accomplished, and
I'm more excited than ever about the convention. It has been
a joy to work with the other committee members in planning this
convention. I hope many of you will be able to attend.
Here at Spanish American Evangelism we're thanking the Lord
for supplying us with the funds needed to buy paper. As some
of you are aware, we sent out a letter to all supporters asking
for their help in meeting this need. The response has been
excellent. We received more than enough money to purchase
2 skids of paper enough for more than 900,000 tracts!
Production has already started, and hopefully the tracts will be
ready for distribution by the end of January.
We continue to receive requests for literature daily. So far this
year around 400 requests have been received. Because we ran
out of tracts, I have close to 80 requests sitting on my desk. They
will take awhile to get filled, but It's going to be so nice to have
the tracts. (Incidentally, the extra money we received for this
purpose has been put into savings to be used at a later date
to buy more paper.)
One of the saddest parts of my job these last few months has
been to write to those who have requested tracts and let them
know we have nothing to send to them. From those letters Isent,
two people in Mexico have sent money to help with the purchase
of paper. It has really been a joy to see these people willing to
help pay for these tracts. Of course, now with the purchase of
the paper, I can write people and let them know that soon we
will have tracts available for them.
From time to time we receive letters from prisoners who come
in contact with us through Joe Carman's prison ministry,
American Rehabilitation Ministries. Recently, we received letters
from two inmates one in California and the other in Texas.
Both requested to be baptized. So we contacted people in both
areas to follow-up on them.
Last Sunday night (December 8) the Eastside Angels and the
Rainbow Kids presented their Christmas musical. They did a
fantastic job. All of us who worked with them were extremely pro
ud of them. The musical was actually a combination of two pro
grams a musical called "A Gathering at the Manger" and a
short play called "God's Best Gift." Joy Johnson, who works
with the Rainbow Kids (Wednesday night Bible study group), put
the two things together to come up with one program. They went
together very well, and we had'an excellent program.
This Sunday, December 15th, the adult choir will be perform
ing the cantata "He Started the Whole World Singing" by Bill
and Gloria Gaither. The choir has worked long and hard, and
we're looking forward to presenting it. My parents are coming
down to hear it, and I'm looking forward to their visit.
The week of Christmas will find me in Denver once again.
Since both sisters live there, it's very easy to get together there.
My roommate. Alma Zuelli, is also going. She's never been to
Colorado, so this trip will be a new experience for her. We're
looking forward to the trip but not the cold weather. (Upuntil today
temperatures here have been in the 60's.) My folks will also be
there, as well as an aunt, so we'll have a good family reunion.
Thanks again to each and every one of you for your financial
support and prayers throughout this year.
May you all have a Merry Christmas and wonderful year in
1986 for the Lord.
In Christ,
Marilyn Wood
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