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Book and Article List-

1. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain-Betty Edwards

2. The Prophet-Kahlil Gibranfound in trash
3. Music- Sufi Inayat Khanfell off shelf onto my head
4. The Teaching of Buddha-Society for the Promotion of Buddhism
5. Gita Inspirations-Dr. Swami Gitananda
6. Metaphysical Meditations-Paramahansa Yogananda
7. Loving kindness-Sharon Salzburg
8. Tunesmith-Jimmy Webb
9. The Listening Book-W. A. Mathieu
10. Free Play-Stephen Nachmanovitch
11. The Secret Power of Music-David Tame
12. Zen Guitar-Philip Toshio Sudo
13. Musicians in Tune-Jenny Boyd
14. Psychology of Sound-Henry J. Watt 1917
15. A Study of the Philosophic Theory of Music-The Musical Symbol by Gordon Epperson-found
16. Improvisation-Derek Bailey
17. The Varieties of Religious Experience-William James
18. Memories, Dreams, and Reflections-Carl Jung
19. New Seeds of Contemplation- Thomas Merton
20. Seven Storey Mountain-Thomas Merton
21. A Sand County Almanac-Aldo Leopold
22. The Dream of the Earth-Thomas Berry
23. Unsettling of America-Wendell Berry
24. Thinking in Jazz-Paul F. Berliner
25. The Jazz Book-Berendt and Huesman
26. Desert Solitaire-Edward Abbey
27. The Courage to Create-Rollo May
28. Mysterium Coniunctionus-Carl Jung
29. EMF-UFOs: Psychic Close Encounters-Albert Budden-also see Electric UFOs
30. Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters-John E. Mack
31. Remote Viewing; The Science and Theory of Non-Physical Perception-Courtney Brown
32. Martin Taylor Guitar Method-Martin Taylor and David Meadecame in mailnot on my credit
card statement
33. Tantra-The Art of Conscious Loving- Charles and Caroline Muir
34. Siddhartha-Herman Hesse
35. The Philadelphia Experiment- William L. Moore with Charles Berlitz
36. Divine Rights Trip-Gurney Norman-have never read
37. Sartor Resartus- Thomas CarlyleI mysteriously found book in trash1864
38. PAIN-a medical textbook-by Howard L. Fields, M.D., Ph.D -trash-picked-no cover or label/binding
39. The Beethoven Factor-Paul Pearsall, Ph.D (Goodwill shelf)
40. Peak Experiences, creativity and the Colonel Flastrus phenomenon: Bruce G. Charlton, M.D.
{} Charlton validates the story-teller here, albeit with an
Arrogant bias toward scientific process and productionhe renders a cautionary tale without his
even knowing it.
41. La Tres Sainte Trinosophie-ancient text-for notes and commentaries, go to this is a fascinating allegory
42. People of the Lie-M.Scott Peck
43. The Art of War-Sun Tzu

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