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Card No Bridge-030 Version 2011-02-01 Page 1 of 3
Watch at Sea
1 Pre!i"i#ar$ #%te
The safety of the ship is an absolute priority. o tas!" no situation" no pre#ious instru$tion $an %ustify
the ta!ing on or the a$$eptan$e of the slightest ris! for the ship.
So&e i&portant prin$iples $on$erning the ta!ing of the 'at$h an( e)tra$ts fro& the STC*+, Co(e
-Part A - $hapter VIII. are re&in(e( belo'.
& Re'(%#'i)i!itie' %* the O**icer %# Watch
The /ffi$er on *at$h -0//*1. is the representati#e of the Master an( he is pri&arily responsible at all
ti&es for2
Safety of life at sea
The safe na#igation of the ship
The $o&plian$e 'ith the International 3egulations for Pre#enting Collisions at Sea
The a#oi(an$e of (a&age to the en#iron&ent
The $o&plian$e 'ith all the rules" in$lu(ing ISM an( ISPS Co(e an( Co&pany pro$e(ures.
In spite of the &aster being present on the bri(ge" the //* re&ains fully responsible as long as the
Master has not $learly announ$e( that he is ta!ing o#er an( that it is a$!no'le(ge( by the //*.

The //* re$ei#es his instru$tions fro& the Master either (ire$tly an( through his 0stan(ing or(ers1 as
appropriate. The //* gi#es $lear or(ers" instru$tions to the $re' &e&bers un(er his responsibility.
These $re' &e&bers report to hi&.
The offi$er on 'at$h has the (uty to ta!e into $onsi(eration any re&ar! (one by the A4" espe$ially
any re&ar! regar(ing $ollision a#oi(an$e" safety or se$urity issues.
3 +he ,atch
A proper loo!-out shall be &aintaine( at all ti&es by both the A4 an( the offi$er on 'at$h. It $onsists
of -but is not li&ite( to.2
Maintaining a $ontinuous #igilan$e by sighting an( hearing. All other a#ailable &eans &ust be
use( as 'ell" su$h as ra(ar" ra(ar 546" A3PA" AIS" 7yro $o&pass repeater" et$8 Any
signifi$ant $hange in the operating en#iron&ent &ust be assesse( an( ta!en into
9ull appraising of the situation an( the ris! of $ollision" stran(ing an( other (angers to
:ete$ting ships or air$rafts in (istress" ship're$! persons" 're$!s" (ebris an( other ha;ar(s to
safe na#igation.
A proper loo!-out &ust be ensure( at all ti&es an( no other (uties shall be un(erta!en or assigne(
'hi$h $oul( interfere 'ith that tas!.
The (uties of the loo!-out an( han( steering are separate an( the hel&s&an shall not be $onsi(ere(
to be in $harge of the loo!-out 'hile steering.
*hen the hel&s&an is assigne( to the loo!-out" this re&ains un(er the responsibility of the /ffi$er on
'at$h" 'ho 'ill gi#e his instru$tions in $onse<uen$e.
- Rei#*%rced L%%.-%/t
At any ti&e" the Master or the /ffi$er on 'at$h has to reinfor$e the loo!-out. 9or safety or se$urity
reasons" the Master has to &aintain a loo!-out on (e$!s or other pla$es 'hene#er he fin(s it
In (ense traffi$ perio(s or other $ir$u&stan$es" the Master has to (ouble the 'at$h 'ith hi&self or the
Chief Mate.
0 Ca!!i#g the Ma'ter
Card No Bridge-030 Version 2011-02-01 Page & of 3
Watch at Sea
Calling the Master" at any ti&e" &ust be $onsi(ere( as a nor&al a$tion. This is an essential refle)
'hen in a (oubt" an e#ent 'hi$h is outsi(e routine or 'ith a potential (anger. The $onfi(en$e 'hi$h
&ust be establishe( bet'een the Master an( the /ffi$ers on 'at$h $an only e)ist if the Master !no's
that he 'ill be al'ays be $alle( in goo( ti&e an( 'hene#er ne$essary an( that the /ffi$er on 'at$h
!no's that he $an $all the Master 'ithout 'orrying" at any ti&e" an( for any reason.
The /ffi$er in $harge of the na#igational 'at$h shall notify the Master i&&e(iately an( re$or( in the
log boo! that he $alle( the Master" at 'hat ti&e an( 'hen Master is on the bri(ge2
If restri$te( #isibility is en$ountere( or e)pe$te(" in a$$or(an$e 'ith the Master=s stan(ing
If the traffi$ $on(itions or the &o#e&ents of other ships are $ausing $on$ern" 'hen entering a
traffi$ separation s$he&e"
If (iffi$ulty is e)perien$e( in &aintaining the hea(ing an( follo'ing the planne( $ourse"
/n failure to sight lan(" a na#igation &ar!" or to obtain soun(ings by the e)pe$te( ti&e"
If" une)pe$te(ly" lan( or a na#igation &ar! is sighte( or a $hange in soun(ings o$$urs"
/n brea!(o'n of the engines" propulsion &a$hinery re&ote $ontrol" steering gear or any
essential na#igation e<uip&ent" alar& or in(i$ator"
If the ra(io e<uip&ent &alfun$tions"
In #ery ba( 'eather" if in any (oubt about the possibility of 'eather (a&age to the ship or to
the $argo"
In $ase of abnor&al lur$h -ris! of para&etri$ rolling.
If the ship &eets any ha;ar( to na#igation" su$h as i$e or a (ereli$t"
If the ship &eets or $an obser#e any oil spillage or any other &arine pollution
/n re$eipt of any (istress &essage lo$ate( nearby or any other &essage 'hi$h re<uires a
response or rapi( a$tion"
If e#er he feels unfit for (uty
In any other e&ergen$y or safety or se$urity situation" or in $ase of any (oubt.
The (uty A4 shall notify the Master i&&e(iately2
if he has any (oubt regar(ing the health $on(ition of the /ffi$er on *at$h or regar(ing al$ohol
or illi$it pro(u$ts $onsu&ption
If /ffi$er on 'at$h (eliberately (oes not ta!e into $onsi(eration re&ar!s (one by the A4
:espite the re<uire&ent to notify the Master i&&e(iately in the foregoing $ir$u&stan$es" the /ffi$er in
$harge of the na#igational 'at$h shall" in a((ition" not hesitate to ta!e i&&e(iate a$tion for the safety
of the ship" the $re' an( the passengers" the $argo an( the pre#ention of en#iron&ent.
In parti$ular an( in $ase of ne$essity" the /ffi$er in $harge of the na#igational 'at$h shall not hesitate
to use the han( steering" the engine an( the soun( signalling e<uip&ent" an( su&&on supple&entary
$re' if nee(e(.
The (ire$ti#es an( instru$tions of the Master ta!e priority o#er the pro$e(ures an( pro#isions of the
1 R%/ti#e a#d (eri%dic i#'(ecti%#' %# the )ridge
Prior to ta!ing o#er the 'at$h
3efer to Car( 4ri(ge-0>0 0Ta!ing o#er the *at$h1
At the beginning of the 'at$h2
3elie#ing offi$er &ust be a'are of stan(ing or(ers an( other spe$ial instru$tions of the Master.
Che$! the position of the #essel
*or! out the (ea( re$!oning on $hart
Che$! the errors of gyro an( &agneti$ $o&pass an( re$or( it on the 4ri(ge log boo!.
Che$! the settings (isplaye( on the auto&ati$ pilot.
Che$! the Main 5ngine 3PM an( para&eters.
Che$! the set point of the hea(ing alar&
Card No Bridge-030 Version 2011-02-01 Page 3 of 3
Watch at Sea
Che$! the $on(ition of the na#igation lights.
3ea( the nauti$al infor&ation -a#te)" Stan(ar( C"... an( 'eather infor&ation -9a$si&ile"
a#te)" stan(ar( C".....
Inspe$t the settings an( the operational $on(ition of the e<uip&ents in ser#i$e
Co&pare the in(i$ations of the 7PS bet'een the&sel#es an( 'ith those of the SATC/M C.
Verify the #olu&e -suffi$iently high." s<uel$h -not higher than 1?@ of the &a)i&u& #alue. an(
the $hannels &onitore( on the VH9.
At $lose inter#als
Ma!e an all-roun( #ie' of the sea.
Ma!e an all-roun( ra(ar sur#ey of the sea.
Che$! position -fre<uen$y shoul( be a(apte( in a$$or(an$e 'ith lo$al $on(itions or Master=s
instru$tion. Position &ust be $o&pare( 'ith (ea( re$!oning
Co&pare the in(i$ations sho'n on the 7PS.
6ogging of 'eather $on(itions

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