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Katy Graves

TTE 309
May 7
, 2014
Benchmark: Case Stuy !e"#rt
!#se $s a %$ve&year&#' that attens (a'ker Ear'y )earn$n* Center an +$'' ,e atten$n*
k$ner*arten $n the %a'' #% ne-t year. She '$ves +$th her m#ther, %ather, an #'er ,r#ther $n a
'#v$n* h#me a,#ut / m$nutes %r#m the sch##'. She $s very c'#se t# her %am$'y an '#ves t# te'' me
st#r$es a,#ut tr$"s, #ut$n*s, an s"ec$a' events they # t#*ether. 0er m#ther $s an a#'escent
thera"$st an her %ather $s a s"ec$a' eucat$#n teacher at a "u,'$c e'ementary sch##'. 0er %ather1s
%am$'y $s #r$*$na''y %r#m Ch$'e, an her m#ther1s %am$'y $s %r#m the m$+est. 0er %ather1s %am$'y
m#ve t# Tucs#n +hen he +as very y#un*, ,ut they ma$nta$n the$r S"an$sh 'an*ua*e. !#se #es
n#t s"eak %'uent S"an$sh ,ut $s ar#un $t a *reat ea' 2%a'' %$e' n#tes 20133. The %am$'y *#es t#
church every Sunay an has a %a$r'y r#ut$ne scheu'e. She *#es t# ,e at 4 an +akes u" ar#un
5 every ay an #es n#t %re6uent'y *et s$ck #r have any a''er*$es. She has ,een eve'#"menta''y
#n track her +h#'e '$%e 2n#tes taken %r#m %$'e at (a'ker3. 0er ,r#ther #n the #ther han has
*r#+n u" +$th s#me sens#ry $ssues, +h$ch has mae everyay tasks $%%$cu't $n the "ast ,ecause
he +#u' have #ut,ursts an n#t ,e a,'e t# c#ntr#' h$s ,#y #r em#t$#ns. 0er "arents say that
!#se an her ,r#ther have a'+ays ha a s"ec$a' ,#n ,ecause she kn#+s h#+ t# ca'' h$m #+n
an +#rk +$th h$m thr#u*h h$s "r#,'ems 2%a'' %$e' n#tes 20133. 7#+ her ,r#ther has #verc#me a
'#t #% h$s stru**'es an the t+# "'ay t#*ether 6u$te %re6uent'y 2h#me v$s$t n#tes 20143.
0er "arents see a '#t #% "#tent$a' $n !#se an +#rk +$th her #n her acaem$c sk$''s
re*u'ar'y. They say that she en8#ys #$n* 9h#me+#rk: a'#n* s$e her ,r#ther, s# they +$'' *$ve
her s#me tasks t# +#rk #n. The %am$'y reas t#*ether #n a re*u'ar ,as$s an #ne #% the$r %av#r$te
c#m"uter *ames $s Star%a'', a +e,s$te that he'"s ,u$' ear'y '$teracy sk$''s 2%a'' %$e' n#tes 20133.
They h#"e t# *et !#se $nt# the !E;C0 "r#*ram, an acce'erate "r#*ram, at (a'ker E'ementary
+hen she ,e*$ns k$ner*arten. They track ,ehav$#r #n a chart at h#me an re+ar the k$s +$th
ta,'et t$me #r a sh#+ +hen they have earne a certa$n am#unt #% stars #n the$r chart 2h#me v$s$t
n#tes 20143. The %am$'y en8#ys rea$n*, #$n* art, "'ay$n* *ames, an *#$n* t# c#mmun$ty
events t#*ether. They *et t# see the %ather1s %am$'y m#st %re6uent'y, es"ec$a''y #n h#'$ays. They
haven1t ,een a,'e t# *# t# these k$ns #% events unt$' recent'y, ,ut are very e-c$te t# start #$n*
m#re #uts$e the h#me +$th the$r k$s 2%a'' %$e' n#tes 20133.
Cognitive Development:
Areas of Evident Growth
The ma$n area +here *r#+th $s ev$ent $n !#se1s c#*n$t$ve eve'#"ment $s $n her +#rk$n*
mem#ry. She +#u' te'' st#r$es a,#ut +hat her %am$'y $ that +eeken +$th m$n$mum eta$' an
'eave the '$stener "utt$n* "$eces t#*ether. She +#u'n1t ans+er y#ur 6uest$#ns #utr$*ht, ,ut te''
y#u +hat she ne+. <#r e-am"'e #n <e,ruary /
she t#' me that she +ent t# a st#re +here y#u
,r#u*ht #' c'#thes an *#t ne+ c'#thes, an they $n1t take her m#m1s c'#thes, her a1s
c'#thes, #r her ,r#ther1s c'#thes, $nstea #% say$n* that they +ent t# a sec#n han st#re an they
#n'y t##k her c'#thes 2#,servat$#n n#tes 2=/3. )ater $n the year she t#' a st#ry a,#ut 'earn$n* t#
t$e her sh#es. She sa$ that she ha +ante t# t$e her sh#es, ,ut $t +as rea''y har s# she cr$e an
her m#m t#' her that she ha t# # $t herse'%, an her m#m 9+asn1t !#se s# she ha t# kee"
try$n* herse'%:, s# she ke"t try$n* an try$n* unt$' she c#u' # $t 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=93. 0er
st#r$es n#+ $nc'ue em#t$#na' res"#nses an $a'#*ue t# $''ustrate certa$n s$tuat$#ns, +h$ch
sh#+s that she $s eve'#"$n* a m#re c#m"'e- mem#ry system.
>t $s c'ear that !#se has a *reat mem#ry. ?n May 1
she +as s$n*$n* s#n*s that +e ha
san* a m#nth a*#. She +as a,'e t# remem,er the tune an the +#r t# the s#n*, +h$ch ha n#t
,een s#n* at sch##' %#r a %e+ +eeks. ;n#ther stren*th #% !#se1s $s t# stay %#cuse #n #ne task %#r
an e-tene "er$# #% t$me. ?n March 12
she +as +#rk$n* #n trac$n* s#me es$*ns, an she
+#u' n#t st#" unt$' she %$na''y *#t #ne the +ay she +ante $t, even th#u*h #ther stuents +ere
+a$t$n* %#r the trac$n* "a"ers. She $s very *## at stay$n* %#cuse an %#''#+$n* a'#n* ur$n*
c$rc'e t$me, '$sten$n* t# the teacher an res"#n$n* $n the +ay she $s aske t#, %#r e-am"'e she
+$'' res"#n $n s#n* +h$'e #thers +$'' 8ust sh#ut #ut ans+ers 2#,servat$#n n#tes 2=243. ?n March
!#se $ an act$v$ty that em#nstrate her stren*th #% c#nservat$#n #% num,er. (hen t+#
r#+s #% %$ve ,eas +ere 'a$ #ut she +as a,'e t# $ent$%y the c#rrect num,er #% ,eas $n each r#+
,y c#unt$n* them $n her hea. She then a's# state that there +#u' ,e the same num,er #% ,eas
$n each r#+ n# matter h#+ they +ere s"ace, she then "r#ve her th$nk$n* ,y "#$nt$n* t# each
#ne an c#unt$n* 9#ne, t+#, three, %#ur, %$ve:, +h$ch a's# sh#+s her #ne&t#&#ne c#rres"#nence
$s %u''y eve'#"e 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=243.
> have a's# n#t$ce that her a,$'$ty t# "'an $s a ,$* stren*th. >n her "'ay she '$kes t# ass$*n
r#'es t# each mem,er $n the "'ay. S#me#ne +$'' ,e the #ct#r, s#me#ne $s the nurse, an
s#me#ne $s the "at$ent an they each have tasks they are su""#se t# c#m"'ete 2#,servat$#n
n#tes 3=123. ?n ;"r$' 15
, a m#nth 'ater, she +as a's# mak$n* "'ans %#r rea' '$%e %uture events.
She +as "'ann$n* a "'ayate +$th her %r$en an ec$$n* that they +ere *#$n* t# s'ee" $n the
cast'e an +atch <r#@en an > +as *#$n* t# ,r$n* the snacks 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=153. Th$s sh#+s
her a,$'$ty t# v$sua'$@e %uture events an ec$e +hat c#m"#nents she nees $n #rer %#r them t#
+#rk #ut the +ay she +ants.
Areas for Future Growth
(hen #$n* the act$v$t$es t# em#nstrate her $eas #% c#nservat$#n #% mass an
c#nservat$#n #% v#'ume !#se sh#+e that she c#u' n#t 6u$te see that even th#u*h t+# %#rms
+ere $n $%%erent sha"es, they he' the same am#unt #% su,stance She th#u*ht that the r#un ,a''
ha m#re "'ay&#h $n $t than the %'attene #ne ,ecause $t +as r#un an the #ther +as th$n, even
th#u*h +e ha ec$e that the t+# ,a''s ha +ere the same s$@e ,e%#re #ne +as %'attene
2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=243. ?n ;"r$' 2
she $ the c#nservat$#n #% v#'ume act$v$ty. She ec$e
that t+# *'asses #% the same sha"e he' the same am#unt #% +ater, an then +hen #ne +as
"#ure $nt# a +$er 8ar, she sa$ the sk$nn$er *'ass ha m#re ,ecause the +ater +as ta''er
2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=23.
;n#ther area +here > th$nk !#se c#u' c#nt$nue t# *r#+ +#u' ,e +#rk$n* #n c#unt$n*,
n#t start$n* %r#m #ne. There +as #ne ay +here she +ante t# kn#+ h#+ many m#nths there
+ere unt$' 0a''#+een. She c#unte each m#nth #n her %$n*ers unt$' she *#t t# ?ct#,er, ,ut +#u'
start at Aanuary each t$me, even +hen rem$ne that t#ay, $t +as ;"r$' 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=313.
Suggested Home Activities
Chutes an 'aers $s a *reat *ame that uses c#unt$n* an num,er '$ne sk$''s. T# he'"
!#se rea'$@e that c#unt$n* #esn1t a'+ays have t# start %r#m #ne > th$nk "'ay$n* th$s *ame +#u'
,e ,ene%$c$a' %#r her t# "'ay +$th her %am$'y. (hen ever s#me#ne s"$ns have them c#unt the
num,er #% the s6uare they are #n as they m#ve the$r "$ece, rather than the num,er #% s"aces they
are m#v$n*. <#r e-am"'e, $% she s"$ns a %#ur #n the s"$nner an she $s #n s"ace num,er s$- have
her c#unt 9seven, e$*ht, n$ne, ten: $nstea #% 9#ne, t+#, three, %#ur:. Th$s +ay she +$'' 'earn that
she can use sma''er num,ers t# re"resent the s"ace ,et+een 'ar*er #nes, rather than 8ust
re"resent$n* the num,er $tse'%.
Suggested Class Activities
Because !#se has such a *reat +#rk$n* mem#ry, $t +#u' ,e ,ene%$c$a' %#r her t# ,e*$n t#
use that t# 'earn acaem$c sk$''s. The mem#ry *ame, a *ame +here y#u turn #ver t+# cars, see
$% they are a match, an "ut them ,ack %ace #+n, $s a *reat *ame that "ract$ces mem#ry.
Because !#se has em#nstrate stren*ths $n her mem#ry th$s *ame c#u' ,e use t# he'" her
+$th '$teracy an math sk$''s. >n #ne set y#u c#u' have s#me cars +$th s$m"'e a$t$#n
"r#,'ems '$ke 3B4 #r 5&2 2#nes that c#u' ,e s#'ve c#unt$n* #n %$n*ers3 an then #ther cars
+$th the ans+ers #n them. The k$s +#u' have t# match the c#rrect e-"ress$#n t# the c#rrect
va'ue. The '$teracy vers$#n c#u' have 'etters #n s#me #% the cars an then "$ctures #% #,8ects
that start +$th that 'etter. S# they +#u' have t# match 9B: +$th a "$cture #% a ,ear, #r 9C: +$th a
"$cture #% a cat.
Physical Development (Fine Motor):
Areas of Evident Growth
!#se has n#t sh#+n much *r#+th $n her %$ne m#t#r sk$''s, ,ut came $n +$th a *reat ea' #%
sk$'' a'reay. She can +r$te every 'etter #% the a'"ha,et an use many $%%erent me$ums '$ke
"ens, "enc$'s, sc$ss#rs, an cray#ns 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=133. >n her k$ner*arten assessments she
+as a,'e t# em#nstrate her trac$n* an cutt$n* a,$'$t$es. She c#u' trace an cut a'#n* curve
an stra$*ht '$nes, an ar#un sha"es +$th accuracy 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=313. > $ start t# see her
use her sk$''s $n a +$er var$ety #% act$v$t$es. She +as a,'e t# "'ace sma'' ,eas #nt# "e*s t#
create a es$*n an use them t# create sh$"s #ut #% sma'' 'e*#s 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=93. She has
a'+ays ,een very $ne"enent us$n* these sk$''s, an n#t nee$n* much he'" #r *u$ance. <#r
e-am"'e she #"ens her m$'k cart#ns an snacks #n her #+n an can +r$te her name +$th#ut any
he'" %r#m a teacher 2#,servat$#n n#tes 2=/3.
!#se1s m#st a""arent stren*ths are $n her +r$t$n*, cutt$n*, an trac$n* sk$''s. She can
%#''#+ '$nes +$th accuracy an +r$te every 'etter #% the a'"ha,et 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=313. She
uses the a""r#"r$ate *r$" #n her +r$t$n* ev$ces an em#nstrates c#ntr#' +hen she $s +r$t$n* #r
ra+$n* 2 #,servat$#n n#tes 3=133. She a's# has the a,$'$ty t# $nc'ue '#ts #% eta$'s $n her
ra+$n*s. She +$'' $nc'ue ha$r, ears, earr$n*s, eye'ashes, an cheeks #n the %aces she ra+s
2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=133 sh#+$n* that she en#u*h c#ntr#' #ver her +r$t$n* t# # s# an have the
ra+$n* st$'' make sense.
Areas for Future Growth:
>n !#se1s +r$t$n* she #%ten +$'' run #ut #% r##m t# c#m"'ete the +#r she $s +#rk$n* #n.
Th#u*h her 'etters are accurate $n sha"e, they #%ten vary $n s$@e an s"ac$n* an c#nt$nue #n t#
the ne-t '$ne 2+r$t$n* sam"'e 3=123. She #es n#t c#ntr#' her +r$t$n* en#u*h t# ,e a+are #% the
am#unt #% s"ace she has 'e%t #n a "a*e an a8ust her +r$t$n* t# %$t everyth$n* #n at the same
Suggested Home Activities
Because art $s such a ,$* "art #% the h#use an a ,$* $nterest #% !#se1s $t +#u' ,e a *reat
+ay t# he'" her stren*then her %$ne m#t#r sk$''s. 0av$n* s#meth$n* '$ke a Ca$nt ,y 7um,ers "a*e
#r a "a*e %r#m a c#'#r$n* ,##k t# have her "a$nt $ns$e the '$nes +#u' ,e very ,ene%$c$a' %#r her.
G$v$n* her sect$#ns t# %$'' $n, +h$'e may,e n#t enhanc$n* her creat$v$ty, +$'' he'" her 'earn t#
c#ntr#' her "enc$' #r ,rush +$th m#re accuracy. She sh#u' "ract$ce "a$nt$n* a'#n* the '$nes an
#n'y %$''$n* $n the s"ace re6u$re. Th$s +$'' a's# he'" eve'#" her sense #% s$@e an s"ac$n* #n a
Suggested Class Activities
G$v$n* !#se "a"ers that #ut'$ne h#+ the "r#"#rt$#ns #% her 'etters +$'' '##k, +$'' he'" her
eve'#" a sense #% s$@e an s"ac$n* #n a "a*e. The "a"ers that have s#'$ '$nes that re"resent the
t#"s an ,#tt#ms #% 'etters, an #tte '$nes that re"resent the m$"#$nts, +$'' he'" her v$sua'$@e
an "ract$ce +hat her "r$nt$n* sh#u' '##k '$ke +hen +r$tten. >t +#u' a's# ,e *## t# take th$s
even %urther an have "a"ers that sh#+ +here s"aces ,et+een +#rs sh#u' #ccur. 7#t #n'y +$''
th$s he'" eve'#" her '$teracy sk$''s, ,ut a's# he'" her tra$n herse'% as t# +hat her $n$v$ua' +#rs
sh#u' '##k '$ke +hen they are +r$tten.
Physical Development (Gross Motor):
Areas of Evident Growth
!#se '$kes t# run ar#un the "'ay*r#un +$th her %r$ens an "'ay chas$n* *ames. ?n
March 14
she ran a %e+ races +$th her %r$ens, ,ut she +asn1t c#m$n* $n %$rst "'ace, the #ther
k$s +ere %aster. She ran m#re races #n ;"r$' 30
an she +as +$nn$n* m#re #% them, sh#+$n*
that she +as $m"r#v$n* $n her c##r$nat$#n an s"ee. She +as #n'y seen us$n* the ,$cyc'es #ne
t$me, us$n* her %eet t# "ush her $nstea #% the "ea's 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=53. She $ n#t sh#+ as
much $nterest $n the ,$kes, s# she +asn1t #,serve us$n* the ,$kes #r "ea's a*a$n. She uses her
arms, 'e*s, an c#re t# he'" her c'$m, an ,a'ance. She uses her +h#'e ,#y t# c'$m, u" the
+a''s #% the 8un*'e *ym 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=143 an uses her c#re musc'es t# ,a'ance +hen
+a'k$n* #n a +a'' #r #n an #,stac'e c#urse create ,y the k$s. They use ,'#cks an "'ast$c
ha'% s"heres t# create ste"s an ,r$*es t# +a'k acr#ss an she c#m"'ete the tasks +$th#ut
%a''$n* #r s'$""$n* 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=243.
>n her k$ner*arten assessment !#se em#nstrate that she can catch, thr#+ an k$ck a
,a'' +$th n# "r#,'ems. She can +a'k %#r+ars an ,ack+ars #n a '$ne +$th#ut much $%%$cu'ty
an a'ternates her %eet +hen *#$n* u" an #+nsta$rs 2assessment n#tes 3=313. 0er runn$n* an
s"ee are a's# a *reat stren*th #% hers. She $s a '$tt'e sma''er than s#me #% the #ther k$s $n her
c'ass ,ut $s a,'e t# kee" u" +$th them $n the$r runn$n* *ames 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=303. She $s
a,'e t# use a'' "arts #% her ,#y $n m#t$#n. She uses her c#re %#r ,a'ance an her arms an 'e*s
%#r c'$m,$n* an runn$n* 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=143. There $s n# rec#r #% her c#m"'a$n$n* #%
,e$n* s#re #r t$re, s# th$s sh#+s that she has *reat enurance, #r at 'east *reat "erseverance.
Areas for Future Growth
>n her k$ner*arten assessment !#se *a''#"e +hen she +as aske t# sk$". (h$'e she
*a''#"e +$th *reat s"ee an $ntent$#n, she $ n#t unerstan h#+ t# a'ternate her %eet, +hen
em#nstrate %#r her. >t +as a's# #,serve that +hen she +as aske t# ,#unce a ,a'', she c#u'
n#t catch $t #n the +ay ,ack u". She +#u' ,#unce $t +$th t## much %#rce %#r her t# ,e a,'e t#
catch $t +$th accuracy 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=31 an 4=23.
Suggested Home Activities
T# +#rk #n her han&eye c##r$nat$#n $t +#u' ,e *## t# have a ,a'' ar#un the h#use.
>% !#se an her ,r#ther c#u' "ract$ce thr#+$n* the ,a'', catch$n* the ,a'', an ,#unc$n* $t t#
each #ther $t +#u' *reat "ract$ce %#r her $n a '#+ "ressure s$tuat$#n. !#se has en#u*h sk$'' t#
$nteract +$th the ,a'', ,ut $% she ha m#re t$me t# $nteract +$th $t %ree'y, +$th#ut the $stract$#ns
#% #ther *ames *#$n* #n +$th her "eers, she +$'' ,e a,'e t# e-"er$ment +$th $t +$th#ut the %ear #%
%a''$n* ,eh$n #r '#s$n* $t. ; c#u"'e *## *ames %#r her an her ,r#ther t# "'ay t#*ether +#u' t#
,e see$n* +h# c#u' ,#unce an catch the ,a'' the m#st t$mes. Th$s +$'' *et her c#m%#rta,'e +$th
h#+ har she can ,#unce the ,a'' +$th#ut '#s$n* $t. <r#m there they can start ,#unce "ass$n* the
,a'' t# each #ther, s# they can +#rk #n ,#unc$n* the ,a'' +$th a$m an c#ntr#'.
Suggested Class Activities
C#nuct a ser$es #% races +$th the +h#'e c'ass 2#r a 'ar*e *r#u" #% them3 $n +h$ch the
k$s have t# *# %r#m #ne "#$nt t# an#ther us$n* $%%erent ty"es #% m#vement. 0ave them +a'k,
run, +a'k #n a '$ne, sk$", *a''#", s$e ste", #r any #ther m#es #% trans"#rtat$#n y#u can th$nk #%
that +#u' ,e a""r#"r$ate. 0av$n* the c'ass # these m#vements t#*ether +$'' *$ve them a
chance t# +atch an 'earn %r#m each #ther. >t +$'' ,e ,ene%$c$a' t# !#se t# # a'' #% these
m#vements #ne r$*ht a%ter the #ther s# she can 'earn t# $%%erent$ate ,et+een them, an +atch the
#ther k$s "er%#rm them t##. Start +$th #nes that she kn#+s an $s *## at '$ke runn$n* #r
+a'k$n* #n a '$ne, s# she can ,u$' s#me c#n%$ence, an then thr#+ $n the m#re cha''en*$n*
#nes. >% she $s st$'' stru**'$n* +$th the sk$""$n*, rem$n her that each %##t *ets a turn, r$*ht %##t
then 'e%t %##t. Th$s k$n #% 'an*ua*e m$*ht he'" her $nterna'$@e the c#nce"t ,etter than 8ust say$n*
9h#" ste", h#" ste": %#r e-am"'e.
Language Development
Areas of Evident Growth
Thr#u*h#ut the year > have seen !#se use her s"eech $n a var$ety #% +ays. She te''s
st#r$es, asks 6uest$#ns, e-"ress em#t$#ns, an *$ve $rect$#ns. >t $s c'ear that she has eve'#"e a
c'ear "ur"#se %#r s"eech, $.e. %$n$n* #ut a,#ut the +#r' ar#un her, e-"ress$n* herse'%, an
$nteract$n* +$th #thers. ?ver the "ast %e+ +eeks $t has ,ec#me ev$ent that her sentence structure
c#nt$nues t# *et m#re c#m"'e-, $nc'u$n* m#re escr$"t$#n an eta$', an m#re *rammat$ca''y
c#rrect. <#r e-am"'e #n <e,ruary 7
she t#' me that +hat she +as #$n* $n c'ass +as 9m#re
%unner: than s"en$n* t$me +$th her c#us$ns, an #n ;"r$' 9
she t#' me h#+ she ke"t try$n*
ty$n* her sh#es an 9*#t ,etter at $t: , she kne+ t# say ,etter $n th$s s$tuat$#n rather than 9*##er:
#r 9m#re *##: 2#,servat$#n n#tes 2=7 an 4=93.
!#se uses c#m"'ete sentences $n her s"eech that are %#rme an c#n8u*ate c#rrect'y. She
has *## synta- an semant$c kn#+'e*e. <#r e-am"'e #n ;"r$' 24
she sa$ 9> #n1t +ant t#
r$e %ast ,ecause > #n1t +ant t# *et hurt.: Th$s $s a %u'' sentence that has '#*$ca' "r#*ress$#n an
c#rrect uses #% "r#n#uns, c#n8unct$#ns, an c#ntract$#ns. She has *reat t#ne an e-"ress$#n $n
her s"eech. D#u can c'ear'y hear the $%%erence ,et+een her say$n* 90eyE: +hen she $s *reet$n* a
%r$en #r 90eyE: +hen she $s u"set that s#me#ne t##k s#meth$n* %r#m her 2#,servat$#n n#tes
3=123. She can +r$te a'' the 'etters #% the a'"ha,et an kn#+s the s#uns t# a'm#st every 'etter,
+h$ch he'"s her s#un th$n*s #ut t# make +#rs 2#,servat$#ns 2=253.
Areas for Future Growth
S#met$mes !#se +$'' *et cau*ht u" $n her s"eech an s"eak %aster than her m$n can
c#me u" +$th the r$*ht +#rs. Th$s +$'' cause her t# "ause #r stutter $n her s"eech 2h#me v$s$t
n#tes3. ;n#ther area that she c#u' +#rk #n $s art$cu'at$#n. She +$'' s#met$mes "ush t+# +#rs
t#*ether that s#un '$ke #ne +#r. <#r e-am"'e 9ha%ta: $nstea #% 9have t#: an 9s"#sta: $nstea
#% 9su""#se t#: 2h#me v$s$t rec#r$n*s3. Th$s usua''y ha""ens, h#+ever, +hen she $s s"eak$n*
very 6u$ck'y an +$th a '#t #% e-c$tement #r em#t$#nF she #es n#t *$ve herse'% the t$me t# th$nk
a,#ut +hat she sh#u' ,e say$n*.
Suggested Home Activities
>t $s ev$ent %r#m the h#me v$s$ts that !#se $s rea t# re*u'ar'y an en8#ys tak$n* act$ve
r#'es $n the st#r$es. T# c#nt$nue t# eve'#" her s"eech she sh#u' c#nt$nue t# ,e rea t#. ;n t#
take $t #ne ste" %urther, $t +#u' ,e ,ene%$c$a' %#r her t# te'' the st#ry herse'%, e$ther ,ase #n the
+#rs she kn#+s, #r +hat the "$ctures say. )ett$n* her s"eak %ree'y ,ase #n the $''ustrat$#ns
*$ves her the #""#rtun$ty t# th$nk a,#ut +hat she +ants t# say an "'an $t #ut $n her m$n. The
m#re she $s rea t# the m#re she +$'' unerstan the %'#+ #% 'an*ua*e an h#+ $t $s su""#se t#
s#un. She +$'' 'earn t# rec#*n$@e sentence structures an tenses an then ,e*$n t# use them $n
her #+n s"eech +hen she te''s her #+n st#r$es.
Suggested Class Activities
Because ra+$n* an art a""ear t# ,e a ,$* $nterest #% !#se1s, use that as an #""#rtun$ty
%#r her t# use her s"eech an e-"'a$n her +ays #% th$nk$n*. She +$'' ,e %am$'$ar a,#ut her "r#cess
#% art an $% aske a,#ut $t +$'' ,e *$ven the #""#rtun$ty t# *$ve c'ear res"#nses. ;%ter !#se
ra+s a "$cture ask her t# escr$,e $t t# y#u. (h# are the characters $n $tG (here are theyG (hat
are they #$n*G (hen $ th$s ha""enG (hy are they #$n* thatG These k$ns #% 6uest$#ns +$''
a''#+ her t# e-"'#re 'an*ua*e t# escr$,e s#meth$n* that she $s an e-"ert #n 2her #+n +#rk3. She
+$'' n#t nee t# search %#r +#rs, ,ecause she kn#+s e-act'y +hat1s ha""en$n* $n the "$cture, s#
she can %#cus #n e-"'a$n$n* $t $n a c'ear +ay that *ets her "#$nt acr#ss. <r#m there y#u c#u'
even enc#ura*e her t# start rec#r$n* these st#r$es herse'%, s# she can start us$n* her +r$t$n*
sk$''s m#re an have a kee"sake #% her mem#r$es.
Emotional Development
Areas of Evident Growth
!#se +as escr$,e ,y her m#ther ur$n* a c#n%erence #n ;"r$' 4
as a very easy ,a,y,
an she st$'' h#'s that tem"erament t#ay. ;t the ,e*$nn$n* #% the #,servat$#ns she +#u' take
herse'% #uts$e #% s$tuat$#ns she +asn1t c#m%#rta,'e $n an # s#meth$n* #n her #+n
2#,servat$#ns 3=123. 0er m#ther $ te'' us she c#u' ,e shy ar#un un%am$'$ar "e#"'e 2n#tes
%r#m %$'e3. ;%ter a %e+ m#nths she ,ecame m#re c#m%#rta,'e +$th the #ther k$s an "'ays +$th
them m#re, ,ut th$s a's# means she as ,een assert$n* herse'% m#re an can *et u"set +hen th$n*s
#n1t +#rk #ut her +ay. But, very rare'y $n my n#tes #es !#se ,ec#me u"set t# the "#$nt that
she cann#t rec#ver. >% s#meth$n* #es make her u"set she $s usua''y a,'e t# ta'k her +ay thr#u*h
$t 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=303. She a's# has taken #n a care&tak$n* r#'e an *rav$tates t#+ars
s"ec$%$c r#'es $n "'ay an stuents t# s"en t$me +$th at sch##'. She $s #%ten the m#m #r ,$* s$ster
$n ramat$c "'ay an '$kes t# s"en t$me +$th s#me k$s that ten t# stru**'e a ,$t s#c$a''y,
,ecause she #esn1t +ant them t# 9%reak #ut: 2#,servat$#n n#tes 2=253.
!#se *enera''y *ets a'#n* +$th her "eers. She "'ays c##"erat$ve'y +$th her "eers m#st #%
the t$me. She $s a,'e t# c#''a,#rate an make c#m"r#m$ses s# the "'ay +#rks %#r ,#th #% them,
%#r e-am"'e #n March 13
, +hen s#me#ne ne+ +ante t# enter her *ame she +as a,'e t#
$nc#r"#rate them sm##th'y, ,y ass$*n$n* them a r#'e. ;n +hen s#me#ne e'se +as mak$n* the
ru'es $n a $%%erent *ame, !#se +as a,'e t# %#''#+ a'#n* 2#,servat$#n n#tes 3=143. 0#+ever, !#se
$s a very c#n%$ent y#un* *$r' an +hen th$n*s aren1t *#$n* h#+ she th$nks they sh#u', she +$''
s"eak u" a,#ut $t. <#r e-am"'e #n ;"r$' 24
, a *r#u" #% k$s %#un a 'ay ,u*. She th#u*ht that
they sh#u' set the 'ay ,u* %ree an ke"t te''$n* them 9he nees t# *# h#me, he m$sses h$s
%am$'yE: She +$'' re"eat herse'% unt$' $t $s ackn#+'e*e that she has ,een hear. But th$s
$nc$ent a's# s"eaks +e'' t# the care&tak$n* nature #% !#se. 0er m#ther sa$ that she has a'+ays
,een a,'e t# he'" her ,r#ther *et thr#u*h h$s e"$s#es, an has a rea' unerstan$n* #% h#+ t#
s"eak t# h$m that ca'ms h$m 2%a'' %$e' n#tes 20133. Th$s ty"e #% ,ehav$#r $s ev$ent $n the
c'assr##m ,ecause !#se $s +$''$n* t# s$t +$th ch$'ren that the rest #% the c'ass #es n#t a'+ays
*et a '#n* +$th, an he'"s them c#ntr#' the$r ,ehav$#r 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=33. !#se +$'' a's#
em#nstrate th$s care&tak$n* att$tue $n her ramat$c "'ay. She #%ten +ants t# ,e the m#m #r the
,$* s$ster. She han'es the ,a,$es an stu%%e an$ma's *ent'y. She +$'' +ra" them u" $% they are
hurt #r t# kee" them +arm, an r#ck them t# s'ee" $n a cha$r 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=213.
Areas for Future Growth
S#met$mes !#se +$'' *et %rustrate +hen she cann#t %$*ure th$n*s #ut. S#met$mes she
+$'' *et s# u"set that she +$'' *# t# her r##m an cry %#r ten m$nutes, ,ut her m#m ,e'$eves that
th$s 8ust stems %r#m her es$re t# have everyth$n* ,e "er%ect 2c#n%erence n#tes3. !#se $s a very
#r*an$@e ch$' that '$kes th$n*s t# act #ut an '##k a certa$n +ay, %#r e-am"'e she t#' me #n my
h#me v$s$t that +e c#u'n1t "'ay unt$' everyth$n* +as "ut a+ay ,ecause she #esn1t '$ke her r##m
t# '##k messy 2h#me v$s$t n#tes 20143. Because she $s very e-"ress$ve $n her 'an*ua*e, $t $s n#t
$m"#ss$,'e %#r her t# +ant t# ta'k ,ack. >n an $nc$ent #n 4=24 !#se *#t %rustrate +$th a %r$en,
+hen > tr$e t# e-"'a$n +hat c#u' have ,een *#$n* #n +$th her %r$en she t#' me 9D#u #n1t
have t# te'' me that t+$ce > hear y#u the %$rst t$meE: 2#,servat$#n n#tes 4=243. She 'e%t the
s$tuat$#n an $ s#meth$n* e'se %#r a +h$'e, ,ut +as a,'e t# ca'm herse'% #+n an c#me ,ack
an "'ay +$th the *r#u" a*a$n.
Suggested Home Activities
Set u" a r#ut$ne +$th !#se that she can # every t$me she *ets u"set #r %rustrate. S$t
#+n +$th her an ta'k a,#ut the th$n*s that m$*ht he'" her ca'm #+n an %ee' ,etter a*a$n.
S#me $eas c#u' ,e, 'ett$n* her hu* her %av#r$te stu%%e an$ma', #r 'ett$n* her +atch a %av#r$te
sh#+, ,e%#re she *#es ,ack t# the task at han. S#met$mes, even as au'ts, +e 8ust nee a ,ra$n
,reak, s# a''#+ her t# take these #""#rtun$t$es an rem$n her that $t $s #k 8ust t# st#" an take a
,reak %r#m $t s#met$mes.
Suggested Class Activities
!ea a st#ry t# the +h#'e c'ass a,#ut s#me#ne +h# *ets %rustrate ,ecause n#th$n* $s
*#$n* the +ay he=she +ante $t t#. ?ne #% my %av#r$tes $s Alexander and the No Good Very ad
!ay" >t $s a'' a,#ut a ,#y +h# 8ust cann#t seem t# # anyth$n* r$*ht that ay, n#th$n* *#es the
+ay he "'anne an he $s very u"set. But at the en #% the ay he remem,ers that t#m#rr#+ +$''
,e $%%erent an ,etter, s# he $s a,'e t# *# t# s'ee". > th$nk th$s +#u' ,e a *## ,##k %#r !#se t#
hear ,ecause s#met$mes y#ur ay 8ust $sn1t *#$n* t# *# the +ay y#u "'anne, ,ut that1s #k,
,ecause y#u +$'' a'+ays have an#ther ay ahea. > th$nk th$s +$'' he'" her 'et *# #% the '$tt'e stu%%
an remem,er that she #es n#t have c#ntr#' #ver every s$tuat$#n #% her ay, an that $s #k.
Social Development
Areas of Evident Growth
!#se $s a ch$' that *ets a'#n* +$th her "eers an $s a,'e t# $nteract "retty sm##th'y
ur$n* "'ay t$me. >n her %$'e her m#ther +r#te that s#met$mes !#se c#u' ,e shy ar#un
un%am$'$ar "e#"'e 2these +ere +r$tten at the ,e*$nn$n* #% the sch##' year3. (hen #,servat$#ns
+ere %$rst mae #% !#se, she sh#+e that +h$'e s#met$mes she +#u' "'ay +$th her %r$ens she
+#u' a's# en8#y s"en$n* t$me a'#ne #r +$th the teacher. Tenenc$es '$ke th$s +ere n#t$ce u"
unt$' March 14
. 0#+ever, es"ec$a''y $n the 'ast %e+ m#nths > have seen !#se take 'eaersh$" $n
the c'assr##m. ?n $nstances #n 4=3, 4=9, an 4=24 $t $s rec#re that she +as tak$n* $rect$#n
ur$n* "'ay t$me an he'"$n* #thers s#'ve the$r "r#,'ems. She has eve'#"e a *## %r$ensh$"
+$th a ,#y $n the c'ass, s"en$n* m#st #% her t$me "'ay$n* +$th h$m.
Rose is a strong leader and give directions well. She is able to make agreements with
other students in the class so that everyone will be happy (observation notes 3/12). This is
probably a factor has to why she gets along with most everyone in the class so well. Though she
has some friends that she hangs out with the most, she is willing to play with just about anyone.
Most of the time she can leave and join groups easily, and is willing to take herself out of
situations in which she doesn't like what is happening, fore example when the rest of her group
was playing with a lady bug and she wanted to set it free she told them I don't want to do this
anymore and left the group to do something on her own (observations notes 4/28). Her biggest
strength seems to be her ability to work through issues with friends, without any teacher
intervention. On March 14
, she had a conflict with one of her friends (she felt the game had
been unfair), but she was able to talk it through and was able to suggest a way to play the game
that would be more fair, that both of the friends agreed on.
Areas for Future Growth
Lately Rose as become particularly attached to a boy in the classroom next door. She will
ask to go over to the other classroom and give him things that she has made for him (observation
notes 3/12). While her friendship is very healthy, she needs to be reminded of appropriate
behavior when they are together. For example on April 9
, when the two were supposed to be
reading books by themselves during book time, they had to be constantly reminded to stop
talking and playing with each other. The two are very good friends, but can also be a bit of a
distraction for each other. Like stated before her mother has said that she is shy or uncomfortable
around people she is unfamiliar with (notes taken 2/26 from file written in August,). Because
over the course of the year we have become more comfortable and familiar with each other, there
is little data that speaks to whether or not this is still true, if it is then this would be an area to
work on. The last area for growth for her would be in becoming more comfortable with other
people take control of the play time. While she generally gets along with everyone their have
been instances where some of her peers will call her bossy (observation notes 4/28). While it is
good to assert yourself, it is important to do it in a way that doesn't off put your peers.
Suggested Home Activities
I think that it would be good for her and her brother to record who gets to dominate the
play, as they have said on one of my home visits. By using a chart that is similar to the one that
keeps track of their behavior and chores at home (notes from home visit), they can practice
taking turns who gets to chose the game and be in control. They can keep track when Rose is the
boss, when her brother is the boss, and when they are able to make compromises. Having a
visual will let Rose see just how often she wants to dominate play and how often she is willing to
make compromises. It will give her an opportunity to see social situations written down, so she
can keep track easier and realize when she is being too bossy.
Suggested Class Activities
Incorporate peace puppets into the classroom. Allow Rose and her friends to act out a
situation in which one felt the other was being bossy and have the puppets talk about it. This is a
great way for young kids to express their feelings, but without feeling any pressure to please the
other child. It turns a real life situation into a pretend one, so they won't be afraid so speak freely
and take risks. Talk with them as they resolve the issue asking guiding questions like how does
he feel? and what would make it better for both puppets? The puppets will give them a
chance to explore their emotions and resolve issues and then apply it in real life situations.
Working with Rose has been a true joy over the year. I have loved watching her develop
and grow into an intelligent, confident, and creative little girl. My time spent with her as truly
showed me the importance of documentation, and how to crucial it is to have records of
everything that shows that she is developing. I know see that every moment matters when it
comes to a child, and we can learn something from every little thing they do. I have gotten to
know who she is as a student, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. While I know that Rose is
extremely self-motivated, I believe that by learning about her whole person, I have really been
able to help her grow this year. I have gathered a lot of skills this semester, of observation and
documentation, and am very excited to keep refining those skills and use them to help my
students in the future.

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