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Paper Format for the Proceeding QIR 2011

, AuthorB
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Depok 16424
E-mail aut!ora""ui#edu
Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Depok 16424
E-mail aut!or$"ui#edu
Your paper abstract should convey the importance of your research in a concise and logical manner. The
abstract is a synopsis of the original study that addresses the research problem, the information and
methods used to address this problem and your conclusions. It should present only key points without
exceeding a length of 200 words. The use of technical jargon and the citing of references should be
Hybrid system,optimization,autonomous
This guide provides details to assist authors in preparing a paper for publication in QIR 2011 conference
proceedings so that there is a consistency among papers. These instructions give guidance on layout, style,
illustrations and references and serve as a model for authors to emulate. Please follow these specifications
closely as papers which do not meet the standards laid down, will not be published.
Manuscripts must be in English and prepared on A4 size paper (210mm X 297mm) in one column-format
with 2.5cm margins from top and bottom, and 1.5cm from left and right.
Centered at top of the first page should be the complete title of the manuscript. This is followed by the
abstracts under the heading ABSTRACT, keywords under the heading Keywords and not more than six.
The text should be typed in single space, using a font similar to the one used in this text (Times, 10 points).
Paragraphs should be separated by single spacing. Each manuscript should not exceed EIGHT (8) PAGES
including illustrations and tables. The paper must be submitted as WORD documents. For materials
engineering-related papers to be published in Journal of Advanced Materials Research, should be at
least 4 page length.
2.1 Sections and Subsections
Sections and subsections should be numbered and titled as 1, 2, etc. and 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, etc. Capital
letters should be used for the section titles. For subsections, the first letter of each word should be in capital
letter and followed by small letters.
2.1.1 Identification
Font %imes
&i'e 16pt
&tyle (old
Font %imes
&i'e 11pt
&tyle (old
Font %imes
&i'e 1)pt
&tyle (old
Font %imes
&i'e 1)pt
&tyle Italic
Font %imes
&i'e 1)pt
&tyle Italic
Font %imes
&i'e *pt
&tyle Italic
Font %imes
&i'e 12pt
&tyle (old
Font %imes
&i'e 1)pt
&tyle +egular
Please avoid including headers, footers or page numbers in your submission. These will be added in the
final publications.
2.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have already
been defined in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, ac, dc, and rms do not have to be
defined. Abbreviations that incororate eriods should not have saces! "rite #C.$.%.S.,& not #C. $. %. S.&
Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable.
Figures should be labeled with "Figure" and tables with "Table" and should be numbered sequentially, for
example, Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on (refer to table 1 and figure 1). The figure numbers and titles should
be placed below the figures, and the table numbers and titles should be placed on top of the tables. The first
letter of the title should be placed in the middle of the page between the left and right margins. Tables,
illustrations and the corresponding text should be placed on the same page as far as possible. Otherwise
they may be placed on the immediate following page. Its size should be smaller than the type area.
Table 1: Center table captions above the tables.
solvent T (C) K2 (L mol
CDCl3 RT 21
CDCl3 20 57
CHCl3 10 74
CHCl3 20 58
'i(ure )! Descrition is laced ri(ht belo" the fi(ure
When numbering equations, enclose numbers in parentheses and place flush with right-hand margin of the
column. Equations must be typed, not inserted.
Z = c0 + c1 X1 + c2 X2 + c3 X3 + c4 X4 (1)
$umber citations consecutively in s*uare brac+ets ,)-. .he sentence unctuation follo"s the brac+et ,/-.
%efer simly to the reference number, as in ,0-. Do not use #%ef. ,0-& or #reference ,0-& excet at the
be(innin( of a sentence! #%eference ,0- sho"s ... .&
Font %imes
&i'e 11pt
&tyle (old
'ont! .imes
Si1e! 2 t
Style! italics
Font %imes
&i'e ,-1) pt
3lease note that the references at the end of this document are in the referred referencin( style. Give all
authors4 names5 do not use #et al.& unless there are six authors or more. 6se a sace after authors7 initials.
3aers that have not been ublished, even if they have been submitted for ublication, should be cited as
#unublished& ,8-. 3aers that have been acceted for ublication should be cited as #in ress& ,9-.
Caitali1e only the first "ord in a aer title, excet for roer nouns and element symbols. 'or aers
ublished in translation :ournals, lease (ive the En(lish citation first, follo"ed by the ori(inal forei(n;
lan(ua(e citation ,<-.
6se a 1ero before decimal oints! #=./9,& not #./9.& 6se #cm
,& not #cc.& Indicate samle dimensions as
#=.) cm =./ cm,& not #=.) =./ cm
.& .he abbreviation for #seconds& is #s,& not #sec.& >hen exressin(
a ran(e of values, "rite #? to 2& or #?;2,& not #?@2.& Sell units "hen they aear in text! #Aa fe"
henries,& not #Aa fe" B.&
'inally, you are resonsible for lan(ua(e as editors "ill not chec+ it. Do a sell and (rammar chec+. .his is
available in >ord. If En(lish is not your native lan(ua(e, (et a rofessional roof;reader to hel if ossible.
.he "ord #data& is lural, not sin(ular. In American En(lish, eriods and commas are "ithin *uotation
mar+s, li+e #this eriod.& A arenthetical statement at the end of a sentence is unctuated outside of the
closin( arenthesis Cli+e thisD. CA arenthetical sentence is unctuated "ithin the arentheses.D 6se the
"ord #"hereas& instead of #"hile& Cunless you are referrin( to simultaneous eventsD.
3refixes such as #non,& #sub,& #micro,& #multi,& and #ultra& are not indeendent "ords5 they should be
:oined to the "ords they modify, usually "ithout a hyhen. .here is no eriod after the #et& in the Eatin
abbreviation #et al#& Cit is also italici1edD. .he abbreviation #i.e.,& means #that is,& and the abbreviation
#e.(.,& means #for examle& Cthese abbreviations are not italici1edD.
.he referred sellin( of the "ord #ac+no"led(ment& in American En(lish is "ithout an #e& after the #(.&
6se the sin(ular headin( even if you have many ac+no"led(ments.
,)- D. F. Geebe, #Si(nal conversion CGoo+ style "ith aer title and editorD,& in (iomedical Digital &ignal -rocessing,
>. F. .om+ins, Ed. En(le"ood Cliffs, $F! 3rentice;Ball, )220, ch. 0, . <)H?8.
,/- M. A+ay, %ime Fre.uency and /avelets in (iomedical &ignal -rocessing CGoo+ styleD. 3iscata"ay, $F! IEEE
3ress, )22I, . )/0H)09.
,0- G. G. Gentili, J. .esi, M. Einari, and M. Marsili, #A versatile micro"ave lethysmo(rah for the monitorin( of
hysiolo(ical arameters C3eriodical styleD,& IEEE %rans# (iomed# Eng#, vol. 82, no. )=, . )/=8H)/)=, Kct.
,8- J. Medina, %. Jaldes, F. A1iro1, and E. Sacristan, #.itle of aer if +no"n,& unublished.
,9- E. B. Miller, #A note on reflector arrays C3eriodical styleLAcceted for ublicationD,& IEEE %rans# 0ntennas
-ropagat#, in ress.
,<- .. Menende1, S. Achenbach, >. Mosha(e, M. 'lu(, E. Geinder, A. Kollert, A. Gittel, and K. Gachmann, #3renatal
recordin( of fetal heart action "ith ma(netocardio(rahy& Cin GermanD, 1eitsc!rift f2r 3ardiologie, vol. I?, no. /,
. )))HI, )22I.
All papers submitted must be original, unpublished work not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Authors are responsible to obtain all necessary permission for the reproduction of tables, figures and
images and must be appropriately acknowledged. The paper is not defamatory; and the paper does not
infringe any other rights of any third party.
The authors agree that the Technical Committees decision on whether to publish the paper in the
Conferences proceedings shall be final. The authors should not treat any communication from the
Technical Committee members who reviewed their work as an undertaking to publish the paper.
Prior to final acceptance of the paper, authors are required to confirm in writing that they hold all necessary
copyright for their paper and to assign this copyright to the Conference Organizer.

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