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John OSullivans The Great Nation of Futurity describes the United States as a paradise

where all en were actually e!ual and were "overned by a divine deocratic process# This$
unfortunately$ was not the actual truth in this tie period# %oen could not vote and slavery was
still le"al in any places within the United States# Technically$ &erica was an oli"archy by its
ost basic definition' a sall "roup of people havin" control of a country$ or"ani(ation$ or
institution# Since woen and slaves could not vote$ they were bein" controlled by the rulin"
class of en who had the sole privile"e of bein" involved in the deocratic process#
OSullivan specifically disavows this idea$ statin" that &erica was "overned by God)s natural
and oral law of e!uality# That by their hi"h e*aple shall site unto death the tyranny of
+in"s$ hierarchs$ and oli"archs# This idea would have been particularly attractive to ,hristian
issionaries who had the siilar philosophy of a divine ri"ht to ipart their own wisdo onto
pa"ans and heathens#
-li(abeth ,ady Stantons Declaration of Sentiments echoes the .eclaration of /ndependence
as it spea+s of inalienable ri"hts of en$ thou"h she includes woen into the cate"ory of those
who are born with these ri"hts# She a+es the followin" stateent about woen durin" this
tie' havin" deprived her of this first ri"ht of a citi(edn$ the elective franchise$ thereby leavin"
her without representation in the halls of le"islation$ he has oppressed her on all sides# This
specific line irrors the ar"uent that 0en1ain Fran+lin ade to the 0ritish re"ardin" the
Stap &ct# They had ar"ued that ta*ation without representation was tyranny$ and yet they were
usin" the sae tactics here# She references the fact that sin"le woen$ thou"h not "iven the ri"ht
to vote$ can be ta*ed on the land that they own to support a "overnent which reco"ni(es her
only when her property can be ade profitable to it# The purpose of this docuent was to allow
woen to have iediate adission to all the ri"hts and privile"es which belon" to the as
citi(ens of the United States# She was advocatin" for woen to have the ri"ht to the sae
education$ ri"ht to vote$ and "eneral e!uality as citi(ens of the States# 2en at this tie would
have opposed this$ and even actively fou"ht a"ainst it for the sae reason that any sub1u"ated
people has had to fi"ht for freedo' fear# They would have feared they would lose their power3
that their positions in "overnent4businesses would be in 1eopardy#

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