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Vol. 35, No. 4, July–August 1998

Magnus Effects on Stability of Wraparound-Finned Missiles

Ömer Tanrõ kulu and Gökmen Mahmutyazõ cõ oÆglu†

Defense Industries Research and Development Institute (TÜB I TAK –SAGE), Mamak 06261, Ankara, Turkey

Wraparound Ž ns are widely used as aerodynamic stabilizers for unguided missiles. Wraparound-Ž nned con-
Ž gurations have more complicated  ight dynamics when compared with conŽ gurations with planar Ž ns. General
linear free  ight dynamic stability criteria of unguided missiles with wraparound Ž ns are well known. However,
until now simpliŽ ed criteria that consider a static side moment due to wraparound Ž ns as the only signiŽ cant
out-of-plane effect have been utilized in design. It is shown that the simpliŽ ed stability criteria are not reliable, and
more general stability criteria that take both the classical Magnus side moment and the static side moment due to
wraparound Ž ns into account have to be used. Another outcome is that the roll direction is extremely important in
terms of stability of wraparound-Ž nned conŽ gurations. A linear free  ight dynamic stability analysis of the U.S.
Air Force research model is performed as a case study by using available aeroballistic range test data.

Nomenclature = complex total angle of attack, i

a = freestream speed of sound, m/s = freestream density, kg/m3
CD = drag force coefŽ cient = Euler yaw, pitch, and roll angles, rad
CD 2 = quadratic drag force coefŽ cient
Cl p = roll damping moment stability derivative Superscripts
C l0 = induced roll moment coefŽ cient
Cl = roll moment due to Ž n cant angle stability derivative = component in aeroballistic reference frame
Cmq Cm = in-plane damping moment stability derivatives = differentiation with respect to s
Cmr Cm = out-of-plane damping moment stability derivatives
Cm 0 = in-plane asymmetry moment coefŽ cient Introduction

Cm = static in-plane moment stability derivative UBE launchers have now become almost a standard feature
Cm p = in-plane Magnus moment stability derivative of unguided missile systems due to packaging conveniences.
Cm = static out-of-plane moment stability derivative Aerodynamicallystabilized tube-launchedmissiles have hinged tail
Cm p = out-of-plane Magnus moment stability derivative Ž ns, which are in their folded position when the missile is inside the
Cn 0 = out-of-plane asymmetry moment coefŽ cient launcher.Deploymentof the tail Ž ns takes place just after launchdue
C Y0 = out-of-plane asymmetry force coefŽ cient to gyroscopic, aerodynamic, and mechanical forces. Tube launch-
C Z0 = in-plane asymmetry force coefŽ cient ing can have some negative implicationsin terms of missile external
CZ = static in-plane force stability derivative conŽ guration design inasmuch as dimensions of tail Ž ns are con-
CZ = static out-of-plane force stability derivative strained geometrically.Wraparound Ž ns (WAF) were introduced as
g3 = third component of gravitational acceleration an alternative to planar Ž ns (PF) to partly overcome this problem.
vector, m/s2 On the other hand, it was soon discovered that missile conŽ gura-
Ia = axial moment of inertia, kg m2 tions with WAF have complicated aerodynamics and  ight dynam-
It = transverse moment of inertia, kg m2
ics due to lack of mirror symmetry. Intense theoretical, numeri-
i = unit imaginary number cal, and experimental research on the subject revealed interesting
ka = nondimensionalaxial radius of gyration
results.1 26
kt = nondimensionaltransverse radius of gyration 1) Missile conŽ gurations with WAF have different roll damping
M = freestream Mach number
stability derivatives Cl p depending on the direction of roll.
m = mass, kg 2) Missile conŽ gurations with WAF have a nonzero induced roll
p q r = roll, pitch, and yaw rates in body-Ž xed reference
moment C l0 at zero total angle of attack. Cl 0 strongly depends on
frame, rad/s M , missile geometry,and wake condition.C l0 changessign at tran-
S = reference area, 4 2 , m2 sonic M in jet-off  ight, whereas no such sign change is observed
s = nondimensionalarc length in the case of jet-on  ight. Cl0 can have signiŽ cant effect on roll rate
t history and, hence, stability and dispersion characteristics.
V dt 3) There is a 10% increase in the Ž n drag coefŽ cient of a missile
to if WAF is used instead of equivalent PF that have the same projected
V = speed of missile, m/s area.
x CM = distance of center of mass from missile tip, m 4) Static aerodynamic characteristicsC z and C m obtained with
= angle of attack, rad WAF and with equivalent PF that have the same projected area are
= angle of side slip, rad very similar.
= Ž n cant angle, rad 5) Missile conŽ gurationswith WAF do not have mirror symmetry.
= reference length, missile diameter, m Hence, the presence of stability derivatives such as C m , C m , C m r ,
and C m p in addition to C m , C m , C m q , and C m p is mathematically
possible.Wind-tunneland aeroballisticrange testing has shown that
C m is signiŽ cant for conŽ gurations with WAF.
Received Oct. 6, 1997; revision received March 25, 1998; accepted for
publication March 26, 1998. Copyright c 1998 by the American Institute
6) General linear static and dynamicstabilitycriteriafor free  ight
of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. of missiles with WAF were derived. These criteria were simpliŽ ed
Coordinator, Mechanics and Systems Engineering Research Group by consideringC m to be the only signiŽ cant WAF and out-of-plane
(MSMG), PK 16. Member AIAA. effect. A variety of case studies showed that dynamic stability and
† Chief Research Engineer, Mechanics and Systems Engineering Research resonance characteristics strongly depend on C m . WAF effects on
Group (MSMG), Flight Dynamics Section, PK 16. static stability were found to be insigniŽ cant. Missile conŽ gurations
468 Æ

with WAF were observed to exhibit circular trajectories in the vs Equation (1) can be considered as a linear differentialequation with
plane in cases of both stable and unstable  ight. constantcoefŽ cients when M and p are slowly changingfunctions
The presence of C l0 and C m has caused many problems for  ight of time. Hence, the solution of Eq. (1) can be expressed as
dynamicists in the external conŽ guration design of unguided mis-
siles with WAF. The physical mechanisms that cause C l0 are not g K 1 ei 1
K 2 ei 2
K 3 ei 3
well understood, and magnitudes of moments that are associated
with Cl 0 and C m are much smaller than magnitudes of conven- where
tional moments. Hence, accurate experimental determinationof C l0 G
and C m through wind-tunnel or aeroballistic range testing is dif- g (14)
Ž cult. These problems led some researchers to focus on making M PU i N PT
small modiŽ cations to missile geometry to alleviate adverse effects js
of WAF. Mostly direct modiŽ cation of WAF by using tabs, bevels, or Kj K j0 e j 1 2 (15)
slots was considered.8 13 23 It was shown that introduction of a cav-
j j0 js j 1 2 (16)
ity in the missile base without altering WAF surprisingly enhances
dynamic stability WAF.15 16 19 24 26
The researchon base cavitymodiŽ cationcould not providea satis- 1
factory explanationregardingthe improvementof dynamic stability, j i j 2
H i P I
but it had an important outcome. During the aeroballisticrange tests
of the U.S. Air Force research model with base cavity, Abate and
4 M PU H2 I P 2 i [2H I P 4 N PT ]
Hathaway16 19 were able to identify both C m p and C m data in sev-
eral cases. It is well known that Magnus moment has a destabilizing
effect on rolling missile conŽ gurations with PF. Rolling WAF con- j 1 2 (17)
Ž gurations also generate a Magnus moment. Interestingly enough,
aeroballisticianshave consideredthe side moment due to WAF char- 3 30 (18)
acterized by C m as the only signiŽ cant out-of-planeeffect in linear
free  ight dynamic stability analysis of such missiles. Omission In Eq. (13), K j ei j j 1 2 terms represent the homogeneous
of Magnus effects can be attributed to the complicated nature of solution, whereas g and K 3 ei 3 are the particular solutions due to
Magnus phenomena and to the difŽ culties in accurate theoretical, gravity and conŽ gurational asymmetry, respectively. The stability
experimental,or numerical determinationof C m p data.27 In this pa- of an unguided missile with WAF in free  ight can be examined by
per, a stability analysis of the U.S. Air Force research model with using Eq. (17). After a few derivations one can obtain the following
base cavity will be performed by using the available aeroballistic expression for the modal damping factors j j 1 2 :
range test data. Different stability criteria will be utilized: a newly
developedcriterionfor conŽ gurationswith WAF that take both C m p 1 2 N PT H P I
j H (19)
and C m into account,21 22 26 the conventional criteria for conŽ gu- 2 P I 2 4 M PU
rations with PF that consider C m p as the only out-of-plane effect,
and Ž nally the conventional simpliŽ ed criteria for conŽ gurations Dynamic stability of the missile is ensured if both of the modal
with WAF that consider C m as the only out-of-plane effect. damping factors j j 1 2 have negativevalues during all phases
of  ight:
Linear Free Flight Dynamic Stability Analysis
The complex transverse equation of motion of a slightly asym- j 0 j 1 2 (20)
metric unguided missile with WAF in free  ight can be expressed
Inequality (20) can be expanded as follows:
as follows in the aeroballistic reference frame22 :
[H i I P ] [ M PU i N PT ] H 0 (21)

G i Ae i (1) 2 N PT H P I
H (22)
P I 2 4 M PU
In Eq. (1) the independentvariable is the nondimensionalarc length
s. CoefŽ cients of Eq. (1) are deŽ ned as
If inequality (22) is further expanded, one can obtain a quadratic
stability condition in terms of the gyroscopic roll rate P:
H CZ 2C D 1 2kt2 Cmq Cm (2)
T T H P2 U H2 2T N HN T HI P
I CZ 1 2kt2 Cmr Cm (3)
M H2 N2 NHI 0 (23)
P Ia It p V (4)
P Pdyn1 P Pdyn2 0 (24)
M 1 k t2 C m (5)
Constraints (21) and (24) indicate that an unguided missile with
N 1 kt2 Cm (6) WAF in free  ight is dynamically stable if it has positive in-plane
damping and its roll rate stays in an interval that is speciŽ ed by
Pdyn1 and Pdyn2 . Actual roll rotational rates corresponding to Pdyn1
T 1 2ka2 C m p
CZ CD (7) and Pdyn2 can be determined as

U CZ 1 2ka2 C m (8) pdyn j It Ia V Pdyn j j 1 2 (25)


In the case of a missile with PF that has both rotational and mirror
G V 2 g3 P (9)
symmetry, I , N , and U 0. Hence, Eq. (23) becomes
A 1 k t2 C m 0 i Cn 0 P[ It Ia 1] C Y0 iC Z 0 (10) T T H P2 M H2 0 (26)

ka t Ia t m 2 (11) Constraint (26) is a quadratic inequality as well, but Pdyn1 Pdyn2

in contrast to the earlier, more general case. In the case of a stabil-
C S 2m C (12) ity analysis of a missile with WAF in which C m is considered as

Table 1 Reference and inertial data of a typical test model16 19

D, m S, m2 a , m/s , kg/m3 m, kg Ia , kg m2 It , kg m2 xCM , m

1 91 10 2 2 85 10 4 344 1.2 0.143 72 10 6 48 10 4 0.099

Table 2 Aerodynamic data of tests 14, 25, 20, and 26 (Refs. 16 and 19)

Test no. M CD CD 2 CZ Cm Cm Cm q Cm p Cl p Cl
14 1.002 0.841 3.000 10.50 39.766 1.33 477.8 138.89 6.616 0.156
25 1.658 0.865 2.500 8.44 13.886 0.35 394.5 27.45 2.371 0.135
20 1.723 0.845 2.500 8.22 12.243 0.59 364.0 20.00 9.858 0.260
26 1.861 0.842 2.500 7.01 8.882 0.99 326.4 57.01 2.695 0.025

the only signiŽ cant WAF and out-of-plane effect, inequality (23) is Table 3 ConŽ gurational asymmetry data
reduced to of tests 14, 25, 20, and 26 (Refs. 16 and 19)

Test no. M CZ0 C Y0 Cm 0 Cn 0

HNP MH2 N2 0 (27)
14 1.002 0.038 0.443 0.466 0.172
25 1.658 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Constraint (27) is a linear inequality in terms of P that speciŽ es
20 1.723 0.000 0.000 0.485 0.032
lower and upper limits of roll rate p for dynamic stability when 26 1.861 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.040
p 0 and p 0, respectively.
The classical yaw–pitch–roll resonance rate of a statically stable
missile with WAF can be approximated to be the same as that of a Table 4 Probable errors of curve Ž tting
missile with equivalent PF: for tests 14, 25, 20, and 26 (Refs. 16 and 19)

Test no. x, m y z, m , deg , deg

pres V M (28)
14 0.0028 0.0009 0.205 19.840
25 0.0013 0.0011 0.242 48.460
Case Study 20 0.0006 0.0009 1.158 9.514
As was mentioned earlier, Abate and Hathaway16 19 carried out 26 0.0012 0.0006 0.120 9.444
aeroballistic range tests of the U.S. Air Force research model with
base cavity. They compared their results with the ones that were
Table 5 CoefŽ cients of transverse equation of motion
obtained from previous tests of the same model without base cav- for tests 14, 25, 20, and 26
ity. The basic geometry of the model with base cavity is presented
in Fig. 1 (details can be found in Ref. 16). Reference and inertial Test no. M M 10 5 N 10 6 H 10 4 T 10 3

data of a typical model are given in Table 1. Abate and Hathaway

14 1.002 9.795 3.276 7.893 11.183
tested 15 models with base cavity, at different Mach numbers; 13 25 1.658 3.420 0.862 6.387 2.081
of them had a Ž n cant angle of 2 or 2 deg, whereas 2 models 20 1.723 3.016 1.453 5.970 1.474
had no Ž n cant. High roll rates were observed in the tests of models 26 1.861 2.188 2.438 5.233 4.821
with canted Ž ns. Hence, in four of these tests, analysis of motion
data resulted in identiŽ cation of both C m and Cm p stability deriva-
tives at the same time. Aerodynamic data that were obtained from
these tests are presented in Tables 2 and 3. No nonlinear coefŽ cients
were identiŽ ed other than C D 2 . In Table 4 the probableerrors of the
curve Ž tting are presented. The quality of the curve Ž t for roll angle
is poor for all four cases. On the other hand, numerically predicted
and experimentally measured motion data are in good agreement
with each other.16 19 Nondimensional axial and transverse radii of
gyration are ka 0 372 and k t 3 041, respectively, whereas
S 2m has a value of 2 278 10 5 . The coefŽ cients of the
transverse equation of motion (1) for the four cases are presented in Fig. 1 Test model with WAF and base cavity.16 19
Table 5. H 0 for all four tests; hence, transverse damping con-
straint (21) is satisŽ ed. In Table 6 the gyroscopic roll rate limits for
dynamic stability are presented for the four tests, which were calcu-
lated by using the data of Table 5. The roll rate limit denoted by C
C m only is both qualitativelyand quantitativelydifferentfrom the
limits denoted by A C m and C m p and B C m p only . The differ-
ence between roll rate limits A and B is quantitative.C m introduces
asymmetry into Pdyn1 2 values, which are shifted up or down, both at
the same time. In Table 7, yaw–pitch–roll resonance roll rate values
of the four cases that were calculated using Eq. (28) are presented.
Figures 2 –5 and 6 –9 show p vs t and vs graphs, respectively,
for tests 14, 25, 20, and 26 as obtained from six-degree-of-freedom
numerical simulations (fourth-order Runge–Kutta, Ž xed time-step
size) with reference, inertial, and aerodynamic data of Tables 1–3.

In Figs. 2 –5 dynamic stability roll rate limits denoted by A
C m and C m p and B C m p only corresponding to Table 6 are
plotted in addition to the time variation of roll rate p. The stability
roll rate limit denoted by C C m only is not shown in the Figs.
2 –5 because its magnitude is much larger than other data for all Fig. 2 Time variation of roll rate for test 14.
470 Æ

Table 6 Dynamic stability gyroscopic roll rate limits for the tests 14, 25, 20, and 26
3 3 3 3 2
Test no. A: Pdyn1 10 A: Pdyn 2 10 B: Pdyn 1 10 B: Pdyn2 10 C: Pdyn 10
14 0.958 0.392 0.675 0.675 1.945
25 1.205 1.936 1.570 1.570 2.399
20 1.038 2.726 1.876 1.876 0.996
26 1.075 0.002 0.538 0.538 0.004

Table 7 Yaw–pitch –roll resonance roll rates

for tests 14, 25, 20, and 26, rad/s

Test no.: 14 25 20 26
pres 179.1 175.1 170.9 157.2

Fig. 5 Time variation of roll rate for test 26.

Fig. 3 Time variation of roll rate for test 25.

Fig. 6 Graph for test 14, vs .

Fig. 4 Time variation of roll rate for test 20.

tests. One can obtain completely wrong results in stability analysis

of rolling WAF conŽ gurations when both C m and C m p are present
and the type C criterion is used.
As was stated earlier, if one considers C m p to be the only out-of-
plane moment, then pdyn1 pdyn2 . Introduction of C m destroys
this symmetry. In the case of tests 14 and 26, C m shifts both pdyn1
and pdyn2 data upward (Figs. 2 and 5). The shift is especially signif-
icant in the case of test 26. In the case of tests 25 and 20, C m shifts
both pdyn1 and pdyn2 data downward (Figs. 3 and 4).
In the case of test 14, criterion B predicts unstable  ight because
p crosses the pdyn1 limit. Stability criterion A and Fig. 6 indicate
that  ight is stable in test 14. In this case, C m enhances dynamic
stability by shifting the roll rate limit pdyn1 upward. One must note
that Cm would have caused instability if the model was rolled in a
negative direction because pdyn2 is shifted upward as well. Similar
analysis can be made for the other three tests by examining Figs. 3–5
and 7–9. Fig. 7 Graph for test 25, vs .

ing with effects of induced roll moment Cl 0 but also in maintaining

pdyn1 p pdyn2 .
Recommendations are summarized as follows.
1) As was mentioned in the Introduction, WAF conŽ gurations
have roll direction-dependentroll dampingstabilityderivativesC l p .
They can also be expected to have roll direction-dependent Mag-
nus moment stability derivatives C m p . Two tests of Abate and
Hathaway that were performed at the same Mach number but with
opposite roll directions indicated such a phenomenon. They were
not discussed herein because it was concluded that more tests are
2) As was also mentionedin the Introduction,WAF conŽ gurations
may generatemoments thatare characterizedby C m , C m r , andC m p .
Further research is needed in this area.
3) Surprisingly, no research has been carried out on nonlinear
aeroballistics (analysis or identiŽ cation) of WAF conŽ gurations.
Further research is needed in this area.

This paper was prepared as a part of the T-104 support project
Fig. 8 Graph for test 20, vs . of the NATO AGARD Flight Vehicle Integration Panel. The project
was jointly run by TÜBITAK –SAGE and the U.S. Air Force Wright
Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base. The authors wish to express their
appreciation to G. L. Abate and G. L. Winchenbach of the U.S. Air
Force Wright Laboratory for supplying informationabout tests with
base cavity and for their critical comments on the subject.

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