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EDU 524
ELIZABETH Franks, Stephanie Garcia, Nikolette Edge, and Jason Henderson
MAY 5, 2014
Beth Franks
P. 312
Students are not in the same classroom all day with the same teacher. Many different teachers have a
hand in the education of each child. There are classroom teachers, special area teachers (p.e., a.p.e.,
music, art, media specialists, technology, health, etc.) and related service professionals (speech and
language, occupational, physical therapists, counselors and ESL teachers). No one teacher works in a
vacuum; we all should work together in collaboration for each student.
P. 314
Communication between all of the teachers is valuable. Coordinating as much as possible will only help
students by providing continuity. Its also important for all of the teachers to know about issues such as
absences, illnesses, injuries, etc. I have a second grade student who is having toileting issues. We have
all discussed how we want to handle this because its really important that all of his teachers handle this
situation in the same way.
P. 318
ESOL Instructors: This year, Tennessee has adopted the WIDA standards for ESL. There are five
standards: 1) Social and Instructional Language, 2) The language of Language Arts, 3) the language of
Math, 4) the language of Science and 5) the language of Social Studies. We will not be teaching math, for
example, but the language and vocabulary necessary to understand and learn math. I am excited about
the new standards because this makes sense to me. The old standards, in my opinion, were lacking.
Jason Henderson
Although students may be exposed to other subjects, it is still important to lay out certain methods to
learning content. The idea of "cross-curricular" areas is designed not so much to learn different content
as much as it is for continuing a process of similar learning structure. Students can relate to consistency,
but if the material presented to them is always changing, then they will struggle.
Communication among teachers, regardless of position/status, is the most effective tool for student
success. Be it email, phone, or face-to-face, the more other teachers are aware of a particular student's
needs, the more they will be able to reach out to that student.
Periodic reports from SLPs, OTs, and PTs have become more involved in our school over the last several
years. We have extended our services to a broader range of students, which for our school and
community is quite different from years past. However, they have done a great job of letting us know
how to service particular students who would definitely struggle if we were not aware of their status.

Alyssia Harper
P. 313
Being a physical education teacher I have taught some adapted physical education classes. I think that
this is so wonderful for students who really need this tool, but not all schools offer this. I have worked in
4 different schools and out of the 4 only 1 offered an exclusive adapted physical education class and it
truly worked. I think that administration needs to consider offering this more or if nothing else one class
of this.
P. 315
Making a connection with anyone is all about making the time to do so. Making a connection with
another teacher is just the same. Also the principal can also be intentional about planning times when
available. For example, in the high school I had my planning time with the Science teachers so that we
could discuss potential labs I could complete in the gym.
P. 317
I enjoyed reading about what the related service professionals want us to know about and gave a
description about what some of their job entails. I think that understanding what someone is helping
your students will help you know the questions to ask in order to best serve your students.
Stephanie Garcia
P. 313
As a regular classroom teacher, I don't think I have taken the time to learn what the related arts
teachers are teaching. Sometimes the students mention it fitting in with one of our units, but I never
thought about their classes being just as important for me to go look at their curriculum.
P. 314
Music especially is cross-curricular. Our music department has a bulletin board outside their rooms. It
says: We Are a The Common Core
We need to be utilizing these classes to tie in to our regular education classrooms.
P. 318
Keeping a journal on students is a great idea. Depending on class type, it may be difficult to have a
different notebook for every student. I have a notebook for every class period with student behaviors
logged. Then when meetings come around, the specific behaviors can be addressed.

Nikolette Edge
P. 314
Working with Special Area Teachers- We need to be sure that all teachers that the students are with are
aware of special needs and services. Often these teachers are out of the loop and it can cause
unnecessary problems for the child and teacher.
Ways to Connect- Keeping a journal for students with particular needs would be wonderful. You can
track their strengths , likes, dislikes, people they work well with or not well with ect. It is a great way to
help make the day smoother for everyone even if you can't find time to meet.
P. 320
Narrative 19.1- I wish more people were able to attend IEP meetings. When you have a group of people
all wanting a child to succeed that can be powerful. Unfortunately some people do not feel as though
their input is valued or needed. This leads to bad feelings among the people that should be on the same
P. 319
Ways to Connect- Exchanging lesson plans with special area teachers would be great, but preplanning
out some major themes early would be better, and enable those teachers to get ideas together and

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