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I English MAJOR/TTI/2014/English Morphology

Course coordinator !" Ionescu

#EMI$AR % &II Tense'
I" !iscuss the use o( the past and present per(ect tenses in the (ollo)ing
predications *elo)" !iscuss the se+antic &conte,tual' relation holding
*et)een the #T- the ET and the RT in all e,a+ples"
a" $o *ig city in A+erica )as so segregated- not /ust *et)een *lac0 and )hite-
*ut *et)een Croat- 1er+an- Irish- Italian- Je)- 2ole- 30rainian and the rest" 3ntil
the 14506s- +any houses carried co.enants denying their o)ners the right to sell
the property to *lac0s- )ho )ere thus largely con(ined to the #outh #ide"
*" Chicago has *een a +elting7pot" Rather- it has *een a city o(
neigh*ourhoods- each o( )hich has 0ept so+e o( the character o( the old country"
c" Ethnic ghettos ga.e Chicago (actionalised politics" 8usiness ga.e it an
institutionally )ea0 +ayor and strong alder+en" 2rohi*ition ga.e it Al Capone
and corruption on an industrial scale"
d" The +ayor has put his political do+inance to good use- de.oting his energies to
three issues in particular" The +ayor6s second *ig endea.our- the trans(or+ation
o( Chicago6s pu*lic housing- has pro.ed +uch +ore di((icult"
II" 9hat is the ATR o( a present per(ect &inde(inite reading' sentence: Illustrate your
description )ith t)o di((erent e,a+ples"
III" 9hat are the +ain se+antic &and distri*utional' di((erences *et)een the present
per(ect and the past tense:
I;" Is 2er(ect a tense or an aspect +ar0er: 1i.e your reasons (or *oth interpretations"
;" 9hy is Tense deictic: In )hat )ay are states and e.ents related to #T &atelic and telic
situations': #ho) the ha*itual reading o( a past tense predication &e"g" sit in the
shadow in warm weather)" 9hat is the se+antic di+ension that a ha*itual sentence in
the past tense thus ac<uires: 9hat is the di((erence *et)een deictic and narrati.e:
Co++ent (urther on 7 on the (ollo)ing e,a+ple =Most of the 13 years after Daley
seniors reign were characterized by racial antagonism, and the city council
members opposed him systematically because of his racial policies>"
;I" Identi(y the anchored and the unanchored*s in the (ollo)ing sentences" 9rite
the ATR o( these sentences"
a" This ti+e to+orro) they )ill ha.e cele*rated 10 years since their )edding" *" In ten days
(ro+ no) I )ill let you 0no) )hen )e can go on our holidays" c" ?ast year in #epte+*er they
cele*rated 10 years since their )edding" 9e ha.e already *uilt a ne) hut in the +ountains"
$o*ody ca+e to see it" $ot e.en once ha.e )e had any guests yet"
;II" 9hat is the past perfect representation as regards ATR: 9hen is this tense used:
#ho) the *asic te+poral relations holding *et)een the +ain and the*ial
e+*edded clauses in a" A(ter he had (inished his ca0e- he (inally proceeded to tell us
the story" *" A soon as )e had .isited the palace- the host told us to co+e to dinner"
I English Minor/2014/English Morphology
Course coordinator !" Ionescu
#EMI$AR % &II Tenses'
I" !iscuss the use o( the past and present per(ect tenses in the (ollo)ing
predications *elo)" !iscuss the se+antic &conte,tual' relation holding
*et)een the #T- the ET and the RT in all e,a+ples"
a" $o *ig city in A+erica )as so segregated- not /ust *et)een *lac0 and )hite-
*ut *et)een Croat- 1er+an- Irish- Italian- Je)- 2ole- 30rainian and the rest" 3ntil
the 14506s- +any houses carried co.enants denying their o)ners the right to sell
the property to *lac0s- )ho )ere thus largely con(ined to the #outh #ide"
*" Chicago has *een a +elting7pot" Rather- it has *een a city o(
neigh*ourhoods- each o( )hich has 0ept so+e o( the character o( the old country"
c" Ethnic ghettos ga.e Chicago (actionalised politics" 8usiness ga.e it an
institutionally )ea0 +ayor and strong alder+en" 2rohi*ition ga.e it Al Capone
and corruption on an industrial scale"
d" The +ayor has put his political do+inance to good use- de.oting his energies to
three issues in particular" The +ayor6s second *ig endea.our- the trans(or+ation
o( Chicago6s pu*lic housing- has pro.ed +uch +ore di((icult"
II" 9hat is the ATR o( a present per(ect &inde(inite reading' sentence: Illustrate your
description )ith t)o di((erent e,a+ples"
III" 9hat are the +ain se+antic &and distri*utional' di((erences *et)een the present
per(ect and the past tense:
I;" Is 2er(ect a tense or an aspect +ar0er: 1i.e your reasons (or *oth interpretations"
;" 9hy is Tense deictic: In )hat )ay are states and e.ents related to #T &atelic and telic
situations': #ho) the ha*itual reading o( a past tense predication &e"g" sit in the
shadow in warm weather)" 9hat is the se+antic di+ension that a ha*itual sentence in
the past tense thus ac<uires: 9hat is the di((erence *et)een deictic and narrati.e:
Co++ent (urther on 7 on the (ollo)ing e,a+ple =Most of the 13 years after Daley
seniors reign were characterized by racial antagonism, and the city council
members opposed him systematically because of his racial policies>"
;I" Identi(y the anchored and the unanchored*s in the (ollo)ing sentences" 9rite
the ATR o( these sentences"
a" This ti+e to+orro) they )ill ha.e cele*rated 10 years since their )edding" *" In ten days
(ro+ no) I )ill let you 0no) )hen )e can go on our holidays" c" ?ast year in #epte+*er they
cele*rated 10 years since their )edding" 9e ha.e already *uilt a ne) hut in the +ountains"
$o*ody ca+e to see it" $ot e.en once ha.e )e had any guests yet"
;II" 9hat is the past perfect representation as regards ATR: 9hen is this tense used:
#ho) the *asic te+poral relations holding *et)een the +ain and the*ial
e+*edded clauses in a" A(ter he had (inished his ca0e- he (inally proceeded to tell us
the story" *" A soon as )e had .isited the palace- the host told us to co+e to dinner"

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