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Computer Applications-II BBA IV(E2)

Q1. What is URL? Explain different parts of URL in detail with example.
Q2. Explain different web development tools
Q3. Explain the working of a search engine
Q4. With respect to World wide web explain the following terms:
a. URL
d. FTP
Q5. What is a Browser? List five commonly used Browsers
Q6. Describe the document structure of a web page. Take HTML code as implementation
Q7. What is World Wide Web? Explain HTTP, TCP/IP protocols
Q8. Differentiate between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator
Q9. Write short notes on the following
a. Web clients and Web servers
b. Doing Business on the Web
c. Digital Signature
d. Internet Relay Chatting
e. Client-Server Architecture
Q10. What is URL? Explain the different parts of URL
Q11. Differentiate between Internet, Intranet and Extranet
Q12. Explain the functioning of Web Server

Computer Applications-II BBA IV(E2)

Q1. Write short notes on
a. Image map
b. CGI technology
c. Absolute Links and relative links
d. Microsoft frontpage 2003(or 2000) as a web development tool
e. Image as a Hotspot
Q2. Explain any five factors which you should consider for designing a web site
Q3. What do you mean by hyperlink? Explain different types of hyperlink.How do you create
hyperlinks? Give Examples
Q4. Explain the three most commonly used image file formats which most of the browsers
can display
Q5. What are image maps? What are the different type of image maps? What are the
hyperimages? How do you insert an image in a document?
Q6. Write an HTML code to display the client-side image map.
Q7. What do you understand by a link? How do you create a link

Computer Applications-II BBA IV(E2)

Q1. Explain the use of the following HTML tags with examples:
a. <Blockquote>
b. <Marquee>
c. <ul>
d. <ol>
e. Lists
f. Comment tag
g. Paragraph tag
h. Pre-formatted tag
Q2. Write the HTML code to print the following
Own House
a. 2400 square feet living area
b. Car shed available
c. Maruti Omni Van
d. 1994 model
Q3. Differentiate between
a. Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator
b. Ordered list and Unordered list
c. Base font and font tag
Q4. Write the HTML code to produce the following
i. Y=x
+ y
+ X

ii. A
+ b

Q5. What are HTML tags? Why are these Used?Wxplain the parts of which any tag is
comprised of?Give Examples

Computer Applications-II BBA IV(E2)

Q1. What are style sheets? Explain the three different types of stylesheets with the help of
suitable examples.
Q2. Explain different tags and attributes to create table.
Q3. What is the difference between the HTML form methods GET and POST?
Q4. Create a specimen of a corporate web page. Divide the browser screen into two frames.
The frame on the left will be the list of hyperlinks. Clicking on any one of these links
lead to a new page, which must open in the target frame, which is on the right hand side.
Q5. Write the HTML code to design the following form controls
a. Submit button
b. Radio button
c. Text Area
d. Password field
e. Dropdown lists
Q6. What are frames? Explain navigational frames in detail with example.
Q7. Write HTML code to illustrate the concept of linking to sections of same document.
Q8. Write any five attributes of frame element
Q9. How do you insert a frame within a frame?
Q10. Explain three different ways in which we can combine Style sheet with HTML
Q11. What are the benefits of style sheets
Q12. Explain the design of forms

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