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A study on Consumer buying behavior towards Branded and

Non Branded readymade garments in Ludhiana

Final Research Project
!ubmitted to Punjab "echnical #niversity$ %alandhar
in artial &ul&illment o& the re'uirement o& the degree
Bachelor o& Business Administration
!tudent )BBA* Roll
No+ ,-./-01/12-
Department of Business Management
Punjab College of Technical Education, Ludhiana
P #E$% CE
3n this 4ra o& 5lobali6ation and Liberali6ation o& the 4conomy$ business ractices are
in the rocess o& getting modi&ied at greater seed with the change in the olicies and
rocedures o& government7 3n the conte8t$ business education is also witnessing great
trans&ormation which stri9es &or e8cellence to meet the global standards so that our new
managers are not only able to &eel the ulse o& those changes but may also be able to get them
absorbed to do the right things at a right time 7there&ore Finance lays a very otent &orce
in an organi6ation to achieve its endeavor7
3 have ta9en my roject reort Consumer buying behavior regarding branded and non
:branded readymade garments in Ludhiana7 ;oe this reort will rove to be an indisensable
comanion &or all those who are concerned < who are in any way interested in the subject
matter o& this reort7
"his is to certi&y that the thesis=dissertion entitled$ Consumer bu'ing beha(ior
to)ards Branded and *on branded read'made garments in Ludhiana+ submitted &or the
degree o& bachelor o& Business Administration )BBA*$ in the >ajor seciali6ation in
>ar9eting &rom Punjab "echnical #niversity$ %alandhar$ is a bona&ide research wor9
carried out by (anisha$ student o& BBA$ under my suervision and that no art o& this
thesis has been submitted &or another degree7
"he assistance and hel received during the course o& investigation have been
&ully ac9nowledged7
Mr, Pan-aj Maini
.Major %d(isor/
% C 0 * 12 LED 3M E* T
3 e8ress my sincere gratitude and indebtedness to my >ajor Advisor >r7 Pan9aj >aini$
Faculty$ @eartment o& Business >anagement$ Punjab College o& "echnical 4ducation$
Ludhiana &or their ever willing and constant encouragement in e8loration o& my resent
investigation and rearation o& the roject7
3 am also than9&ul to members o& Advisory Committee and other &aculty members o&
the deartment &or their unending suort and guidance7
3 would &ail in my duty i& 3 do not ac9nowledge the blessing o& almighty 5od and the e&&orts
o& my &riends whose tremendous suort and insiration cannot be e8lained in words7
3 am e'ually than9&ul to my resondents and all those who made the comletion o&
study ossible7
C4%PTE# *%ME P%3E *1,
" &ntroduction5! "!"6
Title and 1bjecti(es
*eed and 7cope
2 #e(ie) of literature 20!29
9 #esearch methodolog' 29!2:
; %nal'sis and interpretation 26!;0
< 7ummar' and Conclusion ;"!;9
.i/ #esults and $indings ;"!;2
.ii/ 7uggestions ;2
.iii/ Conclusion ;9
Bibliograph' ;;
: >uestionnaire ;<!;6
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