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Now, I can’t.

Yoda steps into my head and says, (in his Yoda voice) “So certain
”.are you. Always with you it cannot be done

”!So, I turned to the promoter and said, “You are NOT allowed to say that

This is because I know the power of language. When you know that words
.become things, it’s hard to let language slide

:I can’t help it. I have a rule

.Friends don’t let friends speak crappily

Language is powerful. Words can create reality. Even if my promoter friend

doesn’t know how on earth he’d ever get his guitar, it doesn’t mean he should cut
.off the possibility with his own words

If you’re wondering how to begin watching your words, here are 7 practical
.language principles for becoming a better creator of your life

”.Eliminate “never” and “always – 1

Never and always are words of hysteria. “I always mess everything up!” “I’ll never
”.figure this out!” “I’ll never get an Olson Guitar

First off, it’s not true. If you always messed everything up, you wouldn’t have
.made it out of the womb

And second off, extreme words are designed to hook you. It’s just your emotions
.taking a joyride. You’re more powerful than that

.Use AND instead of BUT – 2

But” dismisses the statement before it. “And” includes it. For instance, “That’s a“
good article, but it needs some editing” isn’t nearly as encouraging as “That’s a
”.good article, AND it needs some editing

”.I love you, but…” is another great example of the dismissive power of “but“

”.Avoid “Should – 3
Should is a heinous word for many reasons. It is victim-speak. It disempowers its
object. It negates desires, thereby making it harder to make choices. It adds a
nebulous energy to the decision making process. Use empowered language
instead: “I could…” “I would…” “I am choosing to,” “I would like to,” “I don’t
”…want to,” or “You might consider

.Stop calling yourself depressed – 4

Also stop allowing anyone to tell you that you are depressed. When you call
yourself “depressed” or “obsessive compulsive” or “ADHD” or whatever – you’re
claiming this thing. You’re calling it forth with the most powerful two words in our
language: “I am.” That creates very little option for the transformation of this

.Delete the word “hate” from your vocabulary – 5

Hate” has lots of energy. When you use it, you send lots of energy out into the “
very thing you “hate.” Even if it’s negative energy, it’s still a powerful force,
adding its charge to that thing. You’re also depleting this energy from your own
.spirit as you say it

”.Be “great.” Or “wonderful – 6

A disease of the creative temperament is a belief that we must be authentic at all
costs. So we can’t answer a simple “How are you?” without delving into an in-
.depth scan of our emotional temperature

”!Try this instead: When people ask you how you’re doing, just say, “I’m great

I used to think if said this, then I better have a good reason for saying it, like I just
won the lottery or something. I thought it would make me look suspicious, and
people would start to wonder if something was wrong with me. But then I did it.
And you know what? Most people don’t care why you’re great. You’re saying it
.for you

.Pay attention to the music of your speech – 7

You know how some people? They talk in question marks? And you have no idea
why? But it makes you think you shouldn’t really rely on them? And it makes you
?not want to hire them

The music of your language says a lot about you. If you let your sentences droop
like Eeyore, (”Thanks for noticing me.”) or if you do the uncertain question mark
language, take note of what attitudes are causing this. These patterns are created
for a reason. Even if it feels like faking it at first, generate confidence as you

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