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Pedagogical Practice & Theory

When I instruct students at a cognitive level, I change my teaching to be more constructivist

and take an interpretive view on education. Marzano (2000) writes Constructivism refers to
the general principle that learners use their prior knowledge to construct a personally
meaningful understanding of content that is the focus of learning (Brown & Green, 2011). When
I am teaching as a constructivist teacher, my instruction consists of peer-to-peer learning,
hands-on activities, and student inquiries. In a constructivist classroom, students are provided
the tools they need to learn through investigation, exploration, and development of their own
ideas and strategies.
It is not necessary to incorporate all five facets into every lesson; however, our research shows
that their use does have an overall positive impact on instruction. For that reason, the
instructional example below specifically includes examples of using information-processing
technologies as information banks, symbol pads, and task managers. Throughout the
instructional example, constructivist techniques have also been used. Understanding theories of
psychology and practice are a main ingredient when integrating technology into general
instruction. Driscoll (1994) states that "complex learning environments that incorporate
authentic activity" are essential in developing a meaningful learning experience for children of a
Nintendo generation. Therefore, implementing pedagogical theories of constructivism with
technology will enhance student understanding. Constructivists believe that incorporating real
world problems into instruction can help students solve problems with higher complexity.
Educators should make these environments more available.

Artifacts Connected to MTTS and ISTE Standards

UDL PowerPoint for
Enhancing Small Group
Ralabate, 2011, states By facilitating the design and implementation of
a flexible, responsive curriculum, UDL offers options for how
information is presented, how students respond or demonstrate their
knowledge and skills, and how students are engaged in learning (p. 15).
The point of this UDL presentation is to provide teachers with
efficient resources and strategies for small group instruction in
heterogeneously grouped classes.
I learned that there are many aspects of pedagogical theory, such as
tending to the learners needs and individual learning styles. Therefore,
this artifact meets MTTS standards IV and V by creating an
environment that integrates low-tech support to maximize students
individual learning needs. The artifact also connects to ISTE-T
standard 2 because it allows for differential, authentic learning
experiences by relaying content using my suggested tools and
MTTS Standards: V; VI
ISTE - T Standards: 2

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Brown, A., & Green, T. G. (2010). The essentials of instructional design: Connecting fundamental principles with
process and practice (2nd Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill 2 Prentice Hall.
Driscoll, M. P. (1994). Psychology of learning for instruction. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Marzano, R. J. (2000). The 20th century advances in instruction. In R.S. Brandt (Ed.) Education in a New Era (pp.
67-95). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Ralabate, Patricia K. (2011). Universal Design for Learning: Meeting the needs of all students. ASHA Leader, 16
(10). 14-17. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) database.

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