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Spring is the period from March to May.

is generally a calm, cool and dry season. As
the sun rises higher in the sky and the days get
longer, temperatures can rise relatively high,
but often tend to drop off again at
night.Thunderstorms and heavy showers can
develop occasionally particularly towards the
end of the season.
There is a fair chance of snow earlier in the
season when temperatures are colder. Some of
the country's heaviest snowfalls of recent years
have happened in the first half of March and
snow showers can occur infrequently until mid
Mean temperatures in Spring are markedly
influenced by latitude. Most of Scotland and the
mountains of !ales and northern "ngland are
the coolest areas of the #$, with average
temperatures ranging from %.& to '.( )*
+,%.- to ./.. )01. The southern half of "ngland
e2periences the warmest spring temperatures
of between (.( and 3%., )* +.4.( and '%.' )01.
Summer lasts from 5une to August and is the
warmest season. 6ainfall totals can have a
wide local variation due to localised
thunderstorms. These thunderstorms mainly
occur in southern, eastern, and central "ngland
and are less frequent and severe in the north
and west. 7orth Atlantic depressions are not as
severe in summer but increase both in severity
and frequency towards the end of the season.
Summer can see high pressure systems from
the A8ores 9igh.
*limatic differences at this time of year are
more influenced by latitude and temperatures
are highest in southern and central areas and
lowest in the north. :enerally, summer
temperatures rarely e2ceed ,/ degrees, which
happens more frequently in ;ondon and the
South "ast than other parts of the country.
Scotland and northern "ngland have the
coolest summers +average 3/./
)* +'..% )01 to 3..( )* +'(.& )011, while !ales
and the southwest of "ngland have warmer
summers +3..- )* +'(.( )01 to 3'..
)* +'-.4 )011 and the south and southeast of
"ngland have the warmest summers +3'.'
)* +'-.- )01 to 34.4 )* +&,.- )011.
The record
ma2imum is ,(.' )* +3%3., )01 recorded
in 0aversham, $ent in August /%%,.
>ue to
its pro2imity to the "uropean land mass, the
southeast usually e2periences the highest
temperatures in the summer.
Autumn in the #nited $ingdom lasts from
September to 7ovember.
The season is
notorious for being unsettled?as cool polar air
moves southwards following the sun, it meets
the warm air of the tropics and produces an
area of great disturbance along which the
country lies. This combined with the warm
ocean due to heating throughout the spring and
summer, produces the unsettled weather of
autumn. @n addition, when the air is particularly
cold temperatures on land may be colder than
the ocean, resulting in significant amounts
of condensation and clouds which bring rain to
the country.
Atlantic depressions during this time can
become intense and winds of hurricane force
+greater than 33- kmAh or 4. mph1 can be
recorded. !estern areas, being closest to the
Atlantic, e2perience these severe conditions to
a significantly greater e2tent than eastern
areas. As such, autumn, particularly the latter
part, is often the stormiest time of the year.
Bne particularly intense depression was
the :reat Storm of 3-(4.
9owever, the #nited $ingdom sometimes
e2periences an '@ndian Summer', where
temperatures particularly by night can be very
mild and rarely fall below 3% )* +'% )01. Such
events are aided by the surrounding Atlantic
Bcean and seas being at their warmest,
keeping the country in warm air, despite the
relatively weak sun. "2amples of this were in
3-(', /%%', /%%&, and /%33
where Bctober
even more so, saw above average
temperatures which felt more like a
continuation of summer than autumn. Autumns
since /%%% have been very mild with notable
e2tremes of precipitationC the #$ has seen
some of its wettest and driest autumns since
the millennium. @n fact, /%33 was notable as
many areas of the country recorded their
highest temperatures of the year in Bctober +for
e2ample, /(./* at 9awarden on 3 Bctober and
/&.,* at St. Athan on / Bctober1.
*oastal areas in the southern half of "ngland
have on average the warmest autumns, with
mean temperatures of 3%.4 to 3,.% )* +'3., to
''.. )01.
Mountainous areas of !ales and
northern "ngland, and almost all of Scotland,
e2perience mean temperatures between 3.4
and 4.' )* +,'.3 and .'.' )01.
!inter in the #$ is defined as lasting from
>ecember to 0ebruary. The season is
generally cool, wet and windy. Temperatures at
night rarely drop below D3% )* +3. )01 and in
the day rarely rise above 3' )* +'- )01.
Erecipitation is plentiful throughout the season,
though snow is relatively infrequent despite the
country's high latitudeF The only areas with
significant snowfall are the Scottish
highlands and the Eennines, where at higher
elevations a colder climate determines the
vegetation, mainly temperate coniferous forest,
although deforestation has severely decreased
forest area. 0or a maGority of the landmass
snow is possible but not frequent, apart from
the higher altitudes, where snow can lie 3H'
months or even beyond & months.
A k I n J d J A is a 7orth American country consisting of ten provinces and three
territories. ;ocated in the northern part of the continent, it e2tends from the Atlantic to the Eacific
and northward into the Arctic Bcean. *anada is the world's secondlargest country by total area,
and its common border with the #nited States is the world's longest land border shared by the
same two countries. *anada is a federal state governed as a parliamentary democracy and
a constitutional monarchy, with Kueen "li8abeth @@ as its head of state. The country is officially
bilingual and multicultural at the federal level, with a population of appro2imately ,' million as of
/%3,. *anada's advanced economy is one of the largest in the world, relying chiefly upon its
abundant natural resources and welldeveloped trade networks, especially with the #nited States,
with which it has had a long and comple2 relationship. The
name Canada comes from the St. ;awrence
@roquoian word kanata, meaning LvillageL or

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