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SAD - Module 1

What is object oriented analysis and design?
Explain the dierent phases in the SD!C and discuss "hat are the proble#s associated
"ith traditional "aterall approach o SD!C$
Short note on% &rototyping' (AD' )AD' CASE
SAD - Module 1
What are E)& syste#s? What are the beneits and disad+antages o such syste#s as a
design strategy?
What is an ),& and ho" to analysts use one to gather inor#ation on hard"are and
syste# sot"are?
Discuss our approaches to reuse in detail$ According to you' "hich reuse approach is
the best and "hy?
Describe and co#pare +arious sources o sot"are$
SAD - Module 1
!ist +arious project tea# co##unication #ethods and describe an exa#ple o the type
o inor#ation that #ight be shared a#ong tea# #e#bers using each #ethod$
Describe the acti+ities peror#ed by the project #anager during project initiation and
project planning$
Describe the steps in+ol+ed in a net"or. diagra# and /antt chart$
Discuss the reasons "hy organi0ations underta.e inor#ation syste# projects$
SAD - Module *
Describe "hat is #eant by inor#ation syste# planning and the steps in+ol+ed in the
Describe se+eral project e+aluation criteria$
Describe +alue chain analysis and ho" organi0ation us this techni2ue to e+aluate and
co#pare projects$
3dentiy the reasons as to "hy a syste# de+elop#ent project #ay be initiated$
SAD - Module *
!ist and describe the steps in the project initiation and planning process$
What is contained in a baseline project plan? Are the contents and or#at o all baseline
plans the sa#e? Why or "hy not?
Describe three co##only used #ethods or peror#ing econo#ic cost-beneit analysis$
What are the types or categories o beneits o an 3S project?
Describe the structured "al.through process$ What roles need to be peror#ed during a
SAD - Module -
Describe our traditional techni2ues or collecting inor#ation during analysis$ When
#ight one be better than another?
Describe ho" prototyping can be used during re2uire#ents deter#ination$ 6o" is it
better or "orse than traditional #ethods?
Describe Agile 7sage-centred design$ Describe the &lanning ga#e$ Co#pare and
contrast these t"o re2uire#ents deter#ination techni2ues$
SAD - Module -
What is deco#position? What is balancing? 6o" can you typically deter#ine i D,Ds
are not balanced?
6o" do you decide i a syste# co#ponent should be represented as a source9 sin. or
as a process?
SAD - Module -
What is structured English? 6o" can Structured English be used to represent se2uence'
conditional state#ents' and repetition in an 3S process
What do you #ean by decision table ; explain the steps in creating a decision table?
Co#pare ; contrast' structured English ; decision table techni2ues o logic #odelling$
What are the basic procedures to be ollo"ed "hile constructing a decision table?
SAD - Module -
Explain "hy a ternary relationship is not the sa#e as the binary relationships?
What are the lin.ages bet"een data lo" diagra#s' decision tables and entity-
relationships diagra#s?
What is the degree o relationships? /i+e an exa#ple o each o the relationships
!ist the our types o E-) diagra#s produced and analy0ed during conceptual data
SAD - Module 1
6o" are relationships bet"een entities represented in the rational data #odel?
What is the purpose o denor#ali0ation? Why #ight you not "ant to create one physical
table or ile or each relation in a logical data #odel?
Explain the purpose o data co#pression techni2ues$
SAD - Module 1
What initial 2uestions #ust be ans"ered our an analyst to build an initial prototype o a
syste# output?
What is #eant by usability and "hat characteristics o an interace are used to assess a
syste#>s usability$
!ist and describe co##on "ebsite design errors$
SAD - Module 1
Describe i+e #ethods o interacting "ith the syste#$ 3s one #ethod better than all
others? Why or "hy not?
What is the natural language interaction? /i+e its signiicance$
Describe the general guidelines or structuring data entry ields$ Can you thin. o any
instances "hen it "ould be appropriate to +iolate these guidelines?
Explain the dierent #ethods o interaction "ith the process$
!ist and describe the co##on interace and dialogue design errors ound on "ebsite$
SAD - Module 1
What actors o projects need to be .ept in #ind "hile choosing a particular #ethodology
or design speciication o the project?
6o" does traditional design speciication dier ro# agile9extre#e design speciications?
6o" design speciications are captures in e?tre#e progra##ing? Explain$
SAD - Module 1
Su##ari0e the six possible architectures or client9ser+er syste#s$
Su##ari0e the reasons or using three tiered client9ser+er architecture$
6o" can CSS and ?S! help to ensure design consistency "hen designing an internet
base electronic co##erce syste#?
Why is it i#portant that @"eb pages li+e ore+erA "hen designing an internet based
electronic co##erce syste#?
Why do #any co##ercial "eb sites ha+e both operational and inor#ational syste#s?
SAD - Module 4
Explain the code testing process$
Discuss sot"are testing in detail$ What is acceptance testing and gi+e your thoughts
regarding "hy should this testing be done?
What are the our approaches to installation? Which is the #ost expensi+e? Which is the
#ost ris.y? 6o" does an organi0ation decide "hich approaches to use?
What is acceptance testing? Why should this testing be done? 6o" i#portant is this
What are the co##on security threats to syste#? 6o" can they be addressed?
SAD - Module 4
Describe three "ays or organi0ing #aintenance personnel and contrast the ad+antages
and disad+antages o each approach$
What #anagerial issues can be better understood by #easuring #aintenance
What is #eant by coniguration #anage#ent? What do you thin. organi0ations ha+e
adopted the approach o using a syste# librarian?
What are so#e special #aintenance issues and procedures that are especially rele+ant
or "ebsites?
Explain the dierent types o syste# #aintenance and also describe the actors that
inluence the cost o #aintenance$

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