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A Tactile Web Browser for the Visually Disabled

Martin Rotard, Sven Kndler, Thomas Ertl

Visualization and Interactive Systems Institute
University of Stuttgart
Universittsstrasse 38
70569 Stuttgart,Germany
Phone: ++49-(0)711-7816-269
{rotard, ertl},

The dissemination of information available through the World
Wide Web makes universal access more and more important and
supports visually disabled people in their everyday life. In this
paper we present a new approach for visually disabled people to
browse and interact with web pages. Up to now graphical
information is mostly ignored in transformations for visually
disabled people. We propose a web browser, which uses a
transformation schema to render web pages on a tactile graphics
display. Bitmap images and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) can
be explored in a special mode, in which filters can be applied and
zooming is possible. Mathematical expressions encoded in the
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) are transformed into
LaTeX or into a notation for visually disabled people. The web
browser supports voice output to read text paragraphs and to
provide feedback on interactions to the users.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.5.4 [Information Interfaces and presentation] Hypertext/
Hypermedia Architectures, Navigation, Theory, User issues
K.4.2 [Computers and Society] Social Issues Assistive
technologies for persons with disabilities
General Terms
Algorithms, Human Factors, Standardization, Theory
Tactile Graphics, Adaptive Hypertext, Multi-modal Interfaces,
Universal Access
The World Wide Web allows visually disabled people to access
information for their everyday life that is otherwise difficult to
get. Examples are schedules of buses or trains, telephone
numbers, the latest news, or learning materials in a virtual
learning environment. To access this information visually
disabled people use screen readers to extract the textual
information, which is displayed on the screen. The extracted two-
dimensional information is linearized and is either written in
Braille on a special output device or presented by voice output.
However, graphical information is still ignored by screen readers
or reduced to the file name of the image or to an alternative text if
those exist at all.
Especially in scientific education it is necessary to have access to
images, diagrams, and formulas. If this information is not
accessible, the visually disabled students may not get a deep
understanding of the relations in the learning materials.
Particularly the missing of mathematical expressions and the
related diagrams are a strong disadvantage.
Sometimes there are versions of web pages for visually disabled
people, where the layout is reduced and the textual content is
easier to access. Nevertheless visually disabled people want to
browse on the same web pages, use the same links, and read the
same content in the same layout like sighted people do. The
special versions of web pages, if those exist at all, are an
opportunity for visually disabled people to access the textual
content, but they would rather prefer to access the entire content.
The next generation of web pages will use XML-based standards
for illustrations and for mathematical expressions. In this context
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommended the
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and the Mathematical Markup
Language (MathML) [26, 25]. The advantages of vector graphics
over raster graphics are that images can be enlarged or reduced
without losing quality and the possibility to transform the images
into another representation. The exploration of SVG on tactile
graphical displays and the transformation of MathML expressions
into a notation for visually disabled people were presented in our
recent publications [20, 21]. Usually SVG images and MathML
expressions are embedded in HTML (Hyper-Text Markup
Language) or XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language)
In this article we propose a tactile web browser for HTML and
XHTML documents that renders text and graphics for visually
disabled people on a tactile graphics display and retains the two-
dimensional structural information of the document. We
implemented two exploration modes, one for bitmap graphics and
the other for Scalable Vector Graphics. The second mode is based
on our transformation schema presented in [21].
For our experiments, we use a Metec pin matrix device. This
tactile graphics display has a display area of 37x19 cm and
120x60 pins, which are set electromagnetically. Figure 1 shows
the device displaying an image. Our solution is not restricted to
the size of the graphics display that we use and can be configured
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HT05, September 69, 2005, Salzburg, Austria.
Copyright 2005 ACM 1-59593-168-6/05/0009...$5.00.
for other devices and resolutions. The approach in transforming
mathematical expressions in MathML into a special notation for
visually disabled people is also not restricted. The output notation
can be changed easily by adding another XSLT-stylesheet
(Extensible Stylesheet Transformations).
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2
discusses related work. In section 3 we present the transformation
schema for tactile web pages. In this section we describe how we
handle styles, layout, colors, images, tables, lists, and frames to
meet the requirements on tactile devices. Section 4 explains how
graphical information can be explored by visually disabled
people. Section 5 presents the exploration methods in our system
for bitmap graphics, Scalable Vector Graphics and mathematical
expressions in MathML. Section 6 describes the architecture and
tools that we use in our implementation. Section 7 presents our
preliminary usability results and section 8 draws conclusions and
discusses future work.
The phrase "surfing the web" implies rapid and free movement
and represents the travel and movement of sighted and visually
disabled people on web pages. The browsing of web pages in
detail is multifaceted [8, 18]. Recent survey studies support that
especially for visually disabled people navigation in complex web
pages is complicated [6, 9]. The reason for this is the non-linearity
of tables and frames. For visually impaired people these two-
dimensional constructs are linearized. This leads to a substantial
loss of semantic content [19].
Two-dimensional structural information of simple hypertext and
interactive videotex service were presented by Kochanek and by
Schweikhardt before the appearance of the web [12, 23]. Other
approaches show just a small but scalable and scrollable part of
the entire graphical user interface for sighted users on a tactile
graphics display [10]. The transformation of mathematical
expressions in MathML into a notation for visually disabled
people using XSLT is possible for many notations [11].
Special browsers or screen readers read out the content of web
pages word by word and only some of them can support the
navigation in tables [1, 5, 7, 29]. Recent developments make use
of conceptual structures (automatically or manually derived) for
navigation on web pages, where the document structures are
stored as conceptual graphs [13, 19].
The results of our transformation schema for web pages into a
tactile representation is best when the HTML source code is valid
and semantically correct regarding the standards of the W3C. The
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the W3C has recommended
a Web Content Accessibility Guideline [4]. This and other
guidelines assist the authors in writing their web pages in an
accessible way [16].
Due to the techniques for rendering HTML on tactile graphics
displays with small resolution, related topics are displaying
HTML documents on small hand held devices such as personal
digital assistants (PDAs), or cellular phones. For these devices
special browsers linearize the two-dimensional structural
information or present a multi level summarization of the
hierarchical structure [2, 17].
Our transformation schema can process HTML and XHTML
documents. Because XML-parsers (Extensible Markup Language)
can exclusively process well formed XML-based documents, the
HTML documents have to be converted into XHTML. After the
XML-parser step the XHTML-tags and attributes have to be
assigned to internal rendering classes. Depending on this
categorization the content of the tags and attributes is extracted
and stored in an internal tree structure.
3.1 Style and Layout
HTML-documents are styled by a set of Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS). The CSS-attributes can be found in an external file, in the
<style>-tag of the HTML-document or inline in the style-attribute

Figure 1: Tactile graphics display with a resolution of 120x60 pins displaying an image
of an HTML-tag. To extract this information we developed a
simple CSS-parser.
The layout of HTML-documents is achieved by headings, text
paragraphs, tables, lists, images, etc. In our transformation
schema we have to calculate the layout for the reduced resolution
of the tactile graphics display. The tactile layout must not exceed
the graphics display's boundaries, because horizontal scrolling is
an additional cognitive effort. Therefore, we calculate boxes for
each element like text paragraphs or images. HTML text can flow
around an image which results in non-rectangular rendering areas
for text paragraphs. Thus, we split these areas into a number of
rectangular rendering areas. For a single image, which has a text
paragraph flowing around its right edge, this method would create
two boxes for the text paragraphs, one to the right of the image
and another one below (see figure 2).
Text is rendered on the tactile graphics display in 8-dot Braille.
Because Braille characters have a fixed width and height,
zooming of textual information is impossible. Text attributes are
written directly as special style tags into the text. For these special
style tags abbreviations are used to keep the insertion as short as
possible. Bold face is designated as "<b>", italic as "<i>",
underlined as "<u>", links as "<a>", colors as "<c=color>",
heading 1 to 6 as "<h1>" to "<h6>" etc. The text attributes are
output in a compact notation to use as few textual characters as
possible, e.g. a textual content that is written in bold face and in
green color, has the text attributes <b c=green> as prefix.
The title of the web page is an important information for visually
disabled people. Therefore the title is written in the first line of
the tactile output.
3.2 Colors
Color is important for visually disabled people, because it is an
attribute that is used to distinguish objects and to group properties
in illustrations. In HTML and CSS color attributes can be set by
using color keyword names or by hexadecimal values in the
syntax "#RRGGBB"(R=red, G=green, B=blue). Especially the
hexadecimal values are not feasible for visually disabled people.
Hexadecimal color attributes can be used as metadata
information, when they are converted into color keyword names
or into distinguishable user defined color names. Therefore, we
implemented a transformation, which converts this hexadecimal
value into the nearest color keyword name. For the conversion we
transform the RGB-value into the L*a*b color space, because in
this color space distances can be measured exactly for the human
color recognition [15]. In this approach the color keyword names
can be configured depending on the distinguishable colors by the
3.3 Scaling of Images
Because of the small resolution of tactile graphics displays, the
images that are embedded in the text of the document have to be
scaled down. The resolution of our tactile graphics displays is 120
to 60 pins. It is important to retain the ratio between the size of
the image and the size of the standard user screen (we suppose
1024 pixels), because the size of an image is a serious parameter
for the impression and orientation of the user.
In our first approach we tried to keep this ratio constant. But we
noticed that this linear function scales down small images so
dramatically, that they are not useful anymore. However, small
images can be important, since they are often used as symbols in
the navigation or in graphical menus. Therefore, in a second
approach we decided to take the square root of the ratio. Using the
square root, small images are scaled down with a lower factor,
than larger images. The size of the images can be changed by
adding a linear factor, which could be increased or decreased
interactively by the user.
Figure 2: Layout boxes for a single image and a text
paragraph that flows around the image
Figure 3: A web page with mathematical content, which
includes text paragraphs and bitmap images

Figure 4: The web page rendered by our tactile web browser
for a tactile graphics display (simulation on the left and
magnified area on the right)
The transformation of images and formulas will be described in
detail in section 5.
3.4 Tables, Lists, and Frames
In HTML tables are used for the layout of web pages and for
structured output of information. In our transformation schema,
we generate output that fits the size of the tactile graphics display.
Therefore, the border of tables is reduced to a width of only one
single pixel and the margin and spacing of table cells is optimized
for space reduction.
Each list element is rendered in a single line by transforming the
list's textual information to its representing Braille character
string. The bullets of unnumbered lists are rendered into a special
character, with all eight dots set.
In order to deal with the complexity of frame sets, frames are
presented in a list, where the user can select a frame and explore
it. In this way we can achieve both, simplification of navigation
and a compact presentation of frame sets that otherwise would
result in large areas that exceed the graphics display's boundaries
and thus could only be explored with high navigational and
cognitive effort.
3.5 Example Transformation
As an example figure 3 shows mathematical content in a web
page. The result of the transformation on the tactile graphics
display is shown in figure 4. In this document, the text is encoded
in Braille, the style information of the headline is embedded into
the text, and the diagram is encoded as a tactile image. Figure 5
shows the diagram in the bitmap graphics exploration mode.
Figure 6 shows an excerpt of a typically web page. On the upper
part is an address block and a photo. On the bottom of the excerpt
there is a table. The tactile output of the transformation schema
contains two screens that are shown in figure 7 and 8. The size of
the photo is increased to make the exploration easier for the
visually disabled user.
The basic idea of hypertext is to have links to related documents.
In the tactile HTML browser there is a method to select links and
images by pressing a special key. The selection starts at the
content, which is actually on the tactile graphics display. This is
very important, because it prevents the user from loosing the
context, which is similar to the lost in hyperspace phenomena
described 1997 by Conklin [3]. The user can cycle through the
links and images. The selected item is highlighted by blinking on
the tactile output device.
After a link or image is selected, it can be activated. In the case of
a link, the related document will be displayed and in the case of
an image the exploration mode will be activated. In this mode the
image is displayed in the maximum size of the tactile graphics
display and can be zoomed. Additionally, filters can be applied on
the image, which make it possible to handle more complicated
visual information.
The text of the document can be read to the user by a text-to-
speech engine, starting at the current position on the tactile
graphics display. Voice output is also used to give feedback about
the current modes, the link names, and the alternative tags of
Since tactile graphics displays can only represent two states per
pin (pin up or down), images have to be reduced to monochrome
colors. Therefore, it is necessary to separate fore- and
HTML-documents can have different kinds of graphical
information. Bitmap graphics in web pages are commonly used
for photos, illustrations and formulas. The next generation of web
pages will use Scalable Vector Graphics for illustrations and
MathML expressions [26, 25]. These recommendations of the
W3C provide great advantages in accessibility. The main
advantage of both graphical standards is that they are based on
XML. Therefore, their components are structured in separated
objects which can be transformed into another representation by
using XSLT.
Scalable Vector Graphics can be used in diagrams, business
charts, maps, etc. The image can be generated by a script, e.g. the
semantic information of an UML (Unified Modeling Language)
diagram encoded in a markup language for UML, like XMI
(XML Metadata Interchange), can be rendered in a standardized
UML diagram.
Figure 5: A diagram in the bitmap graphics exploration mode
(simulation on the left, magnified area on the right)
Figure 6: Web page example including text and photo and
table at the bottom
5.1 Bitmap Graphics
In order to reduce true color bitmap graphics into a semantically
adequate monochrome representation, image understanding or
computer vision methods are necessary. However, specialized
algorithms often only work in dedicated contexts or do not
perform in real-time. We have had reasonable success using
threshold based methods.
To identify the background in an image, we calculate a range
depending on the threshold in the histogram with the maximum
occurrence. These values are mapped to pins down on the tactile
graphical display. The other values are mapped to pins up. During
exploration the user can adapt the threshold interactively.

Another approach maps high luminance values to pins down and
low values to pins up on the tactile graphical display. The
threshold value can also be adapted interactively by the user
during exploration. This approach works well on diagrams or
formulas that are in black and white. On colored backgrounds the
first approach is more flexible. Results of transformations using
this method are shown in the full screen exploration mode in
Figure 5 and included in the web page in figure 7.
For visually disabled people edges are very important in the
exploration of images. Therefore we added a sobel edge detection
Figure 7: First tactile page including text and photo (simulation on the left and magnified area on the right)
Figure 8: Second tactile page including the table (simulation on the left and magnified area on the right)
5.2 Scalable Vector Graphics
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two-
dimensional graphics in XML. It was recommended by the W3C
in 2001 [26]. Figure 9 shows an example image of a mathematical
diagram in SVG. In a recent publication we presented the
rendering of SVG on the tactile graphics display (figure 10). The
SVG exploration mode is based on this toolkit. The
transformation of SVG into an accessible form can be very
flexible, because the entire groups, shapes, attributes and the
content of text elements are encoded in XML and can be extracted
separately. This makes it possible to build up the image
incrementally shape-by-shape [21]. Therefore, the shapes are
sorted spatially from left to right and from top to bottom. Figure
11 shows one step of the incrementally buildup. The example
image is grouped semantically into several parts like axes,
function, etc.
The exploration of images is easier when filters can be applied on
demand. One of the filters removes gradients and patterns in
fillings. A contour filter removes the fillings of shapes and shows
just the edges. Furthermore color filters can be used to show just
shapes of a specific set of colors. A text filter allows to navigate
sequentially to text elements and shows the position of the text by
blinking. The text content is output on the Braille line and by
voice output. In figure 10 and 11 text is not encoded in Braille,
because Braille characters have a fixed width and height, which
could lead to an overlap with the graphical information. To avoid
unreadable text, a possibility would be to render each text element
on a rectangle, which has the color of the background.
In every interaction step the user is informed about title,
descriptions, and attributes like shape type, color, content of the
text shapes by voice output.
5.3 Mathematical Expressions
Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) is a language for
describing mathematics in XML. The source code of
mathematical expressions in MathML is in principle legible for
visual disabled people due to its linear textual notation. However,
it is not comfortable for this purpose because of its verbosity and
complexity. This makes a transformation of MathML expressions
into a compact mathematical notation, which is legible for
visually disabled people, necessary.
We integrated in our tactile browser the transformations of
MathML expressions into LaTeX and into the Stuttgart
Mathematical Notation For the Blind (SMFB) [20]. The
transformation into SMFB was recently published by us [22].
SMFB is a mathematical notation for visually disabled people that
has been developed at the University of Stuttgart since 1980 and
is encoded in 8-dot Braille. The transformation is based on an
XSLT-stylesheet. The results are embedded directly into the web
page replacing the previous MathML expression. The
transformation of MathML expressions into LaTeX and the
integration into the web page is done by using a XSLT-stylesheet,
too [28].
The tactile web browser is implemented in Java. Documents that
are not conforming to the W3C-standard have to be corrected by
using heuristic methods. The correction and conversion of HTML
into XHTML is accomplished by JTidy [24], which is a Java port
of HTML Tidy of the W3C.
Java classes are used to transform the XHTML structure into a
tactile representation. Some transformations are much easier to
accomplish in XSLT-stylesheets. Therefore we integrate XSLT in
the processing. The XSLT-stylesheets are processed using Xalan
[27]. For the voice output feedback we integrated FreeTTS as
text-to-speech engine [14].
The tactile web browser was tested by visually disabled people.
This led to some preliminary usability results. Although the two-
dimensional layout was unfamiliar for visually disabled people, it
turned out to be very useful. The handling of selecting links and
images was intuitive and easy. Especially the exploration of
tactile graphics including zooming, scrolling and applying filters
Figure 9: A diagram, which is encoded as Scalable Vector

Figure 10: The diagram in the vector graphics exploration
mode (simulation on the left and magnified area on the right)
Figure 11: An incremental buildup step, in which the axes of
the diagram are shown first and the values of the function are
displayed in a second step (simulation on the left and
magnified area on the right)
was new to the users. A short training in exploring tactile images
increased their ability rapidly. Nevertheless, exploring tactile
images is difficult and users could not figure out what some of the
images depicted. Figure 12 shows a photo of the mathematical
diagram in figure 9 in the graphics exploration mode on the tactile
graphics display.
The exploration of Scalable Vector Graphics was appreciated as
more flexible compared to bitmap graphics. The incremental
buildup and the color filters helped the users to identify the
objects in the images and to grasp their semantic meaning.
We proposed a transformation schema, which opens a new way
for browsing of web pages for visually disabled people. We
implemented a web browser to render web pages on tactile
graphics display. The tactile web browser helps visually disabled
people to get access to the World Wide Web in a two-dimensional
rather than linearized representation. Bitmap and Scalable Vector
Graphics can be explored in a special mode. Mathematical
expressions are transformed into a notation for visually disabled
people. The preliminary user test results are very promising and
show that the two-dimensional structure and the exploration of
graphical information is an advantage for visually disabled people
in grasping the semantic meaning of web pages and learning
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and useful filters for image
segmentation, color quantization, etc. are functionalities to be
integrated for bitmap graphics in the next version of our tactile
web browser.
The proposed transformation schema is not complete and could
also be optimized. Some HTML tags like forms and active
scripting components and plugins for Java and Flash are still
missing and will be realized in a future version. The integration of
new standards like XForms would be helpful. One approach to
work on these challenges would be to integrate our transformation
schema into a browser like Firefox or Mozilla.
We would like to thank Alfred Werner, Joachim Diepstraten,
Kerstin Otte, and Gerhard Weber for their help to finish this paper
and for the fruitful discussions
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