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Bank Alfalah limited was first time introduced on June 21 ,1992 as a public limited
Company. nder the companies ordinance 19!".
#ts start bankin$ %peration from &o'ember 1, 199(.
)his bank is doin$ work in more than 1(* cities of +akistan with ,** branches.
#t-s the lar$est bank of +akistan.
)he bank is %wned by the Abu /habi $roups.
)he bank has an #nternational presence in Ban$ladesh, Af$ahnistan, Bahrain and
a office in A0.
)he Bank pro'ides corperation , financial solution to consumers, and $o'ernment
throu$h a broad spectrum ser'ices and products, includin$ in'estment bankin$,
consumer bankin$, credit commercial and #slamic financin$.
)he bank looks ahead at the future.
#ts aims is to pro'ide best products and ser'ices to customers by in'estin$ in its core
#ts workin$ to pro'ide satisfactory work to all the account holders and
Bank Alfalah #slamic bankin$ also established and introduced as an #slamic bankin$ on
2**1. offer its customer products that are 2hariah compliant.
Bank Alfalah is tryin$ to become a an %r$ani3ation which pro'ides all products and
2er'ices accordin$ to consumers and account holders wish under one umbrella.
Bank Alfalah is one of the best bank in +akistan which ser'e the nation for many years.
#ts tryin$ to pro'ide best 4uality of products and ser'ices.
#ts mission is to deli'er inno'ati'e products and ser'ices to consumer with e.ceptional
#ts mission is to ma.imi3e 'alue of stackholders of the Bank.
#ts also tryin$ to pro'ide all ser'ices accordin$ to 6uslims wish with 2hariah
)hrou$h #slamic bankin$.
#ts also doin$ work as an internet bankin$ to resol'e the customers problems.
Bank Alfalah is pro'idin$ many products and ser'ices some are described below.

Alfalah 2a'in$ Account
Alfalah 7ifayat 6onthly 2a'in$s Account
Alfalah 6ahana Amdan )erm /eposit
Alfalah Bancassurance 2olutions
Bank Alfalah +ro'ides +rofit and other benefits on 2a'in$ Accounts to earn profit.
#ts pro'ides this 2er'ice to sa'e and protect our tomorrow and make our future better.
8 #ts openin$ with initial deposit of 9s 1** only.
8 &o minimum monthly balance re4uirement.
8 #ts pro'ide profit if semi-annually.
8 Bank has no restriction on number of monthly deposit or withdrawal or
8 2er'e the public with online Bankin$ Across all Branches of Alfalah
Bank nationwide.
8 2er'e easy access to funds throu$h :#2A /ebit ; A)6 Card that can be used
<lobally at o'er 1* million outlets and at more than 2 million A)6s.
Bank Alfalah pro'ides ease and acces throu$h monthly earn to $rowin$ your sa'in$s all
time . Alfalah 7ifayat 6onthly 2a'in$ Account is best in all to ser'e you.
8 +ro'ides upto (= earnin$ per annum.
8 +aid e'ery month profit calculated on 6onthly A'era$e Balance.
82er'e throu$h 2ms Alert on 0'ery )ransaction.
8+ro'ide this ser'ice with minimum monthly balance re4uirement of 9s 1*,***- %nly.
8 +ro'ide online bankin$ Across all branches nationwide and free within city.
8 /ebit card; :#2A A)6 Accepted at more than ",** 1-link network A)6s and 2
6illion A)6s and o'er 1* 6illion outlets worldwide.
8 +ro'ides free monthly e- statement.
8 +ro'ide unlimited cash withdrawal and /eposit.
0arn hi$h rate of return on fi.ed /eposits with 6onthly benefits +rofit.
)his is best for those Customers who are llokin$ for monthly +rofits on >i.ed /eposits.
8 #ts paid the profit e'ery 6onth.
8 /ebit card; :#2A A)6 Accepted at more than ",** 1-link network A)6s and 2
6illion A)6s and o'er 1* 6illion outlets worldwide.
8 +ro'idin$ facility of finance on deposits upto 9* = .
8 +rofit 9ate of !., = on one year term /eposit and 9= on 1 years term /eposits.
8+rofit of 9s ,*,*** on one ?ear term /eposit and 9s, 1**,*** on 1 ?ears term
Bancassurance pro'ides and specially desi$ned for those who want to protect their lo'ed
%nes future.
+ro'ides insurance from the +akistan leadin$ #nsurance companies.
#ts customi3ed to meet sa'in$s, education , marria$e and retirement needs at e'ery sta$e
in life.
#n our country a$riculture is 'ery important to make our country in pro$ress
>or our this need Bank Alfalah introduced A$ri @oans to support our farmers financially.
Bank Alfalah offer AAlfalah Barie 2ahulatC for co'erin$ spectrum of farmin$ and
&on- farmin$ needs with a wide ran$e of products on fle.ible short , medium and lon$
)erm repayment tenures at affordable mark up rates.
A$ainst Crop short term production loan facility pro'ides.
>or farmers immediate workin$ needs Alfalah runnin$ finance facility from this ser'ice.
Bank Alfalah limited was first time introduced on June 21 ,1992 as a public limited
Company. nder the companies ordinance 19!".
)he bank is en$a$ed in bankin$ ser'ices in the bankin$ companies , 19D2 and is
%peratin$ throu$h 99 con'encial bankin$ branches 1, islamic bankin$ branches
And one o'erseas branch. #ts re$istered office is situated at B.A, Buildin$. #. #.
Chundri$ar 9oad. 7arachi.
#ts start bankin$ %peration from &o'ember 1, 199(.
)his bank is doin$ work in more than 1(* cities of +akistan with ,** branches.
#t-s the lar$est bank of +akistan.
)he bank is %wned by the Abu /habi $roups.
)he bank has an #nternational presence in Ban$ladesh, Af$hanistan, Bahrain and
a office in A0.
)he Bank pro'ides corporation , financial solution to consumers, and $o'ernment
throu$h a broad spectrum ser'ices and products, includin$ in'estment bankin$,
consumer bankin$, credit commercial and #slamic financin$.
)he bank looks ahead at the future.
#ts aims is to pro'ide best products and ser'ices to customers by in'estin$ in its core
#ts workin$ to pro'ide satisfactory work to all the account holders and
Bank Alfalah #slamic bankin$ also established and introduced as an #slamic bankin$ on
2**1. offer its customer products that are 2hariah compliant.
2tartin$ off with a handle branches in 199(, today bank Alfalah ser'in$ o'er 1 million
Consumers, corporation, $o'ernments and institution.
6r. Atif BaEwa , C0% bank Alfalah is a professional e.perience of o'er three dacades
)hrou$h his association with se'eral international and local banks.
)he bank has introduced se'eral branches in +akistan. )he bank has interacti'e offers to
#n'estors by enhancin$ transparency .
Alfalah has earn the full trust of +akistan people.
As result of stabilition of policies and a wide ran$in$ 0conomic 2tructural 9eform
+ro$ram put in place , +akistan-s 0conomy has lar$ely been protect from the worldwide
0conomic slow down. +akistan has 9emained on the road of economy reco'ery.
Bank Alfalah has reduce the competition in mark-up and interest rate between peer
banks, bank Alfalah has shown e.ceptional performance in this re$ard. )he Bank with its
commitments, +rofessional outlook, maintain a pro$ressi'e $rowth in mobili3ation and
financin$ of forei$n trade. Bank Alfalah is one of the bank which start #slamic bankin$
in +akistan with initiati'e +erformance.
A separate bankin$ di'ision has been established and , #slamic branches
Fas start their operations
)he bank has increased its branches durin$ last fi'e years includin$ #slamic bank
Finance chart during last 5 years

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Rupees in millions
Operational result
1,2"! 1,!1" 2,*9D 2,,11 1,(** ,,2"D (,"2,
211 11( "*1 ,11 ("" 1,1!" 1,!*1
+rofit before
#ncome )a.
!1 1D2 21* 1*" ,1* 9"! 1,,91
income )a.
( D! 1," "** ,2" !9, 1,,*D
+rofit After
1", 1,( 21, 111 ""D 2,121
Balance Sheet
(11 !,9 !9, 9*1 1,1D2 1,D1D 1,2,1
&et of
",!,* (,(,! 1*,12( 1,,2"2 19,111 2!,119 "9,21D
)otal Assets 1*,,2( 1",121 21,*19 2!,!,, "*,*9! D,,1D( 9!,9,2
and other
9,*19 11,!(! 1,,!21 2*,"!2 1*,2*( ,1,D!, (D,D9!
net of
1,1"9 1,"*( ",991 ",!(, 11,19( 2","(* 2!,9*"
#mport 1,"91 ",(*9 ,,9*9 11,!,! 2D,D,! 11,!(9 "D,!*(
0.port ",111 D,(!( 1*,*2* 1D,(,D 2,,2D1 11,*,( "",2(1
#n de'elopin$ a robust technolo$y platform in order to keep up with the pace of chan$e
#n todays world. )he o'erall balance sheet increase reflects effecti'e mana$ement
%n both sides of balance sheet. As at the year end 2*12, deposit has crossed the
9s. ",* million mark while loans and ad'ances ha'e increased by 1!= o'er
@ast year.+rofit before ta.ation for the year 2*12 represent the $rowth of 2,=
%'er the last year with earnin$s per share impro'in$ by 1* = while the bank re'enue
Continues to $row, contribution from fee based income also impro'ed, $rowin$ o'er
1D= from pre'ious year.
#n the 'iew of challen$es that ha'e consistently been posin$ threats to economic $rowth.
)hrou$h the bank Alfalah +akistan-s economy had lackluster performance in 2*11-12.
#n the addition to the operation in +akistan , the bank has $eo$raphical presence in
Asia pacific and also in middle east braches in Af$hanistan and Ban$ladesh and also
owned whole sale init in Bahrain.
2uccessfully established a relationship with the nited &ations and its associated
6issions in Af$hanistan.
)he bank Alfalah has $ain trust of the their customers .
A successful marketin$ and product strate$y is critical rapidly mo'in$ hi$h-tech market.
Companies need to take new technolo$ies or de'elop an idea to complete a product that
Addresses the customer need and 'iable market as well as e.ecuti'e flawlessly on
brin$in$ this to market. Bankin$ sector owes an important in the contour of any country
throu$h its 'ibrant functions. Bank Alfalah posses an importance in the bankin$ sector of
+akistan. 2tren$th are the core of any or$ani3ation as far as BA@ is concerned .
Analysis of political en'ironment is 'ery difficult and this en'ironment has stron$ effect
upon acti'ities of any %r$ani3ation. +olitical en'ironment stron$ly effect on marketin$
decision. +akistan has Always been stru$$lin$ for political stability since its creation.
+akistan $o'ernment always chan$e due to many reasons and most of the time +akistan
)0CF&%@<? +%@#)#CA@
2%C#A@ 0C%&%6#CA@
Army has taken the char$e. 2o there is si$nificant risk in +akistan. But 2tate Bank of
+akistan has been $i'en so'erei$hty and become suitable for #slamic bankin$.
BA@-#B/ can make their plannin$ accordin$ly so there is no chance of any maEor chan$e
in policies in the future.
+akistan economy is 'ery $ood for forei$n in'estment and for #slamic bankin$.
</+ of +akistan showin$ consistency in upward directionand per capita income has been
#ncreased compared to past of +akistan. >/# is also increasin$ e'ery year.
Fome economy is in reco'ery but is $ood indicator only for bank sector.
As +akistani economy is showin$ some $ood le'el of stability from last some years
#t is $ood si$n for #slamic bankin$ also.
+aksitan has di'erse culture and it is also situated at 'ery important $eo$raphical
@ocation. 6aEority of the population are 6uslims and #slam has deep and e'er lastin$
#nfluence upon the culture of the people of +akistan. 2o, the attitude and life style of the
people is fa'orable for #slamic Bankin$ as the people are 6uslims and they want to deal
in #slamic finance. BA@ is #slamic bankin$ as takin$ ad'anta$e of this social
en'ironment of +akistan. )his the fact because people of +akistan are reli$ious and
cultural celebration.
)here is lack of infrastructure for the reason different sector are not able to cope with the
)echnolo$y . Bankin$ sector has introduced inno'ati'e ser'ice with the support of
technolo$y. #slamic bankin$ is also e.pandin$ but it is e.pandin$ slowly as compared
with potential demand if #slamic bankin$.

President +#&O,

Senior &-ecuti.e /ice President

&-ecuti.e /ice President

Senior /ice President

/ice President

$ssistant /ice President

O00icers *rade 11213



#ler2s and

*RO3P OFF!#&%

Ban2 $l0alah imited 1
#slamic Bankin$ <roup,
DD, 6ain Boule'ard, <ulber$ @ahore,
+ABHI *"2-1,(!1!"1-,, >AHI 1,(92*1*, 1,(!2*,(
4&5 P&RSO'&%
R!67$' $""$ <roup Fead- #B< *"2-1,(!1D9( 0H)I2,,
S)$R$F$" $! 0.ecuti'e 2ecretary *"2-1,(!1D9D 0H)I"**
$$(!R $! /eputy $eneral man$er *"2-1,(!1!* 0H)I",9
($'SOOR P$S)$ Fead- Admin and F9 *"2-1,(!(,* 0H)I",!


*uards (essengers Others
4$R$#)! OFF!#&%

Ban2 $l0alah imited1
#slamic Bankin$ <roupin$,
>inance /epartment,
21-C, 6ain 7hayaban-e-#ttehad, +haseJ 2 0.tension /.F.A 7arachi
>AHI KfinanceL *21-1,1119,"- K)reasuryL *21-1,11((*1
4&5 P&RSO'&%
8unaid "au9ir Bashir 2enior 6ana$er, )reasury *21-1,119!2D
Shahid )ussain 2enior 6ana$er , >inance *21-1,11((29
R&*!O'$ FOO!#& +#&'"R$,%
DD, 6ain Boule'ard, <ulber$ @ahore,
+ABHI *"2-1,(!1!"1-1,, >AHI *"2- 1,(92*1(
S5&: S$($' $)($: 9e$ional 6ana$er, central *"2-1,(!1!((
F$R34) R&)($' Fead Credit 6arketin$ nit *"2-1,(92**!

Bank Alfalah @imited has the followin$ departmentsI
;)uman Resource :epartment
;$ccount Opening :epartment
;"rade 0inance
;$ccounts :epartments
; $dministration < Personnel
; Special $sset (anagement
; (ar2eting
; (!S :epartment
; #ash and :eposits
; Foreign #urrency $ccounts
$ccount Opening :epartment%
Account %penin$ department is one of the /epartment that come under the $eneral
Bankin$ facilities the workin$ done and e.perience $aines in this department includes
Basic Re9uirement o0 $ccount Opening
)he basic re4uirements to open account are as followsI
8 2ource of #ncome
8 &)& Certificate KoptionalL
8 +artnership /eed
8 )he Basic 9e4uirement to %pen an Account for a partnership
8 Company letterhead
(a=or 7or2 :one By $ccount Opening :epartment
; 2top +ayment
8 Bank 2tatement and Bank Balance
8 Account %penin$
$ccount :epartment
Account /epartment perform the followin$ functionsI
8 9eport
8 #ncome And 0.pense
8 Bud$et
8 Acti'ity Checkin$
8 2tora$e %f 9ecords
8 +ayments
8 Acti'ity checkin$
#redits :epartments
)he credit department deals with pro'idin$ loans to consumers. )he facility under this
nder this department includesI
8 >unded Credit @ine facility
8 nfunded Credit line facility
)here are three maEor products that comes under he credit line facilityI
8 Current finance
8 7arobar >inance
8 6ilkiat finance
)here are two types under unfunded credit line facility, which are as followI
8 @etter of Credit K@CL
8 @etter of <uarantee K @<L
)his %r$ani3ation has hierarchal structure in this sector. 2heikh 6ohammad is the head
%f this bank and he is also the chairmen of the Bank Alfalah. As we Already know that
)he planin$ was done by the board of directors of any or$ani3ation. >ollowin$ is the
@ist of eople and their departments.
6r. Atif BaEwa KC0%L
6r. 2hakil 2adi4 Kchief operatin$ officerL
6r. 6ohammad ?ousuf K chief risk officerL
6r. #Ea3 >aroo4 K<roup Fead #slamic Bankin$L
6r. Adnan Anwar 7han K<roup Fead retail and 6iddle 6arket, Central L
6r. 2.6 )alib 9i3'i K<roup Fead retail and 6iddle 6arket, &orthL
6r. 2hahab bin 2hahid 9i3'i K<roup Fead retail and 6iddle 6arket, 2outhL
6r. Arfa Maheed 6alik K<roup head corporate and in'estment Bankin$L
6r. Adil 9ashid K<roup Fead consumer financeL
6r. ?asir 9ashid K<roup Fead Audit and #nspectionL
6r. &adeem l Fa4 K<roup Fead Admin, )echnolo$y, system and operationL
6r. A Mahid /ada K<roup Fead %perationL
6r. Bahid Ali F. JamilKChief financial officerL
6r. #mtia3 Ahmad 2heikh KChief #nformation %fficerL
6r. Athar 2hehab K<eneral 6ana$er mana$ement 2e'iceL
6r. Famid AshrafK <enerl 6ana$er @e$al Affairs /i'isionL

)he staff stren$th of Bank Alfalah is $i'en belowI
/etail &umber of employees
+ermanent D,!(D
)emporary ; on contract basis D9,
Bank %wn staff at the end of the year (,,(1
%ut sourced 2,"1!

)%)A@ 1*,**9

+akistan after $ettin$ its independence , did not success in bankin$ industry then saw
number of e'ents in industry, like the nationali3ation of banks in 19(*,s, +akistan
industry has been $rowin$ from last few years. )here is number of different banks
established includin$ local incorporated commercial banks, in'estment banks, housin$
finance company, micro finance company and #slamic banks.
)he Bank Alfalah was introduced in 199( and was later pri'ati3ed by the <o'ernment of
+akistan. )he Abu /habi <roups Bou$ht the maEority shares of the bank and so $ot the
9i$ht to control the bank-s %peration. )he Bank Alfalah has implement the policies to
make it one of the best banks of +akistan, #t introduce new ser'ices and products increase
its operations by openin$ new branches in +akistan. )oday Bank Alfalah is operatin$ in
more than (* cities and operatin$ its forei$n branches in Af$hanistan, Ban$ladesh and
Bahrain. )he total employees of Bank Alfalah appro.imate around (,D**. )he number of
0mployees Eoin by showin$ the confident of the people on Bank Alfalah.
)he financial statistic of Bank Alfalah are also as impressi'e as their human resource
But due to crises of 2**!, it has been decreased to a lar$e e.tent. Fowe'er, the profit
After ta.ation from bank Alfalah in 2**! amounted to 9s.1"!,99*,(D"K***L. )he stock
+rices and earnin$ per share of the bank ha'e also increased o'er the years.

1I-Call on different customers .
2I-%pen different new no. of a;c with different balance minimum ,*,***;- of each.

1I-6aintain sales call report file daily.
"I-6aintain pipe line report daily and weekly basis.
,I-+roper attrition mana$ement process for sales deposits and remedial measure of
deposit withdrawal in portfolio.
DI-/iscipline and 'isible co-ordination with fellow collea$ues and customers.
(I-Compliance with rele'ant shariah parameters, statutory re4uirements, code of conduct,
!I- 9epresent the bank in the market place in a professional manner.
9I- )o refer leads to concern department of consumer product like car and any en4uiry
from customer arises.
1*I- )he incumbent will ensure to $et sufficient le'el of product knowled$e accordin$ to
shariah principles, for satisfaction of customers.
1I 0fficient handlin$ of payments;receipt sortin$ of local and forei$n currency KcashL .
Checkin$ and :erifyin$ of accounts to a'oid any fraudulent transactions.
2I- 0ntry of openin$ cash balance, postin$ of all receipt and payments.
1I- +rintin$ of cash balance statements and tallyin$ of physical cash with $eneral led$e
balance. %btainin$ accounts summary, teller cash and reser'e cash at day end.
"I- handlin$ of utility bills accordin$ to 2%+.
,I- +reparin$ Cash 6ana$ement report as per 2B+ $uideline.
A)6 %perations and 9econciliation.
DN- Any other Assi$nment pertainin$ to Cash, assi$ned by 6an$er %pertion; Chief )eller.
1I- Marmly welcome e'ey incomin$ customer in to the branch.
2I- 9epresent the bank in a professional manner.
1I- Assist first time customer in openin$ bank account.
"I-)o facilitate new customers and pro'ide them knowled$e about the #slamic products.
,I- timely submission of A%> to %pertions K back officeL without any discrepancy
ensurin$ that 7?C and A6@ re$ime is in compliance with best practices.
DI- Account openin$ procedures of bank strictly adhered as per policies and $uidelines.
(I- )o ensure e.istin$ customer-s portfolio is ta$$ed to you as per +B $uidelines.
!I- /eepenin$ in e.istin$ low deposit accounts.
9I- )o reacti'ate;close dormant accounts in the branch.
1*I- 0nhances and establishes relationships e.istin$ and prospecti'e customers ta$$ed

to +B.
11I- /eals with customers en4uires and ensure satisfactory resolution.
12I- )o follow the 6ana$ement process e.$. )ail mana$ement , Attrition mana$ement

and +ortfolio mana$ement.
11I- )o achie'e the deposit tar$et from new and e.istin$ customer-s portfolio.
1"I- )o solicit fresh customers.
1,I- )o solicit deposits from e.istin$ walk-in customers and referrals.
1I- %penin$ accounts.
2I- +ro'ide Che4ue books to customers.
1I- Collect utility bills.
"I- /o some work in Clearin$ /epartment.
,I- /o some work in Cash /epartment.
DI- /o some work in remittance /epartment.
(I- Conduct short inter'iew with customer to ensure purpose of account openin$ and

ensure compliance of all documents as per 2%+.
!I- 6aintain oppropriate internal controls to minimi3e inherent risk in transaction process
and to ensure operational standards.
9I- 0nsure bank is not e.posed to any unwarranted risk by implementin$
#nternal controls and accountability at each le'el particularly a$ainst money launderin$.
1*I- keep branch security stationary.
11I- 6ana$e A)6-2 pin custodian.
12I- /one duty in A)6 %perations.
11I- /one locker %peration duty.
1I- Achie'ements of periodic liablities and asset sales tar$et for bank and branch steady

2I- /aily checkin$ of all transactions K 'ouchers, A%>-s, cash , reorts and re$isters etcL
to ensure confirmty with Banks %pertional +olicies and +rocedures.
1I- 6aintainin$ ser'ice standard )A) to pro'ide best possible ser'ice to customers.
"I- 6aintainin$ $ood lon$-term relationship with customers for repeat business and

,I- )rainin$ and $roomin$ of staff to make them knowled$eable; competent , confident,
'ision ; tar$et oriented and e.perts in multiple fields.
DI- 6oti'atin$ staff on re$ular basis to achie'e desired results.
(I- #nterdepartmental and branch co- ordination of smooth transactions.
!I- 2uper'isin$ Branch %pertions and monitorin$ all acti'ities in the Branch to ha'e
proper checks and balances.
9I- Audit re4uirements for internal, e.ternal and 2B+ Audit and also compliance
)o 2B+ rules and re$ulations.
1*I- 2taff related matters with re$ard to their performance ant morale of the
staff and their career $rowth possibilities.
11I- 9eportin$ of 'arious statements accuretly and on time to met the deadline.
12I- )o promote the hi$hest le'el of customer and responsibilities to the customer base of
the branch.
11I- )elephonic calls to e.istin$ ; prospecti'e customers to build relationship;
deepenin$ .
1"I- )o 'isitin$ e.istin$ own portfolio-s customers.
1,I- balances priorities to meet 2ales and 2er'ice )ar$etin$ of Branch.
1DI- )o refer and follow the leads to concern department of customer asset product if
/urin$ sales and ser'ices any en4uiry from customers arises.
1(I- 0fficiently sell A6#6 and other products introduced by the bank.
1!I- 6ana$e a time of +B%s within he branch.
19I- 6ana$e producti'ity of the +B%s throu$h coachin$ ; trainin$ and monitorin$ of
2*I- Build ; de'elop deposits throu$h +B%s team.
21I- 6aintain 2ales Call +ipeline report file on daily and weekly basis.
22I- 0nsure discipline and 'isible co-ordination with fellow collea$ues and super'isors.
21I- 0nsure that no ser'ice ; sales related K6is-sellL complaints are recei'ed from
2"I- 0nsure compliance with rele'ant 2hariah , parameters statutory re4uirements,
@aws, 'alues , code of conduct and policies.
2,I- #ntelli$ently access the needs and problems of e.istin$ customers and $uide them
And $uide then in best solution of their 4ueries and concerns as per Bank-s +olicy.
2DI- in case of any other Assi$nments $i'en by B6 should also be taker care of by the
2(I- +B is an #nte$ral +art of the Branch team , and his; her day-to-day super'ision and
/irection will be conducted by the B6.
#t is a pre-re4uisite for incumbent strictly follow the code of conduct of 6B@ in respect
of attendance, discipline dress code.

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