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USMLE World Notes - Important Points

**Credits to Duncan
Subendothelial Deposits are seen in SLE patients
Subepithelial Humps are seen in cute Poststreptococcal !lomeruloneprhitis
Linear Subendothelial are seen in !oodpasture"s #$%pe II&
Mesan'ial Deposits are seen in I' Nephropath%
Spi(e and Dome are seen in Membranous
Subendothelial Humps are seen in Membranoproli)erati*e
+ithrom%cin , administered to HI- . patients can pre*ent M%cobacterium
Ethambutol , inhibits arabinos%l trans)erase /hich pol%meri+es arabinose into
arabinan etc0 Side E))ects 1 2ptic Neuritis
3i)ampin , inhibits bacterial DN dependent 3N pol%merase and thus
pre*ents transcription o) DN into m3N0
Isonia+id , inhibits m%colic acid s%nthesis0
44 5 !4363P4 !43 5 Creatinine Clearance6Inulin
3P4 5 PH
4ibroadenoma , cellular m%7oid stroma8 sometimes there are compressed
c%stic spaces0
Spon'iosis - epidermal accumulation o) edematous )luid in the intercellular
Dipheno7%late , opiate anti-diarrheal structurall% related to Meperidine0
2ctreotide , 'ood )or secretor% diarrhea8 /hich is a Somatostatin nalo'
Urease , con*erts urea to carbon dio7ide and ammonia and thus increases pH
3adiation $herap% - causes 9& DN double strand brea(a'e :& )ormation o) )ree
Methadone , has a lon' hal) li)e
In 4etal Lun's - a)ter ;< /ee(s there is an increase in Lecithin
)ter ;= /ee(s there is a rise in Phosphat%d%l'l%cerol
Males /ith > ? reductase de)icienc% - )emini+ed e7ternal 'enitalia8 small
phallus and H%pospadias are common0
3epair Dama'e , !l%cos%lase 1 Endonuclease 1 L%ase 1 DN Pol%merase 1
H0 P%lori , most common cause o) duodenal ulcers
CM- in immunocompromised , Mononucleosis
3etinitis in CM- , HI-. Patients
Primar% CNS L%mphoma , most commonl% associated /ith IDS
S@uamous Cell Lun' Cancer , produces Parath%roid Hormone 3elated
Peptide8 /hich in turn /ill decrease P$H
Camp%lobacter , can be transmitted )rom domestic animals
Shi'ella - is transmitted *ia )ecal oral in da% care centers
Aeratin - mar(er o) epithelial cell ori'in0
Secretin - produced b% S endocrine cells in the duodenum8 that increases
bicarbonate secretion )rom e7ocrine pancreas into the small bo/el0
lpra+olam , ben+odia+epine /ith the shortest hal) li)e8 /hich is used in cute
Dia+epam8 Chlordia+epo7ide and Clona+epam , lon'est hal) li)e8 used in
Sheets o) Primiti*e Cells /ith Man% Mitotic 4i'ures , Medulloblastoma
Most Common $umors in ChildrenB
Piloc%tic stroc%toma - 3osenthal 4ibers
Medulloblastoma - sheets o) small blue cells8 man% mitotic )i'ures
Epend%oma , can cause H%drocephalus and )orm 3osettes
2rthostatic H%potension , side e))ects o) ? adrener'ic bloc(ers0
ML - has associations /ith t#9>89C&8 t#D8:9& and uer 3ods are stained /ith
CLL , deletion on Chromosome 9;
Mantle Cell E L%mphoma , t#9989F&
Dobutamine , causes increase in cardiac contractilit% and increase in Heart
$umors o) Sch/ann Cells , are deri*ed )rom neural Crest Cells0
Patients /ith C!D , susceptible to 9& Staph ureus :& Pseudomonas ;&
Nocardia >& sper'illus
3osenthal 4ibers , /ith 'ranular eosinophilic bodies are seen in Piloc%tic
stroc%toma0 $he% are /ell di))erentiated comprised o) spindle cells /ith hair
li(e 'lial proGections
tropine , re*erses muscarinic e))ects but does not pre*ent the de*elopment
o) nicotinic e))ects such as muscle paral%sis
Pralido7ime , re*erses both muscarinic and nicotinic e))ects o)
or'anophosphates b% Hrestorin'I cholinesterase0
Calcium , binds to $roponin C and then unco*ers tropom%osin sites8 thus
allo/in' actin to bind to m%osin0
S ; Heart Sound , can be heard i) the patient lies do/n in Le)t Lateral
Decubitus Position or E7hales Completel%
3E4 5 3enal Plasma 4lo/6 #9-Hematocrit&
In Metabolic l(alosis , measure patient"s Urinar% Chloride
!erminoma - tumors o) Pineal !land8 )ormed in children and adolescents0
Will present /ith 9& Precocious Pubert% due to J-HC! Production #similar in
testicular seminoma& :& 2bstructi*e H%drocephalus ;& Parinaud S%ndrome ,
paral%sis o) up/ard 'a+e0
Ultra*iolet Speci)ic Endonuclease , initiates repair b% nic(in' the strand at
$h%mine Dimer0 $his en+%me is missin' in Keroderma Pi'mentosum
SE3 , )unctions in s%nthesis o) Lipids8 Carboh%drate Metabolism and
Deto7i)ication o) Harm)ul Substances
Uretero Pel*ic Lunction , most common site o) obstruction
Increased Intraocular Pressure , most common side e))ect o) treatment o)
Erad%cardia /ith tropine0
Mutation in !l%coprotein , /ill cause chan'es in the host and the% mediate
attachment to tar'et host cell0
cMP path/a% - ?:8 J9 and J:
Inositol Path/a% , ?9 adrener'ic8 muscarinic8 choliner'ic
Ion Channel , Nicotinic8 Choliner'ic0
mpicillin , must be added to treat in)ants /ith Menin'itis0 Ce)tria7one co*ers
all or'anisms8 but Listeria Monoc%to'enis is (illed b% mpicillin0
E 9M 4i)th"s Disease , causes aplastic crises #bone marro/&
Eaton Lambers S%ndrome - associated /ith Lun' Cancer8 similar to
M%asthenia !ra*is0 ntibodies are a'ainst pre-s%naptic Calcium Channels0
M%otonic D%stroph% , triplicate repeat8 mo*ement )rontal baldness8 cataracts
are seen0 Cannot Loosen Hand !rip0
Cholinomimetics , indicated in Urinar% 3etention Paral%tic Ileus and !laucoma
HUS , a)ter E0 Coli , Microan'iopathic Hemol%tic nemia
Se'mental -iruses #3ota*irus and 2rthom%7o*irus& - capable o) !enetic Shi)t0
Pa'et"s Disease - increase in 2steoclasts8 then increase in 2steoblasts8 /hich
/ill increase l(aline Phosphatase0
r'inase - en+%me in Urea C%cle produces Urea and 2rnithine )rom r'inine0
Minute -entilation - product o) $idal -olume and 33 and includes Dead Space0
Neuroph%sis , carriers )or 27%tocin and DH in Posterior Pituitar%0
Epinephrine , increases S%stolic EP #?9 E))ect&
Increase Heart 3ate #J9 E))ect&
Decreases Diastolic #J: E))ect&
Pretreatment /ith Propranolol 1 eliminates J E))ects and Lea*es ? E))ects
Protein C De))icienc% in War)arin $herap% , /ill e7a''erate the response and
cause H%percoa'ulable State /ith S(in Necrosis
Neonates /ith H%poth%roidism - /ea(8 pale8 dr%0 Macro'lossia and Umbilical
c%clo*ir - incorporates into ne/l% replicated -iral DN
Hemorrha'ic C%stitis in Children , deno*irus #especiall% in Males&
Uric cid precipitates - collectin' ducts due to Lo/ Urine pH0
Insulin - dru' o) choice )or !estational Diabetes0
ML - )ormation o) PML633 ? )usion 'ene8 unable to si'nal )or proper
uer 3ods , stained /ith m%elopero7idase
Donepe+il , $7 )or l+heimer"s Disease8 is a Cholinesterase Inhibitor and also
%ou /ould add -itamin E0
NMD 3eceptor in CNS o*erstimulation b% !lutamate , thou'ht to increase D
S%mptoms0 $7 /ith Memantine #anta'onist&
Earbiturates , increase duration o) Chloride Channel 2penin'
Een+odia+epines , increase )re@uenc% o) Chloride Channels0
Serum 4ibrino'en , must be monitored in DIC0
Narcoleps% , de)icienc% or Lo/ Le*els o) Neurotransmitter 2re7in
# H%pocretin&
Ha/thorne E))ect - tendenc% o) a stud% population to a))ect an outcome due to
/hat is studied0
Mullerian Inhibitor% 4actor , secreted b% Sertoli Cells
Primar% in)ection /ith HS- , more spread out8 but 3eacti*ation is more
Locali+ed to 9 side0
S-9<< Positi*e , Sch/annoma and Melanoma0 Eoth are )rom Neural Crest
$- L%mphoc%tes , Paracortical None
E-L%mphoc%tes - !erminal Centers o) L%mph Node
$urner S%ndrome - hea*il% meth%lated DN due to Lo/ $ranscription cti*it%
#Heterochromatin is not transcriptionall% acti*e8 it"s too condensed&
deno*irus , lo/ 'rade )e*er8 throat pain8 phar%n'oconGuncti*itis8 can be
transmitted in Summer Camps0
4ra'ile K - 'ene meth%lation8 and this is inacti*e8 because it"s condensed0
Eurr Cells8 Helmet Cells - Mechanical 3ed Cell Destruction0 Pt"s /ith Prosthetic
When -accinated - -irus Entr% into cells is impaired0
Sotalol , J Eloc(er /ith Class III #Potassium Channel Eloc(er& Properties /ill
cause Erad%cardia and O$ Prolon'ation0
Pre E-LL 1$d$ . CD 9< and CD 9M
Pre $-LL 1 CD:8 CD;8 CDF8 CD>8 CDC8 CDD8 CD9a8 $d$
Leu(oc%te l(aline Phosphatase , decreased in CML8 increased or normal in
Leu(emoid 3eaction /hich is ><8<<< WEC0
Homoc%stinuria #similar to Mar)an"s& , de)icienc% o) C%stathione S%nthase0 $7
/ith P%rido7ine Supplements #E=&
3in' Enhanced Lesions , $o7oplasmosis8 Sei+ures
Dih%drobiopterin 3eductase , Co)actor )or Eoth Phen%lalanine H%dro7%lase
and $%rosine H%dro7%lase0
2steoblasts con*ert to 2steoc%tes , osteoc%tes are connected b% !ap
Lecithinase , alpha to7in8 produced b% C0 Per)rin'es and has an abilit% to
de'rade Lecithin8 main component o) Phospholipid Membrane
$erminal Eronchioles , lined b% ciliated simple cuboidal epithelium0
Nipple 3etraction , in Ereast Cancer is usuall% due to in)iltration o) Cooper"s
Li'ament b% Cancer0
Prepatellar Eursa , commonl% seen in roo)ers8 carpenters8 people /ho are
(neelin' all the time0
cute M%elo'enous Leu(emia , is associated /ith t#9>89C&8 /here 'ene )or
3etinoic cid is trans)erred )rom Ch0 9C to Ch0 9>
Sarcoidosis , presents /ith increased number o) CDF . $ cells0
Calcitonin , released )rom Para)ollicular cells o) $h%roid8 in response to
increasin' le*els o) calcium0 It promotes calcium absorption b% the bone and
reducin' calcium absorption b% the intestines and thus decreasin' the le*els
o) circulatin' calcium
NSIDS - are the primar% cause o) papillar% necrosis and chronic interstitial
Increased le*els o) Calcium8 Phosphate and 27alate , promote salt )ormation
and thus stones
Increased le*els o) Citrate and Hi'h 4luid Inta(e , pre*ent salt )ormation
Cell Mediated Immune 3esponse , stimulates production o) Inter)eron !amma8
$umor Necrosis 4actor Eeta and IL 9: /hich in turn induces c%toto7ic $ cell
response and eliminated intracellular or'anism such as Listeria
Listeria Monoc%to'enes , !ram Positi*e 3od /hich produces -er% Narro/
Eeta Hemol%sis None on Sheep Elood 'ar and e7hibits $umblin' Motilit% and
the onl% !ram Positi*e 2r'anism that produces LPS endoto7in #/hich is
normall% )ound in !ram -&
Succin%lcholine , depolari+in' NML bloc(er and usuall% elicits a )ast response
/ithin =< seconds and lasts )or 9< minutes0
Eethanechol , muscarinic a'onist that impro*es bladder motilit% in post
operati*e patients
27%butinin , antimuscarinic a'onist that is used in patients /ith urinar%
Motor Inner*ation o) the $on'ue , pro*ided b% H%po'lossal Ner*e #9:&8 e7cept
)or palato'lossus /hich is inner*ated b% -a'us Ner*e #9<&
Sensation o) the $on'ue , nterior :6; is Mandibular Eranch o) $ri'eminal
Ner*e8 Posterior 96; is b% !lossophar%n'eal Ner*e #M&0
!ustator% Inner*ation o) the $on'ue , nterior :6; is Chorda $%mpani b%
4acial Ner*e8 Posterior 96; is b% !lossophar%n'eal Ner*e0
H%percalcemia in Sarcoidosis , is b% macropha'es acti*ated -itamin D8 /hich
is e7trarenall% produced8 it /ill in turn suppress P$H0
9st Phar%n'eal Pouch , e7ternal auditor% meatus8 primar% t%mpanic ca*it% and
auditor% tube
:nd Phar%n'eal Pouch , Palatine $onsils
;rd Phar%n'eal Pouch , $h%mus8 In)erior Parath%roid !land
Fth Phar%n'eal Pouch , Superior Parath%roid !land0
Phen%toin , causes increased e7pression o) Platelet Deri*ed !ro/th 4actor
#PD!4&8 the% stimulate 'ro/th o) 'in'i*al cells0
Propranolol , used in $h%roto7icosis and /ill decrease the heart rate and
Decreases Peripheral Con*ersion o) $F to $;
MEN 9 , Parath%roid $umor #H%percalcemia&8 Pancreatic $umor #!astrin&8
Pituitar% denoma #Prolactin8 C$H&
MEN :a , Medullar% Carcinoma o) the $h%roid #Calcitonin&8 Pheochromoc%toma
and Parath%roid $umor
MEN :b , Medullar% Carcinoma o) $h%roid8 Pheochromoc%toma8 Mar)anoid
4eatures6Mucosal Neuromas
M%ocardial In)arction , is the most common cause o) Death in Diabetic
Carbama+epine , bloc(s -olta'e !ated Na Channels in Cortical Neurons8 and
is used in $ri'eminal Neural'ia0 Causes Eone Marro/ Suppression and
increase in DH /ill cause SIDH0
Ethosu7imide , bloc(s $-t%pe Calcium Channels and decreases Calcium
current in $halamic Neurons8 used )or bsence Sei+ures0
$%pe : Diabetes , m%loid Deposition in the Pancreatic Eeta Cells0
$%pe 9 Diabetes , beta cells are destro%ed b% $ L%mphoc%tes8 loo( )or
-on Hippel Lindau - autosomal dominant disorder characteri+ed b% cerebellar
heman'ioblastomas8 clear cell carcinomas and pheochromoc%tomas0 ll
patients ha*e a deletion o) -HL 'ene on Chromosome ;b0
c%clo*ir , can cause cr%stalline nephropath% i) h%dration is not pro*ided0
In C2 poisonin' , P2: is normal8 P Saturation o) 27%'en is decreased8
because C2 competes /ith 2 )or Heme Sites8 27%'en Content is decreased0
In nemia - P2: is normal8 P Saturation o) 27%'en is Normal8 27%'en Content
is decreased
In Pol%c%themia , P2: is normal8 P Saturation o) 27%'en is Normal8 27%'en
content in the blood is Increased0
4oscarnet , is a p%rophosphate analo' and can chelate Calcium8 it /ill also
cause Ma'nesium e7cretion and thus the side e))ects are H%pocalcemia and
H%poma'nesemia and thus there /ill be Sei+ures in patients ta(in' 4oscarnet0
In 3estricti*e Lun' Diseases , hi'h e7pirator% )lo/ rates occur despite Lo/
Lun' -olumes8 and that is due to Increased Elastic 3ecoil Pressure and
Increased 3adial $raction on the air/a%s0
Henoch Schonlein Purpura , leu(oc%toclastic *asculitis due to deposition o)
I' immune comple7es and presents /ith lo/ e7tremit% purpura8 abdominal
pain8 arthral'ia and renal in*ol*ement0
L%mpho'ranuloma -enerium , is caused b% Chlam%dia $rachomatis8 and /ill
present /ith pain)ul *esicular lesions0
cute Salic%late 2*erdose , at )irst there is a 3espirator% l(alosis8 because
salic%lates stimulate medullar respirator% center and cause h%per*entilation0
Metabolic cidosis occurs due to accumulation o) acids8 and thus it"s a
mi7ture o) 3espirator% l(alosis #lo/ PC2:& and Metabolic cidosis #lo/
plasma HC2;&
Pre*ention o) 3ein)ection /ith In)luen+a , anti-hema''lutinin I'! antibodies in
the blood and anti-I' antibodies in the mucus and nasophar%n70
Estro'en , /ill increase $E! le*els8 b% reducin' its destruction and thus /ill
increase $F le*els0 So e7pect patients on Hormone $herap% to ha*e increased
$F le*els0
canthosis Ni'ricans , Eeni'n 4orm is associated /ith Insulin Dependent
Diabetes and Mali'nant 4orm is usuall% due to underl%in' !I denocarcinoma0
Nucleoside nalo's , c%clo*ir8 !anc%clo*ir8 -alac%clo*ir are nucleotide
analo's that need to be con*erted into a Monophosphate 4orm b% Herpes -iral
Ainases , $h%midine Ainases0
Cido)o*ir , is alread% a Nucleoside Monophosphate and thus doesn"t need to
be con*erted to monophosphate and onl% needs to be con*erted into an acti*e
$riphosphate 4orm0
Neuraminidase Inhibitors , pre*ent -irion 3elease )rom in)ected cells /ith
Hemophilis In)luen+a0
mantadine , inhibits uncoatin' and disassembl% o) In)luen+a $o7in a)ter it
has entered the cell0
3ibosomal 3N , is s%nthesi+ed in Nucleolus0 It"s the proteins that are
s%nthesi+ed in 3E30
. $randelenbur' $est , chec(s )or dama'e to Superior !luteal Ner*e that
inner*ates !luteus Medius and Minimus0
Ne/born born to Diabetic Mothers , /ill present /ith H%po'l%cemia and most
o) the times the% present /ith Macrosomia8 $ransposition o) !reat -essels8
3enal 'enesis8 3ectal tresia0 H%po'%cemia is due to Eeta Cell H%perplasia8
and not because Insulin has crossed the Placenta8 because it doesn"t0 $hus
/hen 'lucose crosses placenta into )etal blood8 the response o) the )etus /ill
be Eeta Cell H%perplasia0
In C%anide poisonin' , m%l Nitrite is the antidote8 because Nitrites increase
)ormation o) Methemo'lobin8 and Methemo'lobin has an increased a))init% )or
C%anide0 Sodium $hiosul)ate also is used in C%anide Poisonin' /hich /ill )orm
$h%oc%anite /hich is less to7ic0
3ecall Eias , /hen patients are selected /ho su))ered an ad*erse e))ect and
the% are more li(el% to recall pre*ious ris( )actors0
Selection Eias , is /hen patients are selected b% pro*iders based on their
se*erit% o) the disease0 4or E7ampleB se*erel% ill patients are more li(el% to
enroll in cancer trials0
P0 eru'inosa , non-lactose )ermentin' #'ram ,& 3od and is the cause o) U$I in
patients /ith Ind/ellin' Urinar% Catheters as /ell as patients on 3espirators0
InGections into 'luteal re'ion , must be tar'eted into Superior !luteal 3e'ion8
to a*oid inGur% to sciatic or 'luteal ner*es0
4oscarnet , is a p%rophosphate analo' and does not need to be con*erted
intracellularl% to monophosphate )orm b% *iral $h%midine Ainase0 Its side
e))ects include H%pocalcemia8 H%pma'nesemia and thus Sei+uresQQQQ
Cushin'"s S%ndrome , is usuall% caused b% e7o'enous administration o)
!lucocorticoids0 $hus the drenal Corte7 /ill appear shrun(en and trophied0
Sand Paper Li(e 3ash , ctinic Aeratosis8 that appears as crusted lesion on
Sun E7posed reas in elderl%8 it ma% turn into Cutaneous Horns0
M%cobacteria , that 'ro/s as Serpentine Cords8 usuall% establishes
drenal Crisis , /ill present /ith shoc( s%ndromes in combination /ith
H%ponatremia8 H%per(alemia and H%po'l%cemia8 and presence o) nuchal
ri'idit%8 )e*er8 rash and *omitin' su''ests Neisseria Menin'itidis In)ection
caused Waterhouse 4riedrichsen S%ndrome8 /here there is an drenal
Primar% Mineralocorticoid E7cess , can be due to tumor o) Nona !lomerulosa8
/hich /ill cause H%po(alemia8 Eicarbonate 3etention and Sodium 3etention0
Which /ill in turn decrease 3enin0
Cushin' S%ndrome , primar% /or( up /ill include De7amethasone
Suppression $est0 Where Cortisol Le*els /ould not be suppressed due to
endo'enous Cushin' S%ndrome causin' Pituitar% denoma0
In norrhe7ia , le*els o) )at drop belo/ normal and this /ill in turn decrease
pulsatile release o) !n3H0
cid 4ast Stain , stains m%colic acid and at )irst its placed into Carbol)uchsin
and then /ill be treated /ith H%drochloric cid and lcohol
Sn3NP #snurps& , are in*ol*ed in the process o) remo*in' 3N introns durin'
S%nthesis and thus are necessar% )or s%nthesis o) Messen'er 3N
Competent Patients , ha*e the ri'ht not to )ind out about their dia'nosis8 i)
the% don"t /ant to0
Eeta Lactamase Inhibitors , Cla*ulinic cid8 Sulbactam and $a+obactam /ill
inhibit destruction o) Eeta Lactam 3in' o) Penicillins0
bci7imab , inhibits bindin' o) !l%coprotein IIb6IIIa to 4ibrino'en0
!lan+mann $hrombasthenia , is a de)icienc% o) IIb6IIIa 'l%coprotein on platelet
Leu(otrienes , are s%nthesi+ed b% eosinophils8 basophils in asthmatics
Histamine , bronchoconstrictor and is released b% mast cells0
Methacholine Challen'e , choliner'ic muscarinic a'onist used in testin' )or
-alproic cid , i) ta(en durin' pre'nanc%8 increases the ris( o) Neural $ube
$est )or $emporal rteritis , )irst thin' to loo( at is Er%throc%te Sedimentation
3ate0 I) it"s ele*ated #R9<<& then the positi*e dia'nosis0
PrP , has an ? - helical structure and is usuall% )ound in Creut+)eld Lacob
Disease8 /here there is a Spon'i)orm $rans)ormation o) !ra% Matter0
Spon'i)orm is because the abnormal protein accumulates in -acuoles and /ill
)orm a Spon'e Li(e sur)ace0
Subacute Sclerosin' Encephalitis , complication o) Measles -irus in children
and adolescents0 Usuall% )ound in t%pe o) Measles -irus that has an M-anti'en
Multiple Sclerosis , /ill present /ith *isual chan'es8 pain)ul e%e mo*ements
and there /ill be Dem%elination o) 7ons8 but Ne*er a Loss o) Neurons8 7on
Disruption or stroc%te De'eneration0
Herpes Encephalitis , usuall% a complication o) HS- 9 *irus in children and /ill
in*ol*e $emporal Lobe Encephalitis0
Menin'itis caused b% E0coli , usuall% /ill in*ol*e a A-9 -iral Capsule that /ill
be in)ectious0 E0coli /ill 'ro/ Pin( Colonies on Macon(e% 'ar0
$rans)used Elood , /ill contain citrate8 that is used to pre*ent clottin' o) the
blood8 but in patients /ho are trans)used /ith lar'e amounts o) blood8 it /ill
cause H%pocalcemia8 because it chelates Calcium0
4anconi nemia , patients /ill present /ith DN e7onuclease de)icienc%8 and
/ill be similar mechanism to Keroderma Pi'mentosum0
War)arin $herap% , !amma Carbo7%late protein C and S #/hich are Natural
nti Coa'ulants&8 and in patients /ith Protein C de)icienc%8 there /ill be an
e7treme ris( o) $hrombosis0
Clopido'rel and $iclopidine , are DP anta'onists and /ill act b% bloc(in'
interaction o) Li'ands /ith Platelet 3eceptors0 Patients on $iclopidine8 /ill
ha*e Neutropenia and Mouth Ulcers as a side e))ectQQQQQ
Cilosta+ol and D%p%ridamole , decrease Phosphodiasterase and thus increase
3NA 3eceptor63NA Li'and , are essential )or )ormation and di))erentiation
o) 2steoclasts0 H%poestro'enic state #Lo/ Estro'en& /ill increase 3NA and
thus /ill cause an increase in 2steoclasts and thus in Increased Eone
-acuoles )ormed in CL Prion Disease , are accumulations o) lpha Helical
Protein that became abnormal and these accumulations /ill )orm Spon'e)orm
Encephalitis and /e /ill see PrP proteins in this disease0
C-peptide , can be used as a mar(er )or Endo'enous secretion o) Insulin b% J-
pancreatic cells0 !l%buride /hich is a Sul)on%lUrea /ill increase the rate o)
Insulin Secretion and Le*els o) C-peptide in $%pe II Diabetes0
Patients /ith MS a)ter Hot Sho/ers , /ill e7perience E7treme 4ati'ue a)ter
ta(in' a Hot Sho/er8 because the Heat /ill Decrease the Speed o) 7onal
M-CS4 and 3NA receptors , are present on 2steoclasts0 Macropha'e ,
Colon% Stimulatin' 4actor and 3NA are present in 2steoclasts0
E0Coli causin' U$I , /ill e7press 4imbriae8 /hich are 4imbrial nti'ens8 /hich
are used )or adhesion to Uroepithelial Cells0
Erunner"s !lands in Duodenum , /hich are uni@ue to Duodenum8 /ill secrete
l(aline Mucous into the ducts0
Cilosta+ol and Dip%ridamole , /ill decrease the acti*it% o) Platelet
Phosphodiesterase and thus /ill increase cMP0 lso the% /ill cause
-asodilation o) rterioles0 Used in Peripheral rter% Disease , Intermittent
n(%losin' Spond%litis , are associated /ith HL E-:C8 /hich are $SPE I HL
$%pe II HL Class are anti'ens that contain D38 DP and DO0
Ethosu7imide , bloc(s $-t%pe Calcium channels that tri''er and sustain
rh%thmical burst dischar'es in thalamic neurons0
Phen%toin , bloc(s Na channels and thus decreases the )irin' o) neurons
-alproic cid , bloc(s NMD receptors and a))ects A current0
Een+odia+epines , can cause da%time dro/siness and increase the ris( o)
4alls in Elderl%0
Mec(el"s Di*erticulum , remnant o) omphalomesenteric duct #*itellin' duct&
and is a true di*erticulum8 that consists o) all the la%ers o) the intestinal /all
#mucosa8 submucosa and muscularis&
Po/er o) a stud% , 9-percenta'e /here it )ails0 So i) the data )ails :<P o) the
time8 then 0D is a po/er o) stud%0
cute 3eGection - occurs /ithin /ee(s o) transplantation and primaril%
mediated b% host $-l%mphoc%tes that act a'ainst donor MHC anti'ens0 $o
pre*ent8 administer Calcineurin Inhibitor such as C%closporine0
Cricophar%n'eal Muscle D%s)unction , caused b% diminished rela7ation o)
phar%n'eal muscles durin' s/allo/in'0 Usuall% occurs in elderl%8 /here the%
present /ith cou'hin'8 cho(in' and recurrent aspiration0
Do7%rubicin , anthrac%cline chemotherapeutic a'ent /ill )orm )ree radicals in
m%ocardium0 $he side e))ect is cardiac )ibrosis8 /hich /ill present /ith Dilated
Phospholipase C - )orms IP; and D! )rom phospholipids0 nd IP; causes an
increase in intracellular calcium8 /hich then acti*ates Protein Ainase C0
Lactase De)icient Patients - /ill present /ith a Normal Intestinal Mucosa0
Pol%c%stic 2*arian Disease Patients , /ill bene)it )rom therap% /ith
Clomiphene8 /hich is an estro'en receptor anta'onist and /ill increase the
release o) !n3H and stimulates o*ulation0 Eecause in PC2S the patients"
o*aries /ill secrete estro'en /hich /ill )eedbac( inhibit !n3H8 and in
treatment /ith Clomiphene8 these receptors /ill be suppressed and thus !n3H
/ill secrete estro'ens and induce o*ulation0
Nimodipine , Calcium Channel Eloc(er8 used in sur'er% on Subarachnoid
Hemorrha'e to pre*ent cerebral *asospasm0
sper'illosis , occurs in 2ld Lun' Ca*ities0 It /ill 'ro/ as a 4un'us Eall and
/ill present in old ca*ities caused b% $E8 Sarcoidosis or Emph%sema0 Patients
/ith sthma ma% ha*e a h%persensiti*it% reaction to sper'illus0
Erosions o) !astric Mucosa - are called erosions because the% do not
penetrate Muscularis Mucosa8 /hen the% do8 then it"s called Ulcers0
Candida lbicans , /ill inoculate into serum at ;C de'rees )or ; hours /ill lead
to )ormation o) H%phae )rom Seast0
Mitral -al*e Prolapse , the most common cardiac abnormalit% that
predisposes to nati*e -al*e Eacterial Endocarditis0
MaGorit% o) 4ree Water , /ill be reabsorbed in the Pro7imal $ubule8 re'ardless
o) the patient"s H%dration Status0
lpha 9 antitr%psin de)icienc% , should be suspected in all patients /ith
premature onset #T>< %ears old& o) Chronic Eronchitis8 Emph%sema and
D%spnea0 Histor% o) Neonatal Hepatitis /ith Cholestasis /ill hei'hten the
suspicion o) 9$ de)icienc%QQQ
PC2: , is the most potent Cerebral -asodilator0 Patients /ith C2PD /ill
usuall% ha*e lo/ P2: and Hi'h PC2: and thus /ill present /ith Increased
Cerebral Circulation0
ortic 3e'ur'itation , /ill present /ith Widened Pulse Pressure and the
patients /ill ha*e Head Eobbin'0
chondroplasia , the most common de)ect in these patients is the mutation o)
4ibroblast !ro/th 4actor 3eceptor #4!43-;& at the epiph%seal 'ro/th plate
and the cells that are a))ected are Chondroc%tes0
$ri'eminal Neural'ia , is commonl% due to -: and -; ner*es o) CN- and /ill
be treated b% Carbama+epine0
cute Necroti+in' Pancreatitis , MaGor 3is( 4actor )or dult 2nset 3espirator%
Distress S%ndrome0 $hus patients /ill ha*e an ele*ated m%lase and Lipase0
betalipoproteinemia , is an inherited inabilit% to s%nthesi+e apolipoprotein E8
/hich is a component o) Ch%lomicrons0 $hus Lipids /ill accumulate in the
Intestinal Epithelium8 because the% can"t be transported out0
3estin' Membrane Potential , is normall% about -C< m- and is due to
Potassium E))lu7 and Sodium In)lu70
-alproate , is pre)erred in patients /ith Combined bsence Sei+ures and $onic
Clonic8 not Ehtosu7imide /hich is onl% )or bsence Sei+ures0
C%stinuria , is due to de)ect in renal tubules8 /hich )ails to absorb amino acid
C%steine0 $o test )or this8 /e do C%anide test /hich detects Sul)h%dr%l !roups
and /ill detect presence o) C%stine0
Poststreptococcal !lomerulonephritis , /ill ha*e 'ranular deposits o) I'!8 I'M
and C; in the mesan'ium and basement membrane0
Stapedius Muscle , inner*ated b% Stapedius Ner*e8 /hich is a branch o) CN-II0
Paral%sis o) Stapedius Muscle /ill cause H%peracusis0 Ipsilateral H%peracusis
is usuall% seen in Eell"s Pals%8 /hich is a peripheral )acial ner*e pals%0
H%peracute 3eGection , that occurs immediatel% due to Pre)ormed ntibodies
/ithin the recipient0 $his is a $%pe II H%persensiti*it% 3eaction0
Patients /ith Mitral Stenosis , mi'ht ha*e an 2penin' Snap8 /hich usuall%
)ollo/s S: heart sound0
-SD , is usuall% heard at Le)t Midsternal Eorder and produces a Holos%stolic
4i7ed Wide Splittin' , is present in patients /ith trial Septal De)ect0 Which is
a )i7ed /ide splittin' o) S:0
Phrenic Ner*e , /hich inner*ates diaphra'm8 arises )rom C;-C>0
Clubbed 4in'ers , patients /ill usuall% ha*e Eronchiectasis or other Lun'
Uroporph%r%no'en S%nthase , is an en+%me de)icient in patients /ith
Patients /ith Coronar% $hrombi , /ill ha*e a hi'h acti*it% o)
Metalloproteinases in the clot and this /ill predispose to M%ocardial In)arction0
Colchicine , inhibits Leu(oc%te Mi'ration and Pha'oc%tosis b% Eloc(in'
$ubulin Pol%meri+ation0 $he side e))ects are Nausea and Diarrhea8 should not
be used in 3enal Insu))icienc% Patients or Elderl%0
Children /ith Measles , /ill bene)it )rom therap% /ith -itamin 0 De))icienc% o)
*itamin 8 /ill include 7erophthalmia8 ni'ht blindness8 (eratomalacia and
corneal per)oration0
Strep -iridans , /ill be present a)ter Dental Sur'er%8 and /ill use De7trans as
substrates to )acilitate adherence o) Strep -iridans to 4ibrin0
Inhaled nesthetics , /ill *asodilate Cerebral -asculature8 but /ill depress the
blood )lo/ in Li*er8 Aidne%s8 Heart0
$C Patients Cause o) Death , is usuall% due to rrh%thmia /hich is
precipitated b% Eloc(in' o) 4ast Sodium Channels in patients /ho o*erdose on
$ric%clic nti Depressants8 /hich normall% inhibit reupta(e o) Norepinephrine
and Serotonin0
Imipramine , /hich is a $C8 /ill precipitate episodes o) Mania in patients /ho
are depressed0
Mali'nant H%perthermia , usuall% occurs a)ter inhalation anesthetics /ere
used and is treated /ith Dantrolene8 /hich 3%anodine 3eceptors and /ill
inhibit the release o) Calcium into a c%toplasm0
Na)cillin or Methicillin , resistance is due to alteration o) Penicillin Eindin'
Protein0 Which /ill alter the Eindin' o) Penicillin and thus cause 3esistance0
Enteropeptidase De)icienc% , /ill decrease con*ersion o) $r%psino'en to
$r%psin in Intestines8 /hich /ill present /ith diarrhea8 'ro/th retardation and
L%mphedema in Post Mastectom% Patients , /ill predispose to de*elopment o)
L%mphan'iosarcoma o) L%mphatic Channels8 /ill occur 9< %ears a)ter the
Natural Ailler Cells , are responsible )or (illin' i) MHC I cells )ail to respond0
NA cells are CD9= and CD>=8 and do not re@uire $h%mus )or Maturation0 $he%
are acti*ated b% IL 9:
Sic(le Cell Patient , /ith Hb o) =<P and Hb S o) F<P /ill not de*elop pain)ul
crises8 due to a hi'h number o) Hb 8 but /ill be protected )rom Plasmodium
O$ Prolon'ation , /ill result )rom mutation o) A channel protein that
contributes to dela%ed current o) cardiac action potential0
We'ener !ranulomatosis , /ill present /ith Crescents on Li'ht Microscop%0
Deciduali+ation o) endometrium , is seen in pre'nanc%8 it"s Gust another name
)or a chan'e in the endometrium /ith 'estation
Perchlorate8 Pretechnetate , are used to pretreat people /ith $h%roid
Problems8 the% /ill bloc( iodide absorption *ia competiti*e inhibition0
denosine Deaminase , de)icient in SCID and denosine accumulates and is
to7ic to $-l%mphoc%tes0
H%dro7%lation o) L%sine to Proline , occurs in 3E3 and re@uires -itamin C0
Eone Speci)ic l(aline Phosphatase , is indicati*e o) 2steoblastic cti*it%
$artrase 3esistant cid Phosphatase8 H%dro7%proline and Deo7%p%ridinoline ,
indicati*e o) 2steoclastic cti*it%0
!lucocoricoid $herap% , number 9 cause )or drenal Insu))icienc%
therosclerosis , predisposes to bdominal ortic ne%urism 4ormation
H%pertension , ris( )actor )or de*elopment o) ortic Dissections
bdominal Pain due to Pancreatitis , is the presentin' si'n o) patients /ith
H%pertri'l%ceridimea8 /here there are ele*eated le*els o) Ch%lomicrons
Hepatitis E In)ection , /ill )ill up the c%toplasm /ith spheres and tubules
containin' HbS'8 /hich 'i*es it eosinophilic 'round 'lass appearance
Hepatitis C In)ection , /ill )orm l%mphoid accumulation in the portal tracts and
cause )ocal areas o) macro*esicular steatosis0
Haloperidol , the dru' associated /ith the side e))ect o) Neuroleptic Mali'nant
S%ndrome8 /hich presents /ith con)usion and muscle ri'idit%0
!lucocorticoids , are pre)erred as a short term therap% )or 3heumatoid
rthritis8 and Methotre7ate is used )or Moderate to Se*ere 3heumatoid
Neuronal Dama'e , /ill present /ith !liosis8 due to the death o) stroc%tes0
Calcium Channel Eloc(ers , /ill present /ith Eilateral n(le S/ellin' and
4lushin' as a Side E))ect0
? Aetoacid Deh%dro'enase , is usuall% de)icient in Maple S%rup Disease and
the treatment is to a*oid Eranched Chain mino cids8 such as Isoleucine8
Leucine and -aline0
!oodpasture"s S%ndrome , presents /ith Linear Deposits on I40
Minimal Chan'e Disease , presents in children /ith Selecti*e lbumin Loss
4etal Hb4 , contains !amma !lobin instead o) Eeta !Lobin0
$hia+olidinediones #Pio'lita+one8 3osi'lita+one& , %ou must chec( )or Li*er
4unction $ests8 due to increased ris( o) Hepatoto7icit%0
nnular Pancreas , present due to bnormal Mi'ration o) -entral Pancreatic
Con'enital Eicuspid ortic -al*e , presents /ith Calci)ication and /ill cause
ortic Stenosis later on in Li)e0
Eupropion , doesn"t ha*e Se7ual D%s)unction Side E))ects and is an e7cellent
choice opposed to SS3Is
MaGor Easic Protein , secreted b% Eosinophils )unctions to (ill Helminths
dult Pneumo*a7 , is an UnconGu'ated Pol%saccharide -accine0
Primar% Pulmonar% H%pertension , is usuall% due to idiopathic d%s)unction o)
Pulmonar% rter% Endothelium
$P , is a re'ulator% stimulus that acts to stimulate A$P Channels in Insulin
Producin' Pancreatic Eeta Cells0
Ero/n Pi'ment Stones , results in the release o) J-'lucuronidase b% inGured
S0 Pneumonia , is able to under'o trans)ormation on the a'ar8 i) combined
/ith another bacteria
E0Coli , is unable to under'o Pilus Mediated $rans)er o) DN ConGu'ation0
Strep0 -Iridans , produce De7trans )rom !lucose to coloni+e0
Con'enital $o7oplasmosis , presents /ith H%drocephalus8 Intracranial
Calci)ications and Chorioretinits0
Coccidiom%cosis , produces Spherules in the Lun' $issue0
S%stemic Macroc%tosis , abnormal proli)eration o) mast cells and increased
histamine secretion0 !astric H%persecretion /ill be seen in Macroc%tosis8 due
to increased production o) !astric cid b% Parietal Cells0
$reatment /ith Statins , /ill increase LDL 3eceptor Densit%0
Neural $ube De)ects , /ill present /ith increased lpha 4etoprotein and
Increased cet%lcholinesterase
Minimal l*eolar Concentration MC , best measure o) potenc% o) an inhaled
MHC Class I Molecule , consists o) a Hea*% Chain and a Eeta : Micro'lobulin
Lactase De)icienc% , /ill present /ith Increased Stool 2smotic !ap8 Increased
Ereath H%dro'en and Decreased Stool pH0
Patho'enesis o) Crohn"s Disease , presents /ith acti*it% o) $H9 cells8 /hich
/ill increase production o) IL-: and Inter)eron !amma and thus increase
production o) Macropha'es and thus !ranuloma 4ormation0
Leuprolide , !n3H 'onist8 /ill at )irst cause a $ransient Increase and then
Decrease in $estosterone and DH$0
4actor - Leiden Mutation , causes 4actor -a resistance to Inacti*ation b%
cti*ated Protein C8 patients /ill present /ith t%pical $hromboses0
Le'ionnaire"s Disease , caused b% Le'ionella Pneumonia causes disease in
smo(ers8 /ith diarrhea8 headache and con)usion
DD-P #Desmopressin& , increases *W4 release )rom the endothelial cells0
S F , causes an e7tra sound be)ore S 9 and that is due to a sti)) *entricle
Second !eneration #t%pical& nti Ps%chotics - Clo+apine8 3isperidone8
2lan+apine and Ouietiapine are used )or positi*e and ne'ati*e s%mptoms0
Echinococcus , usuall% causes c%sts in the li*er8 that i) are ruptured8 ma%
cause naph%la7is0
C%anotic Spells , /here a patient /ill strain himsel) to *asoconstrict and thus
re*erse 31L shunt8 are seen in $etrallo'% o) 4allot0
Diastolic 4ailure , /ill cause an increase onl% in ED-P8 /here a S%stolic /ill
increase both ES and ED-P0
Eeni'n !lomus $umor , 'loman'ioma8 can produce a tender c%anotic nodule
under the nail8 and the cells that caused this are in*ol*ed in $hermore'ulation0
Morphine , opioid a'onist8 that /or(s on Potassium Channel Conductance0
Ne'ati*e Predicti*e -alue , the probabilit% o) bein' )ree o) disease8 i) the result
is ne'ati*e0
Small Cell Carcinoma , sho/s e*idence o) neuroendocrine ori'in0
Potassium Iodide , is added to decrease the upta(e o) th%roid b% the th%roid
'land in H%perth%roid Patients0
P$U , prop%lthiouracil8 bloc(s the en+%me $h%roid Pero7idase8 and thus
decreases the )ormation o) $h%roid Hormone0
-entricular H%pertroph% , as /ell as *olume o*erload can induce )ormation o)
NP and ENP )rom *entricular m%oc%tes and induce diuresis and natriuresis0
Sele'eline , an inhibitor o) M2 $%pe E receptors8 in patients treated )or
Par(inson it can protect )rom dama'in' o) dopaminer'ic neurons0 $reatment
/ith Sele'eline and mantadine is a 4irst Step in mana'ement o) Par(inson
Patients8 a)ter all the options are tried8 onl% then /e administer
C2K : Inhibitors , do not a))ect platelet )unction8 because it"s mostl% under
C2K 9 control0
Maple S%rup Urine Disease , de)ect in ?-(etoacid deh%dro'enase8 /hich
re@uires > co)actors #$hiamine P%rophosphate8 4D8 ND and Coen+%me O&
similar to P%ru*ate Deh%dro'enase0
3upture o) M%ocardium , is the most common complication o) MI ;-C da%s
later0 H%potension8 Increased Lu'ular -ein Distention and Mu))led Heart
Sounds are the si'ns0
Dietar% Ener'% , M (Cal per 'ram o) 4at8 F (Cal per 'ram o) Carbs and Protein
and C (Cal per 'ram o) Ethanol0
Cardiac 2utput , 27%'en Consumption 6 rterio*enous 2: di))erence0
Hepatitis -irus , can be inacti*ated b% boilin' )or 9 minute at D> de'rees8
treatin' /ith 4ormaldeh%de and Eleach0
O$ Prolon'ation , is usuall% caused b% Potassium Channel Eloc(ers8
miodarone is a Potassium Channel Eloc(er that doesn"t predispose to
$orsades de Pointes0
reas o) Metaplasia , ma% be present in the duodenal ulcers created b% H0
P%lori In)ection0
Complications o) C4 , in US8 usuall% are Cardio3espirator% S%mptoms8 such
as Pneumonia8 Eronchiectasis8 Cor Pulmonale and 2bstructi*e Pulmonar%
Standard De*iation , =DP is in the ran'e o) 9 SD8 M>P are in the ran'e o) : SD
and MM0C P contain ; SD"s
Increased 2steoid Matri7 , is a complication o) 3ic(ets
Macropha'es loaded /ith PS Positi*e 'ranules , are usuall% seen in Whipple
Disease8 i) there are si'ns o) Malabsorption in middle a'ed indi*iduals0
Lipo)uscin , is an accumulation o) Lipid Pero7idation accumulatin' in a'in'
Ele*ated Serum lpha 4etoprotein , is usuall% present in Hepatocellular
Carcinoma #Hepatoma&
Complication o) C3ES$ , earliest dama'e is seen in small *essels8 /here it
causes intimal thic(enin'
Dama'e to Posterior H%poph%sis , /ill causes Diabetes Insipidus onl% )or a
short period o) time0
Dama'e to H%pothalamic Nuclei , /ill cause a lon' term Diabetes Insipidus8
not the transient that is seen /ith dama'e to Posterior H%poph%sis
$olcapone , is a C2M$ Inhibitor8 /hich ser*es to prolon' the a*ailabilit% o)
Le*odopa in Par(inson Patients0 Chec( )or Li*er En+%mes /hen administerin'
Elastin"s abilit% to recoil /hen stretched , is due to L%s%l H%dro7%lase
Mitral -al*e Prolapse , is the most common predisposition to -al*e Eacterial
Cerebellar $umor in a Child , is most li(el% a Medulloblastoma or Piloc%tic
stroc%toma8 medulloblastomas are al/a%s solid and stroc%toma are solid
and c%stic0
3enal Cell Carcinomas , are usuall% associated /ith -on Hippel Lindau and
deletion o) -HL 'ene on Chromosome ;p0
Patients /ith splenic rupture , are usuall% susceptible to bacterial in)ections8
such as S0 Pneumonia8 H0In)luen+ae and N0 Menin'itidis0
Er'ono*ine , is an er'ot al(aloid that constricts *ascular smooth muscle b%
stimulatin' alpha adrener'ic and serotoner'ic receptors and thus it can cause
a Coronar% -asospasm0
N-cet%lc%steine , /or(s b% clea*in' Disul)ide Eonds /ithin Mucus
!l%coproteins and thus Loosenin' the Mucus0
-itamin E De))icienc% , the most notable chan'es are seen in Ner*ous S%stem8
/here there is a de'eneration o) Spinocerebellar $racts8 dorsal columns and
peripheral ner*es8 /hich is similar to 4riedrich"s ta7ia0
Pulmonar% E))ect o) -a'us Stimulation , is bronchoconstriction8 /hich /ill
increase the /or( o) breathin'8 mucus production and air/a% resistance0
-0 Cholera , does not sur*i*e /ell in cidic pH0 So an% condition that causes
achlorh%dia /ill cause -0 Cholera to proli)erate0
Durin' 3eco*er% )rom $N , patients tend to de*elop H%po(alemia8 due to
hi'h *olume8 h%potonic urine0
Mutation in C4$3 'ene , in C4 patients /ill cause an abnormal )oldin' o) a
protein and /ill result in de'radation o) a protein be)ore it reaches the cell
Ca*ernous Heman'ioma , is the most common beni'n tumor o) the li*er8
/hich on microscop% presents /ith blood )illed *ascular spaces
*itaminosis o) -itamin , ma% cause a s@uamous epithelial metaplasia o)
Pancreatic e7ocrine ducts8 seen in patients /ith C4
Coccidioides Immites , presents /ith spherules on microscop% and it loo(s
li(e berries0
spiration Pneumonia , is usuall% seen in alcoholics8 sei+ures8 old a'e8 poor
oral h%'iene8 the a'ents usuall% aspirated are 4usobacterium8 Eacteroides
$hiopental , is an anesthetic and /ill cause a paral%sis8 )urther on it /ill
dissol*e into the S(eletal Muscle $issue0
$etrallo'% o) 4allot8 $ranspostion o) !reat -essels and $runcus rteriosus ,
can be caused b% an abnormal mi'ration o) Neural Crest Cells0
Inhalation nesthetics , can cause a massi*e Hepatic Necrosis8 due to
Halothane E7posure8 /here Halothane Metabolites produce autoantibodies
a'ainst Hepatoc%tes0
$hiorida+ine , anti ps%chotic causes 3etinal Deposits #3etinitis Pi'mentosa&0
Chlorproma+ine usuall% causes Corneal Deposits0
N-cet%lC%steine , pro*ides Sul)h%dr%l 'roups and thus binds the to7ic
metabolites o) cetaminophen8 and also it is use)ul in loosenin' the mucus
plu's in C4 patients8 /here it brea(s sul)ide bonds b% pro*idin' Sul)h%dr%l
m%otrophic Lateral Sclerosis , causes loss o) neurons in nterior Horn #LMN
Lesion& /here it causes muscle /ea(ness and atroph%0 Dem%elination o)
Lateral Corticospinal $ract #UMN Lesion& /ill cause spasticit% and
Nitrates and Hi'h Elood Pressure , nitrates cause *asodilation and 3e)le7
$ach%cardia (ic(s in /hen the bod% senses the drop in EP8 so to a*oid
$ach%cardia8 %ou must administer Eeta Eloc(ers0
Loss o) Contractilit% o) a Muscle , usuall% occurs /ithin =< seconds o)
Ischemia and Lactate /ill accumulate0
CE Inhibitors , ma% produce n'ioedema
S%mptoms o) 3a%naud Phenomenon , are usuall% treated /ith Calcium
Channel Eloc(ers0
Hemiballismus , associated /ith /ild )lin'in' o) e7tremities on 9 side o) the
bod% indicates dama'e to Subthalamic Nucleus8 usuall% due to a Lacunar
Menopause , is associated /ith increased le*els o) 4SH0
Eusprione , is a )irst line treatment o) !enerali+ed n7iet% Disorder and
usuall% ta(es : or more /ee(s to sho/ )ull e))ect0
Primar% 2oc%tes , are arrested in Prophase o) Meiosis I8 and remain there until
pubert%0 t pubert%8 it starts Meiosis II and 'ets arrested until )ertili+ation in
Metaphase o) Meiosis II0
Classical Conditionin' , is /hen a person has a reaction to a stimulus8 li(e
White Coat n7iet%8 /here White Coat is a Conditioned Stimulus )or n7iet%0
Le)t trial Enlar'ement , can impin'e Le)t 3ecurrent Lar%n'eal Ner*e and
cause Hoarseness
miodarone , Class III nti rrh%thmic and can cause $h%roid D%s)unction
#it"s F<P Iodine b% Wei'ht&8 Corneal Deposits8 Elue S(in Discoloration8
Pulmonar% 4ibrosis or Li*er D%s)unction0
Mutation /ith 4S 'ene , impairs C$L to delete sel) reactin' $-L%mphoc%tes
and thus can cause an auto-in)ection o) di))erent or'ans8 such as seen in SLE0
-PL , recei*es input )rom Spinothalamic and is a rela% )or Pain8 $emperature8
-PM , is a rela% )or !ustator% Path/a%s
Lateral !eniculate Eod% , path/a% )or -ision
Medial !eniculate Eod% , path/a% )or uditor%0
2l)actor% , doesn"t ha*e a rela% throu'h the $halamus0
!l%coprotein in Whipple"s Disease , stains /ell /ith PS and is resistant to
Diastase0 It stains 3ed /ith PS and is an e7cellent /a% to dia'nose Whipple"s
HI- . Patients , o)ten under'o reacti*ation o) EE- -irus
bsolute 3is( 3eduction 5 E*ent 3ate in Placebo #:>69<<< 5 :0>P& , E*ent 3ate
in $reatment #9<69<<<59P& $hus it"s e@ual to 90>P or <0<9>0
Number Needed to $reat 5 9633 NN$5 96<0<9>5<0== or ==P
)lato7in , present in di))erent Molds o) !rain8 cause a mutation o) ! to $ o)
p>; !ene and /ill cause Hepatocellular Carcinoma0 Usuall% seen in sian
Methacholine Challen'e , can be used in patients to dia'nose sthma8 since
it"s a Muscarinic Choliner'ic 'onist8 it /ill increase Eronchial Smooth Muscle
Contraction and Mucus Production0
Etanercept , lpha $umor Necrosis 4actor nta'onist8 and is used in
treatment o) Se*ere 3heumatoid rthritis8 especiall% in patients /ho )ailed
Methotre7ate $herap%0
Chec( )or PPD8 since it causes 3eacti*ation o) $uberculosis0
Woolsorter"s Disease , is caused b% Eacillis nthracis8 and has a structure
/here it has D-!lutamate instead o) Pol%saccharide0
C2K : En+%me in Colon Cancers , increased e7pression o) C2K : en+%me8 has
been seen in Colon denocarcinomas and Pol%posis8 so pre*ention /ith
NSIDS has been use)ul
4e7o)enadine , Second !eneration nti Histamine that causes minimal
Mucor 3hi+opus In)ection , causes )un'us in Aetoacidosis Diabetic Patients
and must be Eiopsied to Dia'nose0 It branches at M< de'ree an'les and
sper'illosis at F> de'rees
Lamotri'ine , anticon*ulsant used in 3e)ractor% Partial Sei+ures and has been
sho/n to cause a H%persensiti*it% 3ash as a Side E))ect0
Prolactinomas , associated /ith increased production o) Prolactin /ill
suppress !n3H and thus causes 2steoporosis b% decreasin' le*els o)
therosclerotic Pla@ue , e7resses increased number o) PD!4 and causes
adherence o) Platelets to it and thus increasin' Intimal $hic(ness0
Intususseption , usuall% seen in children less than : %ears o) a'e and are
presented /ith a mass in the abdomen8 poor )eedin' and Currant Lell% Stool
NSID in cute !out , are the )irst line o) treatment in patients presentin' /ith
cute ttac(s o) !out8 !lucocorticoids are used as a )irst line o) treatment in
Elderl% Patients or those /ith 3enal 4ailure0
Loss o) Nissl Substance in Neurons , indicates an Irre*ersible Dama'e to a
Le)t Sided Colon Cancers , usuall% present /ith 2bstruction $%pe o)
S%mptoms8 /here 3i'ht Sided Colon Cancers present /ith Iron De)icienc%
nemia8 since the% tend to bleed0
Mutation o) A-3as 'ene , usuall% causes an increase in !ro/th o) Colonic
Mutation in PC !ene , usuall% causes denomatous Pol%ps
Mutation o) p>; 'ene , usuall% causes a Mali'nant $rans)ormation o)
denomatous Pol%ps0
2dds 3atio , is calculated )rom )ormula 235ad6bc
3elati*e 3is( , is Ua#a.c&V6Ub#b.d&V
Incomplete closure o) Caudal 3e'ion , o) abdomen8 /ill cause e7troph% o) the
bladder or cloaca e7troph%
4ibrates and Eile 3esins , /ill increase cholesterol content o) bile and
increase the ris( o) 'allstones0 4ibrates are dru's li(e !em)ibro+il and Eile
3esins are Cholest%ramine
E7tracellular Propeptidases , clea*e disul)ide rich e7tensions )rom
procolla'en molecule and thus /ill )orm triple heli70
Niacin , decreases s%nthesis o) tri'l%cerides and -LDL8 b% suppressin' the
release o) )att% acids )rom peripheral tissue0 Side E))ects are )lushin'8 /hich
can be pre*ented b% administration o) spirin0
Shi'a Li(e $o7in , produced b% E0Coli are identical in structure to Shi'ella
$o7in8 /or( b% inhibitin' =<S subunit o) ribosomal protein and thus pre*entin'
protein s%nthesis
$o7ic Shoc( S%ndrome , has superanti'en8 /hich interacts /ith MHC comple7
on anti'en presentin' cells and $-l%mphoc%tes and the% cause /idespread o)
acti*ation o) $ cells /ith release o) IL-: )rom $-cells8 IL-9 and $N4 )rom
Hepatitis D anti'en , must be coated b% e7ternal coat HEs' anti'en o)
Hepatitis E -irus0
Elastom%cosis , can cause a pulmonar% disease in immunocompromised
patients8 /here sper'illus ma% cause asper'illosis in old ca*ities created b%
$E etc0
Methotre7ate , inhibits dih%dro)olate reductase and side e))ects include
stomatitis #mouth ulcers& and hepatoto7icit%0
Eiops% in Hirschprun' Disease , must include the submucosa o) the narro/
part8 because usuall% submucosa and m%enteric ple7us are absent in this
Postreptococcal !lomerulonephritis , is usuall% caused b% accumulations o)
Immune !lobulin Deposits0
!lucose $ransport , into cells occurs b% 4acilitated Di))usion
$C antidepressants , such as imipramine8 am%triptiline8 must be used /ith
caution in patients /ith EPH8 because the% ha*e stron' anti-choliner'ic side
e))ects and ma% cause acute urinar% retention
Enterococci , produce amino'l%coside modi)%in' en+%mes8 that trans)er
chemical 'roups and /ill impair an antibiotic bindin' and thus resistance
I' Protease , )acilitates Mucosal Penetration0
Nitr'l%cerin , /or(s primaril% as a -enodilator8 /here cardiac /or(load is
decreased8 because the blood is collected in the *enous s%stem and thus the
preload is decreased as /ell
3elease o) L%so+omal En+%mes , )rom ischemic tissue in the brain8 results in
necrosis o) the tissue in the a))ected re'ion0
nencephal% , alon' /ith duodenal8 esopha'eal or intestinal atresia are the
main cause )or Pol%h%dramnios8 /here the s/allo/in' is decreased0
$E Menin'itis , /ill result in a Communicatin' H%drocephalus8 /here the
impaired )unction is o) rachnoid !ranulations0
3ho!am $herap% , /here the 3h- ne'ati*e mother is 'i*en an nti D !lobulin8
and that 'lobulin is I'!0
Common Peroneal Ner*e , is mostl% commonl% inGured in the trauma near the
head o) )ibula and /ill cause 4oot Drop0
Calcium durin' Muscle Contraction , /ill cause an increased de'radation o)
!l%co'en and ha*e it con*erted into !lucose-9-phosphate0
3is( o) 4ractures is lo/er in Elac(s , some o) the ris( )actors o) osteoporosis
are smo(in'8 menopause8 corticosteroid therap%8 Caucasian race8 ph%sical
inacti*it%8 alcohol use0
Colla'en Molecule - has a triple heli7 )ormation8 /here there is a !l%cine
mino cid in e*er% third positon0
Patients presentin' /ith si'ns o) Pol%dipsia , pol%uria but at the same time
the% ha*e H%ponatremia8 are usuall% caused b% Ps%cho'enic Pol%dipsia8 or
Patholo'ic Water Drin(ers0
ldosterone , increase sodium and /ater reabsorption in the collectin' ducts0
DH , increases /ater reabsorption in the collectin' tubules0
3etinoblastoma Protein #3b& , is a re'ulator o) !9 to S phase transition0
p:C protein , is a cell c%cle inhibitor8 so mali'nant cells /ill ha*e lo/ number
o) p:C cells0
!luconeo'enesis , is a maGor controller o) 'lucose8 durin' an o*erni'ht )ast8
/here it con*erts p%ru*ate to o7aloacetate and o7aloacetate to
DH acts in Medullar% Se'ment , o) collectin' duct8 /here it acts to absorb
ldosterone , mainl% acts in Cortical Se'ment o) Collectin' Ducts0
Staph0 Scalded S(in S%ndrome , produce E7)oliatin' E7oto7in8 and there is a
presence o) Ni(ols(% Si'n0
Memor% Loss and Con)abulations , are hallmar(s o) Aorsa(o)) S%ndrome and
are permanent de)icits8 /hich don"t chan'e /ith -itamin Supplementation0
3isperidone , is an anti-ps%chotic8 that bloc(s D: s%nthesis o) Dopamine8 and
thus its side e))ects are H%perprolactinemia8 that /ill cause menorrhea0
*ascular Necrosis , o) )emoral head are the maGor complications o) Sic(le
Cell nemia8 S%stemic Lupus and Steroid $herap%0
Dama'e to 2r'an o) Corti , occurs )rom prolon'ed e7posure to e7tremel% loud
Er'ot Compounds , such as Per'olide and Eromocriptine8 are associated /ith
Side E))ects that cause 3a%naud Phenomenon0
Enterococcal Endocarditis , is usuall% seen in elderl% patients /ho ha*e
under'one a procedure such as colonoscop%8 /here Enterococcus has
in)ected and caused Endocarditis
!ro/th 4actors and PD!4 , rel% on $%rosine Ainase and MP path/a%s8 and
3S protein is a part o) MP path/a%0
-illous denomas , can loo( li(e Cauli)lo/er and secrete a lot o) mucus8 that
/ill cause diarrhea and thus H%po*olemia
Ler*ell and Lan'e Nielsen S%ndrome , is associated /ith Neurosensor%
Dea)ness and O$ prolon'ation0
3DS Patients , /ill ha*e a normal Pulmonar% Capillar% Wed'e Pressure8
/here there is no edema in*ol*ed0
3ed 3a''ed Muscle - is seen on the biops% in Mitochondrial M%opath%0 $his is
a mitochondrial disease and thus onl% transmitted throu'h mother0
Caudal 3e'ression S%ndrome , /here Sacral 'enesis causes lo/er e7tremit%
paral%sis is usuall% seen in mothers /ith poorl% controlled diabetes0
Niacin , is the most e))ecti*e in raisin' HDL le*els0 2me'a )att% acids /ill raise
HDL but at *er% lo/ le*els0
Patients /ith C4- their s%mptoms mi'ht be corrected /ith administration o)
Pancreatic En+%mes8 since the% ha*e its de)iciencies0
In)iltrati*e 2phthalmopath% , is usuall% seen in H%perth%roid Patients /here
their ocular muscles are in)iltrated b% 'l%cosamino'l%cans and hence there is
Eest indicator o) MS stenosis le*el , is a len'th o) inter*al bet/een S: and and
2S #openin' snap&
Lipooli'osaccharide #L2S& , o) N0 Menin'itidis is analo'ous to
Lipopol%saccharide o) !ram Ne'ati*e 3ods and this /ill determine the se*erit%
o) the disease0 Usuall% seen in militar% recruits0
Patients older than => , are prone to de*elopin' pneumonia a)ter In)ection /ith
In)luen+a8 and the causati*e a'ents are Strep0 Pneumonia8 Staph0 ureus and
H0 In)luen+a
Patients /ith Ntiphospholipid ntibod% S%ndrome /ith Lupus , present /ith
positi*e -D3L test8 ha*e nti-Phospholipid ntibodies circulatin'0 $hese
antibodies are associated /ith increased ris( o) $hromboses8 Miscarria'es
CE , is e7pressed in the Lun' -ascular Endothelium and con*erts
n'iotensin I to )unctional n'iotensin II
Preload /ill increase End Diastolic Sarcomere Len'th , in the *entricular
m%ocardium8 and /ill increase Stro(e -olume and Cardiac 2utput0
Insulin , acti*ated Protein Phosphatase in the cells8 and it /or(s throu'h
$%rosine Ainase receptor in the cells to stimulate s%nthesis o) )att% acids8
protein8 'l%co'en0
Patients /ith Eilateral Cataracts and no Hepatic In*ol*ement , ha*e a
de)icienc% o) !alacto(inase and thus !alactose is shi)ted and con*erted into
!alactitol b% ldose 3eductase and thus it accumulates in the lens o) the e%e
/ithout Hepatic In*ol*ement0
Patients /ith Classic !alactosemia , ha*e a de)icienc% o) !alactose 9-
phosphate Urid%l $rans)erase de)icienc% and thus !9P accumulates and /ill
cause lethar'%8 *omitin' and /ill present /ith Cataracts0
M%coplasma , lac(s a cell /all8 so antibiotics such as PCN8 Cephalosporins
and -ancom%cin /ill not be e))ecti*e in these bacteria0 So it must be treated
/ith $etrac%lcines and Er%throm%cin that act on 3ibosomal Subunits0
3eid Inde7 , is a ratio o) Mucus !land La%er to the total thic(ness o) cell /all
and cartila'e8 and this is an inde7 o) pro'ression o) Eronchitis0
'ranuloc%tosis , mi'ht be caused b% nti-$h%roid Dru's8 so WEC counts
must be chec(ed prior to administration0
Pituitar% pople7% , is a complication o) Hemorrha'e into E7istin' Pituitar%
denoma0 It /ill present /ith Se*ere Headache and Cranial Ner*e In*ol*ement0
Crohn"s Disease /ill present /ith 27alate Stones , because impaired bile acid
absorption8 caused b% )at malabsorption8 /ill cause the loss o) Calcium in the
bile8 and since Calcium binds 27alate8 then there /ill be a )ormation o) 27alate
Capsule o) Strep0 Pneumonia , is the maGor -irulence 4actor8 and it /ill s/ell
up /hen nti-Capsule a'ents are added0
Endocarditis caused b% Staph0 ureus , usuall% occurs in I- dru' abusers8 or
indi*iduals /ith una))ected *al*es8 and primaril% a))ects the $ricuspid -al*e0
While Strep0 -iridans usuall% in*ol*ed Mitral -al*e and is due to dental /or(
bsolute 3elati*e 3is( , is calculated E*ent 3ate #control& , E*ent 3ate
Ethanol and Pancreatitis , ethanol induces secretion o) Pancreatic Luice /ith a
hi'h content o) Protein and Lo/ 4luid0 $hus the secretions are *iscous and /ill
)orm plu's and obstruct bile )lo/0
Nasal Mucosal Ulcerations and !lomerulonephritis , is seen in We'ener"s
!ranulomatosis and /ill ha*e nti-Neutrophil ntibodies #c-NC&
Proton Pump Inhibitors , are the dru' o) choice )or !astrinomas8 /hich
secrete !astrin0
cet%l Co , is an allosteric acti*ator o) !luconeo'enesis and acts b%
increasin' acti*it% o) P%ru*ate Carbo7%lase0
Cortisol , increases the transcription o) en+%mes in*ol*ed in !luconeo'enesis
$C o*erdose , ma% ha*e a Ouinidine li(e Side E))ects /here the% mi'ht cause
O3S and O$ inter*al prolon'ation and to re*erse that8 Sodium Eicarbonate
must be used0
Di'italis $o7icit% , mi'ht be treated /ith supplementation /ith Potassium8
since it bloc(s Na6A channel
$o calculate the 3is( , di*ide the number o) diseased indi*iduals b% the total
number o) patients in the 'roup0
Subperiosteal $hinnin' , is a )eature o) H%perparath%roidism8 /here there is
an increased resorption o) the bone0
l(aline Phosphatase , is a 'roup o) en+%mes in*ol*ed in man% di))erent
or'ans8 such as li*er8 bone8 intestine8 (idne%0 $o clari)% /hether it"s the li*er
in)ection8 %ou must measure !!$P le*els , /hich are !amma !lutam%l
7onal 3eaction , is a repair o) a7ons8 /here there is a nucleus pushed to the
side and the cell is compressed and )inel% 'ranular Nissl substance is seen0
Cortisol , sensiti+es *asoconstricit*e e))ects o) Catecholamines and thus
e7erts Permissi*e E))ects on the -asculature0
Endo'enouse dministration o) $h%roid Hormone , such as Le*oth%ro7ine8
/ill increase the 4ree Le*els o) $; and thus in its turn suppress $3H and then
$SH le*els0
Penta+ocine , is an opiod narcotic /ith partial a'onist acti*it% and /ea(
anta'onist acti*it% on Mu 3eceptors0 dministration o) this dru' in patients
dependent on opioids8 mi'ht tri''er an 2piod Withdra/al S%mptoms0
!$P , is s%nthesi+ed in the Succin%l Co reaction in $C c%cle8 and used as
an ener'% source )or decarbo7%lation o) 27aloacetate to Phosphoenolp%ru*ate
b% PEP Carbo7%(inase in !luconeo'enesis0
L%sine and Leucine , are strictl% Aeto'enic mino cids and /ould not
increase blood Lactate Le*els in patients /ith P%ru*ate Deh%dro'enase
Patients /ith 4riedrich"s ta7ia , present /ith de'eneration o) Dorsal
Columns8 as /ell as ><P o) them /ill de*elop H%pertrophic Cardiom%opath%0
HEs' - is a component o) the en*elope o) Hep0 E *irus and /ill )orm spheres
and tubules0
$ransposition o) !reat rteries , results )rom )ailure o) orticopulmonar%
Septum to Spiral durin' Septation0
ta7ia $elen'ectasia , is an autosomal recessi*e8 /here there is a Cerebral
troph% that /ill lead to ata7ia8 these patients are also susceptible to DN
radiation8 since the% ha*e a de)icienc% o) E7onuclease acti*it%0
$erbina)ine - is a common dru' used )or Dermatoph%tosis8 /here it inhibits
s%nthesis o) Er'osterol b% inhibitin' En+%me S@ualene Epo7idase0
cute Pancreatitis , is usuall% caused b% !allstones and lcoholism8 hi'h
le*els o) $ri'l%cerides lead to increased production o) 4att% cids0
stroc%tes , are )ound at the peripher% o) the in)arct8 and are responsible )or
maintainin' the same )orm8 the% are responsible )or !liosis0
Supraspinatus , is an bductor o) the arm8 *ulnerable to inGur% due to
impin'ement bet/een acromion and the head o) the Humerus0
Subscapularis , is responsible )or Medial 3otation o) the rm
Latissimus Dorsi , is the maGor dductor o) the rm0
Neurons do not store !l%co'en , and are hi'hl% sensiti*e to Ischemia8
pro)ound h%potension durin' Cardiac rrests /ill cause !lobal Cerebral
De Ouer*ain $h%roiditis , or !ranulomattous $h%roiditis8 presents a)ter -iral
In)ections and /ill present areas o) in)ilitration b% L%mphoc%tes and
Multinuclear !iant Cells0
Ceruloplasmin , and unabsorbed copper /ill be Secreted into Eile and
e7creted Hepaticall% in the stool
D%strophic Calci)ication o) ortic -al*es , is preceded b% the Cell Necrosis8
/here there is a destruction b% Calci)ication and that /ill cause ortic
Procolla'en , is s%nthesi+ed /ithin Endoplasmic 3eticulum8 then it"s released
into E7tracellular Space b% transport throu'h !ol'i8 and then con*erted into
Colla'en b% peptidases that /ill clea*e o)) N and C terminal portions0 2nl% then
the% are crosslin(ed /ith other Colla'en Molecules a)ter residues are o7idi+ed
b% L%s%l 27idase0
Malasse+ia 4ur)ur , are characteristics o) Pit%riasis -ersicolor and appear as
Spa'hetti and Meatballs0
bdominal orta , is mostl% in*ol*ed in the process o) therosclerosis8 then
)ollo/ed b% Coronar% rteries8 Popliteal8 internal carotids and -essels in the
Circle o) Willis0
E7trahepatic Eiliar% tresia , is a con'enital obstruction o) E7trahepatic Eile
Ducts seen b% the ;rd /ee( o) Li)e0
C peptide and Insulin , pac(a'ed to'ether into secretor% 'ranules and are
released into an e7tracellular space0
4en)luramine and Phenteramine , e7tensi*e consumption o) ppetite
Suppressors is associated /ith the ris( o) Pulmonar% H%pertension0 Which can
pro'ress to Cor Pulmonale0
Henoch Schonlein Purpura , consists o) Leu(oc%toclastic n'iitis and
associated /ith deposits o) I' and C;8 and is common in children bet/een ;-
99 a)ter recent in)ection0
Lac( o) $ tubules , /ould lead to uncoordinated contraction o) indi*idual
)ibers in m%o)ibrils0
Ureteric Eud , 'i*es rise to collectin' ducts8 minor and maGor cal%ces8 renal
pel*is and ureters0
Metanephric Mesoderm , 'i*es rise to !lomerulus8 Eo/man"s capsule8
pro7imal8 distal con*oluted tubes and a connectin' tubule
Pulmonar% -ascular Sclerosis , /ill occur in patients /ith Eisenmen'er
Lo/ -olume o) Distribution o) the Dru' , such as F-> L8 ma% be due to Hi'h
Molecular Wei'ht8 Hi'h Plasma Protein8 H%drophillicit% and Hi'h Char'e
Staph Epidermidis , must be treated /ith -ancom%cin and 3i)ampin0
Indirect In'uinal Hernias , are located Laterall% to In)erior Epi'astric -essels
Direct In'uinal Hernia , is located Mediall% to In)erior Epi'astric -essel0
M2 Inhibitors , such as Phenel+ine and $ran%c%promine8 are particularl%
use)ul in treatment o) t%pical Depressions8 such as in patients /ith
H%perpha'ia and Wei'ht !ain0
2steoarthritis , /ill present /ith Short Mornin' Sti))ness8 and /ill in*ol*e DIP
and PIP Goints0
3heumatoid rthritis , /ill present /ith a Lon' Mornin' Sti))ness that /ill
impro*e /ith E7ercise8 and /ill in*ol*e MCP and PIP Goints0
Spironalactone , ma% be used in a )emale that complains o) increased Hair
!ro/th on her )ace8 since it /ill bloc( andro'en receptors at hair )ollicles and
decrease production o) $estosterone0
C4$3 , is an $P 'ated transmembrane ion transporter that pumps Chloride
ions out o) the cell a'ainst a Concentration !radient0
Lead $ime Eias , is an arti)icial increase in the sur*i*al time amon' tested
patients8 /ho actuall% ha*e an unchan'ed dia'nosis
Hepatitis E Prodromal Period , tha% mi'ht last )rom ;<-9D< da%s8 /ill present
/ith the Serum Sic(ness S%mptoms8 /here patients /ill e7perience )e*er li(e
condition8 s(in rash8 and l%mphadenopath%0
-0 Cholera , doesn"t in*ade the Intestinal Mucosa8 so it /ill present /ith /ater%
mucus and some epithelial cells0
Chronic 3eGection o) a $ransplant , /ill present /ith 2bliterati*e Intimal
Smooth Muscle H%pertroph% and 4ibrosis0
Improperl% 4itted Crutches , /ill impin'e the 3adial Ner*e and cause
s%mptoms such as inabilit% to 4le7 the rm and Wrist
$h%roid Hormones , alter !ene $ranscription b% Eindin' to 3eceptors Inside
the Nucles0
Protein M , is a maGor -irulence 4actor o) Strep0 P%o'enes and Inhibits
Pha'oc%tosis and Complement cti*ation
Lancet Shaped !ram Positi*e Diplococci , is indicati*e o) Strep0 Pneumonia8
/hich is 2ptochin Sensiti*e0
Pol%ribos%l 3ibitol Phosphate #P3P& , is a part o) H0 In)luen+a Capsule and is
part o) HIb -accine and its conGu'ated /ith Diphtheria and $etanus $o7oid0
Posterior Urethral $rauma , is associated /ith Pel*ic 4ractures8 and it /ill
present /ith Inabilit% to -oid8 despite 4ull Eladder and Ele*ated Prostate on
3ectal E7am0
3etinal Dama'e in In)ants , /ill usuall% be due to 3eper)usion 27%'en
Dama'e8 in in)ants born /ith 3espirator% Distress S%ndrome0
Use o) $erbutaline , /ill present in In)ants /ith Intracranial Hemorrha'e8
H%po'l%cemia8 H%pocalcemia and Ileus0
3e%e"s S%ndrome , due to S in patients treated )or In)luen+a or -aricella
In)ection and /ill present /ith Micro*esicular Steatosis o) Hepatoc%tes0
Porcelain !allbladder , Calcium Ladden !allbladder and /ill increase the ris(
o) !allbladder Carcinoma
Hereditar% Pancreatitis , ma% be due to mutation /hich /ould acti*ated
$r%psino'en to con*ert into $r%psin and it /ould auto di'est Pancreas8 be)ore
it /ould be released into duodenum as normall%0
Lithium , causes Nephro'enic Diabetes Insipidus8 H%poth%roidism and
associated /ith Ebstein"s nomal%0
2sler Weber 3endu S%ndrome , Hereditar% Hemorrha'ic $elen'ectasia8 ma%
a))ect the Lips8 2rophar%n78 3espirator% $ract8 S(in8 !I tract0
-on Hippel Lindau , Capillar% Heman'ioblastomas in 3etina and Cerebellum8
presents /ith Con'enital C%sts in Li*er8 Aidne%8 Pancreas and Increased 3is(
o) 3enal Carcinoma
$uberous Sclerosis , ma% cause c%sts in the li*er8 (idne%8 but in CNS it /ill be
Subepend%mal Hamartomas8 3enal n'iom%olipomas and Cardiac
3habdom%oma8 clinicall% /ill present /ith Sei+uresQQQ
Stur'e Weber , /ill present /ith Cutaneous 4acial n'iomas8 as /ell as
Leptomenin'eal n'iomas8 patients /ill ha*e Mental 3etardation8 Sei+ures and
S(ull /ill ha*e $ram $rac( Calci)ications0
'in' , /ill present /ith Decreased -entricular Si+e at the pe7 and /ill cause
Si'moid Septum0
4c Portion Closer to the Hin'e 3e'ion , is /here Complement Einds0
Heme , ser*es as a Ne'ati*e 4eedbac( on L S%nthase0 Dia'nosis o) ccute
Intermittent Porph%ria is made b% increase in minole*ulinic cid and
Duodenal Ulcers Location , is near P%lorus because o) the most cid Present0
In)ants /ith Eilateral 3enal 'enesis , /ill present /ith 3espirator% Problems8
since mniotic 4luid that needs to be s/allo/ed and urinated out8 is essential
in the process o) Lun' Maturation
LH , stimulates Le%di' Cells to Produce $estosterone8 4SH /ill stimulate
Sertoli Cells to Produce Inhibin E8 /hich /ill Ne'ati*el% 4eedbac( on LH and
Until F hours , into Ischemia /ill not present /ith an% chan'es on Li'ht
Eosental , is an 2ral Endothelin 3eceptor nta'onist and is used in Patient
/ith Pulmonar% H%pertension
3eper)usion rrh%thmia , ma% be due to 4ibrinol%tics that /ill cause
3eper)usion on rterial 3e-2penin'0
cute 4ibrinous or Serous Pericarditis , acute onset Pleuritic Chest that
decreases on Sittin' Up and Leanin' 4or/ard0
Cardiac De)ects in Di!eor'e S%ndrome , are associated /ith $etrallo'% o)
4allot and Interrupted ortic rch
ddition o) Spironolactone , /ill si'ni)icantl% 3educe Mortalit% in Heart 4ailure
Patients8 since it /ill bloc( ldosterone0
Chocolate 'ar )or Neisseria !onorrhea , consists o) -ancom%cin8 Pol%mi7in
and $rimethoprim0
Cr%ptococcus , that is 3ound Euddin' Seast /ith Clear halos /ill cause
Menin'itis in HI- . Patients0
Do/n S%ndrome , patients /ill ha*e 2stium Primum Endocardial Cushion
trial Septal De)ect0
Ni)edipine , is a selecti*e -ascular Calcium Channel Eloc(er and is di))erent
)rom Calcium Channel Eloc(ers used in rrh%thmias
Slo/ 2nset o) nesthetic , is associated /ith Hi'h Solubilit% o) the Dru'
$hromboc%topenia in Hospital Patients , is mostl% due to Heparin In)usions8
and is more present /ith Un)ractionated Heparin rather than Lo/ Molecular
2n 2)) Phenomenon , seen in Par(inson Patients /here the% /ill ha*e da%s
/ith Increased Mobilit% and other times /ith Decreased8 that is due to the
e))ect o) L-Dopa $herap%0
Cauda E@uina S%ndrome , /ill present /ith Saddle nesthesia and Loss o)
nocutaneous 3e)le78 and that /ill in*ol*ed a Lesion )rom S: , SF reas0
Di))erential C%anosis , in Upper and Lo/er E7tremities is due to PD0
l+heimer"s Disease , mostl% a))ects Hippocampus and 4rontal Lobe
lpha 98F !lucosidase , de)icient in Pompe"s !l%co'en Stora'e Disease is
also Called cid Maltase
C-M%c , is a nuclear Phosphoprotein and )unctions as $ranscription cti*ator
that controls Cell Proli)eration8 Di))erentiation and poptosis
Ecr ,bl , encodes a Protein that Inhibits poptosis /hile Promotin'
Mito'enesis and Increased $%rosine Ainase cti*it%0
Postreptococcal !lomerulonephritis , /ill present /ith Ele*ated nti
Streptol%sin #S2& titers8 Decreased C ; and $otal Complement Le*els and
presence o) Cr%o'lobulins0 CF Le*els are usuall% Normal0
ttributable 3is( Percent 3P , is calculated b% 33-9633
Celial Disease , must be dia'nosed /ith Colon Eiops% /here there is
4lattenin' o) Mucosa8 Loss o) -illi and Chronic In)lammator% In)iltration o)
Lamina Propria0
polipoprotein E -F - ma% be in*ol*ed in )ormation o) Senile Pla@ues in
l+heimer"s Disease
Eeta HC! , is detected in maternal serum on the Dth da%8 but can ta(e as lon'
as 990 Elastoc%st implants itsel) on the =th da%
Hibernatin' M%ocardium , can be caused b% repetiti*e ischemia o) the
m%ocardium or persisten h%poper)usion8 and /hen the blood )lo/ is restored it
/ill re'ain the circulation and stren'th
!luca'onoma , are pancreatic tumors that are characteri+ed b% necrol%tic
mi'rator% er%thema8 er%thematous rash a))ectin' the 'roin
Pancoast $umors , are Superior Sulcus $umors characteri+ed b% Ipsilateral
Horner"s S%ndrome8 rib destruction and other upper e7tremities" de)icits in the
distribution o) CD8 $9 and $:
lanine , can be $ransaminated b% lanine minotrans)erase to P%ru*ate /ith
mino !roup trans)erred to lpha Aeto'lutarate to )orm !lutamate
HbS , /here char'ed !lutamic cid 3esidue is replaced b% Nonpolar
H%drophobic -aline 3esidue at the =th position and /ill cause a''re'ation o)
Hemo'lobin under H%po7ic Conditions
Chemoreceptor $ri''er None , is located at the base o) Fth -entricle8 at the
Dorsal Sur)ace o) Medulla0
Duration o) Diastole , is a critical )actor in determinin' Coronar% Elood 4lo/
Er'ot Compounds and Noner'ot Compounds , Directl% Stimulate Dopamine
3eceptors0 Er'ot Compounds #Eromocriptine and Per'olide& and Noner'ot
Compounds #Pramipe7ole and 3opinerole&
Patients on $hia+ides , ha*e o*erall hi'her le*els o) Calcium and thus it"s bone
protecti*e8 so H%pocalciuria /ill decrease )ormation o) 3enal Stones
Nonnucleoside 3e*erse $ranscriptase Inhibitors , do not need to be
phosphor%lated to be acti*ated and some o) them areB Ne*irapine8 E)a*iren+
and Dela*irdine
HI- ssociated Esopha'itis , is caused b% Candida8 CM- and Herpes -irus
)ter M2 $herap% , it /ill ta(e : /ee(s to re'enerate en+%me8 to ha*e
ade@uate neurotransmitter metabolism
Primidone - is metaboli+ed to Phenobarbital and PEM8 all three are acti*e
compounds that are nticon*ulsants
Superior Mesenteric rter% S%ndrome , /hen $rans*erse Portion o)
Duodenum is trapped bet/een SM and orta0 $hat can happen due to rapid
/ei'ht loss0
Eroncho'enic Carcinoma , is the most common Lun' Cancer due to sbestos
E7posure8 /here Mesothelioma is :nd Most Common0
MaGorit% o) nal 4issures , occur in the Posterior Midline Distal to the Dentate
P%ra+inamide , is e))ecti*e in cidic En*ironment8 /here other $E dru's are
e))ecti*e a'ainst e7tracellular m%cobacteria0
Li*er Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma , are : outcomes associated
/ith mutation o) H4E protein /hich promotes attachment to $rans)errin Protein
and 4acilitates Iron bsorption8 /hich are seen in Hemochromatosis
cute 3heumatic 4e*er , is the most common cause o) Mitral Stenosis0 Where
In)ecti*e Endocarditis is more associated /ith -e'etaions and Destruction o)
the -al*es0
-alproic cid , is the )irst line therap% )or M%oclonic Sei+ures0 Where
Phen%otin and Carbama+epine are 9st line in $onic Clonic Sei+ures0
Nephrotic S%ndrome , /ill present /ith loss o) ntithrombin III and that"s /h%
/ill present /ith $hrombosis
H0 In)luen+a E -accine , is mi7ed /ith Diphtheria and $etanus $o7oid8 and this
in turn /ill Increase Immuno'enicit% o) the -accine8 /here ConGu'ate becomes
$ cell dependent nti'en
Carcinoid Heart Disease , /ill present /ith 4ibrous Intimal $hic(enin' /ith
Endocardial Pla@ues and /ill be limited to 3i'ht Heart0 $he s%mptoms are
)lushin'8 /hee+in' and diarrhea8 due to production o) Serotonin8 Aali(rein8
Erad%(inin8 Histamine etc0
Lispro and spart , are the best Short ctin' Insulins
H%drocele and Indirect Hernia , are )ormed b% a similar mechanism0 Eoth are
caused b% incomplete 2bliteration o) Processus -a'inalis0
!allstone Ileus , /ill cause an obstruction o) the bo/el and /ill present /ith
ir in the Eilliar% $ract0
Increased 4ecal Elood Loss , is the side e))ect o) S $herap%0 Eecause there
is a loss o) !astric Protection in addition to Impaired Platelet ''re'ation0
HSP M< and HSP >= , are Heat Shoc( Proteins that bind Inacti*e Ninc 4in'ers
that are in*ol*ed in Steroid Hormone S%nthesis0
Complications o) n(%losin' Spond%litis , ma% be impaired Pulmonar%
-entilation due to de)ormation o) the spine8 and in the heart it /ill present /ith
scendin' ortitis leadin' to Dilatation o) the ortic 3in'0
Colon Cancer , most common location )or this is scendin' Colon8 /hich /ill
present /ith Eleedin'8 /here the Le)t Side that /ould in*ol*e 3esctoSi'moid
3e'ion /ould present /ith 2bstruction0
Spread o) Eroncho'enic Carcinoma , ma% present /ith 2bstruction and
Compression o) Upper -asculature such as -ena Ca*a8 and patients /ill
present /ith 4acial S/ellin'8 Dilated Carotids0
H%permeth%lation o) Histones , is the cause o) ltered !ene E7pression o)
Huntin'ton Disease0
!astroduodenal rter% , is mostl% eroded b% Posterior Duodenal Ulcers and
can be a source o) Li)e $hreatenin' Hemorrha'e
4emoral Hernias , /ill present /ith a Eul'e in the Upper $hi'h8 and /ill be
accentuated on -alsal*a Maneu*er0
Pol !ene Mutations , render the abilit% o) HI- 3etro*iral $herap% to ta(e its
$reatment )or !onoccocal In)ection , must al/a%s in*ol*e treatment )or
Chlam%dia8 since it o)ten co in)ects at the same time0 Ce)tria7one is used )or N0
!onnorhea and +ithrom%cin or Do7%c%cline are used )or Chlam%dia
N4-(E Protein , acti*it% is reduced in Crohn"s Disease and this protein is
responsible )or C%to(ine Production
carbose and Mi'litol , are lpha !lucosidase Inhibitors that decrease cti*it%
o) Membraine Eound Disaccharides on the Intestinal Erush Eorder0
Increase in cMP in -ascular Smooth Muscle , /ill cause -asodilation8 /hich
is a Side E))ect o) Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors in H%potensi*e Patients0
4ibrinous or Sero)ibrninous Pericarditis , de*elops in :<P o) the Post MI
patients bet/een da% : and F8 due to in)iltration o) In)lammator% Cells o) the
$ransmural In)arction0 Dressler S%ndrome occurs on Da% C and is an
utoimmune Process0
Niacin and 4ibrates #E+etimibe& , are the most use)ul $reatment in patients
/ith H%pertri'l%ceridemia
ir/a% 3esistance , is Minimal in Eronchioles and Ma7imal in Lar'e Se'ments
o) Eronchi0
Cold ''lutinins , are antibodies that /ill be produced in 3esponse to
M%coplasma Pneumonia In)ection8 also mi'ht be present /ith Ebstein Earr
-irus In)ection
Calcium Channel Eloc(ers , mi'ht present /ith - Nodal Eloc(s and
Local De)ense a'ainst Candida , is produced b% $ cells8 that"s /h% /e see
Local Candidiasis in HI-. Patients8 since their $ cell Le*els are Lo/
De)ense a'ainst S%stemic Candidiasis , is produced b% Neutrophils8 that"s /h%
Neutropenic Patients /ill present /ith S%stemic Candidiasis
$o pre*ent Neonatal $etanus , is to ensure that Mothers are -accinated /ith
$o7oid to allo/ trans)er o) I'! $o7oid throu'h Placenta
Cer*ical Cancer 3is( , Number 9 is Histor% o) Se7ual Partners8 since HP- can
be transmitted
Endometrial Cancer 3is( , is due to Nulliparit%8 earl% Menarche and 2besit%8
/here increased Estro'en Stimulation o) the Endometrium
Ereast and 2*arian Cancers , Number 9 3is( is 4amil% Histor%
Minimal Chan'e Disease , is usuall% due to the Loss o) Pol%anion in the
Easement Membrane8 /hich /ill lose the Char'e0
3i)ampin , is used as Proph%la7is a'ainst Menin'ococcal Diseases8 as it /ill
Penetrate into 3espirator% $ract and Eliminate Nasophar%n'eal Coloni+ation
Niacin , or Nicotinic acid has been used to treat H%perlipidemias8 the side
e))ects o) 4lushin' are due to release o) Prosta'landins
Le)t -entricular D%s)unction , /ill cause Pulmonar% -essel -asoconstriction
and /ill contribute to Pulmonar% H%pertension
Di'italis $o7icit% , /ill present /ith H%per(alemia and at times /ith
Erad%cardia8 -entricular $ach%cardia or 4ibrillation
Splittin' o) S: in SD , /ill be permanent and /ill not chan'e /ith 3espiration
Si7th ortic rch , 'i*es rise to Pulmonar% rteries and Ductus rteriosus
Neuropathic Incontinence , /ith Neuro'enic Detrusor Spasticit%8 /ill result
)rom dama'e )rom $99 till L:8 /ill cause rela7ation8 since those ner*es inhibit
it0 S:-SF are responsible )or e7citation o) the bladder
MCHC , Mean Corpuscular Hemo'lobin Concentration is the best Inde7 in
ma(in' Dia'nosis o) Hereditar% Spheroc%tosis8 Dia'nosis is best con)irmed
/ith 2smotic 4ra'ilit% $est
Musculocutaneous Ner*e , pro*ides inner*ation o) 4le7or Muscles o) upper
arm Sensor% to the Lateral Part o) the rm
Hapto'lobin , binds 4ree Hemo'lobin8 in Intra*ascular Hemol%sis8 due to
destruction o) Er%throc%tes8 4ree Hemo'lobin Increases8 an E7ceeds le*els o)
Hapto'lobin and thereb% Decreasin' the Le*els o) Hapto'lobin
In HI- , Nucleocapsid Proteins p:F and pC are )rom !! !ene0 En*elope
!l%coprotein 'pF9 and 'p9:< are )rom EN- 'ene0 $ranscription and
$ranslation are )rom P2L 'ene0 $$ and 3E- are re@uired )or 3eplication
Dietar% 4ructose , is Phosphor%lated in the Li*er to 4ructose 9 Phosphate and
3apidl% Metaboli+ed8 because it Doesn"t Pass throu'h P4A 98 /hich is a
3e'ulator% En+%me o) !l%col%sis0
Ecth%ma !an'renosum , is a Cutaneous Necrotic Disease and it"s associated
/ith Pseudomonas ure'inosa0 P0 eru'inosa are common in Neutropenic8
Diabetic8 Eurn Patients0
!lucocorticoids and HI--9 Protease Inhibitors , are associated /ith
Cushin'oid ppearance and 4at Distribution
!out% rthritis , is a Side E))ect o) Niacin $herap%8 /hich increases Serum
Uric cid0 Hepatoto7icit% ma% occur at Hi'h Doses0 In Diabetics it mi'ht cause
mphotericin E , Pol%ene nti)un'ul and its Side E))ects are 3enal 4ailure
/ith H%po(alemia and H%poma'nesemia0
ntipha'oc%tic Pol%saccharide Capsule in H0 In)luen+a E , has 3ibose in it8
instead o) He7ose and ma% be the reason )or Increased -irulence
Patients /ith Crohn"s Disease , are prone to de*elopin' !allstones0 Decreased
Eile cid 3eabsorption and Loss in the 4eces /ill increase Cholesterol Le*els
and )ormation o) !allstones
Pol%m%ositis , presents /ith S%mmetrical Muscle Wea(nesses8 on Eiops%
there is necrosis8 re'eneration8 lar'e amounts o) MHC I molecules in)iltrated
/ith CDD $ cells0
Primar% Eiliar% Cirrhosis , utoimmune Destruction o) Hepatic Eile Ducts and
ll Sic(le Cell Patients , at some point /ill present /ith splenism and thus
the increased ris( o) H0 In)luen+a and Strep0 Pneumonia In)ections
L m%loidosis , is ssociated /ith Multiple M%eloma0
!enerali+ed L%mphadenopath% , is another Side E))ect o) Phen%toin8 /here it
mi'ht present as a Lump in the Nec(0
Pol%c%stic 2*arian S%ndrome , is associated /ith Endometrial H%perplasia8
due to Unopposed E))ect o) Estro'en and Increased 3is( o) Endometrial
Carcinoma0 Patients also ha*e a Hi'her 3is( o) De*elopin' $%pe II Diabetes
Hemato'enous 2steom%elitis , /ill primaril% a))ect Metaph%sis o) the Eone8
due to 3ich -asculari+ation
-er% Lon' Chain 4att% cids , /hich Cannot Under'o Eeta 27idation8 is due to
Pero7isomal bsence or De)ect8 /hich /ill lead to De)ects )rom Improper CNS
Hal) Li)e , -d#0C&6CL0 9 Hal) Li)e is ><P8 : Hal) Li*es is C>P8 ; Hal) Li*es ,
DC0>P8 F Hal) Li*es , M;0C>P
Sarcoidosis , /ill usuall% present in )rican mericans /ith Dr% Cou'h8
Pulmonar% In)iltrates and Hilar denopath%0 2n Eiops% it /ill be a Non
Caseatin' !ranuloma
MaGor SE o) Met)ormin , is Lactic cidosis8 /hich /ill dama'e the Aidne%s and
!I Upset0
nemia in SLE , is due to utoimmune Hemol%sis and /ill be due to )ormation
o) I'! Warm ntibodies to 3ECs0 Which is characteri+ed b% Spheroc%tosis8 .
Coombs $est8 and there /ill be $hromboc%topenia8 due to ntibodies a'ainst
Een+odia+epines8 Earbiturates and lcohol , /ill Eind to !E 3eceptor and
Stimulate In)lu7 o) Chloride Ions into Neurons
M%coplasma Pneumonia , can cause Hemol%sis8 due to similarit% bet/een
nti'ens o) Cell Membrane o) M0 Pneumonia and Cell Membrane o)
H%drocephalus E7 -acuo , there is a -entricular Enlar'ement in the Erain8
/hich is Due to troph% o) Cerebrum #Pic(s8 l+heimers&0 CS4 Pressure is Not
Common Peroneal #4ibular& Ner*e , is usuall% dama'ed /hen patients /ear a
Cast and compress the head o) the 4ibula
$a(a%asus and !iant Cell rteritis , are *er% similar in Mechanism0 $a(a%asus
in*ol*es orta and its Eranches and it usuall% occurs in Patients Soun'er than
F<0 I) Patients are older than F<8 /e presume it"s !iant Cell $emporal rteritis
S(eletal Muscles are 3esistant to Calcium Channel Eloc(ers , because the%
lar'el% Depend on Intracellular Calcium )or E7citation and Contraction
Couplin'0 Where Smooth Muscle depends on E7tracellular Calcium
PD!4 , is lar'el% secreted b% Smooth Muscle Cells and it /ill promote
mi'ration to the ))ected Site o) In)lammation8 /ith Production o) Intimal
$hic(enin' and Colla'en Deposition
Palmar Er%thema , /ill be due to Cirrhotic H%perestrinism and it /ill also
include !%necomastia8 $esticular troph%8 Spider Ne*i and Decreased Eod%
$NDs #$hia+olidinediones& , Ne/ !roup o) nti Diabetic Dru's8 Decrease
Insulin 3esistance b% Eindin' to Pero7isome Proli)erator cti*ated 3eceptor
!amma8 /hich is a $ranscriptional 3e'ulator o) the !enes in*ol*ed in !lucose
Een+odia+epines , are 4irst Line in lcoholic Sei+ures8 because the% /ill
Substitute lcohol E))ect on !E 3eceptors
denom%osis , presence o) Endometrial !lands in the Uterine M%ometrium8
and it /ill cause an Enlar'ement o) the Uterus /ith Eleedin'8 and Pain)ul
Endometriosis , presence o) Endometrial $issue 2utside o) the Uterus8 it /ill
present /ith Pain)ul Menses8 D%spareunia8 but no Uterine Enlar'ement
Cause o) Death in cute 3hematic 4e*er , in 3are Cases is cute M%ocarditis8
/here Mitral Stenosis ta(es %ears to )orm
denosine , is D2C in treatment o) Paro7%smal Supra*entricular $ach%cardia8
/here there are palpitations0 Side E))ects include 4lushin'8 Eurnin' in the
Chest and Shortness o) Ereath
Medullar% Spon'e Aidne% , is characteri+ed b% C%stic Dilatations o) Medullar%
Collectin' Ducts0 Corte7 is spared0 Patients /ill present /ith Aidne% Stones
and Hematuria0
Lidocaine , is *er% Speci)ic to Depolari+ed $issue such as Ischemic $issue0
$hat is /h% it"s a $reatment o) Choice in Post M%ocardial In)arction
D%splasia , is di))erent )rom Cancer8 because it"s 3e*ersible8 /here Cancer is
theroembolic Disease o) 3enal rteries , /ill present /ith 3enal 4ailure and
Ei' $oe Discoloration in Elderl% Patients
CE Le*els , in patients /ith Colon Cancer are usuall% used to Monitor $umor
Cr%ptococcus Neo)ormans , is the onl% 4un'us that has a Pol%saccharide
Capsule8 that appears 3ed on Mucicarmin Stain and Clear Unstained None on
India In(
;rd ortic rch , 'i*es rise to Common and Pro7imal Internal Carotid rteries0
Fth ortic rch , 'i*es rise to $rue ortic rch and portion o) Subcla*ian
=th ortic rch , 'i*es rise to Pulmonar% rteries and Ductus rteriosus
MC , supplies Eroca"s and Wernic(e"s reas8 4rontal E%e 4ields8 4ace and
rm reas o) Motor and Sensor% Corte7
Shi'a and Shi'a Li(e $o7in o) E0Coli , inacti*ated =<S Subunit o) the
3ibosome and thus inhibit Protein S%nthesis and E*entual Death
4ormation o) Eilliar% Slud'e , /ill be )ormed due to Incomplete Empt%in' o)
!allbladder in 3esponse to CCA8 thus Eile /ill Precipitate
Chloramphenicol , /ill cause plastic nemia8 it /ill bind to ><S Subunit and
Inhibit Peptid%l $rans)erase En+%me
Aallman"s S%ndrome , /ill present /ith Dela%ed Pubert% Plus nosmia8 /here
there is a 4ailure o) !n3H Neurons to Mi'rate to 2l)actor% Placode and
H%pothalamus0 Eo%s /ill be )eminine /ith Poorl% De*eloped Secondar% Se7ual
Intimal $ear , is the Initiatin' Process o) Dissectin' ortic ne%urism
Wea(ened -esicoureteral Lunction , /ill be due to 4re@uent Eladder In)ections
and /ill 4acilitate 3e)lu7
Suppression o) C ? H%dro7%lase cti*it% , due to the dru's such as Clo)ibrate8
/ill reduce Solubili+ation o) Cholesterol into Eile and there /ill be E7cess
De))icienc% o) Lipoprotein Lipase , /ill cause impaired $r%'l%ceride Clearance
)rom Elood Stream0 Lipoprotein Lipase is secreted )rom Uniloculated
dipoc%tes8 /hich are dipose $issue8 also b% S(eletal and Cardiac Muscle
E))ect o) H%pothalamus on Prolactin , is Inhibitor% *ia Dopamine Production
Senile Cardiac m%lidosis , is due to Depositon o) bnormall% 4olded #J
Pleated Sheet& NP Deri*ed Proteins and is con)ined to Cardiac tria
Women in Hemochromatosis , tend to not present until Menopause8 since
Menstruations /ill be li(e Phlebotom%0 So )ter Menopause8 the s%mptoms /ill
(ic( in0
Neonates born to Hep E mothers , are at Hi'h 3is( o) Chronic Disease8 4ast
HE- replication and Moderate Hepatic InGur%
Mesothelioma , associated /ith sbestos E7posure8 it /ill present /ith Lon'
Micro*illi and bundant $ono)ilaments8 /hich /ill di))er it )rom
Eronchoal*eolar t%pe o) denocarcinoma8 /hich /ill present /ith Short
$o pre*ent 3ecurrent Sei+ures , in patients /ith Status Epilepticus0 4irst Line
o) $reatment is ddition o) Phen%toin to 3e'ular Een+odia+epine $herap%0
Corticosteroids , are the Stron'est and Most Predictable E))ects in patients
/ith sthma
Nitrates , mimic ction o) Endothelial Deri*ed 3ela7in' 4actor8 /hich /ill lead
to Increased c!MP and M%osin Dephosphor%lation8 and 3educed Intracellular
Isosorbide Mononitrate , is the most Eioa*ailable 2ral Nitrate0
Loss o) !E Neurons in Striatum , is characteristic o) Huntin'ton due to
Increased C! 3epeats on Chromosome F
cute calculous Cholec%stitis , is an cute In)lammation o) !allbladder
/ithout )ormation o) Stones and it"s mostl% present in Hospitali+ed or Se*erel%
Eth%lene !l%col In'estion , /ill lead to cute 3enal 4ailure /ith Precipitation
o) 27alate Stones8 such as Calcium 27alate Cr%stals in Urine
Partial Mole , has a $riploid Aar%ot%pe8 patient /ill present /ith -a'inal
Eleedin' and Lo/er bdominal Pain
$ertiar% S%philis , /ill present /ith Neuro In*ol*ement and !ummas0 $hat are
Necroti+in' !ranulomas that appear on S(in8 Mucosa8 Subcutaneous $issue8
Eones and Within 2r'ans0 Similar to Chancre in Primar% S%philis
Watershed reas , are Splenic 4le7ure and Distal Si'moid Colon8 are Most
Susceptible to Ischemia Durin' H%potension and Lo/ Per)usion States
Splenic H%pertroph% in P%ru*ate Ainase De))icienc% , is due to Increased Wor(
to 3emo*e De)ormed Er%throc%tes )rom Circulation
MacCon(e% 'ar , is used )or Man% Enteric Eacteria
$ha%er Martin -CN , is )or Neisseria Species #-ancom%cin8 Pol%m%7in and
N%statin to remo*e all other bacteria&
Elood 'ar , are used to distin'uish bet/een Enterococcal and
NonEnterococcal In)ections0 Enterococcal such as E0 4aecalis and E0 4aecium
/ill 'ro/ in both Eile Salts and =0>P H%pertonic Saline0 Where
NonEnterococcal #Strep0 Eo*is& /ill 'ro/ in presence o) Eile Salts8 but Not =0>
P Solution
C%steine $ellurite 'ar , is )or Clostridium Diphtheria
Eordet !en'ou , is )or Eordetella Pertussis
Primar% Eilliar% Cirrhosis , is due to utoimmune !ranulomatous Destruction
o) Hepatic Eile Ducts and Cholestasis0 Side E))ects /ill include Pruritis8 /orse
at Ni'ht0
!onococcal rhtritis , is a complication o) Neisseria !onorrhea8 and must be
suspected in Se7uall% cti*e Soun' dults
Slo/ cet%lators , are at increased ris( o) $o7icit% to certain dru's8 such as
Isonia+id8 Dapsone8 H%drala+ine and Procainamide
Imper)orate nus in an in)ant , ma% also be associated /ith abnormal
de*elopment o) Urorectal8 Uro*esical and Uro*a'inal 4istulas
Chronic 3eGection , mi'ht produce Chronic 2bstructi*e Lun' Disease and
cause Eronchiolitis 2bliterans0 Patholo'% includes L%mphoc%tic In)lammation
and Necrosis o) Eronchiolar Walls0
cute 3eGection , /ill present /ith Mononuclear In)iltration on Histolo'ical
Eec("s $riad , o) H%potension8 L-D and Distal or Mu))led Heart Sounds is
indicati*e o) $amponade
Serine and $hreonine 3esidue Phosphor%lation , b% $%rosine Ainase can lead
to Insulin 3esistance8 and can be caused b% $N4-?8 Catecholamines8
!lucocorticoids and !luca'on
Chronic S%stemic Use o) Steroids , /ill Promote 2steoporosis and cause
-ertebral 4ractures8 b% Inhibitin' -itamin D and Promotin' P$H acti*it%
naplastic $umors , bear no resemblance to the $issue o) 2ri'in
Lacunar In)arcts , occur due to H%pertensi*e rteriolosclerosis in Easal
!an'lia8 Pons and Internal Capsule
H%pertrophic Cardiom%opath% , ma% in*ol*e a mutation in Eeta M%osin Hea*%
Chain and Cardiac Cell Sarcomere Protein #$roponin8 $ropom%osin&
E7ternal Eranch o) Superior Lar%n'eal Ner*e , is susceptible to inGur% in
patients under'oin' $h%roidectom%8 this ner*e inner*ates Cricoth%roid
Muscle8 all other Muscles are inner*ated b% 3ecurrent Lar%n'eal Ner*e
Intracranial Sch/annomas , are usuall% located in Cerebropontine n'le8
/hich is bet/een Pons and Cerebellum
2ctreotide , S%nthetic nalo' o) Somatostatin /ith a Lon' Hal) Li)e is used in
Carcinoid S%ndrome0
Intrapartum ntibiotics , ma% be used to decrease Incidence o) !roup Eeta
Strep Menin'itis in Ne/borns
Disruption o) Macropha'e Pha'ol%sosomes , in Patients /ith Silicosis8 /ill
ma(e them susceptible to In)ection /ith $E
Neural $ube De)ects , are associated /ith Increased Le*els o) lpha
4etoprotein and cet%lcholinesterase
Sei+ures Side E))ects , are usuall% seen in therap% /ith Eupropion8 Isonia+id
and Imipenem
$remor in patients , ma% be treated /ith nticholiner'ics8 such as
Een+tropine8 but must be a*oided in patients /ith EPH and Closed n'le
Suspensor% Li'ament , must be occluded durin' Sur'er% to 3emo*e o*aries8
to reduce the ris( o) accidental li'ation o) Ureters
Clonal $ Cell 3eceptor !ene 3earran'ement , is seen in Mali'nant
drenals , are the Most Common Site o) Metastases o) Lun' Cancers8 other
sites include Eone8 Erain and contralateral Lun'
Carotid Massa'e , /ill Increase 4irin' o) Earoreceptor 3ate thus Increasin'
Paras%mpathetic Stimulation and thus Prolon' - Node 3e)ractor% Period
Crescent 4ormation , in Li'ht Microscop% is Dia'nostic o) 3P!N8 and there
/ill be ccumulations o) 4ibrin8 Monoc%tes and Macropha'es
$N4 ,? $herap% , is associated /ith 3eacti*ation o) Latent $uberculosis0 $hus
PPD Screens are re@uired be)ore Initiatin' $herap%0 Dru's include #In)li7imab8
En*elope proteins 'pF9 , are 4usion Inhibitors that allo/ -irus to 4use /ith
Membrane0 Dru's En)u*irtide are use)ul to pre*ent this 4usion
!p9:< , is used )or -iral ttachment to CDF membrane on $ cells
pical Subpleural Elebs , /ill be seen in patients /ith Spontaneous
Mi)epristone , is Pro'esterone nta'onist and is borti)icent8 Misoprostol is
Prosta'landin nalo'8 that /ill cause Uterine Contractions and is used in
combination /ith Mi)epristone
Disseminated Histoplasmosis , is associated /ith Hepatosplenome'al% in
Immunosuppressed Patients
Pruritis , is usuall% a 4irst S%mptom o) Primar% Eilliar% Cirrhosis8 /here there
are antibodies a'ainst Hepatic Eile Ducts and /ill cause Cholestasis
Neisseria Menin'itis , /ill proceed )rom Phar%n7 into Elood8 then Choroid
Ple7us and then Menin'es0 Where H0 In)luen+a /ill 'o )rom Phar%n7 to
L%mphatics and then to Menin'es
H%per I'M S%ndrome , /ill present /ith inabilit% o) E L%mphoc%tes to Under'o
Isot%pe S/itchin'8 and /ill present /ith L%mphoid H%perplasia and 3ecurrent
Sinus In)ections0 Most commonl% it"s due to absence o) CD F< Li'and on E
4ibrom%al'ia , usuall% a))ects /omen o) :<->< and presents /ith Di))use
Musculos(eletal Pain /ith pain in the Spine o) Scapula8 Lateral Epicond%le8
Medial 4at Pad in the Anees and pain associated /ith E7ercisin'
$amo7i)en , in Ereast $issue is nti Estro'enic E))ect and H%perestro'enic
E))ect in Endometrial $issue8 thus increasin' the 3is( o) Endometrial Cancers8
Pol%ps and H%perplasia
Patients on Le*odopa , should not be ta(in' -itamin E= Supplements due to
Increase Metabolism o) Le*odopa caused b% -itamin E =
Hepatic n'iosarcoma - is associated /ith E7posure to rsenic8 Pol%*in%l
Chloride and /ill e7press CD ;9 $umor Mar(ers
$uberoin)undibular Dopaminer'ic Path/a% , is associated /ith connectin'
H%pothalamus to Pituitar% and responsible )or Dopamine Inhibition o) Prolactin
Sucrose , is a combination o) !lucose and 4ructose0
Lactose , is !alactose and !lucose
Maltose , is !lucose and !lucose
Corneal 3e)le7 , is associated /ith Nasocilliar% Eranch o) - 9 Ner*e0 Motor
Component is due to 4acial Ner*e $emporal Eranch
Con*ersion o) $%rosine to D2P , re@uires en+%me $%rosine H%dro7%lase
D2P to Dopamine , Dopamine Decarbo7%lase
Dopamine to Norepinephrine , Dopamine Eeta H%dro7%lase
Norepinephrine to Epinephrine , re@uire PNM$ #Phen%lethanolamine ,N-
Meth%l$rans)erase& and Cortisol Increases $ranscription o) this En+%me
Presence o) LeGunal Ulcers , is Hi'hl% Indicati*e o) !astrinoma8 there /ill also
be Diarrhea and bdominal Pain
3espirator% cidosis , /ill be seen in patients /ith Heroin 2*erdose0
Eicarcbonate Le*els /ill be Lo/8 because it /ill ta(e :F hours )or Eicarb
Le*els to Compensate
Sudden Standin' or -alsal*a Maneu*ers , /ill increase Intensit% o) Murmurs in
patients /ith H%pertrophic Cardiom%opath%
I!4-9 o) the Li*er , is responsible )or !ro/th Hormone E))ect in Human
I!4 -9 )rom H%pothalamus , is not 3esponsible )or the !ro/th8 but more )or
CNS cti*it%
(athisia , usuall% present as )eelin' on the Ed'e8 3estlessness8 3estless Le'
Side E))ects o) Protease Inhibitors , are usuall% associated /ith
H%per'l%cemia8 Lipod%stroph% #Eu))alo Hump etc& and Inhibition o) pF><
Main Side E))ect o) Cholest%ramine , are !I Upset8 Increased $ri'l%ceridemia
and Impaired bsorption o) Nutrients and Dru's
End Sta'e 3enal Disease , /ill be associated /ith 2steitis 4ibrosa C%stica8
/ith 3etention o) Phosphorus8 Loss o) Calcium and cti*ation o) :ndar%
Dense Pi'ment containin' Epinephrine Metabolites , is seen in the L%sosomes
o) the Li*er in patients /ith Dubin Lohnson S%ndrome
Silicosis , /ill present /ith E'' Shell Calci)ication o) Lun' Hilar Nodes and
Eire)rin'ent Particles Surrounded b% Colla'en 4ibers
Eerilliosis , ma% present /ith Non Caseatin' !ranulomas
Hamartomas , are the most common Eeni'n Lun' tumors composed o)
Colla'en8 4ibrous and dipose $issue
Small Cell Lun' Carcinoma , is usuall% associated /ith Neuroendocrine
Mar(ers and /ill present in the Center o) the Lun' usuall% in Smo(ers
CE Inhibitors , can cause an Increase in Creatinine and Decrease in
H%drostatic Pressure and Decreased 3enal Per)usion
cute ppendicitis , is usuall% due to 2bstruction o) L%mph 4lo/ o) 4ecalith0
Eacterial In)ection /ill be a patho'enesis o) 2bstructed ppendi70
Positi*e Aussmaul Si'n , /ill be seen in Patients /ith Chronic Constricti*e
Mids%stolic Clic( , is usuall% seen in Patients /ith Mitral -al*e Prolapse
Immunocompromised Patients /ith R:<< CDF Count , /ill ha*e Strep0
Pneumonia as a cause o) their Lun' In)ections
Incidence o) S@uamous Cell Carcinoma , and Esopha'eal denocarcinoma are
no/ E@ual
Smo(in' , is the most Important 3is( 4actor )or Pancreatic Cancer0 Diabetes8
Chronic Pancreatitis and 'e R>< are Stron' 3is( 4actors as /ell
Datin' Error , /here the e7pectance Date /as miscalculated8 mi'ht be the
most Important 3eason )or Increase in lpha 4etoprotein
Di'o7in , /ill decrease - Nodal Conduction8 b% Increasin' Paras%mpathetic
$one o) the Cardiac Muscle
Pancreatic Pseudoc%st , is a most common complication o) cute
Pancreatitis8 and is composed o) !ranulation $issue and 4ibrosis
Lan'erhan Cells , present in Histioc%tosis ha*e a $ennis 3ac@uet Shape
Intrac%toplasmic !ranules and are called Eirbect !ranules
LA6S$$ Si'nalin' Path/a% , is used b% Colon% Stimulatin' 4actors8 !ro/th
Hormones and C%to(ines associated /ith $%rosine Ainase 3eceptors
C%steine , becomes an Essential mino cid in patients /ith Homoc%stinuria8
/here there is a de)ect o) C%stathione S%nthetase and accumulation' o)
therosclerotic Pla@ues /ith more C>P 2cclusion , are a cause o) Stable
n'ina0 Where pla@ues that occlude less than C>P o) the Coronar% -essel /ill
be s%mptomatic0
Ulcerated Pla@ue , /ith partiall% obstructi*e thrombosis is associated /ith
Unstable n'ina or Subendocardial In)arction0
3uptured Pla@ue , is associated /ith $ransmural In)arction /ith a 4ull
2bstructi*e $hrombus
4riedrich"s ta7ia , is associated /ith De'eneration o) Spinocerebellar $racts8
A%phoscoliosis8 4oot bnormalities #Hi'h rch&8 H%pertrophic Cardiom%opath%
and Increased 3is( o) Diabetes Mellitus
Cle)t Lip , is associated /ith Impaired 4usion o) Ma7illar% Prominence and
Medial Nasal Processes
Cle)t Palate , is due to incomplete 4usion o) Palatine Shel*es o) Ma7illar%
Spinal Scoliosis , is usuall% seen in Mar)an"s S%ndrome
Coccioidis Immitis , presents as 4lu Li(e S%mptoms8 Cou'h and Er%thema
Nodosum0 Will Ha*e $hic( Walled Spherules /ith Endospores
Histoplasma Capsulatum , /ill present /ith Pulmonar% S%mptoms similar to
$E8 and has 2*al Seast Within the Macropha'es #)ound in ca*es8 in)ested /ith
Elastom%cis , Lar'e 3ound Seast /ith Eroad Eased Eud8 presents /ith
Pulmonar% Pneumonia
Caspo)un'in , /hich are Echinocandins8 Inhibit S%nthesis o) Pol%saccharide
!lucan and used as nti 4un'al0
Wilson"s Disease , /ill a))ect de'eneration o) Putamen as /ell as Dama'e to
Easal !an'lia0
MP Ainase , si'nal path/a% includes 3S Protein /hich is a ! Protein
Colon denocarcinoma in UC Patients , /ill present in ;<s and /ill be
Uni)orml% Spread out0 Unli(e Sporadic8 that arise in patients in =<s and more
locali+ed to the Le)t Side0
Carcinoid S%ndrome , /hen Locali+ed to Intestine8 it"s products /ill be
Metaboli+ed b% the Li*er and Patients /ill not ha*e S%mptoms0 When it"s
Metastasi+ed to the Li*er8 then Secretor% Products are Not De'raded and
Patients Will E7perience S%mptoms0
Carcinoid $umors , arise )rom Chroma))in Cells o) the Intestine8 ha*e
Eosinophilic C%toplasm and 2*al Shaped Nuclei
F Sta'es o) Lobar Pneumonia B 9& Con'estion #)irst :F hours& , -ascular
Dilatation8 l*eolar E7udate Contains Mostl% Eacteria :& 3ed Hepati+ation #:-;
Da%s& l*eolar E7udate , Er%throc%tes8 Neutrophils and 4ibrin ;& !re%
Hepati+ation #F-= Da%s& No 3ECs8 mostl% Neutrophils and 4ibrin
Pol%arteritis Nodosa , /ill present /ith 4ibrinoid Necrosis /ith $ransmural
In)lammation o) rterioles8 )e*er8 malaise8 melena0 ssociated /ith Hep0 E
lpha 9 ntitr%psin De))icienc% , presents /ith red-pin( PS !ranules o)
Unsecreted 9$ in Periportal Hepatoc%tes
Hepatic bscess , /ill present /ith 4luid 4illed Ca*it% in the Li*er8 usuall% due
to Staph ureus8 due to Hemato'enous Spread0 Where Entamoeba H%stol%tica
/ill ha*e erobic and Non erobic Eacteria containin' bscess
Hemosiderin Laden Macropha'es , are usuall% due to Ele*ated Pulmonar%
Pressure8 secondar% to Le)t Sided Heart 4ailure
Paraneoplastic Cerebellar De'eneration , is an utoimmune Process and
presents /ith Limb and $runcal ta7ia8 D%sarthria0 2ccurs in patients /ith
2*arian8 Small Cell Carcinoma o) the Lun'8 Ereast and Uterine Cancers0
Space Constant , ho/ )ar alon' an a7on si'nal /ill tra*el is Decreased in
patients /ith Multiple Sclerosis
Class S/itchin' )or I'E , is due to IL-F and IL-9; produced b% $H: cells0
IL-> , is responsible )or Eosinophilia and Class S/itchin' and S%nthesis o) I'
Central 3etinal rter% 2cclusion , presents /ith Painless8 Permanent
Monocular Elindness and /ill ha*e Cherr% Macula
Patients /ith Essential 4ructosuria , Metabolism o) 4ructose b% He7o(inase to
4ructose = Phosphate is primar% methode o) Metaboli+in' Dietar% 4ructose
Carbamo%l Phosphate S%nthase and N-cet%l'lutamate S%nthetase , ha*e
increased le*els o) mmonia and Neurolo'ical De)ects0
M%coplasma Pneumonia , /ill re@uire Cholesterol to 'ro/ on rti)icial Media8
due to Sin'le La%er o) Cholesterol Phospholipid Eila%er0 $he% Completel% Lac(
Peptido'l%can Cell Wall8 En*elope or Capsule0 Usuall% seen amon' Militar%
2ptic Ner*e Dama'e , /ill cause neither pupil to react to Li'ht8 but /hen Li'ht
is shined into an opposite e%e8 both e%es /ill Constrict due to Intact Motor
2cclusion o) 3i'ht Coronar% rter% , /ill result in $ransmural Ischemia o) Le)t
-entricle8 producin' S$ Ele*ation in Leads II8 III and a*4
2cclusion o) LD , /ill result in nteroseptal $ransmural Ischemia /ith S$
Ele*ation in -9--F
2cclusion o) Le)t Circum)le7 , /ill result in $ransmural Ischemia o) Lateral
Wall o) Le)t -entricle and S$ Ele*ation in -> and -=
Combination o) Statins and 4ibrates , increases the 3is( o) M%opath% and
Combination o) 4ibrates and Eile cid 3esins , /ill result in Increased 3is( o)
Cholesterol Stones8 due to Increased Cholesterol in Eile
Neuron Speci)ic Enolase8 Chromo'ranin , alon' /ith S%napthoph%sin are
Neuroendocrine Mar(ers in Patients /ith Small Cell Carcinoma8 /hich is
located Centrall% in Smo(ers0
Meniere"s Disease , characteri+ed b% $riad o) $innitus8 -erti'o and
Sensorineural Hearin' Loss0 Due to Increased Pressure and -olume o)
Endol%mph in -estibular pparatus
? ; chain o) $%pe I- Colla'en , is tar'eted b% anti-'lomerular basement
membrane antibodies in !oodpasture"s S%ndrome
Dru' Induced Nephritis , due to NSIDS /ill predominantl% a))ect Interstitium8
lea*in' !lomeruli Intact0
Eeta Endorphin and C$H , are deri*ed )rom the same 2ri'in0 Eeta Endorphin
has Increased ))init% to Delta and Mu 3eceptors0
Pulsion Di*erticulitis , is usuall% seen in 2lder Patients due to Increased
Pressure8 and /ill a))ect primaril% Si'moid Colon0
Li 4raumeni S%ndrome , utosomal Dominant S%ndrome8 due to Mutation o)
p>; !ene and /ill cause Ereast8 Erain and drenal Corte7 Sarcomas and
$umors mainl%0
Niacin , potentiates the e))ects o) nti H%pertensi*e Medications and Decrease
the E))ect o) Diabetic Medications0
Eplerenone and Spironolactone , are ldosterone nta'onists are a usual
$herap% )or Conn"s S%ndrome
Portal -ein $hrombosis , /ill present /ith Normal Li*er8 because the De)ect is
Distal to the Li*er8 /ill cause Portal H%pertension /ithout a))ectin' the Li*er0
Pic("s Disease , is pronounced /ith 4rontal Lobe troph%8 and patients
present /ith Dementia8 Mood Disturbance and Speech Di))iculties
Estro'en and Pro'esterone in Pre'nanc% , Estro'en /ill cause Increased
Cholesterol S%nthesis b% Upre'ulatin' HM! Co 3eductase and Pro'esterone
/ill reduce Eile cid Secretion and Slo/ !allbladder Empt%in'
Mudd% Ero/n !ranular Casts , are seen in Ischemic $ubular Necrosis in
hospitali+ed patients0
Papillar% Necrosis , occurs in patients /ith Sic(le Cell8 Diabetes Mellitus8
nal'esic Nephropath% and 2bstructi*e P%elonphritis0
H%persensiti*it% to Intradermal InGections o) $obacco , are seen in Euer'er"s
Disease8 /hich is $hromboan'itis 2bliterans amon' Hea*% Smo(ers0
2penin' Snap , is an abrupt 2penin' o) Stenosed Mitral -al*e0
-illous denomas , are more li(el% to under'o Mali'nant $rans)ormation8
unli(e $ubular denomas
mi)ostine , thiol based c%toprotecti*e )ree radical sca*en'er used in patient
on Cisplatin8 to pre*ent nephroto7icit%0
**Credits to Duncan

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