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Morlah LuLz-1velLe
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?oung versace ls a brand new llne from lLallan luxury
company, versace, offerlng cloLhlng for chlldren ages 0-12.
1he llne wlll compeLe wlLh oLher chlldren's luxury llnes such as
SLella McCarLney klds, LlLLle Marc !acobs, and Lanvln eLlLe.
1he llne recenLly released lLs flrsL ad campalgn feaLurlng Clndy
Crawford's Len year old daughLer creaLlng buzz for Lhe brand.

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versace ls a prlvaLely owned lLallan fashlon house founded ln
1978 by Clannl versace.
AfLer Clannl's deaLh, hls slsLer, uonaLella, Look over Lhe brand.
versace currenLly offers ready Lo wear lLems for boLh men and
women ln addlLlon Lo a couLure collecLlon (ALeller), a home
collecLlon, fragrances, and accessorles.
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?oung versace offers fashlon lLems for lnfanLs Lhrough 12 year
CloLhlng ls more whlmslcal Lhan sLandard versace fare.

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1he markeLlng ob[ecLlves for ?oung versace should be:
1o promoLe awareness for Lhe new producL llne.
Pelp seL aparL Lhe producL llne from compeLlLors ln Lhe mlnd of
Lhe consumer.
SLay Lrue Lo Lhe versace aesLheLlc.
SupporL conLlnued success of Lhe versace brand as an lLallan
luxury company.

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1he markeL for luxury kld's cloLhlng ls aL an all Llme hlgh.
CompeLlLors lnclude:
Lanvln eLlLe
op up sLore ln uecember 2011.
Slmllar sLage of developmenL Lo ?oung versace
8oger vlvler !eune lllle
kld's shoes comlng ln March 2012.
noL blg compeLlLor because wlll offer no cloLhlng.
SLella McCarLney klds
Launched ln november 2010.
Successful and respecLed llne.
LlLLle Marc !acobs
lor newborn-age 12.
Also a successful llne as parL of Lhe Marc !acobs emplre.



Lanvln eLlLe

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?oung versace wlll poslLlon lLself amongsL lLs prevlously
menLloned compeLlLors as a chlld's luxury brand.
1hls does noL mean lL wlll be as expenslve as versace's adulL
llnes, however, ?oung versace wlll be slgnlflcanLly more
luxurlous Lhan sLandard kld's cloLhlng.
1he LargeL wlll be parenLs of chlldren ages 0-12 who care
hlghly abouL fashlon and wanL Lhe very besL for Lhelr chlldren.
Chlldren of celebrlLles llke Surl Crulse and Lhe 8eckham
chlldren wlll be prlme LargeLs for ?oung versace.

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?oung versace: A llLLle glamour for your llLLle one.

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1he prlces of Lhe flrsL ?oung versace collecLlon range from
21.00 for a boy's Lle Lo 337.00 for a cashmere shawl.
MosL of Lhe lLems range beLween 30.00 and 100.00 and
lnclude L-shlrLs, bodysulLs, and sklrLs.
1hls prlclng sLraLegy places ?oung versace on Lhe same level as
SLella McCarLney klds and oLher luxury klds cloLhlng
1hls sLraLegy poslLlons ?oung versace above wldely dlsLrlbuLed
kld's brands lncludlng 8alph Lauren klds whlch prlces mosL
lLem under $30.
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CurrenLly noL offered on Lhe versace e-commerce slLe.
?oung versace opened lLs flrsL reLall bouLlque ln Mllan ln
uecember 2011.
CurrenLly dlsLrlbuLlng Lhe Sprlng/Summer 2012 CollecLlon
Lhrough speclalLy chlldren's bouLlques such as ulffuslon klds
(Lngland) and Lavlsh klds (new !ersey).
?oung versace has yeL Lo Lake advanLage of dlsLrlbuLlon ln
luxury deparLmenL sLores llke 8ergdorf Coodman.

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?oung versace's mosL noLable markeLlng sLraLegy has been
releaslng lLs flrsL ad feaLurlng Clndy Crawford's Len year old
1hls ad has caused qulLe Lhe buzz ln boLh Lhe fashlon
communlLy and lnLerneL blogosphere.
Some flnd Lhe ad Lo be Loo provocaLlve or old, however,
versace has long been famous for creaLlng overLly glamorous
and sexy ads.
Cpenlng of Lhe Mllan bouLlque has also helped markeL Lhe
new llne.

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1he medla plan for ?oung versace has noL seemed Lo Lruly
Lake shape yeL.
Powever, versace has heavlly promoLed lLs new llne Lhrough
lLs 1wlLLer accounL and lLs very versace page.
1he plan also seems Lo favor creaLlng buzz on Lhe lnLerneL
raLher Lhan spendlng a greaL deal Lo purchase prlnL or oLher
klnds of adverLlsemenLs.

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?oung versace has yeL Lo see real resulLs slnce Lhey [usL
launched Lhelr flrsL collecLlon.
1he success of Lhe llne wlll depend on Lhe followlng:
AblllLy Lo creaLe brand awareness.
CreaLlng parLnershlps wlLh deslrable dlsLrlbuLors such as 8ergdorf
Coodman, 8arneys, and nelman Marcus.
CreaLlng producLs LhaL balance pracLlcallLy wlLh fanLasy slnce
chlldren's cloLhlng should have boLh elemenLs.

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CurrenLly, ?oung versace ls a very young brand LhaL ls [usL
beglnnlng Lo sell lLs merchandlse Lhrough selecL bouLlques.
l would recommend LhaL Lhe brand seek Lo expand
dlsLrlbuLlon Lo luxury deparLmenL sLores.
l also would recommend Lhe brand conLlnue Lo creaLe sllghLly
conLroverslal adverLlsemenLs Lo creaLe buzz. Whlle some may
be offended, Lhe LargeL cusLomer wlll be lnLrlgued by Lhe
unlqueness of Lhe brand and Lhe glamour lL has Lo offer Lhelr
l would recommend ?oung versace Lo keep lLs currenL prlclng
sLraLegy as lL places Lhe llne ln good company wlLh oLher
luxury chlldren's llnes.

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