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How about "operational definition"?

Please remember... It consists of "what to do?" and "what is observed?" and sometimes "the

Example 1: State the operational definition for the hardness of alloy.
What to do: 1 kg weight is dropped on steel ball bearing attached to alloy block
What is observe: the diameter of dent formed is small
Direction: the alloy is harder

Suggested answer:
When 1 kg weight is dropped on steel ball bearing attached to bronze block, the diameter of dent
formed is small shows that the bronze is harder.

Example 2: State the operational definition for the rusting of iron.
What to do: iron nail is coiled with copper strip placed in hot jelly containing phenolphthalein and
potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)
What is observe: dark blue spots are formed
Direction: the iron rust

Suggested answer:
When iron nail coiled with copper strip is placed in hot jelly containing phenolphthalein and
potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) solution, dark blue spots are formed shows that the iron rust.

Example 3: State the operational definition for the end point of titration between acid and alkali.
What to do: acid is added slowly into alkali solution mixed with indicator
What is observe: the colour of indicator changed
Direction: the mixture has neutralised

Suggested answer:
When hydrochloric acid is added slowly into sodium hydroxide solution mixed with
phenolphthalein, the pink solution turns colourless shows that the mixture has neutralised

Example 4: State the operational definition for the reactivity of alkali metal when react with water.
What to do: alkali metal is placed on the surface of water
What is observe: the metal move very rapidly and randomly
Direction: the metal is more reactive

Suggested answer:
When sodium is placed on the surface of water, sodium moves very rapidly and randomly shows
that sodium is more reactive metal.

Example 5: State the operational definition for the rate of reaction ( factor temperature-reaction
of sodium thiosilphate and sulphuruc acid)
What to do: heat sodium thiosulphate to the temperature of 50 C and add sulphuric acid
What is observe: the time taken for the "X" mark to disappear is short
Direction: the rate of reaction is high

Suggested answer:
When sodium thiosulphate solution is heated to the temperature of 50 C and sulphuric acid
solution is then added, the time taken for the "X" mark to disappear is short shows that the rate
of reaction is high.

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