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2014/4/25 -NO.

FSA controls
Sokaryya and
Brigade 61
Opposition targets Jairoud `s gas pipeline
Labwani: government pursued gradual nibbling policy
Syrian opposition
boycotts presidential
Gas pipeline
blasted in
Change Front
refuses presiden-
tial elections
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (458) 2014/4/25
Islamic front and Jabhet
Al-Nusra announced in a
joint statement their re-
sponsibility about targeting
the main gas line in Jairoud
area in Damascus country-
side which feeds the power
plants in the southern re-
gion. The statement said
Gen. Abdul Ilah al-Bashir,
FSA Chief of Staff an-
nounced controlling of So-
karyya town, Brigade 61
and large parts of Jabiya
hill in Daraa countryside.
Violent clashes took place
between armed opposition
and the Syrian army in Da-
raa Al-Mahata, and near the
yard of Bosra.
Opposition targets Jairoud `s gas pipeline
FSA controls Sokaryya and Brigade 61
Gas pipeline blasted in Palmyra
Battles intensify in ob-
servatory 45
Heavy fghting took place
between the Syrian army
and opposition militants
in the vicinity of Observa-
tory 45 and Samra village
in Latakia countryside, a
number of the Syrian Re-
sistance for the Liberation
of Liwa Iskenderun fght-
ers ware arrested during the
battles in the summit of Al-
chalma mount in Turkmen
Mount.The Syrian army
advanced in the vicinity
of Slderan mount to detect
supply roads of militants in
Kassab and Samra.
the line will not be opened
until the Syrian army al-
lows food supplies and
fuel oil into the south of
Damascus and Eastern Gh-
outa, secure safe corridors
for civilians, threatening to
explode the gas pipeline if
SAA comes near.
Opposition sources said
it blew up gas pipeline in
al-Doeh area in Palmyra,
Homs countryside.In Bab
Hood, Alaqrabas, Hamidi-
ya and Al-Hula, clashes
reupted between the Syrian
army and opposition fght-
ers. The Syrian Arab army
arrived at the Church of
St. Michael at the entrance
of Alhamidiah neighbor-
hood, and controlled the
residential blocks in the
neighborhood of Wadi Al-
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (458) 2014/4/25
Syrian opposition boycotts
presidential elections
Specialized departments for
Labwani: government pursued gradual nib-
bling policy
Change Front refuses presidential elections
Opposition National Coun-
cil member, Bassam Isaq,
said that the Syrian opposi-
tion will not participate in
the presidential elections,
adding: the opposition has
to challenge the President
Bashar al- Assads by nomi-
nating and voting to highlight
the fraud carried out by the
Syrian government.For his
part, Mansour Atassi, a Syr-
ian opponent, said that all op-
position parties are rejecting
the elections.
The political body in the Syr-
ian opposition coalition has
decided to form specialized
departments similar to Direc-
torates of the Ministry of For-
eign Affairs, asking directors
to prepare a work plan to be
displayed in the meeting of
the body and will also inform
the ambassadors of the coali-
tion about this decision.
Kamal Labwani, member
of the Syrian opposition co-
alition, said to MENA that
the Syrian army is trying to
achieve settlements with mil-
itary besieged towns in order
to avoid entering into battles,
explaining that the agreement
to hold a truce in Zabadani
was denounced from the side
of the Syrian army, saying
that the Syrian government
has pursued a policy of grad-
ual nibbling across the recon-
ciliations.Labwani, pointed
out that although some fght-
ers have turned themselves
in, but that does not mean
achieving stability, because
opposition secret cells will
continue its operations.
Syrian Change and liberation
Front announced refusal to
participate in the presidential
elections, saying it will not be
comprehensive and pluralis-
tic because of the current cir-
cumstances, We will not be
part of this process, we will
neither vote nor participate.
The Front explained that
the presidential elections, in
light of the Syrian crisis, is
part of the political process,
which is supposed to be part
of political solution, howev-
er; it can be constitutionally
suspended, but within the
current circumstances, these
elections will not be inclu-
sive of votes.

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