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Celtic Legends

1991 Ubi Soft

The lay of Celtika -----------------My name is Niphredil Celebrimbor and I am sclade since I was very young. I have followed strict teaching of the royal scribes and sung praises of numerous heroes such as Arthur, Lancelot, Robin and Roland. But now noble lords and gentle ladies, I have an entirely different song to sing you. Tonight, the mead that you have generously provided throughout the course of the evening opens wide doors of my memory. The crash of the snields and the cries of battle haunt my spirit once again. Yes, tonight, as sure as the North wind blows and the wolves howl I shall tell you a tale long forgotten by men. The story takes place in a kingdom blessed by the gods. Only peace and harmony existed, and fairies and sprides lived side by side with merchants and peasants. This was a world where the unicorn took his place beside the dragon, A world where magic was a natural force such as the wind or the rain. This magic surrounds us tonight. World whose name lights up the eyes and inflames the spirit of eldery. This world is `Celtika`. Each person carries a part of `Celtika` inside him, a source of our myths. So, search deeper inside you, search to the edge of your dreams, and remember the time when the world was younger, stronger... remember noble lords. `Celtika` was a prosperous realm which lived in peace for generations. This peace had reigned since the `war of the summits` a battle lost by the mountain Goblins to the birdmen. The people of the realm lived in perfect harmony. From time to time, a few monsters came to disturb the peace and provided by the opportunity to sing of the heroes exploits. Celtika was goverened by a council formed of one representive from each race, and the decisions of the council were respected by all because the rulings were good and just. The Earth is still young and the trees are filled with fruit. The rivers are full of fishes and the forests resounded with the cries of young hunters. With this prosperity and mixture of cultures, consciouness reached previously unknown perception. Each race has its own way of seeing things, and the wise men combined their visions. Under this system magic became an exact science. Schools were founded and among these schools the most prestigious one is located in the capital `Avallon`. The master of this school is the greatest magician in the country, rather, he was the greatest magician for he recently died. Since his death, a dark peril shadows `Celtika`. The great master instructed two equally skilled students, `Eskell` the blue and `Sogrom` the scarlet. Both pupils were with same thirst for knowledge, but they have opposite philosophy. Only Sogrom schemes to dominate his fellow men and become the equal of the gods. As Long as the master was alive, he could control his two students. Unfortunately, confrontation is now inevitable. Sogrom proclaimed himself Demog (supreme magician) the council appointed Eskel grand commander of the armies of `Celtika` and ordered him to eliminate the usurper. The Demog allied himself with the forces of evil and decided to reign by any means possible. Battles have been going on throughout the kingdom for years, but victory will be decided in the islands of Rochebrume. These islands are important sources of magic and whosoever controls them will have access to immeasureable powers. Demog has taken the initiative and Eskel is getting ready. Once there, each magician will be able to teleport his troops and if he has the necessary power to construct the fortesses that he will need. The evening of his departure, Eskel, is alone with the seven soldiers of his guard. In his sack, he has several vital volumes that he had found in hid

departed masters library. A manual of war strategms by `Gugel`, the warrior King. A Book of spells and Atlas of Rochebrum islands. On the Stone slabs of his laboratory, he traces a circle with powder of his own Creation and then steps into the circle surrounded by his guards. This room is so familiar to him that he seems to see it for the first time. After casting one look around, Then he says the magic formula and disappears in a cloud of smoke with his guards. The passers-by hear a dry explosion. The noise of the air closes over the vacuum created by the teleported bodies. In the middle of the plain, on a little island in the Rochebrum archipelago. Eskel and his group re-appear. The ultimate confrontation begins. Noble Lords, listen to the standards which clash in the wind, see the limmer of swords in the Sun, breath the acrid odour of fear which forms heroes. In the distance,
we can hear the roll of the Goblins drums and the long sad cry of the oraques bagpipes. The Demog is here and will soon pay for infamous conduct. He will be Doomed or Celtika will be his. Eskel rapidly chases the black through away. While one of his men points to the approaching troops. Is it Goblins or savages? No matter! You must fight for that which is dearest you... the kingdom of `Celtika` forever the lands of Celtic Legends.... ====================================-------================================== Loading and saving -----------------Saving a game ------------For saving a game you will need a formatted blank disk and to follow these instructions... * Come back to the main menu (by clicking on the scroll/parchment icon on the strategic screen). * Once the main menu is on, remove disk 2 from the drive. Insert your blank formatted disk then click on `save`. * When the save has finished and the drive light is off, remove the saved game disk and insert game disk 2 again. You can then go back to the game by clicking on start. Loading a saved game -------------------* Goto to main menu. * Remove disk 2 from the drive. * Insert your saved game disk into drive, click on load. * When the load has finished and the drive light is off, remove the saved game disk and insert game disk 2 again. You can then go back to the game by clicking on start to begin game from you saved it. Caution: You can only save one game situation on single disk. -----------------------------====================--------------------------The icons --------Use the icons to obtain info or to command your legions be careful by clicking the left button you select an icon and you cancel an order with your right. [Scroll-parchment icon] parameters ---------------------------------This icon accesses the main menu, with it you can change options (number of players for example), save or load a section of the game. [Magnifying glass icon] passage to tactical screen -------------------------------------------------This moves you to the tactical screen, even if there`s no enemy on your hexagon. Using this icon you can create new units in `castles` or `cromlech` hexagons and organize your defence in all hexagons. You can then place your troops on the spaces of your choice. They will stay in these positions until they are attacked. [Castle icon with 2000 underneath it] ------------------------------------You can only use this icon if you possess at least 2000 points of magic. In fact, this is the price of constructing a fortress. Click on the hexagon where you want to build and then click on this icon. You will see a fortress appear. You can only build catles on plains.

[? icon] information -------------------By clicking first on a legion and then on this icon, you can review the units which compose this legion. These units will appear in the upper section of the main window. Characteristics displayed by pointing the cursor on each one. The two columns of figures show the current value and maximum value for each characteristic. [Boot icon] movement -------------------With this icon you can move a troop by indicating the path to follow. Click on the appropriate legion and then choose the movement icon [bboot]. Next click on the hexagon to which you wish to move the legion. Note: Each space costs 1-2 movement poits (these costs are doubled for legions with a slow creature) each legion has 6 points of movement. Once the boot cursor has appeared, you can choose the target hexagon or click on the legion to regonise it. [4 soldiers 2 top splitting from 2 bottom icon] seperation ---------------------------------------------------------This icon is used to split a legion into 2 parts. Select the legion then click on the seperation icon. The hexagons where you can send each part of the Legion will flash. Select your hexagon. The screen will show 2 rows of squares the top Line is the part of the legion which will stay, the bottom Line is the part which you are going to move. At first the bottom Line is empty. Click on a unit then on one of the squares in the bottom row. If you transfer all units to the bottom row, you are just re-organising your legion (it still moves). Tactical screen: [Raised hand icon] characteristics ---------------------------------On each side of the tactical screen, a column of 6 icons with corresponding numbers is displayed. These are characteristics of the chosen unit. Dexterity. This characteristic represents the chance a unit has of hitting a target or casting a spell successfully. The units dexterity increases with the experience aquired. [Muscled arm icon] -force-------------------------When a unit hits a target, it inflicts damage depending on the amount of force available. Again, the amount of force increases with the experience aquired. [Wellington boot icon]-actions------------------------------Each unit have one or two actions each combat turn. An `action` may mean moving one hexagon or casting a spell teleportation, incantation or transformation. [Face icon]-experience----------------------This icon displays the number of victioms killed in combat. Each enemy killed adds one experience point. Increasing experience automatically increases your dexterity, force or magic level. An enemy dying from illness does not give you an experience point neither does killing an ally. [8 pointed star icon] -magic level----------------------------------To be able to cast spells, you must have at least a magic level of 1. Each level has a corresponding spell. There are 15 levels. It is possible to increase these magic levels by gaining experience or penetrating a pentacle hexagon. Certain spells cause a temporarily loss of part or all magical levels, in this case you cannot use the corresponding spells. [Heart icon] -life points-------------------------Life points measure each creatures vitality. At zero [0] the creature dies, each

creature recuperates from his wounds more or less quickly between combats. Units can also regain life points from spells. The orange bar above the unit represents also life points. [Arrow pointing down] -leave the tactical screen------------------------------------------------You can only return to the strategical screen if there are no enemies on the tactical screen. Once you have completed all the actions desired on the tactical screen, click on this icon to return to the global map. Computer control ---------------By clicking on this icon you give control of your troops to the computer for the duration of the combat. This will manage your troops until your enemy is destroyed. You can then take over. By pressing `ESC` the computer gives back the control to you at the end of the next turn. [Sand glass icon] -fast/slow game---------------------------------The default choice is slow. In this type of game the animations of the characters are numerous but the combats last longer. You can switch from slow game to fast game by clicking on this icon. [O.K icon] -pass a turn-----------------------When you have completed a turn, you must pass your turn by clicking on this icon. The turn is passed automatically when all the possible actions have been done. Note that when you are alone on the tactical screen, you shouldn`t pass your turn: You can execute as many actions as you wish. -----------------------------====================--------------------------Function Keys ------------A certain number of keys can be used to alter the game parameters only if you are in tactical mode. P..........Pause/press p again to continue. Space......Selects automatically the last spell you have casted. You must have the cursor on a magician who can cast this spell and click twice while holding down the space bar. CTRL+DEL...These 2 keys, used only in tactical mode, let you quit a desperate combat by destroying your legion completely. This makes you save time when the issue of the combat is anyway fatal. F1.........This key has the same function as the sandglass. It switches from slow game to fast game. F2.........This key lets you use automatically all units around the pentacle, it cannot be used in combat. It is useful, combined with the space bar, to create legions of the same type quickly. For this, proceed as following: by keeping the space bar and the F2 key pressed simultaneously and by clicking twice on the magician who can chant, you will create a creature similar to the one created before. By keeping the F2 key pressed you actually free the pentacle. If you haven`t got enough points of magic to repeat the process, you will have to choose a new race. F3.........By pressing this key you activate the flash mode of the character. The unit under your mouse cursor will flash if it still has action points to spend. F4.........This mode lets you choose the clikcing mode on the tactical screen you have the choice between 2 modes. Clicking on the unit, or moving the cursor on the hexagon. F5.........This key lets you cut out the animations during tactical battles which makes the game faster. F7.........This key lets you cut out the background music of the tactical screens while keeping the sound effects. ---------------------------===========================----------------------

Magic places -----------In the world of Celtic Legends, magic exists as a natural force. The origin of this force is in the center of the planet. Those who know how to use magic access terrifying or marvellous powers. The magic screams forth from sources
in very precise places. There are natural sources called Cromlechs which have been worshipped by savages for generations. There are also artificial sources created by man inside of fotified castles. Finally, there is also a certain quantity of magic in the atsmosphere which is used by all Magicians. The Magicians act as a sort of magic battery and accumalate energy. They store it in the form of spells to use when needed. They can also take advantage of their colleagues magic if necessary. It is very important to control castles as it lets you gain magic energy. Measured in points of magic, quicker and you can cast more and stronger spells. What is more, a Magicians power increases by two levels of magic when he is near the purer energy from a natural cource (Cromlechs). Cromlechs --------The Cromlechs are the places which are richest in magic. There are natural sources are considered taboo by the savages, who worship the magic without knowing it, and have maintained the pentacle sancturies for generations. This prolonged contact with the magic force has gradually transformed them: they have lost their human appearence and have become Kobolds or fearsome Minos. Magic should not be used against savages. They will attack Magicians and their allies ferociously. One final important detail: the Cromlechs are the savages entry doors to the islands. If you occupy them, you can avoid the inrusion of new savage legions. Don`t forget that occupying the Cromlechs increases your magic level by 2 additional levels, and gives 150 points of magic per turn. Castles ------The castles have 2 primary functions. They are defensive buildings as well as Additional sources of magic. As a place of defense, the castle presents several advantages. * The castles owner can call upon new troops during combat. . * The castle and its immediate surroundings are protected against magic coming from the outside (the attacker cannot use magic: he must take the castle using hand-to-hand combat). * The troops inside the castle have the advantage of the first shot when they are attacked by exterior troops. The castles second interest: it supplies 50 magic points to the owner per trun but remember that building a castle costs 2000 points and can only be constructed on a plain. -----------------------------=========================---------------------Textbook of magic ----------------Spells -----To open the box of spell icons, you can click twice on a magician (having at least one level and points of magic) or click once on the magician (your cursor will change to a boot) move the cursor towards the top of the screen and you will see the spell icons appear. To choose a spell, click on the corresponding icon. You can cancel a selection by pressing the right mousebutton. [Fireball icon] - Level 1/fireball/cost 5 spell is the mainstay of the magician. It`s the first really powerful spell confided to the magic students when they leave schools. It is possible to shape a parcel of magic energy into a fireball; the size of a grapefruit, which the magician directs. It is not very costly (5 magic points) and can kill a weakened adversary. Its only inconvenience is that it is stopped by

any obstacle in its part. On top of this, this spell doesn`t always work, success depends on the throwers skill. [Muscled arm icon] - Level 2/weakness/cost 5 mp/direct-----------------------------------------------------As its name indicates, this spell weakens the victim, diminishing the damage that he inflicts during combat. Its usefulness is equivalent to the clumsiness spell. Applied in massive dose, this spell can cause the death of creatures that are already naturally weak. [Raised hand icon] - Level 3/clumsiness/cost 5 mp/direct-------------------------------------------------------This spell is especially used by the miscevious Magicians who want to laugh at the expense of the tray bearing inn-keepers, but it can/has a certain usefulness in combat. In fact, any creature that falls victim to this enchantment is seized by the irrepressible trembling and his dexterity diminshes. His skill in combat is therefore greatly reduced, which can have fatal consequences. An un obstructed from the magician to the target is needed [Brocken mask icon] - Level 4/inexperience/cost 50 mp/direct ----------------------------------------------------------This spell gives amnesia to the target; the creature forgets all that it learned during the proceeding battles. The victim loses a part of the benefits that he could draw upon from his experience (gains in strength,dexterity and magic level). This loss is permanent. This spell is particulary effective against Magicians and experienced warriors. [6 pointed star icon] - Level 5/forgetfulness/cost 500 mp/direct --------------------------------------------------------------This spell is more specialised and more powerful than the proceding spell, the victim totally forgets his magical knowledge and becomes incapable of using magic during combat. If the one who casts this spell fails, the victim loses a magic level anyway. [Poison bottle icon] -l Level 6/viciousness/cost 40 mp/in-direct -------------------------------------------------------------This spell is a true horror; the victim suffers from violent (but not contagious) illness that is only cured by a cure spell. The victim loses 5 life points every turn. This illness only works on a tactical screen. [2 men with skull below them icon] - Level 7/contagiouness/cost 50 mp/indirect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------This spell is the contagiounes counterpart of the viciousness spell. If it does not directly cause death, it is very contagious and tansmissable by simple contact. Any friend or enemy passing by the sick creature is susceptible to contracting the virus. The opposite of viciousness, this spell is only active outside of tactical combats and stops when the victim has 1 life point left, making him easy prey. It is a spell that must be handled with caution since it can be reflected onto the spell caster. Here again, a cure spell cures the infected creature. [Man surrounded by dots icon] - Level 8/invisibility/cost 60 mp/personal ----------------------------------------------------------------------This spell is very effective for subtracting some time from the enemy attacks. In fact, the aiming creature disappears and can no longer be attacked. However, the inconvenience is that it can no longer act on the outside. This spell lasts 9 turns then the creature re-appears in the same place only if its legion has not made a strategic move in between and the hexagon is not occupied by an ally. A sick, transformed or paralysed creature cannot be made invisible. [+ icon] - Level 9/cure/cost 70 mp/inderict -----------------------------------------This spell is very useful to give back strength to the wounded or ill units, if one casts it on a creature in perfect health its life points increase to above normal for the duration of combat. A creature cannot treat itself. The spell cures viruses, contagions and poisons [2 hearts /1 inverse I clear] - Level 10/vampirsation/cost 70 mp/indirect ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Very powerful against a warm blooded adversary, the one who casts this spell can drain the victims vital energy for his own profit. The life points of the creature are lowered to 1 while those of the one who cast the spell increase. Note: if you cast this spell on a cold blooded creature or a bloodless creature, it will have an inverse effect. A creature cannot use this spell when it reaches 99 life points. [Link chain icon] - Level 11/paralysis/cost 100 mp/direct -------------------------------------------------------This high level spell paralyses completely the victim which cannot fight, cast spell or move anymore. The victim becomes then an obstacle to the progression of its allies and is an easy target for its enemies. All it can do is pray. [Magnifying glass with skull icon] - Level 12/detection/cost 50 mp/indirect -----------------------------------------------------------------------This spell lets you know who in the legion has a contagious disease. When the spell this is casted, the sick creatures are indicated with small skulls which rise on top of them. You can then choose to cure them or send them to the enemy. [1 bolt of lightning icon] - Level 13/divine ire/cost 150 mp/indirect -----------------------------------------------------------------Very useful for getting rid of a group of enemies quickly, this spell is quite costly and less interestingagain one alone opponent. It hits all the enemies
On the tactical map, each of them losing 15 life points. [2 bolts of lightning icon] - Level 14/lightning/cost 100 mp/ indirect --------------------------------------------------------------------This spell strikes a creature with a lightning bolt, inflicting considerable damage upon it. Only the most powerful monsters can hope to survive a lightning bolt. The 2nd one is always fatal. [Sun like icon] - Level 15/fatal fire/cost 400 mp/ indirect ---------------------------------------------------------This is the ultimate spell; it instantaneously kills an adversary on the spot. It is also an extremly costly spell that should be reserved for the most dangerous enemies. -----------------------------=========================---------------------The Rituals ----------[Grid type icon with cursor] -level 3/teleportation/cost 20 mp -------------------------------------------------------------Only useable on the tactical screen, teleportation lets you instantaneously pass from one location to another on the screen. It is very useful spell for escaping if you are surrounded or attacking enemy hand-to-hand if he is far away. There are 2 type of teleportation; at a Low level of magic, teleportation applies only to the one who casts spells; at a high level, you can also teleport allies. After clicking on the teleportation icon, designate the creature to teleport before designating the location which you will teleport. [Robed figure-arms outstretched icon] -lvl 6/incantation/cost -variable-----------------------------------------------------------------------The incantation is a very casual magical ritual which lets you call friendly creatures to your aid. The More powerful the creature is, the greater the magic cost will be. To perform the incantation, you must be on the tactical screen in a space adjacent to a pentacle (a pentacle is a space containing a circled star). Click on the magician, then on the depending on incantation icon. The Magicians level and the number of magic points that you have; then choose the creature that appears on the pentacle. Note: only 8 creatures can be present on the tactical screen at one time. Be careful; attempting to peform incantation 9 unleashed the anger of the gods. [1 large figure-1 small figure icon] lvl 6/transformation/cost variable ----------------------------------------------------------------------Transormation is very useful for surprising an adversary. For example, it can transorm a simple soldier into a cyclop. The transformed creature assumes the characteristics of new form this transformation only lasts for 1 combat. When you return to the strategic screen, the creature changes back to its original form. You dont keep the experience gained under your new form. A transformed character can be re-transformed. -----------------------------=========================----------------------

The people of Celtika --------------------The Savages The Kobolds ----------The Kobolds constitute the majority of the local population. Humans by origin, The Kobolds mutated because of the contact with magic. Over generations, they have become half-hman,half animal. Worshipping magic like a God, they built sanctuaries called `Cromlechs` and believe that one cannot use magic without being stained. For them, the Magicians and Sorcerers which pretend to master the powers of their godess, are evil incarnate. They ruthlessly attack any creature associated with Magicians. The Wolfens ----------Originally imported wolves with human Kobold ancestors. Wolfen have also mutated. Thus adopted upright posture and developed a rudimentary form of intelligence.on the other hand, they have preserved their strength,endurance and primary hunting instinct. They are loyal to their Kobols Masters. They form local shock troops, possess the best weapons, and can be dangerous, even when isolated. The Snakes ---------These enormous reptiles are native inhabitants of this area. They are also found in the lost islands, which is not necessaryily a bad thing since they are actually killing machines. An adult is 12-15 feet long and armed with venomous spikes the size of a dagger. The Minos --------Mutants among mutants, the Minos that were exposed to, to much magic in the sanctuaries. Half man, half bull. The Minos are peaceful vegatarians. They stand about 9 feet tall and weigh around 5000 pounds. As peaceful as nature is they sometimes get angry. They are impossible to stop without using magic. Their only weak point (apart from their limited knowledge in molecular physics) is their speed which is proportional to their intellectual capabilities. The Kobolds drug the Minos for combat by making them swallow an hallucinegenic herb called `Vachfol`. Demogs Troops ------------Goblins ------The Goblins are humanoid canine race. They are about 5 feet tall and weigh around 100 pounds. They are weak and cowardly, but since they are dedicated to evil. They are very prolific and their cruelty is limitless. They constitute the majority of the demoniac troops. They are mediocre fighters but their numbers make them dangerous for an adversary that is isolated and without magic. Orques -----This race was created by Demog to counter the appearence of the chivalrous orders which destroy the Goblins troops. Orques are large humanoids with impressive muscalture. They are elite soldiers of the Demog and are fearless. They lack discipline and have the disagreeable habit of getting on their commanding Goblins nerve. Trolls -----These monsters have only one idea; eat, and they are not fussy. When they get their hands on an enemy, they begin by tenderizing it with heavy blows from their clubs, not caring what the enemy does to their own loose flesh. Once the enemy is cooked (in other words dead) they eat it on the spot. It is the only tactic that their tiny brains have developed, but it is fataly effective. Skeletons --------They are the rest of Demogs apprentices who have failed their suicide missions that were discussed earlier. Being very sentimental the Demog loves to surround himself with Skeletons of his most faithful students. The Skeletons
have preserved their magic and combat aptitudes. Finally, their fidelity and

their critical lack of spirit endears them to the Demog. Dragons ------The breath of these monsters has reduced many knights to ashes. With a wingspan of more than 18 feet, a dragon can quickly cross vast distances. The promise
of giving them spoils of gold pieces permitted the Demog to unite these winged creature. Their armour coupled with their physical force make them fearsome warriors who rarely meet failure. Demons -----Synonymous with fear and desclation,even the Demog himself rarely pronounces this name. Demons are the absolute quintessence of evil and the invocation of one such being is very costly in magic. Equipped with powers and a `demonical` strength, they do not know defeat. They only obey the Demog because of their common interests. When the Demog is victorious, they will not hesitate to ask for their share of the spoils (payable in innocent souls). Eskels Troops ------------Soldiers -------The soldiers are primarily peasants enlisted by force (for their own good) and poorly equipped. Their morale is rather Low and they are mediocre fighters. Their only advantage is their Low invocation price, and they are generally employed front-line guardians of far away castles and as `padding` around the more highly-trained troops. Do not neglect the fact that these men learn quickly and that if they survive several combats, they can become very powerful. Lords ----The elite of the chivalry of the Celtic kingdom is united in the order. They are the spearhead of the Celtic Army. Very well equipped they are protected by armour plates and use the heavy sword and shield. They look down upon magic believing, believing it to be a cowardly weapon. Magicians --------These young intellectualls are engaged in the struggle due to their idealism. Sons of rich merchant families, their studies in the great magic schools have made them More skilled at struggling against a migraine than a ravenous troll.nevertheless,they are better soldiers in combat because of their equipment and fanaticism. Their habit of studying proves that they quickly learn New spells if they survive battles. Cyclops ------The Cyclops have a peaceful nature. Rare are those enemies that are crazy enough to disturb the Cyclops tranquillity. In spite of their outward appearence, the Cyclops are poets and gardners. They have a great sense of responsibility and are eagerly engaged in the struggle against the forces of evil. Speed is not their main quality. As the cyclopean proverb says `a big slow punch is worth 2 quick ones`. Angels -----These birdmen (that the people of Celtika took for messengers of the gods), live in the country`s high mountains where they study magical mysteries and meditate. However, their King is indebted to Eskel who saved him from a Dragons claw`s as he was taken from a nest. Inregonsing this debt the `angels` light today beside the celts. Hydras -----These creatures normally live in the Marshland where they feed on aquatic plants. They are the Dragons enemies since the Hydras are very partial to dragon`s eggs and have in the past plundered many broods. Arch-Angels ----------The most complete mystery rests on the origin of these faceless angels. Even the birdmen pretend not to know a thing about the Arch-Angels. The strangest rumours abound that they were sent by the gods, a forgotten half people half

gods wowed to destruction of the Demons...without a doubt, Eskel is the only one who knows the Truth. What is certain is that the Arch-Angels are equipped with fearsome powers and can destroy a demon or dragon fairly easy. -----------------------------=========================---------------------Atlas of Rochebrume ------------------Islands ------The Rochebrume `archiepelgos` consists of 23 islands with their own geography, weather, population. Some are mountainous and inhabited by hordes of savages. Others are stinking swamps infested with the armies of `Demog`. What is certain is that Demog is ahead of you and the farather you penetrate the islands, the more powerful the armies you will have to face. Terrain Types ------------The plain --------The islands consist mainly of plains, wide open spaces of Grass and Sand. They have few strategic advantages except for one or two high spots and here and there a solitary tree which might shield you from direct spells. But they are easy to cross and ideal for castles. The Forest ---------The Woods and Forest of Rochebrume offer many shelters to those who like Ambush tactics. These Woods are criss-crossed with tracks and the legions can move through them without being slowed down too much. Magicians must be careful when they cast `direct` spells as their fireballs may get lost in the branches. The Hills --------This type of terrain if useful for defensive positions, but the defender must get there well before the enemy. By placing his units on the many mounds, a smart strategist is sure of striking in hand-to-hand combat. But these foot hills slow down the legions. The Swamps ---------These stinking swamps have been the burial ground of many legions. They offer good opportunities to Magicians since the grouns is usually clear and the enemies which dont have teleportation are often obliged to use winding ways to reach their targets.again these tracks tend to slow down legions during strategic manoevures. The Mountains ------------The mountains of Rochebrum are forbidding barriers considered as very dangerous. They are continually swept by violent storms and legions are not advised to engage combat in the mountains except in desperate situations. In these situations the storms can be useful allies. We have seen cases of legions completely decimated by lightning strokes just when they were on the point of overwhelming a smaller Army. -----------------------------=========================---------------------Manual of Warrior King Cugel ---------------------------This manual has been transcribed by isucho the pious from the memoirs of the famous warrior who first founded the kingdom of `Celtika`. It is a series of tactical and strategic counsels regularly updated by the best generals of the day. * If you end a move within striking distance of the enemy, prepare your defence by regonising the tactical terrain and placing your troops in the best position to withstand the enemys attack. Your disciplined troops will not move without your orders. It is a good tactics to place your strongest units on The hexagons where the enemy will arrive to prepare a nice reception.

* Once a battle has started, it goes on until one of the two opponents has been completely destroyed. Theres an exception to this rule. If theres a magician chanting on a pentacle, he will leave the tactical screen with his troops and they will be teleported safe and sound to a remote hexagon (the magician must be on the pentacle and not beside it as when normally chanting) and he must have the necessary magic level to create at least one soldier. * When you are inspecting a legion (with the ? icon) look closely at the ordering of theunits. The first four on the left will be in the front rank when you attack an enemy legion. Position your most powerful hand-to-hand fighters at the front and your spell casters at the rear. You can use seperation icon to change the order of your troops for your last move. * Do not ignore creatures seeming weak at first, they have the highest potential and learn fastest, so protect them and look after them. When they have got a bit of experience they`ll be useful to you. * Don`t be heavy on the magic, victory depends upon it. Be careful not to use up all your magical points if theres a chance of your Demog being attacked in turn. * Savages are a good way of toughening up your legions. But don`t under estimate the Minos and the serpents * The castle is a safety place where you are protected against a teleported surprise attack. Remember you are vulnerable to your opponents magic outside the castle. * Castle building is very costly enterprise. Choose the site carefully, the castle can be cut off a passage for the enemy. * At the start, you might think the fireball is more useful than the clumsinessor weakness spells but you would be wrong. Some creatures are more
suscebtibleto loss of energy than vitality (a magician with 1 life point can still throw afireball, with 1 dexterity point he has only 1 in a 100 of hitting you. -----------------------------=========================---------------------The Gods of Celtika ------------------Celtika is a world where the gods sometimes intervene in human affairs and moreoften where fate of a kingdom is concerned. In the conflict oppossing Eskel and Sogrom, the gods have decided to be actively neutral spectators. This means that, there are certain fundamental rules that even more powerful Magicians cannot transgress without incurring the divine wrath. The most important rules is ---------------------------You cannot chant more than a certain distance from a pentacle and once you have 8 units within a certain area, you cannot create anymore. So far, no wise man has been able to explain these restrictions. All we know is anyone trying to transgress these rules will fail and start a hail of lightning strokes striking the groundat random around him. -----------------------------=========================-----------------------Typed by Scooter for skid row For more Amiga documents, visit

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