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Term-End Examination

Time: 3 hours MoximumMorks: 100


sEcrloN I
Answer ang trDo of the folloaing questions in about
500 rrords eoch. Eqch question corties 25 morks 2x25

l. Discuss the main f€atures of bureaucracy as identified by

Karl Mar](.

Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities betrteen Public

and Private administration.

3. Discuss the lactors aff€cting Ceniralisation and


4 . Highlight the different characteristicsand functions of staft


EPA-1 P.T.O.
Answer ang thtee of the follot|ing ques ons in
obout 250 words each. Eoch question carries LO marks.
3xt 0

5 . Discuss the salient features of New Public Administration.

6 . Evaluate the importance of Classical theory in the

administrative theory.

Discussthe main hindrances of del€gation.

8. Lrplain dllerent characredrticsol lon al o$anisation

9. Write a brief note on Financial Committe€s ol Parliament.

ro. Examine tie concept of Prismatic model as propounded by

FW Riggs.

Answerarl the questions.Eochquestioncdrries2 mdrks.
Select the correct answer lor eoch question. 10x2

ll. ChesteyBarnard is associated


{a) EcologicalApproach

(b) Decision-makingApproach

(c) Human Relations Approach

{d) System Approach

12. According to whom "Work dMsion is the foundation


{a) Lut}rer Culick

(b) L. U,u/ick

(c) Baker

(d) Rensis Likert

13. Who coinedthe conceptof 'Span 01 Attention' ?

(a) VA. Graicunas

(b) Hicks

(c) Reiley

{d) Moon€y

EPA-1 P.T.O.
14. Comptroller and Auditor Generdl oI India is appoinied by

(a) The President

(b) The Prime Minister
(c) The Mce-President
(d) The Chief Justiceof India

15. Who amongst the following identi{ied the di{ferent

t€chniquesof supervision?
{a) John D. Millet
{b) V Graicunas
(c) F.W Taylor
{d) HerbertSimon

16. In which oI tbe following countries, is tb€ collegial executive

found ?
(a) USA
(b) Great Britain
(c) Switzerland
(d) India

17. ln India and Englandwho can €iLablishand reorganisethe

department ?
(a) The Prime Minister
(b) Council of Ministers
(c) The President
(d) The tagislature

18- An informal method of communicatihg information from
Person lo p€rson is known as
(a) l-ateralcommunicaiion

{b) Grape Vine Communication

(c) DownwardCommunication

(d) Upwardcommunicaiion
19. Who amongst ihe foilowing suggested 'le!€l jumping' to
avoid delay without violating the essential principle oI
bierarchy ?

(a) Henri Fayol

{b) Moonev

(c) Reil€y

(d) Utwick

20. Who ahongst the following rej€cted the principle of unity

of command ?

(a) F.W Taylor

(b) Millet

(c) Henri Fayol

{d) Pfiffner

trf,.F. 3cr& iF,r{E,c
w*ia ctqr
ksqr, zoos
Qfu* vra.a*-r: tra cflrrfi
Fqq : e Sat srfrt$dsri6 : 1oo
(W sr 70%o)


ffitud t d 6rd E?'yrq) * -d{ a9a vq,r

soorre) C d&q r ,-dir yn * zs eia d r 2x25
r. qrd qrd dm cfunft-dcM d gw ffivaretl
4t qqi dies t
z. dq wnq+ ei{ Frfr v{rRF +1 qqr:rarsii.3i{
Erscrdr3itq1qql dGq r
s. *qr6{"r :il{ ffiqnur + q'rkd 6G sra 6R$i sif
ssf dtus t
e. eiq 3rFr*luiid fqFq ffijrrcii ert{sETd ssr.R
qlFq r
EPA.l P.T.O.
{tFl I
ffifud t n @ Aq yrd t sar vQ6 arTqa
z5olrd + di?s i r+d rr+ * io 'r+ d r 3xro
r-4-q+s rvrrsq+1gw ffiweii d qqi dtqs t
6. wrqF-s fudidii S{rdrsr{twrffil fu-qia* q*q
4r {si6{ fr&q I
7. Fsr+q+ * 5e er+itii q1 qqt dfsq I

s. 3r}qslR.6€qaq 41 RFfi ffirareii d qrsr

dfrs r
e. {qs ql ffiq {trFddic{ {*c i +c tdfus r
qccr[fiq(trfi-q) {r6q
ro. qq.sq, fuq er{ cftTqrR,i
fr t{-e{a d sfq SFe r

Fel?vr+ + sd{ di?g / v-#+ yr+ * 2 or+ d i

rdo c'a{ + frs gd sd{ dr aqq AFqqt fix2
11.+{e{ q.{d, f{qfrifua n i fr{rn riE-dt ?
(q) FFlqqsqrrrq
(:T) qn-fiq qEFqrF$3qFFr
(q) 4qerlq|s sqrTq

12. ffiF n + l6q-+ rSer "m4 frqrnq, {ruq ?fr

i" 2
(4) q5{ {RI-6
(€) qf,. 3f+$
('r) A6{
tql iqis€ ftffi-J

13.m&F n t fuq+ 'irqqn a1 ffi lspanor

Atrention)fisFrqT 4} xRTcrRdf6ql ?
(6) s1.\.fuclq
(c) f6*
('r) {|{d
(q) {fr
EPA.1 P.T.O.
dr t+gfr qtq q.cdr
14. qrcd* i4tT6 qi qErd€rcns.s
d z
(s) {rgcfd
(€) ertTiq*
(r) sq-{rgcR
(s) qrw* gw amdvr
rs. Frpfiqfua i ii ffi qziilqlur61 ffirt n-6-nqiiei
qdqf{ 41 ?
(s) dc d. fir+4
(€) S. Eq].q
(I) Stt.sq }m{
(s) F+Jtu+q
16.ffifud q t qH tlit t ffi4 6r4qms41
qq{qr { I
(s) {igffi nq srifa6r
ter i'z fftq
rrl fs{rr+s '
(q) qrcd r'

*{ Erdsi dq frqFr*r 'ra+et {s6r S{,ld{

rz. ,T11d
ansr+ i I
(q) slTl-qq*
(€) t* qRF{
(r) irFcFd
(q) Fqr+qree
EPA.1 1o
rs. \rs qfu i qet qfr d mMc* Tflir t {qqr
qsiqr+d Rr qidi t I
(4) crft{6 {sR
(s) ic s1{{ {qR
(r) 3rl}gd iiqT{
(q) $dgd {qR

1e.farafufuai t f6{rqrqFId i i6 eraoR-*sq i

tt t s-s+* frq tm'snsn {rw (+{d qfrq{)
etq ftqTqrdrt ffi *qrsc * Xe fuain+1f
3rqa-ffr{fr itr ?
(s) M h+d
(c ) rffr
('r) {r{A
1q; efi-+
zo. Frqffia i i ffi stTr qi \rra ; Fl6ra 4r
e'sc frqr d i
(6) ss.qq )m{
(u) Fftc
('r) ffi Hd
(s) tuF{{

EPA,1 11 6,000
Term-End Examination


Time : 3 hor.rrs MoximumMorks: 700


Answer ang t'ao ol the Jollowing questions in about
5OO words each. Eoch question cotries 25 morks. 2x25

l. Discuss the constitutional reforms introduced by the lndian

CouncilsAct, 1892.

2. Desujbe fhe organisation and role of the Planning

T 3. Explain the significanceof an independent rccruiting agency
and discussth€ constituiional provisions in tespect of State
Public Service Commission.
; 4, Write an €ssay on ihe classification ol urban local
governmeni in lndia-

EPA-2 P.T.O.
Ansvrer ony three of the lollowing questions in about
250 words each. Eoch question carries 70 morks. 3xl0

5. Discuss the provisions relating to the organisation of

departments and financial administmtion under the
Governmenrot lndia Acl, 1935.

6. B{plain the procedure of recruiirnent and tratning of ihe All

India Civil servants-

Discuss the different t!'tp€sof adminisbative tdb\xnls.

a. Examine the role o{ Collector !is-a-!is PanchalEti Raj.

9. Wrjte a note on the ways in which cdture afiects

administrative processes.

10. Wnte a note on the division of executive powers bet{een

the Centre and the Stat€s.


Ansuer att the questions.

Eochquestioncarries2 marks.
,t Selectthe coftectonswerJor eochques on. 10x2

11. The federal systemproposed under the Governmentof

lndiaAct, 1935 couldnot conlince

la) lndian NationaiCongress

(b) MuslimLeague

(c) Hindu Mahasabha

(d) All the above

12. The SupremeCouit

{a) Prore<ts
lhe lurddmenlalrighls
(b) Acts as a checkon executiveauthori9

(c) Enforcesrule of law

{d) Allthe above

13. The CabineiSecretariathas

(a) cMl Wins

{b) Military Wins

(c) InteiligenceWing

{d) All the above

t EPA-2 P.T.O.
14. The idea of Drectiv€ Principles of State Policy in the lndlan
Constilution was derived from

(a) keland

(b) Germany

(c) Poland

(d) Switzerland

15. The Siate Secretariatperforms which of the following


(a) Politial {unctions

(b) Policy-malingfunctions

(c) Executivefunctions

(d) None ol the above

16. The Chairman ol the State Public Sewice Commission is

appoint€d by iie

(a) Chief Minister

{b) Governor

(c) President

(d) Chairman UPSC

17. lndlan PoliceSystemis basedon lie PoliceAci of

la) 1857
(b) 1858
(c) 1860

{d) 1861

18, Tb€ main features of the caste systern include

(a) segmental division of society

{b) hjerarchy

(c) r€striction of marriage

(d) All the above

19- The Central Administrative Tribunal enjoys the status and

{a) The Supreme Court

(b) a High Court
(c) d District Couf

{d) None of the above

20. Tbe principle of accountabilitv is advocated by

{a) norm of neutrality

(b) norm of anonymity
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

seid q06r
tsqr, zoos
Qk. vrg*e: do y*rrs+
{.fr.q,-z , qr{frc wtrc{
gqq I 3 qit qfeqdq iti6 : 1oo
(gar 4r Took)

ffif@i I A ffi Ei vri +r rar sdq arrw

soosr-e)I fr?R 1 xer6 rr+ * zs ertr d i 2x2s
l. itr-fi qRiisdtqr, rsszi:T{rqd siRl]li{-dEqTii
fr qqi dtus t
+qir 3rqlrr* {rTar ert{rlfufi qi qutr q1trq r
Fiir rfr sqft * q-esfr qrcm dfrq q\ ri-q
iiq +sr xFiq + {q'i i qifsqi{6 cgqrn si qsi
dfrs I
4. qp.4i flEir rqrfi-qnm i q4tatol cr qs foiq
fttuq r
EPA.2 P.T.O.
ffifunttffi A4 wil +r eartdq atrw
2s0{t<l ii d&q' r ,-+d sr+ # ro erd d r 3xfi
5. qr{d qrsT{ siiqfrqq, 1935+ sifl4d frwif * {-{
3i{ ffiq xTrsq t qqf{rd yr*rii d Tqt dfqs I

6. erfq{ qr.ds ftitr€ +qT:}it4i Tfi st{ {Rwr 41

ffilE d qr@r dfsq r

7. lif,n r+n + eflT€F-*3rFr6{sii

41+qf dfrq r
8. riqrq${rs ii 6-+€{ d {ir6r sr qnsTur frfqs r
9. q4 M FTfuSfs clrrqf{scffr4r3ii+l qqfd fsq
dffii i $ A I
ro.:k d{ {s{i * d'q 6fffi vfuii * frqrs-{w q6


ffif@d Eql rya)* rar flfrq i ,-+6 yr+ *

z^eia d t sdo xw + frs rd en{ 67 444
snqq t 10x2
11. ql|d qc6R q'fqfi-qq, 1935i qRrk'd qfuiq {oTrfr
q t Rrffi
FrqFdfud {ffi ?d' ,ft ?
(6){rflq 4i}e
(s) 5kc d''r
(4) frq {6rvqT
(q) 3'rfa qrfr
12. sQilq qFrldq

1o; 5e oilmrti ql rqr 6rdr i

1s; ar4qr++xrftr*riiw siy rei +t qd s{-dT
('r) frlE-Fqd{Ireqdq 6cdrt
(q) 3c{s s$

rr. {fi{se {fr-qrdqt furldfun t i +tq-erFirqt z

(s) tuFd RiE
(q) +q FfiE
(l) etqaa sq
(q, scffr q!fr

EPA-2 P.T,O.
14.qrffc {fuin ii {q ift * frt{H toqiiii } E-qR
6r sgs 6€i €e{rqr ?
(6) sTr+{+s
(€) sd+
rs. rrq qfuqrdqnefufur t i qtc-srar4 6rflr i z
(s) rrqfricq+d
(€) nid-Frqior
('rl qrdqrc**r{

l c-fsqn+iS{S
re. 'rq rim +sr cFirq + q"qq dr Frgt+dc ardl
€ ,

(s) lq Ii*

(g) {rqql?r

(r) {rFqfr
(s) 3r4qr,{s +6 +srirr+'r

EPA-2 1o
17.qrfrq gfus qqetr, fs{ q{ * gfu<<fufr+ew
3{rTrRdd 7
(s) 1857
(1?) 1858
(rl) 1860
(s) 1861

r8. ffi qEer qi grq Ertflgn i {nEe e

(s) sq|q sr srs-gm ftrrr+
(u) qqfr-dffr
(r) fus|6cI cfuiq
(s) sc{6 slfr
rg. *ffq svnqft-sqRr*,{urq\ fiqfefira t i ffi
s{F{ {$t 3rhvlfr;2ficrq t ?
(6) sqnq ;qqToq
(€) 3E qiql(|-q
(rl) fudr qlqrw
20. ffifu" t t ++qr f{qq vqqt?ffir* ftrqin qr
cfiq{ t ?
(E) d{{c-dr 6l f{qq
(€) X{qlqdl 4I ltqq
(rr) ({) 3ft (re)+it
(s) scdsitqid!r1{fi
EPA-2 11 8, OO0
Term-End Examination
December, 2OO5


Time : 3 hours MoximumMarks: 100


Answer ong ftDo oJ the lollowing questions in about

500 words eoch. Eoch question corries25 morks. 2x25

t. Discuss the meaningj scope and significance of

development adminisbation.

2 . Explain the process of formulation of plan and iis


3. Descnbe the role of bureaucracyin policy formulation.

4 . Explain Democraiic Decentralisation. What are th€ main

hindrances to Democratic Decentralisation ,

EPA-3 P.T.O.

Ansaer ang three oJ the lollowing questions in

about 250 u)ordseach. Each question carries 70 mork9

Discussthe various approaches to d€velopmeni, as adopted

in India.

6- Explain the significance of mixed economy in our country.

Discuss the structure and funciions of the Planning


a. Brlefly
highlight ihe signiticance ol N€utrality and

9. Erplain the role of Panchayati Raj in nrral developm€nt.

10. Define Public Sector and highlight the objectives of Public


Answerarl the questions. Ea.h questionca ies2 morks.
Select the correct onswer for eochquestion. 1.0x2

ll. Developmentol administrationm€ans bringing change in

administration leading to

(a) Politicaldevelopment

(b) Economic grounh

(c) Socialchange

(d) All the above

12. Who amongst the following used the concept of

developmeni administration lor the first time ?

(a) Goswami

{b) Taylor

(c) Mayo

(d) Marshal

13. The linancial support to Comparative Administrative croup

(CAG) was given by

(a) United Nations

{b) Ford Foundation

(c) U.S. Aid

(d) uNEsco

EPA-3 P.T.O.
14. The Chairmanof the PlanningCommissionis the
Prime Minist€r
(b) Deputy Prime Minister
(d) Home Minister

15. A three-tier structure of Panchayati Raj was recomm€nded


(a) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

(b) Asoka Mehta Committee

(c) Sarkariacommission

{d) Ranganathancommission

16. Which of the following has not be€n termed ilegal ?

(a) Bigamy

(b) Untouchability

(c) Child Mariage

(d) Povedy
17. lndian Police Serlice b€longs to the category oI

(a) Centrdl services

(b) State s€Nices
(c) A[ India services
(d) None of the above

1 8 . The institution ol Lok Ayukta is at the

{a) State level

(b) Union level

(c) Local level

(d) None oI lhe above

19. Panchayati Raj is a

(a) Union subject

(b) State subject

(c) Concurrent subj€ci

(d) subject

20. CADA stands for

(a) Central Area Development Authoriry

(b) Command Area Development Authority

(c) Cantonment Area Dev€lopment Authority

(d) Command Approach DevelopmentAuthority

rri|-€ scrfui5'r{fi,c
v*in qftqr
Rsq{, zoos
tb'o qrqroc : dq'c{'n€-{, fcc,q cvnr{
gq4 I 3 qvt qfet$dq&is : 1oo


frqfafud i ?i ffi Ei wi q eat yd+

dlYFrsooT?d i d&q r sd6 \T7 * zs eiq
d t 2x25

r. E-*rqc{rs{ + 3Trf;tl ei{ q{d d qql dfrq r

2. +r{r firl q1 cBsr s*{ E€-6Sqpii d qnsr
J d&s I
s. ift-f+qiurl' 3rFr6F-;ir d ttrqt or quf+
dfrq r
4. +s-difr6 fqiiild{ur Eir qrsr dfuq I Fimdiks
fq*-froq* cr4t sTr+
ard l5u ov( 4H B ?
EPA-3 P.T.O.
ffifud t t 64 6" wit qr sat rdo
dTnn2so{rd f des r ydq s?a * rc ri6
d I 3x10

5. qrd q fusrg * fae qqqq ry ftnn EMuii d

qqf dfus r

6 . eqi eV ti FrFra y*q+-qr I a5q qi1 q6a

dtuq r
+ffr qrq}rrfr {i-fir qh orif d qqt dfss r
8. rzrqm :# qfd"dsdrS qtq c' {8c ii Fslrr
gllqs I

9. qrfrq F."srst .iqctr w d tfuqr * qioqt

dtuq r
ro. qr+qt{s d-{ d cfucrft-d
dfqq 3rhqq+ dM c{
rqrfl crfuq r


ffifud slit ssai * wr di?q I r+6 nr+ *

z si+ i t ydq wc 6 fuS F& sa, ar aqa
r 10x2

11.TflRfq* k.qrq sr qd t wim+ fr qfis& anl

(6) {rsfift'6 t{srq E}
(s) 3{Fr+{gk A
(r) smtrd qRqdrdt
(q) sq{merfr
12.firr<ffiq n A ffi fr-qrqrvns-{+?erqqRolT
F4qqqr+'T isqr ?
(s) ftqrfi
(u) *fl{
('i) lif
(q) qRrd

13. gmrdFs c{nqi{s 1116(4.c.S) + ffiq s6r+dr

- ffitu"tiffiTff41 4 2
(6) 1igffi{rP-{q
(s) qtd ffi+{lT
(?r) {96 {q erifuqrsoqdr
(s) {iRii
EPA-3 P.T.O.
14.+ffr €{r+qqt sresr4t{ +drA ?
1a; rrm {:1
(s) 3c-xqr{d*
(rr) F{dqfi
(s) 'J€q*
rs. ,iqrqfr{q qit fi-{-Rtfc {.d{r m ffilr ffi d
s ?
(s) qdddw &-crsfrfr
1s) enil++{drstrfr
(:f) qas|frqr3n+rr
(q) {rraq+eriq
ro. Frqffiga t + H sTdq{d q.drcrdr ?
(4) Bk46
(u) 3rqf{dr
(rr) srd fuqE
(s) frtifir
rz. qrcfi-qStdq+sr fuq Et t 3rffi t ?
(s) ;hfrq+qI
(u) {|q +sl
(T) 3{fudqrdq +sl
1 v lw f c d n + i S r A
EPA-3 10
ts. +4 3{rgs+1dTsr16€F{ c{ e ?
(s) {|er Rr
(E) {q Rr
(rt) rqrfiq wr
(s) sq{m t i ffi .ft 6t cr rfi
19.qqr€ffi{M A q6
(6) €q frTq
(€) {|q frqq
(rr) qF{fi frsq
(q) erfi-q fr{q
20. S.q.q.q. sr {n Fc €r t ?
(6) {Laq \Rqr Rq"FF1-3 rr€l
(u) 6ci< qRqr+{dq{z 3nqlRA
(rr) dffiz SRqrMb sriq]fta
1q; qqis qfq +{dqdeinqiR-d

EPA-3 11 6,000
Term-End Examination
December, 2OO5


Time: 3 hours MaximumMarks, 100



Ansaer ong tbo ol the follouing questions in aLtout

500 words each. Each question corries 25 marks. 2x25

l- What are the r.arious role mod€ls for civil services?

2 . Crilically appraise the exisiing classificaiion ol services

I system in lndia.

3 . DlscL6sthe main functions oI Public Service Commigsion.

4. Explain the service righis ol the cMl servants.

EPA-4 P . TO
. .
Answer ang three ol the lollowing questions in about
250 uords each. Each question conjes 70 marks. 3v10

5- W}at is the importance ol training ? Give its major vadeiies.

6. Explain the conc€pt of career planning and development.

7. Discuss the advantages and limitaiions of Administrative


6- Explain ihe methods of Job Evaluation.

9, Examine th€ role oJ Vigilance Commission in combating

lO. Dscuss mean;ng and tl.'pes ot morale.


Answer aill the questions.Eqch questioncorries2 morks.

Select the coffect ans\rerfor eoch question. 10x2

1 1 . Who laid emphasison scientific selection, systematic

trainingand developmeni
of ihe individual worker ?

{a) FW Taylor

lb) H.L. Gantt

{c) M.P Fouet

(d) Fayol

12. The aim to make a lorecastof scalesij

(a) Work Force Analysis

(b) Work Load Analysis

(c) Work Analysis

(d) None of the above

13. Who coined the term bureaucracyfor the first time ?

(a) F.M. Marx

(b) IzrarlMarx

(c) Vincent de Gournay

(d) Max Weber

EPA-4 P.T.O.
14. The Royal Commission on Superior CMI Sewices in lndia

(a) AitchisonCommission

(b) Civil Service Commission

lc) Lee Commission

(d) None ol the above

15. A memberof UPSC holds ofltce for a term of

tat lnree years

(b) Four years

(c) Five years

(d) Six years

16. Comradeshipmeans

(a) Friendlyfellowship
(b) Companionship
(c) Both the above
(d) None of rhe above

17. The StatesReorganisation

Commissionwas sei up in
(a) 1954
(b) 1955
lc) 1957
{d) 1961

18. Which one ol ihe following is nol a method employed for
t€sting the merit lor promotion ?

(a) Written and oral examination

{b) Personal judgement of the head of ihe organisation

{c) Protratjon

(d) Etficienryraring

19. Which of ihe foliowing amounts to acts of crime ?

(a) Embezzl€ment

{b) Disob€djence of orders

(c) lnsubordiration

(d) Msconduci

20. Righi to life and libedy is provided under Constitutional

{a) 14

(b) 15

{c) i8

tdl 2l

T:fl-fs sql& qr{s,c
sda q0{r
frqq{, zoos
{bo uqu-*,r: r*o sprr{,alftq qvnc*
gW:Sqvi Jlftiqds ei6 : 1oo
$d st 700/a)

fiqtufud t + fid- s?yr# t rar rdo a,w

5oo{rd 4 dfrS t sA6 ytt * zs sia d t b25

l, +6 +ftii + RFn 1n-drsffi +q-n t ?

2. qrfi t +aoi q} {dqn qit+.{ornun-6sr
{eier qlgq ,
3. +s +sTqrfrq* *..if +1qqf +ifrCr
4. qFIRq++d + iqr gr{*fr({ftq) 3rnr6rii
d&q r

EPA-4 P.T.O.
EI0C tl
ffifur t t Mi A4 sra)-#sar afi6 6Pn
zsovdi I dfa< t Rq rr+ * io si6 d I st10

5. sfrrr\Frqr Hr qce i : wdt sgrqf6$i 4drqqI

6. ffi (*fiqr) F.+sq 3rt i+*rs ql :rqrmq d

qr@Tdlqq I

qirwi{+ 3rFr-s{uii* cT,it 3i{ €lqten d qql

dtuq I
8. qd T4i6q 41 Fqiddt41 qrc+ dFq t

9. scrsR sT trqir s{i t {T#dr 3r+tr dI $rsT 6r

ciq"T dtqs t
ro. qjrqq 6r s?i tR x-fln qr iqira.qqifqq t
grg m
PqAtrt + {d{ Afu(r sdq'ew * z etq d r
rd+ yr+ * fts {rd rd{ qr E+afrfuq t 1ox2
rr. fiqFfur t t ffi qfurrd4rffi-{* fu1a631*i
qr Efr, qqfurd cRr<r'rd{ fuqrqr{ ffis irm
I{qI /

(s) ss.ce1l>dr
(u) qs.Sq.t€
(tr) Sq.c].cfd-e
(q) ++f,
r 2. Flqfi{fua n q f+q'+r rV4 }d-dq" +1 qTd?
{iq|{rT3ii4T qdr s'.{r t ?
(q) or{ ce ffiqq
(u) 6d qR ffiqur
(lr) 6r{ ffisur
G )s q t s l n + $ S r A
rg. ftqfrfun t t F;q+!+qqqitqanEl(dfnN) rT<
qi ad{r41 ?
(E) qs.t{q. cld
(q) 4rd clqC
(r) Et-€ R rfr{
(ql ** *ql

14. qrrdi gfiRq{fuk tqrdt t qRfu( {iq-d3Tdrr
($) Rlqscs|d{
(q) frh-d +qr orr*q
(r) ifr 3flst'r
(q) sc{il t n +i q1TS
qr vEFrB-tr+:rqk a-qsrqi
15.dq +6 +{r 3TI+,T
qEqr qqr€dr d ?
(6) d-{ sd
(E) qr{ q{
('r) +q qq
(q) E; sf

16. EictsRrqqT sTQf

(6) ftTdr{+6 Frrq{ +r4 orrr
(r) Bc{s +ii
17, {rer (sid) gfli$r erTdqf6€ q{ 'rtdd frqF|qr ?
(s) 1954
(E) 1955
(rr) 1957
(s) 1961

EPA'4 10
18.q+dfr* ft'{ q€-dr
qiq caGrq}
t i Frefrfucfr
t qtq$ qd q6fd r€?'d ?
(c) trfiqdsir c)firsqiqn
(ig, {qaq + 3*aqTsr afara ffiq
(l) qtr{qn
(s) 6t4-5;ITffrT
sr ftqiFT
re. frqfukd t t *q-sT qr4 Erqnq* sq-qqt z
(s) rd{
(E) 3r&ii d 3r*{r
(r) 3{fu{carsHl3rit lirl
(s) q1K qqER

zo. dA:iH qfi fr-q cw ii *+c dqr Eiifi sJ ErFr*I{

(4) 14

(q) 15

(tT.) 18

(q) 21

EPA.4 't1 6,000

Term-End Examination
December, 2OO5


Ttme' 3 hours MaximumMarks: 700


sEcTtoN I
Answer ony turo oJ the lolloLuing questionsIn about
500 words each. Each question cofties 25 mdrks. 2x25

l. Describ€ the pattern of classification oI government


2. What do you understand by delicit financing ? Examine in

brief, its ad,Entages and timitations.

' 3 . "The
Constihrtion of India has provided adequate
safeguards for the independence of Comptroller and
Auditor G€neral from the executive." - Analgse.

4. Highlight the key components ol rural fiscal management.

EPA-5 P.T.O.
Answer on9 three oJ the lollowing questions in about
250 uords eoch. Each question carries 70 marks. 3x10

5 . Discuss the important pnnciples of fiscal federalism.

6. Explain lhe essentialprinciplesof Governmentbudgedngin


"Th€ implementation of zero base budgeting has certain

benefits as well as some problems " Comment.

8. What are the important methods of redemption of public

debt ?

9 . Discussthe role of Parliamentary Committees in controlling

public expendirure.

ro. Describe in brief, the pnnciples of urban local finance.

sEcTtoN llt

Answer ol, the questions.Edchquestioncarries2 marks.

Select the correct onsuer lor eoch question, 10x2

11. Which amongstthe followingis not a principle of public


{a) Adjustm€ntof incomeio expehditure

ft) Tendencytowafdsbalancedbudgets
(c) Elasticr€sources
(d) Popularcontrol

12. A NationalRenewalFund was set up fo meet the costso{

(ai Industria,PolicyResotutianoI 7977
(b) Irdustdal PolicyResolutionof 1980

(c) lndustrialPolicyResoluiionof 1991

(d) None of the above

13. The first modernbudgetwas present€din lndia in

{a) 1855

) . {b) 1860
{c) 1880
(d) 1890

I EPA-5 P.T.O.
14. Who amongstthe followingdesignedthe logicaltramework
of zero base budgeiing and implementedit in private
(a) Peter Rthrr

(b) Jimmy Carter

(c) Paul Appleby

(d) Anthony Do\||.,s

15. Which amongst the followjng cut-motions moved in the

Parliament seek to reduce the demand for gmnt of any
ministry,/depariment to one rupee ?

(a) Policy cut

(b) Economy cr.ri

{c) Token cut

(d) Disapproval cut

16- Who amongst the following stronglg recommended capital

levy as a method ol public debt redemptlon ?

{a) Pigou

(b) Dalton

(c) Seligman

(d) Edgeworth

17. Which amongst the following ParliamentaryCommittees has
members only lrom the Lok Sabha ?

(a) Public Accounts Committee

{b) LsijmatesCommittee

(c) Committee on Public Undertakings

(d) None of the above

18. The Comptrollerand Auditor Generalcan be removedfom

office by the

(a) President on the resolution of Parliament

(b) Prime Mjnisier

(c) Suprem€ Couri

(d) Cabinet

19. In how many daysshouldthe moneybill be returnedby the

RajyaSabhato ihe Lok Sabhawith its recommendations

(a) 10

(b) 14

lcl 21

(d) 25

EPA-5 P.T.O.
20. In Indian Constitution, locat government is included under

(a) Fourth Schedule

(b) Fifth Schedule

(c) Sixth Schedule

{d) Seventh Schedule

Rril6 sqr& i6,r{!f,,q
Rqq{, 2oo5

{fu-o wqq6c : *a'cvnr{, ffiq cvncq
444 : 3 4v) etfuqaqsi6 : too
(fi w:70%)

soov-d d dr"q i r-Ad ff+ # zs erq d i 2x2s
r. R-6rfrqq * s,fl6-r"r
* lfrs,it +r q'fu d&s r
z. q) * G-fi-fit snqqr cqgi t z w* enr eir
ffi *r {*q t clsrqdfqs r
s. {s 6fi qi ffir dfeq fr "qrd * dfui" i
dsr f{iTs et{ q-dfMq-s d +t+nf++rt
€iiTdr + fdS 3i{d qFRHut (adequate
f6qr d r"
c. qrfrur {rqs}*q xis * ftEt"f Tudi c{ TsRr
Elldq l

EPA-5 P.T.O.
ffifun C n ffi dTqYr-n)* Ya xdo atrfll
zso trdi ;i d&s r r&d vva * ro ero d t 3x1o
* qiEwi fuqialor fr}*q dfuq t
5. rqdfiq {q-dT<
6. qr{d ii qc*rfr qqa ee{qr + 3{FHI{kqiiit d
ql@r dfrS I

{sz qqrd * tsqTETa

?. "Ea 3TFnftd * g;6i{q 3il{
5e *re( S t f' ffi dtqq t
g. $ffi-6 Eur+ qfixi?F+ q-d-dwf nt* 4H t ?

e. +6 qq q{ F-qrsrit ris+q qfiidqi *i 661 a1

s-sfsildC t
ro. yr{ft rqFiq frn + fF<i?iiqr riqq i qutaqiftq t

Fd rfln + .rar d&q r rda rT+ * z aio d r
nq tw * fuv aa\ sat +r asq 61fEs| 1ox2
r1. f{qfrfua t i qlc-qrsl4ii4-sffi ar fe-diaqE?
€ i
(6) 3Trq6t qq + qrq {r{qq
(u) {igfud+ra d :h rgfit
(rT) d-d-Aiq{Fr"{
(q) dro&q ff:FT

rz. n-q*d ccdlq st{ si,,ii * erqFd-6{vrd dFFfr

crq 6,{i $ fdq f{rldfun t t'ffi sid'id {9q
T+$-fiur dq (NationalRenewalFuna)d rqc{ 41

(4) 1e7?61 3rtdFH frtd {Rra

(q) leso qr eiElF|6*fr yRrq
(rr) 19e16r e+dF|s ffi TRrq
1v)<r$*n n +$ "t Tfi
rs. qrta t cqc s{€ft-d cqe i{-q sd x''qil Rqt rrqr
(6) 185s
(q) 1860
(rl) 1880
(s) 18eo
EPA-5 P.T.O.
ra. frqF€fu<t n f6si rf,{ 3rqrRd ime xurd 4r
ilffrd ?fqtiqq frqr 3t{ FnftS ss}qq wqitqd
f{qr ?
(6) qtc{frt
(s) lqfr {r&
(rr) {-d tgdfr
(s) q;atfts3R

d mcaG g+ ru-+
d 3{g<r+-rfn
rs. t+fr dercqzhqrrr
6{+ * F€r t rieqi erq.rq {d",it-Fwrd+t €r
orit I
1e; ffi e-atfrpori"ycutl
(g) 3II6d *.et$ gconomycut)
(,T) €i*1il6 q-*fr rrokn cug
,-\ c---+- -.--s--A ,*
(S) r"lf3qR.l e,cldl (Disapprovalcut)

n i ffi qdqft-d*Er qfuftr4 +1tsfir

*wi{fror+1 grdrffifls ?
(4) frt
(€) sl€:I
(:r) tftTrl+{
(s) qqc{

EPA.5 10
12.frqftfun n il i6q ffiq €ffid * v<q *qe
*s e!il * v<*qdi t ?
(q) +s +qr sfrFd
(6) 3Tr4;fi{sfifi
('r) gr$r'fiscfic sfrfr
(s) 3cts fr t +{ qi €i

rs. frqr traiTs et q-drdrcrctqs

ql ss* qq t
hqfrifuirt t ffi amrersrsr v{-dri Z
(6) ri$( t sgrq q{ rrFqtn
(€) nt{rt ii
(rr) sqdq qFlrer4
(s) qF-qR{s

19. Itszi{$lr 41 qq-fr+fi MonevhrDq] sTc* ffi{it

* ms fsd) t{ii fr *6 wr d qqqqqrcq+c t{
. t ?
(q) ro R'+
(q) 14 F+
('r) zt Fc
(s) 25R{
EPA-5 l') P.T.O.
20. qniir.rdftqH t rqHq {rrF{ f{rcfqfudi i t6€
(q) dsi 3{d{S
(u) *a+- *Ogi
1rr) 6-E 3rdqql
(q) qmdl-3r.{KS

EPA-5 5,000
Term-End Examination


Time : 3 hours Maxihum Morks: 100


Ansuer ang trDo oJ the Jollowing questiohs in obout'

500 words eoch. Eoch question corries25 morks 2x25

l. What do you understand by Public Policy ? Discuss the

chamcteristics oI public policy maLing.

' 2 - Explain the meaning and importance of interSovernmental

relations in irolicy making.

3. Discuss the kind of relaiionship existing betwe€n the

Parliament, Political executive and Permanent executive.

4. Explain lhe relationship be&veeninter€st groups and public


EPA-6 P.T.O.
Ansurerony three of the Joltowinqguestions in obo./l
250 words eoch- Each question cdrfies 70 ma*, 3x1O

5. Highlght the rol€ of political ex€cutive in policy


6. Dlscuss the causesof pover\, in India.

7. Desoib" the major dimensionsol policy imFact.

E. B/iefly discussthe different forms of poiicy analysis.

9. Highlight differentapproacheslo poljcy sciences.

10. Examine the role of bureaucncy in delegated legjslation.


Answer att the questions.Eoch questioncqries Z marks.

Select the corrcct answer Jot each question. 10x2

11. A model on politics- policy relationship, trr.rownas Black

Box model has been coined by

(a) Max Weber

(b) Dror

lc) David Ea*on

(d) l-asswell

12, The srrccessof any policy derr']fidson how we)l it is

(a) designed and forrnulated

{b) implemented

(c) evaluated

(d) All the above

13. On subjectsin the Concurrent list. the Doliciescan be made

oy me

II (a)


Union Government

State Government

Local Government

I (d)

Both la) and (bi

14, A concrete shape to the po)icy proposals is given by ihe

{a) t-egislature
(b) Judiciafy
(c) Executive
(d) Non-Governmentalorganisation

15- Mass media include

(a) Newspapers

(b) Magazines and Filrns

(c) Radio and Television

{d) All the above

16. The role of legislature in policy implementation is

(a) Direct

{b) lndirect

(c) lmportant

(d) Both (a) and {b)

17. A VillageManagement'wasan ideal of

(a) Vinoba Bhave

(b) Mahatrna Gandhi

(c) Jai Prakash Natayan

(d) Jawalar tal Nehru

18. MNP standsfor

(a) Minjmum Needs Policy

(b) Minimum NeedsProgramme

{c) Maximum Needs Policy

(d) Maximum NecessitiesPropramme

19- Which approach has th€ capability ot s€rving three kinds of

evaluation purposes ?

{a) Front-End Analysis

(b) Problem Monitoring

(c) Evaluationsgnthesis

(d) EffectivenessEvaluation

20. The model which has exclusivelgemphasisedon the formal

aspects of government and politics, is known as

(a) Rational Mod€l

(b) InsiitutionalModel

(c) Incremental Model

{d) C"ameTheoretic Model

w*ir qtqr
fuq{, 2oos
$a-o vrAae : *a c{'rr€-{
{.fi.q.-0, d6 SFd
gqT ; 3 qv) Jlfet$dsei6 : 1oo


ffifun t + rffi'Et' yr# ar rar tdq a,n r

soow-d C deq r e+tr yn * zs sio d t 2x2s
r. at* frfr t o{rc€r qqg+t ? d6 {fd Frqiq+1
ffiFdrsiid q-qidfcs r
z. ffi frqiq t 3iilr-qrdmqrq"n + 3ni sfu q5q air
qrq dfrq r
g. {Fq, tri-+fir6+niqifiqr3F +qr4fl4crfu6rs +s
frqqn {q*il * xqn qi qqt dfss r
+. Fo eqii s+t +6 frld * *q qq*r al qrcqr
dfrs I
EPA.6 P .T . O .
. qF| II

zsocrqi f dfrs i {Ad sra * ro erd d t 3xI0
s. r]fr q|ql-qfi n {rsfifu6 srffid6r ql '!FsT
rqiq qFeq t

o. crd t.Tim + qnsii 6 qql dfcs t

z. ffi rqre * xge slrcFiiqr qsi-{dfuq t
s. ifr ffisq + anr* sii * ritq t +qf dfsq t

s. ifd f{dFii + EFfi ffuir c{ s6Rr€rfrq t

ro. rarirlqc ftairqt ffi tfr6l 4I

qiqrr dftq I


FsiArr+ * rm d&( / sdq tw * z aw dt

rd+ yr+ * frS {rd rd{ q aqt dfuq t fix2
rr- {-n+Fl- ffi uqxil qI ns qird, + +s qi+c
cfsd s-6eiart, fiqf-fua t n ftqi qfrcrFEd
(s) C-w+qr
(s) yh
(r) 3F{s{€q
(s) A*d

rz. ftql q rlfr q1{s{dr 4r .3nqR

'(s) qtr{s{r eft q*4{"r
(s) +rqfqq:r
(r) {@i51
(s) dr{6 {$
rs. RcdiS qs-{fi S'S } erg€R,nftrd qr Frqfur
sinr d ?
(s) {*c qrsR
(u) {rcTqrsR
(rr) {qrfiq vr6r{
(s) (6) ei{ (€) <H

EPA"6 P.T.O.
14.rlfr T€rsJd fiFqa w qtc xEr+6rdr ? z
(q) Rqtr-sl
(€) 4|qqitdsr
(rl) 6rffid6l
(q) +{-qwritt'rrq
rs. qqdqRqrqdin vrfu tzt
(s) qqrsR-Tr
(s) ffi 3i{ ft?d
(rr) }H si{ ffif+r+
fql scf6 sS
ro. ifr qrqF+qq
it lqqrh6rd {tr6r f{qfrfu( t +
dr-s +frt ?
(6) {ss
(€) e EqT
(rr) Fadtof
(q) (6) f{ (E) Aii

1?. 'q{6rft crq xaiq' frqfufu( t i fq'sdT3{r{t qr r

1q) t*i-{I wd
(q) qdr€r !ri{
(I) qq *6r{T cRFIot
(s) qqr6{Rro+{5
EPA-6 10
18.qq.q4.f.4r X( 5q €r a ?
(6) friiqq +s.q dftIsr
(€) FGqqfr-W +rTq
(r) ffiqq frs.q ffii
(q) Mqq frCffiF cl'nc
1e.frqfrfun t + i6q EMur ii atc s-6R* {eisr
sq*ii d Ytr 6d ql qTrdT
i ?
(q) 3rr-iE ffdsur
(€) qqsr qi frrrTS
, (r) {eisq {ydsut
G) rsrAeqsdr Teiaq
zo. *'+e qc+n 3+{l_wfifd+ s+wrft-6qsncr +r iA
q5drqTar+{-w t ?
(e) ilR-* q{il
(u) drwn qTTr
(rI) gnr*ro4TrT
(q) *te +qiqriq6qtar

EPA-6 5,000

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