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Word Processors

Omar Samy Faculty of Mass Communication

Cairo University
What is the Word Processor
• A word processor is a computer application used for
the production of any sort of printable material
(including composition, editing, formatting, and
possibly printing)
• Word processing is the ability to create documents
using a word processor
• Word processing developed as specialized programs
on mainframe computers during the 1970s as online
• Time savings were gained because the originators of
documents could make corrections and additions
• Return them for revision in the electronic files and
then re-review without checking the entire document
again for new errors but only checking the updates.
• Superior presentation and layout was achieved with
the use of multiple fonts and superior print quality,
when compared with typewriters.
Word processing refers to text manipulation
functions such as automatic generation of:
• Batch mailings using a form letter template
and an address database (also called mail
• Indices of keywords and their page numbers;
• Tables of contents with section titles and their
page numbers;
• Tables of figures with caption titles and their
page numbers;
• footnote numbering
Other word processing functions

• Spell checking
• Grammar checking, In most languages grammar is
very complex, so grammar checkers tend to be
unreliable and also require a large amount of RAM
• Thesaurus function (finds words with similar or
opposite meanings)
• Comments and annotations
• Support for images and diagrams
Typical Word Processor Usage
• Within the business world, word processors are
extremely useful tools. Typical uses include:
– memos
– letters and letterhead
– legal copies
– reference documents
• Businesses tend to have their own format and style
for any of these. Thus, in many ways word processors
with layout editing and similar capabilities find
widespread use in most businesses.
Typical Word Processor Usage
• Education
– Many schools have begun to teach typing and word
processing to their students, starting as early as
elementary school.
– Typically these skills are developed throughout
secondary school in preparation for the business world.
– Undergraduate students typically spend many hours
writing essays.
– Graduate and doctoral students continue this trend, as
well as creating works for research and publication.
Typical Word Processor Usage
– While many homes have word processors on their
computers, word processing in the home tends to
be educational or business related.
– Dealing with assignments or work being
completed at home.
– Some use word processors for letter writing,
résumé creation, and card creation
Microsoft Word
• Microsoft Office Word is Microsoft's flagship word
processing software. It was first released in 1983
under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems
• Microsoft Word was the first word processor for the
IBM PC that showed actual line breaks and typeface
(Fonts) markups such as bold and italics directly on
the screen while editing
Microsoft Word
• Microsoft Office 2007, is the most recent version of
Microsoft's productivity suite
• Made available to retail customers on January 30,
2007 which was the same day of the formal launch to
retail customers of Windows Vista
• Any computer working with Windows operating
system has two word processing programs
– Notepad
– WordPad
• If you want to use MS Word you have to buy
Microsoft Office package
Word Processing in Web 2.0
• Web 2.0 is the place that you can perform the
ordinary computer work via the internet browser.
• Zoho website is a good example for this
First Assignment
• Write short paragraph about the difference
between MS Word and Notepad WordPad
and Zoho Word processing service.
Send your assignment to:
• Send you assignments to the following Email
– Subject : assignment##, Group##, Student IDs
Subject: Assignment08, Group07, id:06060217 ,
id:06060230 , id:06060217 id:06060237
– Attached file name
Group## or Student Name
Lecture 2
Creating a Document
• Once you have started Word, to create a document all
you have to do is start typing when the document
window appears on the screen. The text will begin at
the top left corner of the page.
• After the window fills with text, the beginning of the
document will start to disappear off the top of the
document editing portion of the screen one line at a
time as you type.
• When a page is filled, a new page will begin
• In Normal View a dotted line indicates where there
will be a page break in your printed document.
Basic Editing Features
• Erasing Mistakes as You Type. To correct an error
immediately after it is typed, tap the BACKSPACE key.
• Restoring a Deletion. If you delete something by mistake,
you can reverse what you just did by clicking the Undo button
on the Standard Toolbar.
• Moving Text Three buttons on the Standard Toolbar can be
used to move text around in your document. These are the
Cut, Copy and Paste buttons.
Saving a Document
• It is a good idea to save a document
frequently, particularly before printing it, to
safeguard against losing your work.
• To save a document, click the Save button
on the Standard Toolbar
Saving a Document
Saving a Document
• When you save any document for the first time, Word
suggests a file name for you in the "File name:" text
box that corresponds to the first heading or sentence
in your document (up to 255 characters).
• If you like that name, simply click the Save button to
save the file in the default (or last used) folder on
your computer.
• If you want to give the file a different name, replace
the suggested file name with the name you want to
give your document (up to 255 characters, spaces
allowed), then click the Save button
Saving a Document
• To remove the suggested name all you have to do is
start typing.
• The name of a document may contain 1-255
characters, including spaces.
• The name of a document may not contain the
following characters:
| \ < > ? " :
• The extension .doc will be associated with the file
name to identify it as a Word document; however,
you will not see the extension unless the Windows
operating system has been set to show extensions.
Saving a Previously Saved Document

• If you have already saved your document at

least once, when you click the Save button,
Word will automatically save your
modifications under the same file name you
previously gave the document (and in the same
folder). No dialog box will appear.
• The modified version will replace the previous
version of the document.
Printing a Document
• To print the document currently on your screen you
can click the Print button on the Standard Toolbar —
a picture of a printer, The entire document will be
• If you want to print only a part of a document, do the
– Click File on the Menu Bar. A list of menu options will
drop down.
– Choose (click) Print... to display the Print dialog box
– Make the selection desired. For example, to print only the
current page (i.e., the page where the insertion point is
located), click Current Page. Note that the default
selection is All.
– When you are ready to print, click the OK button
Printing a Document
Closing a Document Window
• When you have finished working on a particular
document but want to continue working in Word (on
some other document), you should close the current
document window and, if appropriate, save your
• If you have already saved all modifications to the
document, the document will be closed immediately;
that is, without confirmation.
• If you have made changes to the document since you
last saved it, you will see a dialog box or "Office
Assistant" bubble asking if you want to save the
changes you made to the document.
Closing a Document Window
• When you close your document, the editing
area and many Word features will disappear
from view (only the File and Help items will
remain on the Menu Bar, for example).
Opening an Existing Document
• There are two ways to open a document in Word.
• If the document you want to open is one of the
last four documents you worked on, you can
simply click File on the Menu Bar and choose the
document desired from the list near the bottom of
the drop-down menu.
Opening an Existing Document
• To open any document, you can do the following:
• Click the Open button on the Standard Toolbar
• In the Open dialog box that appears, you'll see a list of
documents. Look for the document name desired, then
click that file name to highlight it and click the Open.
Ending a Word Session

• Click File on the Menu Bar and choose (click)

• If you have more than one document open,
close each document separately. When the last
document is closed, you'll exit the program.
• If you try to close a document that has not
been saved since you last made changes to it,
you'll see a dialog box asking if you want to
save the changes.
Text Formatting Features

How to Bold, Italicize, or Underline Text As You Type

• Click the appropriate button (or buttons) for the effect
desired (such as Bold — to make a heading stand out, for
example). Notice that the selected feature button (or
buttons, if you've clicked more than one) appears
depressed when clicked.
• Type your text.
• Click the same button (or buttons) to deselect the feature
(s). Notice that the feature button (or buttons) no longer
appears depressed when you click on it the second time.
Changing Font Typeface and Size

• By default, all text in your document will be

displayed and printed using the Times New
Roman typeface in 10-point type size.
• You can make changes to a single word, a new
paragraph (and subsequent paragraphs), or a
section of selected text.
• To change the font for a single word, click
somewhere within a word to be changed.
Changing Font Typeface and Size
• To select (highlight) an entire document, you can:
– From the File menu, choose (click) Edit then Select All, or
– With the mouse arrow pointer positioned in the margin, triple-
click the primary mouse button.
– Press Ctrl+A
Using the Font Dialog Box
• If you choose the
Font option from the
Format menu, a
dialog box will be
displayed where, in
addition to choosing
font and font size, you
can select other
options for font
appearance that are
not available from the
Formatting Toolbar.
Changing the Default Font
• There is a Default button in the Font dialog
box that can be used to change the base font
used for each document you create.
• Make all font modifications desired, then click
the Default button.
• A dialog box will appear asking you to
confirm that you want to change the font
• If you click Yes, the font settings you specified
will take effect for the current document and
all new documents you create.
Lecture 3
Word Interface
Paragraph Formatting Features

• Word is a mainly paragraph-oriented program.

• This means that much of the formatting you do will
affect only the paragraph where the insertion point is
located — or a section of text you have selected.
• Some basic paragraph formatting features are
covered in this section: aligning a paragraph
(this includes centering a heading); indenting a
paragraph; setting line spacing; and setting tabs.
All these settings can be modified by clicking
Format on the Menu Bar, selecting Paragraph
Aligning a Paragraph

• There are four alignment (or justification) buttons on

the Formatting Toolbar (as depicted, left) — Align
Left, Align Center, Align Right, and Justify.
• The default is Align Left.
To set alignment for a new paragraph:
• Tap the ENTER key to begin a new paragraph.
• Click the appropriate button for the alignment desired
(such as Align Center to center a heading).
• Type your paragraph (this can be as little as one line,
as in a heading).
• Tap the ENTER key to end the paragraph and start a
new one.
Aligning a Paragraph
• If you want to continue using the same
alignment, simply continue typing. If you
want to return to the previous alignment
(such as Align Left), click the appropriate
alignment button before continuing.
Paragraph Indents
Indent Formatting Buttons
• Four buttons on the Formatting Toolbar
provide quick access to the following
paragraph indent formats (shown from left to
right on the illustration, left):
(1) numbering and indenting a paragraph,
(2) inserting bullets and indenting a paragraph,
(3) decreasing a paragraph indent, and
(4) increasing a paragraph indent.
Paragraph Indents
Increase or Decrease Indent
• By default the indent will be 1/2 inch.
• To indent a new paragraph:
– Tap the ENTER key to begin a new paragraph.
– Click the Increase Indent button once.
– Type your paragraph.
– Tap the ENTER key to end the paragraph and start
a new one.
Numbered (or Bulleted) Paragraphs

To number or bullet a new paragraph:

• Tap the ENTER key to begin a new paragraph.
• To number and indent the paragraph, click the
Numbering button once to "depress" it. To
bullet and indent the paragraph, click the
Bullets button once to "depress" it.
• Type your paragraph.
• Tap the ENTER key to end the paragraph and
start a new one.
Numbered (or Bulleted) Paragraphs

First-Line and Hanging Indents

• To indent the first line of a single paragraph one-half
inch, you can simply tap the TAB key. If you'd like to
indent the first line of every paragraph in your
document automatically, you can use the Format
Paragraph feature to set the indent
Numbered (or Bulleted) Paragraphs
First-Line and Hanging Indents
• This feature can also be used to set a hanging
indent (where the second and subsequent lines
of a paragraph are indented).
• By default the indent distance for either a first-
line or hanging indent will be .5", but you can
set the distance to any amount you want.
First-Line and Hanging Indents
Line Spacing
• By default, any document you create will be
single-spaced. To change the line spacing, do
the following.
– Click Format on the Menu Bar.
– Click Paragraph... to display the Paragraph dialog
– Click the Indents and Spacing tab to bring it to
the front.
– Click the arrow to the right of the "Line Spacing:"
text box to reveal the pull-down menu choices
Before and after spacing
• You can specify spacing before and after a paragraph.
• If you use these settings, you will only have to tap the
ENTER key once to end a paragraph and put extra
space between paragraphs.
• By default, these settings are shown in points.
• There are 72 points to an inch.
• You can also make these setting in inches (or decimal
fractions thereof) by typing the desired number
followed by the "inch mark" (such as .5").
• The program will convert the inches into equivalent
Line Spacing
• For example, to change to double spacing, click Double; to
change to some specified number of lines, choose Multiple
and type in the number of lines in the "At:" dialog box (this
can be a whole number, such as 4, or a decimal number, such
as 2.5).
• Line Spacing Quick Tip: There are shortcut keys for setting
single, 1.5, and double spacing. Position the insertion point or
select text as described above, then use the applicable
keyboard combination.

Single space CTRL+1

Space and a half (1.5) CTRL+5

Double space CTRL+2

Line Spacing
Lecture 4
Add bullets or numbering
• Bulleted and numbered lists in Microsoft Word
are easy to create. You can quickly add bullets
or numbers to existing lines of text, or Word
can automatically create lists as you type.
• Bullet is a dot or other symbol that is placed
before text, such as items in a list, to add
• Microsoft Word can automatically create
bulleted and numbered lists as you type, or you
can quickly add bullets or numbers to existing
lines of text.
Create bulleted and numbered lists as you type

• Type 1. to start a numbered list or * (asterisk)

to start a bulleted list, and then press
• Type any text you want.
• Press ENTER to add the next list item.
• Word automatically inserts the next number or
• To finish the list, press ENTER twice, or press
BACKSPACE to delete the last bullet or
number in the list.
Create bulleted and numbered lists as you type

Note If bullets and

numbers do not
automatically appear,
Options on the
Tools menu, and
then click the
AutoFormat As You
Type tab.
Select the Automatic
bulleted lists or
numbered lists
check box.
Add bullets or numbering to existing text

• Select the items you want to add bullets or numbering to.

• On the Formatting toolbar, click Bullets or
Numbering .
• You can select different bullet styles and numbering
formats by clicking Bullets and Numbering on the
Format menu.
• You can move an entire list to the left or the right. Click
the first number in the list and drag it to a new location.
The entire list moves as you drag, without changing the
numbering levels in the list.
Format Bullets
Customize Bullets List
Picture Bullet
• Picture bullets are often used in documents created for the
• Select the items for which you want to add picture bullets or
• On the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering, and
then click the Bulleted tab.
• Click any style, and then click Customize.
• Decide whether to use a picture or symbol for bullets.
– Click Character to add a symbol.
– Click Picture to add a picture.
• Note If you want to use a picture that is not in the list, click
Import and browse to the picture you want to use.
• Click the picture or symbol you want to use, and then click
OK twice.
Customize numbered list format
• Select the list that has the number format you want to
• On the Format menu, click Bullets and Numbering,
and then click the Numbered or Outline Numbered
• Click the list format that you want to modify, or the
style that is closest to the format you want to modify.
• Click Customize.
• Select the options you want.
Customize numbered list format
Customize numbered list format
Outline Numbered
• You can turn an existing list into an outline numbered
list (outline numbered list: A list created to apply a
hierarchical structure to any list or document. A
document can have up to nine levels) by changing the
hierarchical level of items in the list.
• Click a number in the list other than the first number,
and then press TAB or SHIFT+TAB, or click
Increase Indent or Decrease Indent on the
Formatting toolbar
Outline Numbered
Outline Numbered

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